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tv   Action News 5pm  ABC  November 19, 2016 4:30pm-5:00pm PST

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a brand new resort -- on the las vegas strip -- is getting set -- to open it's doors. and -- it promises -- to be and -- it promises -- to be one of a kind. good evening -- and welcome to 13- action news. i'm christopher king. lucky dragon -- hotel and casino-- getting set -- to open their doors later tonight. and -- 13-action news reporter -- marti glaser -- gets a sneak for those of us who have taken a trip to asia this hotel the is as authentic o cultural and gaming experience as ...they come. everything from fung shui designed gamiling lounges hoping to bring the gamers luck and fortune.. authentic dining and food ..of course baccarat- pai gow and majon with mobile tables ..
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manager sot there are many teas we have here that chinese nationals don't even have access toon china .. some of these teas are reserved for high ranking govt officials the hotel have signage in chinese .. with english the secondary language. and something we also learned in the chinese culture 4 is an unlucky number because it sounds similar to the chinese word for death. a pacific storm system is already ushering cloud cover
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bring chances for rain, cooler air and breezy winds to the area. expect chances for isolated showers tomorrow afternoon. however, it looks the chances for rain will get better late sunday into monday morning. expect highs around 70 tomorrow with mostly cloudy skies, then a drop to the low and mid 60s on monday with partly cloudy skies and breezy winds. tuesday we will be between system that will push through the area. we may get a bit of a breeze from that system and high temps hold steady there until friday. expect sunny skies and light now -- to that devastating
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slammed into a parking lot -- near a casino in elko. nats - broadcastify: 9:27 we have an explosion at the barricks parkingl involving an airplane - ammunition on board butt with tbd sot (phoner from fox pkg) - was a medical plane -- transporting a heart patient to a hospital in utah. the crash-- is now under investigation. an federal aviation official saying -- unknown circumstances -- caused the crash -- just one mile -- from the elko airport. governor brian sandoval -- responding to the deadly crash.
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news of a plane crash in elko. the victims -- and their families -- will be in my prayers -- during this difficult time." president-elect donald trump --will spend much of the weekend -- meeting with potential candidates -- for his administration. and one of his toughest critics -- could be among those choices. yasmin amer -- has the latest. nats (mr president-elect are you looking forward to your meetings? trump: yes we are.) president-elect donald trump and his v-p arrived at the trump national golf club in bedminister, new jersey sit down with a list of cabinet prospects. anticipated meeting is with one of trump's harshest critics, former massachusetts governor mitt romney. mitt romney / fmr. massachusetts governor: "we had a far reaching conversation with regards to the various theaters in the world where there are interests in the united states. we discussed those areas and exchanged our views on those topics." the meeting with romney may come as a surprise to many.. considering their contentious relationship throughout the election. romney: "here's what i know. donald trump is a phony, a
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he's an elitist." romney:"his promises are as worthless as a degree from trump university.trump: "the guy's a stone cold loser." also scheduled to meet with the president-elect this weekend.. democrat michelle rhee .. former chancellor of the d-c and despite being removed as head of the transition team, nats of protesters and -- as the president-elect -- continues to pick his cabinet -- more afternoon. some of it -- overseas. nearly 5-hundred people -- marching -- through the streets of paris. demonstrators say -- they will not accept the trump administration -- targeting minority groups in the u-s. we even saw our own protest--
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so far -- the anti-trump rallies around the valley -- have been peaceful. but that hasn't been the case -- in other parts of the u-s. 13-action news anchor -- steve wolford asks the question -- how far can protesters go? (take pkg) (nat sound from portland if possible) some of the most violent demonstrations have taken place in portland, where 71 protestors were arrested saturday night alone for smashing windows and crime and safety expert.. retired metro lt. randy sutton says won't be tolerated in l however.. metro officers will do everything possible to allow protestors their rights. (sot) (sot) 10:11 what is okay is free expression of speech and the peacful expression of that.. and that can include some pretty vile stuff.. cursing and screaming. 10:43 law enforcement officers don't have the ability to charge someone with disturbing 'their' peace because. (butt/10:56) so, they have to
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(butt/11:18) and then, there is a line that will be crossed.. and that is.. if you touch a police officer that's the end of the tolerance. if you spit on a police officer.. if any part of you threatens a police officer. that is where the tolerance ends. that's when police can declare a protest an 'unlawful assembly' and the situation dramatically changes. police may then order the crowd to disburse. (sot) if you disburse you're okay. if you don't, then you now become one of the 'not' peaceful protestors and you will go to jail. police can also orer to disburse when the rights of others.. not involved in the protest.. are infringed upon.. especially when there's physical contact. that also includes things like block traffic.. which we've seen in cities like los angeles. (sot) 16:57 blocking traffic has now become the very trendy way to protest.. and blocking traffic is illegal. (butt/17:12) you don't have the right to infringe on the rights of others.
