tv Morning Blend ABC October 20, 2016 9:00am-10:00am PDT
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good thursday morning, and happy day off after the big debate. we're taking a live look at the monte carlo. the area is set to be renamed. >> the whole area between monte carlo and new york, new york, all the area there that l the arena is now the park, and the new theater over at monte carlo is called the park theater. >> i like it. >> a lot of parking going on. >> i love it. sprucing up the whole area around t-mobile. >> good morning. thanks for spending thursday with us. i'm shawn tempesta. >> and i'm j.j. snyder. what a debate. >> yeah. >> it was interesting. >> it was interesting, like all the other debates have been interesting, like stubbing your
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unlv, because unlv represented so hardcore yesterday, and throughout the debate, and whenever -- just before the debate started, representative from the state was there talking about unlv. all of the news networks there, unlv was front and center, and how the students were getting involved. props to unlv, love it. >> and props to the whole city. >> yeah. did it well. >> i do not get props for not planning my drive home. it took me an hour minutes to get home. >> what time did you hit the 15? >> i never hit the 15 because the 15 was closed going south. then i went to dean martin drive, which was -- you know what it was? about 40 minutes into it i'm at a stop light for 15 minutes and i'm thinking oh, my goodness, i'm back in los angeles. >> for a brief moment in time. >> it was bad timing on my part. what a beautiful night. i rolled down my windows and enjoyed the beautiful october weather.
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feeling blue over the debate and the state of our country and the future generations i have something that might restore your confidence. and that is -- in the age of e-mail and text messaging and skype, i got a thank you note in the mail from hosting the boys and girls club, a handwritten -- >> no way. >> when is the last time you got one of these? yes. >> so cool. >> a young lady named mckenzie, she said i like ktnv and i like microphones and thank you for hosting. she took the time to do that. it really touched my heart. it reminded me thank you notes are still in style. >> time for our pick of the litter sponsored by best mattress. today's pup is tesla. he loves hiking, cuddling, flaying fetch. i would like to also have a family. >> and here he is with his
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president of nspca. it is the no kill animal shelter in las vegas. >> that's right. >> welcome. >> thank you. >> tesla is a happy, energetic by. >> he is a 80-pound lapdog. if you're at home and he sits on your nap you need to wait for somebody else to come home and get him off your lap. so much live to give. reportedly house crate trained, but when you get him home make sure and teach him the laws of land at your house. this guy has nothing but love to give. >> he's so healthy and energetic. how old is he? >> he's only four. he's one of those dogs he's going to be puppy until he grows up, so he's just a love is what he is. >> if you have any children who need cleaning, i think -- >> there you go.
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with other pets? >> he does great with other pets. he gets along with any dog. he's curious about cats. he doesn't hurt them, just wants to play. he's full of energy. >> great. >> so he is -- he just a great dog all the way around. >> once again, to whoever brings him home adopt him, they will also go home with a beautiful dog bed from best mattress. >> absolutely. >> tell us about the partnership. >> they partnered with us with every dog that appears on the blend that goes home, w home with a mattress. they have been so generous that when we bring the pairs they give each of them one. it has been so great. the mattress has a washable cover on it, which is important. hopefully your pants are washable, as well, because he's cleaning them. i told you, he's a 80-pound lapdog is what he is. you know, for someone with an active lifestyle, an individual, you said he loves hiking. >> yes, he loves to go hiking. he loves to run around.
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the ideal dog for you. if you have a pool you probably need to watch him because you won't be able to keep him out of it. >> i love it. how do we adopt him? >> come down to the sanctuary. if you have a pet, bring it with you, make sure everybody gets along. i have no doubt in my mind he'll get along with your dog, it's a matter if your dog will welcome him in. >> we love the nspca. >> how exciting is this. >> tell us what happened. >> today kicks off the s which is being recorded in las vegas. today we were just told we were going to be pleasantly spried and we're having a viewing party today from 2:00 to 2:30, so come down, give him a big thanks and see what he wins for the nevada nspca. >> now, i have to tell you, i was on set a few months ago when he played. >> oh, yes.
