tv Christian World News TLN March 26, 2013 9:00pm-9:30pm PDT
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continue doing what he called her to do. >> and they are just a couple. >> with limited money and look at what they are doing over there. >> it is true. she just kept a promise, as a little kid. she made this promise and kept her promise and god said i'll do the rest of it. >> that's so true. you know what is so neat about it is that the things that we think we are promising to god are his desire that he planted in our hearts anyway. >> i love. that. >> you can spend time asking why, why does god allow so much pain and suffering? but god himself suffered, too, and now we're called to do the same thing jesus did, convert our suffering to serving and saving others. we are to comfort those with the comfort that we have received so perhaps the question is not why but what? what does god want me to get out of this experience? and how could i best use what i have learned in the midst of this trial to bless someone else? then stop asking, and act. that's where you'll find your own healing. see you next time.
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killed hundreds of millions of unborn children. now christians say the power of prayer is pushg back the daress. c2d his convereron to c cist costhis man hisis family. how the power of god brought them back together. members of the u.s. congress step in to fight to free pastor saeed abedini. hello, everyone, i'm wendy griffith. george thomas is on assignment. congress is looking into the international persecution of religious believers, and they heard from the wife of saeed abedini about his imprisonment in iran. john jessup has that story from capito capitol. >> i family nightmare began in 2010. >> reporter: he receives
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hopes and prayers that she will be reunited with her husband, pastor saeed abedini. her husband received an eight-year prison sentence in his native iran. and the real reason is because he is a christian. he was taken into custody last july while in iran building an orphanage. she told the crowded room to explain how difficult was when he suddenly lost contact with her and their two children. jacob and rebecca. >> they kept coming to the computer and saying, mommy, can we see daddy. can we hear his voice? and i kept saying, no, we can't. i couldn't explain to them why, that he was physically finish to prison. and finally they kept saying, does daddy not love us anymore? does daddy not want to hear our voice anymore? and i had to tell them that
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he was in prison because he loved jesus. >> reporter: the hearing hile lighted the plight of religious minorities in iran, especially for baha and christian converts. many are arrested, detained, or executed. in pastor saeed's case, they say his eight year sentence amounts to death. he has been tortured, beaten, and is now bleeding internally. last week the human rights called on iran to release prisoners of conscious, naming pastor saeed by name. and the white house has been mainly silent. >> the president should be naming names. president reagan named names. >> reporter: the pastor's attorneys think the administration's silence is as a result of political sensitivityvities. >> because he is a convert and left islam, that has
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complicated the government's reaction. if he was a political component of the regime, they would be much more outspoken. >> reporter: lawmakers and human rights advocates want the administration to do more. many on capitol hill are doing their part, not just by holding hearings, but by introducing legislation. one such bill being reintroduced would create a special position at the state department, charged with defending religious minorities in the middle east and south central asia. it passed in the house, but was blocked in the senate. magma is disappointed in the lack of response from the white house and the state department. but says she won't give up. she says through it all, she and her two kids have grown stronger in their faith and the prayers of fellow believers. >> my worry was they would resent christ for taking daddy away, but they've grown and they worship and pray every night.
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and now they're proud he is in prison because he loves jesus because they love him so very much, also. >> wendy: incredible testimony. after sharing her story with congress, she came to our bureau in washington, where she spoke with our lori johnson about this spiritual trial's impact on her family and her faith. >> tell us what this experience has been like for you and your kids. >> it has been a very emotional road for all of us, especially the kids, and especially for me as a mom, watching the kids suffer. there is one thing to go through all of the emotions as an adult, but when you see little kids missing their dad, then -- and really longing for him, and having to go to sleep crying and missing him, it's been very hard. some mornings they wake up, and they're running around the house looking for something, and i ask them, what are you looking for?
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and they say, oh, mom, it must have been a dream. we thought dad be daddy was home. it is very difficult. >> we know god is with you in this ordeal. can you share with our viewers how he is helping you through this cries? > crisis. i thought at times of crisis, i would question his goodness and faithfulness, but i discovered how awesome and faithful and loving and tender and full of grace and love he is. i can't even say enough. so it has been an eye-opener that suffering -- if we allow suffering and crisis and issues in our life -- if we embrace it and allow the lord to use it, it can be something beautiful. >> reporter: has this situation created any opportunities for you to minister to others? >> yes. i have been able to share with atheists, with people of different religions. they're open. and they say, how come your
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not broken? how come you're okay? i have had atheists say there is something here that is real. i've noticed as christians, that's what we're called to. we're called to really intimately know christ because the world really needs him. i have seen the lord use that as a way to bring divine appointments on my past, and to bring people to know christ, and i'm very thankful for that. >> reporter: you said in the end, it won't be a government but god that frees your husband. what do you mean by that? >> well, i've had both ends -- people saying why are you trying so hard. god is going to be the one, you know. and i've had criticism on that side as well. why are you trying so hard and knocking at every door? , anand what i got from the lord -- and i talked about my phone calls from the u.s. government, and i've had disappointing news from people that have said, oh, we can't help.
