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tv   Morning Blend  ABC  January 20, 2016 9:00am-10:00am PST

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i'm sure they'll go to planet hollywood to check out jennifer. she begins her first of 20 concerts starting tonight at 9 p.m i will be in bed then. ryan seacrest allegedly going, kelly osborne, jessica alba, so many of her friends. pit bull will either perform with her or in the audience. that is going to be amazing. >> i don't think matt damon goes. >> i don't know about that. >> because matt damon, friends of ben affleck, who used to be with jennifer lopez when they broke up. >> that concert runs through june. thank you for joining us today and if you take pictures and you're going there, send them to us, we'd love to see you. i'm dao vu. >> good morning. >> coming up today on the "morning blend," where you can get your fill of some free mozzarella for national cheese it's today. >> i like it. plus, where dozens of brilliant displays of hot air balloons weekend. >> right now the force will be strong at discovery children's
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have some fun learning about the movie, series phenomenon. >> here is yoda with discovery children's museum. our guests denyce tuller, to you in just a second. can you tell us about the fun events happening over at the museum? >> lots of fun. all "star wars" day at the children's museum this saturday. we have all kinds of programming, "star wars" themed programming and activities. we have members from the soul club. we have members from the 051st region -- 501st legion coming out to represent "star wars." it will be a fun day for the parents and kids. >> one day only. this is a big one. >> one-day only event: we've had a series of them over the last several months. i brought some fun things to show you what you can do at the museum this saturday. >> we'll get into that in just a second.
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society? saber duals. we're a group of college students on campus. we'll be at the "star wars" day on saturday. character, doing fights, and that's what we do the unlv. >> how long has the group been around? years. >> yep. >> if i'm walking down the street and i see 20, 30 people coming at you with light sabers, i'm turning around. >> that's the spendings. >> you brought in some of the crafts that are available for kids to do. >> right. so first jabba the hut slime. i brought a sample of it. but the kids will be able to make their own jabba the hut slime. >> can i feel that? >> absolutely.
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solution and they mix it up. >> that's awesome. >> absolutely. and then we've got some really cool plaster of paris models not kids will be able to pick out which one they'd like to take and paint. so they'll be able to paint those. and fun things, who is going to jump in and make their own yoda ears? here. i'm going to help you out. >> this is not going on my head. >> oh, come on! >> i see the circumference of that circle. >> we had to do that last time. >> no way! >> kids can make their own yoda ears. yoda has all that stuff. hundreds of year old hair. >> while you're doing this, what was your feeling on episode 7? your thoughts. you are obviously a "star wars" fan, a purist. the new movie comes out and your thoughts are?
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they did an excellent job with the franchise. >> they are going to be at the bank. >> how do we get tickets? >> so it's general admission, tickets to the museum. you come to the museum. we're open from 10 to 5 on saturday. come to visitors services. you can buy admission, 14.50 per person, or if you're a member, of course you get free admission. >> did they fit? >> they did. they look so cute! they look darling. >> the kids will have a blast. >> we have like -- >> am i upside down? >> no. that's right. i'm always making sure they're object the right way. we have like 15 different activities that kids will be able to do. they'll be able to interact with the soul group, too. >> who do we have here? >> so we have hob along the train the jedi and ryan is here
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we choreographed these fights from scratch. these are not from the movie. we practiced weekly, really, really regular to make sure we get everything right. >> wow. >> we have full contact. they're very experienced. >> how fun. can anyone join your club? >> you have to be a unlv student, but that's the only requirement. >> if you graduate, can you still participate? >> as long as you're a unlv student. >> oh, look on the dark side! oh, no! thank you so much. lot of fun. >> ryan on ryan: give us a bow. gentlemen, give them a round of applause. that was fantastic. something to see here. >> thank you. >> this is all happening saturday. where do we get tickets? >> tickets at the door. you can visit to find out
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activities and scheduling all day, and like i said, it's a one-day event, this saturday at discovery children's museum. >> bring the kids. thank you so much. >> thank you. >> be a jedi master, take your family to "star wars" day at discovery children's museum this saturday from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m. smith center's campus there. too learn more, visit the web site or call the number on your screen. they're also on facebook and twitter. >> still to come on the blend, where to get your fill on free cheese. ever.
