tv Action News 5pm ABC November 27, 2016 5:00pm-5:31pm PST
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how many of these drivers are saying -- "what was i thinking?!" plus -- mother nature swoops in. wind -- rain -- and a drop in the temperatures. your work-week forecast -- is just minutes away. but first -- metro is asking for your help -- in finding this man. he's wanted for -- sexually assaulting -- a little girl -- on thanksgiving day. marti glaser -- is live near west lake mead boulevard -- and north buffalo drive -- with more . christopher- an 8 year old girl and her brother were doing what kids do .... playing outside on thanksgiing day .. thats when police say . a stranger somehow convinced the young boy to go inside so he could get he girl alone... - thats when he took her behind the building and sexually assualted her . parents i spoke to
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from their children.. infact- a mother living near by led us to this condominium complex... where people living here confirmed that police have been going door to door asking for help find ing the man in this sketch . i spoke with a concerned father of four ... who didn't want us to use his name .- still shaken by the already we dont want another incident like this in this complex - maybe we need to pay more attention about what our kids are doing .145351 metro says the suspect a thin build with white possibly... salt and paper hair.... last seen on thankssgiving day werain a blue t shirt and black jeans . if you have any information you are asted to contact police take a look at this.
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heading home on the 15. this is near primm. in the valley -- it's windy -- and it's cold. meteorologist -- karla huelga is here now. karla -- this is just what you said would happen. but now i want it to go away. is this going to follow us into the work week? we are getting our second hit of cold air today, with the large storm system that is the third hit of cold air comes right now -- traffic is a mess
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the madness. at one point -- drivers turned the shoulder -- into a fourth lane. and even ta 13-action news reporter -- gina lazara -- gives us a live look -- at the chaos. gina -- how's it going how there? the border is just 37 miles from our station at valley view and desert inn.... it should only take about 45 minutes for us to get there. but with the traffic back up --- google maps told me it
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our news station. aaa reported earlier this week that las vegas was the number one vacation spot for thanksgiving weekend. more than 300-thousand people plane.... hence the traffic we are sitting in right now with the hundreds of people trying to get back to california. 13-action news is committed -- to keeping your commute -- a smooth as possible. you can track any back-up -- at any time -- on a 13-action news update -- on that car that crashed through a wall -- of a burlington coat factory. the store -- near eastern and tropicana -- is back open today. police say -- a woman parked in the handicap spot--
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an employee was pinned -- between a van and the cash register. she went to the hospital -- but is expected to be okay. two other people -- have minor scrapes and bruises. two people -- are lucky to be alive -- after a fire burns down their home. the flames ignited -- in a wood-burning stove. this happened late last night -- on san gabriel avenue -- near mission hills park investigators say -- it was a just a terrible accident. it caused about -- 245-thousand dollars in damage. boo, quick nat the niners controverisal quarterback -- colin kaepernick -- booed by dolphins fans -- as he took the field. kaepernick -- wore a fidel castro t-shirt -- during a press conference in august. when kaepernick was asked about the shirt -- last week -- he said he respected how castro -- focused more on cuba's educational system -- than the prison system. back in cuba-- it's nine
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the 90-year-old -- ruled his country for decades-- some say -- with an iron hand -- others say -- to revolutionary reforms. abc's -- janai norman -- breaks down the mixed emotions -- coming out of cuba -- and the united states. script: the sunrise over post-castro cuba?unclear yet if it means the castrostudentdemo nats - students chanting "fidel! fidel!" his names rings like a battle cry in havana where the cuban flag flies at half-staff. students attending the university of havana, where their education is free, chanting, singing, even crying official 9 days of mourning for fidel castro. castrostudentdemo students gathered shout: "long live fidel!" castrostudentdemo (in spanish) nats - "education, health. everything. i owe him everything. he's in the hearts of all cubans". one students saying she owes the revolutionary leader everything, and he's in the hearts of all cubans. but a few hundred miles away? nats of celebration ?a very different story. the epicenter of america's cuban exile community, miami's little havana, celebrating a
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uscastroreax3 "this is the best news around the world today, the best news. because fidel castro is a devil. do you know what i mean? he's a devil." many of those celebrating are exiles, or descendants of those who didn't live to see a cuba without castro. ted cruz on this week saying so far, after his death, the leader's rule remains. cruz - this ought to be a moment where cubans are dancing in the street because they're being liberated, listen, if you dance in the street, you're going to be thrown in jail. cuba is not a free society. the passing of the man considered a brutal dictator offers a glimpse of hope that community strongmen. his body is set to be cremated jn abc news washington. challenge in miami -- a family made -- a mannequin-challenge video -- to celebrate fidel castro's death.
