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tv   Action News 6pm  ABC  October 9, 2016 5:00pm-5:30pm PDT

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news -- live at 5-- a community -- devastated -- after a fire -- tears through a local strip mall. good evening. and thanks for joining us. i'm christopher king. a late-night fire -- rips through the las vegas culture center -- destroying everything inside. the flames -- spreading to nearby businesses. marti glaser -- is live -- at valley view and charelston -- with the latest.. to give you an idea of the extent of the damage ... let me take you behind the asian cultural center where business owners believe the fire may have started inside leaving businesses here with the task of rebuilding . nat all gone daniel wang- is one of 5oo members who not only attends but helped build the asian cultural center . 105127 we can rebuild the
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culture and heritage. 105131 a place - he says not only instills chinese cultural values and custums ,but teaches everything from filipeno to japanese culture. 104856 its very very sad to see it like this all our efforts jt gone . 104901 the center was extablished 2 years ago, but- just 3 months ago -this became its new home. and now burnt debris, rubble and the lingering odor of smoke are all that remains . after a fire that broke out just before midnight . investigate the cause of the blaze . we have alot information about our culture in writing or in our computer - i believe its all gone -we have ancient chinese clothes - i believe they are gone too .. a half a dozen business were also affected , now forced to pick up the pieces,. roger tabor- runs the downtown las vegas soccer club/ charity next door. with the mayors cup just three
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the world " but he fire isn't stopping them from moving full steam ahead. 104432 we are resilient thats one of the messages we want to teach these kids .. not just raise money for them we hope to lead by example. overcoming and moving forward ,,something the fire can not that . 105213 fire officials say this could take days ... possibly more for them to find out the caused the f and to access the full extent of the damage . reporting live from valley view and charlston . marti glaser 13 action news . nats of brawl a 13 action news update this afternoon -- on disturbing videos of a vicious brawl. the clark county school district -- now responding to the videos. a fight -- breaking out -- between students -- on friday night -- at two valley restaurants.
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-- between arbor view and centennial high school. the district says -- they are working with authorities -- contacting parents -- and will be taking approriate disciplanary action. one teenage girl -- was taken to the hospital -- with minor injuries. and -- we're learning more about the inmate -- accused of killing another -- inside the clark-county detention center. this is 33-year-old franklin sharp. investigators say -- he severly beat his cellmate. the victim -- died at the hospital. sharp -- is currently facing charges -- for attempted grand and now -- he's facing murder charges. in palm springs, california -- police arrest the gunman -- they say -- shot and killed of their officers. john felix -- taken into custody -- after a 12-hour standoff. officers -- jose vegas -- and lesley zerebny -- were responding to a domestic-disturbance call last night -- police say --when felix shot them -- through a closed door. a third officer -- was also wounded -- and is expected to recover. during the standoff -- police used a remote-controlled robot
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to force felix out of the home -- where he was holed up. (chief deputy ray wood, riverside county): "when he emerged, he was wearing soft body armor and he had a number of high-capacity magazines on his person." one of the slain officers -- jose vega -- was two months away from retirement. lesley zerebny -- had just returned to work -- after giving birth to her daughter -- four-months ago. in new york -- more than 30 people are injured -- during a long-island rail road crash. the commuter train -- slamming into a maintenance train -- heading in the same direction. severalh on board. the collison -- tipped over two passenger cars. the work train -- burst into flames. this crash -- comes a little more than a week -- after a new jersey commuter train crashed -- killing one woman -- and injuring more than a-hundred others. . it's your voice -- your vote -- in the race for the white house. hillary clinton -- and donald trump -- set to square off -- -- about women -- is looming large. abc's -- karen travers -- is in saint louis -- with more -- on what to expect -- from both
