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tv   America This Morning  ABC  November 1, 2016 4:15am-4:30am PDT

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an older engine will develop cracks that aren't detected in normal maintenance. sometimes it can be a manufacturing defect. >> reporter: this type of part is never supposed to fail. american airlines has had two incidents. the airline says it's cooperating with investigators and can say nothing more. david kerley, abc news, reagan national airport. coming up, a bit of comic relief from the campaign trail. >> just what does it take to make it as a political impersonator? we'll show you, next. "world news now" continues
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? ? who are you who, who, who, who ? >> i know the words to one song. >> we are a week away from the presidential election. and both campaigns are now kicking it into overdrive. as america decides who gets the country's top job. >> off the campaign trail, you'll find the political impersonators. many of whom, after election day, will also be out of a job. here's abc's david wright. >> reporter: every flub, flip or flop in modern politics has made
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live.? >> i can see russia from my house. >> reporter: tina fey's sarah palin, one of the most iconic examples. alec baldwin's trump, high on the list, too. >> he's either not that rich. >> wrong. >> not that charitable. >> wrong. >> or has never paid taxes in his life. >> warmer. >> reporter: and there are many hillary clintons. >> not enough to work hard. we have to be cool but tough. soft but strong. sweet old lady but a sweet old lady that says yes, queen. >> this is the jacket i wore last night. >> reporter: teresa barnwell has been hillary for the past 23 years. >> it started for me back in 1992. that was the first time somebody told me i resembled hillary clinton. >> reporter: take a look. the resemblance, uncanny.
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full-time. barnwell is such a ringer, that just last month, conspiracy theorists, said this video of clinton was in fact barnwell. clinton body double trending on twitter. alas, not true. john has been playing trump for 12 years. and in an unlikely turn, it's finally paying off. ? and voila. >> perfect. every time, i have to tell you. you look fantastic. >> reporter: a trump win could put him on the path to big bucks. already, he says his income has doubled since last year. can you wa >> and shoot somebody and i wouldn't lose voters. okay? >> that's in my act. i say, my supporters are so loyal, i could get up, shoot someone on fifth avenue, they would rise up from the dead and vote for me. >> reporter: of course, a stop by h.q. i any think we're causing a stir here. >> how are you? good to see ya. >> reporter: we have to say, we fully expected them to kick us out of trump tower. >> thank you, guys.
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>> reporter: but they tolerated us. laughter is the best medicine. >> how are you? good to see you. >> reporter: after this election, we might all need a double-dose. >> tell everybody who you're voting for. everybody who you're voting nor for. >> clinton. >> you see that? donald trump. he's voting for trump. you heard it. we'll edit the clinton part. >> reporter: i'm david wright, for "nightline," in new york. >> very cool. >> i wonder how much practice goes into all of that. >> a lot of time in front of a mirror. >> the mannerisms and the language and the voice. there's so many details. they get perfectly. >> it's funny they went to trump towers. we've been asking viewers for a month now, for suggestions on halloween costumes. >> after a lot of thought, we made our choice. the winner was legendary luna of the luna show, who suggested we dress up as cleopatra and marc anthony. you might be thinking we dressed as elphaba and hamilton. but what you didn't see was our
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check this out. >> yeah. marc anthony. >> that's a beautiful dress. >> here's the deal. we appreciate legendary luna suggesting this costume. it was a great idea. we didn't have the budget. >> that is a lot of gold. a lot of gold. >> a lot of bling. >> they didn't go for it. but you are getting a mug. we are sending that to you. >> for those who got to see our actual costumes or those that didn't, you missed out, maybe? >> yeah. i went as alexander hamilton, who is on the $10 bill. and you went as ali baba. >> her name is elphaba. from "wicked.? and we got juju chang involved. to do the juju on the beat. >> who would do juju on the beat? than juju chang. >> the real juju on the beat. so to speak. >> was it rough getting all of that makeup off? >> yes. we have a behind-the-scenes video, of putting the makeup on, and getting the makeup off and
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around here, i'm lucky to get through a shift without a disaster. heads up! you know what, don't worry about it. my bargain detergent couldn't keep up. it was mostly water. so, i switched to tide pods. they're super concentrated, so i get a better clean. i mean, i give away water for free. i'm not about to pay for it in my detergent. tide. number one rated. it's got to be tide sometimes we use k-y ultragel to enhance my body's natural moisture so i can get into it a bit quicker. and when i know she's into it, i get into it and...
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? hey, i was ? hey, i was doing just fine before i met you ? ? i drink too much and that's an issue ? ? but i'm okay hey, you tell your friends ? ? it was nice to meet them but i hope i never see them again ? i'm not sick of that song yet. not sick of "closer" yet. it's so fun. >> i like it. >> we showed you the lame duck who greeted the president outside of the white house yesterday. >> a little kid with a creative costume. inside the white house, there was a lot more creativity and excitement going on. here's abc's serena marshall. >> reporter: it was a thriller of a halloween at the white house. ? 'cause this is thriller killer night ?
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obama and the first lady, showing off their dance moves. before moving outside to welcome local schoolchildren and military families for their annual trick or treat. from a young michael jackson, breaking it down in a flash mob, to a man between two ferns. even some politically-motivated costumes. >> is that supposed to be me? >> reporter: it's not just the treats in the nation's most famous house. there are tricks, too. white house residents and staff have reported for decades seeing ghostly apparations and hearing mysterious noises. >> can you feel my hand? sometimes you can't. >> reporter: british prime mini president lincoln, seeing president lincoln, staying in the lincoln bedroom. up the street from the white house lies an equally haunted building, the u.s. capitol. once used as a hospital and barracks in the civil war, ghosts remain. there are myths about ghost of d.c., many are based in fact. like right here, where a dying congressman's blood stained these stairs. and he continues to haunt them. the congressman was shot after a duel of sorts, rumored to be
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broke out during construction, and a man was sealed up inside. between the myths and the sightings, one thing is certain, d.c. is a spooky place. and the living politicians have nothing to do with it. serena marshall, abc news, washington. >> i was at the white house on friday. and saw the abraham lincoln guy, dressed up there. trying to figure out, why is he here? >> did you challenge him to a duel? you're not very good at this. >> clearly, i would have lost. >> that's the news for this half
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deadly crash and multiple break-ins... our crews were there to cover it all.... parents at a local charter school are outraged this morning... the school wants their kids to be in school six days a week and 10 hours a day... [aptn-trump 3 4063519] trump: i think we hit the motherload...." butted with there is no case here! [ applause ] with just one week until the election presidential hopefuls are focusing in on the latest email bombsh good morning las vegas! i'm ... and i'm xxx.... the time now is ... let's get started with 13 first alert meteorologist greg bennett...


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