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tv   Right This Minute  ABC  September 12, 2016 2:00pm-2:30pm PDT

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>> what could be better than a brand new season of "millionaire"? how about "millionaire" in las vegas? that's right, we're now playing our game right here at bally's las vegas on the world-famous las vegas strip. and it all starts right now. let's play "who wants to be a millionaire." [cheers and applause] [dramatic music] ? ? hey, everybody, welcome to the show. are you guys ready to play "millionaire" today? [cheers and applause] all right, our first contestant was awarded the most cheerful "it's disgusting" title at work. i guess she's in the right place today. from los angeles, california, please welcome yolanda allen. ? ? how you doing? >> i'm fabulous. oh. >> come on over. [cheers and applause] >> yes! ah! >> hi, yolanda. >> hi, how are you, chris?
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thank you for asking. are you ready to go today? >> i have been ready since 1997. >> you--i hear you are a huge fan... >> oh, my-- >> of game shows and-- >> i am. >> and especially "millionaire." >> yes, i am truly a game show junkie. i've been on very--a lot of game shows. i won a car, trip to singapore, trip to costa rica, cash, but this right here is the ultimate. i'm gonna write a book about it, and this will be my ultimate grand finale chapter. >> that's awesome. i love that. >> thank you. a movie, who will play me? >> you! >> oh, i'll get the part? >> of course. >> i like that. >> who better? >> i mean, i don't know. i was going between brad pitt and samuel l. jackson. i don't know. >> [laughing] >> i get both of those a lot. hey, welcome to the game. >> thank you. >> if this is really gonna have a happy ending at the end of this book, you got to win a million dollars. >> i think so. >> so let me tell you how you're gonna do that. >> okay. >> 14 questions. the money value's growing from $500 all the way up to that $1 million.
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every question youou answer correctly moves you one step closer to that top prize. remember, at any time you can walk away with the money you've earned up to that point. if you give an incorrect answer, you walk away with nothing until you get to those thresholds. there's one at $5,000, then again at $50,000. i'm sure you know about your three lifelines. the audience can help you with a question. "50/50"--i'll take away two incorrect answers. and your "plus one"-- who's helping you? >> today my plus one is my cousin gerald. >> hey, gerald, how you doing? >> good. >> good to have you. >> he's from the bay area, and our moms were sisters. >> and i was told not to call you yolanda. >> oh, no, everybody calls me yo-yo. well, they call me yo-yo because my cousin mookie couldn't say yolanda. >> cousin mookie? >> yeah, so i became yo-yo, but now that i have nieces and nephews in the world, everybody calls me auntie yo-yo, even people older than me. >> auntie yo-yo? >> auntie yo-yo. >> shout out to cousin mookie. >> yeah. [laughing] >> auntie yo-yo, are you ready to go? >> yes, i am. >> all right, let's go. let's play "who wants to be a millionaire." [cheers and applause]
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>> here we go. $500 question starts us off. >> okay. >> though he can't spin the basketball as well as meadowlark lemon could, pope francis was still named an honorary member of what team in 2015? ? ? >> have to go with d, final answer: harlem globetrotters. >> of course, meadowlark lemon, member of the globetrotters. >> that's right. [applause] [laughing] ooh! >> someday, those washington generals are gonna win a game. $1,000 question, here we go. >> okay. >> perfect for the fast food-loving fashionista, kfc recently introduced a chicken-flavored line of edible what, appropriately named "finger lickin' good"? ? ? >> [laughing] i don't think i would try it, but it's b, nail polish.
