tv Action News 11pm ABC December 29, 2015 11:00pm-11:35pm PST
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car... could face charges!!! only on action news reporter.... mahsa saeidi spoke with the family of that driver and... joins us now live.... from jones near smoke ranch... with what they had to say. mahsa? tricia- they live nearby. the woman just running out for a second to the store when it happened. police say it appears she pulled out in front of the motorcycle. the impact throwing the rider into the other lane of traffic. where he was hit again by a second car. alcohol was not involved but sgt. richard strader had this plea: it's everybody's responsibility to take that extra minuteto think about something before you push that exceleratortake that extra time to look left and rightmake sure you're not pulling out in front of somebody (butted with) (sot) was he wearing a helmet yes so he was doing everything he was doing everything right as far as we can tell right now. here is a look at the womans car. you can see the impact was to the driver's side door. family members tell us she was
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witnesses saw the rider moments before... they say he was in his 30s just crusing down the street...appeared to be enjoying himself. if police determine the female driver was negligent-she could potentially be charged with vehcuular manslaughter. just days before the end of the year now....we've had 125 traffic related fatalities. the record was in 2007-- 133 fatalities. people here hoping we dont pass the record. more aware of what is around you be aware of how the other guy is driving that's the main thing, i mean if you know what you're doing you got to make sure you know what the other guys doing now...
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we're following closely tonight.. neighbors describe... a horrifying scene.... after police say.... a son.... shot and killed his father. it happened yesterday.... at the famly's home.... near green valley and paseo verde.... in henderson. a neighbor tells action news... he heard screams... so intense.... he couldn't tell.... if it was coming from.... a man or woman.. after several minutes... police arrived and found the man dead.. -21- year old.... eugune she- yam-bo was arrested... and... is facing murder charges... tonight. dash cam video shows... a henderson k-9.... attacking a little girl!!! this video comes..... from a january -2- thousand -15- incident... but... the dash cam footage is just now being released.... by henderson police. the officer on scene.... released his k-9 towards a car..... police were looking at.... in connection with a robbery. that girl's father had already been detained by officers... who quickly realized.... he was not the suspect. -10- seconds later.... he sprints to the car... after realizing the young girl.... was inside. quick nat of crying
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-9- small puncture wounds.... from the bite. one of the officers has taken a new assignment..... after releasing the dog... that attacked.... a little girl. new information now.... on the murder of a woman.... in north las vegas.. vernon newson junior has been arrested..... in connection to the december -13-th shooting.... of the -28- year old woman.. police say... he shot her several times... near eye-15 and lamb.... before taking off to southern california.... where he was arrested. he now faces charges of murder with a deadly weapon and illegal possession of a firearm. he's now waiting extradition.... to north las vegas.. a man is shot dead.... with his foot on the brakes of his car.... and... dry cleaning in the back seat. it happened.... early this morning.... in the parking lot of the - 24- hour fitness... near alta and rainbow. only one bullet was fired and the victim's driver-side window.. star hovasapian, gym-goer 9:47:42-9:47:46 "i don't like to come when it's dark. even my son says 'mom i don't want to go when it's dark.'" police haven't been able to find anyone who saw....
