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tv   Action News Special Edition  ABC  October 8, 2016 11:35pm-12:05am PDT

11:35 pm
st power- lines and trees- from the carolinas - down through georgia? sot frank sulkowski, wjcl reporter: "you cannot stand in one place the wind is blowing at such a high pace." humanitarian aid?now reaching hardest hit haiti? while in st. augustine, florida - sot - joan galasso, storm victim "a lot of those things are the outdoor furniture out there - are now in there." residents and business owners- including joan galasso - returning for the first time - sot - joan galasso, storm victim (covered) "its gone, its just unfathomable damage? sot joan galasso, storm victim i never expected this this is horrible, this is my worst nightmare it really is." a nightmare from hurricane matthew - now being felt as the storm finishes its sweep through the carolinas? marci gonzalez standup close: "curfews are in place there overnight, as the major concern remains with flooding.. here at joan galasso's restaurant you can see just how powerful the water was? ripping off part of the building - is you're an a-t-and-t customer
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relief effort. at&t customers have one option.. by texting "matthew" to the number on your screen which will make an automatic 10-dollar donation. now here's a live look outside at las vegas. not a cloud in the sky. here to tell us what's headed our way is 13 first alert meteorolgist karla huelga. for the las vegas valley for the upcoming week. the rest of the weekend will remain warm with highs around 90 tomorrow and mainly sunny skies. on monday, we'll get a little push of clouds ahead of a weak disturbance that will pass through the area on tuesday. expect partly cloudy skies both days, along with highs in the upper 80s. also, the winds get a little breezy on tuesday. in massachusetts -- state troopers swarm an elderly woman's home -- for in massachusetts -- state troopers swarm an elderly woman's home -- for one marijuana plant.
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constitutional rights. 81-year-old peg holcomb says -- she uses the marijuana -- for medicinal purposes. glaucoma. i am a responsible and mature citizen. this is a violation. a violation of my rights." i asked them if they had a warrant. they said they could get a warrant if i chose to escalate." state troopers say -- they have to seize marijuana plants -- when they see them -- as part of a state program. and they say -- they usually -- don't press criminal charges. this guy is lucky to be alive after getting stuck in the
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one of the communities affected by now tropical storm matthew. the bald eagle was rescued after the motorist pulled over and called for help. clay county sheriff's deputies and fire rescue workers turned the eagle over to the beaks wildlife bird sanctuary. players -- tossed from a high- school football game in new york. nats of fighting we'll tell you -- what started this brutal -- bench-clearing family friendly fun is just a short drive down eastern ave. where you can travel in back time to see kings, queens and real live jousting! and.. don't forget to download the all new 13 action news app.. featuring live streaming.. video on demand and incredible weather radar. it's free in the app store and
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high school football game. this -- is in buffalo, new york. officials say -- the fight broke out -- when the quarterback -- took a late hit out of bounds. officials called off the game. police escorted the team -- they says -- started the brawl -- to their busses. it's unclear -- if they'll play the game over. from a high school football -- faux pas -- to a florida teen -- making a incredible catch -- that's catching fire online. cnn's -- jeanne moos -- shares the bobble of the year. there are more unusual things to catch than a football. for instance, when a crowd surfing member of a dutch band caught and drank a beer.. or when a dad sat his son on the luggage counter at an not be. baby falls. there it is! at least 13-year old jaden wilson didn't bobble a baby. the youth football league pro titans in wellington, florida tried a little razzle dazzle then passed to jaden.
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back, on his knees, on his feet, bobbles again...touchdown. an unforgettable catch, right? i don't really remember the play. it was just shocking that i actually caught it when i ended up with it jaden's dad was on the sidelines talking to his wife on the phone. he kept bobbling the ball and i was like "he caught it, he dropped it, no, he didn't drop it." how cool is this. at the age of 13 to not ol ten plays but to be number 1. look at this play here bobbles it 6 times andmakes the play "catch of the year!" tweeted someone. but a naysayer disagreed...."if he was actually really good it wouldn't have been bobbled so much." try telling that to the undefeated pro titans, not to mention jaden's dad. he averages about 2 to 3 touchdowns a game. but this kid is humble. all that bobbling won't go to his head.
