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tv   Morning Blend  ABC  November 16, 2016 9:00am-10:00am PST

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hey. >> take a look, it's wednesday morning, and right there. downtown las vegas. >> watch out. >> las vegas city council, the national adoption day, the mayor is presenting a proclamation for the day. the adoption ex we've had him on the show before, great organization. >> the mayor has four adopted children of her own. did that make you feel like, it's inspiring, and also makes me feel like i'm not doing it enough. >> there's so many people that would die to have a child, and there's so many children that are dying to have a parent or someone to love them. the adoption exchange helps to
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together because of stuff we have to get around. the adoption exchange makes that easier. >> it's a great agency. >> speaking of kids, i have the phone on set right now. >> oh, you do? >> it's our priority only her calls will get through. and not the people that call me three times a day with a recorded voice mail saying i won >> you do get that -- >> every day. >> i get one spam call a day, from a random area code on the east coast, and i know not to answer it. >> if that phone rings, i'll leave you immediately. i'll drop the mic, and i'm going. >> everyone stay tuned for marcia's water breaking live on air. it could happen. >> i have to wait until after the show, we have to tape something after the show. >> then you can go.
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it'll be fine. hi i'm shawn. >> and happy wednesday, we made it hatch way through -- half way through the week. >> you went to an event yesterday >> the customer excellence award, honors the great people in the service industry, of which we have thousands. i took over the event for you yesterday, but a you're on baby it's a great gathering of people from all over las vegas. many people are represented, jazz woodward was the gentleman who won the tough honor of his service in this city. a great guy. such a nice guy. >> and the beauty is go to their website, if you bump into someone in town, that gives you so above and beyond customer
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not enough, i have to go a step further and make sure they get recognized. >> i pointed it out yesterday, i kept thinking about, it's hard to be in customer service. sometimes it's really hard. anyone who's waited on tables knows what i'm talking about. and the thing -- you know, the idea is that there's some people who have a knack for keeping their attention to one person at a time. >> absolutely. >> and i asked jazz, what one question he got asked over and over again in his job. you know there's one question -- >> what -- you got the hotel? something in a hotel. >> yes, he works in a hotel on the strip. and he said, every day multiple times a day, i get asked how do
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>> point that way. it's really a great event. all this week on mix, we've been giving away trips to disney. >> awesome. >> your sister will be down there, they're doing the whole thing in disney for the holidays. >> what -- are your tickets, bringing people there during the holidays? they have the christmas parade. >> whatever they desire. then or later. >> and people are going for the tickets. >> they go mental. >> one of our employees in sales is a disney fanatic. >> she has tattoos all over herself. you could probably find the map to disney on her map. >> and heidi. if you're a disney lover, call in and try to get the tickets. my sister will be walking on stilts at disneyland this
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>> hi, i'm a very tall candy cane. >> a giant candy cane, it's cool. >> see that on the resume. i'm a large candy cane. i'll tell you to have the balance to stay on stilts, we had her on the show one day, and she came crashing down. >> i'll have mine on one day. >> >> i love that you're standing in fro know, thanksgiving is upon us, and it's a special time here in town at station casinos's properties. they have a holiday meal to fit every taste, whether you're craving the traditional turkey, or a cajun feast with a spicy twist. >> and steve barr, the executive chef of green valley ranch and
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gentlemen. happy that you're here. >> beautiful feast you brought. >> thanksgiving station casinos. this is war for you. >> we're gearing up right now, we're getting everything in, and we're getting ready, and getting everything marinated, to put out amazing food. >> roughly how many turkeys are coming in? >> we're into at 1,800 pounds of turkey. >> literal ton of turkey. that's impressive. sorry, turkeys, not a good day for you, but it's great for us. loving it. >> it's a whole lot of turkeys. you brought everything in. give us a tour. >> i have roasted butter nut squash soup, and then -- absolutely. >> she's a big soup fan. >> oh, yum. that makes you feel all warm inside. >> it's that time of year, it's
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that comfort food this time of year, pretty comfortable. tell me what's happening at hank's? you always center an amazing spread for the holidays. >> we do. salad course, soup course, we have organic free range turkey dinner for $44. >> what? that's fantastic. >> pretty good deal. we have a pumpkin dessert, some specialty from 1 to 8. open earlier to get a head start on the thanksgiving dinner. >> the best part is you don't have to clean the stove afterwards, and get in the nooks, and crevices. >> we just finished putting fresh nutmeg on your soup. here's your soup taster, whale you taste that, i would like to hear of the wine that goes with
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go with lighter, so i have a couple of pinots here. a little lighter, and then we have russian river, more robust, but still not overpowering to where it's going to take over the flavors of like turkey, and stuffing. it'll complement it. if you're into chardonney. >> the lovely thing of having thanksgiving outside of the home, is that you get the service, you don't have to do the dishes. >> whoever ended up cooking the thanksgiving dinner is also the server, and they're flying around all day, and they're not eating anything.
