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tv   Action News Special Edition  ABC  November 19, 2016 9:00pm-9:30pm PST

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-- for excessive force -- because ofthis surveillance video. the officer claims this woman -- shoved him during a traffic stop -- earlier this year. but -- that never happened. 24 "he claims at this point that he was shoved by her." you're not in a fight officer." butt with "it's clear to anybody watching that there was no contact. that there was no push that there was no shove. there wasn't anything." the sheriff says -- his deputy lied on the report. the department investigated. then -- there's the video. and -- police dropped all charges -- against the woman. a milwaukee mailman -- turns crime-figher. he takes matters into his own hands two crooks -- tried to take off with a package -- he was delivering. the mailman -- chasing after
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the ground. (kelsey lamb, homeowner) "i just saw these two men going back and forth . one was a mailman and he was screaming 911 so i actually called 911." neighbors heard the commotion. they ran out to help -- holding the would-be theif -- until cops arrived. inside that package -- prescription drugs -- postmarked -- from right here in las vegas. milwaukee police -- arrested the 19- year-old. they're still looking for a second crook. the most advanced weather satellite -- ever built -- is rocketing i up next -- we'll tell you how -- an 11-billion-dollar project -- is set to revolutionize forecasting -- and save lives! then later -- anti-trump protests -- going on around the nation. some of them -- have turned violent. so -- how far -- is too far? we're looking at the fine -- between a protest -- and a riot. and-- a contact-13 investigation. more moms -- come forward -- accusing a family-court judge -- of bullying -- from the bench! darcy spears -- is
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them apart.
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the goes-r satellite -- just launched from cape canavera, florida. cnn's -- derek van dam -- tells us -- it's the first -- of three satellites being built -- to replace the aging u- s -- weather satellite system. p it doesn't matter where you get your weather forecast. satellite in orbit, prediction models will probably improve overnight. the goes-r satellite was launched from cape canaveral on saturday afternoon atop an atlas v 541 rocket. once the satellite reaches orbit, it will change names from goes-r to goes- 16 and become the 16th geostationary weather satellite in us history. "this spacecraft will impact assembled the satellite. nasa and the national oceanic and atmospheric administration (noaa) are leading the effort. ever watched an old standard-definition video on a high-definition tv? current weather models are in a similar situation: we have improved hd weather models, but we are very low-resolution; they are
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like the images you are going to be seeing off of goes- r," gasparrini said. data. this will not only help scientists with a day-to-day forecast, but it will help with tracking severe storms and creating better hurricane forecast tracks. goes-r will be able to capture all the details of us weather in the same time it takes the satellites, images of earth are taken every 30 minutes, and the united states is scanned every 15 minutes. during a period of active weather, the satellites are the period between scans leaves out valuable information for
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weather expert -- karla are you tracking some rain in our forecast? a pacific storm system is already ushering cloud cover our way and will bring chances for rain, cooler air and breezy
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showers tomorrow afternoon. however, it looks the chances for rain will get better late sunday into monday morning. expect highs around 70 tomorrow with mostly cloudy skies, then a drop to the low and mid 60s on monday with partly cloudy skies and breezy winds. tuesday we will be between system and will again top out in the low to mid 60s. wednesday we'll get extra clouds from a quick moving system that will push through the area. we may get a bit of a breeze from that system and high temps hold steady there until friday. expect sunny skies and light winds on thanksgiving. we'll see breezy to windy conditions on black friday, along with partly to mostly cloudy skies as another system pushes through the area. this system will drop temps a bit to the low 60s on saturday. (karla back to desk) anti-donald trump protests -- a pacific storm system is already ushering cloud cover our way and will bring chances
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sunday into monday morning. expect highs around 70 tomorrow with mostly cloudy skies, then a drop to the low and mid 60s in the low to mid 60s. wednesday we'll get extra clouds from a quick moving system that will push through the area. we may get a bit of a breeze from that system and high temps we'll see breezy to windy conditions on black friday, along with partly to mostly cloudy skies as another system pushes through the area. this system will drop temps a bit to the low 60s on saturday. (karla back to desk) (karla back to desk) anti-donald trump protests -- pushes through the area. this system will drop temps a bit to the low 60s on saturday.