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pretty quiet weather is on tap for the las vegas valley for the upcoming week. the rest of the weekend will remain warm with highs around 90 tomorrow and mainly sunny skies. on monday, we'll get a little push of clouds ahead of a weak disturbance that will pass through the area on tuesday. expect partly cloudy s days, along with highs in the upper 80s. also, the winds get a little breezy on tuesday. as the system moves on, it'll pull a little cooler air our way which will drop high temps to the mid 80s on wednesday and thursday. in addition, a system to out south will again usher in some cloud cover on thursday. high temps will top out in the mid and upper 80s for friday and the start to next weekend. a system will start to approach from the pacific northwest on saturday, which will pick up
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if you missed today's renaissance festival at sunset park.. have no fear.. you can catch it again tomorrow. travel back in time wiht and mainly sunny skies. on monday, we'll get a little push of clouds ahead of a weak disturbance that will pass through the area on tuesday. expect partly cloudy skies both days, along with highs in the upper 80s. also, the winds get a little
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on, it'll pull a little cooler air our way which will drop high temps to the mid 80s on wednesday and thursday. in addition, a systm to out south will again usher it's going on this weekend.
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tomorrow is the last day. it's from ten to five at the park at the corner of sunset and eastern. a crisis involving children with mental illnesses. we'll tell you what a national investigation is revealing about why they're being left to fend for themselves.
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crippling -- mental illness. their families turn to hospital emergency rooms for help. but finding mental health care doesn't come quickly!!! tonight -- national investigative correspondent-- ross jones -- reports -- kids across the nation -- are in a mental health crisis. but many hospitals -- don't have room. ---pkg begins --- erica sarro: i'll never forget it. we were there, it was like 8 days, and then finally they the hospital bed erica sarro needed was for her young son, jonathan who she rushed to the emergency room after he heard voices telling him to cut his wrists. ross: so he sat for 8 days erica sarro: in the emergency room. on a gurney. ross jones national investigative correspondent runs = :25 - :35 what happened to jonathan is called boarding: when psychiatric patients in crisis are forced to wait because there isn't the room or staff to admit them.
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emergency departments for hours, days or weeks...knowing that if they leave, they have to start all over again. one mom's video diary: it is places are so limited for a 5 year old. she was hurting her brothers. one day she ran for the scissors saying she was going to cut her wrists. the goodbans took their two different hospitals; both had no room. we found them waiting in the e-r at unc hospital in chapel hill. ross: for 37 days, you've been looking for a bed for your daughter. buffy goodban: yes. ross: and you're still looking. buffy goodban: yes. dr. jane brice: i'm pissed! every day dr. jane brice is on the front lines of a losing battle. dr. jane brice chair, unc emergency medicine runs = 1:28 - 1:33 that's just not right.
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angry. a scripps news investigation reveals that children all across the country are falling victim to an overtaxed system. nationwide we surveyed hundreds of hospitals and mental health facilities...of those that responded, 88% reported referring children to other facilities in because they couldn't treat them. but the numbers only tell part of the story. i just want the doctors to see how sick you are. this cell phone video, captured by a mother in the midwest, was shot when her 12-year-old son was boarding at home, after a hospital told her it would be days, maybe weeks before there'd be room. mom: hey buddy. can we please work through this? son: no i want to be health beds continues to plummet. there were more than 330 thousand public beds in , but by fewer than 50 thousand remained. map graphic and according to a of public policy for the national alliance on mental
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advocacy and policy runs = 2:41-2:48 we don't have the intensive outpatient children's mental health services that would help avoid the need for emergency room visits. leading some to wait just months for an appointment. would be appalled. not so for mental health. of legislation that could lead to some help. congressman tim murphy's bill aims to add more psychiatric beds and child psychiatrists. is there a solution? a hospital in rhode island -- has found a way -- to reduce its wait times -- by half. and -- the numbers are still dropping. for that story -- and more -- including finding out -- how many psychiatrists are available -- by county -- log
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t-n-v dot com. and look for -- "in crisis -- out of room". we'll be back -- with a final check of your forecast! and -- before we head to break -- take a look -- at this view -- from chopper 13 --bringing you breaking news --fast and first. we'll be right back.