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information. >> oh, no. >> i'm going to whisper in tesla tesla's ear. let me tell you what happened. he's going to be on millionaire today and tomorrow and joining us in studio tomorrow. >> such a sweet boy. taro from last week. >> taro is still there. however, that's okay, because he brought down people to adopt other pets. so that's okay. we have over 800 animals to choose from, and sometimes our pets pick you not they pick you. >> absolutely. i think tesla picked all of us today. looking forward to that. come down to the shelter on west dewey drive. the phone number is right there on your screen. >> i'm telling you this dog is multipurpose. he is aman fantastic. and don't forget if you adopt tesla you'll get a complimentary
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town, and vendors from all over the country brought all the latest and greatest products for little ones. two of the big stand outs from the show are joining us today. kiyah duffey is the cofounder of the kiyah spoon, here to tell us how for your child's eating can have a new learning curve. >> thank you for having me. it's a pleasure to be here. >> you're the creator of this spoon. >> i am, yes. i am the creator and designer of the spoon. we have redesigned the toddler spoon to make it easier for children to be successful when when children are learning to eat they begin by holding utensils palm down like this. when they do that they have to make the funny twists to get the food into their mouth. it falls everywhere. they get frustrated and they favor their hands instead. we wanted to redesign the spoon to make it easier for them to hold it. we made the handles shorter and wider. it brings the bowl of the spoon closer, so it more naturally mimmicks that.
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sense. >> that's right. and the angle faces the bowl of the spoon faces the child, so when they're scooping and just wanting to bring it into their mouth, they don't have to turn their wrist at all. >> i think i might enjoy this. this is so well thought out. tell me about your background. >> so i'm a nutrition researcher. i've been doing research on dietary patterns and how we can help families make healthy choices. i realized these patterns that we have as adults form childhood. i wanted to create a tool that made it easier for children to turn -- to feed themselves. there is a lot of research that tells us how important this time is. when kids successfully feed themselves they're less likey to become picky eaters and less likely to overeat. >> this is so intelligent. it almost reminds me, it's like a training wheels utensil. >> yes. and i want parents to feel
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their children. their kids can do it and they want to do it. and mealtime we know is so important. and so i wanted to make a tool that made it easier for everyone. >> i know that many parents -- you want your child to be exposed to as many different foods as possible, so this is a critical period. >> yup, it is. >> and you're helping with this period. when you first held up the spoon, have i seen that before. as a little baby, they hit it on the cheek. >> i know. >> and it goes down here. what kind of results, what kind of follow up have you seen with children using >> people really love it. when it gets in the hands of consumers they're so positive and thankful for having something that allows their kids to do this themselves. >> you can find us on our own website, kizingo we've been having such wonderful response. it's so fun to be here. i was here as an inventor last year. >> thank you for that website where people can purchase this. i would like to note this is made in the u.s.a. >> that's right. in new york.
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and you have a special offer for morning blend viewers today. >> that's right. we're offering 10% off for anyone coming to our website and ordering and we offer free shipping. >> excellent. thank you so much. again, to order your kiyah spoon visit their website, kizingo you can find them at the kizingo both, number 914, and shawn you have another interesting guest over there from the abc kids expo. >> that's right. the teething egg, innovative egg shaped teether designed for babies from three to 12 months. it mimics the surface mimmicks a baby ease gums. here to explain is jessica and dean luntz. let's talk about the idea. how old is your baby now? >> she is 2 1/2 now. >> but back then you were trying to figure out, there has to be a better way.
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parents and babies, but very hard on parents. she was an early teether. she teethed at 3 1/2 months. so we basically bought everything under the sun we could get our hands on and it just wasn't working for her. everything was too clunky and difficult to figure out. the shapey was easy for her. she was gravitated towards round objects, so i thought certainly there had to be something out there that was easy like this. and there wasn't. >> perfect time. that means so did you design this yourselves? >> yes. we worked with engineers obviously, we work with experts in field. it took us about a year and a half to get the design right. my wife had the egg shape, but we wanted to make sure it was safe and effective. >> and getting that re search and development and making sure you hone it into the perfect shape and perfect materials, obviously is important. that's why you have it here
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>> u.s.a. >> you know what, that is -- >> it's made in the u.s.a., made all with u.s.a. materials, and that was a big thing for us. we wanted to make sure it was safe, and effective, and it was ake sure everything was done here in america. >> definitely appreciate it. i love that. fantastic. let's talk about how this works then. the baby is teething, all of a sudden these suckers are popping out and the kids are in so much pain. how does it soothe it? >> they need somethi put against their gums. if it's not hard enough they're not getting the relief, so that's kind of why we did -- the design allows them to rotate it 360 degrees, so we never know what tooth is coming in with a baby, so we hit them all at one time with this. and it's designed for one-handed play, so it's easy for them to hold, has a unique texture.
