tv Morning Blend ABC November 29, 2016 9:00am-10:00am PST
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it's a beautiful tuesday morning outside. chilly, thousand. we're taking a live look outside at mandalay bay. the king of >> very cool show. good morning. thank you for joining us today, spending part of your wonderful morning with us. i'm jeff civillico, filling in for shawn tempesta who is out on baby duty. congratulations on their beautiful baby boy, colin eric. >> i'm j.j. snyder. welcome, thank you for joining us. shawn has been holding the baby on the couch on facebook, and i
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i've known him for, you know, worked with him closely for five or six months. i've never seen his hair messed up before. but he has given in to his daddy duties. he's not getting a lot of sleep, and the family looks fantastic. >> that baby is all over social media. that baby -- more hits than i do online. the views, the hospital, it's so funny. >> i don't know, you're pretty popular, buddy. that and the pesky is already become a very dutiful older brother. that's really cute to watch. i missed you yesterday. >> you were out in the field having a ball. was it as much fun as it seemed? you were dancing and singing christmas car rolls. >> we were down at finley toyota, as part of the toy drive, the 13 days of giving. we're in day five now of the drive. we have all the partners across
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people were bringing in gifts to finley toy oat a, a lot of toys. >> it's an amazing deal. you got a free oil change. >> the finley holiday choir, props to them the they had a five minute rehearsal and went live on television. we had so much fun. >> we were tin down. it was fun. thanks for letting us play around in your studio. >> thanks for doing that. i brought in another toy today, actually, for the drive. yesterday i brought a mona doll. they're allocated to the rescue mission, who gives the toys -- i talked to john yesterday for quite a while. i wanted to know how many toys they collect, who receives these
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giving to a charity is having that sense that that connection with who is up thed by what you give. >> absolutely. >> you want to know. today is giving tuesday. >> yeah, it's all over social media. >> so my understanding, it's #givingtuesday. it's a social media phenomenon. what's your understanding? >> yeah, i think it came about, the holiday spirit, and it's an extra motivation for people to start that way of thinking. thanksgiving you had time with fa and now as we're going full speed into december, it's kind of that extra nudge that people might need to get out and give for what resonates with you, what's important to you. >> another popular phrase, give where you live. so it's the season of giving. and you know, not everybody can give back, but for those who can, it's important. and it feels really good. you had quite a bit of experience giving back with your charity. >> yeah. i have.
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a nonprofit, and it's been crazy to watch it grow, because irit has been resonating with the community. we put performers in direct service in the community. what's so cool is there is unexpected benefits that you -- >> i was going to ask you, we were talking about it before the show. you know, it feels good to give, right? it feels good. it feels like you're helping other people. but then there is other things that happen that you don't expect. >> so we're performer based, so i think what's crazy is that performers we spend so much time promoting ourselves and what we do and our brand that when you stop that, and you're just focusing on others it gives you such a wonderful perspective of how tiny you are, and you're working on building something so much bigger than yourselves with these charities, and you see these people, so grateful for lives, and it puts it all in perspective. >> very interesting.
