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tv   Action News 11pm  ABC  October 26, 2016 11:00pm-11:35pm PDT

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a little girl shoots her sister. we begin with breaking news. a carnado warning is now in effect around the spaghetti bowl. chopper 13.. fast and first over the biggest road construction the valley has seen in years. the road closures.... just went into effect..... about an hour ago... and.... they're sure to tie up traffic.... for the months to come. we have live team coverage.... of the mess. christopher king is out.... near m-l- k and u-s 95. but first... in our live drive... surveying the traffic... right now... bryan... is traffic backing up yet? back out.... to chopper -13- fast and first.... over the areas.... affected by this closure. all of this is....
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your drive to and from work. 13 action news reporter.... yasmeen hassan.....has you covered.... with a look at some alternate routes.... to avoid the madness. now that y the alternate routes..
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king who drove some of those routes earlier to give you a better idea of what to expect. he's live from mlk and u-s- 95 with a look at your options. christopher. car-nado.
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farce..sharknado..except you won't see giant sharks flying at you..out of a tornado.'ll be more like a horror film for drivers. we're driving some of those give you an idea of what to expect. i-15 95 north: we take the lake mead boulevard south on get back onto 95 north. total time..7 minutes. next..we drive along the 15 m-l-k. we exit..onto lake mead west..and back onto m-l-k. total time..4 minutes. and the shortest detour: i-15 u-s 95 north. you'll have to the m-l-k ramp..on a one-lane detour..with a reduced speed limit..then get back onto 95
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now..mind you. we did all of that driving with little to no traffic..before those xits were closed. it could take you a lot longer. so..plan on leaving a lot earlier..or avoid the area all together if you can. live at ??, ck, 13 action news. here's another look..... at "the spaghetti bowl" right now.... from chopper -13-... we talked to some people today..... about their plans now.... that those road closures are in effect.... about how they plan.... to avoid it. female interview renee cotrell trying to remain positive...going to car-nado (butted to) phillip richards 1st soundbite have to do it...get it done we are making sure.... we are all over this. so... we launched chopper 13.....
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spaghetti bowl.... right at -10-..... when the closure started. the shutdown wasn't immediate... but you could still see less traffic.... in the area.... than normal. a big part of this project is to demolish the bridge over mlk boulevard and build a new one farther north. so here are a few fast facts. the closure will last about 120 days.. which is about the duration of a congressional session. the length of the bridge will be about 550 feet. that's almost 2-football and.. the height will be about 70 feet.. or seven basketball hoops stacked on top of each other. the material used will equal about 15- hundred cubic yards.. which would fill 11 average-sized swimming pools. (ad lib about current situation) that bridge from 15 north to 95 will be gone once the carnado passes.
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ndot and rtc will be monitoring the traffic in real time. this is a look inside the hub where they'll be watching eight of the major traffic corridors in the area. they have 35 cameras in the area... and 70 signals they keep an eye digital signs up and down both freeways to keep people up to date. if you can't avoid the spaghetti bowl on your daily commute... you'll want to start the alternative routes in case your favorite. i'm going to toss it over to christopher king who's been exploring those all night. chris... what is your favorite alternative? we're going to continue.... staying on top of "car-nado". we'll check back in..... with bryan callahan.... throughout this newscast...