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>> smart. >> yeah. they get a nice response when they shake it. >> just big enough, as well, by the way, so it's not a choking hazard. >> exactly. >> where can we buy these? >> on our website. we're also at the abc expo, obviously, this week, as well. >> excellent. >> it's got a promo code for morning blend viewers. >> i love the promo code. we need this. >> morning blend, very simple. 15% off on our website. >> awesome. what's it like being entrepreneurs? >> it's exciting. and it's challenging at the same time. >> you've come a long way. congratulations, and look forward to seeing you at the expo. if you want to purchasing the teether egg, visit the website on your screen. and enter the promo code morning blend to receive a 15% off. are you on facebook or twitter?
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is that you wash your hands regularly for at least 20 seconds with soap and water. next is to keep your hands off your eyes, nose and mouth. because that's how we spread germs to ourselves. and lastly, be sure to get your flu shot. >> that is just what my mom always told me. she said keep your hands off your face. doctor, despite our best efforts, if we do get sick, what are some ways we can alleviate our symptoms? >> you want to make sure to get plenty of rest. if you do get a cool, damp washcloth to be more comfortable, drink lots of flew it, warm, water or broth. if you get a sore throat you can do saltwater gargles. for breathing issues try a humidifier. studies have shown the cold and flu virus drive in dry viruses. keeping the humidity between 40
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survival of flu and cold viruses in your home. >> thank you. that is especially useful in vegas because it's very dry. we're taking care of our selfs shall taking care of our homes. what about our kids? when do you think it is important to keep a sick child home from school? >> the first thing to ask yourself is does your child have a fever? if they have a temperature of 100 and one or more you should keep them home. taking their temperature is the first way to gage in what to do. i work with the ear thermometer which is number one among moms and pediatricians. the ear canal sits in close proximity to the eardrum. which shares the same blood supply as the brain's temperature control center. the next question to ask is can my child engage in class? if they're too rundown, then keep them home. and lastly, ask yourself is my child too contagious to go to
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stay home. >> doctor, there are a lot of myths out there about cold and flu. what is the biggest one that you would like to debunk? >> i would say the one biggest myth is that antibiotics can kill cold or flu viruses and they just can't. antibiotics kill bacteria and cold and flus are viruses so they don't work for those. >> and where can viewers get more information? >> vicks hue employed >> thank you, dr. peterson. to learn more visit the website dr. peterson just mentioned. remember to wash the hands for 20 seconds, and good luck staying healthy this season. thank you so much. ben it's been in the headlines for weeks now that donald trump reportedly avoided paying taxes for years due to a massive business loss back in the 90s. folks on the left call it irresponsible, folks on the right say it's not only perfectly legal, it's smart. go figure. here to tell us how you can
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nick strobelt and jordan flake, an estate planning attorney. gentlemen, hello. >> thank you for having us. i wore my outfit today because of the debate last night. not because i was particularly excited about what they talked about, but because i still have pride in america. >> i actually have donald trump and hillary clinton socks i forgot to wear. next time. so let's talk about donald trump reportedly 90's he about a nearly $1 billion loss. the way our tax code is set up he may or play not have had to pay taxes for 18 years. what's your reaction to that? >> their campaign is saying the income taxes he hasn't had to pay for a long time but he's still paying other types of taxes along the way. the frustrating part is that we see as financial advisers that when we look at someone who is
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that's retired, living on a fixed income, just heard recently they're getting a .3% north carolina increase in social security from last year, that they're paying sometimes a higher percentage tax rate than some of the richest billionaires out there. and that's the frustrating part that we see. and it's because we have a tax system that is very complex, and it rewards some people much better than others, which is extremely frustrating. and there are some ways that retirees who are living on fix incomes can overcome and become smart to reduce their tax burden so they're not taking the full penalty of taxes and paying sometimes a higher rate. >> this is about taking all the tax cuts that are available to us, that are done in a good way, that are done in a legal way. so let's talk about ways we can possibly save ourselves heartache. >> definitely. i'm a fan of paying as little in taxes as legally allowed.
