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tv   Action News 11am  ABC  September 12, 2016 11:00am-12:00pm PDT

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that's been checked and cleared chopper thirteen fast and first flew over the school this morning. you can see all the bags... plenty of work to go we know they've cleared all the classrooms they're working on gym and locker rooms now they're also going into homes where the students clothing came up positive one house has been evacuated. 20:13:45-20:13:53 "right now i'm kind school tomorrow cause i don't know what's going on lately cause we haven't gotten any calls lately." in the next half hour hear from the epa latest on the cleanup reporting live parker collins 13 action news. ((ad lib and toss to wx))
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californian coast slides over the sierra nevada today and sets up shop. rain chances hold well to the north of southern nevada but with the rotation of this pressure system and how it is oriented over the las vegas valley, windy conditions will be common today and tomorrow. south/southwest winds between 10 and 25 mph will be common with gusts ranging between 35 and 45 mph during the afternoon and into the overnight. lake wind advisory has been put in pla valley area along with lake las vegas and lake mead from 11am today until 8pm tonight. the good news with all of this winds and deal with a low pressure system is that our range between 93 and 98 degrees valley wide. by wednesday, highs will range between 86 and 91 degrees along with winds subsiding to normal as we move into the weekend though, highs will slowly creep back to slightly below normal temperatures. 92 to 97 degrees will be common saturday and sunday selection
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courtroom... remember justin harris.. he's the suspect charged in the death of his 22 month son...left inside a hot car.. harris told officials he strapped his son, cooper, into his rear-facing car seat in the back seat of the car. the toddler died after being left in the sweltering car for seven hours. now to developing news out of 9 people are dead in memphis from a house fire... investigators believe the security bars prevented anyone from escaping.... the fire department says four adults and five children were killed..... firefighters rushed to the house around 1-30 after someone inside the home called 9-1-1. one child is fighting to stay alive.... a total of 10 people were inside at the time. (lt. wayne cooke/memphis fire dept.) "in my 27 years with the memphis fire department i've
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we sincerely pray for this family, and the loved ones and friends of this family." the house had a security door and bars on the windows-- and the family was unable to open the bars in time and escape. investigators say most of the victims....died from smoke inhalation.... update we now have an update from metro during a crash that killed bicyclist.... according to witnesses... the driver drove onto th person.... metro says the driver hit the bicyclist....last night near torrey pines and charleston... then the driver of the pick-up crashed into someone's back yard.... the driver then walked away from the scene. but... police later found the driver at home.... they believe that person was impaired.. also... police want you to be on high alert for a wannabe armed robber. metro tells us he went into a business near tropicana and nellis last month-- and immediately pulled a gun on the employees.
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immediately. hillary clinton cancels a fundraising trip to the west coast today - after that pneumonia diagnosis. today, her rival donald trump is taking advantage as he heads back out on the trail... cnn reported earlier this morning... that clinton will "almost certainly" cancel her trip here to las vegas on wednesday. the scare renewing a push for both candidates to release more this morning... trump says clinton took her bullying to another level...... (:00 - 19) clinton later said she regretted saying half of trump supporters are deplorable. and although...she was
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through california today....she's expected to appear at a san francisco fundraiser by teleconference while she's recovering at home in new york. :00-:05 bell ringing it was a day of rememberance.... the las vegas fire and rescue-- along with other firefighters and first responders... came together at fire station 5 for a special ceremony honoring the victims of the september 11th terrorist attack 15 years the bells rang at 6-59 a-m -- pacific time -- the same time the south tower collapsed at the world trade center. tim syzmanski/lvfr 8:39:35:26 "when you're a firefighter and you're going down the street, there's things that go through your mind. i can imagine what they were thinking when they were going out to the world trade center. so it means a lot to every firefighter, knowing what those people were feeling when they were on their way." they also raised a special flag presented by the new york city fire department.
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trade center. and... at palo verde high school... teachers and students held a memorial for a foreign language teacher who died in one of the planes....before many of the students were even born. barbara edwards was trying to get back home to las vegas-- she was on flight 77 that was hijacked and crashed into the pentagon. gail fahy a retired teacher who worked with edwards.. says she was hoping to get home so she could celebrate fahy's birthday. 10:28:56/fa wonderful person-she was always fun." (butted with) 10:28:02/fahy "the flag represents barbara to me. it's her legacy-all the wonderful things she did." there's also a permanent memorial dedicated to barbara edwards at the high school. there's a serious warning out right now...about the samsung galaxy note 7.... sot - nathan dornacher / samsung phone owner: "the last thing i would have thought a new device could burn down my car" this..
