tv Morning Blend ABC December 15, 2015 9:00am-10:00am PST
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good tuesday morning. you are taking a live look outside towards red rock resort where right flex door is downtown summerlin. love "star wars"? the force is invading the rock rink tonight at 6:00 p.m. catch costumes, characters and "star wars" themed music. there will be a special "star wars" santa. santa himself will be decked out in "star wars" gear. it's 15 bucks to attend, and that includes the skate rental. so much fun over there. >> it really is. it's great. >> thank you for joining us today. i'm dao vu. alongside entertainer jeff sevelco. >> i'm not like a diehard camp out super fan, but i am a fan,
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i'll wait until next week or so after the initial hype dies down, but harrison ford is the man. i'm a huge fan. such a cool guy. i love seeing the big movies in the theaters. i just saw hunger games. i see all the big ones. so going to head out. how about yourself? >> i haven't seen a movie in about three or four years. so i might wait one more year. i feel like this would be the special movie. we have to give a shout out, she bakes us cookies every single year. i met her at the buffet several years ago. she bakes us cookies every year. costs more to ship it than to bake it. >> not even in vegas. >> she is in vegas.
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coming up today on "the morning blend," we're going to the circus. >> where to catch death defying stunts, magic and more throughout the holiday season. >> first our topic for the day the circus us known for amaze acts. we want to know this morning do you have any hidden talents? what can you do? we want to hear from you about this. you have a hidden talent that isn't on so hidden, and you are a juggler. >> i hear the sounds of juggling off cam are here be, i'm getting excited to see what these guys can do. but juggling has been fortunate to make a career out of one of my hobbies. >> can we see something? >> you can't leave a table full of christmas ornaments and balls here and not expect me to juggle them, so sure. >> what do you juggle in your show? >> i juggle everything. we juggle flaming torches, bowling balls, knives, eggs, fruit.
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>> all sorts of ridiculous things. yeah. >> they want you in the circus. >> i'm getting the old -- come on over to the show, yeah, after yours. >> well our floor guy says i can keep my guys open without blinking for five minutes. i'm not having a stare down contest. that's pretty wicked. >> how do you know you've -- >> how to blink. >> you get in a staring contest and always win. >> with dry eyes. >> that's amazing. >> zach says i can sing very well. zach, our producer. apparently he sings at church, and i don't go to his church so i've never heard him sing. >> and a night choirboy, that's amazing. >> i used to play the flute, and i was always last chair. so i got nothing. >> i'm going to start a group. >> you used to sing.
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i was that donkey guy who sang in college. we were like all the groups that got made fun of. maybe lip sync battle could be a part of. >> so do you hang out with the choir people? >> we still sing, so the chimes is a life-long organization. so we have reunions. >> only 193? >> no, two or three guys a year. the corkiness multiplies every year. >> you have to die off before they let new people in. i got you. >> you think i'm kidding, but i'm not. it's all true. >> we want to hear from you about this. here is your -- we want to hear from you about this. do you have any hidden talents that you would like to share with us? share your comments on our facebook and twitter pages. you can find links on our
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now, first up, get ready for big top fun circus vargas is back in town to thrill and amaze you. through january 4 see high flying artists, magical and more. >> here now with more is jon weiss along with several of his big top performers. good morning, everyone. >> hello everyone. >> can you tell us about your performers and what is going on? >> we have multiple generations of circus performers behind us. how many generations in your family? >> eight. >> eight generations, so keeping the tradition alive. that's what it's about. the majority of the kids -- come this by, guys. >> oh, okay. >> this is called wisley in the circus. he's juggling his daughter with his feet. >> that's his daughter? >> yes. >> oh, my goodness, amazing. >> that's his son over there. >> oh, my goodness. >> it's about keeping the
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that platform that he's on, his platform was his grandfather's. >> oh, my -- that is -- oh, wow. >> keeping the tradition alive, and what they've been doing for many years in their family. >> that is amazing. >> we got juggling, which you like. >> i can't do that one. >> they do multiple things, his mom is in the show. she does upside-down act where she walks with her feet upside-down. >> oh, my goodness. it's all -- >> animal free circus. we concentrate most of our energy and stuff in the show this year with our production numbers, we have big illusions in the show. and we have the trapeze motorcycles, and juggling obviously, bunch of stuff in the show. and, of course, the act that you
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>> forget about the funny man back there. he does interaction with the audience. >> you always need a funny person. >> we're looking at great video here. >> this is one of our production numbers in the show. these are things that you're going to see in the show, really, really, the make up in the show, and the -- that's me balancing the ladder. and you know, motorcycle is right there. >> you guys are located where? >> we're in the meadows mall until the 20th of december. and then we'll move pretty far. >> oh, way far. >> we have a special going on for the locals and the people in the area because we know it's the holiday time. we have tickets starting at $10. >> that's super affordable. >> i balance, as well. >> oh. >> what i -- >> oh, my goodness. >> small objects and large objects. you want to try? good luck.
