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tv   Action News 6pm  ABC  October 23, 2016 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT

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colors -- on the 13-first-alert -- desert doppler. a little system -- from mother nature -- is moving in on the valley. 13-first alert meteorologist -- karla huelga -- is tracking what's headed our way. karla? continue to push through the area through tomorrow. as it does, we'll continue to see lots of cloud cover, the chance for scattered showers and cooler temps. most of the rain will stick to the mountains, but the valley will continue to have chances for sprinkles and light rain tonight through tomorrow. expect upper end breezy winds with gusts to about 30 mph
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invesigation -- into one of the deadliest state's history -- is just beginning. thirteen people -- including the driver -- died -- when a tour bus plowed -- into the back of a tractor- trailer. seven -- of the more than 30 people -- taken to a nearby hospital -- have been released. this accident -- happened near palm springs -- early this morning. in almost 35 years i've never all of us. fire department who handle it, chp personnel who handle it.
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we're going to do everything we can to find out specifically what the cause of the accident was. investigators say -- the bus -- was going much faster than the truck. hundreds of people -- bid their goodbyes this weekend -- to the daughter of u-s olympian --tyson gay. funeral services -- for 15-year-old trinity saturday --, kentucky. she -- during a shootout -- near a restaurant last sunday. police -- arrested and charged -- at least three people -- in connection with her death. invasion two children -- in suburban atlanta are dead -- after an early-morning home invasion. the shooting -- happened early yesterday morning. three other children in the home -- were not hurt. the parents -- were not home. chief michael register/clayton county police "it's very tragic, it's senseless. and not only in the atlanta area but in the country we have got to do something about this violence."
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determined why the home may have been targeted. but -- the chief says -- they're working leads -- and using every possible resource -- to find the shooter. seven people -- are lucky to be alive tonight. firefighters -- rescued the family -- and their dog this morning -- from a second-floor balcony -- as flames raced --through their apartment building. neighbors say -- the children's screams for help -- were agonizing. (treca pritner/neighbor) "they where we are because we're in the back side. it was terrifying it was really frightening the children were of course very scared." the cause -- is under investigation. now -- to your voice -- your vote -- and the race for the white house. a -- major endorsement for donald trump -- here in the valley. the las vegas review journal editorial board -- now backing trump -- in his bid for the white house. the newspaper is owned -- by casino mogul sheldon adelson. this is the first -- major
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just a little more than two weeks -- 'til election day. and hillary clinton is still in the lead -- in major national polls. she's up five points -- according to a four-way rolling survey -- from real-clear-politics. today -- clinton is targeting the battleground state -- of north carolina. she'll make her first joint appearance -- with first lady michelle obama -- later this week. this morning -- she took her message to church. i got a lot programs. i get criticized for having so many programs. i have plans for everything you got a write it down and check it off. in the meantime --tdonald trump -- is focusing on florida. but -- he's still fighting those accusations -- of sexual misconduct. sot - donald trump / (r) presidential nominee "all of these liars will be sued after the election is over." trump pledges -- to take all his accusers to court. and -- a new woman -- is coming forward. adult-film -- star jessica
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without their consent -- ten years ago. a new poll from abc shows -- 69- percent of voters -- don't like the way he's handling the accusations -- of sexual assault. and more than half-- don't believe his claim -- the vote is rigged. ballot a life-long nevadan -- at the young age of 100 -- exercises her civic duty. gertrude gotts-chalk -- cast her ballot -- in early voting -- in carson city yesterday -- the first day for early voting in the state. (gertrude gottschalk/voter) "i've always voted. my folks made it very and so i always have. it felt wonderful, as i just said it's the first time we've had a woman president and i think it's a good idea." gertrude -- was born before the 19th amendment was ratified in 1920. that gave women the right to vote. she voted for hillary clinton -- and is an active member -- of the democratic party. 13-action news reporter -- marti glaser spent the day there -- where politics -- were
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she joins us -- live in studio now. marti? as gay pride las vegas celebrates its 33rd year at sunset park .. event organizers say it's also a good conversation starter of why it's important the lgbt community gets out and votes both on the national and local level. sot richard brown 154018 we wouldn't be able to have festivals like this wouldn't be able to have marriage in our own home it that i wouldn't be able to marry my boyfriend or the person that i chose the equality they have fought so hard for. and -- a heads up before hitting the road. the ramp -- from the 215 east -- to the airport connector -- is closed until monday morning. and overnight -- the same thing -- for the next two weeks drivers heading to mccarran -- from eastbound 215 -- will need to follow a detour -- to windmill -- and then to
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he's a popular musician on the side -- and a full-time father. now jon schmidt -- leader of the viral group piano guys -- is scouring a mountain in oregon -- for his missing daughter. the clues -- they have to guide them -- in the race against time. plus -- a model for diversity. how a toddler -- is changing the way -- we look at disabilities. chopper 13 -- is bringing you breaking news -- fast and first -- only on 13-action news. a security breach at the putting a wife to work is a very dangerous thing.
