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tv   KBS News  KTSF  January 16, 2015 7:30am-8:01am PST

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you are watching "the better memory show" hosted by cyndi edwards with special guest mark underwood. we will be discussing practical ways to improve your memory, and we'll be giving you tips to support your brain. the program you're watching is a paid advertisement for prevagen sponsored by quincy bioscience. the statements made in today's program have not been evaluated by the food and drug administration. this product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. well, when i first heard about prevagen it was from my friends and they were all saying, "wow "this can really make you sharper make your brain sharper," and i thought, "well, okay. i'll give it a shot." and i went through the testing and went through the initial testing that they did, and i did improve. i was shocked, especially since you can clinically test and see the prevagen actually really does work. and once again i am remembering things, i'm doing things i'm playing trivia with people and winning. when i have friends that i think prevagen might be appropriate for i say, "i want you to see what i'm taking."
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and then i tell them that i took this to my physician and got the "go," the green light with it because when your brain is working properly, the rest of you is -- guess what? your body's following along with your brain. you're all there together. hello. i'm cyndi edwards. i'm a syndicated talk-show host and journalist reporting on stories that can impact your health and well-being and the health of the people in your life you love and care about. recently, i came across a story about a company doing some research on the brain
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and i wanted to share this with you. they discovered a protein in jellyfish and they thought it might have the ability to support your brain and improve your memory. so our special guest today is going to share with us exactly how this gift from the sea holds the key to improving normal age-related memory problems and so much more. i'm happy to have with us today mark underwood. he's a neuroscientist, and he's also an author. he's been featured in media all across the country talking about this discovery. he also has a very special personal story to share. mark, thank you so much for joining us today. thank you for having me. it's great to speak with you. well, mark, i think it happens to all of us. you go into a room and you forget why you were there in the first place or you've put down your keys or you've misplaced your glasses and you have just no idea where you've left these things. is this normal? it happens all the time. and we see people from age 30 to age 90 or 100 that experience these problems on a daily basis. it affects their work. it affects their social life. sometimes it's embarrassing.
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sometimes it really just destroys your self-confidence. having a healthy brain means that you have a healthy mind that you can think clearly and remember what you want to remember. and when you lose that -- and that happens very frequently just as a result of aging -- when you lose that it becomes very difficult to enjoy your life. well, you mentioned there's a protein in a jellyfish that can help this so how does this all work together? well, the protein was first discovered over 50 years ago in a rare jellyfish found off the coast of washington state, and i personally got involved with the research about 20 years ago looking at this protein, how it might be able to be used to help support the brain. the key is that the protein found in the jellyfish keeps their nervous system working well and we've found that that applies to the human brain as well. through clinical trials, we've determined that by adding this protein through a supplement into our daily regimen we're able to help keep those brain cells better supported and improve our memories -- our short-term memory, our word recall, our decision-making capabilities. that's the key to prevagen's success. why was this so important for you
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to keep pursuing this? well, part of it is that it just made sense. it's made scientific sense for me for a long time. i've got a family history of memory issues and i've seen plenty of people that are really scared about what the aging process means to their own cognitive abilities. and certainly, you don't have to be old to have a memory problem. it can be just flat frustrating that you can't find your eyeglasses or your cellphone. it becomes frustrating when you want to accomplish things in life and your brain's keeping you back. so i believe that the brain is the key to good health for the entire body. now, i've heard you also mention something about the nobel prize. how does that tie in with all of this? well, the original discoverers of this protein did win the nobel prize later in life. in 2008, they won the nobel prize for chemistry. and because of their fundamental work in the sciences related to the jellyfish we were able to learn from many of the different research studies that they performed and many other researchers around the world which now have all come to really come to a pinnacle with prevagen. let's talk about your research and what that has proven
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'cause you've done quite a bit. we have. our largest clinical trial the double-blinded and placebo-controlled trial over three months where people took prevagen or placebo and they were assessed through cogstate which is a clinical cognitive-assessment device. it's a computer system that measures your cognition down to the greatest detail. and we showed that people taking prevagen improve in their ability to make decisions, their ability to remember words and to recall things that were just exposed to them for a short period of time. this clinical data was very important and it's been presented at international conferences and it's very significant because there aren't other supplements that have had that type of support published about them before. what about people who are using it? what kind of feedback are you getting? oh, we get lots of feedback -- e-mails and letters and testimonials and postcards every single day talking about the benefits for prevagen how it's made people's lives easier. so, mark, who should be using prevagen? really, anyone who's starting to see memory issues. doesn't matter your age. if you're becoming a little bit forgetful now is the time to start with prevagen.