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what the lord has spoken to me is i don't want you to be -- if there is a door that is closed, if someone is not speaking out. don't be heartbroken. that's a door i closed. those people should not be who you trust. it should be in me. but at the same time, i have heard him say pursue media, and pursue the efforts we're taking with the government, because i believe not necessarily this will be a tool -- it will be a great tool to free my husband, but i also believe the lord wants to use it to glorify and let people know he is. and the lost world, the people watching, can come to know christ. it is a great opportunity for the lord's name -- for jesus' name to be proclaimed. and for those who are hurting and looking for real answers, to find it. >> our prayers continue to go out to magma, her children, and saeed. you can add your name to a
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petition calling for saeed's release. find our link on the website, president obama took a strong stand in favor of israel during his visit to israel. he also expressed his support for a palestinian state. and many israelis don't think that is a good idea. chris mitchell has the story from jerusalem. >> reporter: president obama visited mt. hertzel cemetery to lay a wreath at the founder of modern zine nism. zionism. >> if they acquiesce to evil -- never again. >> reporter: but the centrepiece of president obama's visit is when he spoke directly to hundreds of university students and thousands of israelis here in jerusalem. he thrilled israelis, when he affirmed the country's right to existent. >> president obama: make
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no mistake, those who adhere to the ideology of rejecting israel's right to exist, they might as well reject the sky above them or the earth below because israel is not going anywhere. >> reporter: and strong comments about hezbollah also drew applause. >> president obama: every country who values justice who call hezbollah what it truly is, a terrorist organization. >> reporter: the main point of obama's speech came when he advocated two states for two peoples. >> president obama: given the demographics west of the jordan river, the only way for israel to endure and thrive as a jewish and democratic state is through the realization of an independent and viable palestine. >> reporter: but a number don't trust that solution. >> that's not the solution. if it were that way, it will be the prelude for a new
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area. >> president obama: israelis must recognize that continued settlement activity is counter-productive to the cause of peace. and that an independent palestine must be viable. >> reporter: obama called the palestinian authority and mahmoud abbas partners for peace. this man says abbas sends a different message to his people. >> the palestinian authority glorifies terrorists, honors them, and names summer camps after them and soccer tournaments after them. the message to the people, if you killed israelis, you're a hero. >> reporter: the iran issue, though, may overshadow any change between israelis and palestinians. iran's supreme leader said iran would destroy haifa and tel aviv if israel attacked their nuclear program.
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>> wendy: welcome back. this month the chinese health agency released a staggering figure. since 1971, the chinese government has performed 336 million abortions. researchers say that breaks down to 13 million abortions per year, or about 1500 every hour. the high number is largely due to china's policy allowing only one child per family. that policy is often enforced through involuntary abortion. now that policy may be changing. brian lee is executive director of "all girls allowed," a christian ministry aimed at ending china's one-child policy. he told george thomas that the prayers of china's christians are making a difference. >> reporter: is there any chance you think that the
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government is trying to grapple with this issueling proolz israeli arissue and perhaps even change this policy. >> this is something as christians, we need to seek the lord and cry out to him, and ask the government to move to action. right now they're trying to, quote,"save face," by not changing the policy. >> what is the church's role as it leads to this horrific practice. >> we found over the last 30 years, since the church has really blossomed, it has grown up under the one-child policy. many christians don't realize that god has a plan for every single life. and he loves every life from the beginning to the end. we have been working with churches to educate them about the sanctity of life, to ask them to choose life. and as they've been hearing this message, they have been crying out in repentance,
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receiving forgiveness and healing, and we have seen the lord respond in amazing ways. as one example, back in june of last year, there was a forced abortion on a woman who was seven months pregnant. on june 13th, 500 pastors from all across china got together and cried out in repentance, asking for the lord's mercy. the following day, a picture got into global news and caused a firestorm that eventually embarrassed china's government into banning late-term forced abortions. we do believe there is great hope through the church and through jesus. we have seen many women restored in their value. girls who were formally just planned to be aborted, saved. and this has been all the work of brave and courageous church members, ordinary christians. so over the last year, we've seen the lord stretching out
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his hand as more and more christians all across the u.s. and across the globe have come together in prayer and fasting. this goes all the way back to may of last year, when the blind attorney, chin wang chun, was released and ultimately got to american soil safely, and he has been a champion for forced abortion victims. this is in response to prayer. our founder, cha ling, prayed before congress, several months before that, for his release. most recently, as we've been crying out in prayer, we've seen the chinese government making some steps in changes. while it is not everything we're hoping for, it is a step in the right direction, and we believe that this is the lord jesus responding to those prayers. >> reporter: brian lee is with the group "all girls allowed." and thank you so much for your analysis on this subject today. >> thank you very much. god bless you. >> god bless you. >> wendy: you can show your support for china's church through social media.