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like trump, hardy opposed legislation to ensure equal pay. and hardy fought to defund planned parenthood, just like trump. ruben kihuen respects women. kihuen fought for equal pay for equal work. and ruben kihuen will protect our right to make our own health decisions.
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bound for boston -- delayed becuase someone -- left a door onto the airplane -- unlocked overnight. the lapse was discovered -- whent onto the plane -- and took their seats -- several hours ahead of boarding time. american airlines -- swapped planes -- just to be careful. the airplane landed -- safely -- in boston. a mother in atlanta -- hopes her baby -- becomes a model for diversity. she says -- her son with down's syndrome-- was rejected by a modeling agency. as abc's -- rachel smith -- reports --that -- is when her mission started. script: asher nash is just fifteen months old but already
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parents that want to share his joy with others. sot - meagan nash, mother - 17;20;04;00 anytime we had a phone out or a camera, we just noticed he loved to be in front of it in july, asher's mother, meagan, submitted his photos to a talent agency - which the family chose not to name - looking for children for an oshkosh b'gosh ad campaign sot - meagan nash, mother - 17;05;03;03 he met the size criteria, the eye color, the hair color so i submitted after not hearing from the agency, she reached out and says she was told they never submitted asher's photos to wasn't looking for a baby with special needs. (gfx)the "kids with down syndrome" facebook page sharing asher's story hoping to "show the world what he's made of!" the post going viral. shortly after, oshkosh took notice- and now little asher has the opportunity to wow oshkosh face to face? (gfx) in a statement to abc news, the company says "we look forward to meeting with asher and his family, as well as taking steps to enhance the representation of diverse children in our
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main goal is for them to meet him next week ? and fall in love with him that was rachel smith reporting. it's a race against time -- to save a lost hiker. annie schmidt -- has been missing for a week -- in a patch of woods -- near portland, oregon. drones -- dogs -- and teams of searchers -- are scouring the treacherous terrain. people -- found her car -- near the trail head. her phone -- and belongings -- still inside. according to her roommate -- backpack -- and regular hiking gear at home. a storm -- now complicating the search. days of rain -- threatening to wipe out trails -- and -- leaving some -- fearing -- annie fell -- deep into the gorge. sot - jon schmidt - she could literally have fallen off one of the 20, 30 footers that are all over the trails. annie -- is the 21-year-old daughter -- of musician -- john schmidt -- the leader of viral you-tube group -- the piano guys. protests -- against the dakota-
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reports -- police -- arrested more than a hundred -- protestors this weekend -- near bismark. local deputies say -- they were forced to use mace on protesters -- trying to cross the line police formed -- between the demonstrators -- and the construction equipment. they say -- one protester -- grabbed a can of mace from an officer -- and sprayed the officer in the face. overseases now. the offensive on mosul, iraq -- is in high gear. thirty-thousand kurdish -- and iraqi troops -- are battling toward second-biggest city -- sot - sec. ash carter / dept. of defense "make no mistake - whether they're flying airplanes overhead - or whether they're advising units on the ground - even behind the frontlines - they are at risk." u-s secretary of defense -- ash carter -- arriving in iraq this weekend. the fighting isn't limited to mosul. isis fighters -- staging a large- scale attack in the city of kirkuk this weekend -- killing dozens people. so far -- dozens of iraqi
