tv Morning Blend ABC October 19, 2016 9:00am-10:00am PDT
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wednesday morning. taking a live look outside. look in the distance. that's thomas and mack where tonight the 2016 election continues with the third and final debate with hillary clinton versus donald j. trump. two candidates enter. that's it. >> it's going to be a big night. if you're in town for the debate, welcome. i saw a lot of black suvs this morning. good morning. >> if you have to go to the airport -- >> good luck. >> go the other way. >> this is shawn tempesta. >> this is j.j. snyder. together we make "the morning blend." >> we do.
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musical journey with sunbird at cabaret jazz at the smith center. >> this saturday, it's on. to broadway, to pop classics, here to tell us about the show is the song bird herself. welcome. >> nice to see you. i couldn't remember what song i was singing. thank you again for having me. it's always great to be here. >> oh, yeah. >> i'm looking forward to saturday. >> this is your solo debut, but you -- you, you are all over -- >> this is my first producing, you know, putting it altogether. this is me. bernard is the founder of the las vegas dance theater, my
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he directed me in simply ella. so he helped me put this together. and i'm doing music from deon warwick, and then i got brent barrett, the original -- >> from the phantom. >> that's right. and he was on broadway. then patrick swayze came in. so yeah, i mean, it's going to be an afternoon and an evening because i have 2:30 and 7:00 p.m. slow, and you're really g sit back, i'm going to serenade you and give you a background on mora, which is an interesting -- >> is that ain'ting -- is that a story right there? >> that's a whole story right there. that will be part of the whole viva las vegas 2017. >> we're looking forward to it, just the name alone. >> it's coming. this is a prelude. >> i want to get a preview of the prelude. >> i'm going to sing live is
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>> wow! >> just beautiful. >> we love you. >> thank you, reva. reva like a song bird is this saturday at 2:30 p.m. and 7:00 at the cabaret jazz at the smith center. for tickets visit the smith to smith and you can find reva rice on twitter. >> that's an understatement. still to come on "the morning blend," a whole bunch more fun. >> stay with us.
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wow. welcome back to "the morning blend." are you familiar with pulse oximetry technology? i can barely say it. i didn't really know what that was until i found out the red clip thing that they put on your finger at doctor's office? that's what they is. they harnessed that technology into a sock for babies to wear while they sleep. it track's the and oxygen. >> here to tell us about this new product that is giving many parents peace of mind, looking at you, because i know you're about to be one of these new parents, kirk workman of outlet baby care. >> thank you. >> how are you? >> we're good. >> great. so welcome to vegas. you're in town for the abc -- >> kid show. it's the largest kid show in the country. >> tons of products for babies
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>> that's right. >> tell us about it. >> i have it here. so it's just a little baby sock that straps over the baby's foot, and it monitors their heart rate and oxygen levels, and can notify parents if those level change. it's a way to have more peace of mind at night, even when you're sleeping and you can't be there watching your baby. >> you don't have to be in the room to see what it is. this comes on an app. >> yes. so it transmits the information to the base station, which send it to you your baby's vitals anywhere, even if you're on a trip. >> you leave it on during the day, as well? >> just naps and nighttime. >> because that's the period where you're concerned about the child's safety or just -- >> yeah, you need that more peace of mind. when you go to sleep as a parent you need to know there is something else there for your baby. >> that's pretty amazing.