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decision to follow jesus made you an outcast from your family, and even a target for death? that's what happened to the man in our next story. but as ephraim graham tells us, the power of love broke down the barriers and reunited him with his loved ones. the story takes place in ethiopia, and it comes to us from o o friendat e c2ice of t t m mtyrs, cana. c2>> ab dudu and his fatr, sulilin, spendime prarang c2d stutuing the biblee togeer. some might call that a miracle s sce the two dii c2t spk foror nearly c2ar in fact, sulilin's fatr once triri too killll him. whwh c2causat the age 16, abduecided to leave i ilam and fofoow jesus the young man's journeyey of faith ben with a a unexpectct viit. >> translator: i was sleepi, and jejes wokeee up. and it w w likee a d dam, a a rerelation. >> reporr: abdu g gve his life to c cist affr readinin from a a borrowewe bible. c2s decisi made his family
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angrbecausee in t tir muslim coounity, leaving islambrings disgre. >> tralator: w wdidn't know whakind of belelf he brght. wewe were fundamentist muslims an very upt. that is whwh we wee againin him. our neighbs a ao toldld c2 broug up foreign relilion here,e,hich is not good. they sa to a aack himim and c2n't t cept himim c2 reporter: h h mothth waslso veryrypset when e lelened herer son beeme a chchstian. >> i ha deepep ep sorrow ininy heartrt because e thoughi had lost my boy. i thought, we c c't e en be buriededogetherrhen our days are over. it was a big sorrow at that time. >> reporter: village leaders trtrd to ininmidate c2du, , ororring a ng of younmane to tack h hm. c2>> as i was walking scho, they m m me on the roro, and t tey betet me ry badly withth a rope d made me sufr. they askedede if this was my final decicion. if i c cntinued to b b a christn, they id they c2wod take the ll measu c2d uld kill me.
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>> r rorter: s sll, abdu refufud to r rounce jesus,, and his ther b bame so angry, he e ied too t te hisis life. > we chad him out from our ho becausee didn't c2wa t to be against o o neigigors. we chasehim outnd he went to anher vililge. c2 reporr: durinin h h yearin exilelerom his familylyhe wooed at a chchch as a a serity guard and grewewtronger in his fafah. he read m me t tn 100 chchstian books a a began diipleining other formrm muslims whwh had c cme too c2sus. butt abdu motherr missed himim terribly. an after many yes of c2pararaon, she slipipd aww to s s her n. c2 i heaea wasn't drininng alcohoh doing bad t tngs. but e boys he were doing ththe things. so i decideded to see h h secretlyly c2 reporr: it toto 10 yearbefore she, toooo would
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c2lee islam to followow jesu >> i b bieve that the faithth c2 my n was truee and c2rrrrt. but t w i have a b b probl with m m h hsband. but i deded too followow jesus antry to brg my husbd to chchst. >> tralator: w wshowed b b love t t him, a a bigig changes c2 our characr. thisisnfluencecehim. >eporter:bout a year lalar, sulilin's heaea softeneded unr the ininuence c2 god' big love. now w and the rere of h h family, about 40 of them, are all christians. this hut on the family property is now a place of worship to the lord d for hearininthe gosp. >> transnstor: i'mery hay thatt m m faly has come too jesus. bu the biggest t tng that mas me exciteded is that near thehome wherer i grewew up a plac being used as a churchch pele are c cing a a praying and giving eir lilis to c crist. >> reporr: as for suliman,hile hee and his family arere persecutete f f their fafah, he says he isis noabout to turn to islam, an h h loooo forwawa
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toto eternrny with the lord. >> reporte the fundamentatasts can the worst thth can t t u u c2thlast optn for them is to k kl us. we n't mind if t ty kill us, becaus me believersrs will bu u u we wilil live with christ. these days for us are not a threat. >> wendy: abdu is now a missionary to muslims. the voice of the martyrs, canada, and a scottish group called stead steadfast global are reeonding. they r rort at thousands c2e r rsponding to t t c2sp. we'lbe rightack.
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