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they're basing all this.... on surveillance footage.... from the gym. looking at the video... police say.... there are at least two people.... in the getaway car. now... we want to get you..... right to the latest developments on the deadly storms.... creating chaos..... across the country.... tonight. tens of millions of americans are trapped in the post-holiday weather from snow and ice.... to major floodding.. in missouri... it's a race against.... mother nature.. volunteers are struggling to fill sand bags..... to hold back... the mississippi.... as it continues to rise.. more than... -5- hundred rolaosed... across the state. the governor activating the national guard. and... in the midwest... snow and freezing rain is hitting hard.... making travel.... nearly impossible. u-s officials say... they expect the so-called "affluenza" teen.... ethan couch to return to the u-s.... tomorrow. the -18-year-old.... who killed four people.... while driving drunk in 20-13... ran off to mexico.... with his mother this month. officials say... they carefully planned their trip and even held.... a going away party. couch was arrested.... in puerto vallarta, mexico last
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with dark hair and a dark goatee.. earlier this month... he was seen.... with blonde hair in a video.... that appeared to show him.... tanya couch... will now be charged.... with hindering the apprehension of a fugitive... and... faces up to -10- years... in prison. (dee anderson/tarrant county sheriff) "her entire focus has been on making sure he didn't see any justice done, making sure he was not accountable. butt to i'm not surprised that she helped him." couch was sentenced to probabtion.... after killing four in a crash..... because his attorneys consequences.... for bad behavior. turning now.... to tonight's political in the race for the white house.... it's republican contender donald trump against democrat hillary clinton.... and her usband.. trump saying.... bill clinton's extra marital affairs are quote..... "fair game" calling out..... monica lewinsky by name! sot rtump "but there were rtanly a l otof abuse of women, and yuo look at whether 'sit monica lewiknsy or paul
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t... nce said..... . tha new tonight... leave your drones home!!! that's the message.... from metro police tonight..... ahead of the strip's..... big new year's eve celebrations.. it's against the law to fly.... unmanned aerial vehicles.... with-in five miles of an airport.... without permission.. the strip is with-in... -5- miles of mc-carran airport... so... metro will be looking for anyone.... breaking the law.. more than... -3- hundred thousand people are expected to pack the strip and downtown this week.... to ring in.... -2- thousand -16- in style. while many of those are tourists... some locals like to take part.... in "america's party" action news reporter.... bryan callahan is live.... near the strip...... with a look at how much it will cost you..... to take part.... if you haven't already made reservations. bryan... we know come thursday night...
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party... with most of those people alreay reserving rooms in the nearby hotels. you can still get rooms here on the strip or downtown... you just have to be willing to pay up. if you are hoping to stay in a hotel room after enjoying america's party... you better be ready to open rates at other caesar's properties are higher... with the least expensive rooms at caesars palace going for 629 dollars a night. some properties... like circus circus require a two night stay... with an average stay there listed at 244 dollars a night. you can see other mgm properties range from 155 a night at mandalay bay to 900 a night at the aria suites for that same two night period. other strip hotels range from treasure island's price of 280 dollars new years eve to the mandarin... that will cost you 800 dollars to watch the ball drop. downtown is a little less expensive on average. the d is offering rooms as low as 219 dollars. while several others are offering rooms around 260 or
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if you are hoping to catch one tickets are also available for some of the biggest names. planet hollywood still shows tickets available for britney spears starting at 90 bucks. the cosmopolitan still lists 200 dollar general admission tickets for bruno mars and maroon fives new years eve show at mandalay bay has tickets starting at 228 dollars. of course if you are planning to take part in the party and don't have a room... rtc is offering free bus rides between six pm and nine am. and there are also tipsy tow services as well. reporting live, bryan callaan, channel 13 action new we have a full stnef yeas e pph..ponse.... to a burglary!!!
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national... but... international attention..... after turning security footage..... of the break-in..... into a funny.... "you tube video". it's been viewed.... more than.... three and a half million times... and... business is booming. it's a strange feeling, it's a surreal feeling, it's good to see that people have enjoyed it and people have responded, so we appreciate that but again it's also been pretty overwhelming to try to respond to everyone who wants to talk to us about it. the december -16-th surviellance video shows.... the crooks busting in... then searching through storage closets.... even the cash register. the restaruant added music and captions.... to change the story.... to a trio of hungry burglars.... looking for tacos. so far... police haven't caught the suspects. a contact -13- consumer alert... you don't want to miss.. your cellphone company could owe you money.. coming up... what you need to know right now..... if you want to cash in. plus... a terrifying mix-up....