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chief-petty officer -- jason finan what's better than the first big snowfall? when students -- in anchorage. alaska -- get the day off from school -- to enjoy it. instead of racing to class friday -- students spent the morning -- speeding down a hill -- on sleds. they say the fresh coat of powder -- is irresistible. today's high in anchorage -- a cool --34 degress. ad-lib a pacific system will continue to push through the area through tomorrow. as it does, we'll c see lots of cloud cover, the chance for scattered showers and cooler temps. most of the rain will stick to the mountains, but the valley will continue to have chances for sprinkles and light rain tonight through tomorrow. expect upper end breezy winds with gusts to about 30 mph tomorrow afternoon. the system moves out by tuesday morning and we will see more sunshine and lighter winds that day. high temps will remain in the low 80s on tuesday. high pressure will build in and warm high temps to the mid 80s
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expect partly cloudy skies both days. a series of systems will start to bring chances to the area on friday, in the form of cloud cover, slight chances for rain and cooler temps. expect mostly cloudy skies on friday with afternoon and evening chances for scattered showers and highs back down to the low 80s. the chances will continue through saturday morning and high temps will warm by a couple of degrees by that afternoon as the system makes an exit. another system follows closely behind and will start to move winds up to the breezy category. high temps will remain in the low to mid 80s to finish off the weekend. yet another system will roll in to start of the workweek. ((adlib wx close)) for scattered showers and cooler temps. most of the rain will stick to the mountains, but the valley will continue to have chances
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tonight through tomorrow. expect upper end breezy winds with gusts to about 30 mph tomorrow afternoon. the system moves out by tuesday morning and we will see more sunshine and lighter winds that day. high temps will remain in the low 80s on tuesday. high pressure will build in and warm high temps to the mid 80s on wednesday and thursday. expect partly cloudy skies both days. a series of systems will start to bring chances to the area on friday, in the form of cloud cover, slight chances for rain and cooler temps. expect mostly cloudy skies on evening chances for scattered showers and highs back down to the low 80s. the chances will continue through saturday morning and high temps will warm by a couple of degrees by that afternoon as the system makes an exit. another system follows closely behind and will start to move in sunday, which will kick the winds up to the breezy category. high temps will remain in the low to mid 80s to finish off the weekend. yet another system will roll
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((adlib wx close)) for scattered showers and cooler temps. most of the rain will stick to the mountains, but the valley will continue to have chances for sprinkles and light rain tonight through tomorrow. expect upper end breezy winds with gusts to about 30 mph tomorrow afternoon. the system moves out by tuesday morning and we will see more sunshine and lighter winds that day. high temps will remain in the low 80s on tuesday. warm high temps to the mid 80s on wednesday and thursday. expect partly cloudy skies both days. a series of systems will start to bring chances to the area on friday, in the form of cloud cover, slight chances for rain gas prices -- are holding
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right now -- the average -- for a gallon of regular in las vegas -- is $2.46. that's only up about two cents-- from this time last month. madea -- is too much -- for her box -office competitors. tyler perry's latest -- titled "boo! a madea halloween", -- is expected to take the top spot -- in its opening weekend. it's projected to haul in -- close to 28-million dollars. the movie is followed by tom edition of jack reacher -- "never go back" -- with 23-million bucks. the horror flick -- "ouija: origin of evil" -- is third --raking in an estimated 14-million dollars. it's a story -- that could make you wonder -- where did your adopted pet really come from? using hidden cameras -- contact - 13- reveals -- uncovers -- a dog laundering operation -- happening -- in plain sight. 13-action news -- wants to help you stay informed -- 24/7.