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>> go. >> oh! >> what do you do with the christmas tree over here? >> you know, somebody had the great idea to see me balance a christmas tree. i've never done it before. i tried it in the studio and it worked out well, so -- >> go for it. >> okay. >> i'll pick it up. hold on. hold on. got it. thank you. >> this guy is as crazy at me. >> yes! >> that is -- >> that's fantastic. do you change these acts up every time you come? you're always in town. >> every year we come to las vegas we're going to have a brand-new show, so right after this one closes we're already in production with a new show. we'll open up in san diego area, and we'll run the show probably the end of january, early
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>> do you live in a suitcase? >> no. we have homes all over the place. we have homes in florida, homes in vegas, so we're from all around the country and around the world. >> and i can just imagine how the kids just light up and they smile when they see you guys. you just make their day. >> well, let's put it this way. the circus is very important for america and for americans. it's a tradition that's been going on for over 200 years. and people like this are still doing it. we're very fortunate. >> and tell us about tickets. how do we get them? >> circuit you can go to the location, pick them up at office and go to 877-got-fun one. >> where does the vair gaze name come from? >> clifford vargas had circus vargas, and he was a very passionate man about the circus. unfortunately he passed away. >> now, do you have any tips for
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>> jeff can probably help you with that. >> you're turning blue. looks good on you. >> you're amazing. how long have you been performing? >> i'm first generation. i went to clown college, joined the circus as a clown. >> there's such a thing? >> there was. and from there i fell in love with what these people do and this industry. i'm very proud of it, you know. and you know, if you really look at the show and you look behind the scenes of the show, the dedication and commitment from a circus performer is incredible. no matter what you're going to make the show, going to perform, whether you have an injury, sick, doesn't make a difference. we know when could to the show, we're going to entertain you and create a memory that lasts a lifetime. >> we love seeing you. thank you for coming back. catch circus vargas in their shown called arlequin. starting christmas they'll be at the park through january 4th
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good morning to you. >> good morning. thanks for having me. >> can you tell us about the new chip cards? >> absolutely. i'm a huge fan of these new chip cards, so much so that i partnered with the american bankers association to educate consumers about them. they're called chip cards because they actually contain a tiny computer chip embedded in the thin plastic credit card. and that chip generates a brand-new transaction code for each and every purchase you make. that prevents identity thieves from snatching your account information and counterfeiting your card. but this great protection with the chip card only works if there are card readers to accept them. some retailers haven't installed them, others haven't turned them on so it's still a developing story. >> how much information is on that chip? >> well, that's the thing.
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contain information. it generates this one time code that gets beamed out for that single transaction. so even if the bad guys were to intercept it, they couldn't do anything with it. so that's the beauty of it. and there is something else that's different about the chip cards. rather than swiping this season if you got a new card and most of us do, you're going to be dipping your card in. you leave it in for a few seconds. little bit different, but i know nobody is going to let that get in the way of their holiday shopping this season. >> no, not a problem at all. i've used mine many times. who is responsible for fraud with these chip cards? >> i'm glad you asked because i want to reassure everybody, consumers are not now and never have been responsible. all you have to do is pay attention to your statements and report anything that looks suspicious in a timely manner and your bank has you covered. the change though is that banks are going to be responsible if
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cards to their customers. and retailers are going to be responsible if they have not yet installed these chip readers. interesting, but again consumers have nothing to worry about. if they want more information they can get it at safe chip >> what about purchases we make online or over the phone? are we protected there? >> there is amazing new technology aimed at online purchases. it's like a "star trek" episode come true or something. bio metrics has come. it's here now. they're using the cameras on your phone, in your computer, to do face recognition, fingerprint recognition, even experimenting with voice recognition to make sure it's really me using my credit card. they have something called toe kens which generates a one time code but it's aimed more at the online market. so let me tell you, the battle is on against data breaches.