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rolls on. losing hair, looking for something, anything to bring it back? regrow back your own natural hair with no pain and no side effects. it's possible according to our next guest. here with more is lindsay kay from lasing med solutions. how are you? >> i'm good. how are you? >> great to see you. what exactly is laser hair therapy? >> laser hair therapy is where we use low level laser and we are applying this laser energy directly to the hair follicle.
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so we're increasing circulation and blood flow back to the scalp. this will stimulate the growth stage for patients. that's how that works. so we are regrowing back your own natural hair, but in a noninvasive, no pain way. >> how long does it take before someone might see hair follicles? >> so with this, what we're looking for with this type of treatment is for somebody that still has active hair follicles. a lot of the time when there is no visible hair there in the area that we're looking at, there is still an active hair follicle. what you do is you come into the clinic for an evaluation. takes about 30 minutes. we'll check your hair follicle activity with a pro scope magnifying camera that goes into the hair follicle. we'll be able to tell you yes or this treatment and we'll be able to tell you if you still have active hair follicles. if you do, we're able to grow back that hair in the area where follicle. >> just because you might not have hair, doesn't mean there is no hope. >> exactly. 'cause a lot of people take a
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far gone or we get a lot of female patients, about 65% of our patient base is actually female patients, which tend to lose their hair a little bit later on in life because they're producing more testosterone in their body. they'll take a look and they're wearing wigs or using extensions, which can be further damaging to the hair. they're thinking that there is no hope for them when really if you came in and we can take a look at you, we'll be able to determine yes, we can still help you. and maybe we won't be able to because not everybody still has active hair follicles. but you come into the clinic and we'll be able to tell you on the spot if you do. >> you let people know exactly if they can get a treatment. >> yes. >> how quickly can we see these results? >> so the laser starts to take effects in about four to six weeks. typically our patients are seeing a positive cosmetic change in the first few months. however, the earlier on you catch the hair loss, the faster you will receive results with it. >> earlier you mentioned males
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the majority of females are coming in? >> majority of females are coming in now, yeah. we can treat males or females. age is not a factor. males tend to lose their hair earlier in life, in their early 20s. and females tend tootles later in life. but it doesn't matter. we can still treat you, as long as you have those active hair follicles. the really nice part about this program is we have the convenience factor. just because -- a lot of people can't make it into the clinic. if they are comi a clinic treatment program, they're coming once a week for a 20 minute laser session. that. and we have portable devices now available, including the most popular is laser cap where you can use it at home. it's rechargeable. you wear it three times a week for 30 minutes. it's nice and convenient. you tonight have to come into the clinic and you don't have to take time out of your busy lifestyle to actually regrow your hair back.
