tv Action News 11pm ABC October 18, 2016 11:00pm-11:35pm PDT
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las vegas. we're following.... breaking news... right now.. new video just in to our newsroom of a brush fire...... lighting up the night sky. more than... -1- hundred firefighters are battling the blaze.... in porter ranch.... a suburb of los angeles. it began.... about -2- hours ago... but... so far... no structures have burned. firefighters are working hard.... to contain the flames.... since winds are causing it.... to spread faster. (b) gina more breaking news right now.. a man is dead.... after he's hit..... while crossing the street. 13 action news reporter gina lazara is at the scene getting answers about what happened. gina. vehicle was west bound lake mead when it struck a pedestrian crossing the roadway near linn. pedestrian was pronounced deceased on scene driver is cooperating with investigators. occurred 7:04p at lake mead and linn fatal detail en route
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grandmother is accused of smuggling half-a million dollars worth of drugs.... authorities say... -63- year-old..... cheryl cheatham was flying to detroit..... when she snuck the bags of cocaine in two suitcases.... onto her flight.... last friday. federal agents say.... they followed her..... after she began acting suspcious.... at the baggage claim.... in detroit. and... this isn't the first time.... she's been in trouble. investigators say... she has a long criminal history.... dating back to 19-72. also new tonight.. 3 teenagers..
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connection with fights at two fast food restaurants earlier this month. police say it started a raising cane's restaurant after a football game between arbor view and centennial high school.. then moved to an in-n- out. police say they're still looking for one more suspect tonight... a valley man is desperate..... to get his prized possession back... that was stolen out of his garage.... before it ends up for sale.... on the streets!!!! take a look.... you can see two men..... taking a green dirt bike..... and slowly walking it.... away. this happened.... near buffalo and grand teton yesterday... not far.... from "arborview high school". here's a better look.... at it. we'll have a more detailed description.... on our website. just go to... k-t-n-v dot com a valley bus driver says.... he was attacked! the driver says.... the bus.... full of middle schoolers wouldn't sit down..... while he was driving. so... he turned the bus around.... and... headed back to school... and that's when he says..... one of the students grabbed
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taken... against students.... if necessary. the u-n-l-v campus has transformed..... ahead of the final showdown..... between hillary clinton and donald trump... the thomas and mack center has debate signs..... lining the entire stadium. organizers at the school say.... they have more than.... -2- hundred student volunteers. i would say we have definitely put a lot of financial as well as staff resources to be hosting the debate big money is being shelled out..... to make sure every detail comes togee at "the thomas and mack center". 13 action news reporter.... bryan callahan is live on campus.... with a look.... at some of the last minute preparations underway. bryan.... right now, we aren't being allowed anywhere near thomas & mack as crews are searching all of the equipment before trump and clinton's final debate. you can see one of the networks has a stage set up here outside the student union. of course it will be the activity inside the arena that
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tomorrow night. the secret services says there have not been any credible threats ahead of the final debate. cones are already lining the streets around the university for road closures that are set to begin around 4 tomorrow afternoon. some of those areas are indicated here on this map. there will also be restrictions on your access to mccarran airport. there are also various protests and rally's scheduled around town all day tomorrow ahead of the debate. in fact, if you're driving around the strip, you might see this travelling billboard. "don't grope... vote!".... referring to the -2- thousand -5- video.... where trump is heard bragging.... about groping women. to get a full list of road closures... go to reporting live at unlv, bryan callahan, 13 action news. if you do need to plan a trip through that area tomorrow.. you might want to
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it will be in operation during the debate.. and running on its regular schedule between 4 and 10pm. and as bryan mentioned, lots of closures to keep in mind tomorrow. you can find a full list of those closures and times at you can expect a tabloid bombshell tomorrow morning ahead of the debate that a lot of people will be talking about. the headline on the national enquirer says "hillary hitman tells all." the 9-page story deta who claims he was paid to set up illicit trysts for hillary clinton with both men and women. the enquirer says the article will include 24-years worth of documents.. notes and journals. it would seem...... that the presidential candidates are making statements.... with whom.... they're inviting..... to the presidential debate. mark cuban will be a guest.... of hillary clinton. the outspoken billionaire..... has been known.... to troll donald trump.... on twitter. and....
