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tv   Christian World News  TLN  May 13, 2013 5:00pm-5:31pm PDT

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>> this week on "christian world news" so called arab spring was supposed to launch freedom across the middle east, it has done the opposite. why christians are fearing for their lives. >> why does the u.n. wants to make it easier for predators to take advantage of children? >> and problems with gypsies. how to help the millions who live in poverty throughout europe. our report on the groups giving them hope. hello everyone welcome to this week's edition of "christian world news" i am george thomas. >> and i am wendy griffith. there is a war against christians going on but you don't hear much about it in the media. it is happening primarily in
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islamic countries. gary lane spoke to author ramede. first a look at the disturbing trend. >> reporter: it is like a drum beat, perpetual acts of violence against those belonging to the christian faith. an unprecedented assault on a church during a funeral service. persecution is a way of life for egyptian christians. tens of thousands fled the country since muslim brotherhood rose to power. this pope said the egyptian church will persevere. >> through the blood, the church will be alive, strong. will be effective. in their society.
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>> reporter: in pakistan, last march an angry muslim mob forced families from their homes after a christian accused blasphemy. and bibi is still in prison. when muslim coworkers criticized her faith, she said christ is the true prophet of god, not mohammed. she has been in prison nearly four years. in iran, house church pastor saeed abedini is suffering bleeding from iran's evin prison. >> my flesh wants to say he won't survive that prison. >> in iran, their drive is to move all christians out of the country. today less than half a million
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christians remain. >> they had letters warning them to leave. they were given a choice, pay the dues or convert to islam or kill you >> reporter: in the new book, "crucified again" the author suggests the world faces a growing human rights crisis. christians are the primary victims. >> reporter: raymond, you have called this a humanitarian crisis, why? >> all around the islamic world from morocco in the west, indonesia in the east, christians are being persecuted because they are christians. it is a humane tarian crisis, no
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light has been shed on it apparently christians are not popular enough to talk about them. when they go to church to pray and already politically ostracized and get bombed, the conclusion there is pure religious hostility for a non-muslim. it is difficult for the main stream media to rationalize it. muslims are attacked in israel, that is because they are frustrated, angry, muslim attacks west are angry, underdogs. they are the majority and their minorities are being attacked in way worse ways from humanitarian view than muslims are by americans. >> reporter: what role does islamic teaching play? >> in the book for instance, what i discuss about what is happening to christians, i don't just discuss the patterns.
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for example, i'll talk about churches being attacked and bombed and executed. christians saying wrong word about islam. if you go back and look at the historic historical, same exact teachings. the continuity is undeniable. what is happening now is a mirror reflection of what happened yesterday therefore the authentic teachings of islam. >> why did it come to an end? >> in the west, our culture took a nose dive in the 60s. no coincidence islamic fundamentalism comes on the heels of the liberal take over of american main stream culture. when america became liberal and
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apologetic for itself and multicultural and own heritage as a source of all ills, that creat created an insurgence of islam. >> reporter: this is so intense, u.s. commission on international religious freedom warned there is an unprecedented exodus from christians in the middle east, if it continues in afghanistan and egypt, no christians there. how can we reverse that? >> first way is knowledge. most americans, because of the main stream media's undermineings are ignorant. first is to get people to know and if they care they will reach out to their representatives and also a lot of human rights organizations that focus on this. we need to get people on board by explaining their narrative
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>> reporter: thank you for joining us today, raymond. new . >> thank you for having me today. >> you can see the rest of gary's blog on >> tanzania police have arrested six people after a bomb was tossed into st. joseph's catholic church this passed sunday. militant islamists have attacked 30 tanzanian churches in the past two years. terrorist murdered a pentecostal pastor and catholic priest last february. >> saeed abedini has been released from solitaryn a week
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what is described as a small black hole. that included time in his 33rd birthday. his wife is calling on president obama to speak out for her husband. neghmeh abedini has been quick to call out support for gay basketball ball jason collins but ignored her husband's plight. john kerry and jay carney have called on iran to release the pastor. neghmeh says it will have more force coming from the president. >> up next, inside a romanian gypsy village, poverty is ramped but how one group is reaching out for hope. pa
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>> well, for much of the 20th century, romania suffered under nt of e h rule of a dictator seg population, however, liberty and prosperity remain just a dream. ephraim graham shows us, countries gypsies are experiencing a wealth money can't buy. >> rodia is eight miles from the border with hungary. city streets are as busy as any european city at rush hour. >> you would expect them to be moving forward. >> a lesson learned for kevin
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roy after years of mission work. >> so many of the gypsy communities haven't moved forward. >> in gypsy village of soart, they have spent generations away from society. >> they would follow immediate needs, but then be unable to see the prospective. >> this is the poorest in the area. homes behind me are made of mud brick. not sturdy. this is an area where children don't have the opportunity to go to school. that can make it difficult to dream. dreams of a better life are even more difficult for the adults like robert who says it is too late to thhhhhhhhhink about an education. the only way i can make money is to be there when people need us
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to have them taking --. >> hope can be hard to find in this gypsy village. >> sometimes there might be violence not to me, not to us, but each other. >> prejudice plays a major part, they are just trapped. whatever we trapped by in today, truth of the gospel can release us. >> kevin and his team see the reality of that truth a few miles away in the gypsy village once known for crime and violence. >> i was very angry when i wasn't a christian. >> this is home to forty families, roughly 500 people. it has seen a lolololololololol since year of 2000. that isear kevin met a
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young gypsy. >> this little boy was hungry. we learned about his community, his family. he took us back to meet his mom and dad and eight brothers and sisters. >> we were shocked to see him at the door. i was with one of my kids in my arms. i asked my child who are these people. he is like they are my friends. >> that little boy has children of his own. in the last 10 years that friendship produced running water for the village, neighborhood store, school, even a church where gypsies have come to christ. >> for sure god's people would be looking to have gypsy communities. >> part of a growing gypsy revival documented by tuter fraton in the alpha omega
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network. >> god decided to work with strong power through these groups. it is a sign for me that time is short. >> he witnessed what is a miracle. 500 gypsies baptized after accepting christ in 2009. largest baptism in romania's history at the time. >> we gypsies have singing. this has nothing to do with our faith. we sing from our hearts. >> hundreds more have answered call to christ through ministry. kevin prays. he and his team preach the gospel without words. >> we could talk to them all day long and they wouldn't grasp
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what we were trying to say. practical evidence of god's love is what they need. >> ephim graham, romanian. ncb news. >> coming , fighting the sex trade, how building strong families protects women and girls. >> this week members of more than 95 pro-family groups from across the globe will gather in sydney, australia.