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all right. thank you so much. and we will talk again with you a little bit later, okay? hey, in the meantime grab a pen and a piece of paper, because we have some important information to share with you. i really started to notice that i just am not as forgetful. i know where my keys are. [ laughs ] i would spend so much time looking for things like that. and, again, i just would assume that that was just a part of aging that that was just something i'd have to accept. "okay. i'm forgetting where things are occasionally." or, i'd go into a room and i'm wondering, "now why am i here?" but i find that that's not happening to me now. now since i've been on prevagen, i don't have that kind of problem with stuff anymore. in fact, everyone says to me "how do you remember that stuff? are you a private detective or something?" it really does work good. do you ever walk into a room and forget what you're doing? do you ever forget where you put your glasses or your car keys or your cellphone? maybe you even forget words at the end of your sentences. if so, you might be struggling with mild memory problems associated with aging.
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today we're talking about prevagen a brain-health supplement designed to support healthy brain function and improve memory. supported by a large clinical trial prevagen has been shown to improve memory, decision-making, attention and focus. prevagen is safe, effective, and easy to take. just one small capsule each morning. based on nobel prize-winning chemistry, prevagen was designed to support a healthy brain and improve memory. prevagen is the only supplement that provides this vital protein that's otherwise lost in the normal aging process. call now, toll-free, and you'll qualify to receive two free bottles of prevagen when you buy four. that's right. buy four bottles of prevagen and get two additional bottles absolutely free. that's a six-month supply of prevagen. plus, for a limited time only, get a free gift when you call. this offer is not available in stores. call in the next 10 minutes and receive free shipping and processing and a free copy of "the brain health guide," which includes the latest secrets for better memory and tips from the latest research on brain health. so call today and receive two free bottles of prevagen.
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just buy four and get two additional bottles free, plus a free gift. buy four and get two additional bottles for free and call within the next 10 minutes to receive free shipping and processing a free "brain health guide," and a special gift. this is a fantastic offer only available for a limited time. our polite and helpful operators are standing by waiting to talk with you now. this offer is available for a limited time while supplies last. prevagen comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee. call now and don't forget to ask about our senior special. if you're just joining us, we are talking today with author and neuroscientist mark underwood about a breakthrough formula. it's called prevagen and it comes from a protein originally found in jellyfish. it's a protein used to supplement our brains for optimal health. as a normal part of aging, we experience mild problems with our memory, and that's what we are concentrating on today. mark, thanks again for joining us. thank you.
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now, i understand you brought along some clips of people who have given you testimonials and i'd love to take a look at one. that sounds great. okay. let's take a look. it's kind of an emotional thing, and you're embarrassed because you can't remember the simplest things for just, you know, five minutes that you planned to do or wanted to do, and to get that back is... it's just such a great feeling. all right. very interesting result there. is that normal for people who are using prevagen? it's great to hear the different ways that people express the benefits of prevagen to you and that testimonial is just one of the many ways that we've seen where prevagen helps make people's lives easier solving some memory issues helping their brain be healthier. i've got a little testimonial of my own, because i've been taking it for a few weeks now, and whenever my husband used to call me on my way home from work and tell me what i had to pick up, i would have to write things down on my hand or there was just no way it was going to happen. now if he gives me multiple things that i have to pick up, i am able to do it
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and i don't have to mark up my hand anymore. it's great. that's great. and i play trivia every week, too. and it seems to be helping, because we are doing better every week. are you hearing that from people, as well? we do. it's great to see people that have more fun socially because they're not losing their words in a conversation, people that are able to deal with the pressures and stresses of work and the stresses and pressures of your family life, getting the kids to the right soccer field. there's a lot of things to keep track of in this information age, and prevagen helps make that that much easier. well, let's talk about how the medical community is viewing prevagen. what are doctors saying about it? well, the proof's in the pudding for doctors, and so when they see people coming in, saying "hey, doc, my memory's better. i've been taking this product called prevagen," doctors listen. and next thing you know, the doctor is recommending it for other people that come to their practice. it's not a prescription drug so they're not prescribing it, but they feel very comfortable recommending it because it's got a great safety profile and they can clearly see the benefits in the people that come in and talk about that. well, you mentioned it's got a great safety profile. what about if i'm taking other supplements