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because of it's battery... now...the new warning from the f- a-a..... also...this morning.... zika spraying continues again today... but will congress come down with a vote for funding... that answer is next.... in today's health report...
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osits. hmm,wonder what that's like... hey! ninjas! step away from my engine. spin move! scorpion! kaaa!
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morning..... as miami beach's mayor warns the threat is growing... and residents are still showing concerns about the chemicals sprayed to fight mosquitos.... this comes after more spraying is expected after a weekend of from the air.... one state representative feels like congress is closer than ever before with getting funding. (:25) rep. ileana ros-lehtinen / (r) fl 27th district: "this is the week. maybe im being overly optimistic" "i really think that this is the week the senate is going to pass zika funding. what the senate passes we will take over in the house. maybe it wont be the president's 1.9 billion dollars zika funding but it'll be pretty darn close. in neighboring broward county.... aerial spraying started back
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measure.....called vetro-bach w-d-g. it's different than the naled being used in miami beach... more local 9/11 tributes over the the tragic events of that still haunt nearly every american .....near and far.... 04:33:58 kellie lee, lost her husband in 9/11 "i realized i that it was his flight and my world just stopped. this valley woman describes how she lost her husband at such at critical time...when she really needed him the most... also.. we are digging deeper into the medical episode of hillary secret service agents had to help get in a van...during a 9/11 tribute... a henderson student is taking her passion for dance and using it to create a special tribute
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the roast looks good dad. how good? 162 likes. did i get any retweets on those green beans? yep! and they're blowing up on instagram. honey, your rump roast just broke the internet!!!! as it should. life is family mealtime and everything you need to make it picture perfect. now be sure to tag your mother because she needs more followers. ok. now be sure to tag your mother over 20,000 nevadans rely on planned parenthood for access to basic health services and critical cancer screenings. willing to shut down the government over it. heck opposed roe v. wade and voted toriminalize abortion. congressman heck is what's wrong with washington.
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z23vuz z5yz y23vuy y5yy danny tarkanian's carrying a lot of baggage. as a real-estate developer, tarkanian was penalized for failing to pay thousands in property taxes.
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tarkanian refused to pay the money back, forcing taxpayers to bail him out, leaving us holding the bag. danny tarkanian's out for himself, not us. dccc is responsible for the content of this advertising. the roast looks good dad. how good? 162 likes. did i get any retweets on those green beans? yep! and they're blowing up on instagram. honey, your rump roast just broke the internet!!!! as it should. life is family mealtime and everything you need e it picture perfect. now be sure to tag your mother
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danny lee was in boston for work, but he was flying home that day because his wife was 9 months pregnant-- and due any minute. 04:33:58 kellie lee, lost her husband in 9/11 "i realized i was directly connected to it, that it was his flight and my world just stopped. i can't even explain. everything went gray. i couldn't really comprehend what was going on." kellie gave birth to their daughter allison two days later. she's inherited her father's musical side. she and her friends created a special dance number as a tribute to the father she never got to meet. adlib at desk low pressure from the californian coast slides over the sierra nevada today and sets up shop. rain chances hold well to the
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nevada but with the rotation of this pressure system and how it is oriented over the las vegas valley, windy conditions will be common today and tomorrow. south/southwest winds between 10 and 25 mph will be common with gusts ranging between 35 and 45 mph during the afternoon and into the overnight. lake wind advisory has been put in place for the colorado river valley area along with lake las vegas and lake mead from 11am today until 8pm tonight. the good news with all of this wi pressure system is that our temperatures will begin to drop and mild highs are expected for most of the week into the weekend! today, highs will range between 93 and 98 degrees valley wide. by wednesday, highs will range between 86 and 91 degrees along with winds subsiding to normal values and holding into the weekend. as we move into the weekend though, highs will slowly creep back to slightly below normal temperatures. 92 to 97 degrees will be common
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we are waiting on a press confrence update on the mosque arson investigation.. it happened at the islamic center of fort pierce in florida. the same mosque attended by orlando nightclub terrorist omar mateen and a syrian we are waiting on a press confrence update on the mosque
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investigation.. it happened at the islamic center of fort pierce in florida. the same mosque attended by orlando nightclub terrorist omar mateen and a syrian suicide bomber.. the sheriff's office says
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the mosque showed someone approaching the east side of the building just moments before a flash was seen and the fire started. financial analyst steve budin is here with financial focus now. lv home prices congress is back
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white house and the latest on
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clinton's health.... the democratic nominee rushed out of the 9-11 memorial event in new york sunday... she was caught on tape stumbling ... and her aides lifting her into a vehicle. her doctor says she has pneumonia. as abc's cecilia vega reports.....there are questions being raised about her health. the video shows hillary clinton leaving the 9/11 ceremony early... as the van doors open... she doesn't move a team of aides and secret service agents rush to her side?one grabbing her by the waist .. another by the arm ?her head as clinton tries to enter the van.. she looses her footing and nearly collapses. it takes three people to help her. clinton nearly hits the ground as they put her in that van.. which then drives her to daughter chelsea's apartment? about two hours later? a smiling and waving clinton appeared ? sot / hillary clinton, new york, ny 9/11/2015 how are you feeling? feeling great, feeling great. she greeted a young girl? but ignored questions about her health.
