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tv   Action News Special Edition  ABC  October 29, 2016 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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pounds of marijuana to the east coast. the problem is drug dealers and cartels are taking advantage of a loophole that allowed for poorly regulated home growing operations... some of those home growers sell that marijuana to the black market for huge profits... which only adds to the challenges of an industry that deals almost exclusively in cash... 19:25 there's a potential of danger for any state and it's citizens." in denver tq 13 action news. nevada lawmakers learned from colorado -- and closed the operations. but -- it remains to be seen -- if question 2 passes -- how effective it would be -- in stamping out illegal marijuana operations. the recreational-pot business -- is booming in colorado. coming up -- in our next half hour.. we're following the money. plus -- putting the student first -- in student-athlete. what the n-c-double-a is doing -- to put the focus -- back on the classroom.
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we've got a choice to make. jacky rosen wants to build an economy that works for all of us, creating good jobs, expanding solar energy, and improving our schools. but with danny tarkanian, you can't escape the sleaze. tarkanian lost $17 million in a failed development scheme and stuck taxpayers with the bill. he even helped set up fake charities used to scam nevada seniors. danny tarkanian's out for himself.
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13-action news has a special report -- from colorado -- ahead of the big vote -- here in nevada -- on recreational marijuana. we're following the money -- to find out -- the financial impact -- pot -- could have -- on nevada. but first -- trick-or-treaters -- are out and about tonight -- with more festivities to come let's check in -- with 13-first- alert meteorologist -- karla huelga -- with the scary halloween forecast. karla? a pacific storm system will push through the area tomorrow and bring windy conditions, followed by a cool- down on monday. tomorrow, expect gusts to about 40 mph in the afternoon. also, a wind advisory is in effect for clark, lincoln, and nye counties from noon to 9pm tomorrow. expect highs in the low to mid 80s around the valley tomorrow with partly cloudy skies.
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dropping to the mid 70s and remaining there on tuesday. a couple of weak disturbances will pass north of the area monday and tuesday which will bring a few clouds in and out of the area and could bring occasional breezes. highs will remain in the mid 70s on wednesday, then warm to around 80 thursday through next saturday. your voice -- your vote -- in the race for the white house. is in las vegas today. nevada -- is a key -- battleground state. he's campaigning -- for hillary clinton. 13-action news reporter -- marti glaser-- has more -- on his message to voters. as live : with 10- days left in the campaign - vice president ...joe biden was at the southwest regional council of carpenters stumping for hillary clinton and catherine cortez -masto. vo in front of a crowd of 780 - biden bashed hillary's opponent- donald trump and his
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have to make any of this up saying that because i am famous .. i can grope ... he has made the campaign so crude . 173928 biden then went on to praise clinton's committment to education and her economic accountability. sot 175001 everything she calls for she pays for " he also commended cortez masto - for not settling with the big banks. 1751111 she got for this state 2 billion dollars more than you would have gotten otherwise. 175114 on camera tag: biden and early vote. he also vocalized the importance of a democratic senate. marti glaser 13 action news. donald trump's campaign -- firing back -- releasing this statement-- on biden's visit. quote -- "joe biden's visit to nevada --comes at a terrible time -- for the clinton campaign -- right after the f-b-i announced -- it's reopening the investigation -- into hillary's possible criminal conduct. biden once proclaimed the passage-- of obamacare --to be a big
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-- that it will hit nevadans -- with over a 10- percent hike -- in insurance premiums -- next year alone. what is truly a big deal-- is the ethical baggage -- and possible criminality -- of hillary clinton." the f-b-i -- is actually looking at e-mails -- that could be related to clinton. donald trump -- is set to make another stop -- in las vegas this weekend. he'll be at the venetian -- tomorrow at 11 in the morning. the public is int tickets. we'll have that link for you -- on our website -- ktnv-dot-com. the email controversy -- haunting hillary clinton -- throughout this campaign -- is far from over. the f-b-i director -- now catching heat -- from the clinton camp -- and congressional democrats -- after revisiting the email probe -- so close to election day. yasmin amer -- reports. nats donald trump hit the campaign trail in colorado saturday.. wasting no time bringing up
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yesterday that the fbi is reopening their investigation "this is the biggest political scandal since watergate.. justice at latest can be properly delivered." vice president joe biden coming to clinton's defense. "i think the quicker they release the emails for the public to see them, the better off. i have confidence in hillary." fbi director, james comey sent a letter to the senate judiciary committee despite the objection from attorney general loretta lynch.. stating the bureau learned about emails that "appear to be pertinent to the investigation". according to law enforcement, the emails in question were not from hillary clinton... but found on a device being examined as part of the anthony weiner sexting scandal. the former congressman recently separated from top clinton aide huma abedin.