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the flu virus. it's a really big deal. and with fever, aches, and chills, mom knows it needs a big solution: an antiviral. don't kid around with the flu, call your doctor within the first 48 hours of symptoms and ask about prescription tamiflu. attack the flu virus at its source with tamiflu, an antiviral that helps stop it from spreading in the body. tamiflu in liquid form is fda approved to treat the flu in people two weeks of age and older whose flu symptoms started within the last two days. before taking tamiflu tell your doctor if you're pregnant, nursing, have serious health conditions, or take other medicines. if you develop an allergic reaction, a severe rash, or signs of unusual behavior, stop taking tamiflu
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children and adolescents in particular may be at an increased risk of seizures, confusion, or abnormal behavior. the most common side effects are mild to moderate nausea and vomiting. anti-flu? go antiviral with tamiflu. prayed... at a florida church. watch what happened.... at the "our lady queen of heaven church"..... in north lauderdale... last week. the man walked in... and... apparently cased the joint, then left. he quickly returned and casually took the bag. the -84- year-old victim followed him out... but... he got away. her purse was recovered... but without her wallet... money.... and other valuables. now... to a consumer alert... from contact -13-....
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customers. the deadline is looming to collect a refund.... if you have verizon or sprint. the companies may owe you money for unauthorized charges.... to your phone. a-b-c's.... rebecca jarvis tells us... there are just two days left... to act. tonight - you may have already won-a payout?from your phone company?.. verizon and sprint now paying back $158 million to current and former customers after the government fined both carriers for allegedly making (gfx) "hundreds of millions of dollars" by "cramming" bills with small-but unauthorized, 3rd party charges- -- like $9.99 a month for so-called "premium services" like text messages about celebrity gossip. end gfx) sot mandi woodruff/ personal finance correspondent, yahoo finance "they've been doing it for years:04 - but it's really nice to see the government finally cracking down on them. " (gfx) but you have to register -to collect. ? both verizon and sprint have set up these web sites?where you fill out a form. (www.cfpbsettlementve // www.sprintrefundpsms. com) the companies say their 'highest commitment is to their
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who may get compensated?.for services they never authorized in the first place.. jarvis ll tag: the final deadline is december 31-you have 48 hours to act?.and we've posted both sites on if you got new cookware.... for christmas... you should check it.... macy's is recalling.... more than... -1- hundred -20- thousand martha stewart frying pans. rivet covers on those -8- and -10- inch pans.... can pop off and fly across your kitchen. at least ... three people have received minor injuries.... that way. if you have the frying pans... you should stop using them... and return them to macy's for credit. military exchanges.... who also sell the cookware.... will give you a full refund. now... to a story... you asked us.... a man says... a problem with a parking lot.... cost him almost -5- hundred dollars... he says... the company that manages it.... or... fix the issue. thats when he reached out.... to "you ask... we investigate". someone who works in the
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these stumps used to be poles with signs on them.... but.. several months they were cut down. doug ran over the several inch stump.... trying to park he wrote a letter to the management company... and says.... he called them... but said... they refused to help him pay for the damage... or fix the issue. 12.05.25 and i felt like, well, she had put these cones up here because, even though she wouldn't admit to me that she felt responsible, 33 she evidently felt she was responsible 35 it was an admission of guilt? 37 i felt so 38 but... after we contacted "teepee development"... a part of filios companies we called... e-mail.... and went to the offices... but... one of the tenants says... they're out until.... january - 4-th. if you have a problem.... you cannot get answers to.. let us know. send an e-mail... to -13- investigates... at k-t-n-v dot com. be sure to include... your phone number. new tonight.... a terrifying mix-up..... as an alaska airlines plane was coming in for a landing... at an airport.... in seattle. the pilot.... landed the plane..... on what looked like a runway...