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parents? especially for new parents, like oh my goodness, what do i do with this living being, i feel afraid walking out of the room, parents must feel a lot many comfort. >> the overwhelming positive feedback is that it gives parents peace of mind, empowers them with more information about the thing that they care about most, right? >> can i have a look at this? >> yeah, absolutely. >> here is the little baby -- oh, my -- really? i mean, this is the cutest so here is a little sock, and it velcros on. it looks comfortable and gentle. and the base station can go by your bed. >> yes, on your nightstand. and it glows green and has a breathing motion to reassure you that everything is okay. >> okay. and in the case that something changes with the baby, what happens here? >> so the base station turns red, and has a notification and
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up. >> heads up, check on your baby. >> or maybe this fell off, which would be the better deal. here is the deal. you get the kids show, i wanted to know what the nerds got, and you got an award. >> yes, we won best start up at cbs. >> that's a big deal. >> it's a technological marvel that is just -- looks normal in a baby sock but there is of technology in this. >> it looks so insignificant, but it really does great work. how long -- this obviously is rechargeable. it isn't plugged into the wall. >> that's right. >> how long does it last? >> it lasts about 30 hours. parents charge it up when the baby is awake and playing and ready for when they go back to sleep. >> let's talk about the technology. i know at the doctor's office it monitors this little clip, it
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heat related? can you explain the technology? >> it's little infrared light that shines through the skin and there is a sensor on the other side of the skin that picks up a light. and as the heart pumps blood through the body you see the troughs and it counts the heart rate. the difference calculates the oxygen level. isn't that incredible? >> you also have the cute factor going on, because seriously, imagine this is going to go on your baby's little foot. >> this is so cute. >> they're so cute. >> where do we get this? in a medical place? do we just get it online? >> so we'll be in retail next year, but right now we're just on our website at >> and you have two kids of your own. >> that's right. >> you're cofounder were you partial inventor of this? >> partial, yeah, there's a few of us working on it. >> all had kids, and you're like i want to know if my kid is
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diagnostics on our cars, our cell phones, but there is nothing that can actually monitor your baby. and so we wanted to be able to have that as parents. >> absolutely. now, people can go to your website to order, and you also have a special this morning for our viewers. >> you why, that's right. >> very cool. this is perfect timing for me. >> so vegas has been good for your product. you're back here this week at the show. every six months it seems like we're down here, and it's been awesome. >> congratulations. >> very interesting. >> great to you. >> you got to get one of those. >> no kidding. >> to order an owlet baby monitor go to their website. that offer is good from now until october 31st. >> those baby monitor cameras, the baby is sleeping it's not going to be moving around, so staring at that is not going to tell you how the baby is doing.
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i had lived in my home 20 years. i had always paid my mortgage on time. but when the market crashed, i had trouble paying my mortgage payment. i applied five different times. i spoke to people in new york, with my lender. i pleaded and pleaded with the bank to let me refinance, but they would not work with me at all. i called catherine cortez masto's office
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she took on the big banks, and i was immediately treated with respect and fairly. catherine cortez masto not only saved my home for me, catherine gave me my dignity back. she gave me a life back. i will always be thankful for that. i'm catherine cortez masto, and i'm proud to approve this message. welcome back to the blend. the fall is here and with it comes cooler temperatures. we have to take steps to help our cars withstand the cold, as well. here with us is the service manager of the henderson super store. how are you? you have a service manager at henderson, you've seen it all.
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oh boy, it would have been easy. fall temperatures are here. people say it doesn't get cold in vegas but it does, especially the lows during the nighttime. >> correct. >> what do we have to do to ensure that our car is in tip top shape. >> we want to the interice our cars. we want to check our tire pressure you. that's one of the main things that people are concerned about. >> all of a sudden it's right now it goes from 90s to 70s, and then your car has low tires. >> and you have -- >> a brady was -- but that's a whole another conversation. so tire pressure is one of the main things because we get that light on the dash. you get your tire pressure checked at your local repair facility. next thing is the battery that wants to die on you. they typically last about two years in the valley. that's the average. >> if you're over that, you're on borrowed time. >> definitely want to get down
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you're unsure how old it is. >> and the importance of getting this done ahead of time, because otherwise if your car -- if your tires end up going bad you're stuck on the side of the road. >> and everybody is closed, and -- >> the only time that that happens when everything is closed. >> absolutely. >> there is also some recalls. occasionally every car company has this, but when recalls come you should have your car taken care of. >> absolutely. you should call your local dealership, find out if there are any manufacturer recalls in the vehicle. it could be the update to the computer system. simple as an update that can prevent further damage or problems on the vehicle and could be something as easy as replacement. >> i tried to go to independent not dealer shops before. like half the time they don't know how to reset the you need an oil change light. >> correct. >> there is a difference between getting it done at an