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months after comey told congress the investigation into clinton's private server was complete. "director comey was the one that wrote the letter that was light on facts, heavy on innuendo knowing full what republicans would do with it." clinton has called for the fbi to release the facts about its review... and says she's confident the outcome will not change the conclusion reached in july. i'm yasmin amer reporting. a halloween consumer alert a new report reveals -- more than half of face paints -- and cosmetics for kids-- have at least one toxic ingredient. the report from the breast-cancer fund -- tested nearly two-hundred products. they found ingredients -- like lead -- formaldehyde -- and other dangerous chemicals. don't just assume -- products are safe -- if they're on store shelves. some cosmetics -- are loosely regulated -- and are not required to list all ingredients. so here's the contact 13 bottomline -- about how you can protect -- your little ghouls
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-- because we have more cosmetic regulation. limit the use of those products. and -- wash it off -- as soon as you get home. the n-c-double-a -- wants to put the student -- back into the student- athlete. the association -- soon will start giving out money -- based on accomplishments -- in the classroom -- instead of exploits on the field. that'll happen -- in the 2019-2020 academic year -- at division-1 schools. the money -- comes from a new 9- bil basketball deal -- to encourage academic improvement -- and make the money -- accessible to a number of universities. a number of for-profit schools -- have shut their doors -- with little or no warning -- in the past few years. the most recent one -- i-t-t tech. now -- students -- left out in the cold -- are getting new protections. the department of education -- will let you off the hook -- for federal loans -- if your college mis-represents the quality of its programs.
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-- of contractual promise -- with its students. colleges -- will be responsible -- for re-paying those loans -- instead of taxpayers. you have to hear this next story -- to believe it. a north carolina woman -- was trying to teach her husband a lesson -- about playing lottery.. instead -- the couple -- wins a million dollars! glenda blackwell says -- her husband asked her -- to pick up some powerball tickets. but -- she got a scratch-off instead. so when i went million winner under the two "i had to eat my words but they so, i was very happy." the couple chose the lump sum -- about half a million. they'll use the money -- to buy a new home -- and help their they'll use the money -- to buy a new home -- and help their grandkids with college. in a little more than a week -- nevada voters -- get to decide --- if the state should legalize -- recreational marijuana.
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state that's already legalized it -- colorado. 13-action news anchor -- todd quinones -- continues his special series -- and follows the tax dollar. (nat door opens - medicine man plants room) welcome to the great green rush... marijuana sellers and growers are counting the money.... and customers are getting high... "7:15 it's a wonderful feeling to be free and just live your life." money... and lots of it is pouring in to color it's now nearly a 1 billion dollar a year industry that's attracting all kinds... 23:43:07 what were you doing before this whole industry? l(laugh) i was a defense contractor... i was. did you ever think you would wind up in the world of marijuana? never in a million years... nor did my parents brad roddy left his good paying steady job to become the director of internal audits for medicine man... a large retail and grow operation in denver. the state legalized
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20-13.... after allowing for medicinal use years earlier. from armed security gaurds... (nat sales hit) and staff working behind the sales counter... (nat marijuana tray opens...) to people tending the crop.. the marijuana industry now employs an estimated... 29,000 people su 23:55:02 at this one cultivation and growing facility... it is projected to do some 18 million dollars in sales this year alone. this is an industry that is showing no signs of slowing do l marijuana generated about 135 million dollars in state taxes... this year is on pace ito break that record.... but if you think that kind of money is a game changer ... think again. colorado's state budget is 26 billion dollars 9:32 on that scale it's a drop in the bucket andrew friedman is colorado's marijuana czar. he cautions nevadans to lower expectations of financial windfalls... 9:28 the message is the money is not trivial, but it's not
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crisis. so if you think that this could be used to significantly change school funding highway funding... health care costs it's not that kind of money. and with a population size of roughly about half of but there is little doubt the jobs the industry created... are going away any time soon... 23:43:50 marijuana is booming in denver tq 13 action news. a church -- is under investigation tonight -- for claiming -- it has a miracle cure-- fo abc's -- chief investigative reporter -- finds out -- what's really inside that bottle. plus -- star pitcher.. jose fernandez -- killed in a tragic boat accident. what the experts now say -- was in his body -- at the time of the crash. and remember -- chopper-13 brings you breaking news -- fast and first.