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continuing all across the nation and -- even going overseas! nearly 5-hundred people --
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of paris. demonstrators say -- they will not accept the trump administration -- targeting minority groups in the u-s. up next -- we're speaking with our 13-action news -- crime and safety expert -- about the lengths police will go -- to keep the peace -- at protests
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in the valley.. in other parts of the country. 13-action news anchor -- steve wolford -- explains -- just how far -- they can go, - p (take pkg) (nat sound from portland if possible) some of the most violent demonstrations have taken place in portland, where 71 protestors were arrested saturday night alone for smashing windows and disorderly conduct.. to hurling road flares at police officers. that's something 13-action news crime and safety expert.. retired metro lt. randy sutton says won't be tolerated in las vegas.. however.. metro officers will do everything possible to allow protestors their rights.
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is free expression of speech and the peacful expression of that.. and that can include some pretty vile stuff.. cursing and screaming. 10:43 law enforcement officers don't have the ability to charge someone with disturbing 'their' peace because. (butt/10:56) so, they have to accept certain things. (butt/11:18) and then, there is a line that will be crossed.. and that is.. if you touch a police officer that's the end of the tolerance. if you spit on a police officer.. if any part of you threatens a po that is where the tolerance ends. that's when police can declare a protest an 'unlawful assembly' and the situation dramatically changes. police may then order the crowd to disburse. (sot) if you disburse you're okay. if you don't, then you now become one of the 'not' peaceful protestors and you will go to jail. police can also order a crowd to disburse when the rights of others.. not involved in the protest.. are infringed upon.. especially when there's physical contact. that also includes things like block traffic..
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like los angeles. (sot) 16:57 blocking traffic has now become the very trendy way to protest.. and blocking traffic is illegal. (butt/17:12) you don't have the right to infringe on the rights of others. is set for tomorrow night -- right here in the valley. demonstrators will march -- from the linq --to trump international hotel. that begins at 8 p-m. sutton tells us -- metro has enough resources -- to keep large crowds -- from disrupting traffic. he also points out -- different police departments -- handle
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a white nationalist group -- confronted by protesters in washington today. take a look! it happened -- outside a meeting of the national policy institute. a man and a woman from the n-p-i -- went up to protesters -- trying to interview them on camera. but one protester -- knocked the man's camera. that led to a scuffle. the man from the n-p-i -- ended up with a gash on his forehead. police handcuffed two protesters. tonight -- investigators in their hands. they're trying to figure out -- how first responders -- missed a toddler in a backseat -- after a car crash! up next -- you won't believe who found child support orders overturned. and children as collateral damage. new allegations being made against a family court judge that mothers are calling a bully on the bench. my investigation coming up...
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broadway actors -- and calling on them to apologize. the new tirade -- coming after donald trump said -- he'd practice more restraint on social media. the president-elect -- in new jersey today -- working to fill those important cabinet positions. abc's -- daria albinger -- has the latest. natsot - donald trump / (r) president-elect reporter - "?looking forward to meetings today?" trump - "yes, we are." donald trump and mike pence golf club? for a full day of "?cheering/booing?" video showing cheering - and booing - as pence arrived at friday night's performance of the hit broadway musical "hamilton." natsot - "vice president-elect pence, i see you walking out, but i hope you will hear us just a few more moments." at the end of the show? the cast delivered a message. sot - brandon dixon / "aaron burr" - hamilton cast member "we are the diverse america who are alarmed and anxious that your new administration will not protect us. // but we truly hope that this
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on behalf of all of us." but donald trump was not a fan? the president-elect tweeting that the cast "harassed" pence. star brandon dixon, who delivered the speech, sot - brandon victor dixon / actor "i am so glad that he stayed - because he stayed - and he - kate (no last name given) / audience member "i was disappointed in the booing." jersey - a high stakes summit - between the 2016 winner? and the 2012 republican nominee? he and trump have publicly attacked each other. president-elect and i look forward to the coming administration and the things they're going to be doing. daria albing york. found in park - v