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about this. folks out there what is your favorite local charity here in the las vegas valley? share your comments with us online, on facebook, on twitter. you can even tweet jeff civillico here. links can be found on our website, and we may even read some of your comments live on air. speaking of performers, we got one in front of us. >> yes, we do. let the heys on begin. the king of chaos arrived in las vegas for a three night engagement. >> here with more is drummer matt sorum. thank you for waking up early and joining us. >> hence the sunglasses. my eyes are red today. we are in las vegas. >> when did you get in? >> last night late. drove in from palm springs, and got the whole band coming in town. we're going to rehearse for a couple days at the house of blues on thursday, friday and saturday. local boy that is originally
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here with billy idol is playing guitar. billy duffy, my old band mate. he's on guitar. and we got robert on bass. and we brought in the bearded gentleman, a band called zz >> you got to have a beard in the show. >> yeah, we -- i'm trying. this is three months of growth. >> you got to -- >> he's been working on his for 30 years. but yeah, we got a great set. we're going to play all the hits, you know. what you see with this gig a lot of people go what is it? i say well, it's a thing for me, just want to play, but we do the hits and the bands and the guys
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do billy idol, we do the colts. i'm going to throw down, a band called guns 'n roses. we'll do -- i was in a band about revolvers. somebody sitting on the couch, guns 'n roses. you never heard of that. >> that was a while ago. >> can i ask you a guns and roses story? >> is this a -- >> give me a semi clean guns 'n >> it was all one big blur. >> that's a good -- >> it was. it was. >> how does that work? you guys -- it's a super group but it's revolving. do you put together the band for each specific show coming up? >> we have three nights in vegas, and we're going to get out and to the east coast for five shows, and one guy had to pull out, which is cory taker lo. so going -- good replacement. i just have a -- i have the
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and we want to playing to. we're all fans of each other's music. we're all fans. and we all love rock n' roll, and the energy of it is really cool and i want people to see it because we're all up there showing off for each other, so you know, that really comes off to the audience that we're having fun, too. and it's very off the cuff because a lot of these songs are other guy's socks but we're playing our version of that song, so it's a different cake on hits that you and it's a -- i get to put the set list together because i somehow became the leader of the band. so i put the set list together. and it went -- everyone goes man, that was -- >> how many advance planning is it or do you just show up and rock it out? >> well, you know, i do plan it out, and then i call the guys, but you know i set up the flight, get them here. i come up with the set. as a drummer i've always been
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you know. the pacing is very important in rock n' roll show. you want to get the people going. you want to give them the punch in the jig awe lar when you come out, and then you know, you wann acoustics set in the middle that's going to be different, break it down. we're going to go to stp, maybe blues. >> that sounds awesome. >> and at the end of the set we'll go out with a bang. >> thank you so much for being here. opening up perez and the truth there standing by in studio to perform for us this morning. frankie, you ready? all right, take it away. ?
>> awesome. great job. all right. introduce me to the band. >> this is nick may berry. >> i know you were from australia. >> valerie on drums. >> all right. lady drummer, loving it. >> and that is bree. >> great job. this is exciting. it's not your fir for the kings, either. >> i actually worked with matt for years now, and when he booked the residency he gave me a ring and we jumped at over it. >> you travel with him a lot. what are they like to travel with? >> they're amazing. i'm very fortunate, not only are they my heroes but my buddies as well. i'll enjoy the show from the side like everyone else.
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joining us to share her thoughts on how social media is making it easier than ever for people to connect with their favorite charities bahar tecktehchian. hello, bahar. good morning. >> thanks, jeff. good morning. >> let's start off with more generally. talk about what giving tuesday entails. >> absolutely. so giving tuesday is a really wonderful global initiative. it takes place on the tuesday after cyber monday and black friday. companies like e charity are making it easier than ever to give unique one of a kind thoughtful gifts to your loved ones, and in return those gifts give back 100% of the proceeds go back to amazing charities. >> so can you tell us about how that works exactly? i know as people we want to give, it's the holiday spirit but we want the charities to be vetted. we want to know what our money is going to. >> absolutely. ebay for charity has set up the wonderful charity shop.
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be faced with hundreds of amazing live auctions. auctions are live for ten days. you can bid on some of the coolest gifts ever. everything from a private swim lesson with michael phelps to a private session with rebecca taylor, a great designer, and a meet and greet with rascal flatts. not only is the give unique but 100% of the proceeds go back to various charities. >> that is fantastic. private swimming lesson with michael phelps? that's can you tell us how the charities are vetted? >> of course. so ebay actually has a really wonderful program called gifts that give back. they partnered with six of the most leading nonprofits organizations, including aspca, american cancer society, the march of dimes, care, and essentially you can give a virtual gift of $100, and 100% of the proceeds get back.
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obviously it's the holiday spirit, people are looking to give. ebay for charities makes it easy for them to do so. >> it does. and ebay is a one stop shop. they got 1 billion items of inventory. 81% of those are brand-new, so you're sure to find something for everybody on your list. >> awesome. so you know, in your opinion, giving your advice here, how would you say that people should find something to do? you know, should they share their expertise? something they're passione about? learn a new skill? >> if you go to the charity shop you're going to see it's broken down into gifts for the music lover, gifts for the sports in a nat in, so they made it so simple for you to find the perfect gift to bid on for whatever specific hobbier on interest you or your gift recipient has. >> all right. perfect. could not be easier. you have no excuse. it is giving tuesday.