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you'll need to go to the member's page. just click on the contest tab -- on our homepage. you spend a lot of time opening doors for these little guys. but congressman heck opens them for these guys -- special interests and the billionaire koch brothers. they spent millions supporting heck, and heck supports their agenda -- special tax breaks even for corporations shipping jobs overseas. worse, heck pays for them by cutting education and raising taxes on us.
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for the content of this advertising. it's hard to make the past dissappear, but danny tarkanian is trying. he'd rather you forget about all of his failed runs for congress, senate, and secretary of state. ...and the shady record that killed his chances every time. the property taxes tarkanian skipped out on for years... the telemarketing scammers he represented... all those fake charities he helped set up.
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more ads from joe heck's billionaires. they're complete garbage. crime dropped over 20% while catherine cortez masto was attorney general. that's why it's cortez masto who's been endorsed by law enforcement, not joe heck. and her crackdown on domestic violence and human trafficking earned the praise of governor sandoval. don't believe joe heck's trash.
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i'm catherine cortez masto and i approve this message. but -- what about dog laundering? that -- is what contact 13 discovered is happening -- with an animal-rescue group -- that's been banned -- from doing adoptions -- at petsmart. in this hidden-camera expose -- darcy spears -- continues her i gone wrong. darcy 10 pack: a search warrant served this summer and an open investigation by metro and animal control. plus, our contact 13 investigation revealing poor conditions for hundreds of dogs stuck in overcrowded cages with little human contact and not enough care. that's the story we first told in august about adopt a rescue pet. days later, petsmart suspended a-r-p from all adoption events at las vegas stores. but as our hidden camera reveals, that didn't stop the
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/nats dogs barking/ families looking for new four-legged friends flock to petsmart locations each weekend. /nats dogs barking/ on a recent visit to the store on north 5th and the 215, we saw well over 30 dogs hoping for a forever home. pct0004 :08 q : are all these dogs rescued from locally... or from? a : different shelters. a closer look at some of the dogs revealed this tell-tale bone-shaped tag... showing dogs like this chihuahua named 'manley' came /nats dogs barking/ we found another a-r-p tag on 'astro' a boston terrier mix. /nats keyboard/ and look who we found on a-r-p's website. both manley and astro are pictured here, ready for adoptioin . but they're not supposed to be at petsmart. according to this statement, a-r-p "was suspended on august 18 from the petsmart charities adoption program for violation of the program's policies and procedures." despite that, a-r-p continues to promote
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(nats) pct0004 :31 a lot of them are in foster homes. i have a couple. she has a couple. contact 13 discovered elizabeth rubin, who runs a-r-p, is funneling dogs through another rescue group called a home 4 spot. diana england, who runs saying "yes. we are assisting adopt-a-rescue-pet to help get their dogs adopted to their forever homes." an admitted violation of the ban petsmart has imposed. innocent animals caught up in a controversial situation, a former a-r-p board member says it could be all about the money. renee 12:28 when you look at you're adopting out a thousand dogs a year and your average adoption fee is $200 then that's $200,000 right there. where do those thousands of dogs come from? as we first reported, the animal foundation
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concerns over how the rescue houses and treats dogs. renee says a- r-p does pick up strays and take dogs owners no longer want, but many of their rescue pets are not local. renee 3:28 they were bringing in dogs from california because they're not allowed to pull here in las vegas. as many as 20 to 50 a month for years, she says. while a-r-p promotes itself as a no-k they're adding to southern nevada's animal over-population problem. jason alswang 6:53 certainly there's nothing that we do to stop people from bringing animals in from other locations. animal control says they can't prevent rescue groups that have been banned by the shelter from importing animals from out of state. darcy tag 10 pack on their facebook page, a-r-p is raising money to help build a pet sanctuary and canine retirement the public and owner elizabeth rubin refuses to allow any
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petsmart and a home 4 spot on our website at ktnv dot com. right now -- we're working on all new stories -- for 13-action news -- live at 6-30. including-- the california -guard -- offered thousands of soldiers -- bonuses to enlist. now -- the government -- wants that money back. plus -- we'll have the latest to the valley. what it all means -- for the upcoming election and -- don't forget -- to download the ktnv mobile app -- in the apple -- app store --or google play. it's free -- and lets you watch action news video-- anywhere-- you have mobile service. < >
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stop -- right here in the valley -- stumping for hilr good evening -- and thanks for joining us. i'm christopher king. it's your voice -- your vote -- in the race for the white house. the president -- making an appearance this evening -- at cheyenne high school. 13 action news reporter -- gina lazara -- is live from the high school now. gina? 01:35:18 - 01:35:35 "he hit it out of the park. he said the right things. especially to the ladies.