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>> i know. >> yeah, you're right. >> [laughing] >> that's horrible. [applause] i would've loved to have been a fly on the wall in that meeting. >> okay. >> all right, $2,000 is what this next one's worth. which of these is the original title of a famous movie, which later got reversed because paul newman was more famous than robert redford? ? ? >> [laughing] well, i remember this movie, and it was c, "sundance kid and butch cassidy." final answer. >> yeah, it turned out "butch cassidy and the sundance kid." >> yes, it did. >> that's right. >> yes. whoo-hoo! >> hey, you're up to $2,000. >> yes, yes. >> and now a look at $3,000. >> okay. >> discussing tricks for capturing a golden horsetail or a sparkling peony, suggests turning off the flash
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evening event? ? ? >> oh, c, a fireworks display. final answer. >> yeah, makes the most sense, right? >> yeah. [laughing] >> there you go. [applause] >> whoo! >> all right, auntie yo-yo. >> okay, here we go. >> first big step of the game is >> yes, yes. >> it's your first threshold of $5,000. often criticized as an outdated benchmark, the u.s. "poverty line" was originally calculated assuming that every home had a housewife who was a skillful what? ? ? >> has to be "a," cook. final answer. >> yeah, they assumed everyone used to be able to cook. >> that's right.
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>> yes! [shrieks] >> $5,000 is where you just got. >> yeah! i love this game! >> i love it. i am trying to make this dream come true today. >> yes! >> we'll be right back. >> thank you. >> so good to meet you. ? ? even if you're not a millionaire, you could be treated like a caesar at caesars palace in las vegas. stay in lavish new rooms, savor culinary perfection by world-famous chefs, experience unforgettable nightlife at omnia or legendary colosseum entertainment. caesars palace: reimagining
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i'm catherine cortez masto and i come from a big family. a whole lot of people. a whole lot of love. and a whole lot of food. my dad's family was from mexico. my mom's was from italy. 60 years ago they met here in nevada and we grew as a family really grew as a family. dad got his start parking cars at the dunes hotel. but he went on to be the head of tourism for las vegas and helped build the city we know today. attorney general. catherine took on the big banks when they preyed on homeowners. and forced them to pay one point nine billion dollars to nevadans. she became a national leader in protecting children from sex traffickers. and passed laws to keep seniors safe from crooked scams.
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[dramatic musical flourish] >> welcome back to "who wants to be a millionaire." i'm here with yolanda allen, who just got to $5,000. >> yes. >> but i hope you don't mind i took the liberty of changing up your bank there--auntie yo-yo's bank now. >> yeah! >> yolanda's gone. auntie yo-yo's in the house. >> [laughing] >> so there you go, auntie yo-yo, you're at $5,000. >> great. >> and by the way, congratulations. i hear you have a big event
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>> huge event coming up. i'm going to be a first- time grandmother. >> congratulations. [applause] >> my beautiful daughter is going to give birth to our first grandson in january, so i need this money to spoil them rotten. >> that's your job. >> that's my job. >> that is now your job, to spoil him. i love that. >> yes, yes. >> many blessings. >> thank you. >> and congratulations with that. >> thank you. >> well, you do need some money, and we're at $5,000. you can't lose that. that's a threshold. you still have all three of your lifelines. you're in great shape, so let's keep going. let's play "who wants to be a millionaire." [dramatic musical flourish] ? ? all right, auntie yo-yo, $7,000 question. since the establishment of henry viii's court in a palace there in the 1530s, what london road has become synonymous with britain's government? ? ? >> i've never been to london. ? ? and i think i'm gonna "ask the audience." >> okay.
