tv Right This Minute ABC October 20, 2016 2:30pm-3:00pm PDT
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it's october 20th. time for new viral videos "right this minute." the train's coming, but this guy's not on it. >> he's basically walking alongside the tracks right mow. >> the death-defying moment he decides to finally get on board. a bear in the woods doesn't see what's behind that tree until -- >> he stepped out and said, what's up, bro? >> why scaring a bear has a say hello to the internet. hi, everybody. >> a news anchor knows he's going to go viral. >> and it's not his fault. i got your back, brother. >> see what led to a slip of the tongue. plus, the buzz word for your shot to win a new ipad mini as we break down the best on the web, including --
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>> a waylon jennings tune turned miranda rights tutorial. now meet the texas lawyers who have the right to remain silent but don't. >> the next one that we're going to do is kind of a '90s pop/punk sound. that'll be terrible. it will probably come as no great surprise to you that i combined russia with trains, it doesn't turn out. in this first case, the young gentleman is trying to save himself a couple rubles. he bypasses the ticket office. that right there is the platform for the station. throwings his back up. he decides he kind of wants to climb up. right next to the platform are rails. >> no. >> wait. >> as he was going by, you see the express train go shooting by. we lose sight of him.
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he starts climbing back around. this is about the moment where he loses a little bit of his footing. the first one is on the other side. this one, however, it right next to the platform. when this express train finishes passing by and we get a view r you can see the gentleman there now lying on the platform. for a moment, he lies there lifeless. don't worry, okay. he wasn't directly hit, they say, by the train. as it came through at high speed, he was hit by the wind, he landed there. now, he did end up in an ambulance. he did end up getting taken to hospital. while he may have tried to save himself a few rubles, it almost cost him his life. there's a second video. see if you can spot what's wrong with it. that tram, i suppose, is kind of blowing up a a lot of dust. >> is this not on tracks? >> it's dragging somebody. >> it's dragging somebody behind it. the guy is waving.
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they were honking their horns. the guy, 27-year-old man, got his foot caught as the doors were closing. the tram, without realizing, continued down. >> good news is he's moving around and able to lift his head. >> he may have been able to lift his head, but it didn't prevent him from some pretty serious injuries. he has some pretty serious, i suppose you would call it, rail rash along his body. his hands are torn raw. sprains, knee injuries. a lot of people have seen this, ana the and trying to figure out if the 44-year-old driver should be found negligent in this case. what we have here is a hiker in a very beautiful area. he spotted something. you see this young bear coming through the woods. >> bear? oh, hi, buddy. where's mum? that's my question. >> this bear doesn't see the hiker with the camera. the hiker decides to reveal himself right here. what should he do? >> make yourself look big and
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roar, go away, bear! >> that's better than what he does. it ran away. he stepped out and said, what's up, bro? >> the forestry department got ahold of this video and said, do not do this. the bear could have attacked the man. the next video, i have a don't for leopards. see that leopard sitting on the bank of a dry river bed? look off in the there's a lion. a male lion. that leopard thinks, ah, i'm safe. so the leopard decides, you know what, i'm just going to take a nap. that's when mufasa right here starts doing the slow creep up on the leopard. the lion is getting closer and closer. >> i don't think the leopard cares. >> he woke up ready to go. >> i think that leopard just knows there's no way this cat is
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as soon as i turn on the jets. >> let me show you where they ended up. >> up a tree? >> bingo. the lion took a step from what little water there was in there and kind of walked off. the ultimate lion walk of shame because he left with nothing to eat. in ireland, there's an issue with car booting. that's what we've got going on here. nathan, the guy in the blue shirt, has got a boot on his mercedes. but he's got a tool box out. he the boot and taking the wheel off his car. >> usually you've got a boot on for a good reason. in the uk, i can attest. trust me. there are predatory guys that go around booting and stiff you for money. >> that's where this video takes us. in fact, the guy's lady is recording because i believe the guy who put the boot on is just off camera. while nathan is removing the wheel with the boot, a black bmw pulls up, man gets out.
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that's all he's doing. excuse me. >> listen to me now. >> my son is in the back of car. >> that's when the woman says before this gets out of hand, we've got a kid in the car. >> there's an easier way to do this. >> they own boots? >> according to the guy in the red sweatshirt, it's his company, his he's the guy going around putting the boots on the vehicles. >> i think the government should be the ones putting something on you, not some contractor. >> in a comment on this video, nathan says he's been parking in this area for about 12 years, never had a problem until now. nathan continues to wrestle with the wheel. right underneath this guy's nose, he pulls his wheel out of the boot and tosses it aside. >> good for him.
