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tv   Action News Special Edition  ABC  November 27, 2016 11:35pm-12:00am PST

11:35 pm
there is a place where magic will fill you with wonder and always leave you wanting even more. because one day just isn't enough.
11:36 pm
11:37 pm
hello, my darlings! how is everyone today? hi. in good voice, i trust. thank you. bella, darling, you know what i think we should do? i think we should simplify it. let the hosts come in, introduce me, we'll pitch the charity a little bit, broadway hearts for hearts, and, um... man: and remember -- when she gets to the first "the things we do for love," stand by for snow drop. shall we? [ "the things we do for love" plays ] this number has always been one of my favorites -- a classic love song from back in the day. stand by for cue. communication is the problem to the answer. you've got his number, and your hand is on the phone. the weather's turned, and all the lines are down. the things we do for love. ? the things we do for love ? cue snow. cue snow. ? like walking in the rain and the snow ?
11:38 pm
? and you're feeling like a part of you is dying ? ? and you're looking for the answer in his eyes ? need more snow than that. ? you think you're gonna break up ? ? then he says he wants to make up ? [ all screaming ] oh, my god! [ beckett sighs ] so, captain beckett, have you successfully completed eeting? indeed i did -- three times. three? best meeting ever. [ chuckles ] who would have thought that secret dating would be so productive? i know. our public fights have made our private time so much more... intense. -right? -yes. i don't suppose the captain has time for one more agenda? oh, i'm sorry. i wish i could. but i have to make this meeting with captain gates at 1pp. and is "gates" code for "vikram" and "1pp" your secret strip-club hideout?
11:39 pm
look, rick, i'm done playing lone wolf, and i promise you -- when the time is right, i will loop you in on everything loksat. i-i mean, i get that the whole thing is a covert op. i'm just saying -- i could be your secret weapon in taking loksat down. trust me, 007 -- when it's time, you and i will take down loksat together. meanwhile, i will be sneaking in and out of the building next door to get here. while i do what? provide support and comfort. lots and lots of comfort. bye. [ door opens ] [ cellphone rings ] [ door closes ] ah. [ cellphone beeps ] mother. how's your day going? castle: mother! [ gasps ] oh! richard, darling. thank god you're here.
11:40 pm
-are you all right? -yeah. don't worry about me. it's poor, sweet robyn that we should be thinking about. -you knew her? -i just met her yesterday. she -- she sat through an entire rehearsal, and then she waited around so she could come up and thank me. [ voice breaking ] she was just... she was lovely. darling, i want you to promise me that you will handle this case personally and find out who did this. yeah, of course. of course. gram, why don't i take you home? okay. perfect. thank you. okay. hey. hey. how's martha? uh, shaken up. what happened? victim is robyn king, 20 years old. works as the theater's night janitor. based on lividity and body temp, i estimate the time of death is last night between 9:00 and 11:00. cause of death -- blunt-force trauma. killer hit robyn in the head, stuffed her in the snow box, and lifted her up to the rafter. where she bled out.
11:41 pm
richard castle. so, you're the one who hired robyn? yes. and i was a little nervous at first. robyn was an ex-con, but her parole officer pressed me to give her a job -- promised that she was completely trustworthy. and until last night, there hadn't been a single problem. what happened last night? a woman showed up looking for robyn, and she was pissed. and robyn knew her? oh, yeah. she called her "mama." but they clearly weren't a happy family. as i was leaving, i heard robyn threaten to call the cops if her mom ever came near her again. i shouldn't have left them alone. robyn might still be alive if i had just...stayed behind. ryan: hey. so, here's a surprise. robyn's records show that her mother died when she was 5. -then who's "mama"? -exactly. and here's another mystery that i found -- according to robyn's metrocard, she's been taking subway trips up to spanish harlem two nights a week ever since she was released from prison.
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stays for almost two hours before going home. any indication in her financials what she's doing up there? no, nothing yet. [ cellphone rings ] -i got to take that. -okay. hey! beckett: hey. so, i heard about martha. why didn't you pull me out of the meeting? you know what? i thought about it. but this whole new... secret relationship... i wasn't quite sure what the rules were. well, i-is she okay? physically, yes. she's fine. emotionally, not so much. she made me promise to help track down robyn's killer. of course, but you know that publicly, what do you mean? well, it means that i love you, but right now, i'm gonna have to yell at you. [ elevator bell dings ] castle! we talked about this! you can't be here! well, excuse me for living, but i've got a damn good reason. i don't care what your reason is. you can't just waltz in and out of my precinct whenever you want. uh, my mother was traumatized, captain. i'm involved in this case, whether you like it or not. fine. but you're on a short leash.
