tv Action News 11pm ABC August 21, 2016 11:00pm-11:36pm PDT
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breaking right now. new details.. following a fatal stabbing in the north west. quickly.-- some of you on the east side -- are getting wind and rain. karla huelga -- is tracking the storm's movements. we'll check in with her in a bit. police are back on the scene -- only a block -- from where a man was murdered -- a just hours ago. 13 action news reporter -- gina lazara -- is live near stewart and nellis -- with the latest. gina? police were called out to this exactly why. we did hear police yell to someone to please come outside with their hands in the air. and a few minutes afer that we saw a guy with long shaggy hair get put into handcuffs. police have confirmed this incident tonight is related to a homicide from earlier this afternoon-- but won't say exactly how it is connected. the homicide earlier happened near the 7- 11 at charleston and nellis. police told us a guy was
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ended up dying from his injuries. back out here live --- police are still working this scene where we watched a guy get taken into custody about an hour ago. we've confirmed this is related to this afternoon's fatal stabbing -- we just don't know exactly how. reporting live gina lazara 13 action news. las vegas is in the clear for now. a quick storm -- just skirting the city. 13-first-alert meteorologist -- karla huelga -- in the weather center tonight. karla -- morning commuters -- will they see rain? we are very dry at the surface which means we probably won't see more that clouds and breezy winds from showers south and tomorrow and isolated showers on tuesday. get a look at this incredible
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pheonix. we first showed you this -- on 13 action news -- live at six. dust storms like this -- not uncommon for the phoenix area. by this time tomorrow -- we'll know if the deadly shooting of an unarmed man -- by las vegas police -- is justified or not. last new year's eve -- metro confronted keith chil wanted man in arizona. this is the body cam video -- metro released. officers shot childress -- as he walked toward them -- believing he had a gun. it turned out to be -- a cell phone. right now -- the officers involved -- are on paid administrative leave. an update now -- on a story many of you have been asking us about. the golden retriever -- that escaped a crash on i-15 -- just south of primm -- still has not been found. joey beltran -- was on his way to victorville -- to say
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shattering the windows. his golden retriever -- nala jumped out the window -- and bolted into the desert near the solar panels since our story ran last thursday -- many peope have helped the family look for the puppy -- including a drone company and a helicopter company. they still haven't had any luck finding nala. a man -- missing in laughlin -- is spotted in bullhead city. right beside me -- a surveillance image of danile cabarello -- at a circle k. the 80-year-old disapeared last thursday. he ma stress -- and need medical help. here's how you can help. red-rock search and rescue says -- cabarello keeps his money in a red handkerchief. when he pays for anything -- he pulls out that red handkerchief. if you see him -- call police. heat and wind -- are fueling two massive wildfires -- tearing across california at this hour -- scorching thousands of acres. in central california -- hundreds of homes are in the danger zone. the fire -- burning just a few
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castle -- in san simeon. the site -- now shut down. evacuation warnings have been issued. everyone -- forced out by the so-called blue cut fire -- finally getting to go home. firefighters -- containing about 83 percent of the blaze. flames and smoke -- destroying at least 105 homes. no word on how this fire started. overseas tonight -- turkey's president is blaming isis -- and a suicide bomber no older than 14 -- for a deadly wedding attack. more than 50-people were killed -- and dozens wounded -- in the explosion. abc's jennifer reports on a growing firestorm in turkey. script: (nat pop - sirens ) carnage on the streets... a night time wedding celebration in turkey turning tragic. a suicide bomber attacking as guests danced outside. ambulances ferrying the injured revellers...of the 50 least 29 children. an eyewitness calling the scene - a war zone (--nat pop erdogan--) president erdogan --- saying the bomber was just
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(--cut to script - coup/istanbul airport attack and friday's other wedding violence--) it's the deadliest attack this year? in a nation still reeling from a deadly attack on its largest airport... (nats) a failed coup... (nats) and just last week - another wedding rattled by violence. (nats) this morning...funerals from for the victims from this latest tragedy...crowds heard chanting " ergdogan - killer." the president unpopular in this part of the country. (eccleston close) this terror vice president joe biden's visit to turkey. tonight, the white house issuing a strong condemnation of the bombing - calling it barbaric. iraq has executed 36 people -- convicted in the massacre -- of as many as 17-hundred military recruits. a provincial governor says -- the convicts were hanged today in a prison. more executions are expected. isis militants killed the recruits -- after taking over
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un in the philippines --the nation's president -- is threatening to pull out of the united nations. he's angry -- because u-n human rights experts say -- his crackdown on drugs in the country -- has gone too far. using harsh language we can't repeat on t-v --the president blamed the u-n -- for not intervening sooner. in your voice -- your vote -- and the race for the white house-- donald trump -- bringing the campaign to las vegas. trump's holding a rally -- this doors open at 11. if you're interested in attending -- you need to register on his website. tickets start at two-hundred dollars. donald trump's on a new mission -- trying to reach out to african-american voters. but -- as abc's mary bruce reports -- he's already getting backlash. script: tonight, donald trump refining his message to minority voters? sot trump/saturday va: i want our party to be the home of the african-american voter once again after this pitch to african- americans sparked
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you're living in poverty, your schools are no good, you have no jobs, 58% of your youth is unemployed. what the hell do you have to lose? trump making the case friday before a predominately white crowd in michigan? but our analyst questioning who he's really talking to lz granderson: i think he's really talking to white people, which is why he only talks to white people when he talks about black people. trump's new campaign manager to his defense on the job 5 days, kellyanne conway, changing course on trump's taxes, after once saying this old kellyann sot re trump taxes now backing trump's decision not to release his tax returns sot conway/tw: i've learned since on being the inside that this audit is a serious matter and that he has said that when the audit is complete, he'll
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november, both sides upping the attacks. the clinton campaign questioning trump's financial ties to russia? sot mook/tw: there are real questions being raised about whether donald trump himself is just a puppet for the kremlin in this race? trump supporter former mayor rudy giuliani pointing to speculation circulating in conservative outlets about clinton's health? sot giuliani: she has an entire media empire donald trump//fails to point out several signs of illness by her. on-camera close: and tonight the latest fundraising numbers are in. trump has picked up the pace, but clinton is still far out-raising and out- spending her republican rival. . and hillary clinton -- is making a campaign stop in reno -- on thursday. no word yet -- on where she'll be speaking. butclinton will be discussing -- her plans to create jobs -- and improve the economy.