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but he said the things that we needed to hear." a pacific system will continue to push through the area
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as it does, we'll continue to see lots of cloud cover, the chance for scattered showers and cooler temps. most of the rain will stick to the mountains, but the valley will continue to have chances for sprinkles and light rain tonight through tomorrow. expect upper end breezy winds with gusts to about 30 mph tomorrow afternoon. the system moves out by tuesday morning and we will see more sunshine and lighter winds that day. high temps will remain in the low 80s on tuesday. high pressure will build in and warm high temps to the mid 80s on wednesday and thursday. expect partly cloudy skies both days fighting has intensified in the for scattered showers and cooler temps. most of the rain will stick to the mountains, but the valley will continue to have chances for sprinkles and light rain tonight through tomorrow. expect upper end breezy winds with gusts to about 30 mph tomorrow afternoon. the system moves out by tuesday morning and we will see more sunshine and lighter winds that day. high temps will remain in the low 80s on tuesday. high pressure will build in and
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expect partly cloudy skies both days fighting -- intensifying -- in the syrian city of aleppo -- less than 24 hours after a cease-fire ended. heavy clashes -- reported be government troops. government airstrikes -- have hit a number of rebel-held neighborhoods. several hundred thousand civilians -- are said to trapped inside the city. no word on any injuries. a major offensive is underway in iraq -- pushing back against isis. the u-s military is on-hand to help local fighters reclaim the city of mosul. the campaign will take months -- and already there is growing for the innocent civilians caught in the crossfire. abc's alex marquardt is on the
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latest. nats - (aptn) "?explosion / tank firing?" the offensive on mosul in high gear? nats - (aptn) "?gunfire?" thirty-thousand kurdish and iraqi troops are battling toward second biggest city - backed by u-s troops. ash carter / dept. of defense "make no mistake - whether they're flying airplanes overhead - or whether they're advising units on the ground - even behind the frontlines - they are at risk." this weekend, u-s secretary of defense ash car in iraq. sot - sec. ash carter / dept. of defense "we must do this. we must protect ourselves from isil. // they need to be destroyed." carter says this operation has been a year in the making - and encouraged by the progress in the last week - everything, he said, going according to plan. nats but there is significant resistance? isis fighters have been using waves of suicide bombers, i- e-ds, booby trapped homes? even armed drones. nats - (aptn - kirkuk) the fighting isn't limited to
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the advance on mosul by staging a largescale attack in the city of kirkuk this weekend - killing dozens. as forces re-capture isis-held areas? many are celebrating. sot - "you cannot sleep without fear? because you cannot guess when they will take you at night and kill you." and with as many as one and a half million civilians still in mosul, there is growing worry about a potential unfolding humanitarian crisis. and though the battle has started, secretary carter says the fiercest fighting has yet to come. sot - sec. ash carter / dept. a new report suggests the pentagon should scrap its 40 billion a new report suggests -- the pentagon should scrap -- its 40- billion dollar aircraft carrier. the center for a new american security -- says -- the world's most powerful fighting force -- needs a serious makeover. the center -- recommends putting an end -- to the
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program. they say -- those funds -- should be reallocated for the b-21 bomber -- additional submarines-- and investing in high- energy lasers. sot: ret. cmdr. francis mcvey/united states navy if a promise is made, it should be kept. growing outrage tonight after nearly 10-thousand soldiers are told they have to pay back their enlistment bonuses. the pentagon not only wants the nearly 15-thousand dollars in bonuses back -- they're also slapping them with interest charges, and tax liens if they many of these troops have served several combat tours in iraq and afghanistan. sot: ret. chief warrant officer 4 warren finch/united states army i think they took the bonus honestly believing that's what they were authorized. to be perfectly honest i think the people that did it, promised them the bonus should pay it back a recent investigation determined there was a lack of oversight that led to widepsread fraud -- with some members receiving bonuses officials say they didn't deserve.