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you're more patriot you can if you pay more in taxes, but you just -- you might be a little bit lacey. but there are ways. for example someone in retirement and they're living on their retirement savings, throughout their retirement working years they're contributing to 401(k)s, which is smart, because you're getting tax deferred growth. when you're taking that money out to live on, on traditional iras you are paying next tack on all the funds that you're taking out. and if you add social security and the other income you're a married couple filing jointly and make over $75,000 a year you're bumped up to the 25% tax bracket. if you adjust where your income sources are coming from, from individual accounts that are after tax money you can reduce your total income from tax point so you're still in that 15% tax bracket, you know, like many retirees are. >> you're saying 25% tax bracket. that's today. >> that's day. >> say for me, 30 some odd years
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and you know that the way the debt is looking, we're going to have to make drastic moves, chances are that tax rate could be much higher. >> it could be a lot higher. and that's just in future, we don't know that. >> in the future. >> you're exactly thinking about it in the right way. what's going to happen in the future? and that's where the estate planning attorneys come in the picture. one of the big questions to ask is what is the death tax going to be like at that time? right now, you can pass a lot of money without need to pay death taxes or as we call them estate taxes. but that number can go lower. you can pass $5 million without having anything on these taxes on top of that. but that threshold can go a lot lower to where it can affect people with just million dollar life insurance policies could be affected potentially in the future. it's important to get in and meet with an estate planning attorney, a financial adviser. i agree with nick that you don't
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executives be the ones who are taking advantage of the rules that are -- the rules are here for all of us. and we shouldn't just let them be the ones to take advantage of it. >> no question. if you're not making the right decisions now chances are you could be losing maybe 40 or 50% of your retirement wealth. >> definitely. and it's scary sometimes. one of the taxes that take place for retirees that many people don't know about is your social security dollars are being taxed. and it sounds crazy. >> double taxation. >> yes. and when you -- for example, if you're a married couple filing jointly making over $44,000 a year your social security dollars are taxed. and that in ceases your marginal tax rate if you look at it that way. and most retirees don't know about that. and so their strategy is to help or reduce that tax rate. but it's definitely a complex code out there, and if you're not paying attention, if you are
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consulting a professional adviser, financial adviser, estate planning attorney, a good cpa you can really pay a lot more taxes than legally required, which would -- is not for your best interests, of course. >> no. gentlemen -- oh, go ahead. >> it's extremely fluid, too. it's always changing. >> and you never know what kind of hail mary they have planned for when we go up gentlemen, great having you. >> absolutely. and we're giving away something really good. we want to talk about. it's called stress free retirement. it's a book that we'll mail to your house. we're giving out away to the first 25 callers that call. if you want to avoid your tax burden, and you want to find out what the smart retirees are doing this book is the first step. call 702-900-8177 and we'll send it out to the first 25 callers. >> protect that nest egg.