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toast. and the kids -- bang on pots and pans. new information -- on the massive manhunt -- for two escaped prisoners in california. the santa clara-county sheriff's department -- is giving 13-action news -- an exclusive look -- at how the convicts -- managed to break out. deputies say -- rogelion chavez and laron campbell -- cut through the window -- of their cell w then -- they rappelled -- down two stories -- by tying together -- blankets and bed sheets. sheriff laurie smith/santa clara county sheriff dept. sot - sheriff laurie smith/santa clara co sheriff dept. 19:42:30:34 these are pretty tough and pretty strong - that's why i'm surprised they but so far -- chavez and campbell -- have evaded the massive search effort. there were 16 other men in the room. they are all refusing to cooparate. a new twitter-tirade from donald trump. the president-elect -- bashing the push --to recount the
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tower-- in new york city -- on google maps -- earlier this weekend -- you may have had a little trouble. that's because someone -- changed the name -- to dump tower -- on google maps. the iconic home to president-elect -- donald trump -- was restored --to it's proper name online - early this morning. google has not commented. meanwhile.. news of a vote recount in wisconsin - sending the president-elect on a new twitter tirade. he's not the only one in attack mode. pkg script: donald trump and his staff - blasting a vote recount in wisconsin! (fox news sunday) sot - reince priebus / chair - rnc / incoming white house chief of staff "it's a total waste of everybody's time." green party candidate jill stein started the effort last week? sot - jill stein / green party "there were a lot of hacks taking place around this election." and this weekend - hillary clinton's team joining the fray. those announcements triggering
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seven tweets in 70 minutes? nearly all aimed at clinton? but her general counsel says clinton staffers "intend to participate" to ensure fairness. (abc this week) sot - sen. bernie sanders / (i) vermont "it's a legal right. it's not a big deal. i don't think anybody, secretary clinton or anybody else, thinks that there's going to be profound changes." trump had been widely criticized for stoking fears about the election's integrity? (file - october 2016 - oh) sot - donald trump "it's a rigged election. believe me." (file - september 2016 - nc) sot - donald trump "and we know it's a rigged (fox news sunday) sot - reince incoming white house chief of staff "it's ridiculous. this is a fundraising notoriety driven fraud by a person who won 33,000 votes in wisconsin." (abc this week) sot - cenk uygur / the young turks "i don't know why they're so nervous. they're just so jittery about -- no recount, no recount. whatever we do, don't do a thing." another member of trump's staff is also on attack - senior advisor kellyanne conway taking aim at mitt romney, who is up for secretary of state. (abc this week) sot - kellyanne
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trump." romney was one of trump's harshest critics during (abc this week) sot - kellyanne // i don't think a cost of the animosity against donald trump -- in las vegas -- continues. a protest -- is planned for tonight -- at seven. it'll start at the parking lot-- behind the linq. de trump international hotel -- just off the strip. this would be the third -- major anti-trump protest -- in las vegas. organizers say -- their goal is to encourage an official recount. trump won the electoral vote but hillary clinton -- won the popular vote -- by more than two million. in tonight's health living-- thanksgiving dinner -- is history. and for many of us -- that means leftovers. but -- according to the centers for disease control -- four days is the limit.
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the fridge -- it's time to throw it out. november and december -- are peak months for food poisoning. the time for new year resolutions is just around the corner. if you're looking to quit smoking ... financial incentives might be your best bet. that's according to a study published in the new england journal of medicine. in the study.. participants deposted 150-dollars with a promise that they'd get the money back... plus 650- dollars more if they stayed away from smoke. more than half of the cigarettes are the leading cause of preventable death in the united states. they're firing up the snow cannons -- and getting ready for the ski and snowboard season! man-made flurries -- will cover the lee-canyon ski resort -- with fresh powder tomorrow. managers say -- it's going to be cold enough -- for snow-making machines to -- make snow! wx chat we are getting our second hit of cold air today, with the large storm system that is affecting our area. expect breezy winds through
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evening. the third hit of cold air comes tomorrow and will keep high temps in the mid 50s to start off the workweek, but with less wind. we wills still be under the flow of this system on tuesday, which means it will continue to gusts to 30 mph on tuesday. wednesday will be our between systems day and high will remain in the mid 50s. however, another system will start to move in on thursday and will bring with it more cold air. we will see high temps drop by days. breezyi friday and saturday. by saturday, the system will be east of the area and we will see a warming first to the mid and upper 50s on saturday, then low 60s on sunday. good news las vegas. tapering to lighter winds throughout the evening. the third hit of cold air comes tomorrow and will keep high temps in the mid 50s to start off the workweek, but with less wind. we wills still be under the back end. expect highs in the mid 50s and
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and will bring with it more cold air. we will see high temps drop by a couple of degrees for thursday and friday, which will mean highs in the low to mid 50s around the valley on those days. breezy winds are expected and upper 50s on saturday, then low 60s on sunday. good news las vegas. tapering to lighter winds throughout the evening. the third hit of cold air comes temps in the mid 50s to start off the workweek, but with less wind. we wills still be under the flow of this system on tuesday, which means it will continue to drag in cold air and bring wednesday will be our between systems day and high will remain in the mid 50s. however, another system will start to move in on thursday and will bring with it more cold air. we will see high temps drop by days. breezy winds are expected friday and saturday. by saturday, the system will be
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see a warming first to the mid and upper 50s on saturday, then low 60s on sunday. good news las vegas. tapering to lighter winds throughout the evening. the third hit of cold air comes tomorrow and will keep high temps in the mid 50s to start off the workweek, but with less wind. we wills still be under the back end. expect highs in the mid 50s and gusts to 30 mph on tuesday. wednesday will be our between cold air. we will see high temps drop by a couple of degrees for thursday and friday, which will gas prices are dropping!