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trunk and made him pay me to get it out. >> nathan finishes up his work, put its his wheel back on. surprisingly, this never gets physical. in the end, they seemed to have developed a mutual respect for each other because the whole video ends with a handshake. >> no way. >> yep. >> wow. the latest winner in the "rtm" ipad mini giveaway. >> you can win too. all you need is thursday's buzz legal resident of the united states or canada. >> the "rtm" buzz word coming up in just a little bit. >> stand by, everybody, for the "rtm" ipad mini giveaway. as we know, just about anything can happen on live tv. just a step away from going viral. he's going about his merry way, anchoring his show.
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>> suddenly he has a guest. that guest in the form of a cute little kitty. >> he knows better than to just go in and grab it. >> somebody left the door open. this is a stray. the stray just found its way into the studio and decided to be on the news. the anchor even had an opportunity to remind folks about adoption. that's exactly what happened. someone in the newsroom named the cat, took it home, and now it has a forever home. this next video comes to us from nbc 12 in richmond, virginia. i know all too well about this part. >> check your panties. about 175,000 rice -- i think that was supposed to be pantries. >> what are we checking for? >> i was thinking, where is this guy going with this? >> that's morning anchor eric
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and it's not his fault. the producer put that in there, and he didn't catch it. that's also another reason you got to read your script, sir. >> so it was a ron burgundy moment. >> and as he continued to read, you see it register like, wait a minute. he and his co-host share a laugh. >> just say hello to the internet. hi, everybody. >> hello. girls at camp try to make way through a muddy pit. >> it's an exercise tha coordinators say is supposed to build their self-confidence. find out why what's in the water has them running scared instead. >> no. and see what happens when a tooth pulled goes tech.
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my trainer didn't believe me that trop50 could taste so good and still have 50% fewer calories. can i stop, jane? no. trop50. it has 50% fewer calories. after brushing, listerine? total care strengthens teeth, helps prevent cavities and restores tooth enamel. it's an easy way to give listerine? total care to the total family. listerine? total care. one bottle, six benefits.
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sy relief you can buy. allegra? gelcaps... not just fast. allegra? fast. if you're a big fan of police procedural shows or have had many run-ins with the police, you'll be only too aware of police must advise a suspect of their miranda rights. does anybody know them? >> you have the right to remain silent. then in the movies, that's wn they punch the guy because he starts talking. >> that's just about everybody's real understanding. when they're really put on the spot, no one's really quite sure. that's why the guys from hudson and harris in waco, texas, are going to teach us. ? you've broken the low laws you've done nothing wrong ? ? when an officer asks you who belongs to that bong ?
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your rights ? ? talking could land you in jail for the night ? >> all of this, of course, a cover of "amanda" by waylon jennings. ? amanda, light of my life ? saying, shush. >> because everything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law. >> we're learning already. we have live via skype right this minute, chris and will. >> hello, guys. how are you? >> this isn't the first time you've done something like this. in fact, one of your videos got over 300,000 views.
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it's a class b misdemeanor ? >> why do you do this? >> nobody wants to read a legal blog. apparently a lot of people will listen to songs. that's why we do it. >> have you found since you're giving away this free legal advice that your business has gone up or down? >> it has not gone down. i can't say it has increased our revenue yet. >> do you sing in court? >> i've had a judge asked me as recently as a week ago if i was going to deliver a closing argument via song. i sai >> you thought about it. i can tell. >> i almost did. >> do you perform together, besides doing advertisements for your firmly, we do. occasionally we'll play the odd birthday party. >> are you guys exploring different genres? like rap, maybe a little r&b. >> the next one is kind of a '90s pop/punk sound. so that'll be terrible.
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there's a big difference in building one's confidence and going way too far. this team building camp crossed the line. this is a group of girls walking through a muddy pit. >> this is an exercise? >> yes, it's an exercise the coordinators say is supposed to build their self-confidence. >> what the heck. >> you hear them screaming, and some of them start to run back. there's pytho >> no. >> that's a little wrong. >> why? oh, my gosh. >> they're screaming at the top of their lungs. it says one of the instructors was laughing while this was happening. >> oh, my gosh. so instead of being more confident, these poor girls are i think go to be traumatized. this is awful. >> this blew up all over my timeline. people in asia have been going crazy about this video. in fact, one of the girls at one point is saying, teacher save me, teacher save me.
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are these young kids? >> wow. >> they're school age girls. >> i want to go and knock some sense into these people. this is ridiculous. >> well, they do make the marines do this when they're going through training. >> and people are absolutely outraged. these instructors have been suspended. here's the part that gets me. they say they learned about training exercises on youtube. >> from al qaeda? >> they did apologize. upon apologizing, they just wanted everyone to know snakes weren't venomous. attention, cuteness alert. check out this little girl's big surprise in a lunchbox. >> what? >> next "right this minute." and still to come, it's a grind to get to the top. >> you hear those spool up, the engine just roaring, the tires scratching for grip. >> why this off-road drive is about to give a new meaning to eating his dust.