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treatment atng that cap do the work for you? >> exactly. that will be our most popular device on the market today. >> do you feel anything? >> you don't. so depend, there is no side effects involved with this>> and you have a "morning blend" special as well. what exactly is that? >> we're going to offer you that important evaluate absolutely free. you can come in if you give us a call today, we'll do a free evaluation. we'll do a free consultation with you and we'll do that free first clinical laser session just so you can see what laser hair therapy is like and kind of test drive it. >> do you have people come in in their 20s through 50s? >> all ages come in. because unfortunately, it's not always a natural process. when it's causing hair loss, it were taking. it. so we see people ofllg >> and again, yountioned just
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>> correct. >> and perhaps are bald, doesn't mean you can not get help. >> it doesn't mean you can't get follicles. so give us a call and we can do that evaluation for you to see if you'd be a good candidate for something like this. >> thank you so much. great information. >> thank you so much for having me. >> laser med solutions offers a free consultation andon for anyone who calls and books a consult. it's today only. for more on the latest technology to listed. >> thank you. each week the panda guys of peters and associates offering you legal advice here on our show. i know they're the last person you want to talk to. if a creditor is looking for you, don't avoid them. that could lead to a lawsuit and/or a default judgment which could lead to wage garnishment and bank accounts being seized. not fun. if you're struggling with debt,
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let the attorneys of peterspanda sth decatur at flamingo. to learn more about them, give site on your screen. you can find them on facebook and twitter. still to come on the "morning blend," soar to new heights, where you can see more than 40 balloons race through the sky. are you on facebook and twitter? you can like and follow us,
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we'll be back. welcome back to the "morning blend." are you in a pinch and need cash fast? trading in your old coins or jewelry could be a great way to put more money in your pocket. >> here to explain, neil sackmary of nevada coin mart, along with john jankowski, currency expert. good morning to both of you. >> good morning. >> how are you? >> good morning. >> so what i want to say is when it comes to nevada coin mart, don't be fooled bid imposters. imposters are people that don't do the same thing as i do. nevada coin mart is the only gold buyer in las vegas that buys gold, silver and costume
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week, 365 days a year. when you come to nevada coin mart, you will get treated with the most respect and when you come in, you're going to get paid in cash. john, tell us what you have. >> what we have today are pennies from heaven. right here. we have pennies and they're coming in from heaven. making it rain. [ laughter >> yes. too. >> those might be worth a littg make it rain. we buy it all. any type of jewelry, any type of coins, any type of paper currency, we buy every single thing that you want to sell. don't be fooled bid people that just want to buy gold and silver.
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they're just trying to cash in on making, on the corner, jones and flamingo. john jankowski, 50 years coin expert. everyone else is young and has no experience, not like john jankowski. i am a gia graduate gemologist. i'm not just in the jewelry business for 20 years to make myself feel good. i am a graduate gemologist. this is what i went to school for. we will make it rain with money now. >> $500 bill rain? >> we're going to be close. but you got to make it rain at jewelry. >> let's go. there you go. >> wow. >> oh, my god. >> when you come to nevada coin mart, we will make money rain in your pocket every single solitary person that comes in walks out with money had they have something to sell.
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we give cash. right then and there, on the spot. my name is neil sackmary. i am nevada coin mart. when you come and see me, i am an expert and that's why you come there. >> the one thing i noticed is you're not making it rain with postdated checks. this is actual cash and this is what you can get. >> 100%. when you come to nevada coin mart, i am the only place -- i have six privacy windows. not just a couple small booths. i have a free-standing store, not some suite number a and c, nobody knows what's going on. i have a privacy room. i have four privacy booths. i buy coins, collectible, jewelry, gold, silver. i buy rolexs. there is nobody in las vegas that buys morrow election watches and diamonds than i because this is what i went to school for. i am a graduate gemologist. don't be fooled by people that say that they are experts in things. you want an expert, you come to nevada coin mart. open 365 days a year.
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currency as an investment. >> i'd love to. today the stock market dropped 460 points. >> today? >> today. what i believe is that people should really consider silver as an investment. i did want to talk a little bit about that and i'll be brief. you have 100-ounce bars, silver. there is a $500 bill, which is not what i'm talking about. 25 ounces. here we have a plethora of things of silver eagles. a whole box of these. >> right in here? >> yes. uncirculated. >> this is straight from the u.s. mint. i think we'll be okay here. >> how much are you selling these for today? >> we are at 17.50 per coin by the roll. you can buy it by the one if you want. >> this is a great investment 'cause this is not going to be
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>> i tell you what, whoever does not have some bullion in their portfolio is making a grave mistake. it's like an insurance policy against the future. it's foolish not to have some bullion in your portfolio. >> you got serious all of a sudden. >> i feel a lot of americans are not protected. they need some protection. of course. we're very competitive. but you need to buy this stuff. >> a dollar is really -- only based upon our faith on what a is worth. >> absolutely. >> this is based upon what silver is worth. it's always going to be worth something. >> you're right. that $100 bill lying there, that probably cost the deposit 80 cents to make. there is no restriction on how many of those they can principal. okay? you can't print this. you can't print old coins. >> open from 9 amount to 5:00 p.m. seven days a week.