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official dealer think. >> absolutely. at our dealership we have trained, certified technicians by the manufacturer that have extensive knowledge to work on your vehicle and help make sure your vehicle is ready to go. >> absolutely. got any promotions? >> right now we have a special for your vehicle $8,595 we're going to change the oil for you, replace the wiper blades. >> the blades? >> the blades. and the filter is going to get replaced, full multi-point inspection on the vehicle and check the alignment for you. >> that's fantastic. i love that. generally you like to say give you more washer fluid. that is like 15 cents. wipers can be expensive. and when out starts raining here and the new york city we do occasionally get a little tiny flake here and there. it smudges up your windows. if you don't have the right blades, you can't see. and it's easy to -- when a car comes in at henderson hyundai, you guys are really great about it. >> we're on it and we treat our
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as we can. >> where you guys located? >> on boulder highway, 460 north boulder highway in henderson, between lake meade and -- >> what are the hours for bringing it? >> 7:00 to 6:00 monday to friday. >> bring your hyundai to henderson hyundai super store. they can help winterize your car. call number or head to the website on your screen. if you haven't been taking care of yourar one. they have those there, too. thank you so much. it's the ultimate immediate spa experience, offering cutting edge treatment for men and women. from cellulite reduction to laser hair removal they are the go to spa for relaxation and rejuvenation, and we all could use a little bit more of that. here to tell us more about some of the treatments they offer, the pr for the spa.
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it right? >> yes. >> i got it. ladies, welcome. >> thank you. >> so opulecne, you offer a lot of services. one of the most popular services is called velashape. tell me about it. >> it's a noninvasive treatment that reduces the cellulite reduction, so basically -- yeah. absolutely amazing treatment. it basically heats there is radio frequency to smooth out the cellulite. typically you need about six treatments. >> amazing. anything you can do to reduce cellulite. is this a laser? you said infrared. >> it's basically a small little device that has infrared heat. there's also -- there's also -- welsh let's -- >> you can't think of the words,
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>> yes, before and after pictures. >> photos are worth a thousand words. what are we looking at here? on the top we have the before, and after how many treatments do you think? >> six treatments. >> six treatments, right there. >> cellulitis an interest thing to try and deal with. it's not easy, for years they've been claiming that you can affect cellulite but that is seeing good results. >> absolutely. >> before we move on to the next online, and you have a lot of great reviews. a lot of good reviews, a lot of people comment on your great facials. you also do massage. but give me an idea of the whole spectrum of services at open awe lens. >> we do skin tightening, laser hair removal.
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any type of scarring. >> excellent. well people should visit your website. you really get the idea of the full spectrum of what you do. you have something very interesting that a lot of people commented on, online. this cacoon wellness pod, tell me about it. >> the cacoon wellness pod is basically will help speed up your metabolism. you can burn four to 600 calories perception. it detoxes and cleanses the body. we take it you're -- >> what? >> yes. while you're laying inside it there is little mini vibration and there is infrared heat. >> it's like going in a very, very warm sauna. >> yes, correct. >> and how long do you stay in? >> up to 45 minutes. >> and you just -- you're meant to sweat. >> absolutely. correct. >> oh, my goodness. your head is out. >> absolutely. >> oh, my gosh. what do people say about this experience? >> they love it, absolutely love
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are na fighters. they love it. just before the fight they'll come in and use this type of service. >> do you think -- are they trying to drop a little bit because you would probably -- you would lose a lot of water, and so you drop your weight a bit? >> yes, absolutely. >> very interesting. now do you encourage to people drink water after they use it? >> before and after, absolutely. >> you want to sweat it out and keep it safe. very interesting. speaking of keeping it have a fda approved service called they are ma lift. let's talk about therma lift. it's a advantage i nail rejuvenation service that you offer. >> it's a probe, and it supports women that have issues with let's say leakage, and vaginal leakage, and it's also supports
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during intercourse. so it helps that, as well. >> you said leakage, and i -- i almost giggled, because -- >> i was going to -- >> it's a little funny, however, i have several friends who say especially after childbirth, do not make me laugh, i'm going to pee my pants. >> and it happens. this is the answer to not having depends anymore. you want to have use them. >> you have been treating women with >> yes. >> how many treatments do you need? and what is the treatment like? >> well, the treatment takes ten minutes. and we suggest three treatments to -- so that way you'll see the ultimate result. and there is no pain. and you just feel a little bit of heat. and it's -- you can get up and do whatever you want right after that. >> so how is it so effective? what is it doing to rejuvenate the body?