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it's back and bigger than ever! olive garden's never ending pasta bowl, starting at $9.99! endless combinations of your favorite pastas, sauces and toppings. and for the first time ever, chicken alfredo. plus unlimited salad and breadsticks. for a limited time. at olive garden. after brushing, listerine? total care strengthens teeth, helps prevent cavities and restores tooth enamel. it's an easy way to give listerine? total care to the total family. listerine? total care. one bottle, six benefits. power to your mouth?. (achoo!) did you know you can pick up cold & flu viruses from things in your home for up to 48 hours? it's like having a sick family member that you didn't even know was there. and we all know what happens when one family member gets sick. but lysol spray and lysol wipes kill 99.9% of germs including 8 common cold & flu viruses to help protect your home. this cold and flu season help keep your home happy and healthy
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there's only one egg promotional considerations provided by -- and 25% less saturated fat. only eggland's best. better taste. better nutrition. better eggs. pain strikes at the nerve level. and so does new icy hot lidocaine. desensitizes aggravated nerves with the max strength lidocaine available. new icy hot lidocaine. i love off-road sports so much. we have the formula off-road championship here. this guy trying to claw his way to the top of that hill. doesn't work. flips over almost instantly. but the in-car camera shows so much more about what went down. you hear it spool up, the engine
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scratching for grip. and up and over, around you go. >> dirt all the way up his nose. >> big smile on your face. that was fun, wasn't it? let's head over to youtube. out on his dirt bike. a nice trail. no big heroics >> what was that? >> it was a tree down. watch it again. he slows down a little bit. ??
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tooth that needs to come out. he said, dad, i want you to take it out with a drone. so of course dad obliges because they're men. >> i would call this a minor extraction. >> it is a minor extraction because he is a minor and they're going to extract it. the drone is ready to go. >> oh, no. that's not going to work. >> you need a longer string. >> did it come out? >> yes! >> it actually worked? >> let's see it from another angle. >> of course, the drone cam. >> look at the kid in the back, like, i can't stick around. >> oh, wow. i can't believe it worked. >> kids today don't know how lucky they are. when we were kids, we would put to on a door, slam it. >> how unfun was that?
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time to give away another ipad mini. to enter, you need the buzz word, be at least 21 years of age, and a legal resident of the united states or canada. >> head to and click on the win ipad button. let's reveal thursday's buzz word. it is love. >> now get on over to click the win ipad button and enter the buzz word love. l-o-v-e. >> and you even more tomorrow. it's bonus giveaway day, where someone can win a flat screen tv. good luck, everybody. here comes the bride on the back of a decked out bike. >> hey-o! >> the story behind the wedding party hitting theto break into n video poker machine. and police say it's not the first time. we'll have the latest on the hunt for the man police are calling a serial slot machine
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yes. the bride and groom met because of their love of motorcycles. on their wedding day, they said, no, no, no, we're going to deck out our bike with a party behind us. >> they did it big. >> you can see her and her wedding attire on the motorcycle, all dressed up looking all cute. >> in heels too. look at her go. >> he also stuck to tradition. apparently it's tradition in turkey where this wedding took bank notes to people after the wedding. every time he came to a stop sign or a stoplight, he would just hand them out to other drivers on the road with him. >> no wonder so many people rsvped to the wedding. >> they do point out that they
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want people to know they're very serious about wearing their gear all of the time. they probably didn't have to go terribly far. they looked like they had a great time. that's all for today. has more. we'll see you on the next episode of "rtm." i had lived in my home 20 years. i had always paid my mortgage on time. but when the market crashed,
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i spoke to people in new york, with my lender. i pleaded and pleaded with the bank to let me refinance, but they would not work with me at all. i called catherine cortez masto's office and i said, "i need your help." she took on the big banks, and i was immediately treated with respect and fairly. catherine cortez masto not only saved my home for me, catherine gave me my dignity back. she gave me a life back. i will always be thankful for that. i'm catherine cortez masto,
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picking up your kids from school. up your kids from school. plus... a major travel nightmare for drivers here in the valley. the big changes coming to the spaghetti bowl that will affect your commute. but first...... police desperately searching for a slot machine bandit -- after stealing from businesses across the valley. police are looking for a man they're calling -- a serial slot machine robber. they say he has broken into several machines acro the latest -- this morning-- in the northwest part of the valley. 13 action news reporter marissa kynaston walks us through what happened. police say that man walked through these doors-- holding a crowbar. take vo this is cell phone video of what that video poker machine looks like now-- you can see the cash entry part of the machine completely ripped off. police say around four this morning-- the man walked into the gas station-- and broke into the machine with his crowbar-- then took off with the money.
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