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it. >> let us take care of it, we have all of the restaurants, and the properties offering some kind of variation of a thanksgiving dinner, you want italian or the buffets obviously are the big hit for that and the cafe, prefixed meals as well. all varieties, all price points, comfort level, you want to get dressed up or come in p.j.s. >> you see every especially in the buffet line. from the p.j.s to the nicest suits. we can't ignore the desserts over here. >> we cannot, the pastry chef is amazing. traditionals, and we offer all varieties, some creme brulee's. >> we've been swapping a lot.
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>> it's over. >> and what is one of the most flavor intensive dishes that you serve. to get you back in the kitchen? >> mostly the soups, we want to develop the flavors and thanksgiving is all about taking your time and not rushing through it, and make sure the flavors are on point and providing the best ingredients to the guest, and we brine the turkeys, to make them moist, and into everything we do. and a lot of thought and preparation behind it. >> we don't get to see the surface [inaudible] how many of there are you behind the scenes? >> you'd be surprised, there could be 20 or 30, and in hank's, there's ten. it's all different varieties of levels of skill. >> in terms of people making
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how many hours will you serve the dinners? >> we're open from 1 to 8, at hank's, and recommend making reservations as soon as possible. >> yep. >> for hank's, the lashlt reservations -- later reservations are booked up, but we have plenty of room from 1 to 4, and i am sure that t-bone's is the same. the buffet is serving to 9 p.m. and the cafe to 10 p.m.. >> awesome. >> so many options at stations. >> great to have you. the soup is phenomenal. >> the restaurant is offering special menus for thanksgiving. enjoy at any of their casino and restaurant. for more information, visit the website on your screen.
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many of us have seen the before and afters of people getting rid of eye bags in a minute. if you have ever pondered the idea of injections or surgery, you might want to think again. the plexaderm works in minutes to reduce some of the designs of aging. so if you have wrinkles or crow feet or under eye bags, get ready to be amazed. scott defalco is here to share his amazing secrets of this new technology. it will change the way you see yourself in the mirror. thank you. >> get ready to be wowed. this is incredible. this product has taken the country by storm.
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>> i want to introduce you to ritchey. he has issues under the eyes. he's rubbing the plexaderm under his eye bag. this is a product that specializes in undereye bags but works on your crow feet and wrinkles in your forehead. we're going to do this in real time. and we're going to show him and come back to him. i was in the room when we did this, and in three or four minutes, it was completely gone. you're going to be shocked. >> i could see he has eye bags. they can be age and they make you look just tired. >> you know what, gravity sucks. basically what we're dealing with. gravity takes every where in our body. i'm going to bring up a term, collagen. people are familiar with this. what collagen is, it's responsible for the cell structure in our condition. over time it degrades. when it degrades we get the bags, we get the wrinkles and everything else on our face and
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injections for that. but now they don't have to do that. those can be painful. we talked before we started the segment, we hate needles. they can be expensive. you rub it right in. it works in less than five minutes, and it completely takes it away. >> this is going to be amazing. can we -- >> let's go back to ritchey. i know we're doing real time on him. everyone is affected differently. some people take three minutes, some take four minutes, but no longer than ten minutes for it to work. it's incredible. >> you can start to see it. >> you can see it. and for the people interested in the technicality of it, most people want to know does it work. i carry this with me every war cross the country because this
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they go into the happens, when t on your undereye bags, or crows feet, but technically what's going on is the moles in the formula, once you rub them into your skin they weave together. they actually make it really taught and make a smooth contour. it happens in minutes. >> whatever it is, it's working. we saw richie. we have before and after clips to show. >> this basically this is just before they use the product and after, and like i said each person is different. that one right there is after ten minutes. it will take no longer than ten minutes. this person is after three minutes. look at that. you look younger. you look better. it's just incredible. and i want to tell you, for people that ask me this question all the time, how does it work with make up. because most guys besides myself don't wear make up. so it's hard to cover these things up.