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is obviously you come to the spa, and you have someone there who inserts it and you know supervises everything. and so that's how it's done. >> and women are seeing great results from this? >> wonderful results. after one visit, but we suggest to have three. you do it every four weeks. >> i believe you say it's fda approvedders as well. >> yes, it is. >> that's an important point. great. and can women come in and talk to you about it and find out more? >> yes. and actually if you're our first 24 appointment, we will obviously give you a nice discount, but also give you more information all about it. >> thank you. that's slept. just for "the morning blend" viewers. >> yes. >> ladies thank you so much. >> thank you. >> thank you for bringing a little opulence here on "the morning blend." located on valley verde drive in henderson. to learn more about all their services we discussed today, visit their website or call the number on your screen. shawn. >> j.j., thank you so much.
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cacoon for the next two weeks. if you're a passenger in a vehicle that is in an accident and you get injured, seek medical attention immediately. injured passengers have claims separate from the drivers, and have rights regardless of who was at fault. if you're injured in a crash whether or not you were driving make sure you call an attorney and get everything on the up and up. the assistance, check out the website on your screen. they're on facebook and twitter. people find themselves in these accidents all the time. they try to tough it out. don't be a tough guy. get it done the right way.
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approve this message. i don't know what i said, ahh, i don't remember. narrator: and joe heck says i have "high hopes we'll see donald trump become president." trump: you know, you could see there was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her wherever. narrator: heck says he "completely supports" trump. i love war in a certain way. narrator: and heck? reporter: do you trust him having his finger on the nuclear button? heck: i do. reporter: why do you say that? heck: why wouldn't i? narrator: donald trump and joe heck.
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it's that time of year again. time for the 65 and older to face that important choice regarding health care coverage. medicare open enrollment is open now and it ends december 7th. >> here to discuss the importance of open enrollment and choosing a plan is the market president with healthcare partners medical group. gentlemen, hello. >> good morning. >> good morning. the magical time of year, open enrollment is finally here, an important time for seniors. important, doctor. >> well, seniors have a chance every fall from october the 15th until december 7th to make a choice for their health care coverage for the following calendar year. and during that time, they can choose several options for coverage. it's important for them to pay attention to what's available, just like if you're in an employee, your employer every year can offer you insurance coverage. if you make that choice it sticks with you for a year. so it's important thing to consider. and as seniors continue to age,
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intensifies, so it's really important that they check what the benefits are, what their costs are, and be sure they got a network of providers the that they're happy with as they make those choices. >> some of these choices can be hard to navigate when you really sit down to look at your plan of the what do you recommend are some of the things people should be really aware of in their medicare plan? >> seniors tell us as they look at these choices every year, that the seniors would first of all look at their provider, are they available in a network that may be able to sign up for. the second often do i need to seek care because benefits may vary around that. the third is medication. if i'm on chronic medications i need to be sure i got those available in a formulary or preferred drug list. the next is specialists. is my cardiologist, my dermatologist in this network? and last is out of pocket expenses, so different benefits
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out of pocket expenses they need to be sure they're able to cover, depending on their choices they make. >> it's have important to choose and choose correctly because you end up stuck with this decision for the next 11, 12 months. you want to make is your you get it right. let's talk about the different medicare plan options available. there are plenty. >> there are several to choose from. obviously the basic is standard medicare. it's usually a little risky financially but it's the most basic. there plans that have a cost involved that offer up a wider network, and the most widely used i believe right here in the vegas valley are what we call medicare advantage plans. these are benefit rich. they have a lot of value to them. most come with a zero premium, so they're very affordable. and there is a lot ofnd whistles involved. >> incredible. let's talk about then obviously you take the factors that he