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are there tips you can give us to stay safe when we go shopping this season? >> absolutely. three of them. so ask retailers to install these chip readers. if you have a choice, go for it, use the new technology. it's so much better. order your free credit reports from the website, annual credit, and scan those for suspicious activity. and a little known tip, you can ask for security freezes to be put on your files at the big three credit bureaus, and this prevents crooks from opening name. >> and we can unfreeze when we >> that's right. you can unfreeze your file in just moments on the phone or online whenever you want to apply for credit. >> good layer of protection there. thank you, elisabeth. >> my pleasure. >> now, to protect your finances this holiday season and year round for more information on what elisabeth covered head to
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it's a season of giving and if you're wondering what your gaming friends and family really want look no further. emmy award winning technology and digital lifestyle commentator marry owe armstrong is revealing the ultimate gaming gifts and essentials for everyone on your list. >> thanks for having me. i have the awesome holiday gaming gift guide, so let's get started. all the devices i'm going to be talking about have one thing in common. they are powered by amd. this is important. that's the engine of these devices. and that's really going to enable things like hd streaming, and super gaming experiences across the board on all their devices. and as many of you know amd is first in class for online gaming, with all types of innovative features, seamless technology, and even things like
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now every major gaming console including the x-box one has amd technology in it. and i want to show you a quick example of what vivid details they can pull out of a video game. this is the lego batman game, and this really shows you how amd is pushing graphics technology and its capabilities to really have great gaming compromise. so you're going to have gaming experiences with this. so best of all, one of the things that people may not be aware of is with amd, you can take with xbox live any game that you're playing and seamlessly move that over to windows 10 tablet or windows 10 pc. think about this for a second. the kid or the adult gamer is playing on the tv screen but you want to watch your favorite show. they can pause it, move that over to another device, and resume where they left off. microsoft x-box one is only 400 bucks and you can get it at
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for those of you looking for portability for the gamer look no further than hp pavilion 15 z touch. this is an amazing laptop. wait until you hear the price. massive amounts of storage availability, windows 10 pro, amd 6 generation processor, a stylish color, so style for everybody, and it's touch screen. most of all, only $420. you cannot go wrong with that laptop for productivity and gaming. for the desktop experience, you want to go with the lenovo x 316. this desktop is the most powerful gaming and graphics desktop out there. it's powered by amd's fx series processor, a big deal. the graphics and 2 gigs of dedicated video memory.
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clarity, no problems, and only starting at $699. at major retailers, so look that up. for all the details, you can head over to or if you need a quick answer you can hit me on twitter at mario armstrong. happy holidays to you guys. >> before we head to the break are you on facebook or twitter? like or follow us. you can find "the morning blend" on facebook and twitter.
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here with the details deshani fitch, owner, founder, ceo with my tight face. good morning to both of you and welcome. >> good morning. >> now, let's talk about some of the procedures that you offer and the first one is e-prime. what exactly is e-prime? >> e-prime is a really amazing treatment because it goes into the skin. we're able to precisely target the heat. there is tiny needles that go in, and immediately produce tightening, and it's just the biggest benefit is it produces immediate acid which is what women go to get fillers. when this produces it instantly, and naturally with the body's own collagen that's when it's amazing right after the procedure we can see all the wrinkles reducing and lifting,
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>> is this good for someone who has more mature skin? >> actually the best candidate for this would be women over 60, but anybody over the age of 35 can do this. to prevent -- preventive measures. >> we're looking at before and after. she looks incredible. >> look even her eyes open up. >> yes. you have something else called instalift. what is instalift? >> instalift is a device we have that uses ultrasound to tighten and firm the skin. it's really a good treatment for women between 30 to 55 or 60. just depending on how your skin is falling over the jaw and how much tightening you need. >> and we have a before and after picture of instalift, as well, that we want to show people. you can describe to us what we're looking at. >> that is exactly the tightening that goes on. treatments. one may not give you the results
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one to two is all you will need in a year. >> now, i've heard a lot about clear and brilliant. what is that? >> clear and brilliant is a laser treatment that goes on the face. it does -- gives you a lot of benefit. iter add indicates age spots, liver spots, acne scars, any type of scarring. it peels off the top layer of the skin. you have this amazing skin with no brown spots or any discolor or anything like that. and fine lines disappear, too. >> do you need a few treatments for this procedure? >> maybe one in in three months, because it's a way of preventing, getting old again. we can't stop the aging process, but we can sure prevent it. and take as long as we can to