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information about how taxes can impact your retirement call number right now on your screen and get that free book, called tax free retirement. that offer is good for the first 25 callers, so get calling. >> stress free retirement. >> oh, stress free retirement. >> yes, there will be some taxes involved. >> less stress. there we go. the first 25 callers receive that can into. you if you want more information. if you get tax free retirement, that would be good for you, amazing. nevada valley theater launches the season saturday at 7:30 p.m. and sunday at 2:00 p.m. the show is at the smith center at reynolds hold. for tickets head to the website
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this fall, many americans will have two important decisions to make. the first is who to vote for, in the presidential election on november 8th. the second is whether or not to make changes to their medicare plan. >> absolutely. that's right. it's open enrollment time. it's upon us now. and here with more to discuss it all is gary great having you, my friend. >> thank you for having me back. real important time of year. and, of course, the general election is getting a lot of attention, but it's very important that we make individual seniors that are 65 years and older understand they have a second election this year, their annual election period, which we call open enrollment. it runs from october 15th to december 7th. and in many cases, this is the only opportunity that individuals will have to choose their health plan for next year. so choosing the right one is
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>> some people when they enter they don't think their vote counts. this vote counts if you don't pick right. >> absolutely. very important. >> this could be a very confusing time for people. >> well, you know, health care in generalis confusing and medicare in particular can be. we have licensed certified agents. it's important for people to sit down and talk with some of our agents to find out, you know, what they need to know for the coming year. ther components that we like to make sure that we're talking choice, care and experience. with regards to choice, one size does not fit all with medicare, so we want to have our agents talk to the individual, find out if the current plan that they're on has met their needs, and what changes are happening to that plan for the coming year. we also want to look at your prescription drug benefits, because we -- those costs continue to rise, and we want to make sure you're paying as list little as possible for those. that's very important.
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to have the right doctors, the right hospitals, make sure they're in the network. we're very fortunate with united health care we have the two largest health care providers in the valley, southwest medical associates and healthcare partners. finding the right doctors and hospital is extremely important. when it comes to care, we want you to know that the plan that you choose for this year can have a major impact on your health and wellness for the coming year. and so finding that right care very important. and lastly is experience. and i hav says hassle free, very important that individuals choose a plan that is strong, that is stable, because plans come and go unfortunately, and then one that is offering a hassle free experience and with united health care we're very fortunate to have all three of those. >> i like that, strength, stability and hassle free. that's a good motto. >> he's a strong man, he's table. >> get one of those for shawn.
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frankly i will give you plenty of problems. >> medicare advantage is -- is it a plan? >> medicare advantage is a type of plan that is medicare, does offer, it's offered through private insurance companies like united health care. the growth has been tremendous. >> it's become very popular. >> it has been. i really think because it's an all inclusive plan. there are some plans out there where you know, you're paying for your prescription drugs, you're paying for your care, medicare advantage plan rolls it all into one, so your doctors, your hospitals, your prescription drug costs as well as additional benefits. we were talking briefly the additional benefits of medicare advantage plans have to offer are incredible. we have plans that can offer no cost transportation to your doctors. $50 benefits to purchase over the counter medication every quarter. we have even an acupuncture and
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it's new and there are plans that are out there that can really enhance the quality of life, help people live a healthier, longer life, which is very important to us. >> i know people have a lot of questions. is there any resources that theo help them clear up any of the fog? >> absolutely. this is the time of year for you to sit down and for you to talk to one of our representatives. we have in addition to the information that is showing on the screen with our website and our phone number we want folks to know that at the gallery of mall, the the candy store is the retail store that is open seven days a week where individuals can go in. also our corporate office, 2716 north tana is monday through friday, the corporate location for folks to get information. and we also want folks to know that at least twice a week we have in the review journal the insert that will also show different meetings and events that individuals can come to, as well. we have over 100 different
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where people can get additional information. >> and really those are popping up everywhere. >> there is one here on the 21st. >> that's fantastic. >> this is great. what a great resource. >> and of course you set up right next to the candy shop. >> i know. how convenient is that? >> and have sweets. >> absolutely. >> they give you a free sample. they know they got you. >> great having you. >> thank you. and between now and december 7th is the only that you may have to choose a medicare plan, so please come and talk to one of our associates. >> busy time four. >> yes, it is. >> for more information visit the website on your screen or call the numbers there, as well. another great resource is the website up next, norm clarke with the latest on cher and bruno mars getting together.
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it norm clarke. >> well served. well served. [ applause ] >> it seems as though just when you think things in vegas couldn't get bigger or better, huge things falling into -- >> yes, at a time when the entertainment scene has taken so many hits, with people -- with shows and -- >> closing. >> yeah, that here comes cher, to -- and not back, but to the same place, the park, formerly the monte carlo. and they're going to start residencies early next year. and i -- i looked it up. cher announced her final tour back in 1999. >> did she? >> so speaks really to her popularity, that she keeps coming back. and people love her, and i think that's going to be a great -- it's going to be a great move.
