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tv   Action News 630pm  ABC  February 19, 2016 6:30pm-7:00pm PST

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sanders rally just getting underway at the henderson pavilion. the vermont senator also picked
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the clark county black caucus. the organization says it's looking for a president who will work to end racial injustice. and.. for all the information you need to know about tomorrow's democratic caucuses.. just go to that includes a link with all of tomorrow's caucus locations. now an update.... to breaking news!!! police have arrested two accused of kidnapping and holding a woman in her home.... near cheyenne and fort apache.... before she was able.... to escape. both suspects took off.. but were caught a few blocks away at another home near rainbow and alexander. 13 action news reporter michael burton spoke with police moments after they made the arrests. that's right, the investigation started at the home where the woman escaped from, and then it carried over to this brown house here, where the two suspects where found. but police say getting both of
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-take pkg- metro even dispatched one of their choppers. because police say when they arrived at this home near alexander and rainbow - only one of the suspects surrendered peacefully. the other ran off - and broke into another home to hide. police found him - arrested him and no one was hurt. as for the victim - police say she wasn't hospitalized as her injuries were very minor. he says he was a little confused by what she was wearing. "middle aged, and she was actually dressed in a dress. and it was early in the morning. so i don't know what that was all about." looklive tag: police were at this home for hours - hoping to learn why the two suspects came here. reporting near alexander and rainbow - michael burton - channel 13 action news. a look now at some of the other top local stories we're following for you right now at 13-action news. lesley whip here stephanie a
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several thousand dollars after paying up front for clear aligners. letty franklin says she paid three grand up front for her invisalign treatment. after nearly a year, the treatment that she says was supposed to take nine months still isn't done. on top of that her first and second dentists both left the practice. now she wants at least part of her money back. desert point dental cited hipaa, saying they couldn't share any information. but said she can call them again to get help. marissa kynaston here at the apothecarium-- the newest medical marijuana dispensary to open its doors.
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retired las vegas police officer. take vo he spent 30 years on the streets-- making thousand of drug arrests-- never expecting to one day open his own legal medical marijuana dispensary. dave kallas will also be one of the dispensaries customers-- hoping to treat his chronic pain. a new medical marijuana dispensary is getting ready to open its doors... tomorrow... and.... it's all being run.... by an unlikely owner... who's using his experience on the streets..... to help treat chronic diseases. retired police officer... dave kallas spent ten and a half years...... chasing down drug offenders as a police officer.... making thousands of arrests. but.... it was just a few years ago.... when he was given a serious medical diagnosis..... that he changed his stance on marijuana.... though he says.... he's continuing his life's mission.... to protect and serve. sot kallas i am continuing with that philosophy because we're protecting people from going places that they probably shouldn't be going, and we are serving our community because
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those patients to get the best quality care that they can with this type of medication "the apothecarium" will open its doors to customers.... starting tomorrow.... at -11- a-m. a live look outside... at a clear evening in the valley... let's head over.... to 13 weather first..... we can expect.... heading into the weekend. the winds have died off and high pressure with tons of sunshine is firmly in control. temperatures will rise into the low to mid 70s tomorrow with just a few high level clouds around and will continue to rise into the mid and upper 70s for sunday through the remainder of this week. in a matter of hours.. voters in south carolina and
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help decide our next president. new polling in south carolina shows donald trump's lead over texas senator ted cruz is shrinking. cruz campaigned today with duck dynasty star phil robertson. running a close third is florida senator marco rubio.. who was campaigning in columbia today with governor nikki haley. and by tomorrow night.. the gop field could be smaller. matthew dowd / abc news political consultant "i think this is at best a four-way going forward. so, it's six to four. and it could be a three-way race after tomorrow." also today.. donald trump says he would like to explain to pope francis why a wall along the mexican border is necessary. the vatican says the pope's remarks yesterday weren't a personal attack. here in nevada.. polls show a dead heat between
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clinton in tomorrow's caucuses. the body of late justice.... antonin scalia is lying in repose.... inside the building.... where he built his legacy.... as a conservative legal icon. scalia's flag-draped casket was carried up the steps.... of the supreme court.... to begin a day of public mourning.... for one of the court's most influential members. the -8- remaining members of the court... scalia's family..... and nearly -1- hundred former law clerks.... attended a short ceremony.... in the court's great hall. scalia's casket rested.... on the same platform..... used for president abraham lincoln. the reverend paul the justice's son and a catholic priest... said prayers. fr. paul scalia / son "you have called your servant antonin out of this world. may he rest in peace." scalia's clerks took turns standing vigil throughout the day..... as members of the public and dignitaries.... including president obama and first lady michelle obama.... paid their respects. scalia's funeral mass will be
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terrifying moments.... caught on camera.... when a helicopter on a board.... remains in critical condition tonight. new video shows... witnesses diving into the murky water to rescue the family of -4- and the pilot. the teenage boy was trapped.... unable to free himself.... from his seatbelt. sot -- chris gardner / rescued chopper passengers "got a knife and we were able to slightly cut through... and it took a long time - it was six or seven minutes." (butted to) sot -- chris gardner / rescued chopper crash... but witnesses say... they heard.... the chopper sputtering and two large bangs.... before it went down. n-t-s-b investigators were on the scene today..... as the navy helps in recovering.... the chopper. new developments on a triple-murder that had worldwide attention. william balfour was the brother-in- law of singer jennifer hudson when he was arrested for the murder of hudson's mother.. brother and nephew. balfour never gave an interview to the media and never but now..