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>> you can also add wrinkle reduction to any tightening treatment. what exactly is that? >> wrinkle reduction comes in many forms with us. we have very mild to moderate and moderate to severe wrinkle reduck shane that we do on the cheek and the forehead and ice, but we have a very unusual laser device called the matrix, which we can work around the lip area for anybody that is suffering from deep wrinkles, frown lines, anything like that. notice lasers are too big to go corners. so this is a perfect procedure to get done to regenerate your own body's>> a lot of women complain about their neck and want something done without going into surgery. is there anything there? >> absolutely. we love to do neck treatments, because a lot of people suffer
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men suffer from it. ladies suffer from it. we do laser shape, instalift, you name it. we have so many devices to give you that result. >> and you have some signature treatments. what are they? >> the signature treatments i think is the oxygen facial, which is really good for anybody that is tired. it peps up the skin. stem cell therapy which is a lot of product that we use on the face through infusion. silk peel is an infusion with a mike oh derma breaks. the facial is a glowing treatment that we do during the this time of year so your winter skin disappears and you have healthy looking skin. >> and you are up on all the technology. it's incredible. >> we try to be because it's so many wonderful noninvasive pieces of equipment that are out on the market. >> what are your holiday hours? >> monday to friday, 10:00 to 5:00. saturdays 10:00 to 3:00. >> steve we can do gift
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to present this to someone under the tree? >> yeah. and i've seen her grown this business from one machine in the small facility to over 30 plus machines, of the latest technology. she has the best out there. guys you know how difficult it is to give to your wife or girlfriend. you get the wrong color, wrong size. give a gift certificate of youth. what better gift than to one of these treatments? she has any kind of denomination you want in a gift certificate. so make your wife or girlfriend happy, get a gift certificate. >> we don't want a vacuum or >> exactly. >> your hours? >> monday to friday, 10:00 to 5:00, saturdays 10:00 to 3:00. >> thank you so much. >> appreciate it. call now to learn about my tight face specials for e-prime, stain lift and clear and brilliant. their number right there on your screen. my tight face skin tight lounge
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lakes business park. to learn more about the specials or to book an appointment their information is listed. they have financing and they also offer free consultations. help make a difference. free transportation management is partnering with the group stop dui. the money will go to fund dui victim services programs. keep the holiday safe. to learn more about this campaign, be sure to visit the
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time. >> here with more is dr. jarey utley along with christy thomas. good morning to you both. >> good morning. >> dr. utley let's start with you. give us a overview of what product bdg. >> it's about giving back to the community. generosity. we want to be able to give back to those underserved in the community that have dental >> okay. >> when did you start this program? >> the program started a year ago. we've been up and running for a year. we give back once a month to the community. we have a dental service that is set up to be able to help the patients in need. >> people come in to your office during this time period? where does it happen? >> we have a central location that's off of sahara, where we have the clinic on a sunday, so once a month sunday, the patients come into the clinic and we help them out.
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>> i'm the dental high hygienist and i clean teeth. we extract teeth, provide cleanings, and feelings. >> this is a low cost free to patients on a sliding scale? >> it's no cost. project bdg is to serve the underserved, so patients with no insurance whatsoever. and so there is no fiat all. >> to do this, and to open up your office on a sunday when mostmost people like to be at home it's so generous of us. how many patients have you seen since you opened up? >> two to 300 patients. we try to get groups of bring to 50 and do half a day, so people are volunteering and aren't spending their whole sunday working. >> how many staff are involved? >> it varies. what we do is try to get staff to volunteer. so we put it out there for anybody that wants to volunteer to be able to volunteer.
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toes, one to two hygienists and ten to 15 support staff. >> all kidding aside, both my father and brother are dentists. so if they're just iting, is there a way they could get involved? or is it only for local -- >> that's set up on the website. project, a way to be able to volunteer for dental professionals, and also we're looking for nonprofit organizations or shelters for at risk teens or elderly that don't have any way to access dental care to be able to go online and say hey, we have this need and we can contact them back, and be able to set up an opportunity, be able to serve that need. >> project smile, it's such a great thing you're doing. where did the inspiration come from? >> it's really just -- you want to answer that one? >> well, we are -- our desire is to serve our community one patient at a time. giving back.