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cross-referencing the two which one is right for you. i know healthcare partners have a total care model. explain the total care model. >> so total care model is designed and over years always fine tuned to try to get integrated, coordinated care. we know how fragmented areas of the health care system can be. no surprise to anyone. so to have a team approach, which is the healthcare partners model, to coordinate that care, and that team starts primary care physician or pa, and the clinic, the team of individuals in that clinic that talk to the folks regularly, the patients who come in. the third is coordination team behind the scenes of care management. rns and other lpns and other nursing professionals who help coordinate that care and be sure the services are available for specialty care, and coordinate things. and the last thing behind the scenes there is our folks that schedule appointments and try
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seniors need that coordination, need that help, and total care model they're able to get that kind of service from healthcare partners. >> it really takes a team, doesn't it. the way you describe it. >> the t word is the big deal. in health care if that's not available to you when you got chronic conditions or need help schedules, it can be a real barrier to getting access to good care. >> needlessly complicated. >> can be. >> nice to be on the emtoo. human in a, you want to learn more about that where do you go? >> you can go to open enrollment, the healthcare partners open enrollment website. there is a 800 number on your screen you can look at. humana has a whole team of professionals who are experts at medicare, who make house calls. >> really? >> yes. we have guidance centers you can go to. we'll meet you anywhere and we'll actually help the seniors navigate a very complex system to help folks make really great
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there are -- there's a lot to look at as you have laid out, thank you so much. >> thank you so much, gentlemen. great having you. open enrollment happening now, goes through december 7th. to find out more about your health care options head to open enrollment and go so my doctor, dr. justin maxwell. >> he's your primary? >> handsome devil. ktnv, you can find so many great stories on what makes the valley such a special >> from several reports to deals at restaurants and more check out the website for your invite into las vegas. into las vegas. we'll be right back. putting a wife to work is a very dangerous thing. planned parenthood should absolutely be defunded. into las vegas. we'll be right back. and congressman hardy said he supported trump 100%. like trump, hardy opposed legislation to ensure equal pay. and hardy fought to defund planned parenthood, just like trump. ruben kihuen respects women. kihuen fought for equal pay for equal work.
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mattress firm works to keep shoes on foster kids feet throughout the day, and all month long you can team up with them to do the same. here with more about the initiative is the marketing development manager with mattress firm. hi. >> hi. >> welcome. >> thank you. >> so what is mattress firm foster kids? >> sure. so mattress firm foster kid is a program that helps employee seven shaly temperatures to foster families and foster children. >> is it just shoes we can donate? >> throughout the year we have six annual drives. currently we're in our shoe drive. >> there is different drives. okay. >> absolutely. so now you stop into any one of the mattress firm 24 locations you can drop off shoes through october 30th. >> that's really important. i don't think people realize the need for sees, because often you see especially whether it be foster kids or low income situations, they might only have one pair and there might be a
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>> absolutely. or they're wearing a hand-me-down from a sibling. >> that's a good point. >> it's key. >> we want children to be able to walk in confidence, just as you mentioned having the wrong size shoes, having them too large or too big, it impacts their confidence. >> yeah. >> definitely. how do you think mattress firm decided on helping foster kids? this is such a -- it's such a great outreach. >> so mattress firm has a long history of giving back in our communities in which we live and work. so we saw a need. the foster kids were under served and we saw a need to employee seven shaly temperatures to foster children. >> that's phenomenal. and the goal is to help as many as possible. >> how do we help you in the shoe drive? >> we realize that not everyone can be a foster care but anyone can help support a foster child.