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you know what i mean? that's not a real business. a real business is when you're open from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. seven days a week. that shows a business owner is there for the business. we don't just close extra hours and you know what i mean? this type of thing is not a real come to nevada coin mart. we are the only place in las vegas to sell. come see neil. it is the tag line. shawn came up with it. it's thick and it's why i'm here. >> you're welcome. trademark. >> fifty dollars if you sell $200 or more, you get a $50 glazer gift certificate. the greatest supermarket in las vegas. they 100% stand behind me. i 100% stand behind them. free jewelry appraisals and coin appraisals. come see john. nobody is selling silver in las vegas for less than we do, right?
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>> shawn, if you break it you buy it. here we go. >> thank you so much. >> nevada coin mart, appraise your coins and currency. they're worth far more than face value. visit their new location on south jones and flamingo. or call or visit their web site. the annual hot air balloon festival is back this weekend. more than 40 hot air balloons will fill the skies over the virgin valley this saturday and sunday. >> spectators are welcome to come at casablanca resort. talk with the pilots for a full rundown of this weekend's festivities, head to the web
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we'll be right back. do you think when you are president you'll be paid as much as if you were a man-male...? this is one of the jobs where they have to pay you the same. but there are so many examples where that doesn't happen. i'm going to do everything i can to make sure every woman in every job gets paid the same... the men who are doing that job. i'm hillary clinton
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welcome back. there is an overweight and obesity epidemic in america. if you're goal is to lose weight, learn how to trim off the fat and get back to living a healthier life. >> that's right. here with more on how to do so is dr. ivan goldsmith goldsmith, and travis zipper. how are you? >> good morning. >> good morning. >> so let's talk about it. there's a diagnostic test that's available that can help people in their mission to lose weight.
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we just saw this type tenters aging show in vegas. elaborate. the technology is incredible. when you go to the doctor, every patient thinks they get a checkup and get blood drawn and conjure up images of a nurse poking them. there is no blood draw. even people like me, you can get -- you can design a personalized approach to your lifestyle and to your weight. and travis is a strong proponents of this and i want i want to tell you about it. >> basically your hair is probably one of your best biomarkers. it holds information for up to 90 days. it comes straight from the brain. we pull four hairs from the back of the head. it's got to have the bull be on it. -- bulb on it. it goes to this big super computer in germany that brings
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minutes. what the report will give you is if you're deficient in certain antioxidants, micro nutrients, trace minerals, essential fatty acids, the vitamins, the basic properly. and has an interference section that will tell if you you're getting too much computer monitor interference, too much low frequency radiation from >> we were just talking about that because we see a lot of patients that have attention deficit disorder. it's estimated 8% of the population in las vegas has attention deficit disorder. that didn't just show up. it's all these things, radiation in our soil and contaminates and pollutants 30be five yesgo would have taken us weeks to get the report. >> four strands of hair, you learn all this information? >> yep. >> amazing how far technology has come. i have a report in my hand. can you explain to us what this
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it basically a 30-page color customized report to you. it will go through a very easy deficient in. there will be something that says either a priority, meaning alone. you need to actually take a supplement to get enough of it. consider. an advisory. those are how much urged get it food. there will also be a food removal section where it will tell you foods to remove. not food that you necessarily have an intolerance too, but foods that your body doesn't have enzymes to break down. >> an example is blueberries. i always thought they're great because they're loaded with antioxidants. but not everybody can digest them. that may not be something incident to your diet if you have a deficiency in being able to digest blueberry. >> this is incredible technology. >> it expands what we do. this is for the patient that
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they're on a assembly line. it's comprehensive, very individualized and it's available off your hair, 15 to 30 minutes. >> does exercise play a role in this? is there a certain type of exercise that can help us see results or more of getting down to the nitty-gritty beyond exercise ha your body is telling you? >> yes. exercise is always going to be good. # we're built to move. we're not built to sit on our butts, so to speak. so it's just one more tool. obviously eating right and being active and now knowing kind of what the body is lacking to try to run right. i use the analogy, you need the oil in the car to run right. if you don't have the oil, the car will break down slowly. >> how many days a week do you work out? >> five. >> five days a week. for some people, that's too much because they can't do it. they have to set realistic goals. and you can help them with that. >> correct. it's all different phases.