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we would like to have our community become a community, where i help you and you in turn go out and help someone else. >> you're paying it forward. >> and contributing to society and helping someonous. and it has to make you feel so good to help people. what are the consequences of not seeing a dentist? a lot of people go every six months. they do their regular visits. what happens to people when they don't get oral care? >> things always get worse. you have a little feel filling that can be stopped with a filling turned into a tooth that needs a root canal. and so things grow if you're not seeing a dentist regularly. >> what are the requirements of patients to see? are there any at all? >> the requirement we have is no dental insurance. if you have dental insurance we want you to see the normal clinic that you can go to. the other one is you pay it forward. if we provide a service to you,
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determine what you think the value of that is, the service that was rendered and be able to help other people, and that's the requirement. >> very good. thank you. >> project bdg was developed to provide dental care of those in need. they're located between south rainbow and buffalo drive on west cliff. if you like to volunteer or learn more just visit the website or call the number on your screen. >> much more to come, including store.
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we'll be right!ti(! %4@-h@h tt0wi(h,el@-bg$ tt0wi(h,! ed@-@ tt0w!ti(h,% )8$;< 0w!ti(h,% kzh-9ttt0w!ti(h,n-h-l tt0w!ti(h,% 0ph-rzt tt0w!ti(h,% s"h-b(4 tt0w!ti(h,% ueh-ajd tt0w!ti(h,% 7hh-]h0 tis the season to be jolly, but nearly half of american adults experience some sort of sadness or depression around the fall and winter. joining us now with more on those results is dr. tammy woody from the university of phoenix. good morning to you and welcome. >> thank you so much for having me. >> this time of year should be a merry one, very jolly. so why do you think the holiday
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for some people? >> sure. this time of year is actually more stressful for those who are already prone to mental illness, such as anxiety or depression. we know that financial and emotional strain and stress are actually triggers. that means that it is critically important with time of year from november to january to be aware that this is a problem for some and to also make sure they get help if they need it. >> if you see someone or around someone that you feel is sadder than normal, what should you do and can you help them? >> i think one of the most important things to do is to just communicate with someone. sometimes we avoid those hard conversations because we're afraid of opening the can of worms or you know, disrupting our holidays. but it's very important to just talk to someone, acknowledge what you're observing, talk
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can try to get help. >> and what personal challenges do you find can lead to stress and depression? >> a variety of factors. we mentioned that ever present financial strain. the holiday season can be very painful in terms of personal grief and memories. and lastly, loneliness, that sense much isolation. >> and what are some of the warning signs of a potential mental health issue that we can look out for in our loved ones and our friends? >> so the common signs that we should be looking for would be the excessive mood swings, someone who is very anxious or very angry or really sad. we know that it's the season of overindulgence but the abuse of alcohol or drugs certainly are red flag. avoiding friends and family, again isolating one's self. so all of those. and, of course, anyone who actually mentions suicide or is
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themselves, that's another red flag. >> and to have that conversation as you mentioned to let people know you are there for them is so important, isn't it? >> it absolutely is important. that's one of the most active steps that you can take to really just get the help that someone needs. >> and when it comes to getting help and someone going into treatment, typically is that something that they have to go through an ongoing process? or is it something that you can complete in a certain amount of time? >> you know, that is unique to every individual, and that's why it's important to work with a trained mental health professional as they would have the expertise to help establish those time lines and those goals to help someone just get to where they need to be, to live a successful life. >> are there simple ways that people -- things people can do to keep the holidays festive and upbeat?
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we know it's important to stay active. don't skip the workouts. we know that sharing the load, delegating with friends and family really decreases our stress levels. you know, acknowledging how you feel is really important. so try something new is a great approach. again, don't get stuck on those traditions that are not helpful, but create new ones. >> great tips for us. >> thank you so much. >> my pleasure. thank you. >> don't let sadness bring down did joy of the holiday season. for more on what was discussed, just head to the website right there our screen. giving a gift for the man in your life this holiday season can be tririy. why not amp up his every day routine with something luxurious? esquire fashion editor wendal brown has ideas on stylish gifts. >> the holidays are just around
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we're at the rockefeller center art of shaving store. what's on the top of your list? >> all year year long guys want to put their best face forward. why not get the power razor from the art of shaving. the handle vibrates so when you're shaving it cuts down on friction. >> how about a super seasonal gift for that guy? >> absolutely. luxury is something everybody needs. nothing says seasonal like peppermint shave cream, smells fantastic and lifts and sov 15s the beard. >> a special experience you can give your guy. >> why not shave with a master barber. come in and get the elements of a perfect shave, prepare, lather, shave and moisturize. >> thanks for those tips. you can see the art of shaving has timeless gifts for the special man in your life. happy shopping, everyone. do you know someone who truly makes a difference in the community?