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one of the most persistent istre problems is sex trafficking. trafficking and sexual slavery of children has risen 10% in the passed five years and every five seconds another child becomes a victim. >> director of sex free now dedicated to fighting sex trafficking. you'll be attending the world families in sydney, australia. talk specifically about the impact that sex trafficking has on the strength-weakness on the family. >> absolutely. family is the nucleus of society. threat of families is human trafficking around the world. families are the instigator of child sex trafficking selling children, sometimes for a refrigerator, television, maybe
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$60 in bangladesh. >> there is an initiative that would lower age of consent to 12 or 13 years old. unbelievable. >> yes. u.n. is saying children should have more autonomy rights, lowering the age of sexual consent legalizing child prostitution making them more of a target for pedophiles. new you are going to the world congress in sydney, australia, operation blessing, orphan's promise, what is your role at this congress? my understanding is you are the only group talking about sex trafficking? >> that's right. we are the only ones committed to talking about sex trafficking. we are hosting a dinner, also speaking on several different lectures about child sex trafficking in particular and its affect on the economy. it is a3ea
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industry. big money and dramatic affect on the family. >> set free is focussing on brazil, specifically. world cup is coming there. why brazil when it comes to issue of sex trafficking? >> there is a large number of children. it is a regional problem, it is all the countries in latin america that feed into brazil. whatever we do now is strategic from now until 2016. we are working with churches and partnering to unite these organizations together to combat human trafficking. >> talk about that, who has the answer, these various ngo's, perhaps the church? >> it is.
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the church has a mandate to care for the least of these, orphan and jesus had a deep affinity forchn. in that same vein the church has the responsibility to step up. we are not trying to force anything on the churches. theorizing up 400 different denominations in brazil, faith based working to combat human trafficking. through the power of media, social media, come alongside you and help. >> it is encouraging you have seen the global church get involved in justice specifically with human trafficking. thank you, sir, safe travels to you. >> thanks, george. >> to join the setfreecampaign. find a ling to their ministry at
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our site
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>> welcome back to the broadcast, three iraqi children came to israel for open heart surgery. israel has no diplomatic ties with iraq yet they are giving life saving treatment to these children. >> all part of save a child's heart. they treat children from m even authorities. julie stall brings us one girl's story. >> reporter: these children look happy, healthy and active. just weeks ago each one faced death. they needed open heart surgery and got it through save a child's heart in israel. >> it is to provide life saving heart surgery for children from developing countries. >> >> reporter: that was the case from esther, a christian from tanzania. rheumatic fever damaged her
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heart. she became the 2500th patient of save a child's heart. >> her heart was huge. she was very limited in very icult tasks, even walking was >> reporter: sister angelica runs the home where esther lives. she heart about the program. angelica contacted save a child's heart and learned a team was coming to climb mount kilimanjaro two days later. one of the doctors is tanzanian. they met esther, saw she needed surgery urgently, two months later she was in israel. the doctor operated for hours reconstructing the valve in esther's heart.
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>> now she can live a normal life. she has to take preventive medicine >> reporter: simon fisher says more than 50% of the children treated have been palestinian from west bank and gaza strip. >> we believe save a child's heart is a positive message about working together from different nationalities and different religions for the best of our children >> reporter: part of the goal is to train doctors like dr. godfriy who will work in israel for five years. >> when i go back i will start the open heart surgery. >> reporter: before and after surgery, the children live in this house. the change in the children is amazing.
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>> you see the children going home healthy. you see children that sometimes can barely walk, practically running to the minibus to go to the airport and smiling and looking forward to going home. they have a future. >> less than two weeks after her surgery, esther wasancing with newfound friend and sang a song she sings at home. [singing] >> reporter: julie stall, cbn news, hahlone, israel. >> that's great. despite the political challenges, they can open up their arms in need. >> so precious. thanks for joining -.
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>> good-bye, and god bless you. [laughter] laugh.
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>> jeremiah: hello, i'm david jeremiah. as a teacher of the scripture for more than 40 years, i have found that the bible speaks to every situation we face in life, and throughout my ministry, i have discovered a profound truth: that when the word of god intersects with our lives, there will be a turning point. discover how the power of god's word can transform your life you join me on turning point. >> larson: watch turning point with dr. david jeremiah right here on this network. >> we are talking about the book of jobe today but i will surprise you. we aren't even discussing the topic of suffering. there are a lot of other hidden treasures in the book. it's thought tonight oldest 'book in the bible and we are hearing about them from an astronomer,


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