tv Action News 6pm ABC October 10, 2016 6:00pm-6:30pm PDT
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13 action news anchor lesley marin is live near the 95 and ann with more on what parents want to see changed. students from both schools say this raising canes is where they are encouraged to come after every football game. friday night-- a fight broke out here...ending at this in and out. parent says the school should have had security! some of this video might be disturbing to watch this video shows two boys attacked by nearly a dozen next door at this raising canes-- dozens of other punching and kicking. it was a pretty upsetting and traumatizing 13 actions news spoke to a girl beat unconscious at the in and out. she did not want to go on camera but had a black eye, sprained neck and bruised ribs. police also say 2 in and out employees and a teenage boy something dangerous could happen because away game are
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started after the rival football game. parents tells us the school should have been present...even if the students were off campus. it doesn't make any sense it doesn't make any sense of the school police is it more present 13 action news reached out to ccsd about what they could do to improve safety off campus..but they did not get back to us. right now-- metro is looking for any one else hurt so they can make an arrest. what they need to do is get counselors of our review centennial and he went out who these kids is now this is metro investigation-- police tell us once arrested attackers can face anywhere from misdemeanor to felony charges, lesley marin 13 action news. tonight -- two people are dead after an horrific crash on blue diamond road between a truck--and a mobile home! it happened this afternoon near mountain springs and the charleston loop.
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news reporter stephanie zepelin. an hours long stand-off near the stratosphere is over.. one man is in custody. this all started just after 8 o'clock this morning -- after a woman walked up to security at a -36- year-old man is under arrest..... in connection with the stabbing of a real estate agent.... that happened last month. the suspect.... has been identified.... as daniel mora. the stabbing happened..... in north las vegas. the victim was transported..... to u-m-c... where he's still suffering..... from serious injuries. mora is facing several charges..... including battery with a deadly weapon. lawmakers have been working..... for -8- hours.... on the proposed n-f-l stadium and convention center expansion. 13 action news reporter.... bryan callahan is live.... in carson city.... with a look at how things are progressing. bryan... it seems the only break longer than about 10 minutes today was
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bearing down... on the bills before them. senators have the bigger of the two bills in front of them. lawmakers taking much of the morning to question... the chairman of that drafted the recommendation about the types of bonds. there were also questions about the types of jobs that will be among the 14,000 proponents say will be created by the proposed stadium and the expanded thing... this is an issue that is not going to get done tonight. "right now these are quesi the course of a few weeks without the benefits of having language. so we will continue to analyze the language we have now, and taxpayers and as secure a deal as we can get, so people are asking the right questions." while the senate has been discussing the stadium and convention center.... the assembly spent the morning grilling sheriff joe lombardo about the proposed increase to
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we'll have more on that coming up at six thirty. reporting live, bryan callahan, 13 action news. some parents can soon send...... their -3- year old's to a public pre- school.... in the clark county school district. the first school is opening...... next august... just west of downtown las vegas... as 13 action news reporter... marti glaser... show us... key members behind this project... were proud to dig their shovels in today... so the building renovations can get started. away we can improve the lives of our children, a vision years you see our strong start academy now- becoming a reality . 103037 a public school for preschool103040 the school-a collaboration between the clark county school district , city leaders, and several community partners , is aimed at providing children ages 3 to 4 who come from low income homes and have the greatest need sot mayor there is no reason why every child in the state of nevada with proper preschooling can't be reading by the time they enter kindergarten thats
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of the building with renovations is about 2.5 million dollars which comes out of the city's money reserved for special projects. operating costs of about 8 thousand per student coming out of the pre- k grant money. this is one of 10 large classrooms that will be part of the is underway and they hope to have it up an running by august. 103438 this is area is close to numerous children who have this e early preschool education. the first years class will consist of 90 students and they hope to grow from there marti glaser 13 action news . we've lost stephanie's live shot earlier.... but what we can tell you.... again.... -2- people are dead..... after that crash..... involving a semi-truck and a motorhome.... the specific location was on blue diamond road.... near mile marker 18..... between mountain springs and the charleston loop.
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but to toll up on 2 there in a heartbeat, possibly on vacation and to have this happen is a tragedy all the way around there are road closures in the area... we will check back in with stephanie..... in a little while.... for more information. young women from all over the country traveled to las vegas to be in a beauty pageant when they got here.. they found it was canceled. money down the drain.. scam. but the organizers have a different story. do you know...... what's going into...... your child's school lunch? now... you can see for yourself. we'll show you... how... next bryan ad lib and.... count on chopper 13.... to bring you breaking news.... fast and first.
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as a marine combat veteran, i understand the sacrifices our military makes. our benefits are earned, and we rely on them. politicians like joe heck should understand that. narrator: joe heck voted to shut down the federal government, risking critical services for nevada veterans. and during that shutdown, heck continued cashing his congressional paycheck. his military record deserves respect. but back in dc, joe heck is putting politics before nevada. and that doesn't work for me. narrator: vote vets is responsible for the content
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he's divisive and dangerous. "uh, i don't know what i said. uh... i don't remember." but congressman hardy supports trump 100% and said he'll do whatever trump wants him to do. hardy even said people with disabilities are a drain on society and that seniors who rely on programs like social security are a draw on government. donald trump and congressman hardy -- divisive and dangerous.