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after she went to pick up her dog from animal control -- only to find the dog was gone. what they're accused of doing to her beloved pooch. plus... a father has a lot of explaining to do after his baby girl ends up in the hospital -- from a drug overdose. why he says it's a simple mistake. and remember -- chopper 13 bringing you breaking news -- fast and first. glitch - v
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this -- happening in detroit. four-year-old coco -- was only supposed to be held -- for a few days of a rabies quarantine. one of the investigators -- even told melissa -- she could come by -- and pick up her dog. "and i just bust out crying all and they're just rubbing my back and saying we're sorry and no, when was y'all going to call me and tell me. when i get there yesterday she has already been dead six days without anybody telling me
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it was an awful mistake -- and they're now reviewing their procedures. cameras are rolling inside a washington d-c elementary school. a child -- allegedly punched by another kid's parent. take a look... you can see the man slowly walk toward the child -- and then appears to punch him in the stomach. the child crumbling to the floor. while he held his stomach, the parent walked out of the building. john mclean/victim "i was in the hallway, the day was on wednesday and then somebody with lena mclean/son punched at school "you watched my son on that ground and you didn't do nothing and all you could say to me is you was playing." butt i wouldn't do that to you. i wouldn't do that to none of your kids?.."i'll feel much a maryland man is in trouble with the law -- after drugs are found in his child's system. blood tests show the 20-month-old girl had p-c-p and
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mother was at work when her 13-year-old son called her saying the toddler was unresponsive. she rushed home as neighbors started performing c-p-r until first responders arrived. (mos/name withheld by request) "we had to do cpr. the neighbor was a doctor, he came rushing to her aid." investigators say the mother noticed a bottle of pills on the coffee table before she left and asked the girl's fater -- jayson hall -- to move them. hall says he's and fell asleep. jayson hall/father "i didn't put the top all the way on the bottle so when she woke up she thought it was candy." as far as the p-c-p is concerned...hall claims his cousin brought it to the house. hall was arrested and facing numerous charges including child neglect and reckless endangerment. right now -- a despearte search in new hampshire for a missing 16-year-old boy. authorities fear he may have been swept into a storm drain. he was walking home from a
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rain storm yesterday and hasn't been seen since. search and rescue crews have recovered a body from a nearby river but haven't said if it's the missing teen. a massive cleanup effort underway in boston, massachusetts -- after the city was pummeled by heavy rain and floods. people living there dealing with power outages, submerged cars and major flooding inside their homes. ((adlib wx toss)) a pacific system will continue to push through the area through tomorrow. as it does, see lots of cloud cover, the chance for scattered showers and cooler temps. most of the rain will stick to the mountains, but the valley will continue to have chances for sprinkles and light rain tonight through tomorrow. expect upper end breezy winds with gusts to about 30 mph tomorrow afternoon.