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women wear make up all the time. sometimes trying to cover it up makes it worse. >> it does because under the eye, you add more layers and just makes the creases look bigger. >> you can use this with your make up. it affects guys more than women, because they don't wear the makeup. you want to put this on a clean, dry face. you clean your face in the morning. you're going to wait ten minutes, then you can use a moisturizer and put your make up on right after that. >> excellent. okay. so what about the guys? we had a photo up of a had a great transition. it's amazing. >> it's incredible. and -- there it is. look at that. >> wow. >> that is completely gone. completely gone. i had this ear, and it's something you can purchase, the reason why we suggest it is that it's -- it has an oilless base. we want you to use a moisturizer that does not have oil in it. that actually counteracts the
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you wait ten minutes, put your oilless moisturizer on, then make up and you're ready to go. >> that was my next question, how long does it last. >> there are products out there that are advertised, they tell you we only last two to three hours. what good does that do? this is going to last you all day. six to eight hours, it's going to change your life. >> it is amazing results. can we check in? >> let me go back the my buddy. >> wow. >> it's almost completely gone. i would say it's 80% and believe it or not, it was funny when we asked him to do this. we said we're going to ask you to do it. he goes really? we said we have this new product called plexaderm. we think you would be a great candidate. we brought him in the room and he was kind of not happy but he actually smiled after he saw the results. >> i hope you did the other eye for him. >> of course we did. but when he was done and looked in the mirror he was a paced. he actually smiled. we were all shocked in the room.
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i know both you and i shared we have an acting background, one thing you learned it's all about the eyes. and what a -- what a way to just take years off your face. >> and to not look tired and to look fresh. i mean, you can gain from this, just from that five minutes, or ten minutes at the most, you're going to gain ten to 15 years on your appearance. you really are. because the elasticity in your skin, which has to do with the collagen, degrades over tile. there's nothing we can do about it. >> it's so incredible because there are no and it really does well for ordinary people. everybody could use it. >> when you see richie, we bring him back up on the screen, you see him, it's gone. it's absolutely gone. we were all amazed. here you go, ready? talk about looking good. ordinary people can look good. there's a rock star right there. there's a groupy. you want to be a lock star, not groupy. and there are the results, just
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i swear. and he was even amazed at the results. >> it's amazing how the small details can make such a difference in someone's appearance. you have a special today. >> yes, we do. 40% off of the product. you can buy two, get one free if you call the number we'll put up on your screen. go to tell them you saw scott on the show with this rock star over me. j.j., welcome to las vegas. >> thank you. thank you. >> but just tell them you saw me and they'll give you that special, and the buy two get one free, can't beat it. >> we are blown away at the results. you saw great results this morning. oh, my gosh. for more information about plexaderm, just head to the website or call 800-949-9793. call now as supplies are limited. shawn, over to you. j.j., facebook, twitter, we got links right now, at give them a click, and like us and follow us.