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narrator: the target... seniors. danny tarkanian set up thirteen vulnerable seniors... fronts for telemarketing schemes. seniors lost millions from the scams danny tarkanian helped set up. jacky rosen has always led with integrity. in congress, jacky rosen will protect seniors and strengthen social security. and jacky rosen will always be responsible with your tax dollars. jacky rosen: i'm jacky rosen
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doctors saying -- the church is preying on the desperate -- calling the treatment -- poison. abc's -- chief investigative correspondent -- brian ross -- confronting -- the church's archbishop. it's called the genesis ii church of health and healing. and 59-year old mark grenon is the archbishop. claiming that what's in this bottle is a miracle cure for virtually any disease. sot archbishop mark grenon: "from prostate cancer, to brain found after buying and testing some of the miracle cure, called mms, there is nothing miraculous about it. basically a form of chlorine. sot paul wang: "mms is an industrial chemical. it's an industrial bleach." in fact, look what happened when we poured some of it undiluted on to a pair of jeans. to the outrage of parents, that's just what's being given, in much smaller doses, to
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doing it at the expense of these defenseless children. how can you not call that evil?" the fda has received reports from across the country of violent, severe, unstoppable vomiting and diarrhea caused by drinking it. and the husband of sylvia nash says she died after taken a few drops of the miracle cure, told it would prevent malaria. ot doug nash: "mms did kill my wife. there's no question in my mind." an autopsy could not determine her cause of death. nats but the claims that the miracle cure actually harms people was not something the about. brian ross: are you harming people with this do you think sir? mark grenon: no, not at all. reporter. mark grenon: you're a piece of (expletive) as they say in spanish. that was brian ross reporting. we're now learning new details -- on the boat accident -- that killed -- miami marlins pitcher --jose fernandez. medical examiners say -- fernandez --had cocaine -- and alcohol in his system -- before his deadly crash last month.
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his friends -- were killed -- after their boat -- hit a jetty near miami beach. his official cause of death -- is listed as boat crash. investigators -- have not determined -- who was steering the vessel-- before the collision. 06-09 ohhh this fedex plane -- to burst into flames -- on the runway! and now -- federal investigators -- want to know -- why. it happened last night -- as it was touching down -- at fort lauderdale- hollywood -- international airport. offic landing gear collapsed -- and caught fire. the engine blew off the aircraft. fortunately -- no injuries. the sheriff's office says -- the fire -- mostly burned the plane's exterior. if you believe your package -- may have been there -- call fedex. in chicago -- another scare on a plane. this time -- with dozens of passengers -- on board. take a look. you can see the flames -- shooting from the plane -- and chaos -- inside. . take natvo (0:14 for 5 sec)
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the american airlines jet -- was just about to take off last night -- with 161 passengers -- and 9 crew members. at first -- officials thought -- the plane blew a tire -- and had to abort. now -- the airline says -- an engine issue -- caused the fire. at least 20 people -- had to be treated -- for minor injuries. developing now -- the manhunt -- for the double murder suspect -- who may be heading -- to las vegas. for the first time -- authorities -- are releasing -- they say -- michael vance -- opened fire on police -- hitting two officers. officer down vance -- then stole a police car -- and streamed his getaway -- live on facebook. police in oklahoma say -- he killed his aunt and an uncle. they believe -- he could be coming to las vegas -- and has a hit list -- of 8 more people. take a good look at your screen -- right now.