11:43 pm
yo. just got off the phone with robyn's parole officer. look who i found -- robyn's mama. olivia "mama" toussaint. she's a mid-level dealer who sells party drugs to rich kids. robyn was part of her crew two years ago when she got busted. what was robyn arrested for? uh, grand theft auto, reckless endangerment, destruction of private property. robyn made a delivery to a country club on long island, decided to stay for the party. she got wasted, stole a car, drove into a house -- half a million dollars' worth of damage. got her two years in albion correctional, too. so, with robyn out on parole, mama must have gone he fold. but robyn refused and threatened to rat mama out. so mama silenced robyn for good. all right, boys, bring her in. all right. castle: tell me -- is the "mama" meant to be ironic? not very motherly having underage kids run drugs for you. i don't know what you're talking about. what about the name robyn king? sure. what of it? she did two years in prison for you.
11:44 pm
nt would keep her loyal. but i'm thinking it didn't. that's why you stopped by the theater to lay down a little old-fashioned motherly guilt. or was it to strong-arm her back onto your crew? i went there to check on her, make sure she was okay. we got a witness that says you were angry when you showed up. what can i say? she hurt my feelings. [ chuckling ] yeah. kids. they don't call, they don't write. tell me about it. you think they'd show a little gratitude instead of dumping you for a new family. is that why you killed her? 'cause she started running with that other crew? i didn't kill her, detective. i went there, i said my piece, i left. and i can prove it. this new family -- they wouldn't happen to live in spanish harlem, would they? [ scoffs ] hell if i know. robyn said she hooked up with them in prison and that they had a big thing coming up. -hey. -hey. how'd it go with mama? oh, her, uh, alibi checks out. she was in a cab by 8:15.
11:45 pm
uh... i had a really great time earlier. me too. is it wrong that i want to kiss you right now? so wrong, it's right. -i'm sorry. -for what? you're a jerk! whoa. h-hey, bro, you okay? yeah. no. ow! man, she hits hard. look, castle, i-it's clearly not okay, you being here. better go home. we'll call you if we find anything. [ cellphone chiming, vibrating ]
11:46 pm
you're right. the bubbles -- very soothing. mother. what are you doing here? you should be at home, resting. please. how can i possibly rest? there's a murderer to catch. listen, i-i have to warn you -- we found evidence that robyn may have returned to a life of crime. nonsense. that girl has a good heart. i know she was trying to turn her life around. so let's get to work. what can i do to help? [ sighs ] all right. we know that robyn was meeting with her new crew twice a week in spanish harlem. and i think these symbols on her phone have something to do with her next meeting. so, what's the problem? i don't speak emoji. i think that first symbol there -- the buttony thing -- is a clock, obviously. uh-huh, and the hands are on 12, so robyn's crew is meeting at noon. not noon -- midnight. so that gives us less than an hour to figure this out and get uptown.
11:47 pm
d a fish on a pole. emojis are symbolic for other things. clearly, but symbolic for what other things? well, where would you go fishing? water. by the river. what does that have to do with sheep? well, emojis are often compound words, so "sheep" plus "ear"... plus "d" could mean... sheep eared. shepherd. -shepherd. -exactly. -and the bull? -stubborn? bull is the astrological sign for taurus. it is. does that help us? we'll put a pin in that. next are the bag and the ball. oh. and not just any bag. that is a shopping bag. an item with which you are intimately familiar. so, shopping ball? no -- mall. shopping mall. wait a minute. midnight by the river at the shepherd taurus shopping mall?
11:48 pm
wait, wait. shouldn't we call the cops? yeah, that's a kind of dangerous neighborhood. ladies, with all the gentrification going on, there's no such thing as bad riverfront property. castle: okay. maybe i was wrong. watch your step. maybe we should be texting espo and ryan. i already called them. they're on their way. i don't know whether to be happy or hurt by your lack of faith in me. [ light scraping ] [ gasps ] okay, i'm gonna go with happy. big to be a rat. -great. -come on. [ breathing shakily ] [ light clatter ] [ laughter ]
11:49 pm
that's it. dad. look. [ indistinct shouting in distance ] [ cheers and applause ] woman: ? 'cause i'm not plannin' on going solo ? ? wake me up before you go, go ? ? take me dancin' tonight ? [ vocalizing ] ? i'm gonna hit that hiiiiiiigh ? ? yeah, yeah, yeah ? ? jitterbug ? ? bum, ba-da jitterbug ? ? you put the boom-boom into my heart ? ? you send my soul sky-high when the lovin' starts ? ? jitterbug into my brain ? ? yeah, yeah ? ? it goes a-bang, bang, bang till my feet do the same ?
11:50 pm
? my best friend told me what you did last night ? ? you left me sleepin' in my bed ? ? i was dreamin', but i should have been with you instead ? ? jitterbug ? to do the best for your pet, you should know more about the food you choose. with beyond, you have a natural pet food that goes beyond telling ingredients to showing where they come from. to knowing it is. beyond asking for trust... to earning it. because, honestly, our pets deserve it. beyond. natural pet food. i thought i was managing my moderate to severe crohn's disease. i didn't think there was anything else to talk about. but then i realized there was.
