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tv   Action News 6pm  ABC  September 2, 2016 6:00pm-6:31pm PDT

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preparatory academy. it may take a while but it's a great school so it's worth it the same probably can't be said for all the cars speeding by... watch as they make last minute time to let people know i'm slowing down and stopping 13 action news did speak to school administrators... they say they don't have any busses meaning parents must pick up their kids ... and this ye combined on campus-- catering to nearly 15-hundred students. it takes about 45 minutes to pick up my kid from where i'm at now parents are hoping this is just another issue that comes with the first week of school.. it will be better in a few days maybe a few weeks fingers crossed that's the hope school officials wants parent also help them alleviate following to designated pick up areas and not showing up to the school until 15 minute before your child is let out.
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developments..... with "tropical storm her-mean"... as the storm drops torrential rains.... over the carolinas and virginia. but.... in tallahassee, florida... then-hurricane "her-mean".... left behind.... plenty of damage. it will likely be days..... before many places..... have power restored. todd walker is there..... where people are just starting.... to clean up. tallahassee today.. hermine had left most of the town stuck in the dark.. the line for gas at the in-and-out.. at times.. seemed more like a marathon.. 8:29 an hour this is the only place to buy gas this is the only place that's got gas but it's a good thing :33 it's one of the only places with electricity.. 10:12 man it's a whole lot busier than normal whole lot more :16 tolan barrington's bbq trailer is the other.. 1:56 everything from jefferson county to here is shut down
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2:01 he brought it himself.. (generator) hurricane hermine making landfall early this morning broke an 11 year streak without one in florida.. 4:10 it was kind of scary yeah :12 i was on the floor i was scared :15 vanessa floyd had a rough night.. 3:08 my carport was just torn down my whole car port :12 she navigated through downed trees.. and debris covered roads to find anything to eat.. 3:39 there's no restaurants open all the power's out :41 3:44 ahhh the rib man is open i'm going :46 having been through hurricanes before.. 11:12 i almost didn't open i thought about it barrington miss.. 11:18 i was like yeah i gotta go :20 after all.. the sun came out today.. 1:38 as soon as i saw the rain stop out the door man haha :41 in tallahassee florida, i'm todd walker. back here at home... a breezy day.... in the valley.... and.... it's not going to slow down.... as we head into the weekend. let's head over..... to 13 first alert meteorologist..... karla huelga.... to see what we can expect.... for labor day weekend. these winds we have been seeing
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sunday. 30 to 35 mph gusts will be common both days with sustained winds between 15 and 25 mph. the strongest winds should occur early sunday into the afternoon. these winds will be accompanied with high temperatures in the upper 90s tomorrow and mid 90s by sunday with mainly sunny skies. mainly sunny skies. (nats of woman screaming) near lois and jerry tarkanian middle school shows just a piece of what happens when a routine traffic stop by a ccsd police officer and a mother takes a wrong turn . 13 action news reporter marti glaser has new details and brings us the bigger picture. 23857 this police reportjust into us documentswhat happened yesterday between that ccsd police office and that mother , now according this report the mother the mother attempted to
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told not to .. she did anyway and thats when the police officer pullerd her over right over here and thats when things escalated. 23915 12556 everytime you put on the badge, you are at risk that you could become a part of a headline . 12603 we talked with ccsd police today about the incident, and they had a clear explanation. 12532 the officer was out basically attempting to educate drivers that are coming back after a 3 month lay off- that here is the rules for driving around schools, be safe, be mindfull of kids that are out there12544 the stop started out no westre was stopped -- she started yelling at the officer and refused to hand over her license -- not once, but twice. after the officer told her she'd be arrested -- police say and video shows her pushing him back into moving traffic. she refused orders so many times, authorities say there was no choice but to pepper spray her. 12345 in this particular instance , this particular person was agitated by the stop maybe she was caught up in the fact it was the first day of
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ccsd cop ... there is one focus 12217 the officer's biggest concern is we have kids that are walking in and out of traffic, marti 23708 that mother cynthia of an officer and resisting arrest, we did reach out to her unfortunately we were not able to get a response marti glaser 13 action news. 23716 one man is stealing most of the headlines this week.... after the unveiling of his immigration plan. we're talking about..... doal and tonight... 13 action news..... political analyst jon ralston has the inside track..... as to how the clinton campaign is reacting. ----donald trump's big week on immigration has drawn most of the oxygen out of the political world. even though he used harsh language, didn't he switch his position by not talking about mass deportations? ----i asked marlon marshall about that: play sound 9:49 -- "yeah, but it's
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10:17: "he's just doubling down on it." ----that's what clinton and her team will keep saying. she can call him stoking fears. but part of that is: she wants those minority communities to believe it, too. what's the bottomline.... on trumps visit to mexico... was it a success..? did it sway any hispanic voters... here at home?