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call 9-1-1 right away. a pacific storm system will push through the area tomorrow and bring windy conditions, followed by a cool- down on monday. tomorrow, expect gusts to about 40 mph in the afternoon. also, a wind advisory is in effect for clark, lincoln, and nye counties from noon to 9pm tomorrow. 80s around the valley tomorrow with partly cloudy skies. the cool-down will come on halloween with high temps dropping to the mid 70s and remaining there on tuesday. a couple of weak disturbances will pass north of the area monday and tuesday which will bring a few clouds in and out of the area and could bring
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the mid 70s on wednesday, then warm to around 80 thursday
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trick- or-treat party in town. and you're invited.
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hold its ghostwalk -- at the district -- at green valley ranch. it's a safe place for children to collect candy from stores and vendors. our 13-action news -- good morning las vegas team -- will even be handing out candy -- from 5 to 8 p-m. mix 94.1 -- and the district -- are proud sponsors -- of ghostwalk. we've shared with you -- the inspiring story -- of a young boy with-- down syndrome. a modeling agency turned him down -- becuase of his disability. this week -- little asher's mom -- got some incredible news. and we -- are excited to tell you about it. but right now -- here's a live look outside -- at the valley. you're watching 13-action news -- where we bring you breaking
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and a casting call. but when she sent in his photo -- a response -- hat led her to fight -- for children -- with special needs -- everywhere. abc's -- david muir -- reports. it all started with this little guy - fifteen month old asher nash -born with down syndrome outside atlanta- he is a natural in front of the camera nats: with photog so when his mother, meagan, read about an online casting call for babies to model for oshkosh clothes, she submitted asher's pictures to the modeling agenc the search. sot meaghan: he is such a joy to be around. honestly, anywhere we go, anyone we meet, he instantly lights up their world// but asher's mom says the agency didn't send the photos of her son to oshkosh's parent company, carter's-- telling meagan the company didn't specify they were looking for a special needs baby. sot meagan : i felt angry and i felt hurt and i thought this is a form of discrimination and i wondered // you know how many other babies and children and adults are getting turned down
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frustrated , meagan posted her story. these pictures. they went viral, catching the attention of executives at carter's they run oshkosh. and this week, we were with asher and his mom as they went to oshkosh headquarters. sot meagan : having 2 kids/// i see the way that the world looks at my daughter and i see the way that the world looks at my son// i feel it would change the world's perception of people with disabilities. word of a victory. and oshkosh parent carter's telling us -- they have now to model-- and they want him as part of their upcoming holiday campaign. sot meagan: our children are the future just like anybody else's child and we all have to come together and we have to accept - you know- people with disabilities so that they can live amongst their peers and have - you know- a normal and happy life. expect highs in the low to mid 80s around the valley tomorrow with partly cloudy skies. the cool-down will come on halloween with high temps dropping to the mid 70s and
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will pass north of the area that's 13-action news for now. we're always on -- at -- and our ktnv mobile app. inside edition is next -- so stay with us. thanks for watching. we'll see you -- for another special edition -- of 13-action news.
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bowl closure -- in effect right now. you're looking at the area -- near between u-s 95 -- and bonanza. you're looking at the area -- near mlk and 95. another -- live-streaming traffic camera -- shows the area blocked off -- at mlk and bonanza. this went into effect -- last night -- right around this time. this -- is all part of project neon. this map -- shows what traffic is looking like-- in real time -- around the closure.
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-- until 5 -- monday morning. rain and clouds made us all nervous about the weekend. but don't let today's nice conditions fool you. 13-first alert meteorologist -- karla huelga is tracking another change. a pacific storm system will push through the area tomorrow and bring windy conditions, followed by a cool- down on monday. tomorrow, expect gusts to about 40 mph in the afternoon. also, a wind advisory is in effect for clark, lincoln, and nye counties from noon to 9pm tomorrow. in your voice -- your vote -- house. just 10- days left in the campaign. and vice president -- joe biden -- was in town -- speaking to a carpenter union. he's stumping -- for hillary clinton -- and catherine cortez -masto. biden -- bashed clinton's opponent-- donald trump.