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right here in the valley. protesters will march from the linq to the trump international hotel. that begins at 8 p-m. metro says -- they have enough resources -- to keep lar and -- take a look at this nasty crash -- on the southbound 95. this is just before rancho. 4 vehicles -- colliding. 2 of them -- rolling over. the freeway was shutdown -- for nearly an hour. . 2 people -- were taken touniverosty medical center. no word on their conditions. right now -- a live look at the 215 -- near the airport connector. part of the 215 -- will be closed in both directions -- in that area -- until monday
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alternate route -- you could spend a lot of time in traffic. 13-action news anchor -- yasmeen hassan -- has some options. no closed-captioning a florida officer -- out of work this evening... surfaces -- showing him struggling -- to takedown a woman. he says the woman attacked him.
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plus -- squatters -- continue to plague the valley. what you can do -- to get them to leave -- and stop them from ruining your property. and remember -- chopper-13 -- brings you breaking news -- fast and first.
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tommy ballard --the father of crystal rogers -- was found shot to death this morning while he was out hunting. rogers -- disappeared in 20-15 police aren't saying what happened -- or if the incidents -- are related. trooper jeff gregory kentucky state police "say your prayers for this family. they've been through a lot ...." ballard's sudden death -- adds more mystery to the case of crystal rogers. rogers -- was last seen by her live-in boyfriend -- brooks houck. police say -- houck is the main but -- they don't have enough evidence -- to charge him. 00-04 "get on the ground, get on the ground." a florida police officer -- gets the axe -- after this surveillance video surfaces. he claims -- this woman -- shoved him during a traffic stop -- earlier this year. but -- that never happened. 24 "he claims at this point that he was shoved by her." butt with "i'm in a fight. that there was no push that there was no shove. there wasn't anything." the sheriff says -- his deputy
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the department investigated. then -- there's the video. and police dropped all charges -- against the woman. a guy breaks into a detroit car dealership -- trashes a bunch of cars. and now-- he's facing some serious charges, police say -- he didn't take anything. instead -- he got the keys to a big s-u-v -- and rammed the other cars on the lot -- trying to drive away. he ddin't get away. but -- he did about -- damage. the holiday's just around the corner. and crooks are looking take your gifts -- right from in front of your. that's right -- package thefts are on the rise. a mailman in milwaukee -- taking matters into his own hands. two men -- tried to take off with a package -- he was delivering. the mailman -- chasing after one of them. and -- tackling the teenager to the ground. screaming 911 so i actually called 911."
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help. they held the kid -- until police arrived. inside that package -- prescription drugs -- postmarked -- from right here in las vegas. milwaukee police -- took the 19-year- old arrested the teenager. they're still looking for a second crook. now -- to that deadly blizzard -- slamming the upper midwest. whiteout conditions -- making it nearly impossible-- for drivers to see. the minnesota state patrol -- responding to more 4-hundred 40 crashes. at least three deaths so far. but -- the storm isn't over. expected to pound the northeast -- this weekend no blizzard here in southern nevada. but the snow guns -- are already fired-up -- at lee canyon ski resort. managers there say -- it's finally cold enough -- to start making snow. of coruse -- they're getting ready -- for the upcoming ski and snowboard season. wx chat a pacific storm system is already ushering cloud cover our way and will bring chances for rain, cooler air and breezy
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showers tomorrow afternoon. however, it looks the chances for rain will get better late sunday into monday morning. expect highs around 70 tomorrow with mostly cloudy skies, then a drop to the low and mid 60s on monday with partly cloudy skies and breezy winds. tuesday we will be between system and will again top out the area. we may get a bit of a breeze from that system and high temps will top out in the mid 60s and hold steady there until friday. expect sunny skies and light winds on thanksgiving. we'll see breezy to windy along with partly to mostly cloudy skies as another system pushes through the area. this system will drop temps a bit to the low 60s on saturday. imagine -- someone breaking into your home -- and never
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-- right here in the valley. we're talking about squatters. they're moving in -- and making themselves at home -- in your house. but -- do you know what to do -- when it happens to you? 13-action news anchor -- tricia you need to know. < jaimee oliver/homeowner: we felt hopeless. we didn't know what to do. it was a stressful experience for jaimee oliver. squatters broke into her home last year. jaimee oliver/homeowner: it was only a month. it felt like eternity. it was supposed to be rented out, just like this rental property, recently damaged by squatters.