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monte carlo going to change its entire name to park? >> i just know -- >> the link was the link just the middle part and all of a sudden let's just name the whole thing? >> i think probably still doing -- >> this show looks very exotic. i don't know if that was from the past or -- she -- she will just bring it. she will bring it. >> she will. >> she lights up vegas. record for costume changes. >> oh, wow. >> like you've never seen before. and it's unbelievable. it really is. there is a lot of tape. >> there is a lot of wardrobe people about to get jobs. can we talk about bruno mars? shawn and i had this new video pulled up at our desks, and i'm just such -- >> he is total star.
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>> yeah. >> he's -- he's just got a lot of sammy davis in him. just -- i love what he brings here. >> i said this for years, bruno mars whether it was this decade or the prior, up to the 1950s, every decade since the 1950s, he would have been successful in every single one of those decades. >> totally agree. >> interesting way to look at it. i remember hearing his story growing up in hawaii that his family were performers, as well. so he -- this big performing, so it makes sense he is -- >> he was at a casino. >> i don't think it was casino but it was one of those vegas based movies, yeah. it's awesome. speaking of residencies, let's talk about backstreet boys. >> back street is back. backstreet boys are heading for
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busy showroom. the home of britney, and j-lo, and who am i missing? but definitely -- >> lionel ritchey. >> yes. >> marc anthony. >> sometimes pitbull. >> sure. >> talk about the hots here. >> turned that into a major hot spot. yeah. i think that they -- they clearly got -- still got audience. these people that bring -- >> stars like that in do research. >> yeah. >> so what happened with the "rolling stones"? this was -- >> oh, boy. >> yeah, lots of people were so disappointed. >> i had a friend who took the night off to -- they called it off. >> how about the people that fly in? they fill the week around it and there is still no word on
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be up to par. >> another show saturday. >> oh, so we don't know if he's going to be in it or not. it makes a lot of sense. we had you know make jag are, donny osmond, we had donny osmond on last week, he had a throat problem a year ago, had to have an operation. when you see these folks sing for hours and hours. >> and years and years and years. and in wayne newton's case he sang five, six >> that makes me tired. >> quickly, conversations with norman you're tapping a keg. >> conversations with norm, you are going to be joining us again. >> i can't. >> oh, you can't? >> the baby is coming, and i'm afraid i'm going to have to -- >> that's right. so that is on november 6th. >> yes. >> and that's going to be greg maddox, and our -- and hall of famer, you're local hall of
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>> and jack shaheen. >> and you're tapping the keg friday. >> that's right. and that should be a lot of fun. >> watch norm get lit. >> i'll be working on -- >> is that true? will you have a beer? >> well, will i have a beer? >> i got my answer. i love it. >> got me on a quota right now. >> thanks, norm. catch the next conversations with norm on november 6th at the smith center. to get tickets and more information head to the website or call the number on your screen. and to keep up with norm go to, or sheet him an e-mail. the address is on your screen. we want to make sure all kids in las vegas stay warm this winter. our coats for kids drive is underway. our partner is tropical smoothie cafe. >> you'll be there tomorrow. please donate gently used or new
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i had lived in my home 20 years. i had always paid my mortgage on time. but when the market crashed, i had trouble paying my mortgage payment. i applied five different times. i spoke to people in new york, with my lender. i pleaded and pleaded with the bank to let me refinance, but they would not work with me at all. i called catherine cortez masto's office and i said, "i need your help." she took on the big banks, and i was immediately treated with respect and fairly. catherine cortez masto not only saved my home for me, catherine gave me my dignity back. she gave me a life back.
