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tv   Action News 11pm  ABC  October 5, 2016 11:00pm-11:35pm PDT

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neighborhood that has families living in fear. "i think they are more of a crime of opportunity." police say.... burglars in sun city anthem are sitting around..... waiting for people.... to leave their homes... and... that's when.... they're going in. this crime map shows the spike for that part of henderson. 13-action news reporter bryan callahan is in sun city anthem tonight.. where homeowners are fighting back. bryan. police say most of these burglaries are happening during the day.. says someone shattered his sliding glass window overnight. those that live in this area are fed up. (cover this) "one buck... you stick it in there and the that highand lock and come back down." those who call anthem home are using their ingenuity city and solera have seen four times as many burglaries as "we are also increasing our patrols in those areas, because they are happening during the day." that's the same message officers delivered to hundreds of concerned citizens at a crowded community meeting all
11:01 pm "these are all protective things. i am going to investigate the laminate for the back." most leaving knowing they have to pull together... and keep a closer eye on their surroundings. "i know the cars on this street. if i see a car that doesn't belong here, i look at it, i have a phone i take a picture i take a license." these neighbors are watching. earlier tonight i was talking to neighbors in one of the harder then i went on the next door app for the area an hour later. one of the neighbors had posted wanting to know who the tall guy in a white shirt and dark pants was walking down her street. reporting live, bryan callahan, 13 action news. breaking right now--hurricane matthew is lashing the bahamas with fierce winds and rains. while here in the u-s people in coastal communities from florida to south carolina are rushing to get out of town.
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florida and people began boarding up homes and businesses. right now florida, georgia and the carolinas are under states of emergency. the storm is on track to hit eastern florida sometime tomorrow afternoon. then moving into georgia and the carolinas friday or saturday florida's governor rick scott warning people to evacaute before its too late because quote--we can't put first responders in harm's way. all eyes are on hurricane matthew, which is set to be the first hurricane since hurricane wilma in 2005 to florida. the latest national hurricane center advisory continues to track the system northwest through the bahamas today and into tonight, entering the local atlantic waters early thursday morning. recent model guidance continues to indicate a westward shift in the track, with reintensification certainly a possibility as matthew enters the gulf stream. matthew is likely to be a major hurricane of category 3 strength or greater, and one of the worst hurricanes to impact south florida in decades.
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dangerous and life- threatening conditions, especially along the east coast of south florida. the coast in broward and palm beach counties will be at a particularly susceptible risk, with the forecast confidence highest for potentially widespread and extensive direct hurricane impacts in these areas. hurricane warnings and tropical storm warnings are in effect for the following areas in south florida: hurricane warning: palm beach and broward counties, along with the local offshore atlantic waters and lake okeechobee. tropical storm warning: miami-dade, glades, hendry, monroe counties, along with biscayne bay.
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keep walking, you're doing good, you're doing good viewer video captures tense moments.... in a stand-off. police say..... after more than... - 3- hours.... bradley christian francis.... surrendered. chopper 13..... fast and first over the neighborhood..... near lake mead and rampart.... tuesday. francis is accused of beating his 86 year-old.... grandmother..... before fatally shooting he outside of their shared home. only on 13 action news... a long time friend of the beloved woman.... speaking out!!! she raised five boys, by herself, all successful young man (butted) (sot) just a ternal he useful, she just loved everything about life never stopped learning never stop trying off camera.... others say.... francis was extremely ill.... diagnosed.... with heart disease and cancer. they wonder... if the medication could have pushed him....
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those details. new tonight.. a nye county sheriff's deputy is facing some serious charges. police say he beat and choked his girlfriend after a night of drinking. robert cathcart was arrested after a short stand-off with police. he's now on administrative leave while the allegations are investigated. a 23-year old man is behind bars.. accused of deliberately burning the hand and wrist of a 1-year old baby. amonte taylor is facing a child abuse charge tonight. according to investigators.. the baby's burns were severe enug home terrorism. that's what a clark county family court judge calls... domestic violence. but.... while we fight... terror threats abroad... experts say.... we leave families in danger.... in their own homes. tonight.... we begin coverage..... of a problem.... we hope to change.... as contact 13's..... darcy spears investigates.... our "state of disgrace." "i saw my dad choking my mom and it scared me." "i am mad at my dad because he broke into
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should speak... no mother should hear. "i wish i could trade my dad in for a new one." rosa parra does something strange when she talks about the abuse she endured. often, she smiles. sometimes even laughs... hiding the pain of a prison she almost didn't escape. 2:43 rosa: he tried to do it with a machete. and this time i was very afraid. i was with my kids--my two kids were in my bed. protection order preceded the night of march 2, 2002. 3:12 rosa: and he told me go back to sleep or i will put you to sleep forever. she says her husband, joseph ibarra, sat at the foot of her bed, holding the machete, all night. 3:33 rosa: i left the next morning and i told him i was going to do laundry and i didn't know what to do, so i went to a friend's house.