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in the morning.... on "good morning las vegas".... starting at 4:30. and... of course.... you can always.... stay up- to-date.... on our mobile app... or... on k-t-n-v -dot- com. and.... wet roads.... could lead..... to an even bigger mess... a live look.... at "desert doppler".... and.... that system.... up in the pacific northwest.... could bring us some rain... bryan? temperatures will stay on the warm side for this time of year as highs will top out in the mid 80s thursday. we will watch some clouds moving in through the day thursday which could lead to new developments in the manhunt for a double murder suspect who
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michael vance is accused of killing two family members before shooting wounding two police officers.. stealing their patrol car.. then shooting two other people in a carjacking. police now say vance has a hit list showing he intends to kill eight other people. expert.. retired metro lt. randy sutton.. says vance won't be easy to bring-in. "he is heavily armed so the average police officer doesn't have the kind of fire power that can even match what he has" police also say vance may be dead because he suffered a gunshot wound during his encounter with police. regardless.. they're warning everyone to stay away from vance because he
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a communicable disease. and if you do see him.. call police immediately. new tonight ... a girls night out ... quickly warps... into this wild brawl!! it happened .. at "the miz lola's"...... in north las vegas! now.... the customer ... who says.... she was forced to go to the hospital... is turning to us.... for answers. 13 action news reporter.... mahsa saeidi... is here in the studio.... with the story... you'll see... only.... on 13 action news. mahsa? tricia -- we called miz lola's hours ago... left a voicemail ... sent an online message ... even stopped but management never got back to us ... that customer says she's pursuing legal action.... civil and criminal. "i mean i could have died." the video is wild! a worker ... behind the bar! girls tossed off! not once ... not twice ... but three times! "knowing that someone put their hands on you, it's not a good
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as multiple bar stools and bottles ..are thrown! how did we get here? tonight -- ashley jackson -- speaking only to 13 action news! she says -- she was forced to defend herself! "i got a stool and threw it over so he would stop!" it starts here -- with her friend dozing off! the bartender asking them to leave. jackson cashes out... tells him he's rude. that's when... he abruptly snatches her wallet! "(why?) i have no idea, he he snapped!" the bartender seen looking through her personal stuff. on the counter! "i was afraid for my life, he might try to get my address" "do something later, i don't she says her gulbladder ruptured! she had to have surgery.. her friend's hand... broken. to make matters worse -- when police came to the bar that night -- "we were actually arrested." "they took his word without looking at the tape." a family is torn apart..... after a - 7- year-old girl gets ahold of a gun.... and...
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heart beats there's blood coming out." only on 13 action news... the family speaking out for the first time... what precautions they took..... to try and keep this from happening..... in the first place... and.... another live look at the spaghetti bowl from chopper 13 as some major road closures are now in effect... we'll take another loo valley. a child accidentally shoots her
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we've learned a lot about how joe heck works. follow the money. he called nevada's foreclosure crisis a "blip" and took almost $700,000 from wall street, including some of the same banks who caused the crisis. and then there's money he's taken from payday lenders who charge 521% interest. heck co-sponsored legislation protecting their predatory practices. add it all up, and joe heck is working for corporate special interests. and that doesn't work for nevada. senate majority pac is responsible for the content
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surveillance pics. police say this guy walked into a business near east sahara and south nellis boulevard...pulled out a gun...and demanded cash from the register. he got away with the money before police showed up. if you know who he is call las vegas police. a child accidentally shoots her sister with her mom.... in the other room. now... a mother is torn from her family... and... a father tries to hold.... everything together. 13 action news reporter parker collins talked exclusively with everyone in that family.. at home.. and in standup: steve, tricia: the mother was arrested the night of the shooting before she could ever see her daughter in the hospital... and that's where she is now... waiting to see what the court will do with her. shaletres townsend, victim's mother 18:01:56-18:02:02 "i'm trying not to break down, but i just want to be with my family so we can go through this together." you can see her heart breaking as she wipes intend to do it you know but i love all my kids no matter
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year old shot her three year old daughter, honesty. sergio johnson, victim's godfather 18:25:58- "all i know is this girl is leaking out of her neck she's leaking out of her back. all i can see is every time her heart beats there's blood coming out." the girl's godfather did everything he could to keep the toddler from leaving this world. now-- she's in the hospital... barely able to open her eyes. while her father tries to keep everything from falling apart. (will need some vo cover) 18:26:29-18:26:39 "for everyone to sit up there and talk bad about her mother... i hate them! i hate everybody... this is my baby right here her mother loves her!" both parents say the gun was locked away in their bedroom... holstered in a purse with the safety on. but honesty's father says even that wasn't enough to stop this tragedy. he stands beside his older daughter -- even through this terrible truth... 18:33:18-18:33:25 "when i picked up the gun i saw honesty
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even though it's her sister doctors are trying to save... this child has a different kind of wound... that's reopened every time she sees reminders from that night, still left behind on the wall. the pain -- runs deep -- for everyone in this family. 17:56:10-17:56:19 "last time i seen her she was layin' there and it's hard now i'm sitting in here and it's not fair" standup: the mother is facing four child abuse and neglect charges. her first court appearance was this week. it was going to be last week... it into the courtroom. parekr collins 13 action news. we're staying on top of "car- nado"..... as some major road closures..... just took effect..... a little over an hour ago. it's sure to create a mess..... for the next several months... 13 action news reporter..... bryan callahan is out.... in our live drive..... in the middle of the mess temperatures will stay on the
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the mid 80s thursday.