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by tuesday morning and we will see more sunshine and lighter winds that day. high temps will remain in the low 80s on tuesday. high pressure will build in and warm high temps to the mid 80s on wednesday and thursday. expect partly cloudy skies both days. a series of systems will start to bring chances to the area on friday, in the form of cloud cover, slight chances for rain and expect mostly cloudy skies on friday with afternoon and evening chances for scattered showers and highs back down to the low 80s. the chances will continue through saturday morning and high temps will warm by a couple of degrees by that afternoon as the system makes an exit. another system follows closely
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winds up to the breezy category. high temps will remain in the low to mid 80s to finish off the weekend. yet another system will roll in to start of the workweek. we're in the final day of our coats for kids campaign for for scattered showers and cooler temps. most of the rain will stick to the mountains, but the valley will continue to have chances for sprinkles and light rain tonight through tomorrow. expect upper end breezy winds with gusts to about 30 mph tomorrow afternoon. the system moves out by tuesday morning and we will see more sunshine and lighter winds that day. high temps will remain in the
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in and warm high temps to the mid 80s on wednesday and thursday. expect partly cloudy skies both days. a series of systems will start to bring chances to the area on friday, in the form of cloud cover, slight chances for rain and cooler temps. expect mostly cloudy skies on friday with afternoon and evening chances for scattered to the low 80s. the chances will continue through saturday morning and high temps will warm by a couple of degrees by that donated a coat. if you haven't made your donation yet, please drop off a new or gently used coat at any tropical smoothie location and help us to make sure no child in the valley goes without a
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salvation army who'll distribute the coats when the weather starts getting cold. and remember, tropical smoothie is a proud sponsor of coats for kids on 13 action news. ((adlib wx close)) las vegas strip headliner -- britney spears -- continues her work -- with the nevada childhood-cancer foundation. check out these new images -- of her donating 200-thousand dollars -- to the organization -- before her show friday. spears-- gives one dol her planet- hollywood show . the singer -- is now halfway to her goal -- of raising one-million dollars -- so the foundation -- can build its new -- permanent facility here's tonight's primetime lineup on channel 13... at 7 -- america's funniest home videos at 8 -- once upon a time at 9 -- secrets and lies at 10 -- quantico at 11 -- 13 action news it's bad enough -- seeing bugs in your home. but it's even worse -- when it's in a diner's kitchen.
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no. d: nothing about the roaches, nothing about the food on the floor, nothing about the dirty conditions in the kitchen? no. we're going "dirty dining". and -- mum's the word for one restaurant -- where flies and cockroaches -- were caught
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jacky rosen: i'm jacky rosen, d apps... before they were called "apps" and i learned there's always a smart solution. as president of my synagogue, we found a smart solution to rising energy costs... creating one of the largest solar projects in the state. in congress, i'll work with democrats and republicans to make all of nevada a leader in solar, to improve our schools, and create good jobs. i approved this message because i know we can find smart solutions... even in washington.
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e little guys. but congressman heck opens them for these guys -- special interests and the billionaire koch brothers. they spent millions supporting heck, and heck supports their agenda -- special tax breaks even for corporations shipping jobs overseas. worse, heck pays for them by cutting education and raising taxes on us. congressman heck is what's wrong with washington. dscc is responsible
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crawlies. so get ready -- for a full buffe -- from chief investigator -- darcy spears. honey pig korean bbq on spring mountain and decatur was first on dirty dining two years ago with the same amount of demerits they have right now - 40 and a c grade. :14 nats greeting as we walk in, then i say, "hi there. oh, don't duck and run!" both times, inspectors found many of and bagged onions on the kitchen floor. there was also open food on floors in the walk-in fridge and freezer. other repeat violations include mold in the ice machine and dirty kitchen wares stored as clean. like this pot and most of the strainers, which were stored dirty with dried food debris. :33 darcy to camera: apparently they know who we are and they know why we're here because she grabbed her cell phone and ran to the kitchen as soon as she saw me.
