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tv   Right This Minute  ABC  September 15, 2016 2:00pm-2:30pm PDT

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>> welcome to "millionaire." it's a brand-new season for us, and a brand-new home; bally's las vegas. this city is all about winning big, and i can't wait to see if someone hits the jackpot on our show today. so let's play "who wants to be a millionaire." [dramatic music] ? ? hey, everybody, welcome to the show. you guys ready to play "millionaire" today? [cheers and applause] me too. would not only change our returning contestant's life, but more importantly, her daughters'. from naples, florida, please welcome back lynne belliveau. [cheers and applause] >> hi. how are you? nice to see you again. >> welcome back. >> thanks. ? ? >> welcome back. you're in the middle of a great game. and, uh... again, kind of fill us in why you want to earn some money? because it is important to
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>> absolutely. i have a 10 and a 15-year-old and the 10-year-old has a progressive peripheral neuropathy. >> okay. >> that means a nerve disease that affects some nerves that are far away from the middle of her body. >> gotcha. >> and as she changes, she has new--she has mobility needs. so we just fitted her out for a custom wheelchair, but there's gonna be more things coming down the line we know. so i'd like some money to pay for some of those changes to our house and also our 15-year-old wants to be a physical therapist, so... >> and at 15-- >> that costs money. >> at 15, college is not far away. >> it isn't. >> well, you're at $20,000 right now in this game. that's great. you're just 6 away from the million, and closer to home, 2 questions from that next threshold of $50,000, where you'd be safe with 50. so no more lifelines... >> uh-huh. >> but you haven't needed them the last couple of questions. you've been fine. you don't need those darn lifelines. >> no. >> you're good. >> i'm ready. >> all right, let's get back to your game. let's get to that next step. let's play
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>> all right. [dramatic musical flourish] >> that next step is worth $30,000. >> let's see. >> here's the question. if you have problems with your temporal, masseter, and lateral and medial pterygoid muscles, you likely have difficulty doing what? >> temporal-- well, i know i had something called tmj when i was a teenager, and that was temporomandibular joint dysfunction, and that had to do with my jaw. lateral and medial... that's different sides of things. pterygoid is... from greek, i can tell. uh, difficult doing what? it's not walking; that would be ambulatory. breathing; respiratory. sleeping would be something somnorific or i don't know what.
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just trying to go through in my brain all the words. >> right. >> and i really, really, really think that it's chewing. and i'm gonna make sure, though, because, like--we, like, you know, it's a lot of money. >> this is a lot of money. you're at $20,000. >> i have no lifelines. >> no. >> it's all up to what's inside. >> right, and you're risking $15,000 at this point. >> so temporal, muscle. temporal-- temporomandibular-- masseter--masticate. masticate means to chew. i got to go for it. so it's chewing, d. final answer. >> you got it. you were right. way to think that out, lynne. >> all those years of latin paid off. >> right. yeah, finally, those years in the latin. $30,000. $30,000--now, next question's worth $50,000. >> okay. >> it's also the next threshold you can get to. >> okay. >> you get this one right, then you're getting a free look
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>> i want that. >> i want this for you and your daughters. so here it is, your $50,000 question. >> okay. [dramatic musical flourish] ? ?ave changed, up until 1990, you could legally be excluded from immigrating to the u.s. if you were what? >> ' i--i lived abroad in 1990. >> okay. >> i lived in the u.k. i didn't need to immigrate to come back to the united states in 1991. >> okay. >> and i'm trying to think back to that time. what kinds of things would keep people out? there are strange rules, like blue laws that don't make any sense, and they seem... kind of out of time.