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of regular -- is $2.40. that's four-cents less -- than this time last week. the national average -- is $2.13. saving your money -- for a rainy day. you've heard your whole life -- how important that is. but -- is it enough? to really get your money working it may sound a little think!! < shopper a: i save for worst case scenarios, in case something were to happen. some of us are good about putting a little something away. others need a little encouragement. shopper b: my husband is better at it than i am. so that's a good motivator. but the best way to reach your long term financial goals, is to start investing. unfortunately most people aren't properly planning. ken himmler/financial author:
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american spends more time planning their annual vacation, then they do their financial future. financial author, ken himmler, says don't be intimidated and don't make excuses. shopper c: it takes a lot of research and time. that's a thing that we don't have right now, is time. so we're saving you time, and doing the research for you. first of all, it doesn't take a lot of cash to get started. just 5-dollars a week. a lot of us spend that much, just on a cup of coffee. ken himmler/financial author: if want to start a college fund or you just want to start saving collection of stocks, bonds, or other securities. there are four main types: money market funds. bond funds, that are a little more risky, but offer a bigger return. stock funds, that are even more risky. and hybrid funds. ken himmler/financial author: once you get to 5 or $10,000, now you have enough money, and you can change to an exchange traded fund, or an index fund.
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that means more money in your pocket. and the sooner you start, the more money you'll earn. let's look at someone in their 20's. by investing just 25-dollars into an index fund, every month, you could save 75-thousand dollars or more, by the time you're ready to retire. now you might say, the problem is you're swimming in debt. himmler says, don't let that stop you from starting to don't knw. are you just going to charge it all back again? maybe the better thing to do, is to keep yourself in debt. in the end, himmler says the hardest part of investing is to the gym. it takes a decision. and that's all it takes.> so -- where do you start? we have some helpful information -- on our website. it includes a list -- of the best -- on-line brokers.
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and type in -- the keyword -- links. one lucky person -- just won 421- million dollars. where the only winning powerball ticket was sold. plus -- what you need to know -- before -- you get caught up -- in a giving-tuesday scam. i wanted the same plan that my mother had. senior dimensions. i've had senior dimensions for over 20 years. and i love it! if you're eligible for medicare, you need to take a look
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monthly premium. senior dimensions members pay a zero dollar copay for primary care doctor visits. and, our members pay a zero dollar copay for specialist visits and a zero dollar copay for hospital stays as well. i wanted a plan that's been here as long as we have. senior dimensions is one of the longest-standing local medicare advantage plans in nevada, and our plan offers many tier one preferred generic drugs for a zero dollar copay at most local neighborhood pharmacies. i like that i have plenty of doctors and senior dimensions offers a broad network of local providers including southwest medical associates, one of the largest and fastest growing multi- specialty groups in nevada. it's what i want. and she gets what she wants!
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lot richer. 421-million dollars -- matched all six powerball numbers -- in last night's drawing. the ticket -- was sold in lafayette, tennessee. the winner -- has not come forward yet. according to lottery rules -- he or she -- has 180-days -- to claim the prize. a warning from contact 13. this tuesday -- is hwat is known -- as giving tuesday. tens of thousands of charities -- and more than 700- thousand donors -- around the world -- are expected to participate -- .
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money. do your research. only give to charities -- you're familiar with -- and avoid -- on-the- spot donations. karla ad-lib over camera 13-action news -- nevada highway patrol -- and findlay toyota -- new unwrapped toy -- valued between 10- and -20- dollars -- during the 13-days of giving". we officially -- kicked it off friday. but --donation bins are out -- across the valley -- including here at our station. the complete list -- is at k-t-n- v dot com. all gifts -- will be distributed-- by the las vegas rescue mission -- to families in need. findlay toyota -- nevada coin
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tonight, a special edition of "world news tonight" from havana. the death of fidel castro. the dictator reigning for decades, defying the u.s. nine official days of mourning here in cuba have now begun. the flags at half-staff. tonight, cuban exiles in miami celebrating in the streets of little havana. while here, we meet so many families who now mourn their leader. and what they say about a future relationship with the u.s. also, the cuba backlash. new questions about the renewed ties with america. president-elect donald trump's team calling it a one-sided deal, suggesting it won't last long. and president obama facing some backlash for his official statement. the recount battle brewing. president-elect trump lashing
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