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who died in the attack..... on the u-s consulate.... in benghazi. in the nevada senate race.. cnn has obtained a recording of a private event last week that shows republican candidate joe heck is concerned donald trump could hurt his chances. in the recording.. heck is heard saying trump could suppresss republican turnout.. making it harder for him to win the seat being vacated by harry reid. heck is running against democrat catherine cortez masto in one of the most closely watched seat country. nevada congressman... cresent hardy is just one of many congressional republicans.... who un-endorsed donald trump.... after that infamous tape was released of him..... bragging about groping women! hardy hasn't said.... who he plans to vote for yet... but emphasized... it won't be.... hillary clinton. cresent hardy @ "i said definitely pretty clearly that i will not be supporting hillary clinton at the end of the day..still an evaluation process, it's still one of those things i have to reach within myself and find out who's going to be the
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governor brian sandoval have also said... they no longer plan.... to support.... trump. with one debate to go.. the website is out with its latest prediction on who will win the presidential race. it's giving hillary clinton an 87.6% chance of taking the white house.. and a 74.8% chance of winning nevada. 538 has correctly predicted the last two presidential races down to each state with a 96-percent accuracy.. and correctly predicted all 50 states in 2012. fight tonight that puts nature against development. those who want to preserve the surrounding area are taking on some people who want to build a lot of homes. 13 action news reporter mahsa saeidi was there for the development that wrapped up late tonight. mahsa. although it's been in the works for years. tonight ... was step one. presenting the proposal..
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some very happy folks came out and told us... the commission denied this... for now but its far from over.. (sot) putting a housing development there, that's crazy (butted) (sot) he is planning to build a city the size of boulder city. (butted) (sot) i'm going to cycle with 10 thousand people coming and going from the work several dozen ... wait patiently ...for their turn to speak... (sot) what's going to happen to all the desert animals (butted) (sot) (sot) he is not ready, this is the car horse (track) theyre upset ....about a propsed plan build five thousand homes... on top of blue diamond hill ...privately owned land ...bordering red rock. the developments consultant ...ron krater...facing the planning commission (sot) i don't understand (butted)(white flash) (sot) will there be mining done while you're building this project (track) before we took the communities concerns...straight to him. (sot) for people that say this is going to harm the environment , you say? well there is no environment (track) thats because most of the 2000 acres of land ...has been an
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what about this complaint. (sot) this is encroaching on red rock, well it is in close proximity to red rock not unlike much of the other development along the western edge of las vegas (butted) (sot) you've been fighting for years to stop development at red rock, yes i have for 25 years (butted) (sot) i hate to see it ruined because the developer wants to make money (track) krater says...for years ..hes been meeting with the same people...listning to their concerns..offering solutions. but tonight..the the planning commission seemed ...not cv nfl team owners will finish off a regularly scheduled 2-day meeting tomorrow in houston.
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approved stadium deal to move the oakland raiders to las vegas. the raiders can't officially file for relocation until after the season.. so team owners won't vote on the proposed move until one of their meetings next year.. possibly in march. disappointing news for rolling stones fans... the band announced... they're canceling tomorrow night's performance.... at t-mobile arena. the band posted to twitter saying... mick jagger has come down with laryngitis... and... doctors want him to rest. performance scheduled for saturday... but... no word..... on if the show.... will go on. . an 11-year-old makes a startling discovery..... when he returns home from school. what he found inside his home.. that him running.... for the front door. and.. good news-bad news for iphone users. apple has released a new operating system.. but a lot of users think it's the reason they're watching their bills go ballistic. tricia will have a contact-13 consumer alert with a possibile explaination. karla.
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i'm catherine cortez masto and i approve this message. narrator: 2013: joe heck votes to shut down the government, risking vital services for thousands of nevada seniors and veterans. but as federal employees like air traffic controllers worked 16 days without pay, joe heck continues to cash his paycheck... even as 244 members of congress refused their pay. joe heck says he deserves it.
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intruder walking through the home. moments later.. the boy comes home from school and finds the person in a room.. then does a 180 to make a run for it. little boy: my heart started pumping when i saw him. boy: basically then i immediately run out of the house. i see that my neighbor is driving by in her car, so i but it didn't take long for
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to find him. a wisconsin police officer is lucky to be alive..... after a driver.... slammed into his squad car.... barely missing him. just moments before... the officer was helping a driver.... with a flat tire.... when a speeding truck.... into the cruiser. the driver was hurt... but... is expected to be... okay. florida police are looking for two speedy gas station thieves caught on camera. take a look. as a woman is pumping gas.. you see a man in the car next and grab her purse. in just a matter of seconds.. they speed away.. and the woman never even realizes what happened. "apple" is out.... with its latest eye-phone update. and... some users are having problems.... with it. tonight... a contact 13 consumer alert... about one issue.... that could raise your next bill.
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battery is now running down faster, and some say they're using their data faster. philip steele made the upgrade to ios 10 last week. but just days later... "well, i saw a text from sprint." it was an alert: he had just burned through his monthly data in record time. "looked at it and saw that i had used up 2 gigs, and wouldn't have any more available until my plan renewed on the second of october." philip uses his iphone as a laptop hotspot, and wonders if that was the problem. report about a florida woman with an unexplained $9,000 verizon bill. and that left philip wondering, if he's part of a new trend. "that made me concerned. maybe its the new ios 10 update, that its actually accelerating the use of data." tech blogs say there's no single reason for increased data use these days. it could be your iphone update, go. philip's says he's glad his
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alerted him. "pretty much sprint shut me down because i was getting ready to go over and who wants to go over at $50 a gig?" so... here's the contact 13 bottomline... "mac-world" and other tech sites say... eye-o-s -10- doesn't use any more data..... than previous versions. but... your phone's settings.... may be set up now..... to use more data. so... here's what you can do: disable "wi-fi assist"...... which puts your phone on the network..... when wi-fi is weak. turn off..... cell data..... turn off cell data for apps.... you rarely use. but... the contact 13 bottom line: check your data usage! some breaking news... police say two people have been shot in the leg near tenaya and gown. it happened about 45 minutes information as soon as we get it. guns don't kill people.. toddlers do. that's the message in a new satirical public service announcement. --"we need to lock them up.. not the guns..