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out of time, even for 1990. >> okay. >> not just for today. >> right. >> you could legally be exclud-- i can't imagine that. excluded from immigrating to the united states if you were what? uh, no. i--i cannot-- i cannot satis-- i can't, in my head, kind of limit this enough for myself. >> well, you're at $30,000. >> it's a lot of money. >> that's yours to walk away with. this is an option and a chance to get to that $50,000 threshold, but an incorrect answer-- you're gonna be losing $25,000 here. >> um... interracial marriage, unwed parent, gay. interracial marriage, unwed parent, gay. legally--okay. legal. legally. it's not-- i--i-- uh, unwed parent-- i--i can bring myself down
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and i can say c and d are my two choices that i would-- that i would be picking from. i'm giving myself a 50/50 now, talking it through. >> okay. >> my question is, is that enough? enoughness. 50%. >> for $30,000. >> for $30,000. drop back down to... >> $5,000. >> $5,000, if i get it wrong. >> correct. >> i know what my gut says, but i'm not gonna go with my gut. i'm gonna go with my kids, and i'm gonna go home. >> final? >> final. >> congratulations. >> thank you. [applause] >> what was your gut telling you? >> c. >> your gut was telling you c. it was d. >> okay. >> it was d. so good thing you walked away with $30,000. i hope that goes a long way in helping you and your girls. >> thank you. >> my best to you guys and your family. >> i appreciate it. >> we're coming back. we're gonna play more "millionaire" right after this.
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even if you're not a millionaire, you could be treated like a caesar at caesars palace in las vegas. stay in lavish new rooms, savor culinary perfection by world-famous chefs, experience unforgettable nightlife at omnia, or legendary colosseum entertainment. caesars palace; reimagining
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what's it like to be in good hands? like finding new ways to be taken care of. home, car, life insurance obviously, ohhh... an't get everywhere else, like claim free rewards... or safe driving bonus checks. even a claim satisfaction guaranteeeeeeeeeee! in means protection plus unique extras only from an expert allstate agent. it's good to be in, good hands. danny tarkanian's carrying a lot of baggage.
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tarkanian was ordered by a judge to repay $17 million in a failed development scheme. tarkanian refused to pay the money back, forcing taxpayers to bail him out, leaving us holding the bag. danny tarkanian's out for himself, not us.
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[dramatic music] ? ? >> welcome back to "who wants to be a millionaire." we need another co out here to make a million dollars, so how about we bring down from las vegas, nevada, chad finley! >> whoo! >> chad, what's up? >> how you doing? >> how you doing, man? welcome. >> doing well. thank you. >> welcome to "millionaire." >> thank you very much. >> got your power red on. >> yes. >> ready to power to a million dollars. let me tell you what you're up against. 14 questions, money values growing from $500 all the way up to that $1 million. [cheers and applause] you got your three lifelines. so you ready to go? >> let's play. >> let's play
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[dramatic musical flourish] $500 question's right here. warning people to be cautious with what may at first seem attractive, a common proverb states that "all that glitters is not" what metal? >> all that glitters is not gold. final answer. >> as good as gold. that's right. >> all right. >> there you go, $500. here's your $1,000 question. long before michael bloomberg banned it in new york city bars, in 1590, pope urban vii decreed that anyone who did what in church would be excommunicated? >> all right, so definitely wouldn't be sent a text. gonna go with smoked. final answer. >> of course. that's right.
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>> all right. >> now $2,000 question. when it was released in israel, the movie "cloudy with a chance of meatballs" was given a hebrew title meaning "it's raining" what? >> [chuckles] all right, hebrew title of-- well, gnocchi is italian. it's not going to be souffl?s. let's go with a, falafel. final answer. >> yeah. oddly en [applause] $2,000. now a look at the $3,000 question. which of these is not an actual past or present famous athlete with a very appropriate name? >> i know all of these, but i've never heard of o. noah gutterball, the bowler.
