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tv   Action News 11am  ABC  August 8, 2016 11:00am-12:01pm PDT

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and had a lot of friends. no super 7:26:29-7:26:36 "my grandmother-- they were best friends the shock my grandmother received on the phone my grandmother suffered a stroke" butt to 7:27:00-7:27:03 "it happened five minutes after she received the phone call." man of her relatives live out of state. they say she would cook for her priest and homeless people. phoner gfx 8-8-16 parker homicide interview ii 00:00:44-00:00:51 "she prayed the rosary every day. she did not deserve to die like this." e that's what the family wants more than anything-- justice. parker collins thirteen action news. happening right now....some travelers are still stranded at mccarran... this is all because of the early morning power outage at atlanta's main airport--- that knocked delta's computer systm offline for several hours this
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nearly 365 flights and that ripple effect is being felt here in las vegas. 13 action news reporter marissa kynaston joins us from mccarran with what it's looking like out there right now. flights are back up and running now-- but this will cause a ripple effect throughout the rest of the day-- you can see all the yellow on the board-- thats all the delayed flights. delta airlines says they canceled around thre flights across the globe today..after its computer system crashed. it was all because of a power outage in of their busiest hubs. thats when delta grounded their flights. that outage lasted about six hours-- but delays and cancellations are expected to continue-- some travelers here at mccarran are seeing delays from 30 three hours. godefroid dijcke/traveling from belgium: we are worried we are not going to make our connection, that's the most
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several things going on in belgium tomorrow and tuesday so we need to be there you might remember a similar outage last month-- with southwest airlines-- they had to cancel over two thousand flights during that time. mk--13an. flight-vo it wasn't all bad news for delta passengers... these people who were grounded on a flight from hawaii to lax... were treated to pizza late last night. sean carson, from new york, tweeted a picture of ground support staff at kona international airport handing out pizza to passengers who had been waiting onboard for more than two hours. ((ad lib and toss to wx)) ((ad lib and toss to wx))
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48hrs. mainly sunny to sunny skies will be common along with highs temperatures a few degrees above normal; hovering between 105 to 110 degrees. winds look to be breezy today but pick up strength tomorrow as we continue to watch and temperatures fall to the upper 90s for highs. javier looks to force moisture into the southwest but most a shot for showers as a precaution. breaking news.... 19 people are recovering right
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been - tainted gummies - at a san francisco party. the san francisco examiner is reporting 3 of them are children. they were all at a quinceanera on saturday. the health department is now testing all the food everyone ate at the party to figure out what made people sick... ....but right now, they think it might have been gummy candy. just in this morning -- conservative republicans have recruited a candidate to launch an independent white house bid against donald trump and hillary clinton. evan mcmullin -- a former c-i-a staffer and top house g-o-p aide -- is expected to formally enter the presidential race soon. is expected to formally enter the presidential race soon. this is according to a source close to the recruiting effort, mcmullin is a longshot for the white house at best -- he will face high hurdles in the form of ballot access deadlines that have already passed in many states. mcmullin will however, offer anti-trump conservatives an alternative.
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trump laid out his economic plan in detroit.... and he's promising massive tax cuts. trump's proposals got a lot of cheers from his supporters... but he was heckled by numerous protesters as well. he had to stop speaking on several occassions while security escorted people out. fire-vo new this midday... a trump supporter is upset after his 12 foot sign is set on fire his own front yard..... the victim got a knock on the door around 1 a-m sunday morning by someone driving by.... the man said he hired a local now he says he wants to get to the bottom of what happened in his own front yard. "this is america, i have the right for my free speech. cowards to not have the right to come onto my personal property to come over my fence, and to set my personal property on fire," the victim also says he's bringing the artist back to staten island to build another sign. investigators are still searching for the person...or people responsible. the family of the muslim boy was who arrested after bringing
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officials. the lawsuit was just filed today - on behalf of ahmed mohamed. it claims the 14 year old's civil rights were violated. mohamed was arrested at his high school back september - and charged with having a hoax bomb. he says he brought the homemade clock to school to show his teacher. the charge was later dropped, but the teen was still suspended. a spokesperson for the district says a statement will be released later today. should we be concern with the some new warnings that are out... that's ahead at midday... and.. a 10 year old boy is killed while riding the largest water slide in the world.. now federal officials are taking over the case.... in today's health report... florida officals are keeping a
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nevada is one of the worst places in america for the sex trafficking of teenage girls. to help law enforcement fight back. as attorney general, she made sex trafficking a felony crime and increased sentences. she gave victims the right to sue their captors. and expanded the sex offender registry to protect kids. catherine's a problem-solver. that's what she's all about. isn't that something we need more of in washington?