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he'll speak at a union convention -- over at the mirage -- before heading over to the plumbers -- and pipefitters training center for a rally. doors open to the public at 9 a.m. if that's not a tornado than i don't know is mother nature -- barrelling across the midwest -- leaving incredible damage in her wake. and parents -- listen up. the price of a medicine -- that could save your child's life -- is skyrocketing. what you need to know -- before your child -- gets hit with and chopper 13 is bringing you breaking news fast -- and
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they ram their truck -- into the front of a shooting range. they ransack the business -- pulling out weapons -- getting away lots of guns. back at home. a rough night for a local family. a van -- plows into their house -- near stewart and lamb. the driver -- reportedly blacked out. thankfully -- nobody was hurt. a consumer alert -- from contact 13. a pharmaceutical company -- under fire -- for hiking the price of a life- saving percent -- to 600-dollars. abc's eva pilgrim reports -- parents worry tonight -- they won't be able to afford it -- for their children. script: nats - mylan commercial: "every six minutes life threatening allergies send someone to the hospital." tonight? the rising cost of the life saving allergy medicine? epipen? forcing many families to make tough choices.
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this is a life or death medicine. lila has had to use the epipen and if we had been without she may not be sitting next to me right now. the cost of epipens from the pharmaceutical company mylan? have gone up about 480-percent? from about 100 dollars in 2009? to more than 600 dollars this year. (from: american pharmacists association).. for most who need them? they have to get more than one. sot - katie badura/mother: it's not uncommon for somebody who requires an epipen, for a child, to have them in many different places. epipen manufactured 87 percent of all epinephirine auto-injectors prescribed las $1 per dosage. mylan justifying the price increase.. tag: mylan says it offers a savings card.. allowing most insured patients to pay nothing. other companies meanwhile.. are trying to compete. that was eva pilgrim reporting. tonight -- officials are saying
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some expecting mothers -- are taking extreme precaution. one mom -- moving completely out of florida. gigi mains says -- it makes perfect sense. (gigi mains, expectant mother) "he is our life and he comes first, and same with this baby. and i want to give that baby a chance that he had, you know, the centers for disease control -- advising pregnant women not to travel this next story is just revolting. someone -- over and over again -- relieving themselves -- in the worst possible way -- leaving human waste -- at a popular park -- near washington, d.c. parents and children -- having to watch their step. officials say the waste -- has been found about five times in the last few months. the culprit covers it -- with a shirt or jacket. when a parent or child picks it
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meghan collins -- finding one -- hidden where her two-year-old son duke plays. (meghan collins/ concerned parent) "nobody would want your kids to have to deal with that on a playground." the culprit -- is tough to sniff out. parks and recreation believes -- it's happening after hours in the dark. a texas a-and-m student is dead -- from what could be a drug overdose at a frat house. police -- finding the 19-year- old -- unresponsive at the sigma-nu house. four other people were arrested -- for possession of marijuana -- and possession of a controe the fraternity says -- its thoughts and prayers -- are with the victim's family and loved ones -- and is cooperating with investigators. players arrested - v five notre dame football players -- arrested on marijuana charges -- could get kicked out of school. police - -pulling over the players for speeding on friday. officials say a trooper smelled marijuana in their car. sgt. tony slocum, indiana state police): "a trooper initiated a traffic stop and walking up to the vehicle to speak with the driver he smelled odor of marijuana emitting from the vehicle.
