tv Action News 11pm ABC October 22, 2016 11:00pm-11:35pm PDT
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marti? traffic is moving now. scene clear about an hour ago. nhp says one man in his twenties died another man was transported to the hospital with unknown injuries. take a look at this. it's our first glimpse -- at the -- his ex-girlfriend is now seeing. you're looking at the shooter -- steven lewis. it all unfolded -- just east of the strip -- early friday morning -- on convention center drive -- between paradise -- and las vegas boulevard. the person accused of gunning
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is behind bars. this -- is charles smith. police say -- smith -- shot a man -- near the employee-parking garage -- at caesars palace. a witness -- saw smth running into the garage. that's where police grabbed him. smith faces one count -- of murder. a live look now -- at the valley. some of you -- could see a drop of rain or two -- before the weekend is through. 13-first-alert meteorologist -- karla huelga -- is in the weather center now. karla -- what do you see coming ad-lib an incoming storm system will bring more cloud cover, chances for rain and cooler air to the area. tomorrow we'll get a push of clouds throughout the day, slightly cooler temps and a bit of a breeze ahead of the system. a peacful -- black-lives-matter protest
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demanding reforms -- to the justice system. they're protesting -- how police treat african-american men-- including jamar clark -- philando castile -- and larnie thomas. the video of police --hand- cuffing larnie thomas -- went viral earlier this month. edina police stopped him -- for walking in the street -- next to a sidewalk -- closed for construction. they slapped thomas with a citation -- that was later dismissed. tonight-- a deadly -- officer-
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investigation. two deputies -- responded -- to a report of a suicidal woman. when they arrived -- they found the woman armed -- with a handgun. the sheriff's office says -- it isn't clear -- what led to the shooting. two children were in the home at the time. both kids -- got out safely. fire crews -- are investigating -- a massive fire -- in downtown saint joseph, missouri. the flames -- broke out in a building last night. they spread to at least -- three other structures -- nearby. could see it -- more than forty miles away. thankfully -- nobody was hurt. this -- is a heartbreaking story -- about a dog's love -- for his boy. a three-year-old boy -- died in a house fire friday night. washington. neighbors -- got three other children -- out of the home safely. a washington-state mom -- is furious tonight. thursday evening -- hospital staff -- locked savannah lewitt -- and her sick baby -- inside their clinic.
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"because the feeling i felt, and how scared and alone, like i couldn't do anything," lewitt said. "i don't want somebody to ever go through that feeling. it was horrible." a cleaning crew -- found the mother and son inside -- and helped the out. lewitt's son never received treatment. the hospital is apologizing. they say -- they're investigating the incident. a scare in the air --for passnegers. it happeend airlines flight -- bound from nashville -- to l-a. officials say -- the plane was the airline says -- the jet landed safely -- and everyone is okay. heading overseas now. 19 people are dead -- after a helicopter -- carrying oil workers -- crashes in northern russia. 3 people -- survived -- and were flown to a local hospital. no word on their conditions. investigators -- have launched a criminal probe -- as they
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they say -- poor visibilty and strong winds -- could also -- have been factors. and in brussels, belgium -- a shopping mall was evacuated -- after at least one gunman -- opened fire -- during a jewelry-store robbery. authorities say-- at least one -- of the 3 robbers fired -- an ak-47 -- panicked shoppers. the attack -- immediately prompting fears -- of a possible terror attack. nobody was injured. but four people -- were treated belgium has been on alert -- since the suicide-bomb attack in brussels -- last march -- and the paris attacks -- last year. heavy fighting continues in iraq tonight. iraqi troops -- re-taking -- the northern town of bartella -- from isis. iraqi-led forces -- last week -- engaging in the most intense fighting yet --as they try to liberate -- the city of mosul -- suffering under two years -- of brutal isis rule. now to what prosecutors call -- the largest theft -- of
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-- in history. hal martin -- a former national security agency contractor -- is accused of stealing -- top-secret documents -- for decades. he's accused of stealing -- more than 5-hundred million pages -- of those documents -- including the n-s- a's own -- attack software. sot richard clarke: "so nsa will be less able to get in to the networks of russia and terrorist groups like isis." butt to sot richard clarke: "alarms should go off, apparently they didn't." edward snowden -- is accused of stealing -- a little more than a-million documents. ahead of his trial. now -- to your voice -- your vote -- and the race for the white house. the polls just closed -- on the first day of early voting. according to clark county -- more than 37-thousand people -- cast their ballots today. a record turnout -- for the first day of early voting. organizers expect that number to almost double -- over the next two weeks. early voters say -- it's their