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the number of dogs with diabetes has tripled in the last 30 years. the numbers are continuing to rise, but they don't have to. here to speak about our role in protecting pet's health dr. courtney campbell, pet health expert. good morning, dr. campbell. >> good morning. thanks for having me. it's great to be here, especially during national diabetes month. and it's bringing aware necessary. it's about letting people know listen, we're bringing global awareness on national diabetes month to -- about diabetes in general, but people need to know pets get diabetes too. >> exactly. now what are some of the signs
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this is a new concept of pet having diabetes. what should we look out for? >> you know, unfortunately people are seeing these signs more and more because the plaintiff lens is actually increasing. 80% in dogs over the past decade, 20% in cats. these signs people are seeing more ander month. but you have to know what to looker to. here are the three pillars of things that i would look for if i have a pet might have diabetes. number one, is your pet drinking more water than usual? i mean, you are -- you're having trouble filling up that water bowl because it's gone so fast. and they're drinking out offed on places, the toilet bowl, a glass of water that you have in your hand. number two, is your pet urinating large volumes of water? i mean, like a lake in the backyard, or they're having accidents in the house when they
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and then i would say number three, by far this is important too to know, is your pet famished all the i'm? you just can't feed them enough, and they seem to just keep losing weight. if they're drinking more, urinating more and eating a lot more food, those are three signs that i would say i think i need to go bring my pet to the veterinarian. >> chronic thirst, that's interesting. i mean, it's hard with the -- you know, the dog always hungry, because a lot of dogs will take, you know, a treat anytime they can get it. but you know, for people who might be -- >> they're like me. >> yes, i know, like me, too. if people are concerned that their pet may be diabetic can they have their pet tested? >> that's such a great question, because i want everybody to know out there that shouldn't be a scary appointment. there's nothing to worry about. it's a simple blood test.
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european test as well. but at the end of the day you should have your answer as to is my pet diabetic or not, because it's important to know a lot of the times we just talked about, a lot of them can look very similar to other conditions, as well. so i think it's so important to bring your pet to the veterinarian, get them a simple blood test. >> with such a great spike in diabetes in dogs and cats in the last 30 years, what do they attribute this to? is it what we're pets? what are the causes? >> well, i will definitely say pets are essentially our family members. people just love their pets. i mean, they're integrated into our daily lives. so i don't think it's any coincidence that we're seeing an increase on the human diabetes side and also seeing an increase on pet diabetes side. so it's so important to remember, one of the principles of helping to avoid your pet
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trim. good diet and good exercise can help lower the risk of your pet ever contracting or developing diabetes. >> excellent. >> and if they do develop diabetes, diet and exercise are again the mainstays, along with insulin therapy, but the mainstay of successful diabetic management. >> four walks a day is what we always try to do, at least, with our dogs. it gets us outside, too. yo >> i love that. >> i know. it's a great opportunity to get outside. you have sugar and spike with you on set. tell us about them. >> things. they are cute little illustrated characters. and they're fun and cute. and i want people to understand that they're relatable. and what everybody knows that the diagnosis of diabetes certainly is by no means a fatal diagnosis.
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focus on the bet es because you can beat this together. they have their own website, as everybody does. it's sugar and and it's essentially providing tips on what to look for, tools on management, and basically a treasure trove of information so that anybody who suspects or whose pet was recently diagnosed or being dealing with it for a information. >> thank you so much for giving us a heads up on this important issue. we love our pets. to feigned out more on pet diabetes head to pet diabetes shawn, over to you. j.j., thank you. community event to tell you about before we head to break. you can buy tickets to the fifth annual headliner bash. we were talking about it earlier this we. this friday at the theater at the rio, the website for all the info and tickets right there on
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switch to centurylink and get up to 40 megs of high-speed internet for just $20 a month. that's the speed you need to stream... ...connect on social media... learn, shop and more with fast in-home wifi. 560-link. get up to 40 megs of high-speed internet for just $20 a month for one year when bundled with a qualifying home phone plan and autopay. speed may not be available in your area. call today.
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welcome back. with the holidays a torching who can use extra spending cash? head down to nevada coin mart. neil sackmary will join that junk into >> here to tell us about it neil sackmary. >> sounds like my new radio commercial. >> it's very exciting. >> nevada coin mart is on the out canning edge. everyone else that is in the business, they are second tier to what i do. when you come to see me, i am there 365 days a year, from 9:0. i have an x-ray spectrometer.
