tv Christian World News TLN August 21, 2012 9:00pm-9:30pm PDT
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♪ you didn't have to be so nice ♪ >> today on christian world news, a shooting at a christian conservative group in washington. is political correctness leading to violence against christians in the u.s.? plus getting right in the land down under. this christian leader aims to reshape politics in australia, while leading a movement for spiritual revival as well. and from the trash pile to the courts of the king. this woman made her living digging for junk until she found a christian ministry willing to help her climb out. >> wendy: is political correctness leading to violence against christians? hello, everyone, i'm wendy griffith. well, this week a gunman walked into the lobby of the family research council and opened fire. the shooting is heating up the debate about supporters
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of same-sex marriage, labelling their opponents at hate groups. paul strand has the story from washington. >> reporter: the suspect, 28-year-old floyd corkins is a volunteer worker at a washington community centre for the homosexual and transgender population of d.c. a neighbor said of the attack. >> i'm very shocked. >> reporter: the suspect reportedly said something against the family research's policies before opening fire. >> f.r.c. is one of the more conservative christian lobbying organizations, and well-known for its stance for traditional marriage and against abortion. >> reporter: the suspect was apparently carrying a chick-fil-a bag. the president has been under fire for his traditional stance on marriage. if this was a political attack, some conservatives are saying liberal and pro gay organizations that keep labelling f.r.c. a hate group for opposing gay marriage are partially to
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blame for the dangerous atmosphere. dan gainer appeared just after the shooting. >> it if turns out early reports are accurate, and this individual misplaced some politics, it is not that it is new, it is the culmination of years of demonization of conservative groups. >> reporter: brian brown stated such harmful and dangerous labels deserve no place in our civil society. and they want them to withdraw from a sindiary debate. they often refer to those who disagree with them as haters or hate group. this past friday, a gay campus pride leader blasting chick-fil-a wrote "chick-fil-a funds documented hate groups that aggressively work against l.g. d. people." and he specifically named
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the family research council above them. they labelled f.r.c. a hate group because it disseminates false information. but he says that is not true. >> i don't expect everyone to agree with some of the things that we assert about the homosexual lifestyle, but we present evidence in support of those assertions, and they're certainly not falsehoods or fabrications. >> reporter: the alleged gunman got through f.r.c.'s front door, supposedly made his statements opposing their policies, and then started shooting. johnson was shot in the arm, but then he and others tackled the gunman to the floor. >> i would say in this case, the security officer here is a hero, as far as i'm concerned. he did his job. the person never made it past -- farlt farther than the front door. >> reporter: paul strand, cbn news. >> wendy: the alleged
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shooter is being held without bond. floyd corkins faces charges of assault with intentar to kill. he reportedly told the guards, i don't agree with your politics before opening fire. meanwhile in a news conference, tony perkins said those who labelled his organization a hate group share some of the blame. >> corkins was giving a license to shoot an unarmed man by organizations like the southern poverty law center had had have been reckless in labelling organizations hate groups because they disagree with them on public policy. >> wendy: the southern poverty law center called perkins' comments outrageous. they have called the council a hate group for its antigay views. retired army general gary boykin was at the center when the shooting occurred. he is the new secretary
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vipe. h videotaped. vice president. he helped to attend to the wounded wounds. he says it has only strengthened his resolve to be on the front lines of the so-called culture wars. >> i tell you what, you couldn't blow me out of here with a stick of dynamite now. i am so determined that we are going to continue standing for biblical values, family values, freedom, faith. we are going to continue, and i will be part of this. and i must tell you, lee, i hope that this stimulates other americans that have the same values to get involved in what's going on in this country. to get in behind groups like the f.r.c. we're not going away. we're not going to back down. we're not going to change or modify our positions. we are going to stand firm in what we believe. >> wendy: we would like to
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hear your thoughts on christians being labelled hate groups for standing u up for biblical relife's. beliefs. billy graham is back home. he received treatment for bronchitis. this has residents in his home town of ashville, north carolina, reflecting on his influence. >> reporter: reverend billy graham's influence spreads worldwide, but residents in his home town of ashville, north carolina, they feel a special connection to the 91-year-old evangelist. >> he has been a great influence on my life and my ministry. and i pray for him. >> reporter: danny says he is a preacher because of graham's influence. >> this ministry has been impeccable. he has given of himself, and