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words "go trump" -- painted in white letters -- at adam-yauch park in brooklyn. new york polce say -- the graffiti -- was discovered friday afternoon. the city council member -- who represents that district -- says the graffiti has been painted over. policy - v the department of defense -- earlier this year -- lifted the ban -- on transgender people serving in the military. aaron wixson -- a 20-year-old -- radar operator -- is ready to test thap he's a transgered man. last friday -- he wore female dress blues to the gala -- in temecula, california. but next year -- wixson hopes to wear the dress blues -- worn by men. wixson says -- he is looking forward to being seen-- quote: "as who i really am." a pacific storm system is already ushering cloud cover our way and will bring chances for rain, cooler air and breezy winds to the area. expect chances for isolated showers tomorrow afternoon. however, it looks the chances
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sunday into monday morning. expect highs around 70 tomorrow with mostly cloudy skies, then a drop to the low and mid 60s on monday with partly cloudy skies and breezy winds. tuesday we will be between system and will again top out in the low to mid 60s. wednesday we'll get extra clouds from a quick moving system that will push through the area. we may get a bit of a breeze from that system and high temps will top out in the mid 60s and hold steady there until friday. expect sunny skies and light winds on thanksgiving. this system will drop temps a bit to the low 60s on saturday. new tonight -- a woman is recovering -- after she was accidentally shot in the head -- at a gun show. it happened in raleigh, north carolina. the sheriff's department says -- three people were leaving the show. one of them handed a new gun he
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she accidentally fired the weapon -- hitting the victim in the back of a head. teh victim -- is out of the hospital tonight -- and is expected to be ok. over in texas -- authorities are investigating -- what led to a crash -- involving the texas-state university football-team bus. no players were injured. but -- five staff members were taken to the hospital. no serious injuries reported. the strange case -- of a missing kentucky mom -- takes another bizarre turn. crystal rogers -- was found shot to death this morning while he was out hunting. rogers -- his daughter -- disappeared in 20-15 police aren't saying what happened -- or if the incidents -- are related. trooper jeff gregory kentucky state police "say your prayers for this family. they've been through a lot ...." ballard's sudden death -- adds more mystery to the case of crystal rogers. her live-in boyfriend -- brooks
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police say -- houck is the main suspect. but -- they don't have enough evidence -- to charge him. more moms are coming forward to contact -13 -- complaining about -- what they call -- a bully judge. they say -- the family-court judge -- is ripping families apart -- failing to enforce child support orders-- and -- leaving children -- as collateral damage. here's chief investigator -- darcy spears. the video is hard to watch. :26 girl: yu i love her. and i'm gonna miss her so much. please don't do this to me. a 12-year-old girl who'd been home- schooled in her mother's ballet studio for three years since her parents divorce... pleading to stay with her mom, but being ripped from the home and the life she'd known. :05 jh: you're to take ...
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jh: that's too bad. 8:40 welthy: she's such a bully. in court, judge rena hughes said the child's mother was alienating her from her father. but even he was not happy about the way the judge handled things, according to a comment he posted on social media. judge hughes' seeming disregard for the child... 8:20 marisella : it breaks my heart. ... is not an isolated case according to other mothers who've gone before her. 10:50 marisella: i don't think she's fit for that bench. she's hurt too many families. marisell children on her own after a divorce. documents from the district attorney's child support division show her ex-husband owes more than $10,000 in back child support. 12:25 marisella: he's getting off paying the child support arrears when my children and i had to be on the snap program. we had to go get food from the food pantries because she's not holding him accountable. despite multiple rulings from previous judges, rena hughes let the children's father off the hook. 11:12:11 court video judge hughes: i understand that the hearing master tried to
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that their rights were violated, marisella, welthy and other moms we've spoken to believe judge hughes is biased against women. 7:39 darcy: did you just feel like there was disrespect? marisella: absolutely disrespect. disrespect. unfairness. both women will continue fighting their cases. but for welthy, it'll all be hidden from public view. judge hughes sealed the case soon after this video surfaced 10:04 welthy: if you don't want people to know you are doing bad things, don't do bad things. darcy tag: no one from family court would comment on the judge's behavior. a spokesperson sent a statement saying custody cases can be highly contentious and everyone has a right to appeal. texas are trying to figure out -- how first responders -- missed a


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