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>> it's a nondisruptive test. when you take your items to the pawn shop they scratch test, they file your stuff, they destroy your jewelry. don't let anyone destroy your jewelry. that's not an expert. neil sackmary has two x-ray spectrometers. all you need to do is come into the store. i do it for free. again, bring it into the store. stop what you're doing and listen to me. yes. immediately. you need to come in, and you need to bring your stuff or your junk to neil sackmary, because neil sackmary says that when you bring stuff or junk into him, i turn it into cash immediately. >> neil, we know you have fabulous skills, that you are a trained professional. tell us about the other staff at nevada coin mart. >> tremendous. when you come into the store, i have collectible experts, coin experts, jewelry experts.
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no matter what it is that you want to sell, i have an expert standing by. the phone number right there. 61 phone calls we had on saturday, because i told you -- let me tell you. i just ordered the phone lines. i have them installed. call right now. get my phones blowing up because that's what happens. >> it wasn't enough. >> i hope that we use them all right now. come and find out what your items are worth. everybody has a question. call right now. >> you have a big surge of people calling and coming in to the store. >> tremendous. >> it's the holidays. what are people bringing in? what are people -- >> the thing is that i have a lot of clients that want to downsize or declutter. let's be honest. your life anybody wants. they want a piece of your life.
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segment. what you have left, the 99%, you need to turn that in to cash because nobody wants it other than me, so that i give you money. i buy gold, silver, costume jewelry, coins, collectibles, proof set, silver dollars, mint set, graded coins, blue books, brown books, i don't care what kind of books, coffee cans, cigar boxes, silver eagles, gold whatever type of paper current you is, whatever type of jewelry you have, neil sackmary wasn'ts it. and i have staff waiting there right now to answer your phone call, 12 phone lines, because of how many people call. >> talk to us about what shawn is holding. >> this i a ten-ounce silver bar. we buy tremendous. i will tell you this. in las vegas, i am a graduate gemologist. that makes me a expert. i buy diamonds.
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have seen a surge like never before, because it's coming into the holidays. people need money. and everybody's got awe little diamond ring or whatever, they go to the pawn shops, and they say the diamonds are too small, we don't want them. >> i saw that happen. i had this pair of diamond earrings that awe boyfriend gave me and i wanted to forget about him. i wanted to maybe pass on the diamond earrings, but i took them into a pawn shop and they said they're not worth much. >> you have stuff like that, neil sackmary wants to buy it. i buy diamonds, large, small, any size, any shape, certified, not certified, loose, not loose, set in a i think, doesn't make a difference. if you have stuff, bring it in. hypnotic trance. ready? this is the hundred not i can trance. and i am talking directly to you. you need to stop what you're
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saying. if you didn't hear the word you're missing out. i'm informing you and that's why you need to stop drinking the cup of coffee, dvr everything for the rest of the day and come in and see neil sackmary immediately, on the corner of jones and flamingo, now come in. i'm going to be there as soon as i'm done. >> here is the deal. i'm going to coin something else. neil sackmary has the pay your bills. >> let me tell you something. it is very important that neil sackmary would not be where he's at without the support and the leadership from channel 13 and "the morning blend." >> thank you. >> really quick. >> $200 or more get a $50 glazier gift certificate. greatest supermarket in las vegas. i was there last night. i took my own photo with my own card board cut out.
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nevada coin mart can give you a big return on what you don't want anymore. for more information visit their location on jones, just north of that minker on. call them or vis out their website, nevada coin
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according to the american cancer society over 53 million americans will be diagnosed with pancreatic cancer this year. the las vegas based pancreatic cancer action network is raising
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>> the survivor jonathon leudtke and rebecca shannahan. how are you? >> very good. thank you. >> so let's start with you. obviously pancreatic cancer very serious. this is one of the most difficult cancers to detect. why is that and how do we detect? >> well, currently there are no current early detection tools and that is something we're trying to raise awareness for. lower back pain, there are some researchers suggesting long-term diabetes could be a trigger. smoking obviously is a risk factor. but as far as those symptoms that could pinpoint and nail down a diagnosis it's hard. >> it's vague. >> it's very vague.