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03:33:313 the candidates are so controversial i think that you have to get out here and citizens ... americans.11414 early voting goes -- until novemeber 4th. for a list of locations -- and voting hours -- just head to our website -- at ktnv dot com. election day -- is less than three weeks away. hillary clinton -- is trying to expand her lead -- in the polls. but donald trump -- is charging he's drawing large crowds -- and promising victory. abc's -- elizabeth hur -- reports -- both nominees -- are hitting up -- crucial states. script: (nats up dems in pittsburgh) it was hillary clinton with tim kaine .... (nats up repubs tonight in cleveland) and donald trump with mike pence ... barnstorming battleground states. nats up trump in va beach: "you have 17 days, that's all." with time running out to overtake hillary clinton in the polls,
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sot trump in gettysburg: "cancel every unconstitutional executive action, memorandum, and order issued by president obama. [cheers and applause ] and he pushed back hard against sexual misconduct allegations made against him by eleven women -- sot trump "the events never happened. never. all of these liars will be sued after the election is over." sot clinton: " ... if he's president he will spend his time suing women who have made charges against him based clinton in pittsburgh, hoping to lock up pennsylvania's twenty electoral votes. sot hrc: "if you do know people who are thinking about voting for our opponent -- well, you may. you know, i hope you will stage an into intervention." (nats up miley cyrus: "how's it going, everybody?") clinton rallied some star power to her side as miley cyrus knocked on
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cyrus knocks on door, nats students ) -- at george mason university in virginia in search of votes. and in las vegas -- (nats up katy perry: "we are gonna go to the polls right now!") -- it a white -- powdery substance -- makes its way -- to hillary clinton's -- campaign headquarters in new york. and now -- police are investigating clinton's brooklyn office -- evacuated friday night -- after powder -- in an envelope. officers say -- the envelope was first delivered to clinton's midtown- manhattan office. it was then -- taken to her brooklyn headquarters -- where it was discovered. initial tests on the powder -- came back negative -- for harmful substances. some atlanta locals -- are unhappy with clinton. so -- they're spray-painting their political opinions -- on the sidewalk. one woman -- found this at the end of her driveway. it reads -- "hillary prison." she plans to clean it up.
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he'll speak at a rally at cheyenne high school -- at 3-45. for more information on his visit -- just go to k-t-n-v dot com. it's a race -- against time. the national guard -- rushing -- to save four people trapped -- on a sinking boat. and it's all caught on camera. wait until you see the amazing ending. plus -- health care premiums -- are going up -- as large insurers pull out. your vote -- could play huge roll -- in what happens next. remember --chopper 13 --brings you breaking news fast -- and
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more ads from joe heck's billionaires. they're complete garbage. crime dropped over 20% while catherine cortez masto was attorney general. that's why it's cortez masto who's been endorsed not joe heck. and her crackdown on domestic violence and human trafficking earned the praise of governor sandoval. don't believe joe heck's trash. catherine cortez masto's kept nevada safe. i'm catherine cortez masto
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to rescue four boaters -- near clearwater. 3 adults -- and 1 child -- clinging to the top of their boat -- and sinking fast. crews -- quickly hoist up all four boaters. no word -- on what caused the boat to sink. thanfully -- no one was hurt. a new consumer alert -- from contact 13. a media -- mega-deal a-t-and-t -- is buying time warner -- to the tune of 85-billion dollars. this would v programming control -- of household names -- like c-n-n -- h-b-o -- and the cartoon network. the health care marketplaces are struggling. large insurers -- pulling out -- and premiums going up. but the obama administration -- is still being optimistic. the white house says -- enrollment is expected to increase -- by more than a-million people -- or 9- percent next year. president obama says -- the affordable care act is working
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affordable care act is doing right now. for as big a step forward as it was it's still just a first step." what happens next with obamacare -- depends on who becomes president. hillary clinton -- wants to keep it -- but make changes -- to reduce costs. donald trump -- wants to scrap it altogether. a pet store -- near san diego -- accused of selling sick animals -- to unsuspecting cutomers. and now -- that business -- is underi at least one pet owner -- found her new puppy -- had full hip dysplasia. vet bills -- more than ten thousand dollars. this family isn't alone. a quick look on yelp reveals -- several negative reviews. the puppies are supposed to be under warranty. but -- the store owner -- isn't giving them a dime. our sister station --tracked him down. emily - people are alleging you sold sick puppies and you still owe for vet bills - does this mean you are going to pay,