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the time, told the friend... "my mom needs help. please call police. my daddy tried to kill her." when police arrived, joseph was gone... avoiding arrest as he had in the past. darcy stand-up at apartment: police went looking for him, but didn't find him. days later, fire department records show ibarra firebombed the couple's charleston pines apartment where he thought his wife and children were inside. for the machete incident, the misdemeanor charge of battery domestic violence and felony kidnapping. charges were submitted by metro but denied by the district attorney. that was followed by extended protection orders and violations of those orders. but still, a family court judge allowed joseph ibarra to stay in his children's lives through supervised visitation. so, when ibarra broke into rosa's home and took their 3-year-old son out the window
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police listed it as a violation of custody rights. not kidnapping, which is a charge that might have kept him in jail. he was arrested for outstanding warrants. 15:22 rosa: and i was like, okay, finally. finally he's going to be in jail. finally he's not going to hurt us. finally, my life is going to be okay. three days later, rosana from the shelter called and told me he was released... released from jail, after which, rosa says he disappeared. the case was passed on to the attorney general... remains open with an active and unserved warrant. 14:24 judge sullivan: we have to get the word out that domestic violence is a major problem in our community. family court judge frank sullivan knows the system often fails victims like rosa. he calls domestic violence a form of terrorism. 14:26 judge sullivan: we spend billions of dollars on homeland security. right? studies show, women are 10 times more at risk of harm
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judge sullivan says we need more money and resources devoted to defeating domestic abuse. 14:46 judge sullivan: i'll take my chance getting killed by a terrorist while my wife has a better chance being hurt or killed by a loved one. come on guys, lets get our priorities straight! darcy tag: judge sullivan's got some ideas for solutions and we'll hear more from him tomorrow on action news at 6. we'll also demand accountability in a tragic case where a denied plea for help ended in the murders of an entire family. darcy spears, 13 action news. kardashian... has silenced the reality t-v star.... on all social media!!! in fact.... t-m-z is reporting.... her personal bodyguard has wiped..... his social media accounts clean..... of any postings of the star. kardashian was robbed last weekend... in paris... -10- million dollars worth of jewels were taken... including her -4- million dollar ring... from husband... kanye west. "your voice.... your vote"..... in the race for the white house....
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nominee..... donald trump made a stop today.... in henderson..... to try and gain support.... in our crucial swing state. he was met.... with thousands of supporters.... but also.... some protesters. today.... they focused on.... what they call.... "sexist comments".... that donald trump has made.... most recently about former beauty queen.... al-ee-see- a machado. some protestors showed up.... wearing crowns and sashes.... that said.... "miss piggy" and "miss slob". maria teresa liebermann deputy director, battle born progress 20:47:52:20 he really doesn't respect women, and that means he doesn't respet all, he doesn't respect people at the trump rally told -13- action news.... the comments and the protesters..... didn't bother them. they said.... they would rather focus..... on trumps policies and business success. trump took some heat earlier this evening during a rally in reno for mispronouncing 'nevada.' but in fairness.. trump isn't the only high profile figure who's had the same problem. it didn't take long for us to find a few other examples.. but we'll start with the one
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donald trump's nevada misstep was greeted with some good natured ribbing from supporters.. who want to make sure he knows how to say 'nevada' if he finds himself in the oval office. (sot) but only a few steps across the political aisle.. senator elizabeth warren also had it wrong last night. (sot) maybe she's from moss-a-shue-sits? how about first lady michelle obama.. who made a quick correction at the expense of her hair-do. aren't the only ones who take some nevada heat. here's an exchange this week between 13-action news political analyst jon ralston..
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(sot) steve wynn.. by the way.. is a solid supporter of the proposed nfl stadium project in las vegas. and tonight.. state lawmakers have recieved word they'll be heading for carson city monday for a steve wynn.. by the way.. is a solid supporter of the las vegas. and tonight.. state lawmakers have recieved word they'll be heading for carson city monday for a special session to talk about analyst jon ralston breaks it down for us. ---the governor finally made official what we have known for weeks: the special session will room taxes for the convention authority ----and a new twist: a .12 percent room tax increase for education.