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up in flames overnight... no accident... why the pastor says the attack isn't slowing them down. plus... alot of folks are wearing..... fitness devices.... these days. now... devices for your baby are becoming popular... but... can they be trusted? contact 13 is digging deeper. and count on chopper 13 to keep you on top of breaking news fast and first... and only on 13 action news.
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an arsonist be to blame. the early morning fire damaged.... some of the front of the church. the pastor says.... they've had windows broken before..... but never an attack like this. 3:27:45-3:27:50 "i'd be curious to know what was going on in the individuals life that would have caused him to go to this area and hanging out around the church in that fashion so that's an ongoing situation that well be praying for." in just a few days... the congregation will celebrate.... its -27-th anniversary. the pastor says... the church won't cancel any activities.... because of the fire. around the same time as that
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called out to a fire near the stratosphere. a vacant two story apartment building was destroyed and investigators believe squatters may be to blame. witnesses told them they saw a person hop out of a second story window and take off. one man was taken to umc with burns to 20-percent of his body. a cab driver is shot twice.... while on the job... and now... he's stuck..... footing the medical bill! why his insurance company is refusing.... to pay up! plus... a fitbit for babies? it's a growing trend... board. their warning for parents... next.
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frank o'grady was shot twice after stopping to pick up two men. 18 months later -- and with plenty of medical bills -- o'grady says his insurance company will only pay 7- hundred-48 dollars in workers compensation., doctors say he only suffers 1- percent of disability. i don't know where the man from carson city dr. x ex ex says only 1% of my body has disability when my spleen is gone 13 action news has tried for several weeks to get an answer but so far, has been unsuccessful. everywhere you turn these days.... it seems people are wearing fitness trackers.... to monitor their health. but... this trend isn't just for for a baby? contact 13..... looks at this growing trend. < mara castro/uses wearable baby monitors: "being a new mom is awesome, exhausting, and amazing at the same time." oh the joys of parenthood. mara castro says along with the excitement comes some anxiety, wondering how your newborn is
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wearable monitor to check on baby jackson. mara castro/uses wearable baby monitors: "it measures the temperature in the room and also detects motion or sound." just take a look... on display... right here at babies "r" us... is a new wave of wearable technology to track your newborn's health. like this baby sock with a monitor to check heart rate and oxygen levels. an ankle band that monitors heart rate, temperature, motion, position and more - and you know those newborn onesie's? this one says it tracks breathing, body each device alerting your smart phone if something seems off. dr. barbara pena has mixed thoughts about this form of digital parenting. dr. barbara pena/pediatrician: "some parents may find peace of mind while using these products and they may find it helpful to have/// data that they can go back to when speaking to their pediatrician." but on the other hand... dr. barbara pena/pediatrician: "some of the information they
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playing doctors." plus, dr. pena warns, technology isn't always fool proof. so she recommends good old fashioned monitoring by parents themselves. dr. barbara pena/pediatrician: " if the baby does not look well they should take them to the pediatrician or to the emergency department." > keep in mind... these devices are not regulated.... by the food and drug administration. if you're thinking about u you might first want to check with your baby's doctor.... since each child's case.... is different. these winds we have been seeing will stick around as we move forward into saturday and
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will stick around as we move forward into saturday and sunday. 30 to 35 mph gusts will be common both days with sustained winds between 15 and 25 mph. the strongest winds should occur early sunday into the afternoon. these winds will be accompanied with high temperatures in the upper 90s tomorrow and mid 90s by mainly sunny skies. labor day monday will consist of gorgeous weather with highs into the lower to mid 90s and
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sunshine is planned throughout the afternoon so make sure to lather up on sunscreen if spending time poolside or lakeside and drink that water if doing outdoor activities as it will across southern nevada.
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as you get ready to hit the road..... this labor day weekend... as you get ready to hit the road..... this labor day weekend... you may want to budget..... why you can expect to pay more..... at the pump..... this holiday. plus... lots of retailers are looking to take advantage of the holiday by offering discounted deals... but are they worth it? we're breaking down which ones are deals and which are duds. and.... don't forget to download..... the all new 13 action news app.... featuring live streaming.. video on demand.... and incredible weather radar. it's free.... in the app store... and... in google play.