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but again, you need to move throughout the day. we can't sit and our bodies break down at that point. so every program for every person is catered, if it's counting their steps, getting up every 20 minutes and touching their toes or if it's going to a gym doing an insanity class. there is all different variations. >> if you have a stressful job and involves a lot of heavy thought and cognitive issues during the day, i cannot understand how somebody could go and do that type of work and intense computer work and not have done 20 to 30 minutes of exercise in the morning. i'm 56. i walk that walk, talk that talk every single day. so i mean, everybody has kids and a busy lifestyle, but you got to make time. at least 20, 30 minutes. i think the recommendation is that we should have 175 minutes of exercise every week. >> it seems that this is incredibly unique. >> it is. and it's not something you can
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i've found that out because not -- every patient is different. some patient has hypothyroid im. everybody has a different thumb print. the prints are not the same. so i need technology like this to be able to customize things. i need people like travis to know where the pitfalls are to advise people correctly. it's tough. medically supervised weight loss -- we like to keep people away from the surgeons. i've had people go to the surgeons and they get this restrictive procedure. but you know what? you can go have a procedure and pay $40,000 and be right where you started from 18 months later if you don't diet and exercise and become cognizant of foods and how you eat. >> you have a special offer going on. what is it? >> for the first ten people to
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where we'll discuss it for free. you can call the number on your screen. >> beautiful number. >> that's the goal. >>, dr. goldsmith. we're seeing a lot of patients at the beginning of the year. everybody is trying to adhere to the new year's resolution. i don't want a patient committed just for a month. i want one that's committed forever and is willing to do what it takes, whether it's medication, dietary changes, customized exercise program. we have people who will make your foods and deliver it to your door and even put it in your refrigerator. but you've got to want to make the change. i can't do that for people. it's like when people want to quit smoking, i can counsel you 'til i'm blue in the face, but if you don't want to quit smoke, you won't quit. >> great having you. thank you so much. >> make a positive change in your life by contacting trimcare. they're located on fort apache at hacienda. check out the number or call the
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more to come on the blend, including a great deal you can really sink your teeth into for national cheese day. you are watching the blend.u$n3(zsi*p= on average, it takes three hundred americans working for a solid year,
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it's called the wage gap. and the republicans will make it worse by lowering taxes for
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their own rules. wwe fans catch all the action now on usa network. >> smackdown joins raw on the network and we have the scoop with the miz. check it out. >> wwe is laying the smackdown on a new network. the hard hitting action is moving to the usa network joining raw and the one and only the miz, is with us this morning to get you ready for all the action. good morning, the miz.
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i am excited about wwe smackdown moving to the usa network. the second longest weekly episodic show in history is coming to usa network. tell you. >> can you say that three times fast? like take somebody down like that. >> no, i can't. i can do it once. that's all you're getting. my apologies for that. >> this is an exciting interview for us because i remember watching the real world back in the day and seeing you talking how much you wanted to be a wrestler. now look the you. you're a former tag team champ, a former intercontinental champ, and even former wwe champ in which you could be again this weekend. how cool is that to continue in the ring? >> oh, my god, it's amazing. never in my wildest dreams when i was on the real world back to new york running around the house annoying my roommates did i think i would become a wwe
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with hard work and with blood, sweat and tears, i did make it and i've made it to the highest you could possibly make it. and now i want that title back. and this sunday on the wwe network at the royal rumble match, i have that opportunity where i could throw 29 other superstars over the top rope and win that title back. i plan on doing that. so watch thursday smack down at 8:00 p.m. on usa network and then tune in to see what i do on the wwe network with the roy rumble match. see me become the wwe world heavyweight champion. >> i'm intrigued to know what number did you get drawn? can you reveal that for us? >> i don't know yet. i don't know yet. i've been number one like twice. like twice. like i always get the short end of the stick. every time. so i know what it takes to be number one. i know what it takes to be towards the end and the middle.