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deficit. ----can they get it done? we'll find out starting monday. outrage is growing.... over a horrifying case of animal cruelty. whoever..... viciously murdered a cat and hung it up.... on a fence post. experts say.... it's common for animal abusers..... to move on to crimes.... against humans... so.... they're being vigilant. activists are helping metro.... by offering a thousand dollar reward.... for anyone with information. 07:56:15 state sen. mark manendo, (d) las vegas "hanging a cat. i mean, who does that? there are sick people in the world." butt with 07:54:23 kristen corral, nevada political action for animals "animals is
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to everyone's heart." the pictures are so bad..... we can't show them to you.... on t-v... so... we've put them..... on our website.... but... please use discretion.... in viewing them. it's a chilling scene.... that could have had...... a deadly outcome..... for a longtime hiker.... in red rock canyon.... the hiker and his -10- dogs... had to fight off..... a pack of -12- coyotes... they found themselves surrounded by!!! but.... as 13 action news reporter..... gina lazara.... tells us... it's how this veteran and dogs..... handled the situation..... that has him receiving.... a big honor!! nats of barry and the dogs barry bannister credits his four decades in the military -- for his gift to handle dogs. "i have children but i don't have no grandchildren so they are my grandchildren ha ha ha" barry and the 10 dogs go on hikes daily. but one summer day in calico basin -- disaster struck faster than barry could have ever imagined. "maybe 50 yards from the car and we were hit by a pack of coyotes" so many coyotes -- barry still isnt' sure exactly how many. but his guess is 12.
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imagine....barry and his 10 dogs completely surrounded by the pack. and then....the attack. "seconds. it was over in seconds" the coyotes managed to grab the little dogs and started to rip them to shreds. barry's dogs reacted. "fitz took the one...chased the one off molly....and ashley grabbed and killed the coyote that was blazer" the coyotes ran off. but it didn't end there. the little dogs were dying. "i was trying to get the and save them!" barry keeps an israeli pressure bandage with him at all times... and thank god he does. "it clots. i wrapped it around her and then put a tourniquet and it saved her life" 12 hours under the knife....the little pups made it out ok. "after the surgery...that's when it finally hit me. it was rough during the surgery cause i thought i was gonna lose my little dog"
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are receiving..... "red cross life saving awards".... tomorrow morning. "the pokemon go craze" is creating alot of crazy.... at one valley park! some neighbors complain.... players are swarming to the park..... at all hours of the night... and.... raising too much of a ruckus.... doing drugs.... and... bringing in crime. -13- action news anchor..... christopher king is live tonight..... in "lone mountain discovery park". christopher... this park is supposed to close but neighbors complain..some pokemon-go players are chasing pikachu all night. they worry..that could attract the wrong crowd. :03:50 generic pokemon go on iphone/nat of music pokemon-go players flock to lone mountain discovery park..try to collect 'em all. :51:46/melanie bean/player "i love it." melanie bean says..walking around..catching the digital a great enjoy the outdoors. :52:13/bean "usuallyit;s just people having fun." :35:28/jennifer pauling/neighbor "at night-it's just not safe." jennifer paulin says..she doesn't mind people
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she just wants them to clear out of the 10..when it's supposed to close. :35:32/paulin "night is when a lot of bad things happen." neighbors like paulin complain.. some players..hang around the park..into the wee hours. :35:43/paulin "at night-that attracts more of the bad stuff." she worries..the presence of late- nighters..could attract more dangerous activity. nat of meeting tonight..neighbors ..met..with clark county commissioner larry brown. some..demanding the county to put up more signs..telling people when the park closes..get police to kick people out of the park 10..and put up a gate..lock out the late-night pl drugs- it brings in the bad :20:12/commissioner larry brown "i'm sure most of the game users are law- abiding, practical people." clark county commissioner larry brown says..however..a handful of night players..are causng problems. :19:52/brown "people parking illegally in the middle of the road, people stopping in the middle of the roadway, people urinating on block walls, people leaving trash behind." :14:30/kenyatta robinson "pokemon players are being targeted-are being blamed for things that have nothing to do with pokemon." players like kenyatta robinson say..strict enrocement..some private homeownres..are trying to restrict the public's right to the park. :14:16/robinson "it is catering
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of the area and could kick up some breezes tonight and tomorrow morning. gusts shouldn't exceed about 25 mph. a weak system is passing north mph. this system will give us a reinforcement of cooler air and will keep highs in the low 80s for tomorrow. expect sunny skies through the begin with high pressure building in, high temps will rise first to the mid 80s on friday, then to the upper 80s for the weekend. also give us a slight chance for rain. on monday, we will get an additional push of clouds from a pacific system moving in from the west. there will still be enough moisture in place and additional lift from the system to keep a slight chance for rain in the forecast. the system will be to our east by tuesday afternoon. high temps will remain in the upper 80s monday through next
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our winner tonight of a dig this certificate is marcus caudill! on sunday, we'll get a bit of a of moisture from the southeast which will give us a bit of cloud cover and it may also give us a slight chance for rain. on monday, we will get an additional push of clouds from a pacific system moving in from the west.