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or i'm on other medications? is it okay to take prevagen at the same time? it is. there's no harmful interactions. it's a very safe compound. it's very similar to the proteins we already have in our own nervous system. so we're not really adding anything totally unique to the human body. we're working with something that was originally discovered in nature. it's gone through very thorough safety testing and the clinical testing that shows that it's efficacious. is there anything else on the market like this? no, there's not. the ingredients in prevagen is actually patented and we've been able to differentiate ourselves because we're not like the other stuff on the shelves. prevagen has a long history of clinical-trial results, and a lot of the other products that are out there simply don't. okay. and who should be taking it? anybody that's got a memory problem. anyone that is concerned or fearful of how the aging process is changing their brain, and they want to feel like they did 15 years ago prevagen's a great option. all right, mark, thank you, again. and grab that pen and paper and listen to this information right now. jot it down, and we'll be right back. when i first heard about prevagen from my neighbor jan, i hoped that it would help my middle-aged
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memory become a little clearer. at work, i multitask all day long and i would find myself standing over somewhere wondering "why did i come back here?" i find that a lot less now. since i started taking prevagen, i feel like i'm able to stay on task without wavering off and doing three different things, multitasking. i can stay on task and finish my project, and it's just easier. we see probably 60 patients in our office a day. the doctor asked several of us if we remembered this certain patient and i was the only one that could come up with her name. they think i'm amazing. they just are amazed at my memory at work. do you ever walk into a room and forget what you're doing? do you ever forget where you put your glasses or your car keys or your cellphone? maybe you even forget words at the end of your sentences. if so, you might be struggling with
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mild memory problems associated with aging. today we're talking about prevagen a brain-health supplement designed to support healthy brain function and improve memory. supported by a large clinical trial prevagen has been shown to improve memory, decision-making, attention and focus. prevagen is safe, effective, and easy to take. just one small capsule each morning. based on nobel prize-winning chemistry, prevagen was designed to support a healthy brain and improve memory. prevagen is the only supplement that provides this vital protein that's otherwise lost in the normal aging process. call now, toll-free, and you'll qualify to receive two free bottles of prevagen when you buy four. that's right. buy four bottles of prevagen and get two additional bottles absolutely free. that's a six-month supply of prevagen. plus, for a limited time only, get a free gift when you call. this offer is not available in stores. call in the next 10 minutes and receive free shipping and processing and a free copy of "the brain health guide," which includes the latest secrets for better memory
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and tips from the latest research on brain health. so call today and receive two free bottles of prevagen. just buy four and get two additional bottles free, plus a free gift. buy four and get two additional bottles for free and call within the next 10 minutes to receive free shipping and processing a free "brain health guide," and a special gift. this is a fantastic offer only available for a limited time. our polite and helpful operators are standing by waiting to talk with you now. this offer is available for a limited time while supplies last. prevagen comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee. call now and don't forget to ask about our senior special. welcome back. i'm cyndi edwards, along with mark underwood. we're talking about prevagen. and, mark, for those who have not been with us from the beginning of this show tell us a little bit about what prevagen is. well, prevagen is a brain-health supplement designed specifically for people that are concerned with their memory. prevagen has been shown in clinical trials to work very well to help people that have age-related cognitive decline. so, in the aging process what we need to do
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is replace a very important protein that's diminished in the aging process. this usually starts around age 40. we have plenty of these proteins when we're in our teens, our 20s, and, quite frankly at 19 years old, that's when we're at our peak level of performance. that's why 19-year-olds think they know everything. their mechanics are there. everything is working great. but we slowly lose this protein through the aging process, and the memory problems start to increase as we grow older. let's talk about the research you've done, because it has been substantial. we're not talking about testing 5 or 10 people here. our largest clinical trial had 218 participants. they ranged in age from age 40 to age 91, and we showed in a three-month period that prevagen versus placebo was able to improve their cognition. their memories were actually measured with a computer device called cogstate, which makes no errors and measures their reactions and their responses down to the millisecond. it's very, very precise. cogstate showed that prevagen users improved their short-term memory, their word recall, their executive function
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and even some aspects of their attention were all improved by taking prevagen on a daily basis. well, let's talk about the frustrating thing of losing your words as you're trying to get through a sentence, because it's happened to everyone. can prevagen really help with that? it certainly does. a lot of prevagen users call us back in a couple weeks after they've started taking their first bottle and say, "wow, i am thinking more clearly. "i'm finding my words. i'm not embarrassing myself in public." and there's a great benefit that can be observed by them their spouses, their college roommates, their co-workers, you name it. the benefits of prevagen can be seen by many. well, in preparing for your guest appearance today, i had a chance to read some of these testimonials that you sent me and there are a lot in this book. it is heavy. and a lot of them really really made me smile. and there's one in particular that i want to share with everyone at home. all right, and i want to get your reaction to it, as well. it says she's 73 and her husband is 77. she says, "we've been taking prevagen for many months "and i'm thankful for it.