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brazilian culture in a beauty pageant. but... it never happened..... even after some of the contestants.... made their way.... to vegas. 13 action news reporter..... tom george joins us in studio.... to explain.... while some think..... it was a scam.... the organizers say..... the've got.... a perfectly good reason. carla and tricia, one contestant contacted us saying she feels disrespected... but the pageants owners here in vegas tell me, they had no other choice. nats and then our crowns... the sashes... medallions... and crowns all ready to go... for more than two decades... miss brazil usa.. a chance for brazilian women across the country to represent their heritage. sot it also helps us preserve and show our beauty and our culture. their national pageant was supposed to be in vegas this to vegas only to find out the pageant wasn't happening...
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miss brazil florida didnt get to go at all.. we feel like we are disrespected in so many ways.. and not only that, our families were waiting for the title. the pageant organizers, who live in vegas say because of the hurricane, theywere forced to cancel last minute... they say the show couldnt go on with just 8 girls out of 25.. it would have been an easy win. i'm pretty sure than any pageant girl that worked hard a win because she was the best. but some are disappointed... they say years of hard work was wasted... i refused an offer to compete to other pageants to be a titleholder and they used my image, not only mine, the other but the owners say theyre working to make things right... and say the show so many were excited for... will go on... this was never a scam, things
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and i just feel like this was blown out of proportion. it did not need to blow upto what it did. now the organizers tell me for everyone that entered... the pageant will cover their flight to vegas on april 29th when the pageant is rescheduled.. tom george, 13 action news. a bandit breaks into..... a local veteran's home. and... it's caught on camera!!! what he stole from the man..... who fought for your freedom. ramsey in the ccsd kitchen. how you can see first hand what they'r putting in your children's lunch. and... could america's love affair with beer..... be our next source of energy? how a team of researchers are
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when i was one year old, i was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer on my spinal chord. but i spent my whole life fighting back. so you can imagine what i thought when i saw donald trump say... "i don't know what i said, ah, i don't remember!" "that reporter he is talking about suffers from a chronic condition that impairs movement of his arms." i don't want a president who makes fun of me. i want a president who inspires me, and that's not donald trump.
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safer place than home you would figure, but once someone comes in and violates that it's like you're helpless. you're absolutely helpless." this happened near vegas valley and nellis. neighbors say break ins are a huge problem within the complex. parents.... if you want to know..... whats going into your kids school lunches.... c-c-s-d is now offering tours.... of their food service facility. 13 action news reporter..... marissa kynaston tells us... why public feed important.... to the school district. take pkg david wines director of food service ccsd 00:09:09:28 we want feedback from the public, we want feedback from the kids 00:09:13:29 remember the days under a new program, they're in the kitchen too - taste testing. lory hayon registered dietician, ccsd 00:15:29:28 if they didn't like it we go back to the drawing board and create another meal 00:15:33:22 and now-- theyll start taking feedback from the public as well. parents-- teachers-- and members of the community can
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facility-- sample the food-- and give their feedback. david wines director of food service ccsd 00:10:19:23 we're always looking for ways to save money and get a better quality product out there 00:10:25:12 but it wasnt always this way. before the program-- the food was served-- whether or not the kids-- or parents-- liked it-- potentially wasting school district money every time a kid threw out their meal. but more importantly-- ccsd officials really just want the students to eat what theyre served-- because with over 60 percent on free or students to eat what theyre served-- because with over 60 percent on theyre fed at school-- may be the only thing theyre eating. lory hayon registered dietician, ccsd 00:14:15:04 a lot of our students, these are the 2 meals they're receiving on a daily basis 00:14:19:23 marissa tag this is a look at the survey the public will receive-- you can see you can rate the food on both appearance-- and taste. mk-- hurricane matthew is long gone but its impact is still being felt by millions in the south. the storm dumped four month's worth of rain in parts of north
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levels.. many towns are already inundated - and it's just getting worse... the state's governor says 15-hundred people are stranded in one town alone. gov. pat mccrory / (r) north carolina "we have pple on the roofs as we speak and we have a lot of helicopters and boats that have been deployed at this point in time.. rescuing them." the governor says, there are still over a million people without power in the state.. another storm is catching the at tropical storm nicole is churning in the atlantic.. threatening bermuda. nicole is expected to grow to a category two hurricane.. hitting the island by the end of the week. (bryan back to desk) .tonight...partly cloudy. lows 65 to 68 on the west side
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side. south winds 10 to 15 mph. south winds up to 10 mph shifting to the southwest in the afternoon. .tuesday night...mostly clear. lows 60 to 64 on the west side midnight. .wednesday...mostly sunny. highs 82 to 85 on the west side of the valley...84 to 88 on the east side. west winds up to 10 mph in the lows 63 to 66.
