tv MBC News KTSF March 28, 2017 9:00am-9:31am PDT
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>> announcer: the following is a paid advertisement for krill omega 50+ brought to you by purity products. ♪ >> hello, and welcome to "health line" by purity products. i'm your host, mark larson. thank you for tuning in. we have a great show planned for you today, but if you're like most people, you may have noticed that when you hit age 50, you kind of hit the wall. whether it's your joints, your heart health, your brain, your eyes, or your energy levels, when you hit the big 5-0, you really have to start paying attention to your health. well, our guest today says he's discovered a vital key to promoting your health at any age. so, what is it? well, stay tuned. dr. neil levin is here, and we
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even have two free bottles we'll be giving away for you. dr. levin is a chiropractor. he's a nutritionist and a spokesperson for purity products. welcome, doctor. great to have you here. it's a big story today, isn't it? >> oh, absolutely, mark. and let's cut right to the chase here. that discovery that you talked about at the top of the show -- it's krill oil, because krill oil is simply amazing. i mean, i have people coming to me every day, and they want to feel their best. they want to stay healthy, energetic. theyant to feel strong. they want toeep r theijoinr tsr feeling comfortable. an hey, why not? i mean, we deser it, right? and th's wt hawe're t tain about today with this krill omega 50+ formula, because, mark, the benefits of krill oil are simply extraordinary. in fact, we call it the krill-oil advantage. >> okay. let's get right into it, doctor. what are some of the benefits of krill? i mean, what does it actually do for us and why does it work so well? >> right, right. well, mark, if i told you there was this one tiny pill and it supports your joints, your brain, mood, energy, heart health, it maintains healthy arteries, circulation, the eyes,
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the skin, i mean, what would you say to that? >> i'd say, "hey, where is it? where can i get this stuff?" >> [ laughs ] exactly. we have it. it's called krill omega 50+ with coq10, and the benefits are simply amazing. and that's because, mark, the omega-3's in krill oil -- they're attached to something called phospholipids. now, mark, these are the same phospholipids that make up all of our cell membranes, so we absorb these omega-3's quickly into the tissues of the brain, the heart, the joints, the skin, the eyes. it's like these krill omega-3's have a biological fast pass, if you will. they get absorbed rapidly. so, what do you notice? well, you notice that your energy is supported, your brain, your joints, your eyes, your cardiovascular health, your circulation -- they're all nicely supported, mark. you know, krill oil -- krill oil's like a major home run. and if you haven't experienced the power of krill oil for yourself, we want to give you a free bottle of our new krill omega 50+ with coq10 so you can see just how profound these krill oil benefits really are. >> all right.
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we'll get into how our viewers can actually get a free bottle of krill omega 50+ and a free bottle of the b12 energy melts in a couple minutes. now, doctor, we were talking about this before the show -- how krill omega 50+ isn't just krill oil. it's actually a combination of krill oil that's infused with a special type of concentrated fish oil, right? >> absolutely. this is a very important point, because krill oil, for all its virtues, it's just not concentrated enough in those incredibly healthy omega-3's. so, what we've done with krill omega 50+ -- and this is so important, mark -- we've infuse the krill oil with a special type of concentrated omega-3 fish oil. now, mark, this is the new material. this is the good stuff. and by doing this, we really bumped up the levels of omega-3's. in fact, mark, each serving has 500 milligrams of epa and dha, and those are the important omega-3's, and that's a research-grade dose. so, mark, compare that to the
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300-milligram krill formulas that you see out there that have only 75 milligrams of epa and dha. so, we're, like, seven times stronger. so, now, mark, this becomes the best of both worlds, if you will, because we have the krill oil, we have the concentrated omega-3 fish oil, and we didn't stop there. for 50-pluses like us, mark, we added a full 100 milligrams of coq10 -- that powerful antioxidant that's fantastic for cardiovascular support. we added vitamin d to promote bone health, healthy immunity. we bumped up the antioxidant power, and now, mark, get this. we've increased the amount of krill oil by 67%, which is so important for the joints, the heart, circulation, the brain. so, now, as far as i'm concerned, krill omega 50+ with coq10 -- this becomes the most innovative omega-3 supplement in the world. >> you know, doctor, in the past, you've mentioned that krill omega 50+ with coq10 is really a great heart and blood-vessel support formula. the components in this formula
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even help to support energy production and the heart. now, that makes people's ears perk up when i tell them that. how does this work, doctor? >> well, remember -- krill omega 50+ with coq10 -- >> mm-hmm. >> this is a combination product. this is the krill oil with the concentrated omega-3 fish oil plus the coq10, mark. so, it's more concentrated in the key omega-3's than most krill formulas. again, 500 milligrams of the critical omega-3's -- the epa and dha. mark, that's a research-grade dose, and when you're dealing with concentrated omega-3 fish oil, we're talking about support for cholesterol, triglycerides, circulation, heart muscle strength, healthy platelet activity, red blood cell activity, and, mark, the coq10 helps generate energy in the heart. so, this krill omega 50+ supports the heart in so many ways. and bottom line -- we need to think about this, because as we're getting a little older or certainly late 40's, but certainly 50's, 60's, and 70's,