11:51 pm
he said humira is for people like me who have tried other medications but still experience the symptoms of moderate to severe crohn's disease. in clinical studies, the majority of patients on humira saw significant symptom relief. and many achieved remission. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. where certain fungal infections are common, and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. if you're still just managing your symptoms, talk with your gastroenterologist about humira.
11:52 pm
are you ready for the riff-off?! [ crowd cheering ]
11:53 pm
? ooga chaka, ooga, ooga ? ? ooga chaka, ooga, ooga ? ? when you hold me in your arms so tight ? ? you let me know, everything's all right ? [ beatboxing, harmonizing ] ? i-i-i-i'm, i'm hooked on a feeling ? ? ba ba-da ba ? ? and i'm high on believing ? ? that you're in love -- ? ? the love we share seems to ? ? dah dah ? ? go nowhere ? hey. she has the same bracelet that robyn had. alexis: they must be waiting for robyn to show up. ? now i'll run from you ? come on. ? this tainted love you're givin' ? ? i'll give you all... ? hi. are you looking for robyn? who are you? uh, this is alexis, and i'm richard castle. we're private investigators. we're here to talk to you about robyn. did something happen to her? -nypd! -police! nobody move!
11:54 pm
yo. castle. where's the 911? oh. that was -- who are all these people? uh... robyn's new family. i can't believe it. robyn was the first person to talk to me in prison. she always had my back. is prison where all the girls in your group met? yeah -- through the n.b.p. it's a nonprofit arts program that helps us stay straight. we all loved singing, but robyn was the one who put together the a cappella group. without her, there is no aca-cons. do you have any idea who might have killed her? agnes. she was in the cons till about three weeks ago. and then what happened? we were auditioning for the a.a.c., the all american a cappella competition.
11:55 pm
unless somebody screwed up. somebody like agnes? look, the aca-cons, we're all one-time offenders. we work really hard to stay clean. but agnes -- she's a repeat offender, and she's not interested in changing. so rather than take a chance before your big break... we kicked her out. we all voted, but robyn was the one who told her. agnes was pissed -- accused robyn of stabbing her in the back. esposito: agnes molina -- three-time loser with a long list of priors, including b&e and assault. looks like we can add murder to that list. yeah, we ran her prints against the ones we found at the theater. we got a match. and where is she now? she's in the wind. agnes didn't check in with her parole officer yesterday. unis searched her apartment. looks like our girl packed up and left. well, someone's got to have a lead on where she's hiding. yeah, that's what we figured. yeah, so we asked the couple that runs the n.b.p. to come in -- scott and linda weinberg. great. i'll talk to them. you guys dig into agnes' life, see what you can find.
11:56 pm
young lawyers looking to give back, and the difference we made for these girls was so profound that we dedicated our lives to helping them. so, how well do you know agnes molina? why? is she a suspect? uh, yeah. she is. scott: captain, agnes certainly did some bad things in her life, but she's a sweet kid, not a killer. do you have any idea where she is now? no. i mean, her parents shut her out after her last arrest. and what about friends? but on the outside... just the girls in the group. there's got to be somebody else. um... i-if agnes was in trouble, who would she go to? there was an ex-boyfriend. he visited her in prison once. ex-boyfriend's name is dexter grimes. he's an unemployed welder and ex-con. sounds like a real catch. and, gentlemen, as i told you, beckett is fine with me riding along. oh, yeah, she's fine with it.
11:57 pm
we'll get lucky and castle will get shot." damn, bro. really? ouch. what'd you do? nothing. you got slapped, castle. you definitely did something. or someone. you cheated? what?! no! castle, don't you lie to us. beckett's our family. you cheat on her, you cheat on us. what's her name? [ chuckling ] guys, i'm telling you the truth. ow! that's my skin! svetlana? svetlana? svetlana! of russian underwear model? uh, yeah? what the hell are you doing? nypd. ayy! we're coming in. ow. [ groans ] so, dexter grimes, when was the last time you saw agnes molina? agnes? haven't seen her in years -- before she got busted. nice try, dex. we know that you visited her in prison. and now she's on the run. you're such a catch, we figured she came running to you. i'm telling you -- me and her are done.
11:58 pm
is that right? so, then, this lipstick is from... my mom. [ laughs ] i suppose... this is your mom's bra? yep. [ snorts ] fat chance. matter of fact, dexter, i believe agnes is hiding... ...right here. [ chuckles ] too bad i know... she's under here! man, who piles clothes under... getting a little nervous, dex? am i getting... warmer?! seriously? behind the...
11:59 pm
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12:00 am
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