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tv   America This Morning  ABC  August 25, 2016 4:15am-4:31am PDT

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? ? ? that's weird al's "eat it" for you. very appropriate for the next segment, which of course deals with food. in this case, real food and fake food. the big question is how do you tell the difference? we spoke to the author of a new
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what if i told you the lobster roll you're eating isn't actually lobster. or the tuna you had for lunch really isn't tuna. larry olmsted, an author exposes the issue in "real food, fake food." >> when i travel, i try to eat the local food. i would come home and try to have similar dishes and it just never tasted right. regulations in the u.s., especially for restaurants, are more lax than those in other countries. that means companies get away with using cheaper, sometimes deceptive ingredients. according to one study an estimated 80% to 85% of olive oil is diluted with other oils. and that red snapper you ordered for dinner? it likely was a cheaper, nutritionally inferior substitute. because once you cut up a white fish, they all look the same. even supermarket labels can be deceiving.
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i want to eat naturally raised beef, or pork or chicken, but that's really hard to do when you go to the supermarket and everything says natural on it because natural has no definition. grass fed beef, grass fed on a label doesn't mean it's what i would call grass fed beef. >> reporter: but it's not hopeless. olmsted the key is to know what to look for. sometimes it's as simple as buying foods whole. >> so for anything, whether it's coffee, you buy coffee beans, you're going to get coffee for sure. you buy ground coffee, you can't tell if it's alterated. >> reporter: another tip, look at the ingredient list. the food and drug administration is lax about other labels but strict about those. you might be wondering how you can go out and tell the difference between the real food and the fake food. and sometimes it can be harder than you think. but larry olmsted is here to give us tips on the more common things you might see out of place at the grocery store. larry, thank you for being here. olive oil is a big one. tell us why. >> there have been problems with
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virgin standard. it is very hard to tell looking at the bottle. i recommend if you can buying at a store that actually lets you smell and taste the oil which some gourmet stores do. when you taste it and smell it, you can really tell the difference. once you try a good oil, you'll know what it tastes like. much different from your standard run of the mill olive oil. >> and what do you lk the bottle? >> i would look for a pressed on or harvested on date. not a use by date. the use by date is irrelevant. you want it to have been pressed or harvested within six to nine months. >> so you look for that on the label. >> and the only good olive oil will have that on the label. most bottles don't. >> parmesan cheese is another big one. these look so similar, i wouldn't be able to tell the difference. >> right, and most people can't. real parmesan cheese from italy is pure with no drugs. one of the most natural cheeses you can buy which is why it's a
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and the way you can tell is the rind itself has the words parmesan riggiano embossed on it. if you don't see that on the rind, you know it's not from italy. >> and you can taste the difference. this is even a good domestic. >> this is one of the best domestic ones you could buy. >> and then sushi. >> that's a big problem. >> i love sushi. >> with fish, the more you can see is the better. the whole fish. this sushi you get a better look at it. if you look at this crab, for example. this is actual crab. most sushi places it's a block of that reconstituted crab stuff. >> it's harder to fake a cut of salmon? >> this is a wild pacific salmon. look at the color difference. this is supermarket salmon. how bright and vibrant that is. >> i think i'll have to taste it to make sure it's the real thing. >> one other tip i like to give is, if you buy, i like eel.
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if you do, that's the kind of thing that's not faked. it's a less expensive product and recognizable. sometimes when you go with the cheaper fish you're better off because they're not as widely counterfeited. >> you're actually getting what you're ordering. and how does the tuna work. how do you fake tuna? >> there's a lot of substitutes. escolar is a fish that is much cheaper, tilapia has been used. a lot of times sometimes you can e pinkish fish and you can't really tell by looking at it what it is. >> the more of the product you can see, generally speaking, the better? >> right. >> larry is the author of "real food, fake food." larry olmsted. so many examples in the book. thank you for being here and showing us eye opening stuff. >> thank you for having me. coming up the planetary discovery that has people excited. one big reason is it's right in earth's neighborhood.
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the roses are blooming in herbal essences hair is delightfully fragranced with notes of moroccan rose and the freshness of springtime unforgettable, wherever you go
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introducing new k-y touch gel cr?me. for massage and intimacy. every touch, gently intensified. a little touch is all it takes. k-y touch. ugh, this pimple's gonna last forever. oh come on. clearasil ultra works fast to begin visibly clearing up skin in as little as 12 hours. and acne won't last forever. just like your mom won't walk in on you forever.
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stephen! stephen! stephen! see what i'm sayin acne won't last. but for now, let's be clear. clearasil works fast. this back to school, get clearer skin for free. limited time offer in stores now. because i'm a woman... do you think i'm gonna crack under pressure or conquer the field? defy expectations any day with always infinity. made with flexfoam. absorbs 10x its weight.
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finally this half hour, does finally this half hour, does the universe feel a little more crowded to you? finally this half hour, does the universe feel a little more crowded to you? >> it does? >> well, it should. because, my friends, we have discovered a new planet. >> welcome. it's right around the corner, just a mere 24 trillion miles away. that's all. we'll get the details next. >> reporter: in the dazzling beauty of the skies telescopes are focussed on the pinprick of light coming from the closest star. they made a stunning discovery. they found an alien world orbiting around it. this is an artist's impression. no one has seen the planet directly. researchers know it's there because of tiny movements in the star.
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>> this is the nearest planet that potentially can have life and can have -- can be in a sense, similar to our own planet. >> reporter: it's hard to grasp distance in space and where the newly found planet is. so let's start with the moon. that's 239,000 miles from us. further out there's pluto. now that's 4.6 billion miles away. beyond the solar system to the next nearest star is 24 trillion miles away. it sounds a lot, but in space terms that's our neighbor. that's where a planet was discovered orbiting around. and the reason scientists are so excited is that this alien world is the closest there is outside our own solar system. >> this really changes, i think, our perception of how many habitable planets there are in the galaxy. it means the chances of a habitable planets there are in
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habitable planets look a little more rosey. >> reporter: reaching the planet with the spacecraft we have now would take tens of thousands of years. >> when they say habitable, they mean water would exist, which in theory means life can exist. >> is as a result in the habitable zone. but 4.2 light years, when you think about it, it's not that far away. >> you ride your bike that far every day. i have seen it on your instagram. >> i just did it. want me to do it again? >> sure. be back in a few years. >> exactly. it's really fascinating. and the scientist european team have been working years on this. maybe they'll figure out a way for us to get there. >> proxima b. home sweet home. proxima b.
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flames! and the videos are pouring in from viewers. our crews were fast and first to the scene to talk with firefighters near dean martin and harmon. that's where 13 action news reporter parker collins is right now... let's get right to him, parker? they tell us this started just after midnight. initally 70 firefighters were tackling the fire...right now there's still about 30 on scene injured. people were calling us overnight saying they could see the fire...and even smell it in the air. firefighters tell us this is still an active fire. thanks parker... megan telles is also on scene


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