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for facebooking at work.. with it's latest creation. then.. beers and batteries. the two now go hand-in-hand. we'll explain how. politics should never come before basic health care, but that's the choice joe heck keeps making. women like me rely on planned parenthood for checkups and cancer screenings, but congressman joe heck voted ten times to take away their funding. heck even threatened to shut down the federal government to eliminate funding for planned parenthood. shutting down the government... taking away access to lifesaving care... just to score political points. joe heck should be ashamed. women vote is responsible
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it's called.... "workplace". at first glance.... it looks like facebook.... complete with groups... news feeds.... and trending stories. but .... "workplace" is focused specifically.... on the company you work for. employees can organize facebook groups.... with-in the company... and.... watch live streaming events.... with company executives. more than.... a thousand businesses worldwide.... are already using it. a recall all ice cream lovers need to hear about tonight.... the turkey hill brand is recalling..... some of its ice cream. the recall affects... some -48- ounce containers...... whose side label reads..... "dutch chocolate." but.... the packages actually contain...... the rocky road flavor..... that can trigger some food allergies. the rocky road flavor contains..... eggs and almonds. if you have already bought the recalled ice cream... the company says.... you can take it back it to the
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you with a consumer problem. just contact one of our volunteers any weekday between 11 and 1. our hotline number is 702-368- 2255. you wouldn't think beer and batteries have much of a connection. but research students have found a tie between the two that could help protect the environment and keep money in your pocket. kumasi aaron tells us how beer wastewater is becoming a new energy source. kumasi package: take n on tap before your favorite beer ends up here... take nat: beer on assembly line ...or here... take nat: beer in tanks it's here, being brewed. it takes about seven barrels of water for every barrel of beer produced. and all those thousands of gallons of wastewater ends up here, before heading out to a water treatment facility. but what if there is better option. take nat: two students talking these doctorate-engineering students at the university of colorado boulder believe they dr. tyler huggins / co- author 10:08:13-20 given that colorado is a booming area for breweries
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take nat: 10:22:45-47 this is brewery waste water environmental engineer dr. tyler huggins says the brewery wastewater full of contaminants, sugars and complex carbohydrates, which is perfect to cultivate a fungus that can be transformed to create the carbon-based materials. take nat: 10:13:26-36 we essentially put the fungus in there and here is an example of kind of the biomass that is produced 10:13:34-43 we dry it out and you get this really whatever structure you want 10:14:53-56 then after you put structure there. take nat: 10:25:07-14 how do we go from this card into this battery will actually we just take that little park and that's exactly what's in here mechanical engineer dr. justin whiteley partnered with huggins and says the materials can be used to make all kinds of lithium-ion batteries for phones, laptops even electric cars. and it does so in a way that is more sustainable than the graphite currently being used. dr. justin whitelwy / co author 10:18:20-31 not only do we create sustainable materials since we are creating our
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can bring down the cost to the carbon we can lower the entire price of the device. that could mean savings for you, but definitely savings for beer makers, manufacturers, cities, and the environment. dr. tyler huggins / co- author 10:10:22-33 this is the future of making new materials. this idea of self assembling and making very sophisticated their favorite drink a little more. for the now, i'm kumasi aaron. breaking right now. wildfire growing in napa county, california. right now it's about 30 acres and is threatening homes and wineries. some people have been evacuated. we'll keep a close eye on this through out the show. we'll be right back. as a marine combat veteran,
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our benefits are earned, and we rely on them. politicians like joe heck should understand that. narrator: joe heck voted to shut down the federal government, risking critical services for nevada veterans. and during that shutdown, heck continued cashing his congressional paycheck. his military record deserves respect. but back in dc, joe heck is putting politics before nevada. and that doesn't work for me. narrator: vote vets is responsible for the content of this advertising. jacky rosen: i'm jacky rosen,
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and i learned there's always a smart solution. as president of my synagogue, we found a smart solution to rising energy costs... creating one of the largest solar projects in the state. in congress, i'll work with democrats and republicans to make all of nevada a leader in solar, to improve our schools, and create good jobs. i approved this message because i know we can
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two billionaires, spending millions to buy a senate seat for joe heck. smearing catherine cortez masto with ads called "bogus," "highly misleading," and "false." as attorney general, it's cortez masto who held banks accountable and helped nevada homeowners. and governor sandoval praised cortez masto's dedication to fighting sex trafficking. don't let joe heck's billionaires fool you. catherine cortez masto has always stood up for us. i'm catherine cortez masto and i approve this message.
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right now it's about 30 acres and is threatening homes and wineries. some people have been evacuated. we'll monitor this fire through out the show.. plus.. we'll have live pictures of the fire on the bottom left hand of your screen. now to out top story.... on 13 action news.... lawmakers and the biggest names in the gaming industry are in carson city.... while the proposed nfl stadium is taking center stage in carson city, lawmakers are also talking about a plan to help keep you and the millions of tourists who come to town safe. 13 action news reporter bryan callahan is live in carson city with details on the discussions surrounding the more cops tax. bryan... while the senate has been busy with the billion dollar projects.
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