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go ahead. >> it's great you're here raising awareness. tomorrow happens to be a special day. pancreatic cancer awareness day. >> yes. 50 organizations across 20 countries have come together. the action network has spearheaded this initiative to rare awareness nationally and worldwide because it has become the third leading cause of cancer. >> you hear so much, not that we're in a cancer hear so much about breast cancer, you don't necessarily hear as much about pancreatic. >> that's true, and we need the change that. >> absolutely. you're a survivor. it's great having you. you're the third year now of being cancer free from pancreatic. >> it's almost three years. pancreatic has long affected my family, actually. >> wow. >> my grandmother was diagnosed and passed away before i was burn. >> no kidding.
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the age of 36. with pancreatic. and eventually spread to her liver. she survived for 13 years, though. >> god bless her. >> and passed away at the age of 49. so back in 2014, i was actually diagnosed with neuroendid he i didn't know cancer of the pancreas after a ct scan from my doctor, at home playing with my 2-year-old son. my wife was eight months pregnant with my second child and we got the flews that they found a tumor on my pancreas. >> you mentioned to me it is common that out often runs in the family then. >> genetically tested for me, yes. >> and so you had the foresight to do genetic testing. it wasn't that you were experiencing symptoms. >> i did not have any symptoms. >> you know to keep an eye out. >> from a very young age, my family had me do tests, to be
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prepared. i did not have any symptoms six months before they found the tumor, that scan was clean. >> wow. >> and then six months later i had the tumor. >> so tell us about your journey from the moment you were diagnosed to today. >> when i got that call from the doctor, it just was -- it was three months until i had the surgery, met with the doctors, had surgery, and thankfully after it was r have to have any chemo or radiation treatment. sometimes you have to go threw that. i was just lucky enough that i did not. and now with my doctor toes, i just have scans every six months, twice a year, and just pray that nothing is found. >> it's fantastic that you had the foresight and the advance knowledge. and that's the important thing, is to make sure families are aware to have that advance knowledge if it's something that
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>> that's most critical for all cancers, being aware, and being open. being very full disclosure with your doctor. you have to be your own personal advocate. >> this month there are several places in las vegas that are recognizing pancreatic cancer. and helping spread awareness. tell us about some of the events going on. >> november is pancreatic awareness month, and tomorrow is world pancreatic cancer day. we're asking everyone to wear purple, take a on facebook, and then tomorrow also in downtown summerlin a building is going purple. and we're having a fundraiser dinner at the lacey dog restaurant and bar. we have a flyer on our facebook page, page cancer action network las vegas. go to our facebook page and save your photo, print it out. there is a photo of the lacey dog that you will meet to take
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of the proceeds that go to the -- >> it's a great thing. lazy dog is giving 15% of any meal. >> it's great having you. congratulations. >> thank you very much. >> we're going purple friday, as well. >> we're all going to turn purple because the temperature is going to be 63 that day. it's great having >> thank you very much. >> tomorrow dine at lazy dog restaurant and 15% of the bill will be doe naughted to pancreatic cancer research. learn more about pancreatic -- boy, a tongue twister. pancreatic cancer at >> do you know someone who makes a difference in the community? recognize them with our "give back" award. go to click on give back. fill out the form.
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$500 from america first credit union, a proud sponsor of this award with morning blend. stay with us.
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the holidays right around the corner, time not on our side, but you know who side, justine santaniello, here to give us the must having for a stress free holiday entertaining. great having you. >> thank you for having me. >> let's talk about -- i'm starving. what do you have that is perfect for entertaining? >> look what i'm surrounded by here. i partnered with some of my favorite brands to give you a bunch of ideas. so let's start by making the
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choosing something unexpected for your appetizer, like this layered dip recipe, using beans, olives, green onions, and thick and chunky salsa. the salsa adds a kick with a unique blend of vegetables and spices. full of crunch and made from stone ground white corn. now, you can find that recipe at, and you and i that milk and cream are year round kuchen staples, right? but they're even more important during the holidays. that's why i like to keep dairy pure brand creams and milk on hand. so whether you're using heavy whipping cream in the garlic mashed potatoes, or setting out half and half milk for coffee, dairy pure products are backed by a five-point purity promise.