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thank you very much, bahar. >> thanks, jeff. >> all right. celebrate giving tuesday by getting involved with a charity you are passionate about. j.j., over to you. thank you, jeff. and speaking of giving back, do you know someone who truly makes a difference in the las vegas community? you can recognize them with our "give back" award. just head to click on give back, and fill out the forms. one lucky person will receive $500 from america first credit union. they are a proud sponsor of this stay with us.
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a few bucks you might save can be overshadowed by increases in insurance rates. >> you do not want to get in an accident. here to help us minimize the risk is judah zakalik. good morning, sir. >> how you doing? >> i think this is very interesting that there are more accidents in december. it den surprise me because i notice an increase in traffic the roads. >> yeah, holiday craziness. >> holiday cha like we were talking about, more people on the road, more people speeding around, and that's the causing the problem. people are distracted. >> i think most people when they think of getting into a car accident they assume it's on the road, changing lanes, but parking lots are crazy, overcrowded, people are hassles, honking, trying to get that -- cut somebody off, and probably more accidents in parking lots than any other time of year. >> like 20% of accidents right now are parking lots.
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about an accident in the parking lot if there's a good part about an accident they're normally low speed, so probably less damages. so that is very good. and some of the things that may change in the parking lot scenario you're on private represent about. people need to understand the difference in legality there. i know you said -- >> yeah, what's the difference. >> the difference is when you're on i an unabout i can lick road the police will come and cite someone and find out who is at fault. private property the won't normally come unless there is significant bodhi damage there. someone has to be really hurt for the police to come. >> that's the difference think as i. i didn't know that. >> so what's your advice about how to handle it? >> number one, you cannot leave a crash regardless if it's on private at property or public property. you can't just leave. you need to exchange information still. so take pictures of the other person's license, their driver's license, the registration of their insurance information, so you have that.
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private businesses have cameras on the parking lots. so the good part about police coming is they can determine who was at fault. which is very important for a lawyer handling a case. and on an accidental private property, no police coming, means you should probably go to the store owner and see if they have cameras pointing to the parking lot. >> those are things you would advise people who come to you for hem with parking lot crashes. >> we want to eab objective perspective about what happened. >> right. what about if you run into people who are adverse to that, they don't want to let you take pictures of their infoe or anything like that? do you get the police involved? >> look, under law they must exchange information. they can't just say i'm not going to give you any information. if they don't want to give you information, definitely take pictures of the license plate because we can track them down. the and you know, not only they now perhaps committed a civil wrong by getting in an accident
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possibly a criminal wrong by not exchanging information when they should. >> a flashback to a bad experience. when i first moved here i was in a serious car accident and they didn't want to give info and just left and the police came and it was -- it wasn't fun. >> more common than you think. so just tell them i'm calling the police, i'm going to take pictures of your license plate, you're going to be in more trouble later on. let's do it the easy way, let the insurance company handle it and that way no one is really hurt. >> it's so true. and at this pot many cam as everywhere, and everyone has cell phones. but i was in a fender bender, rear ended recently. and i tell you, in vegas, and it just reminds you of how easy it can happen and what a hassle once it happened. >> do you remember the feeling you had? were you flustered and put off and you didn't know what to do? it happens to a lot of people. >> right away i was like i went for my insurance.
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i thought do i call the cops? do i not? but it's almost like you need the heck can list. >> a lot of people will stapler, a lot of people will sometimes say i'm sorry and shouldn't have done that. i tell my lines whether you think you're at fault or not, don't start talking about i'm sorry or i wish i hadn't hit you. we all want to be nice people, right? i get that. but sometimes it can be used against you. i had clients where the other person started recording them and that became a problem later on. you want to make sure and s look, sorry if you're hurt, that's okay to say but don't start admitting fault because we really don't know who is at fault until we investigate. >> what about more serious? >> more zeros why, call the ambulance, call the police. the more serious the accident, of course, the more we have a risk. a lot of times people don't even know they're injured until a couple days later. i tell them put that pride aside, take the trip to the hospital because if it's a serious accident your person is going to cover it, so don't
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cost. one thing we that we can never replace is our bodies. >> for sure. oh, my gosh, yes. safety first. >> yeah. we all want to come home from the holidays. >> where can people get a hold of you? >> they can always google panda guys, you know. we do a lot of advertising that way. but you know, panda law or 702-818-3388 are all ways to contact us. it's drilled >> some love it, some don't. we understand law is a serious thing but one i think this i know is that it's good to laugh. >> isn't it. >> it makes the day go by quicker. we're all dealing with our own issues. if we can see something that gives someone a bit of a smile and a little bit of smile that makes us smile. >> even if they love it or hate it, it's almost irrelevant because they remember it. of.