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i'm not going to comment right now, i don't know what you are talking about. this year -- the owner closed two of his stores. and -- he's filing for bankruptcy. a happy ending for a grey wolf -- rescued from a feed store -- near houston, texas. the big guy -- is now at wolf-haven international -- washington state. it's considered -- of the best sanctuaries -- rescued wolves. this is likely the first time -- the wolf will be -- with one of his own kind. until recently -- gray wolves endangered- species list. teachers in north carolina -- are trying to help their students move on -- after hurricane matthew. some six-graders -- were asked to write about the storm. -- to help them come to grips -- with their emotions. one student wrote -- a tree would've sliced his home in half -- if another tree -- had not blocked it. another wrote -- a tree crashed through the kitchen. and ceilings collapsed -- just five minutes -- after his family got out. one girl said -- she knew someone -- who lost almost
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victim): "and all her stuff was flooding out of her door and she had just ignored it and she went back to sleep and when she woke back up, the water was students still had smiles on their faces -- when they came to school -- after the storm. matthew -- blazed a path of destruction -- killing dozens of people -- in five states earlier this month -- inc north carolina. now -- to that massive storm -- tearing through the northeast. several inches of rain -- falling. and -- a flash flood warning for several counties -- across massachusetts. crews -- rescuing several people -- after flood waters -- trapped their cars.. officials -- also warning people in the area -- the flooding -- may have caused sewage to overflow. they're urging folks -- to treat all water -- as if it's contaminated. ad-lib an incoming storm system will bring more cloud cover,
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to the area. tomorrow we'll get a push of clouds throughout the day, slightly cooler temps and a bit of a breeze ahead of the system. chances for rain will start late sunday and continue on monday. expect highs in the mid 80s tomorrow and around 80 on monday. monday will be breezy, borderline windy with gusts to about 30 mph. the system moves on tuesday and we wil day, along with a little warm-up. high temps will warm to the mid 80s on wednesday and thursday with mainly sunny to partly cloudy skies. another system moves in friday, which will again make us mostly cloudy, bring a slight chance for rain and pick up the breezes. high temps will drop to around 80 that day.
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the low 80s. a video -- from a wisconsin highway -- shows a driver -- slightly cooler temps and a bit of a breeze ahead of the system. chances for rain will start late sunday and continue on monday. expect highs in the mid 80s tomorrow and around 80 on monday. monday wil borderline windy with gusts to about 30 mph. the system moves on tuesday and we will see more sunshine that day, along with a little warm-up. high temps will warm to the mid 80s on wednesday and thursday with mainly sunny to partly cloudy skies. another system moves in friday, which will again make us mostly cloudy, bring a slight chance for rain and pick up the
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80 that day. the start to next weekend will be mainly sunny with highs in the low 80s. slightly cooler temps and a bit of a breeze ahead of the system. chances for rain will start late sunday and continue on monday. tomorrow and around 80 on monday. monday will be breezy, borderline windy with gusts to about 30 mph. the system moves on tuesday and we will see more sunshine that day, along with a little warm-up. high temps will warm to the mid 80s on wednesday and thursday with mainly sunny to partly cloudy skies. another system moves in friday,
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for rain and pick up the breezes. high temps will drop to around 80 that day. the start to next weekend will be mainly sunny with highs in it's called a brake check. it can trigger -- deadly accidents. truck drivers warn -- wet or snow- covered roads -- can make the situation -- even worse. they say -- brake-checks -- and other dangerous maneuvers -- are happening more often. (john mueller, driving instructor) "i realize they may be slower or they may be heavier, but unfortunately it happens a lot due to
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it's a daily occurrence." butt with (sgt. luke newman, wisconsin state patrol) "people realize they get frustrated. there's a little bit of road rage going on. they think i'm going to show this guy and hit their brakes in front of them. that is a very bad idea.". wisconsin state patrol says --they'll ticket drivers -- if they're caught brake checking. this controversial billboard -- has a lot of people upset in austin, texas. it reads -- "undocumented immigrant? before you get deported -- get a sugar daddy." the bilbo clients-- to the website -- arrangement finders dot com. now -- one undercover officer -- with the austin police -- human trafficking-vice unit -- is speaking out. ( undercover officer, austin police) "i think the billboard should be taken down immediately, there's no reason that billboard should be up there advertising to this community." buttwith (undercover officer, austin police) "these young ladies maybe they haven't been in america that long and they and the next thing you know, they're in a world they cant get out of."