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i am famous .. i can grope ... he has made the campaign so crude . he also commended -- cortez masto -- for being tough --on the big banks. donald trump's campaign -- releasing this statement-- on biden's visit. quote -- "joe biden's visit to nevada --comes at a terrible time -- for the clinton campaign -- right after the f-b-i announced -- it's reopening the investigation -- into hillary's possible criminal conduct. biden once proclaimed the passage- deal -- but recent reports say -- that it will hit nevadans -- with over a 10- percent hike -- in insurance premiums -- next year alone. what is truly a big deal-- is the ethical baggage -- and possible criminality -- of hillary clinton." the f-b-i -- is actually looking at e-mails -- that could be related to clinton. that wasn't the only celebration marching through the streets. but it was part of a debut of a change to our license plates.
tv-commercial tv-commercial
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isn't really much of a fight at all. remember chopper 13 is bringing you breaking news fast and first.
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i alone can fix it! bomb the [bleep] out of 'em. i'd like to punch him in the face. i like people that weren't captured, okay? he's a mexican! she ate like a pig... i moved on her like a [bleep] i did not say that... i love war. yes, including with nukes. blood coming out of her... they're rapists... wrong.
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such a nasty woman. i wanna be unpredictable. ...on 5th avenue and shoot somebody... she's a slob... i don't remember! and you can tell them to go [bleep] themselves! priorities usa action is responsible for the content of this advertising. and -- itjust so happens -- to be right here in nevada. 152-years ago -- on october thirty- first -- 1864 -- president lincoln -- proclaimed nevada a state . and during -- this years 77th nevada-day parade --thousands of folks -- lined the streets
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our state. it was also the official debut -- for the state's new -- standard issue -- home means nevada license plate. the parade -- also brought in -- politicians from across the state -- urging nevadans to get out -- and vote. you're watching -- a special of edition -- of 13-action news. we'll be right back. we've got a choice to make. jacky rosen wants to build an economy that works for all of us, expanding solar energy, and improving our schools. but with danny tarkanian, you can't escape the sleaze. tarkanian lost $17 million in a failed development scheme and stuck taxpayers with the bill. he even helped set up fake charities used to scam nevada seniors. danny tarkanian's out for himself. dccc is responsible for the content of this advertising. "she's a slob." "she ate like a pig." "i'd look her right in that fat, ugly face of hers..."
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said he'd support donald trump 100%. nevada, there's a better choice: ruben kihuen. kihuen pushed to crack down on employers who pay women less than men. and kihuen will always protect a woman's right to choose. ruben kihuen for nevada. house majority pac is responsible for the content of this advertising. last check. henderson fire telling us --
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burning. the video is dramatic. it's is a trash fire -- burning in a ravine. the flames broke out -- late yesterday afternoon. fortunately -- it's about a quarter mile -- away from homes and buildings. the flames a-- ren't threatening anyone or anything. henderson fire says -- they let this one -- burn out on its own. let's go to 13 first alert chief meteorologist bryan scofield. don't go far.. 13 action news will be right
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landlord -- will not install -- a smoke detector -- for her apartment. la-vondra parks says -- there her apartment --when she moved in. she had a small kitchen fire. and -- even after asking for smoke alarms -- she says --the landlord did not -- install them. according to nevada code -- a landlord must provide. smoke alarms -- in any building -- with at least -- three separate units. 13-action news -- called the manager. and -- he said -- he will give her a smoke alarm -- right away. don't go too far. there's more to come on 13 action news.. next.