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close eye on the zika... but should we be concerned here in las vegas??? the number of cases rise to 16.... the governor says those cases are contained to the southern part of the downtown miami area.... but with similar climates in lo uisiana...alabama...mississippi .... georgia and texas they all crafted plans to combat zika. now the concerns of zika spreading have prompted a nation wide alert... to even places like las vegas....with a low risk for the diseas area... (gov. rick scott/ (r) florida):"congress and the president have not been able to come together and pass a bill to provide more funding.// we're continuing to ask the federal government to help with mosquito control, help reimburse at the state level. the white house and congress have been engaged in a fierce partisan battle, over a 1-point-9 billion dollar zika funding bill.....which scientists hoped would fund research to a zika vaccine a jogger's family is heartbroken over the loss of
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was strangled to death... what her mom has to say... that's ahead later.... and...a fast growing wildfire in a california is growing out of control... we'll take you to the scene of it...that's next! right now... people living in san bernadino
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nevada is one of the worst places in america for the sex trafficking of teenage girls. e cortez masto went to work to help law enforcement fight back. as attorney general, she made sex trafficking a felony crime and increased sentences. she gave victims the right to sue their captors. and expanded the sex offender registry to protect kids. catherine's a problem-solver. that's what she's all about. isn't that something we need more of in washington?
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fire... and quickly spread to nearly hundreds of firefighters are battling the flames from the ground and the air. families are now packing up their things.. not knowing when they'll be allowed back. fire officials still dont know what caused the flames to spark... moving to pakistan...where monsoon rains have continued....causing flooding and damage to homes there. residents of bannu.... say municipal authorities failed to take preventative
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sewage system in the city was outdated and wasn't working properly. elsewhere in pakistan.... floods have destroyed crops...resulting in huge losses for farmers. adlib at desk a dry pattern sets up shop here in the southwest for the next 48hrs. mainly sunny to sunny skies will be comm temperatures a few degrees above normal; hovering between 105 to 110 degrees. winds look to be breezy today but pick up strength tomorrow as we continue to watch tropical storm javier as it spins within the gulf of california. by wednesday, clouds will build and temperatures fall to the upper 90s for highs. javier looks to force moisture into the southwest but most models indicate the rain forming just to the east of las vegas. the potential is so close to
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precaution. it's only a matchup of fourth and fifth-place teams. but friday's yankees' home game against the rays is now a hot
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will play the final game of his
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because of it.... resale ticket prices have spiked more than 500-percent! and our finanicial analyst....steve budin is joins us live in studio to talk about that and a number of other things.... us adds 255k jobs clinton/trump speeches tix for a-rod's last
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i'm one of them. yo tambien. i'm one of over 300,000 nevadans who rely on social security. social security helps us pay the bills... ...and enjoy the retirement that we've earned. that's what makes joe heck so dangerous. his plan to privatize social security means billions in profits for wall street... ...risking retirement security on the stock market. what if it crashes again? wall street has given joe heck
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nder who he's working for? because it's not us. afscme people is responsible
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the park is closed this morning.... as abc's alex perez reports... investigators are trying to determine what went wrong. this morning, authorties investigating what went tragically wrong at this popular kansas city water park sot phoner 23;44;40 the mother was screaming he's not moving - that's my boy abc news learning the 10 year old son of kanasas state representative scott schwab died while riding what's known as the tallest waterslide in th at the schliatterban water park [gfx] schwab telling abc news overnight "since the day [caleb] was born, he brought abundant joy to our family ?we are comforted knowing he believed in our savior jesus, and they are forever together now. we will see him another day." kmbc waterpark intv sot mom at the park - it brought tears my eyes that someone else lost their child that is my childs age that i'm sure they felt was safe. this morning, while the city grieves -- investigators are