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essential items and also to help encourage our communities to participate during our sixth annual drive. so if you stop into any one of our locations you can drop off your shoe donation there, in any of our donation bins. >> this is great. you have a toy drive in the future. when does that happen? >> we do. so the toy drive is actually our largest drive. that begins on november 1st. we'll be collecting doe fashions in our stores to help support that drive. distributed during the holidays, i guess. >> yes. >> oh, that makes so much sense. >> and the great thing, mattress firm you have locations like everywhere. >> they are everywhere. >> drive three blocks. >> i see your locations as i drive throughout the valley. >> exactly. and all of our markets across the country we partnered with local organizations that help support our cause, as well. and here in las vegas we've
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for has vegas. so they help provide positive life experiences to foster children and youth through after school programs, through tutoring programs, school school are ship opportunities, as well as annual events throughout the year. >> we saw some photos a bit ago, really cute, of some of your employees and the kids. have you had the chance to go out in the field and connect with some of the foster children? >> so i haven't had the opportunity to connect with them legal reasons. we don't really do a whole lot of interacting with them. however, we have had several opportunities to build bikes for them. we participate in make blankets for them, so there are several opportunities that our employees have had in order to impact their lives. >> and to you -- for you to be part of this situation must be incredibly rewarding for you, as well. >> absolutely. it is definitely one of my most
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able to positively impact the reality is that there are more than 415,000 children currently in the foster care system in the united states. at any given time. and here locally if las vegas it's over 3,500 children in the foster care system. so it's definitely an opportunity. >> certainly a need there. let's helpful fill that need. great having you. >> thank you for having me. >> now through sunday, october 30th bring a new pair of shoes or monetary donation to any mattress firm the valley. there are 28. to find out more about their upcoming toy drive head to the website on your screen. >> take one day off. they get one day. and boom, back to the drive. more drives. drives all the time. they're driving. >> they're driving. >> you know someone who truly makes a difference in the community? recognize them with the "give back" award. >> go to, click out the form. one lucky person will receive $500 from america first credit union, a proud sponsor of the award with "the morning blend."
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cash for your old valuables, they offer lend support to many great organizations in the valley. >> here with more is the man with the master plan, neil sackmary, the man with the real how are you? >> yes, very good. he does have many plans. >> he certainly does. obviously we have the rabbi with you here today. you get a collabro going on. >> we had a great time a couple weeks ago. rabbi had over 700 people. >> wow. >> they heard the call. >> you know, the festival and stuff, and it was fantastic.
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important for me, neil sackmary, it's very important for nevada coin mart, that we do these type of things. and so the rabbi said when we were here the last time you know this is another jewish holiday and there's not another one until the end of the year and what do you think about doing it? he brought interest things that he's going to explain to us, and it's very important. nevada coin mart is not only here to do business, but nevada coin mart is here for the community, so that we can do whatever we can to make everybody feel happy. about? in all your giving back, what are you most passionate about in the community? >> i believe very strongly that i had a great childhood on cow growing up. i lived on six acres, had the horse, the whole thing. and i think that the childhood is very, very important. we all make mistakes in life, but i think the most important thing is to give back to the children because the children really are our future, and so
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important because we just want to make everybody happy. we can't help everyone. but we certainly try to help as many people as we can. >> i love the fact right from jump street when nevada coin mart began, you didn't say i'm going to be in business for a while and then i'll help the community. >> and i brought this today. this is my federal trademark. >> oh, your trademark. >> the official thing from, you know, and so the important thing that i say to you and i'll let the rabbi talk, since n coin mart is the industry leader, as everybody knows, there's a lot of people that go and open up with similar names and similar things, and similar signs and all this. the important thing is this. neil sackmary and nevada coin mart are federally protected by the federal trademark, and so that's why you will see everything on my website nevada coin with official, because i am the official person, not somebody trying to use my name.