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jaimee oliver/homeowner: we got in, we changed the locks. they changed the locks again, and broke another window. they destroyed the air cost us about $6,000 in property damage. that's not including rental loss. we got to a point where i'm like, what are we going to do? the answer is, call police. hopefully they can arrest your squatters for breaking-in. then you'll need to post a notice that you're "retaking possession" of the property, and file a statement in justice court. lauren pena/civil law self help center: posting that and filing something at the courthouse is if this person tries to re-enter, they could be in criminal violation. lauren pena with the civil law self help center says, if lauren pena/civil law self help center: the squatter has the opportunity to answer and if they raise legal defense, it will go to court. if not, it doesn't go to court and the judge may give you an order for removal. then the squatters have 24-hours to move out. fortunately for jaimee, her squatters didn't put up a legal fight.
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them, with help from property manager "black and cherry" real squatters. ashley hawks/black & cherry real estate: we have had to come up with some crafty, sort of innovative measures. she admits there's no foolproof plan for getting rid of squatters, but your odds are better with a property manager's help. ashley hawks/black & cherry real estate: we have experience in it. we know the proper laws. we know the proper processes, procedures. we do have the metro unit on eventually sold the house. it got to be too much.> we have more information -- kick squatters of your property. just go to our website -- k-t-n-v dot com -- and type in the key word links. thanksgiving is just around the corner. and today -- people from across the valley -- turned are helping thousands of families. what they're doing -- to make las vegas -- a better place to live. and -- just before the holidays
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thanksgiving dinner. that -- is thanks to some good neighbors. 2 semi-trucks -- filled with food -- made their way to the champion center -- as part of the convoy of hope. the organization -- expecting to serve -- a hot thanksgiving meal -- to more than 10-thousand people today. 02:43:42:23 randall araujo/pastor champion center church "when you see these people come in, each person has showing that somebody cared for them." the first 2-thousand families -- even getting a free turkey. they also provided services for veterans -- along with free -- and even free shoes for the kids. and -- hundreds of volunteers -- helping feed valley families this holiday. the junior league of las vegas-- and help of southern nevada -- spent the day -- packing more than 2- thousand thanksgiving bags. they've been doing this -- 30 years -- here in the valley. jacquie levy .. board of directors of junior league ... 00:32:22 it is just very special to everyone who is involved in the junior league
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help of southern nevada says -- they'll start delivering to families on monday. karla -- has another look at your forecast -- in just a bit. and right now -- here's a live look outside in the valley. you're watching 13-action news -- where you get breaking news -- fast and first. ?? attention medicare beneficiaries... living in clark county. call now and let unitedhealthcare help find a plan that may be right for you... like an aarp medicarecomplete plan
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b... with prescription drug coverage and more... like primary care doctor visits for a $0 co-pay... all in one simple plan for a $0 monthly premium. this medicare advantage plan offers you $0 co-pays for specialist visits... overnight hospital stays... and tier 1 drugs... hearing aids as low as $330 each, saving you thousands... and transportation to your doctor's office or pharmacy at no additional cost. ember 7th. call unitedhealthcare now and see if an aarp medicarecomplete plan is right for you.
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afternoon. however, it looks the chances for rain will get better late on monday with partly cloudy skies and breezy winds. tuesday we will be between system and will again top out in the low to mid 60s. here's what's coming up later
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with number 9 -- oklahoma -- taking on number 14 -- west virginia. at 8:30 -- a special edition of 13 action news. at 9:30 -- inside edition. at 10 -- castle. at 11 -- 13 action news. that's our news for now. we ae com -- and on our free -- ktnv mobile app. we'll see you -- after the game -- for a special edition of 13-action news thanks for
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? >> chris: almost frozen over. a wintry night in the west virginia mountains. already feisty, as oklahoma and west virginia collide here in morgantown. welcome to espn saturday night football oabc, presented by walma walmart. in a game with playoff implications. oklahoma ranked number nine. west virginia, hungry for a breakout win, ranked at number 14. already oklahoma state took care of tcu in the big 12 today.


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