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royal rumble match, let me tell you. >> speaking of that, you mentioned smackdown thursday night helped launch the careers. we've seen the rock take off from there, john cena, so many more. how does it feel to be part of a brand? you mentioned hard work definitely pays off in the end. what can we expect this upcoming when it moves to usa network is this. >> i won my first title on smackdown. so it always has a near, dear place in my heart. i won the wwe tag team tilings on smackdown. that always has a great memory with me. so now you'll get to watch it on the usa network and you'll get to create new memories and i'm just excited about it. we bring our story lines, drama, comedy, action, the crowds interacting with everybody, you know. they boohoo, they hate, they cheer who they love. if you look in the audience, you see an entire family just enjoying themselves and kind of
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our reality. i encourage everyone else to do. >> you can be the good guy one second, but then all of a sudden, maybe do a little -- get on their backs and next thing you know -- >> kind of like real life. sometimes you're like that guy is my best friend. and the next day he does something and you're like, i don't like him anymore. >> that's what's so great about it because it's always something new, something fresh. and good luck to you on thursday. i know they changed this year. so you could walk like you >> exactly. so i mean, that's what i'm really looking forward to is the royal rumble match. happen. like i said, wwe raw, smackdown, the royal rumble, it's live and in your face. you never know what's going to happen. it's always shocking. it's always amazing and it always takes memories away. so i'm really looking forward to
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during this week. >> thank you for joining us this morning. the best of luck to you and growing up i've always been a cain. >> thanks for your support. i appreciate it. >> all right. wwe smackdown moves to usa network this thursday at 8 p.m for information about it and to see some clips, check out the web site there on your screen. i mentioned office cain fan. i know you love the miz. title belt. >> the miz could very well. >> forget the miz, i want to see the micah in the ring. >> micah -- >> we'll have you downloaded with the new channel 13 action news app yet? >> live streaming, there is video on demand, photos and that blazing fast weather radar, on that brand-new and free action news app. it's in the app store and the
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on ktnv win com, you can find so many stories on what makes las vegas a great place to live. >> you'll find special reports, deals at restaurants, everything your heart desires.
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we'll be back. welcome back to the "morning blend." does your home need major repair or do you need to sell quickly for cash? we've got your hero for you. real estate expert, investor and broker for first prime realty group, lathe lavada. he's here to show you how you can do so and get your home -- rather cash for your home. great having you. >> thank you. >> let's talk about this. you buy homes from sellers. what types of homes do you buy and what types of sellers do you buy from? >> i buy unwanted homes from sellers who need to sell quickly. either the home needs massive repairs or the seller is facing some sort of hardship such as a job loss, relocation, divorce, maybe they've inherited a property from a homeowner who had a family member pass away or it's a rental property that just is unwanted. >> yeah, sometimes you'll inherit that type of home. wow, this has not been updated in 50 years. what am to do?