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it just didn't go anywhere. >> didn't score often. >> that's right. [applause] $3,000. the next question is the first threshold you can get to and $5,000. here we go. which of the following '90s hit songs was performed by a female artist whose first and last names began with the same letter? alanis morissette. "nothing compares 2 u" was sin?ad o'connor. " one more time" was britney spears. so the only one that it could be would have to be "stay." final answer. >> you got it. [cheers and applause] lisa loeb, by the way. i don't even know if you knew that, you just eliminated the others. >> well, i know the glasses now. >> yep, the double l there. $5,000--you got to that threshold. so that money is safe. all the lifelines. we're gonna add to that money
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question. >> let's go. [dramatic musical flourish] ? ? >> a university of colorado study has found that thanks to its phosphates and other nutrients, watering your plants with what can make them grow faster? >> all right, i have got a couple ideas on this, but i think i would like to ask the audience for this one. >> okay, final? >> final. >> okay, audience, we could use a little help here. if you would, pick up those keypads and enter your vote now. [percussive music] ? ? all right, chad, let's take a look at the board. hopefully these results can help you. well, 48%--just below a majority there-- says it's c, club soda,
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>> [whispering] cranberry juice, maple, syrup, club soda, white wine. [sighs] >> you still have two lifelines, if you need. >> i did not want to have to burn two on the same question, but-- >> i know, but you want to stay in the game. >> i do. i think i'm gonna have to use the "50/50" on this. >> okay. final? >> make that final. >> all right, hopefully this will help. take away two incorrect answers. cranberry juice, club soda. >> okay, that's one of the only two that the audience gave, so let's go with c, club soda. final answer. >> 48% were right. you got it! >> thank you, audience. >> there you go. $7,000, chad. most important thing: stay in the game. stay in the game. we're coming back with more of this game next.
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>> welcome back to "who wants to be a millionaire." chad finley now at $7,000. [cheers and applause] you used a couple lifelines. you still have your "plus one" behind you, should you need it. now a chance to get to five figures with our next question. >> all right. >> so let's play "who wants to be a millionaire." [dramatic musical flourish] ? ? $10,000 question. since he's a portuguese water dog, if first dog bo obama entered the westminster dog show, like a doberman pinscher, he'd compete in which group? >> all right, doberman pinscher would not
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and would not be in the herding group. oh, i-- so i think i'd like to call in my plus one on this. >> all right, who's your plus one? >> my wife, melissa. >> all right, is that your final? >> that is final. >> all right, melissa, come on down. [applause] how you doing? good to meet you. >> nice to meet you. hi, buddy. >> hey. >> melissa, are you a dog lover? >> i do like dogs quite a bit. >> good. hopefully that'll pay off here. >> okay. >> any thoughts? >> i have quite a few thoughts. well, obviously, you ruled out the toy group and you've ruled out the herding group, but they told you that it was a water dog. water dog is a sport. >> okay. >> so that would make him a sporting group dog. >> all right, i wasn't sure-- let's-- let's go ahead and do c, sporting group. final answer. >> it was b, working group. >> oh. okay. >> yeah. sorry, guys.
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>> hey, but you are walking out of here with $5,000, chad. melissa, it was nice to meet you. congratulations on the $5,000. we're coming back. more "millionaire" right after this. [dramatic music] ? ? [ fly buzzing ] did you know people can save over $500 when they switch to progressive? did you brush your hair today? yes, mom. why? hmm. no reason. the right things working together can give you an advantage. like trubiotics with immune support advantage. its unique formula supports immune health in two ways. with probiotics that work in your gut. and antioxidants that work throughout your body. trubiotics from one a day. at stouffer's, it's what on the inside that counts. that's why our lasagna is made with high-quality ingredients you would use at home. like freshly made pasta. real mozzarella and no preservatives. just a delicious meal the way you'd make it.
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>> here's your question of the day. while today the term is more often used to refer to general disorder, which of these remains listed in law dictionaries as an actual crime? havoc, mayhem, chaos, or bedlam? i'm catherine cortez masto and i come from a big family. a whole lot of people. a whole lot of love. and a whole lot of food. my dad's family was from mexico. my mom's was from italy. 60 years ago they met here in nevada and we grew as a family really grew as a family. dad got his start parking cars at the dunes hotel. but he went on to be the head of tourism for las vegas and helped build the city we know today.