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what happened? hc: it's a beautiful day in new york. // thanks everybody. initially? clinton's campaign said she felt overheated during the ceremony ? it wasn't until hours later? on sunday evening? that her team revealed clinton was sick? her doctor saying that on friday --clinton was diagnosed with pneumonia nats allergic to trump it came durig cough that clinton had said was related to allergies nats 63 more days to go (gfx) the doctor saying in a statement the 68 yo democratic nominee was put on antibiotics, and advised to rest and modify her nicely" clinton's health was the subject of questions in 2012 too.. suffering a concussion after fainting and hitting her head? at the time, aides downplayed the severity of the injury? she later appeared wearing special
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it took her six months to make a full recovery donald trump turning her health and stamina into an attack line (sot this wnt bite was really good but there are others if we don't want to duplicate// wash 8 donald trump claremont nh rally pool c16 010516 she doesn't have the strength or the anymore folks clinton brushing off the attacks as conspiracy theories?. (can cut this sot / hillary clinton on plane, illinois 9/5/2016 there are so many of and this morning? she is at home in chappaqua? following
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update on the mosque arson investigation.. it happened at the islamic center of fort pierce in florida. the same mosque attended by orlando nightclub terrorist omar mateen and a syrian suicide bomber.. the sheriff's office says the mosque showed someone approaching the east side of the building just moments before a flash was seen and nightclub terrorist omar mateen and a syrian suicide bomber.. the sheriff's office says surveillance video captured at the mosque showed someone approaching the east side of the building just moments before a flash was seen and the
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a quarter of a cup of mercury was found inside. and the e-p-a is still evaluating more than a dozen homes, where students live. here's a map showing you the community effected. it's near buffalo dr near alta..... and that's where we find parker collins. parker, i understand students have been showing up today... not knowing classes were canceled for the third day. that's right there's been some confusion but classes are canceled today parents and that's been checked and cleared chopper thirteen fast and first flew over the school this morning. you can see all the bags... plenty of work to go we know they've cleared all the classrooms they're working on gym and locker rooms now they're also going into homes where the students clothing came up positive one house has been evacuated.
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"mercury can be tough to clean up sometimes especially depending on how it gets into something. if it's on a nice smooth surface you can clean it up vacuum it but if it gets into fabric or carpet it may need to be pulled up." in the next half hour hear from the epa latest on the cleanup reporting live parker collins 13 action news. and breaking news... confirms president obama will veto bill that would allow terror victims to sue countries like saudi arabia - @mkosinskicnn now to.... an urgent warning this morning...