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you can only do that when you're legit. it's tough to get. that's been over a year in the making, right? >> year and a half. >> can we talk to the rabbi now? because you brought in a -- tell us about the holiday. >> so we're just celebrating the holidays, we just finished celebrating last week and two weeks ago. we partnered with nevada coin mart for that. and now we're celebrating the festival of joy, a time of joy, a time of unity. we build the small hut. we sit there. we eat there. that's where we celebrate the holiday. that's to remember when the jews came out of egypt in exodus so god protected them with clouds of glory. to remember that we sit in the hut for seven days. we use this, which is very interesting, we have a palm
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branches for willow. if we look at them, each one represents something else. this has taste and smell. one has only taste, one has only smell. we want to unite all kinds people. each one represents a different kind. one with taste, one with smell, and one -- and now when we celebrate -- >> there is smelling going on. >> yes. when we celebra things we do is we have of course, like neil said the main focus is our children, so we have today a carnival at 4:00 for the kids. we'll get a few hundred kids coming, and always happy that neil always partners with us. >> it is tremendous. i remember growing up, you know, that's where thunk of like you go to a casino but eight years old. so they spin wheels, and you go and you get your tickets and
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gumball. listen, it's really, really wonderful. and that's why me and nevada coin mark, neil sackmary partner with the rabbi because the rabbi does so many wonderful things out of his heart. for me, we could do business with anybody, but it's really important to continuously do business with channel 13, continuously do business with the vein as morning blend. the operation, i could go on and on, but the important thing is that the business with are wonderful, like the rabbi, and i can't think him enough. >> not only are you fair to the community, but you're fair to the community that walk in. you have top of the line technology to make sure everybody has exactly what they have coming. >> it's really cool. i've had the metropolitan police department come into the store, to look around, and things like that, you know, because they want to see what other stores are doing. and everybody is impressed, because when they come into my
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monitors. i have two extra spectrometers mounted there. everything is trance parent. there is no funny business. you get paid cash on the spot. when you come and see neil sackmary, there is only good business. i can't say it enough. to call (702)776-7061, call right now. come by, you know, it's really important. really support me, which enables me to be able to support other things in the community. and the tv station. >> speaking of supporting other things in the a special. tell us about that. >> my friend sent me a picture of his daughter the other day. and his daughter was posing with my cut out in blazers. so i want to tell you if you go he to glaziers you can be one of many who takes photos with my full-size cut out because it's the greatest supermarket in las vegas. sell $200 or more get $50. >> i want to go visit the cut out. what kind of pose are you doing?
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>> there may be opportunities to explore, and you might want to participate in activities that might be posted in your news letter. and you have to take time out for tours. this is what i was telling you about. >> okay. >> when i go on a cruise. i like to go on excursions. check with guest services or talk to your travel agent, and you book these to yours and executions ahead of time and they guarantee when you get into a port you can go off the ship and have an adventure. >> and you'll get back on time, >> review the ports and destination in advance, designate specific days that you're going to go shopping, relaxes and adventure. don't try to do it all at once in the same location each time. pick one place. >> yeah. >> and before you head out for the day, take advantage of breakfast in the room. oh, my goodness. most ships offer complimentary room service. >> there are so many opportunities to eat on a ship.
9:57 am
problem. are you ready for great cruise adventure? each day through october 31st, simply upload a cruise smile photo to cruise and share the #cruise smile with friends. use the #cruise smile and be entered in the -- oh, also use #sweepstakes. come back each day and you can enter to win again. and you can win this week's featured cruise vacation sweepstakes price including today's cruise. >> yes. sail into spring with a cruise for two. explore the southern caribbean most exotic sports of call. >> you made that sound really attractive. >> thank you. >> again, enter today for your chance to win by submitting cruise smile and #sweepstakes
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>> announcer: the party's right here 'cause "the view" is live. the final debate is just hours away. abc news' martha raddatz exposes the biggest potential bombshells and takes you inside the wildest moments of the last one. >> mr. trump, let me repeat the question. plus, kim k. in crises? why insiders claim she can't bear to go back to life in the then whoopi gets her groove back with a surprise reunion at the new york city wine and food festival. >> where did it go? oops, i ate the whole thing. hump day "hot topics" are in the house with whoopi, candace cameron-bure, joy behar, sara haines and jedediah bila. now, let's get things started. [ cheers and applause ]
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