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is open for business. the source -- held a green ribbon cutting -- and open house this morning -- for its brand new henderson location -- near eastern and serene. the owners say -- their goal is to provide a clean -- comfortable -- and respectful environment for patients -- looking to buy medical marijuana. andrew jolley/ceo, the source medical marijuana dispensary. 15:02:15 "there's a lot of misperceptions and interest in the community. so we're doing our best t we have our medical director here, dr. trout, speaking with the community in general." this is the source's second location here in the valley. the other dispensary -- is near sahara and rainbow. now -- to the latest -- on giant's place- kicker -- josh brown. he admitted -- in hand-written journals -- to abusing his wife. the kicker -- now finding himself -- on the sideline --- placed on paid leave -- while the team gets ready -- for a big game in london. abc's -- ryan smith -- is
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new york giant josh brown....sidelined until further notice admist the release of a trove of documents showing repeated abused then-wife a scandal rocking the nfl. these revelations, stemming from this domestic incident in may of 2015? heard in these 911 calls. (gfx/sot: molly brown) dispatch: 911 what are you reporting molly: um my husband is really upset right now that cry for help...from molly brown. domestic violence that night, but charges never filed, and the league suspended him for just one game. at the time, brown indicating it was a one-time incident reporter: was this an isolated incident (gfx) josh: it was just a moment but in this 165-page document? its clear molly's cry for help occurred more than once. ms. brown claims she suffered over 20 instances of physical violence at the hands of her then-husband over several
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like this one, which shows a bruise on her thigh...and brown's own mea culpas?like this e-mail to friends "i became an abuser and hurt molly physically, emotionally, and verbally. on friday, commissioner roger goodell calling for patience as the league re-evaluates the case? (sot goodell) what we want to do is get the facts?and when get the facts we're going to aggressively pursue that the league, saying it was unaware of these details when suspending brown? sending this letter to brown obtained by abc news, forbidding him to "practice or attend games" while reviewing his case to "determine whether further action is necessary" but according to the sheriff's department which initially arrested brown for domestic violence, the nfl failed in its first round of gathering facts. (sot sheriff john urquhart) first of all they probably should have called us?.but that's really neither here nor there?their mistake was trying to lay this off on the sheriff's office. a hollywood mega-star -- with a heart for mother nature -- in new film -- taking on climate
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better place to live. where -- volunteers planted -- thousands of trees today -- in the valley. putting a wife to work is a very dangerous thing. and congressman hardy said he supported trump 100%. like trump, hardy opposed legislation to ensure equal pay. and hardy fought to defund planned parenthood, just like trump. ruben kihuen respects women. kihuen fought for equal pay for equal work. and ruben kihuen will protect our right to make our own health decisions.
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talking to scientists -- environmentalists -- and leaders -- like president obama -- and the pope. the movie -- is in some theatres now -- and on the national geographic network. the crew -- deliberately timed its release -- to push climate change -- into the political spotlight -- before the presidential election. back at home. volunteers -- planted thousands of trees and shrubs today -- in the las vegas wash. the plants -- are spread across these green up events -- happen twice a year. and get this -- in 15 years -- volunteers have planted -- 94- thousandtrees and shrubs -- across the las vegas wash. karla has another look -- at your work-week forecast. but right now --here's a live look outside -- at the valley. you're watching 13-action news -- bringing you breaking news
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