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the companyis urging people with the smartphone to shut it off and return it immediately...... and as abc's linzie janis reports... the f-a-a is out with a battery exploding.... nats from samsung note intro: "all new samsung galaxy note 7..." [10 seconds] this morning, an urgent new message from samsung: turn off your galaxy note 7s immediately to avoid something like this from happening to you... (show car fire) sot - nathan dornacher / samsung phone owne: have thought a new device could burn down my car" [12 seconds] the world's largest smart phone manufacturer now urging customers to exchange their note 7's for a new model? ((fullscreen statement gfx)) after announcing a voluntary recall of 2.5 million devices earlier this month (september 2)... [7 seconds] the device's lithium ion batteries exploding or igniting... sparking as many as ((keyable text gfx)) 35 reported fires, the company says. sot from illinois pkg - joni barwick / samsung phone owner
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unbearable black thick smoke our whole house was full of phone on her bed and even on her dog. sot from illinois pkg - joni barwick / samsung phone owner: "i call it exploding because this did shoot pieces of whatever was inside the phone out" [10 seconds] over the weekend, ((keyable text gfx)) a 6-year-old boy in new york was rushed to the hospital with burns after his family says one of the recalled devices allegedly ((keyable text gfx)) exploded in his hands while watching a video. [7 seconds] and those ((keyable text gfx)) faulty batteries -- text gfx)) pre-flight warning across the country? ((fullscreen gfx)) coming straight from the f-a-a. nats - in-flight message: ((lower third verbate gfx)) "samsung galaxy note 7 phones are not to be charged or powered on during this flight." sot - col. stephen ganyard / abc news may not have is the ability to fight that fire." ((ad lib and toss it wx))
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low pressure from the californian coast slides over the sierra nevada rain chances hold well to the north of southern nevada but with the rotation of this pressure system and how it is oriented over the las vegas valley, windy conditions will be common today and tomorrow. south/southwest winds between 10 and 25 mph will be common with gusts ranging between 35
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lake wind advisory has been put in place for the colorado river valley area along with lake las vegas and lake mead from 11am today until 8pm tonight. the good news with all of this winds and deal with a low pressure system is that our temperatures will begin to drop and mild highs are expected for most of the wee by wednesday, highs will range between 86 and 91 degrees along saturday and sunday also denver school bus driver is dead and several students are in critical condition after the bus crashed into a concrete pillar. you can see all the damage at the denver international airport. the high school students were football players coming back from an out of state game in california. police say the driver ran off the roadway after picking the students up. at least 17 people were taken to the hospital and two others
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more minor injuries. and the man man who tried to assassinate president ronald reagan is out of a mental institution. john hinckley junior has been released after 35-years. hinckley also shot and wounded james brady, reagan's press secretary. he's now living at his mother's home in virginia. in july, a federal judge ruled hinckley is no longer a danger. are limitations to his new freedom. hinckley can't use social media and he can't have any contact with the victims' families. florida.... police in tampa say....a man kills his cousin because he asked him a question.... investigators say that question was about a bullet proof vest.... 23-year-old joaquin mendez asked if the vest still worked and 24-year- old alexandro garibaldi...said "let's see" and pulled out a gun and shot mendez, killing him. the cousin has been charged with manslaughter and a felon with a firearm.... and two people are dead in
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but authorities dont know when it happened.... a hang glider spotted the wreckage on sunday.... officials say the victims were thrown from the car.... sot ryan: some hang gliders were in the area. they saw the vehicle over to the side. they hang glide here frequently, so they knew it was a new car. [butted with] sot ryan: we ran the license plate, and it matched the description of a car missing. it matched up. authorities were able to match the license plate of a missing santa barbara county search and rescue crews used rope systems to recover the bodies. now to patriotism and protests across the n-f-l. the first sunday of the football season....came on the 15th anniversary of 9/11. but that still didnt stop some players from taking a knee or raising a fist during the national anthem... on the seattle sideline it wasn't just players but coaches, employees ... even fans following suit. the kansas city chiefs doing the same but their cornerback
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patriots players also raising a fist during the anthem.... now the nfl commissioner roger goodell is speaking out about kapernick's movement... (today show) i support our players speaking out on issues they think need to be changed in our society. // what i do believe though is the respect for our country. las vegas native brandon marshall lost an endorsement because of taken a las vegas native brandon marshall lost an endorsement because of taken a kneel.... the air academy federal credit union dropped the linebae brandon's right of expression.....his actions are not a representation of our organization and membership." and... it's still unclear if a u-s-c football player will face further punishment after getting rough with an official. you can see chuma edoga getting pulled away by the ref. it then appears he shoves the official. this happened during the trojans matchup with utah state on saturday.