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"my husband is a rancher "and his thinking is getting sharper all the time "and he's making quicker decisions. "now, again, he's 77. "it's like he's functioning on a whole new level. "he's just clicking right along. "prevagen is making his thoughts quick "and they don't feel so far apart and i appreciate the product." and that's how she ends it. that was from kay in oklahoma. so how do you feel when you hear something like that? it's fantastic to hear her say "thinking on a whole new level," to talk about her husband. you know, a lot of us are concerned about our loved ones and their memory and where they're going. they might be showing early signs of memory loss that are really scary to families, and so when you hear someone that you know is confident that they're doing everything they can for their brain health, they found a really simple solution that's working for them, it's a great blessing, and it's very encouraging to our whole company. now, why would you say anyone should try this? well, we all are losing these proteins in the aging process, and we're all susceptible to some level of memory loss. we're not gonna be transformed into albert einstein
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and become geniuses overnight by taking prevagen but the benefits are real, they're observable and they're certainly measured in our clinical trial, so it's really helping people have a better grasp on their own memory and their own cognitive processing. and for those who accept memory loss as just a normal part of aging what do you say to them? well, that's -- that was true before prevagen. okay. good stuff, mark. thank you. really good information, too and we've got more to come. we will be right back. prevagen is awakening, exciting, motivating. one of the best things i've ever taken in my life. whether it works on everybody, i don't know. but it -- i had such a positive experience from it that i would urge anybody to at least try it and see if it'll work for you because it sure helped me. at work, i multitask all day long and i would find myself standing over somewhere wondering "why did i come back here?" i find that a lot less now. since i started taking prevagen,
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i feel like i'm able to stay on task without wavering off and doing three different things, multitasking. i can stay on task and finish my project, and it's just easier. we see probably 60 patients in our office a day. the doctor asked several of us if we remembered this certain patient and i was the only one that could come up with her name. they think i'm amazing. they just are amazed at my memory at work. do you ever walk into a room and forget what you're doing? do you ever forget where you put your glasses or your car keys or your cellphone? maybe you even forget words at the end of your sentences. if so, you might be struggling with mild memory problems associated with aging. today we're talking about prevagen a brain-health supplement designed to support healthy brain function and improve memory. supported by a large clinical trial prevagen has been shown to improve memory, decision making, attention and focus. prevagen is safe, effective, and easy to take.
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just one small capsule each morning. based on nobel prize-winning chemistry, prevagen was designed to support a healthy brain and improve memory. prevagen is the only supplement that provides this vital protein that's otherwise lost in the normal aging process. call now, toll-free, and you'll qualify to receive two free bottles of prevagen when you buy four. that's right. buy four bottles of prevagen and get two additional bottles absolutely free. that's a six-month supply of prevagen. plus, for a limited time only, get a free gift when you call. this offer is not available in stores. call in the next 10 minutes and receive free shipping and processing and a free copy of "the brain health guide," which includes the latest secrets for better memory and tips from the latest research on brain health. so call today and receive two free bottles of prevagen. just buy four and get two additional bottles free, plus a free gift. buy four and get two additional bottles for free and call within the next 10 minutes to receive free shipping and processing a free "brain health guide," and a special gift.
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this is a fantastic offer only available for a limited time. our polite and helpful operators are standing by waiting to talk with you now. this offer is available for a limited time while supplies last. prevagen comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee. call now and don't forget to ask about our senior special. welcome back. as i said earlier in this show i met mark through a story that we were considering doing for a tv show that i host. we looked into prevagen and did decide to have you on for an interview and i have to tell you, mark at the beginning i was pretty skeptical about all of this. so i'm sure a lot of people feel the same way that i did. how do you help people get over that? oh, we completely understand. there's a lot to learn about prevagen and the nicest thing about prevagen is that we have the scientific evidence to show that it really works through our clinical trials and through our safety testing. not only that, but prevagen's become the most popular brain-health supplement in pharmacies across the country over the past 6 1/2 years. so there's a lot of customers that are out there that can really testify to how well prevagen works
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and it's got the scientific backing. well, supporting the brain health is very interesting to me, and it seems like this is a very unique way to do it. so how is prevagen different from all the other things that are on the market right now? well, there's a completely different mechanism of action for how prevagen works. prevagen works to help support the individual brain cell. if each individual brain cell is like a light bulb it helps those light bulbs to all shine brightly and to stay lit longer. that results in better memory. it results in better thinking skills, better cognition overall. let's talk about your research. how does that set you apart from the others, as well? well, there's a lot of products that enter the marketplace that don't really have a lot of research. they haven't gone through double-blinded and placebo-controlled trials like prevagen. perhaps they're sort of based off of sort of ancient philosophies or thoughts about how the brain works, but we've learned more in the past 10 years than we've known in the past centuries about the brain, and prevagen is one of those new discoveries. it's something that really helps the brain work better, and its origin was, of course, from jellyfish found in nature. i would be irresponsible as a journalist if i did not ask you about the safety
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of this. how can you allay any fears? well, for one, this is a protein that's already found in nature and then through the peer-reviewed journals we've published to show how safe prevagen is. so we've tested at a level far beyond what you or i would ever take on a daily basis with no significant side effects or after effects. i know that you have presented your research at some pretty prestigious health conferences and scientific journals and things like that but i want to know for the everyday user, what can they expect from taking prevagen? well, usually within the first several weeks, people start to feel sharper. their thinking they describe as clear. they're able to find their words and complete their sentences without pause or delay. and that type of -- that type of reaction really translates into more confidence in all of your everyday activities. what really got me interested in all of this was your story and how this was discovered and how you took the ball and really went with it. tell us more about that. well, i started researching this about 20 years ago now and, as a college student, was very interested in how the brain works. i have a family history of different memory issues.