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hey, it's decision time. i mean, you know your body doesn't always feel like it used to, right? so, you need to make a decision. are you gonna take it laying down, are you just gonna kind of let yourself get old or are you gonna do something about it? right? are you gonna stay physically active, are you gonna eat more fruits and vegetables, are you gonna do the things you need to do to stay healthy? and, mark, getting these omega-3's -- the krill oil, the concentrated fish oil, the coq10, the vitamin d, and, of course now, the b12 energy melts with probiotics. i mean, this is a game changer for anybody in the 50-plus age bracket. >> as you mentioned earlier, you've super-charged the heart benefits of krill omega 50+. you said it contains coenzyme q10. now, for those viewers who don't know what coq10 is, would you take a moment and tell us why it's so beneficial? what does it do? >> well, very important point, mark. first of all, a coenzyme -- this is a molecule in the body that speeds up the rate of a reaction. mark, it's kind of like a vitamin, but coq10 is special.
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in fact, it's the nutrient that's responsible for the energy that supplies your brain, your eyes, your heart, your liver, your kidneys, your skin. mark, with coq10, it's all about cellular energy production all over the body. in fact, get this, mark. it's the bioenergetic energy created by coq10 that makes your heart beat. >> wow. that's incredible. >> right. i know. and the problem is coq10 production typically declines with age. i mean, we peak out about age 20. by the time we're 40, we're making significantly less. by the time we're 70, mark, our coq10 production is about half. so, that's not good. and that's why we added the coq10 here. so, now, krill omega 50+ with coq10 is the ultimate marriage of the premier cardio support nutrients because you have your krill oil, you have your concentrated fish oil, and the coq10, and it's all in this tiny, easy-to-swallow softgel. so, again, this is one of the most innovative, probably one of the most comprehensive omega-3
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formulas that money can buy. but, mark, even better -- forget money today. you don't need it, 'cause today, it's free. >> and not only that, doctor, you're also giving away a free bottle of your famous b12 energy melts with probiotics. now, this is exciting. we're gonna get to that in a couple of minutes, but first, dr. levin, this krill oil -- it's not just a generic krill. you wanted purity to use the nko krill. now, that's the original krill oil, the one that much of the research is based upon, and on top of that, you're using 67% more krill oil than you used in previous krill formulas, so this stuff is power-packed. so, tell us, as people hit that big 5-0 mark, what kinds of health benefits do they want? what can they expect from your krill omega 50+ here? >> right, right. well, remember, mark, i'm a chiropractor, so i have people coming in to me all the time. and when they're in, say, their 40's and 50's, they're mainly concerned with their joints, joint comfort, flexibility, functionality.
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you know, then they get into their maybe 50's and 60's. and now, of course, they want the joint benefits, but now 're starting to think about their hearhealth, circulation, cholesterol, triglycerides. then i get my folks in their 60's, 70's, 80's. now, of course, they want the joint bene. they want the heart benefits. but now they're starting to think about their brain health, as well. and the nice thing, mark, with krill oil fortified with concentrated fish oil is it addresses all of these areas so well, because we know -- i mean, we know, bottom line, based on an enormous body of studies -- human studies -- that omega-3's work. i mean, they're great for supporting the heart, circulation, your brain, healthy mood, joint comfort, joint functionality, joint flexibility. they support the eyes. the list goes on and on, mark. so, absolutely, mark. krill omega 50+ with coq10 -- this is my number-one joint complex for anyone in that 50-plus age bracket, because it single-handedly covers the major health concerns that we
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have as we're getting a little older, namely the joints, the heart, and the brain. fantastic. >> all right. let's start with the joints, doctor. during that last show we did together, you said that studies show that krill oil seems to be able to promote joint comfort, joint function, flexibility, too. now, if the benefits for the brain and heart didn't get my attention, that certainly would. i'm sure it does for our viewers. take a moment here and touch on that joint-health study, doctor. tell us how it works. >> right, right. mark, this is important. in fact, that's the reason i started taking krill oil several years ago. that study done double-blind, placebo-controlled, exactly what you want to see. published in the journal of the american college of nutrition. now, participants got 300 milligrams of neptune krill oil, the same krill that we use, or placebo. now, the folks on krill got some impressive joint comfort benefits. we're talking joint flexibility, joint functionality, joint comfort, all of them nicely supported.