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player. edoga was eventually thrown out of the game. one of the stars of project runway tim gunn is speaking out on fashion designers.... hes now saying is tired of them ignoring the "average ....everyday woman..." also... at midday... dez bryant and odell beckham took the time to do some catching up before the game.... we'll explain why the two are so happy... and here's a live look at the new york stock exchange...
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wh stand wh botox? shown to a wh botox? befo botox to a wh 15 ox? befo botox to a ea wh it's inj befo and isto a ea ca alert your speaki ca alert your or m can be s ca side effec or m neck and i ca don't taec or m tell ynd i ca don't taec mu m and medi i ca as these m mu m don'medi i ca as these m mu m
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today....he's taking on the fashion industry...
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designers don't create fashionable clothes for women of all shapes and sizes. abc's lara spencer reports..... one of the biggest names in fashion, sizing up the failures of his own industry nats from project runway - make it work - tim gunn writing in this washington post essay that designers "refuse to make clothes to fit american women"... calling it not just a poor business decision, but also "a disgrace" with the average american woman wearing between a size 16 and 18...gunn says plus sized clothing but some designers and merchandisers believe "the plus-size woman is complicated, different and difficult" gunn, urging designers to reconsider this bias...saying "there's an art" to creating beautiful clothes for larger women that skim the body...rather than hug and cascade. nats project runway the project runway mentor even criticizing
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low pressure from the californian coast slides over the sierra nevada today and sets up shop. rain chances hold well to the north of southern nevada but with the rotation of this pressure system and how it is oriented over the las vegas valley, windy conditions will be common today and tomorrow. south/southwest winds between 10 and 2 with gusts ranging between 35 and 45 mph during the afternoon and into the overnight. lake wind advisory has been put in place for the colorado river valley area along with lake las vegas and lake mead from 11am today until 8pm tonight. the good news with all of this winds and deal with a low pressure system is that our temperatures
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highs are expected for most of the week into the weekend! today, highs will range between 93 and 98 degrees valley wide. by wednesday, highs will range between 86 and 91 degrees along with winds subsiding to normal values and holding into the weekend. as we move into the weekend though, highs will slowly creep back to sl normal temperatures. 92 to 97 degrees will be common saturday and sunday some sad news out of hollywood....
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she passed away yesterday morning at the age of 47. according to t-m-z she'd been battling some type of illness. an exact cause of death hasn't been released. arquette is best known for her roles in the movies "the wedding singer" and "pulp
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of actors david, rosanna, and patricia arquette. now let's take a look at today's top stories now trending... this is something you don't see everyday... football is back and these two players from opposite teams play catch during warm up.... prior to sunday's nfc east rivalry game.....the new york giants wide receiver odell beckham jr....tosses the ball to dez bryant... the two were showing good sportsmanship right before the cowboys lost to the giants... the game was a close lost though....giants 20 and cowboys 19..... and... near atlanta, georgia...a pilot decided to land on an interstate..... investigators say the pilot had to carefully maneuver the plane down after it ran out of gas. the skilled pilot was able to land the aircraft without hitting any cars or buildings...... luckily..... no one was hurt. and...someone in austin, texas had a really bad friday.
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police say it's still unclear how the driver got in this position. fortunatley he was rescued and wasn't hurt. responders were also able to lower the car to the alley below. you can check out all of the stories trending today... on our ktnv mobile app [todd talks about the upcoming lvmpd basketball tourney..] the annual safe neighborhood youth 3 on 3 basketball tournament is coming up september 17th at cox pavilion. bj plaskett from metro's office of community engagement joins us, along with student malijah chapman student malijah chapman lvmpd safe neighborhood 3 on 3
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9/17, doors open 7am cox
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basketball tournament sat. 9/17, doors open 7am cox pavillion free and before we go, here's a look
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at tonight's primetime lineup--
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news live at 3. but remember - we are always on and be sure to watch 13 action
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>> announcer: today, michael's feelin' peachy with adam brody -- clinton's trying out some new dance moves. and carla takes on your dares in our first-ever hashtag dare week! come join the fun right now on "the chew!" [ cheers and applause ] >> good afternoon, and welcome to "the chew!" thank you very much. well folks, according to the calendar summer is officially over. but guess what? you can still savor the season with the best of late summer produce! we're showing you how to create delicious seasonal dishes in our farmers market frenzy! [ cheers and applause ] hey, guys. >> hey.


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