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and through learning about this very special protein, it became very obvious that it would be something that could help people. this must be very exciting for you to see it go from the idea stage to actually seeing it help other people. what's one of your favorite stories that have come out of all of this? oh, it's been a great blessing. it's been great to see people that are really scared about memory loss have that fear taken away. people don't pop and turn into albert einstein or become someone that has a super memory that they never forget anything, but it's the day-to-day activities. and you see their lives getting better through something that's safe. and it's something that's really a need out there. what if somebody gives it a try and they're just not satisfied? well, we have a complete money-back guarantee. we do recommend people do give it a try for two to three months. it allows them to start restoring the protein they need in their brains and to get to a level of performance that our clinical trial has shown they'll be able to maintain as long as they keep taking prevagen on a daily basis. i would think that this would be beneficial for kids that are in college. now, is that okay? when should you start taking this? whenever you want to have a better memory,
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whether it's because you've lost it or because you have a bigger load to study or learn or just a lot of stress in your life. if you feel fatigued and exhausted because your brain's tired that's the time to take prevagen. all right, mark. great information. thank you very much. grab a pen and paper and take down this information. since i started taking prevagen, i feel like i'm able to stay on task without wavering off and doing three different things multitasking. i can stay on task and finish my project, and it's just easier. we see probably 60 patients in our office a day. the doctor asked several of us if we remembered this certain patient and i was the only one that could come up with her name. they think i'm amazing. they just are amazed at my memory at work. you know, one of the things that's very embarrassing to me and stressful is not being able to remember people's names or say, i'm doing a recipe
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i can remember what i put in last so i don't put twice as much or not any of a particular ingredient. so it's that sort of -- it's the little everyday things that i think are really helpful. it was about three weeks when the product began to work for me. and it's just getting better. it's just getting better. i think it's important to optimally age and there's no such thing as anti-aging. we're all going to age. so for me, this has been optimal because i remember stuff other people don't. it's wonderful. do you ever walk into a room and forget what you're doing? do you ever forget where you put your glasses or your car keys or your cellphone? maybe you even forget words at the end of your sentences. if so, you might be struggling with mild memory problems associated with aging. today we're talking about prevagen a brain-health supplement designed to support healthy brain function and improve memory. supported by a large clinical trial prevagen has been shown to improve memory, decision-making, attention and focus. prevagen is safe, effective, and
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easy to take. just one small capsule each morning. based on nobel prize-winning chemistry, prevagen was designed to support a healthy brain and improve memory. prevagen is the only supplement that provides this vital protein that's otherwise lost in the normal aging process. call now, toll-free, and you'll qualify to receive two free bottles of prevagen when you buy four. that's right. buy four bottles of prevagen and get two additional bottles absolutely free. that's a six-month supply of prevagen. plus, for a limited time only, get a free gift when you call. this offer is not available in stores. call in the next 10 minutes and receive free shipping and processing and a free copy of "the brain health guide," which includes the latest secrets for better memory and tips from the latest research on brain health. so call today and receive two free bottles of prevagen. just buy four and get two additional bottles free, plus a free gift. buy four and get two additional bottles for free and call within the next 10 minutes to receive free shipping and processing a free "brain health guide," and a special gift.
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this is a fantastic offer only available for a limited time. our polite and helpful operators are standing by waiting to talk with you now. this offer is available for a limited time while supplies last. prevagen comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee. call now and don't forget to ask about our senior special. you've been watching "the better memory show." the program you've watched is a paid advertisement for prevagen sponsored by quincy bioscience. the statements made in today's program have not been evaluated by the food and drug administration. this product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
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