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tv   Action News 11pm  ABC  November 14, 2016 11:00pm-11:36pm PST

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13 action news reporter bryan callahan is live outside the aparments with more on what's being done about the ongoing problem. bryan. rattling locked gate... pointing to boarded up windows.. pan across to badly burned building. nats of fire it wasnt long after firefighters put out the latest blaze at this vacant apartment complex... that squatters were firefighters believe squatters are responsible for the overnight fire... as well as four other fires at the same complex this year... but the charred remnants aren't enough to deter those looking to put a roof over thier heads. "i'm with channel me a minute. i've got to go to the bathroom." the only issue... there are no utilities on at the complex.
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gate... boarding up windows ... and posting signs. but as we saw... where there's a will.. there's a way... and neighbors are frustrated. "i say what are you guys still doing here." as with roof over their heads the squatters will find a way in. "it happens every night it is a shame." the city and property owner say a contractor has already been hired to tear down the buildings... but they in the process of regulations. the city says the entire building should be completed in a couple of weeks. reporting live, bryan callahan, 13 action news. an update on a story we first reported as breaking news on one person is dead after an apartment fire in laughlin. it happened on needles highway near bilbray parkway. investigators are still working tonight to figure out how it started.
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-7- people were arrested this weekend..... during anti-trump protests.... on the las vegas strip. hundreds of demonstrators marched from "the linq"..... to trump's hotel... demanding the electoral college.... honor the fact.... that hillary clinton won.... the popular vote. metro says... there were no major incidents. breaking right now--portland police looking for a man who they say vandalized several cars during an anti- trump riot last week. police have issued a felony warrant for the arrest of 20-year-old mateen abdul shaheed who police say that's smashing cars at dealership. they are also offering a reward to help nab him. last thursday's demonstration spiraled out of control more than two dozen arrests were made. a woman finds herself in the fight of her life.. waking in the middle of the night to find a stranger in her home. police say he's a registered sex offender who climbed through her window.. then attacked and robbed her. only on 13 action news.. mahsa saeidi gets inside the crime scene to explain how the
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"the most chilling part, we've confirmed that the suspect recently lived in an apartment right here, that is directly across from the home that he allegedly broke into." "it's a very scary." tonight -- the big question -- how long was he watching her? rushing to the bathroom ... after she heard a noise! it's here... that friends say... suspect phillip white ... attacked her! "i just can't imagine what i would feel if it happened to but she ... fought back! we're told white threw her on the bed! put a pillow on her face! the suspect finally running off... because he was spooked by the victim's cell phone. "my prayers go to her and i feel for her." the lesson ... up your security. neighbors say ... jimmied this sliding window right open ... "you're looking at the window of a neighbor, you can see nails all around the edge, the
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suspect tried to break into bars. mahsa saeidi, 13 action news." new tonight.... power is knocked out.... at an apartment complex..... near sierra vista and paradise.... after a bizarre accident.... involving a dump truck!!! take a look.. authorities say... the trash truck lifted the dumpster..... into overhead wires... causing it.... to become stuck. the workers sat in the truck for an hour..... until they could be saf and avoid being electrocuted. it's a big scene out there... but... witnesses tell us... drivers keep plowing.... through it. agghhhh it looks ike everything will be okay, except for the people driving down here. there is caution tape it's a little crazy. it's like a comedy show out here the apartment is expected to be without power..... until n-v energy can make.... the necessary repairs. a murder suspect is in custody after metro caught him during
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sullivan is one of the men in this surveillance video that was recorded near twain and torrey pines. they say the two broke into a home earlier this month where a man was shot and killed. the second suspect has not been identified. police are after some fast-moving thieves tonight.. responsible for a rash of robberies. that includes 3 holdups on saturday within 30-minutes of each other.. and 3 more within 45 minutes on tuesday. investigators says all of the businesses targeted by the thieves were on the east side report we're also learning... it was a concerned parent..... who tipped off police.... about a "del sol high school" employee... accused of having sex.... with a minor. according to the arrest with.... ati poni... one of her coaches... and a family friend. it says.... poni touched her.... at a family party. a georgia man.. convicted of intentionally leaving his 2-year old son to
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is now facing up to life in prison. prosecutors say justin ross harris did it to escape family responsibilities.. and seek-out sexual affairs. workers at the toddler's daycare told jurors they thought harris was a good dad.. but it wasn't enough. the problem for justin ross harris was he came across as a creepy, bad guy prosecutors argued harris was leading a double life and wanted to live 'child free.' he'll be sentenced december 5th. ordered..... the release of brendan dassey.... whose case was profiled..... in the netflix documentary series.... "making a murderer." he'll be freed.... under supervision.... while prosecutors appeal.... his homicide conviction.... being overturned. dassey has been.... in prison..... since -2- thousand -7-.... following the murder of teresa halbach. an estimated 4-thousand high school students in los angeles skipped class today to protest the outcome of the presidential election. the students marched down streets carrying signs..