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to a defiant donald trump going on the attack. the controversy still growing over comments from trump about women, recorded in 2005 and obtained by the washington post.... (2005 - pre-fonted) sot - voice of: donald trump "i just start // grab them by the . you can do anything." the republican party is reeling...many in the gop blasting their nominee. trump's long time friend rudy giuliani - the only member of team trump out this morning - doing dam week) sot - rudy giuliani / trump supporter "i think donald trump did -- expressed that very, very clearly, that he -- he's ashamed of himself and he's embarrassed." can trump himself convey that tonight? sot - matthew dowd / abc news political analyst "go in there humbly. go in there in a way with some humility that says 'i messed up.' // he's not gonna do that. that's not who he is. he's probably going to attack." trump signaling he's going nuclear - turning the conversation to not just hillary but bill clinton. first, this from friday night -
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presidential nominee "bill clinton has actually abused women and hillary has bullied, attacked, shamed and intimidated his victims." and trump retweeting clinton rape accuser juanita broaddrick. the former president has denied those allegations. broaddrick has never pursued criminal charges. natsot - "should donald trump drop out of the race?" hillary clinton has now had days to prepare for these attacks. sot - donna brazile / chair, democratic national committee "tonight's debate is designed for voters to hear from the candidates, hear real positive solutions. and that's what secretary clinton is prepared to do close: half of the questions at tonight's town hall debate will come from pre-selected audience members. the campaigns hope that means the focus on policies, not just scandals. kt, abc news, st louis. hillary clinton is swinging back through las vegas -- this week. she'll be in town on wednesday -- urging nevadans -- to get out -- and vote early. no details yet on the rally. for more information -- on the campaing stop -- and early voting -- just head to our website -- ktnv dot com.
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-- tomorrow morning. they'll talk about -- a proposed stadium -- and convention-center expansion -- here in las vegas. governor brian sandoval says -- they'll focus solely -- on a proposed hotel-tax increase -- for those projects. they'll also -- talk about a possible pay raise -- for police in the valley. stay with 13-action news. we'll have team coverage -- of the special session -- bring you details -- as they happen. right now -- a live look outside -- across the valley. another gorgeous weekend. great weather stick around? let's check in with 13 first alert meteorologist karla huelga. karla. a series of little systems pushing through the area will bring breezy winds monday, along with on and off cloud cover through thursday. expect gusts to about 25 mph tomorrow, with highs around 90. cloud cover will make a push in the evening and the mountains could see a stray storm. the breezes will become more occasional on tuesday and highs
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another day of partly cloudy skies wednesday as the second disturbance pushes through, with highs in the mid 80s. another day of highs in the mid 80s on thursday as the third little system pushes through. the clouds will make an exit with the system by the afternoon. a fourth, but much bigger system will approach from the pacific northwest starting friday afternoon. this will kick up our winds to upper end breezy friday and continue on saturday. expect highs in the upper 80s friday, then mid 80s for the matthew is moving out to sea. but -- people throughout the southeast -- are still recovering form the damage. the storm -- causing deadly flash flooding. we'll have the latest -- on the lingering dangers -- as millions -- struggle to recover.