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defrosting in standing water. they weren't using running water because of cracks in the sink that allow wastewater to drip all over the floor. which you can clearly see in this picture. also caught on camera, sticky fly paper--with plenty of flies on it--hanging right above the stove. previous service--including inside the oven. 1:31 person in charge: uh, i don't have anything to say. darcy: you don't? you guys had cockroaches all oe restaurant. pic: not all over the restaurant. d: just in the kitchen. pic: not kitchen. just in the storage area. the very reluctant person in charge wouldn't give me his name, or answer questions about potstickers, rice, bean sprouts, fish cakes and raw eggs that had to be tossed due to unsafe temperatures. or an employee's moldy rice stored over customer food in the reach-in. 1:59 darcy: if you don't want to participate in the story, you can certainly choose to do
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this employee wearing the pink gloves didn't wash up after handling raw chicken. ceiling tiles were dirty and stained. and fridge racks were rusted. 2:40 d: we just want to make sure that we let your customers and the dining public know maybe what you might have to say. pic: yeah, i don't want to explain anything. d: you don't want to explain anything. no. d: nothing about the roaches, nothing about the food on the floor, nothing about the dirty conditions in the kitchen? no. d: nothing? where's your c grade that used to be up there? d: you're cleaning the c grade? no, not album, the frame. d: the frame is being cleaned? you know it has to be displayed, right? yeah, we're gonna display it, yeah. inspectors noted continued non- compliance at honey pig, including lack of control over foodborne illness risk factors. darcy stand-up: moving on to closures, let's play restaurant feud. the topic--"reasons a restaurant could be shut down for an imminent health hazard." top answers are on the board. show me "roaches!" /nat ding/
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mall--had pest infestations creating gross, unsanitary conditions. the rotisserie chicken place is more like roach-isserie considering how many bugs inspectors found. there were also two bags of expired lettuce. cinnabon was also roach-infested. and so was supreme burrito. this max catch glue trap had apparently caught its max amount of bugs, because there were plenty of them elsewhere in the kitchen. the floors next to the make a roach buffet--excessively dirty with large amounts of food debris. there's so much food in this crevice between equipment that you can't even see the floor. darcy tag: honey pig still has a c grade. cinnabon and rotisserie chicken in the boulevard mall re-opened with a grades. supreme burrito is scheduled for re-inspection on tuesday. darcy spears, 13 action news. karla -- has another look at your forecast -- in just a bit.
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you're watching thirteen action news -- where you get breaking news -- fast and first. a pacific system will continue to push through the area you spend a lot of time opening doors for these little guys. but congressman heck opens them for these guys -- special interests and the billionaire koch brothers. they spent millions supporting heck, and heck supports their agenda -- special tax breaks even for corporations shipping jobs overseas. worse, heck pays for them by cutting education on us. congressman heck is what's wrong with washington. dscc is responsible for the content of this advertising. i'm catherine cortez masto and i approve this message. i don't know what i said, ahh, i don't remember. narrator: and joe heck says i have "high hopes we'll see donald trump become president." trump: you know, you could see there was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her wherever. narrator: heck says he "completely supports" trump.
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narrator: and heck? reporter: do you trust him having his finger on the nuclear button? heck: i do. reporter: why do you say that? heck: why wouldn't i? narrator: donald trump and joe heck.
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chance for scattered showers
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expect upper end breezy winds with gusts to about 30 mph tomorrow afternoon. the system moves out by tuesday more high pressure will build in and and our ktnv mobile app. we'll see you back here -- for 13 action news -- live at 11. thank you for watching. have a great evening.
7:00 pm
ribeiro: here's a sneak peek at tonight's "afv." we know you're gonna love it. ? [ screams ] [ clicking ] woman: bye. oh. [ crash ] woman: oh! [ applause ] welcome to "america's funniest home videos." and now, here he is, the host of our show, alfonso ribeiro. [ cheers and applause ] pow! hey, hey, hey! thank you. thank you! how are you all?! welcome!


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