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trump. officials say students from 16 schools across the l-a unified school district took part in the protest. we're getting a better idea what the trump administration is going to look like.. but one appointee is already sparking controversy. former brietbart news chief steve bannon has been named as trump's chief strategist. the anti-defamation league has condemned the appointment.. claiming bannon has ties to white nationalists. the trump team is defending him. kellyanne conway / trump senior adviser: people should look at he has a harvard business degree, he was a naval officer. according to a senior trump official.. former new york city mayor rudy giuliani is a favorite to become secretary of state. trump insiders say the president-elect will name more members of his administration very soon. president obama held his first news conference.... since last week's stunning election results.... and... he encouraged americans.... to give president-elect donald trump..... some time to assemble his cabinet.... and... let his administration....
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when i came in eight years ago, it is a big challenge. this office is bigger than any that it's going to be healthy for the democratic party.... to go through some reflection. and.. he said... americans who didn't vote for donald trump.... have to accept.... quote: "that's how.... democracy works." new tonight.. a big announcement on 'hyperloop-one' being developed in north las vegas. it now appears the first track could be built ind considered is between dubai and abu dhabi. hyperloop developers say it would take only 12 minutes to travel over 100-miles. they're hoping to have the track running by 2021. you're looking at photos.... of the biggest and brightest supermoon.... seen by people on our planet.... in nearly -7- decades! 13 action news reporter..... gina lazara.... learned what a hype this has been.... around the world.... especially here in the
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(((video of plane flying by supermoon))) look at that sight. just incredible to see that plane fly right in front of photographer "it really was beautiful and it was shining brighter than ever" madonna hakim takes pictures for fun. madonna hakim, amateur photographer "total hobby, i've never taken any classes before, i'm totally a beginner" she greg mckay is the 20-16 president of the las vegas astronomical society. he took these photos of the moon rising above the black mountains. he says his phone has been where to get the best view. greg mckay, las vegas astronomical society president "the advice that i've been giving people is anywhere that you can get a clear view to the eastern horizon as it rises" for those it hasn't been this close since 1948....and won't be this close to earth again until 20-34. greg mckay, las vegas astronomical society president
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during a full moon as hopefully they aren't super crazy tonight!" gina: our moon expert you just heard from reminds us that while tonight the supermoon still looks impressive ---- the moon actually hit it's closest point at 3:23 this morning and it will get further and further away from this point. gina lazara 13 action news. check this out... chaos breaks out after a man charges down a set of stairs and slams into a student. this violent attack. plus.. right now.. new images are coming in after a bizzare tiger bust in southern nevada. see what we're learning about the suspect's previous run-ins with the law.
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wildfires sweep through the area. the most dangerous fire is known as the "party rock" fire in the mountains of western north carolina. at more than 38-hundred acres, counties... and is only 15-percent contained. thousands of homes have been evacuated. the governor tonight saying as long as drought conditions persist the fires could burn until spring. violence took center stage this evening..... at an anti-trump rally..... at ohio state university. 00-05 "you don't have to compromise...hey homeboy." the video was captured..... by the university's... student newspaper.
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and... arrested the man who shoved the speaker.... down the stairs. check out this video. you're watching something priceless being ripped out of home in southern california. just minutes after some thieves make their way inside.. you can see them removing 2 safes from the house. the family says one of them was holding a family member's world war-2 purple heart. we have new images tonight from a strange arrest in southern nevada. allegedly bringing 3 tigers into nye county. these pictures are posted on the nye county sheriff's office facebook page. investigators say trisha meyer brought the animals from texas illegally. as it turns out.. she had a felony arrest warrant out of that state. houston police say she was picked-up after she tried to sell an exotic kitten.. but didn't turn the animal over to the buyer after receiving the money. no word on why meyer was in nye county.