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catherine took on the big banks when they preyed on homeowners. and forced them to pay one point nine billion dollars to nevadans. she became a national leader in protecting children from sex traffickers. and passed laws to keep seniors safe from crooked scams. i'm catherine cortez masto, i approve this message because i've spent my career solving problems, isn't that something
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>> the answer to that question was mayhem. [cheers and applause] ? ? welcome back. we're about to make one of our audience members very happy and give them a little taste of the "who wants to be a millionaire" experience
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right here. [cheers and applause] i need cassandra martin. where's cassandra martin? [cheers and applause] cassandra, how you doing? >> can i hug you? >> bring it in. welcome to the show. >> thank you. >> step on up. >> all right. >> welcome to "millionaire," cassandra. >> oh, my gosh. thank you so much. i'm so happy to be here. >> are you? well, are you a big fan of "millionaire"? >> i am. i'm an even bigger fan of "the bachelorette," though. i'm not gonna lie to you. [cheers] >> thank you. my--my other little nighttime job. >> oh, yeah. >> "the bachelor" and "the bachelorette." big fan of jojo and... >> oh, i love jojo. i follow her on snapchat and i just love watching her and jordan. i wasn't a fan of jordan until i followed her on snapchat, and now i love him. >> did you love the chad? >> uh, no. i'm glad you sent him home. >> [laughs] >> no. he needed to go. >> so where are you from? >> i'm originally from southern illinois. >> okay. >> but i recently moved to las vegas on new year's. >> on new year's? >> yeah. [applause] why--why on new year's?
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new year's eve resolution"? >> honestly-- well, i--i needed a change, so four days prior, my aunt came home and we were at our-- celebrating christmas, and she was like, "well, do you want to move to vegas with me?" so i was like, "yeah." and i booked a ticket and came out here. >> really? you just said, "let's do it. i'm just gonna change my entire life; go from illinois to--" >> yeah, probably the stupidest thing i've ever done, but i'm glad i did it, so... >> look where it's brought you. >> yeah. >> it's brought you here today. and what do you do-- >> right in front of you. >> exactly. >> it's awesome. >> bring it. come on. >> yes. [cheers and applause] >> what do you do here in vegas? >> i work at a foster care agency. >> oh, foster care agency. great. you love what you do? >> i absolutely love my job. yes. >> and what--okay, compared to illinois, what's the best thing about being here in vegas? tell me the best thing. >> there's so much stuff to do here. i've--i'm from a very small town, so, like, i had the shawnee national forest that i love, but there's so much to do in vegas. >> there is a lot to do here. >> yes. >> yes, it is an assault on the senses, as they say. >> yeah. >> all right, but you know what i would love, is to give you $1,000. >> i would love it. >> and here's how
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if you're gonna get it right, i'm gonna give you $1,000 right here, right now. >> okay. okay. >> you ready to go? >> sure. i'm ready. >> good luck. let's play "who wants to be a millionaire." [dramatic musical flourish] ? ? all right, cassandra, $1,000 question. what former nba star is known to sport more than five facial rings to go along with his five nba championship rings? >> o i'm not a sports fan, unfortunately. um... probably gonna have to go with the name that i hear the most. oh. >> can't think of anything, huh? >> i'm gonna go with d. final answer. >> we were looking for mr. chicago bulls, dennis rodman. >> okay, okay. >> dennis rodman has
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all the facial rings. >> thank you so much. >> cassandra, it was nice to meet you. >> thank you. >> thanks for watching today. for everyone who's been a part of this one, i'm chris harrison. we'll see you next time. [cheers and applause] ? ?
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and critical cancer screenings. but congressman heck voted to defund planned parenthood and was willing to shut down the government over it. heck opposed roe v. wade and voted to criminalize abortion. congressman heck is what's wrong with washington.
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all new viral videos today, right this minute. show of strength as a guy uses the kayak for a push-up challenge. the moment he's interrupted in a big way. >> oh, my gosh. a video makes the rounds on facebook of some kids with their mom at a store. >> they have on their african culture attire. >> the story of what made mama very mad. >> mind your [ bleep ] manners. it's the excavator that's going to -- >> have to excavate itself. >> how the driver avoids going down with the rig. plus, bonus giveaway day. your chance to win a new ipad mini or flat screen tv with today's buzz word. and a chat room nerd who's actually -- >> super, super, super hot. >> the moment he drops the


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