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car or met on tore cycle accident or have questions, call the panda guys. their number is on the screen, as well as their website. before we head to break, let's start planning for the weekend right now. the streets will come to life with holiday that are nerdy and bright. >> the christmas tree lighting kicks off, the first of many holiday events. friends, family and fun-loving jingle cat will come together to view the spectacular tree lights will be strung as the celebration is completed with hot chocolate and live entertainment. join the fun at 6:00 p.m.
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fun. and unique gifts for friends and family. >> that's right. don't worry. we got all the cool stuff to show you right here, right now. j.j. and i have ideas that might spark your interest. >> they just might. starting with the robo buddy. this is so cool. this is a wifi enabled camera on wheels. >> the thing has shawn testimony pasta written on it. >> i know. of the you operate it from your cell phone. you download free. this is in the docking station right now. that's where it goes to charge. it can go i believe up to like 50 minutes in your house. can you tell me all the uses you would have for this? >> yeah. okay. there's a practical side of it, security, checking on things. >> for sure. >> poking an understand on but there is the fun of it, for kids and pets. oh, my gosh. >> the camera is right there on the front. so you can actually view the footage of the robo buddy on
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like in live time. this is so amazingly cool. >> only $149. >> runs about $149. >> that's amazing. >> you can get it in retail stores and on lube. i'm staying with my us on ins, and they live in canada. they have a -- a guest home here. how cool would that be for a homeaway from home? >> very cool. >> or to check our pets. >> next up here, you're going to love this. i see -- because you love sparkling water. >> i to. >> i've noticed. this look at this bad boy. you can carbonate any drink. this comes right up. how easy is that. and you pop it in here. >> you work with that. this is called the drinkmate, a whole home sparkling system. >> absolutely. you press it here, and you get any drink carbonated. you got oj or juices you want to
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sparkle just pop -- >> i seen this for water but the idea of doing an alcoholic beverage or juice, your kids juice? >> absolutely. >> okay. next up we have new beautiful products for the table top. much i love beautiful dishes, jeff. i do. i do. >> i can see that. i get that. >> so we have two beautiful dishes to show you. first let's show you this five piece kids wear dining set. this is by mary blair. this is so cute. all the ladies are coming b going oh, i want to get those for my granddaughter. super, super cute. again, from mary blair. this is dishwasher safe and bpa free. that's really important. >> got a sippy cup. >> did you ever drink out of a supe cup? >> of course, i did. >> some little girl would just love it. >> my niece would love it. >> you should get one. these are beautiful plates.
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this is super beautiful. this is the vanetto design. all these available on way fair. this design is called borola, which -- it's a natural glaze. this comes in several colors. you're looking at the white here. >> this is done by hand. >> i know, it has a very natural look. >> yeah. very cool texture. this is back the my world have you ever been on one foot on the chair, trying to see if you're hanging something straight, using the ruler, trying to get the perfect frame here. this makes it so easy. you place it right on. you push and repeat. it could not be easier. >> they're ready to go. >> you literal i had push them on the wall. so you -- when you walk in and you see the three pictures, two or three pictures and it's simple. >> there is three in a box,
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really pretty. and nice mat. i think a black and white frame you can't go wrong with that. >> this -- look at this. >> this is the pineapple candle. tell me what it smells like. >> i smell vanilla in there. >> and there is something pine about it. this would make a beautiful housewarming gift. by a couple these, be ready, because you're going to get to holiday going to have a gift. and that is by thamson ferrier the manufacturer. and now last but not least, come on. >> speaking of holly take parties, this is such a conversation piece. a popcorn machine. >> can we get a close up on this? this has gotten so much attention around channel 13. this is licenseed by "star wars." it is an air popper.