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place and additional lift from the system to keep a slight chance for rain in the forecast. the system will be to our east by tuesday afternoon. high temps will remain in the upper 80s monday through next wednesday. our winner tonight of a dig this certificate is marcus caudill! at $169, you'll get to drive a five and a half ton caterpillar excavator in america's biggest adult sand box. if you'd like a shot at winning, enter at ktnv dot com. dig this is a proud sponsor of
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the prizes for this promotion. terrifying moments inside an oklahoma business when a man with a knife barges in. but.... it's what he told employees...... just hours before that..... had them prepared... and.... the whole takedown.... was caught on camera!!! "i'll kill you (various as a marine combat veteran, i understand the sacrifices our military makes. our benefits are earned, and we rely on them.
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narrator: joe heck voted to shut down the federal government, risking critical services for nevada veterans. and during that shutdown, heck continued cashing his congressional paycheck. his military record deserves respect. but back in dc, joe heck is putting politics before nevada. and that doesn't work for me. narrator: vote vets is responsible for the content
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barges in to an oklahoma business and starts swinging.. threatening to kill everyone. police say he had been in the store earlier in the day and threatened employees.. then returned about 90- minutes later. giakob beasley / president, beasley technology sot: "he came in screaming and yelling
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several employees were able to tackle the man..... to the ground... and.... hold him there.... until police arrived. nobody.... was hurt. it's a crime.... that will turn your stomach. who need it the most..... that has neighbors.... absolutely disgusted!!! and.. for overnight news along with traffic and weather updates.. be sure to tune-in to good morning las vegas.. starting at 4:30am. an update tonight on a
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a sidewalk.. is back with its rightful recipients. osiris caniff called 13-action news after she found this huge pile of mail.. and promptly tune the post office. the post office tells us the the post office says it may have been dropped by someone going to the post office.. or a mail carrier. donations for sick and dying kids..... tossed aside.... like trash. someone pried open.... this donation bin..... near tropicana and maryland parkway..... pulling out all the donations..... and leaving them..... strewn about. bins..... like this accept...... hundreds of pounds of donations a week....
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the non-profit..... "positively kids" that owns the bin..... has fixed it... they say... they're in the process of replacing the wooden bins.... with metal ones. we'll be right back.... with a final look.... at your wake-up weather forecast. first.. here's jimmy kimmel with a preview of tonight's show.. right after 13 action news. ((verbatim)) a weak system is passing north of the area and could kick up area and could kick up some
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i'm catherine cortez masto and i approve this message. they're bringing drugs, they're bringing crime, they're rapists. narrator: and joe heck says "i have high hopes we'll see donald trump become president." i don't know what i said, aah... narrator: heck says he "completely supports" trump. i would bomb the [bleep] out of them. narrator: and heck? reporter: you trust him having his finger on the nuclear button? heck: i do. reporter: why do you say that? heck: why wouldn't i? narrator: donald trump and joe heck. wrong for nevada. narrator: donald trump and joe heck. the new salami caprese panini from subway. pressed and grilled to cinematic perfection to get a golden brown crust and meld the flavors in melted cheese. part of the new chef-inspired
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that does it.... for this edition of 13 action news... live at 11. "jimmy kimmel live" is up next.. and remember.. we're always on.... at k-t-n-v dot com... and... on the k-t-n-v mobile app. our next reports begin at
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>> dicky: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live!" tonight -- zach galifianakis. and idina menzel. and now, while we're at it -- here's jimmy kimmel! [ cheers and appus ? >> jimmy: welcome. hi, i'm jimmy, i'm the host of the show. thank you for watching. thanks for coming. wow, oh wow. i appreciate that. we have a lot to get to. i have no time for nonsense tonight, all right? everything is very important.


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