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contouring is? >> it's a form of noninvasive laser liposuction. in which we are shrinking down that fat cell in a completely natural process, and as a result the patient is going to shrink down with it. >> so how does the process actually work? >> it does work by using a noninvasive laser. what this laser is actually doing is creating multiple holes or pores in the fat cells, so the fat cell can collapse and shrink down. what's contained in the fat cell is just triglycerides and fatty acids, and that is processed through the system naturally. it's the same effect as someone working out or dieting and losing weight. we're shrinking down our fat cell and this laser starts that natural process for you. the fat is processed through the lymphatic system. your lymph nodes process it. your liver metabolizes it and your system is able to flush it out as waste.
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>> this is the nice part about this procedure, there's not really too many limitations as far as who we can accept. so male or female, no matter what your age is, your size, you can have a lot of health issues and be on a lot of medications and you're going to be a candidate for this type of procedure. >> and what parts of the body can you treat? >> we can basically treat any part of the body, including the neck. we can treat the arms. we can treat that stubborn belly fat, which you know, of course, a lot of patients are interested in that area. we can treat the thighs even. so it doesn't really matter. whatever part that you're looking to really target and shrink down in that area, we can specifically target that area for you. >> you can do the neck, as well? >> we can. so a lot of the time with age, or whatever, when we gained any type of weight, you know, it goes everywhere. you don't get to chose where it goes. we can target any area you're looking to treat with this. and the nice part, too, as well
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fat cell in that area is an added benefit is the skin tightens up in the area and it helps with the reduction of cellulite. >> we saw a lady in a picture there with her -- she was on her belly. you just lie there. >> you do. you lie there. the treatment is anywhere from 20 to 40 minutes, depending on the target area that you want to specifically target. but with it the treatment is relaxing, like i was saying earlier it's noninvasive. the main point is that it is completely noninvasive, so there is no pain, and there is no side effects involved with this. so it's not going to affect your health in any way. >> you can book the appointment, which lasts how long again? >> with ityou can book the appointment, it lasts from 20 to 40 minutes, depending on the area you're treating. the treatment itself is very relaxing. like i was saying there is no pain. so you do lay on a spa bed. we give you a blanket. we play mousse nick the relaxing. this is something you can come
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>> because there is no down time you can book it and go right back to work? >> it doesn't affect your daily life at all. >> what results are people seeing? >> so what we're seeing with this type of procedure is we are seeing anywhere from five to ten inches gone in that target area that we're treating. the nice part is, is that we do have an inch guarantee in place, so that if you don't lose a certain amount of inches, we do extra sessions for that patient at no cost. everybody's body is different. you're never going to go from someone's age or size how fast their system is going to flush the fat through the lymphatic system. so we do have that in place for our patients, as well. >> you also offer something called body vibration. what exactly is that? >> we do. so with this type of treatment you don't necessarily have to exercise or change up nutrition. and that's the main reason people love doing this. but we do have a lot of patients that come in that have injuries, or certain health conditions,
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exercise anymore. and that's why they put on this weight. so we introduced whole body vibration after their session, so after you finished your lacey body contouring you do -- you just stand on a vibration machine. what this does is it speeds up your lymphatic system and speeds up your metabolism. we're located at 777 north rainbow boulevard, and we're suite 200. so our cross street is washington and rainbow, so we're northwest. >> all right. thank you so much. >> thanks for having me. >> now, laser med solutions is offering a special today only. get eight sessions of laser body contouring for 40% off. be sure to mention "the morning blend." for more on their services and how to achieve the dream results, go to laser med or call the number listed. remember to check out there you'll find past segments, including lindsay's, facebook
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free in the app store and in google play. today on the view, jeffrey tambor joins the ladies to talk about the new season of transparent. that and more today at ten right after us. today at 2:00 on "valley view live!" you know her voice. meet the woman who played bell in "beauty and the beast" what the princess is doing now. the search to find the best chefs to rep the usa. >> wednesday ring in 2016 with the rock n' roll song book. >> michael cavanaugh hits our stage with a live performance to get you ready for the new year wednesday at nine. that is tomorrow. that is it for us today. >> have a great day for everyone. go see jeff juggle out on the strip at the flamingo.
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