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we'll get a little push of clouds ahead of a weak disturbance that will pass through the area on tuesday. expect that does it -- 13 action news-- live at 11:30.. we're always -- on at thanks for watching. and have a great evening.
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12:00 am
??? h.q.: s.h.i.e.l.d. 6-1-6, you have course confirmation. you are cleared direct to the slingshot. agent coulson, everything all right up there? we heard you had a little dustup on the ground. coulson: yeah, we're all , we. it's gonna be blue skies from here on out. [ explosion ] [ alarms blaring ] aah! aaaaah!
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hey, no joy rides, okay? that's my house. [ engine turns over ] [ scoffs ] where do they think of this stuff? ward: skye? girl's not qualified to be a s.h.i.e.l.d. agent. agreed. that's why i've invited her on as a consultant. [ beep ] s.h.i.e.l.d. does it all the time. technically, stark's a consultant. and technically, skye's a member of the rising tide. twice. from a laptop. imagine what she'll do with our resources. i am. that's exactly what i'm imagining during this frown. you brought me on for risk assessment. she's a risk. she doesn't think like us. exactly. oh, agent coulson told us the news. what a wonderful surprise. isn't it, fitz? yeah. no, it's wonderful. yeah, a surprise. you must be very excited.
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[ grunts ] okay, so... just -- sorry. yeah. we have two kids on this bus who aren't cleared for combat. you're adding a third. at least fitz-simmons are trained s.h.i.e.l.d. scientists. but skye? you said this was a select team. assembled to work new cases, to protect people. i don't see how letting some hacker tag along -- i'm looking for an objection i haven't already anticipated. i'm calling this. but your frown will be on record. we've been called in to investigate an 0-8-4. we all know what that means. yes, we do. it means we don't know what that means. fitz: officially, it's an airborne mobile command station. but we call it the bus. we find it best to use shorthand when in the field. but everything has to be just so, you know, because of the danger. yeah, i've been up here before, but i didn't see much because of the bag that agent ward put over my head. yes, so sorry about that. water? may: wheels up in two. lock it or lose it. what's that mean?
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bunk for our guest. oh, oh, yeah, there's only one left, and it's right next to mine. sorry. you can... [ sighs ] hey. i know we didn't really -- might want to read that. this isn't like other planes. you can say that again. say what again? sweet ride. i earned a little goodwill from director fury when i got hit right before the battle of new york. you took a bullet? an asgardian stabbed me through the heart with a chitauri scepter. the effect was similar. got a few weeks' r&r and this plane. had it completely refurbished. studs up -- spared no expense. yeah, agent ward told me they sent you to tahiti. it's a magical place. you mentioned that. here. use a coaster. buckle up. i don't even know where we're going. [ beep ] peru. that's where the 0-8-4 was reported.
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wn origin. kind of like you. team goes in, determines if it's useful or if it poses a threat. last one turned out to be pretty interesting. and what was the last one? a hammer.
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i'll check them against the site's trucks -- make sure we're alone. too much exposure here. i'm gonna find a place to park. [ animal chatters ] i would love to see a capuchin in the wild. maybe even a yellow-tailed woolly monkey. you know, um, peru has 32 different species of monkey. yeah, and close to 200 species of snakes. the shushupe has a fascinating ven-- venom. it's neurotoxic, proteolytic, and hemolytic. [ chuckles ] [ chuckles nervously ] that's fascinating. yeah. oh. no, i'd be much more concerned with earthquakes, mala-- [ insect buzzes, hand slaps ] ah. there's no vaccine for dengue fever. [ gasps ] oh, look at this. we should warn the people who live around here if the 0-8-4 is dangerous. they're already dealing with anti-mining rebels and the shining path guerillas. i could post something. remember the panic when that anti-matter meteor splashed down just off the coast of miami,


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