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>> let's do it. audience, if you would, help us out here. pick up those keypads. enter your vote now. [percussive music] ? ? all right, auntie yo-yo. begging for help. they've already helped. this is what they've come up with. 44% say it's d, whitehall. and then below that, you have piccadilly at 30. >> wow. ? ? i'm so torn. [laughing] that's not quite the percentages i was looking for. >> right, yeah, i know you want that overwhelming... >> yeah. >> vote of confidence. >> yeah. >> not quite a majority. >> gosh darn it. chris, this was fun until now. [laughter] >> i will take all the blame. >> okay. ? ? i think my plus one might be able to help me get this one right. >> okay, want to use that "plus one"? >> so i'd like to bring my plus
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>> final? >> final. >> all right, gerald, come on down here. [applause] good to meet you. >> good to meet you. >> please tell me you know this. >> oh. >> do you know this? do you know this, cousin? >> i, uh, have been to london, but... >> you don't remember, huh? >> no, but--but i think it is whitehall. i--piccadilly is a circus. >> that's the government, though. most governments are circuses. >> she's got a point. >> okay. >> soho is a neighborhood. >> right, and hyde park is the street i used to live on. >> yeah. >> [laughing] but not in london. >> not in london. i don't think it's hyde park. i think it's whitehall. i think the audience is right. >> i'll trust you. i got five grand. >> you got five grand. >> i'll trust you. okay, i'm gonna say d, whitehall. final answer. >> couple lifelines used... >> yeah. >> but it paid off. >> [screaming]
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[cheers and applause] >> good job, gerald. >> thank you, thank you. >> thank you, sir. have a seat. >> all right. >> we have some more work to do. >> yes, we do. >> you're not going anywhere. >> oh, no, not yet. >> still have one lifeline. you still have that "50/50," and now you're at $7,000. >> whoo-hoo-hoo-hoo. >> chance to get to five figures here. >> okay. >> $10,000 question is on the board. [dramatic musical flourish] >> where would you be most likely to come across the te "da capo," "vivace," and "presto"? ? ? >> i kind of know what it is. ? ? "da capo," "vivace," "presto." >> $10,000 worth know what it is?
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>> c. final answer. >> yeah, $10,000 worth. >> [screaming] >> you got it. you got it. [cheers and applause] >> my husband would've killed me. >> "presto" means play very fast. >> yes. >> you're at $10,000. you got it. >> aah! >> you got it, all good. auntie yo-yo springing away up that money tree. >> yes. >>he gonna try and get to that $50,000 threshold. >> ooh, that would be fun.
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[dramatic music flourish] >> welcome back to "who wants to be a millionaire." i'm hanging out with my girl,
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[laughs] >> and you were--you were mad at me for a second. a split second you were mad at me, but now it's all good. we've made up. >> it's all good. >> okay. >> it's all good. >> we're on good terms again. >> i love you till the end of all time. >> i love you too, auntie yo-yo. and now you have a chance to double your money right here. >> yes. >> you still have one lifeline. you still have that "50/50" if you need it. >> okay. >> let's get back to your game. let's play "who wants to be a millionaire." [dramatic musical flourish] ? ? okay, $20,000 is what this is worth. o >> the only country in the world whose name in english is normally spelled with three consecutive dotted letters is a what? ? ? >> dotted letters. ? ? "whose name in english is normally spelled with three
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is a what?" scandinavian, landlocked... ? ? c, final answer. >> where'd that come from? >> i don't know. pshh--angels, brain. is it right? >> auntie... you got it. >> [screaming] [laughing] [screaming] >> $20,000. >> oh, my god. ow! ooh! >> what are you doing? >> i don't know. >> are you--are you out of your ever-loving mind? >> i don't-- >> do you have any idea what the answer is? >> no, but the other three didn't make sense. >> fiji. fiji is the answer. >> okay, but i never seen it spelled with three dots.
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>> oh! [laughter] >> there was no rhyme or reason why you just took a shot at $20,000. >> none, none whatsoever. >> okay. >> [sighs] fiji. oh, i'm gonna have to go there. [laughing] >> there you go. now you can. all right, somehow, you just found your way to $20,000. >> [laughing] [cheers and applause] [laughing] >> you're a madwoman. >> yes, i am. >> i love it, i love it. slightly scared, slightly turned on. >> okay. [laughing] >> all right, you are two questions away from that $50,000 threshold, all right? i know. dare i say, here's your $30,000 question. >> yes, dear? [dramatic music] ? ? >> as of today, one of these
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one is 46, one is 47, and one is 48. who's the baby of the group, at 45? >> ooh. ? ? >> ooh, baby of the group. ? ? i'm gonna have to use the "50/50." >> okay, final? >> yes, final. >> all right, hopefully this can help a little bit. we'll take away two incorrect answers. ? ? >> i probably should've paid attention when they talked about those political candidates, huh? [laughing] ? ? ted cruz, c, final answer. >> you did it again. you just took a guess. you did it! you got it!