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he's talking for the first time and proclaiming innocence.. despite several witnesses who say they saw him with murder weapon. g-did you ever have the gun? b-no. not one time. g-so the people who said they saw you with the gun were lying? b-exactly. the jury found him guilty of all charges. the judge called his soul "barren" and sentenced him to life without parole. his appeal last year was rejected.. and last month.. the u.s. supreme court refused to take his case. g-why should anybody believe what you're saying now? b-i mean it's up to them to make sense out of it. because if you make a statement and the statement don't add up to the way the murders happen-then it's a problem. that's reasonable doubt. balfour was on parole at the time for a 1992 attempted murder conviction and had a long rap sheet that included carjacking.. burglary... and drug dealing. still ahead... it's tax season... and... that means scammers are finding new ways..... to trick you out of your
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the new way scammers are targeting tax prepares... and... what you need to know.... to protect yourself. with more than 50-million american passports set to expire over the next three years... one major shipping company is expanding their services to cash in on the rise in demand. breaking news out of blount county, tennesse.. near knoxville.. >> i'm deborah norville. coming up, what you're doing wrong every single day and probably don't even know for her "experience, leadership, tenacity," the las vegas sun endorses hillary clinton. just like planned parenthood action fund
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for her fortitude keeping government out of women's personal healthcare decisions. and the league of conservation voters action fund... for her bold plan to attack climate change. or the human rights campaign... because hillary believes only love should decide which two people can marry. not just a progressive. a progressive who gets results. i'm hillary clinton, and i approve this message. they're one of the wall street banks that triggered the financial meltdown -- goldman sachs. just settled with authorities for their part in the crisis
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and millions out of their homes. how does wall street get away with it? millions in campaign contributions and speaking fees. our economy works for wall street because it's rigged by wall street. and that's the problem. as long as washington is bought and paid for, we can't build an economy that works for people.
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tennesse.. near knoxville.. right now police in helicopters.. and on the ground with search dogs are trying to track down this kid.. 16 yer old joseph french. this photo just posted on our abc affiliate's website. french is considered armed and daafter he assaulted a female corrections officer at a juvenile facility.. and took her gun. he tried to shoot her.. but the gun misfired. when authorities catch him.. french will face a charge of attempted murder.
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breakking news center. in tonight's financial focus.. the markets were mixed to finish off the week. dow down 21 nasdaq up 17 sp500 all of the big local gaming stocks gave back some gains from earlier this week.. boyd gaming had the roughest day.. down about 4-and a half percent. u-p-s is planning to expand passport services at all of its 45-hundred stores across the last year.. u-p-s announced plans to let customers schedule appointments for passport photos. u-p-s reported an 8-percent increase in passport service-sales last month.. compared to january of 2015. it's in response to an expected surge in demand.. as nearly 50-million american passports expire over the next 3-years. procter & gamble is planning to cut another $10 billion in costs over the next 5 years. p&g has shed more than 20-thousand jobs so far.. but didn't unveil any new job cuts.. which would indicate the new
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production and marketing. the pending sale of duracell to berkshaway.. and the coty merger.. will remove about 13-thousand jobs from p&g's payroll. now... a contact -13- consumer alert... from the i-r-s... we've told you before..... about scammers contacting you..... through e- mail or text messages... and... we're learning it's now worse.... than ever. anne mc-namara reports.... on the - 4-hundred percent the first -2- months of the year. pkg full= 15:11 come on over, john.. at this liberty tax location... nats 25:11 you can claim her up to 23 if she's in school... the owner takes pride in personal connection with that's lost when people file online. steve mcdermott owner, liberty tax service 37:04 i know his family, i know what theyre going through. i can give advice and get him filed quickly and safely. and he's not surprised to hear asking taxpayers to update their e- filing accounts. 34:48 it always seems like
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figure out one, there's another one. it's important to know...the i-r-s will not contact you via phone or email. so if you get something like this...ignore it. already this year...the number of scams is up 400 percent! just last month...more than a thousand scams were reported. compared to last january...when there were about 250. and february is also off to a bad start with 363 scams. last february -- there were about 200 -- total. 36:21 the best thing to do is filenow because you might just beat a hacker's attempt to file on your behalf. n world where ide-rnts is starting to assign six-digit cice the system. 38:15 just having the social protect your identity isnt enough anymore for the now...i'm anne mcnamara. . the winds have died off and high pressure with tons of sunshine is firmly in control. temperatures will rise into the low to mid 70s tomorrow with just a few high level clouds