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the largest data breach ever. over -3- million accounts tied to the match service site... "adult friend finder"... have been exposed. but... the damage could be even larger than that.... because the parent company runs other adult sites in all... more than... -4- hundred million adult website accounts... may be hacked. that includes users.... who deleted their accounts. peacocks from wayne newton's estate are ruffling some feathers.... in the neighborhood... and.... creating a mess!!! his neighbors say... the birds are tearing up roofs... leaving poop everywher this has been going on.... for years. our cameras found.... feathers... feces... and even eggs. chris juelke, bothered by peacocks 22:00:58-22:01:05 "it's just another chore i don't need to do. that's all. i just feel like i'm cleaning but... no lasting solution. apparently... these peacocks aren't afraid of humans... which makes them.... hard to scare off. an update to a story that had a lot of people upset today. the manager of a chili's restaurant outside dallas has
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veteran's day. the army vet posted this video to facebook on friday.. his meal after another diner questioned his uniform. the vet says he even showed his military id and discharge papers. (ernest walker/ army veteran) "this is what i'm able to wear. excuse me, okay, and i purposely don't wear rank or a name tag as not to be identified as a active soldier." ernest walker says he bought the fatigues after his discharge as a tribute to his service. the first-ever native american honor flight returned home to reno today. the 45 servicemen and women on board were honored at veteran's day memorials in washington. they were welcomed home by governor brian sandoval. 16-20 i want nevada to be the most veteran and military friendly state in the country. the veterans who were on this
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all the way back to world war-2. taco bell just opened..... a new flagship location.... on the strip... but... this is unlike anything.... you've ever experienced. the fast food joint will sell.... boozy slushies..... in -8- different flavors.... make room for.... d-j entertainment.... and sell taco bell bikini's.... rings.... and shot glasses. these highs well above normal will subside and we will just fall into the above normal category for the weekend. highs will drop a few degrees we expect to top out at 76 to start the weekend and increase that number to 77 on sunday. a few overhead clouds are likely through the day saturday, more sun on sunday. overnight lows will drop into the mid 50s each morning which is still warmer than where they should be. to start off the week highs will approach 80 for monday with nothing but sunshine across southern nevada. winds will pick up on wednesday to the windy category but those winds will bring in bigger
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back to near 70 on wednesday with partly sunny skies. overnight into thursday expect some cold conditions in the morning with lows in the 40s. highs will even be cooler into thursday afternoon. rain as of now is slight, but there is a chance we pick up a light shower in spots . that does it for theis edition on saturday compared to friday. we expect to top out at 76 to that number to 77 on sunday. a few overhead clouds are likely through the day saturday, more sun on sunday. overnight lows will drop into the mid 50s each morning which is still warmer than where they should be. to start off the week highs will approach 80 for monday
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after a short break.... with a contact 13 special. thank you for joining us...
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? ? ? jon batiste has mastered new ways to play old classics. with chase atms,
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easy to use chase technology
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special report. i'm tricia kean. and i'm steve wolford. big news in the auto industry tonight. a class action settlement could cost toyota up to 3.4 billion dollars. the suit claims toyota's pick-up truck and s-u-v frames were prone to rust because they didn't receive adequate rust protection. the settlement covers some tacoma trucks.. sequoias and tundras. toyota has agreed to inspect affected vehicles. and.. if rust is found.. the company will replace the hybrid and electric cars can be so quiet.. it's difficult to hear them coming.. which is especially dangerous for the blind. that's why federal transportation officials announced plans today to start requiring those vehicles to sound an alert when the start moving in forward or reverse. the modification is expected to protect around 24-hundred people from getting hurt each year. a contact 13 consumer alert tonight....
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your cleanliness. at least.... one of those energy efficient washing machines out there..... is quickly getting... a dirty reputation! many of the latest high efficiency washing machines promise to lower your water bill. but a growing number of people are complaining, these new washers aren't getting the job done. ed wallace is a firefighter who takes pride in his appearance and cleanliness. but that recently changed. "i walked past my guys, and they say dude you stink!" he couldn't believe it. "i smell mysel that's me stinking!" ed thinks the problem might be with is his brand new high efficiency washing machine from whirlpool. he says it doesn't use enough water to clean his clothes. "i have dry spots after i pull my clothes out of the washing machine... because it won't fill up with enough water and it's not getting all my clothes wet." ed says he's tried a bunch of different detergents, but it hasn't made a difference. "here's the feature, deep water, they want you to use." ed says he's tried using the maximum water feature. but after it fills up: "look at
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machines are designed to save money, adding water based on the weight of the clothes. but online forums and amazon reviews, are filled with whirlpool says... it's now investigating... ed's complaints. but... it points out... many of its other washing machines.... get excellent reviews. so... here's the contact -13- bottomline. save your receipts and paperwork.... especially for big purcha like washing machines. make it a point...... to read over the details.... about the warranty. as soon as you notice an issue.... get in touch..... with the store.... you bought it from. and... if you run into any problems... we're here for you. e-mail..... 13 investigates @ k-t- n-v dot com.... to let us know.... what's happening. 'this' could put your child in some serious danger.. and it's all because of social media apps. still to come.. why one local group says.... those apps could be the equivalent of your child letting.... -20- strangers in their room.