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and, mark, we call this the krill-oil advantage. so, if you're just taking regular fish oil, well, that's great. i mean, fish oil's in here, but what this study shows us, mark, is that just a small does of krill can deliver some big-time joint benefits. on the other hand, if you're just using fish oil, you probably need to take a lot more of those really big capsules, right? and fish oil alone might take a little longer to kick in. >> that's really great news for all of us, especially for the over-50 crowd that might need that extra joint support. you know what else is great about this? lots of energy support. i love energy, so let's talk about the b12 energy melts for just a moment. you gave these away on our last krill show. the feedback has been absolutely terrific. people love how they feel when they've bolstered the b12 with these. now, on top of that, you guys kicked it up a notch by adding a special, clinically tested probiotic. so, now they support the digestive system and the immune system, as well. so, here you are, doing it
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again, doc -- giving away two free bottles today to our viewers. talk to us about how this special tv offer works. >> yeah, yeah, yeah. this is great. i mean, first of all, everybody gets that free bottle of the krill omega 50+ with coq10. i mean, that's incredible. it's got that special nko krill oil. it's got the concentrated omega-3 fish oil. it's got 100 milligrams of coq10, and we added the vitamin d for bone health and immunity support. it's got astaxanthin, that super antioxidant. and, mark, it's all in this tiny, easy-to-swallow softgel. they're so easy to get down. you're gonna love krill omega 50+, and everybody gets that for free. but now, on top of that, mark, for the first 1,000 callers, a free bottle of our b12 energy melts, mark, now with probiotics. >> wow. it's fantastic, doctor. so, why do you guys do this? why are you giving away the b12 probiotic energy melts, as well? >> well, i said to purity -- i said, "guys, hey, we're dealing with folks in their 50's, 60's, 70's, and that's when we can start having a little trouble
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absorbing b12." unfortunately, it's just a natural part of aging, mark. and that's so important, because b12 is critical for energy. in fact, it's the b12 that helps us burn carbohydrates and turn them into energy. and now, mark, we've added a research-grade dose of this fantastic probiotic, so now they're even better because they support healthy digestion, absorption, elimination, and the probiotics also support a healthy immune system. so, these b12 probiotic energy melts -- they're absolutely fantastic. i mean, i got to tell you, people love these. >> i was really surprised. by adding the probiotics, you literally just took it to a whole new level here. so, what do you do, dr. levin? just put one on your tongue, right? they melt, they go to work? >> oh, absolutely. right. you just put one on your tongue. they taste delicious. seconds later, it's gone. it melts in your mouth. and what they do, mark -- they bump up your b12 levels. and if you were low on b12, you really can feel the difference. and your digestive tract is certainly gonna thank you for
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the added probiotics. the science, mark, on probiotics is so strong. mark, we could do a whole show just on probiotics. >> that's for sure. probiotics seem to be super-hot these days. >> absolutely. probiotics are amazing. they support healthy digestion, absorption. they support a healthy immune system. bottom line, mark -- we want you to try both of these for free. that's how sure we are you're gonna love the benefits. just make sure you're one of the first 1,000 callers, right, so you can get the b12 energy probiotic melts for free, as well. mark, this is how purity's been doing business for well over 20 years. we put signature, expensive ingredients into our formulations, and then we give them to you for free. we want you to be impressed. we want you to try it before you buy it. then, when you're duly impressed, then you can become a customer. but first, try them for free. try them on us. we're banking on the fact that you're gonna see some incredible benefits. >> okay. let's tell our viewers how to get started with their free bottles. we'll be right back. >> announcer: purity products, a leading provider of intelligent nutritional solutions for over
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20 years, has an incredible free offer today on their new and improved krill omega 50+ mini gels. this is their amazing four-in-one superformula, combining the power of clinically tested and patented nko krill oil along with omega-3 fish oil, plus vitamin d and the science of coenzyme q10. here's the deal. simply call right now. pay just $6.95 for shipping and handling, and as a part of this special tv offer, purity will rush you a free bottle to put to the test. that's right. purity is so sure you're going to love these new krill omega mini gels, they want to send you a free bottle. even the shipping is 100% refundable. so, there's nothing to lose. even better, as a special bonus, if you're one of the first 1,000 callers today, purity will also include a free bottle of their delicious b12 energy melts with probiotics. it's like a shot of energy support bolstered with the power of a clinically tested probiotic. ♪