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happened sunday at the kansas park winter prosapio - corporate director of communications and government relations for the parks sot: "our thoughts and prayers are with the family during this difficult time." nat safety guidelines this is what the ride - called "verruckt" (keyable) - german for "insane" (keyable) -- looks like from the top [gfx] standing at 168 feet high, it's taller than the statue of rushing tubers hitting speeds of nearly 70 miles per hour (keyable) nat screaming commercials for the ride even askingt are you insane? the slide requires a minimum height of 54 inches and two to three riders must be in a raft with a total weight of at least 400 pounds - when the ride opened two years ago - sliders had to be at least 14 years of age - that has since changed.... but before the ride even opened, many raised questions about its safety - especially after watching these early safety tests? showing sandbag dummies flying off the slide. the ride's opening delayed at least 3 times while the park
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safety expert 21;48;14 quite possibly this is not going to be a result of a mechanical issue but a human error delta airlines blames a power outage on the chaos that has created an interesting morning for flyers around the world! marrissa kynaston to get an update on the situation.... ((ad lib over live mccarran pictures)) also...oscar pistorius is making headlines this midday... after being convicted of killing his girlfriend.... he's now facing questions if he tried to kill himself... cathy vetrano - soon we're
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there you have it folks. it's the greatest double-play ever. get two medium two-topping pizzas for $6.99 each. add any four, twenty-ounce pepsi-cola products for just $5. papa johns.
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13 action news reporter parker collins is in the studio with us. parker... you just got an update from police? that's right. police now say a fight between the woman and her estranged husband happened just before she died. now they can't find him. it's clear she touched a lot of lives. yesterday... police got the call... the victim was in her seventies... and died where she lived. metro is calling this a homicide. her family says she was very religious... and had a lot of friends. phoner 8-8-16 parker homicide interview ii 00:00:44-00:00:51 "she prayed the rosary e she did not deserve to die like this." man of her relatives live out of state. they say she would cook for her priest and homeless people. the killer has not been found. that's what the family wants more than anything-- justice. parker collins thirteen action news. some saying their flights have been delayed three hours. this...after delta airlines was forced to ground some
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13 action news reporter marissa kynaston joins us from mccarran with how this is affecting travelers. flights are back up and running now-- but this will cause a ripple effect throughout the rest of the day-- you can see all the yellow on the board-- thats all the delayed flights. delta airlines says they canceled around three hundred flights across the globe today..after its computer system crashed. it was all because of a power outage in of thats when delta grounded their flights. that outage lasted about six hours-- but delays and cancellations are expected to continue-- some travelers here at mccarran are seeing delays from 30 three hours. chelsea reynolds, flight delayed it's just aggravating, so annoying, we're just tired and ready to get home already and we haven't even started out flight yet so we got delayed like 2 hours so we'll be here about 12 you might remember a similar outage last month-- with
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flights during that time. mk--13an. a spirit airlines flight from los angeles to fort lauderdale, florida had to be diverted friday after police say a passenger assaulted a crew member. crew members noticed the passenger -ac near the exit door while the plane was in flight. they moved his seat to the back of the plane where he attacked a crew member. another passenger stepped in to help crew members detain the suspect. the pilot had to diverted the plane to sky harbor airport in phoenix. police said he appeared to be impaired. he was booked into the local jaul on two counts of assault.... ((ad lib and toss to wx)) ((ad lib and toss to wx)) a dry pattern sets up shop here in the southwest for the next 48hrs. mainly sunny to sunny skies
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above normal; hovering between 105 to 110 degrees. winds look to be breezy today but pick up strength tomorrow as we continue to watch tropical storm javier as it spins within the gulf of javier looks to force moisture into the southwest but most models indicate the rain forming just to the east of las vegas. the potential is so close to the city, i will be putting in a shot for showers as a precaution. breaking news... a massachusetts jogger has been found dead - after being 27 year old vanessa marcotte was found in a wooded area about a half- mile from her mother's princeton home. her family says she went out
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back - so they reported her missing... her body was found 7 hours later.. the latest on a murder mystery in new york. the family of the 30-year-old jogger killed while running last week is now speaking out karina vetrano's mother had strong words for the killer... cathy vetrano/mother the whole entire world knows what a the whole entire world knows what a pathetic, puny, weak, piece of filth that you are. . vetrano was found dead last week. her body discovered just 15 feet away from a trail that she ran nearly every day. on friday, detectives discovered a sneaker and