tv-commercial tv-commercial
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bomb the [bleep] out of 'em. i'd like to punch him in the face. i like people that weren't captured, okay? he's a mexican! she ate like a pig... i moved on her like a [bleep] i did not say that... i love war. yes, including with nukes. blood coming out of her... they're rapists... wrong. there has to be some form of punishment. such a nasty woman. i wanna be unpredictable. ...on 5th avenue and shoot somebody... she's a slob... i don't remember! and you can tell them to go [bleep] themselves! priorities usa action is responsible
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rain. but -- how long will it last? let's send it over -- to 13-first alert meteorologist -- karla huelga. a pacific storm system will push through the area tomorrow and bring windy conditions, followed by a cool- down on monday. tomorrow, expect gusts to about 40 mph in the afternoon. also, a wind advisory is in effect for clark, lincoln, and nye counties from noon to 9pm
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what led to a shooting this morning -- near charleston and mojave. a victim was shot three times -- and taken to university medical center -- in stable condition. metro -- is now que they say -- she's a person of interest. in kingman, arizona -- a man is dead --after a mohave-county deputy -- opens fire during a traffic stop overnight. officials say the driver hit two police cruisers -- and was heading for the deputy. that's when a deputy opened fire and shot the man. the deputy -- is on a routine -- paid administrative leave -- as police investigate. in san francisco --two men are stabbed -- during a fight -- at
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suspects -- taken away -- in handcuffs. police say -- two groups -- got into a fight. it spilled into the bath and body works store. one man -- stabbed in the hand. another -- in the back. both of them -- are expected to be okay.. police don't know -- if this was gang-related. we'll be right back.. it's hard to make the past dissappear, but danny tarkanian is trying.
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the property taxes tarkanian skipped out on for years... the telemarketing scammers he represented... all those fake charities he helped set up. he can try all he wants, but danny tarkanian just can't bury his past.
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start giving out money -- based accomplishments -- in the classroom -- in stead of exploits on the fie in the 2019-2020 academic -- at. the money -- comes from a new 9- billion dollar -- multimedia basketball deal -- to encourage academic improvement -- and make the money -- accessible to a number of universities. a pacific storm system will push through the area tomorrow and bring windy conditions, followed by a cool- down on monday.
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gusts to about 40 mph in the afternoon. also, a wind advisory is in effect for clark, lincoln, and nye counties from noon to 9pm tomorrow. expect highs in the low to mid 80s around the valley tomorrow with partly cloudy skies. the cool-down will come on halloween with high temps dropping to the mid 70s and remaining there on tuesday. a couple of weak disturbances will pass north of the area monday and tuesday which will bring a few clouds in and out of the area and could bring occasional breezes. highs will remain in the mid 70s on wednesday, then warm to around 80 thursday through next
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i'm catherine cortez masto and i approve this message.
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impact my patients here in nevada. so even though i'm a republican, i won't be voting for joe heck. joe heck's voted ten times to defund planned parenthood, which thousands of women depend on for cancer screenings. and heck opposes a woman's right to choose even when her health is at risk. for me and my patients, joe heck makes no sense. friends today. it's national cat day. the creator of the day says -- the number one way to celebrate -- adopt a four-legged friend. you can also donate food -- toys and blankets -- to animal welfare groups. that does it for 13-action news live at 10. but stay with us -- for another
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we're always on -- at -- and on our mobile app.
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we've got a choice to make. jacky rosen wants to build an economy that works for all of us, creating good jobs, expanding solar energy, and improving our schools. but with danny tarkanian, you can't escape the sleaze. tarkanian lost $17 million in a failed development scheme he even helped set up fake charities used to scam nevada seniors. danny tarkanian's out for himself. dccc is responsible
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life -- of their one-year-old baby girl -- who died from severe burns. 13-action news reporter -- david schuman -- has the
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tonight family and friends gathered to write messages to her that were attached to balloons and released into the sky. police say demond billingsley -- a 21-year-old not related to lyriq -- was babysitting her and put her in a scalding hot bath. the water gave her third-degree burns. billingsley was arrested for murder. it's a tragic loss for this family....who lit candles tonight and released those balloons in an emotional vigil. we have the link to a go-fund-me page set up to help lyriq's family. on you beautiful angel. you will forever be in our hearts." christopher? the two women -- accused of murder -- after a 9-year-old girl -- overdoses and dies-- will be in court on monday. police say -- the girl's mother and aunt -- gave her oxycodone -- and hydrocodone for an injury. both women -- are being charged with murder -- after tests confirmed -- lethal amounts of drugs -- in the girl's body. police are investigating -- what ledto a shooting this


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