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why. still... prices are generally lower..... than at this time.... last year. according to triple -a-... the current average.... in las vegas... is 2.40 per gallon. that's -3- cents higher than it was... just a week ago. "blue bell ice-cream" has a new flavor..... targeting hunters.... with a sweet tooth. the creamery now has.... "camo and cream" ice cream. it combines.... -3- flavors... pistachio almond... milk chocolate... and cream cheese. the flavors are swirled together..... in a camouflage pattern. blue bell says.... it decided.... and.... add on to the camouflage trend. the new flavor is already in stores.... in limited quantities. and... don't forget... contact 13's call for action.... is ready to help you with a consumer problem. just contact one of our volunteers.... any weekday.... between 11 a-m and 1 p-m. our hotline number is.... 702- 368-2255. you're probably seeing ads for labor day sales everywhere from your t-v to your mailbox.. but some deals are better than others. julie dolan takes a closer look
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and what to avoid. --pkg full=-- furnishing their new apartment, klark and kristen started shopping on the perfect weekend. labor day weekend sales are going to save them big bucks. 12 32 31 22 we were looking online and its says like 40% off on a whole mattress set. we came in here and got even cheaper than that if you're in the market, now's the time to buy a mattress.. it's also one of the only weekends of the year that tempur-pedic goes on sale. other shopping list.. 11 37 15 31 stores really are offering some of the best deals on appliances. if you need a fridge, washer dryer, microwave, this is a great week to buy them, and consumer reporter john matarese says now's the time to buy outdoor gear too. stores are clearing their shelves of camping equipment, grills, fire pits and outdoor furniture to make room for the holiday season. 11 38 31 00 a lot of the
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even though stores are you can also get great deals on summer clothes.. but hold off on winter clothes best weekend to buy electronics though. that's because the new iphone doesnt go on sale for a couple of weeks. you want to buy iphones after that when the old ones get marked down. and steer clear of the toy aisle too. the best time to stock up on those is december. if you know exactly what you need, klark and kristen found that comparing prices online first is what saved them hundreds the a mattress. and they hope this is just the 12 33 51 00 we still probably need a coffee table and maybe some sheets and then we'll be good to go. , im julie dolan you can also find some end of summer freebies. ihop and denny's are offering free kids meals through the month of september. on monday.. firehouse subs is offering a free medium sub with the purchase of a meal. and.. to extend the holiday weekend.. select dairy queens are offering a free oreo frappe
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things are heating up.... on the campaign trail... next..... on 13 action news.... live at 6:30.. how hillary clinton is responding to donald trump's fiery immigration speech... and... why she's now under.... some fire of her own. plus... tropical storm hermine (her mean) is now battering the east coast after hitting florida last night... we'll take a look at some of the devastation, next.
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i'm catherine cortez masto and i approve this message. as a doctor, i see how decisions in washington impact my patients here in nevada. so even though i'm a republican, i won't be voting for joe heck. joe heck's voted ten times to defund planned parenthood, which thousands of women depend on for cancer screenings. and heck opposes a woman's right to choose even when her health is at risk. y patients, joe heck makes no sense. (vo) we went to hollywood to ask y patients, if america's favorites - burgers, tacos and chili could taste just as great made with turkey. thousands stepped into the jennie-o tasting booth
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while people in florida are starting to clean up the mess. and.... the war between donald trump and the president of mexico continues... and... this time... it's taking place.... on twitter. but first... we're keeping tabs on our weather as we head into the holiday weekend... let's check in with..... 13 first alert meteorologist..... karla huelga.....
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winds.... headed our way... karla? these winds we have been seeing will stick around as we move forward into saturday and sunday. 30 to 35 mph gusts will be common both days with sustained winds between 15 and 25 mph. the strongest winds should occur early sunday into the afternoon. these winds will be accompanied with high temperatures in the upper 90s tomorrow and mid 90s by sunday with mainly sunny skies. now... here's a look at the other top local stories.... we're following. here's a look at the other top local stories.... we're following. parker 18:58:14-18:58:38 i'm parker collins in north las vegas the damage left over after this church's fire is the first thing you see when you walk up to the front door and straight through. take vo at 18:58:29


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