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noticed. >> $49.99. available at bed, bath and beyond. just walk in, pick them up. >> these are going to be a very popular gift. our cam a man already let me know he would like me to get him one for christmas. >> if -- >> we should do secret santa. >> did we miss anything? i don't know. i don't think so. >> we covered a lot. >> we did. >> go to if you want to see the segment again. you can find some great sri on with the makes the valley a special place to you had. just click on the positive lv tab under sections from special reports to deals at restaurants and more. check out the website for your insight into las vegas.
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welcome back to "the morning blend." america first credit union is deeply rooted in the community it serves, supporting locally owned and operated businesses. here with more is nicole cypers, along with tsikki thau who is being honored as our november give back winner. we're so glad you're here. congratulations. >> i'm honored. >> nicole, this is great to have you here. jeff and i h about today being giving tuesday. >> yes. >> and it's perfectly fitting, because america first credit union does so much giving back in the community. tell me about some of the things you have going on this month. >> okay. this month we are so excited about our holiday giving event. we have under our foundation a community assistance program where we get money from members and employees. they make donations to the fund. we take that money is that he did nayed and give it back to
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charities, and the hairities range from -- all of them are either food, clothing, immediate need of shelter. and so we're excited. next week we're going to award the charities with $10,000 each. we have one locally, safe nest that will be receiving that donation, as well. >> yes. we know them well. that's excellent. >> that has to be a fun job, especially around the >> oh, yes. there is lots of people in the communities where we have a presence that are in need and especially this time of year when there is so much pressure, and it's a good time for us to be able to take the donations we get throughout the year and be able to give back to the charities so they can help people who are in need. >> certainly. and we would like the talk about your shoe drive, as well. >> this is our 22nd year of donating shoes to economically disadvantage thatted children,
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southern nevada that the students will be receiving shoes. it's an opportunity for us to make a difference. it's really sad to think there are students that you know, maybe this is the only time they're going to get a new pair of shoes, a brand-new pair of shoes. it's rewarding to be involved in the program and see their excitement over a pair of new shoes. >> let's talk about the very large check you have here. >> yes. >> tell us all about this program here and why tsikki. >> so the give back program we're so excited, it's an opportunity for us to maybe recognize people in the community who are making a difference. otherwise wouldn't get that recognition. and so we're happy to have her here today. we're going to let her tell about her program and what she is involved in. >> please. >> yes, please tell us about what you do, tsikki. >> i would love to. a holistic stress management expert, and i give my clients
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them overcome stress and trauma and pain. experiencing either in the past or present. and i work a fabulous spa called innovative healing, which we're a great team and we love to help the community. and i would love to be available as much as i can whenever i can. i don't really have a time schedule. and so -- >> well, someone clearly nominated caring individual. tell us about why you think you got nominated or what this check means to you. >> honestly, i'm really surprised that i feel so honored and grateful. it means the world to me to be able to share this. the holidays are around the corner and i can share this with my loved ones, and excited about is this. this is amazing. it's an honor to be here,
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>> congratulations. >> with no -- would you like to present her the -- >> yes. we have this $500 check to present you. and what she didn't share is that she took some personal tragedy, and that's what led her down this path. and i think it's amazing that you directed that pain into something that benefits other people. and i'm honored to be here from america first to present you this check. >> congratulations. >> congratulations. >> thank you. >> the "give back" award go t, click on give back to nominate. >> america first credit union has 14 team locations. for more information visit the website. you can also find them on facebook and twitter. go nowhere.