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and.... too many parents are giving their kids a phone... and... not enough supervision. tonight... contact 13..... looks at the danger..... behind many smartphone apps. < anique/13-year-old: instagram, musically and twitter. trevor/14- snapchat and instagram and i have facebook. teens spend hours on their phones. aly/13-year-old: i like snapchat. sometimes connecting with hundreds of different people through social media apps. jace/13-year-old: 4 or 500 followers on there. and that's the problem. margarita edwards with nevada child seekers says too many kids are in direct contact with dangerous people. margarita/nevada child seekers: if you walked into your child's room and you saw 20 grown men in their bedroom, what would your first response be?
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rey herrera/dad: 20 strangers in her room? i would question why i don't have a gun. kurt ouchida/dad: is 911 close by? but that's exactly what's happening. strangers are using social media to reach your child. they're using apps that are popular with kids. like whisper... yik yak... omegle... kik... and ask f-m. and the problem with every one of these? margarita/nevada child seekers: there's a chat option. there's always a chat option. but the thing is, is there's 15, 20, 100 more apps coming in that will do the same. gaining your child's trust, and margarita says, brainwashing them. margarita/nevada child seekers: don't talk to your parents. don't tell them what's going on. they won't understand this relationship. and if you think you're safe because you have a good kid, think again. margarita/nevada child seekers: there are so many good kids out there. there's so many good kids. but i can also tell you, that i've searched for so many good kids. 8-thousand nevada kids go missing every year. that's more than 20 kids every day. and one in three will be solicited online.
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many are simply walking away from home. and a lot of predators today, are as young as 16 or 17 years old. margarita/nevada child seekers: a lot of the predators are actually becoming younger and younger. the predators are smart, and as a community, we need to be smarter. valley parents we spoke with agree, and say they're taking every precaution. rey herrera/dad: i do follow her on instagram, and i'm engaged with her on facebook as well. michele brown/mom: i'm on her phone continually throughout the day looking at what she's one local dad says, he kicked his son off social media all together, after discovering inappropriate postings from followers. kurt ouchida/dad: so when there was an instagram incident, we cracked down on it pretty quickly. as one mom put it, you've got to be actively involved, so you know who your kid is inviting into their room. carolyn mahler: if i'm in the room, then i have the opportunity to say; you're out. you're out, you're okay. you're out. you get to stay, you don't.
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interaction with him and his social media. i need to be in the room. i need to be on these apps. monitor what they and their friends are posting. if you have a question about any follower you don't know: ask your child for that person's first and last name, and how they know them. if they can't answer at least 2 out of 3, then delete the follower.> it looks like.... americans might be.... in mood... this year. the national retail federation is predicting americans will spend.... an average of -9-hundred and -35- dollars. but... that's much more than what las vegas plans to spend. wallet-hub predicts...valley shoppers will shell out.... less than - 5- hundred and -50- dollars. as we approach the holiday shopping season.. you might be thinking about applying for a credit card. but what if you can't get credit because of your credit
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terms.. you have rights. you're entitled to know which credit bureau provided your information. and.. if you ask within 60-days.. you can get a free copy of that report from the credit agency. you're then entitled to dispute any old or wrong information.. and request a correction. american apparel is back in bankruptcy court. the company filed today.. for the second time in just over a year. canadian apparel company "gildan activewear" is buying the american apparel brand for 66-million dollars.. stores. american apparel has just over 100 locations around the u.s. that's all the time we have for tonight's contact 13 special report. thanks for watching. remember... contact 13's "call for action" is ready to help you..... with your consumer problem. just call one of our volunteers.... any weekday.... between -11- a-m and -1- p-m. our hotline number is... 702- 368-2255. have a great night. while runners zipped down the
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>> dicky: from hollywood it's ?jimmy kimmel live?! tonight, dwayne johnson from ?billy on the street," billy eichner, cousin sal does funny things, and music from dawes. and now, prepare yourselves -- here's jimmy kimmel! [ cheers and applause ] ? >> jimmy: very kind. hi, everybody. i'm jimmy, i'm the host of the show. thank you for watching. thanks to all of you for coming. happy monday, i guess. hopefully by now you've come to terms with the fact that no matter how much you drink, the results of the election are not


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