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dozens crashing -- into the freezing waters. what rescuers were shocked to see once they arrived. and remember -- chopper-13 bringing you breaking news --
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i think my strongest asset,
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i'd like to punch him in the face, i'll tell you. i would bomb the [bleep] out of 'em. i could stand in the middle of 5th avenue and shoot somebody and i wouldn't lose any voters, okay? and you can tell them to go [bleep] themselves. get him out of here! get him out of here! get the hell out of here! priorities usa action is responsible
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he's on --capsizes. and right now -- a massive rescue effortis under way -- off the coast of san francisco. that boy -- pulled from inside the cabin of the sinking ship. 27 adults -- and three children -- were on board.. a good samaritan -- giving the litle boy c-p-r. a number of other boats -- were in the area -- because of fleet week. rescuers -- are now raising concerns -- about ship sa
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station -- in georgia -- near interstate-75.. here's a closer look at their pictures. they say the little girl's sister --last saw her -- alseep -- around 9 yesterday morning. an hour later she was gone. now -- her grandmother -- is pleading for help. (oma mae lewis, rebecca's grandmother) "if you're out there, and you are with becky, please call me. tell me where to come get her. i love you baby. just bring my baby back home to grey or silver -- 2012 nissan or silve stolen in alabama. and in south carolina -- more destruction --in the wake of hurricane matthew. a massive fire -- destroys several buildings -- just north of myrtle beach. investigators say -- the fire started in one building. the storm's high winds -- causing it to spread. no one was injured. the storm -- is slowly weakening -- as it moves out to sea -- leaving a path of destruction in it's wake. in north carolina --the coast
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their rooftops. matthews heavy rains -- overflowing two dams. abc's -- marci gonzalez -- is in saint augustine, florida -- with the latest. marci intro hurricane matthew now gone- but the storm - leaving more devastation.. nat and lingering dangers - in its wake? sot - gov. pat mccrory, nc "water can kill... and that's exactly what has happened sadly in north carolina and we still have dangers ahead of us. several people still missing in fayetteville, north carolina - where roads, homes and businesses- were left under feet of water? and - across the state- nats - police video baby crying as rescue worker takes
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rescued from those deadly flash floods? sot: "we're gonna attempt to save these people" first responders?unable to save others? the death toll climbing here- and in hardest hit haiti?where the estimate is now at - at least 900. while in florida- today: gratitude? for the lives spared sot - couple we interviewed first "we dodged a bullet" and for residents returning home for the first time sot - tom schmitt: "this is the bathroom..." for what little was left behind? sot - tom schmitt: "in every life little rain must fall in this case literally tag- and you saw him w suitcase..because this road his marci gonzalez, abc news, st. augustine, florida wx chat a series of little systems pushing through the area will bring breezy winds monday, along with on and off cloud cover through
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tomorrow, with highs around 90. cloud cover will make a push in the evening and the mountains could see a stray storm. the breezes will become more occasional on tuesday and highs will top out in the upper 80s with partly cloudy skies. another day of partly cloudy skies wednesday as the second disturbance pushes through, another day of highs in the mid 80s on thursday as the third little system afternoon. a fourth, but much bigger system will approach from the pacific northwest starting friday afternoon. this will kick up our winds to upper end breezy friday and
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80s friday, then mid 80s for the weekend. here at 13 action news we want all kids in las vegas to be gusts to about 25 mph tomorrow, with highs around 90. cloud cover will make a push in the evening and the mountains could see a stray storm. the breezes will bem occasional on tuesday and highs will top out in the upper 80s with partly cloudy skies. another day of partly cloudy skies wednesday as the second disturbance pushes through, with highs in the mid 80s. another day of highs in the mid 80s on thursday as the third little system pushes through. the clouds will make an exit with the system by the afternoon.