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according to the american cancer society, more than 10,000 children are diagnosed with cancer each year. to help find a cure "the washington post" teamed up with aflek to create a forum called chasing cancer. here to tell us about it is dr. douglas graham. thank you for being here. >> thank you. >> tell me what exaly hazing cancer forum. >> it is a first of its kind national conversation about cancer. on december 6th, in washington, d.c., aflac and "the washington post" are bringing together the greatest minds in research and treatment. you can find out more information about it or even watch it be a live web stream next tuesday by going to "washington"
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stream. dr. graham, tell us about the current cure rate for kids with cancer. >> well, we made big strides in the last 50 years in the treatment of childhood cancer. in the 1970s the cure rate was 50%. today our cure rate is as high as 80%, with some forms of childhood cancer as high as 90%. >> i would imagine that part of the conversation at this forum will be talking about the challenges we need to overcome is that right? >> that's exactly right. you know, our biggest challenge is to have therapy that will cure 100% of children with childhood cancer. our motto is that every child deserves a lifetime. we want to do that by not only having effective therapies but therapies that have less toxic side effects. and we want to find ways to partner throughout the country with other cancer centers and
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>> and thank you for mentioning that, doctor. in september in las vegas we rose a lot of awareness during childhood cancer month. we have several people this las vegas who are hands on with the movement, the imagine drag agains, all raise a lot of money for childhood cancer. it's good that we're participating here. >> that's fantastic. and i think that the goal is have across the country the awareness of childhood cancer through forums such as the chasing cancer forum, which will be coming up, but also have ways we can work together with groups across the country to find breakthroughs in pediatric cancer. >> it takes a global effort, doesn't it. kathryn, how can people who have concern for this issue, how can they get involved?
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a time by going to your participating placecies and purchasing the holiday decks. it will go to' pediatric cancer center in your area. you can visit affleck duck for more information. >> i am laughing so hard because i really wanted to bring up the duck when we introduced you but i thought this is a serious topic, i shouldn't bring up duck. >> the duck is very much involved. and the affleck duck visits the children at the cancer seth center regularlien a he's a big hit. >> i love it. what has it meant for you to have affleck on your team? >> you know, for us it's meant everything. we've had a partnership for 20 years with affleck, and they have given more than
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center, making us one of the largest treatment centers in the country. you know, the effects go beyond taking care of children in the state of georgia. as we work with other pediatric cancer centers and share our protocols, we have been able to partner with other programs throughout the country. but in addition, it's been important to be able to have increased cancer awareness. >> thank you. where can people go for information about the foreyou? >> please visit "washington" >> thank you. to help this wonderful forum and for more information, visit the website on your screen. jeff, over to you. all right. thank you, j.j. are you on facebook or twitter? like or full us. you can find us at vegas morning blend. links can be found on our website. stay with us.
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jeff, have you started your holiday shopping? >> i did. i'm doing pretty well, with the crutches, and online, and i've been doing a lot. you? >> well, i'm starting, but we better get plans here. we better get a plan together because the holiday gatherings are about to happen. luckily our friend dorothy cass cass has great ideas. here she is. >> good morning, las vegas. the holidays are such a magical time of year, but they can be stressful, too.
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let's start with holiday parties. when it comes to selecting which line to serve guests you can spend hours trying to decide. if you want high quality that doesn't break the bank, try amabi. it's owned by the family. you can feel good knowing the family owned business that thrived for four generations. there is a wine for everyone at your next you can find it in the las vegas area at your nearest abc stores, walgreen as cbs. let's move onto great gift ideas so shopping isn't a hassle. for the guys, give them something that's not only going to save time during the morning routine but will make them smell, great, too.
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stop shop for your shower. the formula's key ingredients -- made the natural ingredients, are sulfate free, and dermatologist at proved. the face kit is another great idea. it includes everything a guy needs to well-hydrated. a facial cleanser, and facial moisturizer. the products range from 23 to $66 and can be found online, and at your local nordstrom. for the cat lovers on your list get them something life-changing that believe it or no sir is under $10. if you have a cat or know someone who does the lit he lifter is the gift. it will save you so much time
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litter box a big difference. in just one scoop, the dirty liter comes up and the clean liter comes in. there is a smaller one perfect for travel. let me show you how it works for larger liters. all it takes is a shake and the pellets follow through. >> she was so much fun. >> lot of great ideas. the power wash. >> you said you might need to upgrade you game. >> yes. tomorrow, jeff, so much fun having you here, by the way. tomorrow we're empowering seniors how we can let them get
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>> announcer: holiday shopping can wait 'cause "the view" is live. trump controls the media? lashing out at reporters, threatening to jail protestors, and is he picking his administration like an episode the "the apprentice"? then -- >> hello, hello, hello children. neil patrice -- patrick harris on how "a series of unfortunate events" has him going wild. plus tim tebow shares how he kept the faith and came back swinging after getting knocked down in the nfl. the hottest topics are right here with whoopi, sunny hostin, joy behar, sara haines, and paula faris. now, let's get things started. [ cheers and applause ]
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