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i'm catherine cortez masto, and i'm proud to approve this message. back to "the morning blend." does your home need ma repair? do you need to sell quickly for cash. lathe lavada, for first time -- first prime realty group is here to show us how he can buy your home for cash in a snap. here with more, lathe himself. great having you back. >> thank you. >> let's talk about this. what types of homes are you buying from sellers? how does this work? >> i usually buy unwanted homes. the sellers need to sell quickly. generally the homes need massive
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a good example is a divorce, a relocation, a job loss, they inherited a home due to a family member passing on or slick that. >> and it's not something they can sustain, they want to cut their losses. >> they need to get out quickly. >> why would a sheller choose this route as opposed to laying the realtor game? >> the homes that i buy need thousands of dollars of repairs and the seller can't complete them. >> it's the type of stuff that might not pass inspection? >> right. so an investor like m the only one who can come in, afford to buy the homes. fix them up. put them back on the market for sale. getting a loan for these types of properties is challenging if not impossible. and most home buyers don't -- they don't want the buy these homes, and they can't. so that's where a real estate investor like myself is beneficial to come in and buy the home for cash. >> you actually go in there and fix it up? >> yes. >> you have the money, you don't have to worry about threapedder
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fixed, you're paying in cash so you can take care of it on your own? >> right. >> does the seller have to pay real estate commission or no? >> there is actually no real estate commissions on the homes that i buy. and i pay all the seller closing costs, as well. >> just a two party purchase at that point? >> that's right. >> how fast can you purchase a property? a lot of people need it like yesterday. >> right. i've actually purchased homes in three days before. >> no kidding. >> yeah. >> might not always be three days, but what's the average? >> well, really depends on every situation. every seller, every home is unique, but if the seller does need to close quickly, i do have the ability to do so. the seller's situation, and their time frame, not mine. so we make sure that we're answering the needs of the sellers. >> of course. if a homeowner is watching right now and wondering whether or not they should sell perhaps sell the home for cash, what's the process? how do they get the ball rolling? >> the best way is to call my
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offer. >> okay. >> i have a three step process. the first step is just give me a call at my office, and we'll do an evaluation, make you a cash offer. the second step is to go ahead and agree upon a purchase price, sign a purchase agreement, and the third step is then go ahead and close the sale at a third party title and escrow company so you can get your cash profit. that's important because a lot of homeowners out there might be afraid that they're not going to get the cash. >> not enough. >> exactly. everything is done through a title and they're insured to get cash profits that way. >> it's like the typical purchase without having to sign the mortgage stuff. >> that's right. >> i can assume that the homeowners that are using the program are pretty thankful this exists because if you need it yesterday, trying to sell it the old-fashioned method and having to get things repaired, that can take a long time. >> it can. and one situation we had was a gentleman who had cancer and he needed to move very quickly back
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through his treatment. and the home was in disrepair. he had a lot of belongings in the property, and you know, i told him we can make this very easy for you. we'll buy your home. we don't care about the condition. you don't have to make any fix ups. no repairs. and we'll give you the cash. we actually did close that one in three days. and he was able to move on, get his treatment. he left all the belongings that he didn't want. i told him leave all the belongings you do not want in the property and we'll take care of them for y and he was just able to take what he wanted, leave the rest, and we closed and he's very happy, very happy. we just closed on that property yesterday. >> wow. >> yeah. >> no kidding. you already have the dumpster. >> we closed on the sale. we fixed it up, put it back. it's already closed. >> oh, wow. you're fast. didn't having you, my friend. >> same here. >> if you want to sell your home for cash lathe lavada is your guy. the number is right there on your screen.
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quick and easy no obligation 24-hour cash offer. his website is also listed right there. putting a wife to work is a very dangerous thing. planned parenthood should absolutely be defunded. and congressman hardy said he supported trump 100%. like trump, hardy opposed legislation to ensure equal pay. and hardy fought to defund planned parenthood, just like trump. ruben kihuen respects women. kihuen fought for equal pay for equal work. and ruben kihuen will protect our right to make our own health decisions.
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10:00 am
>> announcer: sit down and listen up 'cause "the view" is live. final debate fireworks. the best parting shots -- >> he choked. >> why the hell didn't you do it over the last 15, 20 years? >> the ugliest exchanges -- >> it is to replenish -- >> such a nasty woman. >> and the biggest o-m-g moment of the night. >> you'll absolutely accept the results of this election? plus, could arnold's past determine his future as boss of p "celebrity apprentice"? and tyler perry tells you how he's scaring up laughs this halloween. hang on for "hot topics" with whoopi, candace cameron-bure, joy behar, sara haines, and jedediah bila.
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