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the plane was flying from chicago to seattle.... earlier this month.... when it was cleared for landing and directed.... to a runway. but... that's not where the plane.... landed. the danger here is not landing on a long strip of concrete - the danger is that somebody else might be on that taxiway both the f-a-a and alaska airlines says... the incident is currently... under investigation. millions of americans are still trapped.... in a travel nightmare... tonight.. thousands of flights have been canceled.... coast to coast. at chicago's o'hare airport... families have been stranded for with children.... sleeping on cots. today alone... more than... -1- thousand flights have been canceled and more than.... -4- thousand others delayed. with the severe weather hitting several states... the travel delays could last.... several more days. now... to the latest developments on the severe weather... hitting several states hard. tonight... we're getting a look at the devastation left behind.... after a tornado hit union county.... here you can see trees uprooted... buildings flattened... and debris scattered for miles. the storm developed with-in
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the national weather service didn't even have time to issue.... a tornado warning.. thankfully... no one was hurt. and... a washington state man was buried alive.... when a mudslide hit his house.. it happened.... during historic rainfall in the state.... earlier this month.. the man was trapped for almost - 2- hours..... after the wall of mud swallowed him up and carried him.... some -30- yards. the mud pinned him underneath a car.... in the garage.. he could only move his feet.... so he starting digging and yelling for help.. hours later... search crews were able to pull him.... to safety. below average temps will continue through the new year and the beginning of next week. in the short term, expect at and below freezing low temps tonight into tomorrow. afternoon highs will top out around 50 on wednesday and new year's eve, with partly cloudy skies expected both days. conditions will get breezy on thursday and friday, as a low pressure system comes together and remains over the area
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this system doesn't look to bring chances for rain, but it will keep the cold air in place, with highs in the mid and upper 40s expected on friday and saturday. the system starts to make and exit on sunday as another one southwest. highs will top out around 50 on sunday and in will stay to our south, but as it passes through it will usher in moisture and bring us chances for rain starting sunday afternoon and continuing on monday. yet another system will follow behind that one, and looks to bring better chances for rain
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the reality star wasn't feeling well over the weekend... and... things got worse.... so he was taken to the hospital. kardashian hasn't been seen in public for months.... after his famous family says... he's dealing with personal issues. a race against time.... in find a while duck hunting.... in severe weather... sunday. police say... strickland and chase morland's boat was found capsized. shortly after... morland's body was found. strickland is the lead singer of the arkansas-based country-rock band.... "backroad anthem". police had crews out today.... searching the lake for him.. so far... they have had no luck. coming up... how motorcyclists across the valley.... can get a safe ride home.... on new years eve.. plus... want to eat in the middle of the action in times square.... as the ball drops this week? it'll cost you. we're breaking down..... just how much you'll have to fork over..... to dine on new year's eve.... in new york city. and remember... to watch "good morning las vegas".... for all your latest news... weather... and traffic. it all starts at 4-30....
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tt2w`t3n@24" bt@qc., tt2w`t3n@24" "a@qs"h tt2w`t3n@24" bm@qx)d tt4w`t3n@24"" dztq k6$ tt4w`t3n@24"" entq ;2d tt4w`t3n@24"" gzt& "5< tt4w`t3n@24"" hnt& 2;p tt4w`t3n@24"" iztq xr( tt4w`t3n@24"" jntq j"h tt4w`t3n@24"" lzt& ro4 you a pretty penny... if you're wanting to eat... at olive garden... you have to buy.... a -4- hundred dollar ticket.... that includes a buffet... open bar... champagne toast.... and party favors. feel like.... a big spender? head to bubba gump.... for -8- hundred dollars to take part.... in the circus themed..... all you can eat and drink celebration.. lastly... you can spend your night at applebee's.... for -3- hundred -75- dollars.. that'll get you.... a buffet dinner.... open bar.... and entertainment.... from a d-j. are you planning on driving your motorcycle.... to a new year's eve party? make sure... you have.... a safe ride home. "hog hauling motorcycle towing" is giving motorcycle riders.... a free ride home. thursday night.... starting at -6- through six a-m.... friday morning.. they'll pick you up and your bike... and... take you home. there number is on your screen.. we'll also have it.... on our website... k-t-n-v dot com. we'll be right back.... with a final look.... at your wake-up weather forecast. but first... here's jimmy kimmel with a preview of tonight's show..
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through the new year and the beginning of next week. in the short term, expect at and below freezing low temps tonight into tomorrow. afternoon highs will top out around 50 on wednesday and new year's eve, with partly cloudy skies expected both days. conditions will get breezy on thursday and friday, as a low pressure system comes together and remains over the area through most of the weekend. and... finally tonight... a happy ending for a cat... that found its way to the top of an electric pole.... in phoenix and couldn't get down. people in the neighborhood say... the cat had been there.... for three days.. after several people complained...
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