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system will approach from the pacific northwest starting friday afternoon. this will kick up our winds to upper end breezy friday and continue on saturday. expect highs in the upper 80s friday, then mid 80s for the weekend. here at 13 action news we want able to stay warm this winter so our annual coats for kids
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partner is tropical smoothie. please donate gently used or smoothie dot com. thanks to the salvation army. as the temperatures start to get colder, they'll distribute community project. you want to buy a car. but-- you put it off -- because it costs too much. around. experts say -- prices may be coming down. kumasi aaron --takes a look -- at what could be fueling the trend. this was the place to be after the great recession the new car lot. and as sales rebounded, so did prices. now, experts say that trend may be shifting, as some buyers may not willing to pay those high prices and instead opt for used cars. take nat: 09:27:05 "yeah, they are starting to trickle in right now." nick rasmussen is a honda sales manager and says right now customers can get
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nick rasmussen / honda sales manager 09:22:41-50 we have discounts on the crv starting at about $2200 off and go out to about $3200 off which is pretty abnormal for crv's to have such a big discount. rasnussen says the incentives are to get rid of this years models to make room for next years. but experts say it may be reflective of a bigger trend, an effort by manufacturers to keep sales up, and compete with late model used cars. discounts in september hit a level not seen since the financial crisis in late 2008. tim jackson / colorado automobile dealers associ 09:30:08-15 there will be what i will call opportunities for consumers with the changing market dynamics and one of those might be a softening of the pricing. 15 we expect that and frankly it's about this time of the year that you usually get that so it may be a little more pronounced this year. tim jackson oversees a statewide automobile dealers association, and says there are other factors behind a potential price drop. sales of new vehicles have pleateaued, demand for family cars has fallen and more people
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09:31:25-32 leases completely almost completely went away during the recession now they are back stronger than ever apprehension and people are being very careful where they spend their money with purchases major purchases they make. is a good time to buy a new car. giving consumers something to look forward to. i'm kumasi aaron. growing up is hard enough. but social media -- can make school -- even tougher -- for kids. now -- one teen wants to change we'll introduce you -- to a new app she created -- to help
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when i was one year old, i was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer on my spinal chord. but i spent my whole life fighting back. so you can imagine what i thought when i saw donald trump say... "i don't know what i said, ah, i don't remember!" "that reporter he is talking about suffers from a chronic condition that impairs movement of his arms." i don't want a president who makes fun of me. i want a president who inspires me, and that's not donald trump.
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investigators say -- the fire began -- in the elevator power room. crews -- quickly put out the flames.
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bullying. she designed a new app -- to make sure -- no student -- feels left out at school. abc's -- rachel smith -- has more. movie nats - you're wearing sweatpants. the school cafeteria can be a tough place. movie nats - you can't sit with us! just ask natalie hampton? sot natalie 9:00 i was bullied pretty severely at my old school so when hampton got the chance to change schools, she decided to take it upon herself to find a way to battle the bullies? by creating a free lunch planning app called 'sit wi anyone who doesn't know where they can go and who to sit with, they can open their phone and look at the lunches being kindness' to raise awareness. hampton chatted with our partners at radio disney about her plans to make lunch? a little sweeter. sot natalie 2:00:00 if you spread kindness it will comes back to you because this was my dream to bring it out to the world // i mean i'm sitting
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winds monday, along with on and off cloud cover through thursday. expect gusts to about 25 mph tomorrow, with highs around 90. cloud cover will make a push in the evening and the mountains could see a stray storm. the breezes will become more occasional on tuesday and highs will top out in the upper 80s with partly cloudy skies. here's a look -- at what's coming up tonight -- on channel 13. here's a look -- at what's here's a look -- at what's coming up tonight -- on channel 13. at 6 -- presidential debate at 8 -- once upon a time at 9 -- america's funniest home videos at 10 -- a special edition -- of 13-action news at 10:30 -- inside edition at 11 -- 13-action news that's 13-action news for now.
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-- and our ktnv mobile app. world news tonight is next. we'll see you at 10 -- for a special edition of action news thanks for watching. -
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as a marine combat veteran, i understand the sacrifices our military makes. our benefits are earned, and we rely on them. politicians like joe heck should understand that. narrator: joe heck voted to shut down the federal government, risking critical services for nevada veterans. and during that shutdown, heck continued cashing his congressional paycheck. his military record deserves respect. but back in dc, joe heck is putting politics before nevada. and that doesn't work for me. narrator: vote vets is responsible for the content
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tonight, breaking news on a sunday night. the debate showdown, a short time from now. donald trump in the fight of his life. the video that has him in a battle for campaign survival. >> i moved on her, and i failed. >> growing calls from his own party to drop out. asked will he stay in the race, trump now says 100%. no scandals in the hours before this debate. and what we've uncovered tonight. what he actually said about bill clinton years ago. >> he's really a victim himself. also tonight, the death toll climbing from hurricane matthew. fire on the water. the house in flames. the system moving further north than expected. the deadly standoff. two officers killed.


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