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rise into the mid and upper 70s for sunday through the remainder of this week. as high pressure builds in from the west we'll see some stronger winds through the las vegas valley with gusts to about 20 or 25mph possible sunday and monday. the colorado river valley could see some stronger winds, but models have shifted the strongest winds slightly east which diminishes the chance for wind advisories for lake mead and southward. the winds settle down by tuesday evening and will generally make for a simply amazing week. light winds are expected from wednesday onwards and highs are expected to stay about 8-12 above normal. coming up later.. in tonight's abc primetime
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tomorrow with just a few high level clouds around and will continue to rise into the mid and upper 70s for sunday through the remainder of this week. as high pressure builds in from the west we'll see some stronger winds through the las vegas valley with gusts to about 20 or 25mph possible sunday and monday. the colorado river valley could see some stronger winds, but models have shifted the strongest winds slightly east which diminishes the chance for wind advisories for lake mead and southward. the winds settle down by tuesday evening and will generally make for a simply amazing week. light winds are expected from wednesday onwards and highs are expected to stay about 8-12 above normal. coming up later.. in tonight's abc primetime
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8:00 - last man standing 8:30 - dr. ken 9:00 - shark tank 10:00 - 20/20 then on action news.. live at 11.. a valley family shelled out big bucks for a major appliance and paid extra for the extended warranty.
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tonight-what you need to know before buying a warranty. plus--a school employee caught on camera cussing in front of students. why parents are so outraged tonight. metro's newest officers are getting.... a safety upgrade. it's some new video equipment that many feel was a long time coming. we'll be right back.
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metro's i've watched as the house across the street has sat empty for over six years. i've watched good friends have their homes foreclosed on. people are still really suffering, and they're looking for somebody that is going to create bold change. wall street gave bad advice and bad loans over and over again, and nothing happened. people are so excited about bernie sanders
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we need someone like bernie sanders that's going to fight for the middle class. we have to fix things now. sanders: i'm bernie sanders,
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some new technology. all of the newest officers have been issued body-cameras. metro calls it a milestone for the department. the 62 graduating officers were trained on the use of the body-cams before entering patrol. bryan has another look.... at your forecast... in just a bit. you're watching... 13 action news... stay with us. the winds have died off and high pressure with tons of
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temperatures cordes: most nurses are tough. they're problem-solvers. they like making things better. people don't have ssce to healthcar bernie sanders understands how pharmaceutical companies and major medical companies are ripping us off. bernie tells the truth, and he's been consistent. he understands that the system is rigged, and he's the only one who can bring real change.
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firmly in control. temperatures will rise into the low to mid 70s tomorrow with just a few high level clouds around and will continue to rise into the mid and upper 70s for sunday through the remainder of this week. that's 13 action news for now.. but... we hope to see you again later tonight.... for action news.. live at 11.
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"inside edition" is next.
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cordes: most nurses are tough. they're problem-solvers. they like making things better. people don't have access to healthcare because they just can't afford it. bernie sanders understands how pharmaceutical companies and major medical companies are ripping us off. bernie tells the truth, and he's been consistent.
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and he's the only one who can bring real change. i'm bernie sanders, and i approve this message. one of the areas that i've been particularly interested in is the area of children. we intend to be sure that everybody in this room and every child in this state is somebody. no matter where they're born, no matter to whom they are born. i want to make sure that every child has a chance to live up to his or her god-given potential. i've spent my life fighting for children, and i'm not stopping now. i'm hillary clinton,
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>> trump versus the pope. >> you've been in fights with a lot of people. but the pope? >> world reaction. >> i mean this takes taylor swift versus kanye west like nothing. >> then walking dead 911. cops raid their home because they're watching the walking dead. >> 911 emergency. what are you reporting? >> plus, the shocking plot to frame a pta president. >> by this married couple. >> did you knowingly participate in a scheme with your wife to frame kelly peters? >> now final vindication. >> this is not okay to do to somebody. then, sister versus sisters. how the murder of their mother by dad is tearing them apart. >> i think he completely brain washed them. >> we made our own decision. plus -- >> wrong. >> wrong. >> wrong. >> what you're doing wrong every day.


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