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in hopes of finding finger prints or d-n-a evidence. right now...the police in san francisco is asking anyone with information to come forward after a person is believed to be killed in a random pokemon attack.... the 20-year-old was playing the popular game with a group of friends at a park saturday night... and police believe he was ambushed. the victim's friends told police they noticed someone suspicious watching them from up on a hill, but it was too dark to see a face. university in afghanistan are kidnapped. this morning...the american and an australian were driving when they were abducted at gunpoint . their driver and bodyguard were left unharmed. this incident comes after six tourists were injured in afghanistan last week when a rocket struck their vans. the taliban claimed responsiblity for the attack. new trouble for former paralympian oscar pistorius.. he is back in prison after being rushed to the hospital.
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the athlete is denying accusations this was a suicide attempt. prison officials are still investigating. pistorius is serving a 6 year sentence for fatally shooting his girlfriend, model reeva steenkamp. this just in.... spoiler alert - from the olympics if you don't want to hear results from today... press mute. michael phelps is advancing to tonight's semifinals in the men's 200- meter butterfly. phelps isn't the only american on a winning streak. team usa to medals in spectacular fashion yesterday. amy robach is in rio with the latest. nat "the united states will win gold!" the us men's swim team struck gold sunday night! michael phelps-the most decorated olympian of all time is back and helped bring his team to victory in the men's 4 x 100 freestyle relay nat "what a time by michael phelps!" with this win phelps has now earned his 19th gold medal and 23rd overall medal in the olympic games.
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overcome with emotion on the podium. the olympic veteran - no stranger to hearing the star spangled banner - put a comforting arm around the gold medal newbie. nats ledecky winning moment "ledecky smashes the world record..lecdecky is on her way to history and the rio games" also shining bright was 19-year-old american katie ledecky winning gold in the 400 meter freestyle, crushing her competitio nat from race (if we have time) ledecky-who was favored to win--breaking the world record and beating her closest competitor by 5 seconds?this superstar swimmer was only 15 when she won gold at the london games-and is now being called the female phelps other american stars also making waves include four time gold medalist dana vollmer--this self proclaimed mom on a mission had her first child last year and took bronze in the 100 meter butterly. as for the men-- first time
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meter breast stroke. nats gymnasts and the womens gymnastics team, decked out in stars and stripes dominating all the events. on the bars ...the vault...the beam...and the floor--ending the night in first place! and simone biles making her much-anticipated olympics debut -led the charge nat from announcer about simone standing at just 4 foot 8 inches the team's smallest member came out with the biggest scores?even showcasing her signature move - the biles? and on the tennis courts serena and venus will round match in the doubles competition?but serena won earlier in the day beating her australian opponent in straight sets. now the 4- time gold medalist - playing again later today - is on track to add to her collection. right man is on a cross country mission to show his support for police.... billy richards says he was
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so he left his home in new york to embark on this journey. so far... he's run through 27 cities. sometimes...he runs alone, but he says officers will come join him. richards says...he hopes to boost morale at departments across the country. sot 145613 billy richards, running to support police departments "i've gotten nothing but smiles and everything. they're very grateful for what i've been doing. i've also gotten a lot of positive feedback from the community as well. he plans on stopping by at his way back to new york. a kitten in italy is saved thanks to some italian coast guards..... some kids alerted the coast guard as the kitten floated apparently lifeless in the water after getting mouth-to-mouth resucitation.... . the kitten.... began coughing up water. a vet indicates the kitten is now in good health. incredible video of an officer
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to blow up a gas station... now that hometown hero is thankful to be it all happened... that's next after the break... and... an inmate tries to commit suicide and a correctional officer jumps in to save her..... and here's a live look at the new york stock exchange... ((ad-lib)) ((ad-lib)) right now-- people in southern mexico are bracing for more
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dangerous storms-- after hurricane earl leaves at least 40 people dead. the heavy rains triggered landslides that burried homes and folks living in the area. the storm is now a tropical depression....but the national hurricane center says the area could still get more rain. meanwhile.... the other side of mexico is preparing for newly formed tropical storm javier.