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highs will top out in the mid 80s thursday. we will watch some clouds moving in through the day thursday which could lead to more rain by friday. by as early as thursday night, our trough, now turned into a cold front, will interact with the valley a rain chance around 20% by 10 pm thursday night. as we move into friday morning, rain chances spike and hold at 40% with the mountains at a 70% chance for rain and a decent shot for more snow, ice, and ice/rain mix. widespread showers ranging from just a drizzle to moderate rain will be common. possible thunder and lightning
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closely. by saturday late morning, rain chance will seize but mostly sunny to partly sunny skies will hold through the weekend. temperatures fall to the mid and upper 70s and hold into the next work week including halloween. winds will be breezy to gusty by sunday and back to breezy conditions monday morning. halloween afternoon. a henderson woman was at the heart of a lawsuit against
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trump. up next.. how she says she exposed racism within trump's company.. and how he's debunking her claim. and.... a valley man is turning to us..... after he says... drivers are going way too fast.... around one intersection... why he says... doesn't do something... he will. a henderson woman is coming
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i'm catherine cortez masto and i approve this message. i don't know what i said, ahh, i don't remember. narrator: and joe heck says i have "high hopes we'll see donald trump become president." trump: you know, you could see there was blood coming out of her eyes,
tv-commercial tv-commercial
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narrator: heck says he "completely supports" trump. i love war in a certain way. narrator: and heck? reporter: do you trust him having his finger on the nuclear button? heck: i do. reporter: why do you say that? heck: why wouldn't i? narrator: donald trump and joe heck.
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a hotel in a town called visso where the the six-point-one magnitude quake hit. it is just 50 miles north of the site of a deadly quake that killed hundreds back in august. just before that a 5-point-5 quake was recorded in the same area. here you can see where dozens of people are filling up shelters. so far only one death has been blamed on the quake.
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forward saying she exposed discrimination involving the trump family. sheila morse.. who's white.. volunteered as a "discrimination tester" in new york city in the 1970s. she says she was able to rent an apartment owned by trump after a black man was denied a lease in the same building. a discrimination lawsuit was filed.. which donald trump addressed during the first presidential debate. (from abc newsone, can find in my pkg) d settled that lawsuit with no admission of guilt, but that was a lawsuit brought against many real estate firms, and it's just one of those things." a trump organization executive released a video this year defending trump against allegations of racism. she's african american.. and says trump hires more minority executives than any company she's worked for. vice president..... joe biden will hold a rally..... supporting hillary clinton.... here in las vegas this weekend.
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at 11 a-m.... saturday morning. we have information...... on how to get tickets.... on our website... k-t-n-v dot com. we're now watching to see how a traffic mess unfolds in one of the most-traveled areas anywhere in nevada. here's a live look..... near "the spaghetti bowl".... from our live drive... how car-nado could ruin your morning commute.... coming up.
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problem.... and.... causing several crashes!! it's the intersection of "valley view" and "mesa verde"... and... our viewer... jim ludwick says... it's posing a danger..... to people who live there.... as well as.... drivers. 19.53.03 last month they knocked out the stop sign 04 into the jersey barrier out here 16 jim ludwick he turned to us for help....
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to clark county officials. they told us... they're looking into what can be done.... to improve the turn. jim is even offering.... to help the county pay for.... more signage.... in the area.... to waown. we'll be right back.... with a final look.... at your wake-up weather forecast. first.. here's jimmy kimmel with a preview of tonight's show.. right after 13 action news. ((verbatim)) temperatures will stay on the warm side for this time of year as highs will top out in we will watch some clouds
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could lead to more rain by friday.
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for this edition of 13 action news.... live at 11. "jimmy kimmel live" is up next.. we're always on... at k-t-n-v dot com... and... on the k-t-n-v mobile app. our next reports begin at 4:30-am on good morning las vegas. thank you for watching.. and from all of us at channel
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we've got a choice to make. jacky rosen wants to build an economy that works for all of us, creating good jobs, expanding solar energy, and improving our schools. but with danny tarkanian, you can't escape the sleaze. tarkanian lost $17 million in a failed development scheme and stuck taxpayers with the bill. he even helped set up fake charities used to scam nevada seniors. danny tarkanian's out for himself. dccc is responsible
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from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live"! tonight andrew garfield, chef mario batali, the fourth annual canine costume parade, and music from conor oberst. and now, what do you know -- here's jimmy kimmel! [ cheers and applause ] ? >> jimmy: hi, very nice. welcome. thank you. hi, everyone. i'm jimmy, i'm the host of the show. thank you for watching. thank you for coming. it's very kind. i'm glad you're here. this is night two of the world series. game two between the chicago cubs and the cleveland indians


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