9:51 am for more. >> five-point purity promise. that's better you justine than me. >> know that you're getting the good stuff, right? >> my goodness, those mashed potatoes look so good. what about some healthy ways to -- i see the palm wonderful logo there. i know you got something up your sleeve. >> you know, using fresh ingredients takes your dishes to a new level. so like here we arrows to create the delicious stuffed squash side dish. it's easier than ever. they're the perfect way to add fiber and antioxidants into your diet. i like to keep these on hand while entertaining to add to salads, yogurt, and really beyond. you can go to pom for more information on that. and you know when out comes to your main meal, you want that
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chilly rubbed ribby steak from chef gordon ramsey. that's made with the full ins air fryer. this counter the top appliance is a time saving tool that each hads you cook in a healthier way by training excess fat and uses a tablespoon or less of i. you can fry, bake, grill even roast in here, so whether it's a meatball appetizer, even cake, you can check out full for more and i love it. look at the stake. >> that's fantastic. you think about frying, you think about using half a bottle of whatever oil you have, it's amazing. >> tablespoon or less. >> yes. absolutely. and one last thing. let's say we are enjoying a nice wine, we drop it on the lovely white carpet. somebody has to clean that up. >> you're right. well, cleaning is part of entertaining. and when someone spills you want to be prepared with the right
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remover. it removes even dirt and pet sanes. in 30 seconds it lefts and penetrates the stain, eliminates odors and leaves behind the long lasting fresh scent. you can find it super easy at major retailers. >> if anyone spills anything in my house i'm throwing the bottle at them and stand over them cle. >> you kno if you have that. >> where do we go for more information? >> you can get to in the >> great having you. thank you so much. >> thank you. happy holidays. >> same to you. if you want to find out more about the products, are there a on lot of them. there is her smiling face on in the remember to check out there on our website you'll see past segments.
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welcome back to the blend. each week the panda guys offer legal advice on our show. this week they're focusing on bankruptcy. despite what banks tell you filing bankruptcy is not, not, not the end of the world. >> no, it is not. in most cases you can keep your car and the house. according to the panda guys it's easy to rebuild credit after a bankruptcy. in fact, you'll probably be able to qualify for a credit card or auto loan as soon as the process is complete. >> incredible. let the attorneys help you find answers. they're sponsors of our weekly legal advice, located on south decatur at flamingo.
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visit the website listed. you can find them on facebook and twitter, too. >> after us, on the view, shawn, heard what's happening? >> no. >> the tony a winning superstar behind the hit hamilton, which i would like the see. >> i would like the see that, too. we have to wait six years for the tickets to become available. >> he's going to join the ladies on the view. tomorrow on our show we have excite things happening. >> yes, we do. i'm -- yes, norm clarke is going to b talking celine, matt damon. >> also, my favorite theme on thursday, a beautiful mix, his name is archie. he was found rooming the veets of las vegas. he had a microchip. the family said we don't want him. >> oh, i hate you. >> i know. he's a beautiful, beautiful dog. a offing animal.
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him a home tomorrow. >> absolutely. oh, my goodness. >> any rings on your phone from marsha? we are on baby watch.
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>> announcer: sit down and heads up 'cause "the view" is live. trump's bumpy transition? who was dropped from his team? his huge conflict of interest problems, and how he has new york in chaos. and will the sexiest man alive be the next president of the united states? why the rock says he wants to run in 2020. ? ? plus the tony-winning superstar behind the broadway mega hit "hamilton," lin-manuel miranda. ? >> here come hump day "hot topics" with whoopi, joy behar, sara haines, and jedediah bila. now, let's get things started. [ cheers and applause ]


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