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what--what are you doing? [cheers and applause] >> [laughing] i'm winning on "millionaire." ? ? >> auntie yo-yo, you're gonna give me a heart attack. >> if i don't have one first. >> we're going for $50,000. >> yes, we are. >> you got to come back, 'cause who knows what's about to happen? ? ? there's no way to hide from potentially deadly heartworm disease. the threat is everywhere. and it only takes one mosquito bite to transmit it. that's why you need to protect your dog with heartgard plus. just one tasty real-beef chew every month helps keep your dog safe all year long. test dogs for infection prior to use. in rare cases digestive and neurological side effects have been reported. for more information, contact your vet. get your dog out of hiding. ask your vet about heartgard plus.
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>> here's your question of the day: what is a triptych? monster with three heads, painting with three panels, flag with three stripes, or congress with three houses? stay tuned for the answer. over 20,000 nevadans rely on planned parenthood es and critical cancer screenings. but congressman heck voted to defund planned parenthood and was willing to shut down the government over it. heck opposed roe v. wade and voted to criminalize abortion. congressman heck is what's wrong with washington.
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[applause] welcome back to "who wants to be a millionaire." there is no way to really put into words auntie yo-yo and how she's played this game today. i just hope you've been watching, and if you haven't, stay tuned. you've got to see the rest of this. you are at $30,000. >> yes. [cheers and applause] this is fun. >> this is fun? >> this is fun. >> you're giving me a heart attack. all right, you ready to do this? >> yes, i am. >> good luck let's play "who wants to be a millionaire." [dramatic music] ? ? okay, auntie yo-yo. >> pick an easy one, chris. >> okay. >> go easy on me. >> pull an ace out of my sleeve. $50,000 question's right here. because it can absorb radioactive material, which of these is commonly used as a symbol for nuclear disarmament?
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chris. oh, boy. i'm trying to picture... ? ? a symbol for nuclear disarmament. i haven't seen three of those symbols... ? ? in connection with anything nuclear. and i watch all of the nuclear movies. [laughing] >> right now, you're at $30,000. >> uh-huh. >> t away with. you are out of lifelines. >> yup, it's all me. ? ? "a," sunflower. final answer. ? ? >> auntie yo-yo... >> yeah? >> we got another chapter for your book. >> [screaming] [cheers and applause] ? ?
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that's what i'm talking about, chris! [laughing] i had no idea. >> you had no idea? that shocks me. $50,000. [cheers and applause] >> yes! yes! sweet jesus, yes. >> $50,000--you reached that threshold. [horn blares] that sound means that we get to take a little breather. time is up for today, but you are coming back. you are four questions away from $1 million. could auntie yo-yo be the one? why not, right? thank you so much for watching. for everyone who's been a part of this one, i'm chris harrison. [cheers and applause] you are a wild woman. >> oh, my god, what have i...
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2:30 pm
an all new show today with great viral videos "right this minute." a woman sneaks up on someone she hasn't seen in 26 years. the story leading up to the moment the blindfold comes off. >> haven't seen you. immediately, how? >> sorry. >> a tourist psychs himself up at a famous waterfall. >> he's about to jump >> how he barely cheats death after a dangerous leap of faith. >> hey, wake up! >> it's a perfect day for a pool party. >> watch what happens. >> the moment an uninvited car barges in. plus, the great ipad mini giveaway is back, buzz word for your shot to win. plus, girls are enjoying a day off school. how she proves you don't mess


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