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he has done so much for not just our area, but for the entire world and for the kingdom of god. >> reporter: visitors at the billy graham library in charlotte, north carolina, were shocked to hear that graham was in the hospital. many travel all over the country to retrace his journey. >> reporter: his granddaughter says her grandfather's fever is gone and the antibiotics are working against the infection. >> we are feeling good about it. and he is in wonderful care. >> reporter: graham's niece says he is in wonderful spirits and prepared to finish his book, due out next year. >> wendy: our prayer are with billy graham and his family. up next, meet the man who wants to see god transform australia. how pastor danny milia believes the church and politics can revive his
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>> wendy: here in america, the tea party movement is having a lot of success advancing conservative candidates this election year. but half a world away, down under in australia, members of a new political party, led by a christian minister, are hoping to do the same. senior international correspondent gary lane has more from australia. >> reporter: catch the fire minister's party, called "rise up australia." many of its members are evangelical christians. their goal is to protect free speech, freedom of religion, and preserving the judjudaeo christian heritage. he started the party on the date of his successful court date. the pastor, along with professor daniel scott, known as the two dannys, fought a five-year legal
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battle over charges they nullified muslims. they made headlines again after a series of uncontain brushfires killed 173 australians. he said he had a prophetic dream. and he says lies are being transformed at weekly prayer meetings, now held in more than 75 australian cities. >> these prayer groups are focused on praying to breakthrough. a revolution of love is what we're looking for. i can smell the fragrance of the rain. i know australia will come to jesus in the next 10 years. >> reporter: and he believes christians will lead the way to transform their society. not only by spending more time on their knees, but also in australian voting booths. >> wendy: the pastor recently joined me here on our cbn newsdesk to talk
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more about his work in australia. let's talk about the christians in australia. what kind of influence do they have in the political arena there? >> for a long while, there has been this concept of church and politics should not come together. which is a big misunderstanding. if we don't stand up, there is no one else that is going to stand up for moral values in the nation. and so we are challenging the christian community -- they're slow at dragging their feet through, however, people are waking up to reality, and so we are determined, as a political party now, "rise up australia" partly, we're focused on doing what we can do to protect our nation. on the radio, he said it looks like a white australia all over again. and i cracked up laughing because i said, mike, i'm a black fellow. how can it be a white australia policy? this is not about white or black. this is about i don't come into your house and tell you how to live. you don't come into my house and tell me how to live.
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i chose to go to australia. it is my duty to assimilate into the way of life there. i cannot expect them to assimilate from the way i come from. if you think our laws are not good enough, based on the judaeo christian values and the 10 commandments, if you want shari'a law, you're in the wrong country. you need to take a train or a plane and get to afghanistan as quickly as possible. >> wendy: you have a church there and regular outreaches, and you're starting to see a lot of miracles in these meetings. tell us about that. >> we thank the lord. we thank the lord we have experienced a lot of miracles. we have seen people with cancer healed, deafness healed, blind seeing, and dead people raised from the dead. >> wendy: really? >> yes. and also seen a lot of people suffering depression set free. i can relate to an experience that we had had just very recently. i had taken about 60 people to israel, and the whole
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crew was from australia. and on the tour, when we were returning, unfortunately one of the ladies that a major cardiac arrest and she died. now, he died in the bus. and the spirit of the lord just came upon me so strong, and i was, like, this can't happen. how can this happen? no, lord, this is not fair. i remembered just simply 30 people in the bus, and tour guides and drivers, and the doctor was watching, and i remember juming and placing my hand on her chest and shouting out in the name of jesus, spirit of death leave this body. diana, come back in jesus' name. open your eyes and look at me. and you look at the dead person and say open your eyes and look at me, and it doesn't sound nice -- it sounds weird. but that's what happened. the dead body shook for a few minutes, and she straightened up and her eyes popped open, and that god
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she is very much alive. and she is one of my coordinators. and it was also published in the newspaper for the australian government, one of our main newspapers. >> wendy: pastor danny, so inspiring. you can see the full interview with pastor danny, and you don't want to miss it. it is incredible. on our website, and coming up, millions of indians live a lifetime in poverty. meet one woman who rose from the trash heap, litererly, and the christian ministry that heleld her.r.
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picker who's life was turned around after she met jesus christ. >> it is said some of the most beautiful people are those who have known defeat, known struggle, and have found their way out of the depths. >> i've had a difficult life since my childhood and experienced more horrible things than most people my age. >> reporter: at a young age, she was forced by her parents to join the ranks of india's so-called rag pickers. they're men, women, and young children who rummage through the filthy garbage heaps in the villages of india, looking for anything that can be recycled or sold, plastic, bottles, metal parts, rotten, discarded food. >> my day started at 4:00 or 45:00 and th5:00 in the morning and lasted all today.