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ridiculous amount of money to fix and put back on the market. we could give that to you. you give us cash for the home and you do what with? >> well, typically ha what i do is up with of two things. i will fix the home up and keep it in my long-term rental portfolio, or fix it up, put it back on the market for resale to a home buyer. it's really a win-win situation for everyone. i like to work with these home sellers because i get to help them out of a bad situation. >> so these are for people -- it's not necessarily your typical home sale, but in the sense of you want to either get out of it fast or it's just way beyond your reach to be able to fix it. >> you do your magic. >> that's exactly right. >> does the seller pay a real estate excision? >> on the homes i buy, there is no real estate commission. i also pay ordinary seller closing costs at close of see joe. this is an as is transaction. we're helping sellers who may not have the funds to obviously repair these properties. so there is no fix-ups, no
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it's as is. i'll come in and purchase the home and help the homeowner make an easy transition out of the property. >> you're the one getting your hands dirty. >> that's right. >> which is a lot better than me. how fast can this happen? let's say we have a property. we just want to get it off our hands. how soon can we get it done? >> i purchased homes as quickly as three days before with cash. >> no kidding. wow. have the cash thing and not waiting for escrow or things that can tie up something of a sale of this magnitude. you trio get a mortgage, they're going to say oh, well you have to fix this, this and this before we put our name to it. >> that's right. most buyers are unwilling or unable to purchase homes like this due to the strict lender guidelines. so it's necessary to sell to a cash buyer like myself because we're the only ones who can afford to buy those and do the repairs. when a normal home buyer that can't get the loan on there and they can't afford possibly those fix-up costs. >> let's say we're in this
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wondering whether or not our home is worthy or unworthy for you to take off our hands. how do we find out? >> it's really simple. i have a three-step process. give my office a call for a 24 hour no obligation cash offer. then what we'll do is take a look at the property, evaluate it. step two is we come to an agreeable purchase price. we sign a purchase agreement. step three, we go to title and closing, a third party title company and you'll get your cash, profits at close of escrow. we want to make it as smooth a transition for the homeowner as possible because a lot of them are in any situation where they're not able to -- they're in a rush. they don't have time. they just need to be out of the property very quickly. so those are the homeowners we help. >> awesome. i know you have a radio show where you answer not just questions regarding homes of this magnitude, but any home really in any situation that you see out there. tell us about the radio show. >> the radio show, we talk about all things real estate, whether
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fixing up homes or how to sell homes for top dollar, or buy homes. that's what the radio show is really about. it's on demand on our web site at lathe so you can access those recorded shows any time you would like. >> very convenient. so you don't have to listen at a certain time. 2:00 a.m., you're thinking about it, you're good to go. and people can ask questions and they can contact your office and ask house. >> they sure can. give our office a call. 702-476-2000. i have someone always standing by to take those calls. and set up times to come down and talk to me about either selling your home for cash or whatever you would like to do with the property. >> all right. great having you. thank you so much. >> thank you. >> all right. again, you can catch his radio show available any time on his web site or on itunes. sell your home for a guaranteed quick and easy 24 hour, no obligation cash offer. for more on his services, call the number or visit the web site on your screen.
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twitter. up next, say cheese. celebrate national cheese lovers day by scoring free mozzarella. remember to check out on our web site, you'll find past segments, facebook and twitter links and recipes. we'll be right back.
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>> hot dog on a stick rolls out the red carpet for freeze ainitial i can't doughs in honor of cheese lovers day. >> today only, stop by a hot dog on a stick for one free mozzarella cheese on a stick. their newest item features it dipped in their signature party batter, cooked fresh on the spot. to perfection. and it pairs nicely with their shiracha kevin coming up. >> our floor guy, drooling right now. he'll swing by. he'lling going up and down. i wonder if they'll difficult him more than one. >> please. >> today on the view, get ready for some heated discussion from the ladies as they talk about some hot topics that's after us.
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ice, ice baby. rapper, actor, tv host, vanilla ice is live in studio. plus the smooth sounds of youth. >> i love vanilla's renovation show. he does great work. all high end stuff. check it out. thursday on the blend, from boerne 5 to jlo's premiere, we have the dish on all things vegas. >> this week, pick of the litter. this thursday, that's tomorrow,
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>> right now. get comfortable and hang on tight for an entire show of the hottest topics on tv. palin around with trump. will sarah's wild endorsement of donald help or hurt his campaign. judge judy, supreme court justice? why college grads really need to do their homework. it all starts now on "the view"
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