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hurricane. a dry pattern sets up shop here in the southwest for the next 48hrs. mainly sunny to sunny skies will be common along with highs temperatures a few degrees above normal; hovering between 105 to 110 degrees. winds look to be breezy today but pick up strength tomorrow as we continue to watch tropical storm javier as it spins within the gulf of california. by wednesday, clouds will build upper 90s for highs. javier looks to force moisture into the southwest but most the city, i will be putting in a shot for showers as a precaution. this just in...
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the ingredients from the whopper are being rolled up -
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no mayo - that's being swapped out for a queso sauce. burger king's c-e-o says he's been looking for a way to add tex-mex to his menu. you can check it out for yourself. it will be on menus across the country starting august 15th - next monday. now let's take a look at today's top stories now trending... newly released surveillance video shows a miami-dade police officer risking his life-- take a look at this crazy video from 20-13. you can see a man trying to set fire to an eight-thousand gallon underground storage tank at a gas station next to miami's international airport. surveillance footage shows the smoke smoldering as the man grabs a gas pump and starts dousing the ground. that's when miami-dade county police officer mario gutierrez raced in...
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dade county police):"it would have been massive chaos, they would have thought it was terrorism who knows. and they wouldn't have been able to talk to me because i would have been nothing but vaporized." more of the video shows gutierrez falling to the ground... as jean viciously swings at him more than 20 times. gutierrez was stabbed about a dozen times. but he still managed to grab his gun and shoot jean, who died at the scene. also.... is being called a hero after he prevented an inmate from trying to kill herself. and it was all caught on camera. it happened monday at a jail in maricopa county. once the officer opened the inmate's jail cell to escort her to the medical unit....the woman tried to jump over a top-floor railing. the officer had to pull the inmate back twice to save her life. the officer suffered minor injuries in the incident. you can check out all of the stories trending today... on our ktnv mobile app
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vegas is celebrating two years the all-new menu features a seasonal selection of refreshing flavors perfect for the warmer weather. chef/owner cory harwell is here with more. this just in... hillary clinton participates in
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8---the bachelor in paradise 10---mistresses 11--13 action news....
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news live at 3. until then..
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>> announcer: get ready to rise, shine and dine -- because today we're all about breakfast. if you've got a daybreak dilemma, then you're in luck. because michael's making over your mornings with his breakfast solutions that aren't just good, they're "egg-cellent." then, it's a "triple c food factory" with "the bachelorette's" chris harrison. they're whipping up a batch of pancakes that will make you flip with delight. plus, mario's hanging with country superstar jennifer nettles and they've got a dish that's everything it's cracked up to be. your day's about to get brighter right here, right now, on "the chew." ? [ cheers and applause ] hey, everybody. thank you. wow, this is quite an wow, this is quite an audience


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