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>> reporter: here on the streets, where dogs were her only companions and millions of sqwirming maggots and flies were constant distraction. she would compete with other rat pickers for a few scraps. >> when i got older, my mother told me i wasn't bringing in enough trash to bring in money, so i was forced to sleep with men and became a prostitute. >> reporter: with tears, she describes the rage she felt towards her parents. >> i felt like running away. i didn't trust my parents. how could they do such a thing to me. i wanted to kill them. >> reporter: she is a so-called untouchable. they are labelled lowest of the low, impure, less than human. almost all rat pickers of "delots." and many end up as prostitutes or get caught in a web of human trafficking.
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>> when i think about it, i begin to cry. >> reporter: but that's the past. tonight is graduation night, and rupa is all smiles. >> the rupa of old is not the same rupa you see today. i cannot explain to you what god has done in my life. >> reporter: she has god to thank for her transformation and this momentous evening. >> we really looked forward to this night because we see our women being liberated, being emancipated. >> reporter: she runs a women's center, a christian ministry that takes in, rehabilitates, and empowers scores of young women at risk. almost two years ago, rupa came to the center looking for help. here she got counseling, learned how to speak english, took sewing and computer classes, and eventually had her dignity restored. and she also met dozens of other women like herself who had similar life experiences. >> what i would like to
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personally communicate to them, is that i would never, ever give up on any one of those women. no matter how many times they fall because i know it is a struggle for them. >> reporter: today the center is just one of a handful of christian ministries operating here in india, trying desperately to rescue thousands of women from human trafficking and sexual bondage. for many of these women, such ministries are a lifeline to a better future. rupa says it was at the center she discovered, with great delight, her worth in god's eyes. >> i come from a hindu background, i knew very little about jesus christ. when i came here, i started reading the bible and then understood how much freedom really means and what i mean to god. >> reporter: she says it is the bible's view that brings lasting transformation. >> they can't believe it, because all of these years they are told they are lower than animals, and here we are telling them that they are created in the image of
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god. and that just hits them. that just blows them away. >> reporter: on a recent friday evening, rupa joined 100 women on stage for a graduation, honoring their completion of an 18-month course, and sitting in the audience that night were rupa's mother and father. they told cbn news this was the proudest moment of their lives. >> the center has done a great job. my daughter is a different person. >> i feel bad for the things we did to her, but now i want her to study well and have a good future. >> reporter: and perhaps it is this image of rupa, holding her father's hand that speaks volumes of one life transformed by the power of the gospel. she told cbn news later she has forgiven her parents for forcing her into prostitution. >> every night before i go to bed, i thank god for this center. i thank god for rescuing me
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from my past. >> reporter: these days she works in a large department store, located on the most famous shopping center in the city, the same street where she once picked trash. but she wants to minister broken people. >> there are many people who took care of me and showed love to me. i want to do the same for the others. that wi
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>> wendy: in indonesia, the worlds largest muslim nation, a christian ministry is bringing relief to people suffering from a painful and deadly condition. the most common hernias occur when a weakness in the stomach wall allows a part of an org to protrude, and the only cure is surgery. now cbn international is giving victims the help they need. mark mclendon has more. >> reporter: this is the date desmond and leia are
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waiting for. their son will finally have a surgery to repair a hernia in his lower abdomen. his parents have helplessly watched their son, able to do little to help them, other than to keep the hernia contained by using rubber underwear. a doctor recommended surgery, but puta's family simply couldn't afford it. >> the doctor says the cost of operation is about $500. at the time, my husband was unemployed, so we couldn't afford the operation. >> reporter: not only young patients like putra, but men as old as 70 were lining up for hernia operations being done for free by cbn's humanitarian aid. popularly known here as o.b. i. out of the 132 patients being operated on here
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today, only one is a christian. the other 131 are muslims, being brought here and operated by cbn here at a hospital in the nation's capitol. both corporate and individuals work with cbn international and indonesia to do as much as they can to fill these surgeries. >> we have numbers of requests from all over indonesia to do hernia surgery in other places, other islands. but the problem for us is, first of all, we need to get the doctors. we need to pay the transportation. and, as i mentioned before, the hernia is not too popular. >> reporter: for putra, who previously lived with such difficulty, life will now change dramatically. as he can start to live normally for the first time without the suffering and humiliation caused by the hernia. thousands more patiently wait for the opportunity for surgery, while cbn humanitarian continues to do as many as they can as soon
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