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a texas student -- claiming anti- semitic harrasment by his fellow classmates -- is blaming the school district. the incident -- happening at the international festival -- of all places. (eliav terk/ student) "a group of students who went to the middle east booth and they took all the israeli flags that were on the banner and proceeded to attend the festival -- but other jewish students did -- and told him about it. administrators -- but nothing happened. so -- he went to the pro-israel group -- stand-with-us -- who filed a formal complaint. the district -- apologizing for the incident. they say they'll offer proper protection -- against religious harassment in the future. extreme weather across parts of the country tonight at least nine tornados reported from michigan to kentucky. if that's not a tornado than i don't know is pounding down rain and gusts tossing cars and slamming tress
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in texas.. just outside of san antonio.. overnight rains coming down. 9 inches in just 4 hours meanwhile residents across southern louisiana still picking up the damage a week after flooding devastated the area. officials now saying an estimated 60,000 homes are damaged flood victims are lining up in droves -- for much needed supplies -- as they try and recover from devastating flooding. the salvation army and red cross -- teamed up with tyson and l-s-u to make this donation sight possible. organizers say-- they've helped naerly ten thousand people. capt. brett meredtih/ baton rouge salvation army) "this morning, i was handing out food boxes, and a lady just broke down crying. i hugged her and prayed with her, and just consoled her. because it's just a lot of overwhelming emotions right now for folks." (shenitha gibson/ flood victim) "my heart just goes out to everybody. because we lost... but we're here to help everybody else too as well. to kind of get through this time."
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on tuesday. chances for rain are looking rather bleak for tonight. we are very dry at the surface which means we probably won't see more that clouds and breezy winds from showers south and east of the area. keep chances for scattered showers in the forecast for tomorrow and isolated showers on tuesday. expect clou
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in the mid and upper 90s, then partly cloudy on tuesday with highs in the upper 90s. things looks drier by wednesday as we will be between systems highs in the low 100s. another system will start to push in from the west on thursday and will bring breezy winds thursday and friday. expect partly cloudy skies both
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the low 100s on thursday then upper 90s on friday. the system may send enough moisture our way to give us a token chance for rain. by saturday it'll push east, but high temps will remain in the mid and the system drags in milder air on its way out. today -- marks four months -- since the world lost a beloved
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for seniors like barbara, th. but for the wall street types who've given congressman joe heck's campaigns over $500,000, social security could mean billions of dollars in fees. that's what privatizing social security means and why joe heck and wall street support it. under heck's privatization plan, retirement security gets risked on the stock market. and the wall street types supporting joe heck make billions. whose side are you on? senate majority pac is responsible
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mislabled. a source - investigation says -- the pills marked as hydrocodone -- actually contained another opioid, fentanyl. fentanyl has been described -- as a-hundred times stronger than morphine. new developments tonight -- in the dramatic rescue of a toddler in florida -- trapped under a capsized boat -- for almost an hour. tonight -- kennedy is out of the hospital. the family boat capsized friday night.. trapping the little girl underneath. rescuers -- finding kennedy -- floating in her life vest -- under the boat-- in an air pocket
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and charlotte : emotionalwe just kept praying to god and we got lucky. and i mean its a miracle, it's a complete miracle tonight -- the family is just happy to be together. move over "cops." north las vegas police --could be stars of a new reality show -- and that could mean big bucks for the city. plus -- the multi-million dollar race -- to turn your car into a robot -- is picking up speed . who's promising to have fully- autonomous -- self-driving cars
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i'm catherine cortez masto and i approve this message. four years ago i was diagnosed with breast cancer but early treatment saved my life. so i'm really outraged that joe heck which thousands of nevada women depend on for cancer screenings. congressman heck even threatened to shut down the federal government to eliminate funding for planned parenthood.
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away from unleashing this futuristic fleet in pittsburgh. but there are safety concerns. this year -- the first deadly accident with a car in self-driving mode. and so far -- lawmakers only 16 states -- are looking at proposals for self-driving the newest faces of the north las vegas police department -- could soon be the stars of a new reality show. a production company just got permission -- to follow new recruits through training -- and their interactions with the community. the pilot still needs to be shot -- and sold to a television network. north las vegas stands to make about 4-thousand dollars per episode. local bikers turn out in force -- to help make a valley man's dream of riding a motorcylce -- come true.
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motorcyle -- but is now too weak to ride on his own. a friend -- reaching out to the local biker community -- asking if they could give him a ride around the block. they did one better than that -- taking sal -- and his daughter on a ride -- up to the mount charleston lodge -- for breakfast. rob borden 09:28:56:18 "when somebody needs help and reaches out, the biker community as you can see, the biker community shows up." they even gave sal his very own leather vest -- with his name karla has another look at your work-week forecast. but right now, here's a live look outside in the valley. you're watching thirteen action news -- where you ask -- and we investigate.
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six winners -- in this weekend's pokemon the event -- taking place in san francisco. this isn't the app -- pokemon go. this is old-school pokemon. the competition started -- with 17 hundred players -- from 30 different countries. the players -- competed for 500- thousand dollars worth of prizes -- including more pokemon cards, scholarships and travel awards.
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