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the video was put-out by the brady campaign to prevent gun violence in hopes of getting people to talk about it. it says every week.. a toddler accidentally shoots and kills someone by getting ahold of an unsecured gun. the president of the campaign says the idea is to get people to focus on the issue of gun violence leading up to election day. 13 action news is trying to get results..... for people still waiting for after being hired to canvass.... for political candidates. they claim.... a private company promised them.... -75- bucks a day. however... after days of work... many of the workers say.... they have not been paid. right now im frustrated 18 im a single mom 20 im on a fixed income 21 i was trying to make a few dollars extra and nothing 13 action news... did contact terra strategies.... the company in charge of the canvassing... but... so far... they are refusing.... to comment.
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under scruitny after one of its neighbors filed a noise complaint. pause for 3 seconds of music the music was coming from st. anne's catholic church over the weekend.. which was holding its annual 'fun fair.' but.. some neighbors in the area say the music was way too loud. there is no consideration given to the neighborhood- no respect fro the neighborhood ...they do basically what they want the monsignor for the las vegas diocese says they will take this into consideration when here's a sure sign the seasons are changing here in the west. check out this video from the sierra nevada. there was so much snow.. motorists were required to use chains on several roads around donner summit. along with several inches of fresh snow around truckee.. places like carson pass and ebbetts pass also reported about an inch of powder. a weak system is passing to our north and pushing east. as it does, it'll bring in some breezes to the area this evening and tomorrow morning. expect high temps to remain in
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to build in by tomorrow afternoon, which will mean a warming is on the way. afternoon highs will top out in the mid 80s on thursday, then upper 80s by friday and saturday. expect sunny skies through saturday. on sunday we will start to get a push of clouds far ahead of a pacific system that ou bring chances for rain to the forecast in the middle of next week. high temps will remain in the upper 80s on sunday, then drop to the mid 80s as clouds continue to filter in and the system approaches. expect mostly cloudy skies on tuesday, with breezy winds and highs in the low 80s. here at 13 action news we want
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expect high temps to remain in the low 80s tomorrow. high pressure will start to build in by tomorrow afternoon, which will mean a warming is on the way. afternoon highs will top out in the mid 80s on thursday, then upper 80s by friday and saturday. expect sunny skies through saturday. on sunday we will start to get a push of clouds far ahead of a high temps will remain in the upper 80s on sun tuesday, with breezy winds and highs in the low 80s. here at 13 action news we want all kids in las vegas to be able to stay warm this winter so our annual coats for kids drive is underway.
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again this year, our partner is tropical smoothie. please donate gently used or smoothie dot com. thanks to the salvation army. as the temperatures start to of action news and this community project. there are finally some answers tonight about a tragic plane crash in ohio. new information on what caused a business jet... to crash.... into an apartment complex last year.... killing 9 people. stay with us.
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business jetliner to crash.... into an ohio apartment complex.... last year. the n-t-s-b found... the pilot had been fired.... from previous jobs.... and... his current employer didn't investigate.... why. also... the pilot failed to take controls from the first officer..... once the plane..... started descending at a rapid rate.... which is protocol. as the fighting continues to
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from isis militiants.. aid agencies are bracing for a massive relief effort. they're predicting as many as a million civilians could flee the city to escape the fighting.. which has already reached the outskirts of mosul. now... you don't have to turn back time.... to see the goddess of pop.... live on stage. when we come back.... we have the details..... on cher's new las vegas tour.... and.. for overnight news along with traffic and weather updates.. be sure to tune-in to good morning las vegas.. str we'll be right back. you can catch tomorrow's
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if from home. it'll be shown.... at "the regal colonnade".... on eastern and pebble. and... "the regal village square".... on fort apache and sahara. it's free..... to the public... and... you can pick up.... your tickets.... at the theater box office. music legend cher is returning to las vegas.. this time for some shows at the new park theater inside the monte carlo. performance dates are scheduled in february and may.. and more shows are expected to be announced soon. tickets go on sale sunday.. and the pre-sale starts tomorrow.
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>> dicky: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live." tonight, tom cruise. from "dr. strange," tilda swinton. music from x ambassadors and tom morello. and now, as a matter of fact, here's jimmy kimmel! [ cheers and applause ] ? >> jimmy: well, that's very nice. thank you. i'm jimmy, i'm the host. thank you for watching, thank you for coming. oh, how nice. you picked a fine night to join us.
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