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now with 67% more krill, krill omega 50+ is the little pill packed with big benefits. each mini gel combines the power of krill oil with the power of fish oil to dramatically support your cardiovascular system, your brain function, joint comfort, vision, circulation, and so much more. plus, you'll enjoy the incredible benefits of coenzyme q10 for your heart, energy, and vitality. this offer is not available in stores and is not available online, only through this special tv order line. limit one free offer per household, please. ♪
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>> and we're back. okay, dr. levin. i want to get back, for a moment, to the coq10. as you pointed out, we naturally produce lots of coq10 in our 20's. but by the time we reach the age of 50-plus, get to the 60's, things change. the production of coq10 really starts to decline. so, tell us more about this and the benefits we can actually expect when we take krill omega 50+, now with a full 100 milligrams of coq10. >> excellent point, mark. coq10 is a great antioxidant. it's a powerful heart-support nutrient. it promotes energy production inside the cells. the problem, as you said, as we get a little older, we make less and less of it. mark, by the time we're 70, our coq10 production is about half. and that's a big issue, because it's coq10 that puts the spark in your cells by helping the powerhouse of the cell, the mitochondria, to burn fuel, turning it into energy. in fact, mark, coq10 is the
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linchpin of cellular energy production throughout the body -- the heart, the brain, the liver, eyes, skin, you name it. so, you want to get coq10 into your system every single day. in addition, mark, studies show that, by combining coq10 with neptune krill oil, as we've done here, it enhances the absorption of the coq10 dramatically. the absorption goes up many manyfold. so, there's a synergy here, mark. so, just take krill omega 50+ with coq10 every day, and it helps replenish your levels of coq10, restoring this key cellular energy-producing molecule. >> dr. levin, when it comes to supporting brain health and cognitive function, concentrated fish oil really has the key omega-3's -- the dha, the epa. it's basically brain food. explain to our listeners out there how this combination really promotes healthy brain function as we age. >> oh, absolutely, mark. this is such an important point
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that you're bringing up. i mean, way too many of us aren't getting close to enough omega-3's from our diet. it's just not there in the food supply like it used to be, and the problem with that is these omega-3's, especially the dha -- they are imperative to support healthy brain function. and that's because this dha molecule -- it makes up about 15% of our brain, mark. 15%. so, this molecule, this dha, is a critical part of the structure and the function of our brain. and there's a whopping 210 milligrams of this brain-friendly omega-3 in each serving of krill omega 50+. in addition, mark, the coq10 that's in there supports energy production inside the brain. and, mark, it's this combination of brain nutrients and the benefits they provide that makes this krill omega 50+ with coq10 such a wonderful brain-support formula. >> now, speak to the value here. talking about the krill omega 50+. i mean, if i had to buy all these separately -- the krill
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oil, the concentrated fish oil, the coq10, the b12, the probiotics -- my wallet would be -- well, it'd be out of whack for a while. so, this isn't just a great convenience. this really is truly a great value. >> oh, that's a great point you're bringing up. i mean, 500 milligrams of neptune krill oil plus the concentrated omega-3 fish oil, 100 milligrams of coq10, vitamin d for healthy immunity and strong bones, plus, of course, the b12 energy melts, now with probiotics for energy and digestive support. yeah, if you bought all these separately, this is gonna cost you a nice chunk of change. but not today, mark, not with purity products. we want you to experience this krill-oil advantage for yourself, right? so, today, we're gonna give you both bottles for free. just remember, if you want the b12 probiotic energy melts, you've got to be one of the first 1,000 callers, so call quick. i want you to get both bottles for free today. >> now, do take advantage of this special offer. call the number on your screen right now to get your two free
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bottles. now, doctor, let's talk about heart health for a moment here. maintaining our heart health is probably the single greatest concern we all face as we all age. we all know it, so anything we can do to support our heart health really becomes a top priority. >> absolutely. supporting the heart -- mark, this is what put omega-3's back on the map back in the '70s. bottom line -- omega-3's support the heart in so many ways. they're important for normal function of the heart muscle. they support the arteries, the veins for healthy circulation. they maintain healthy blood platelet activity, healthy red blood cell activity. they support healthy blood pressure, cholesterol, triglycerides. the list goes on. so, so much -- they do so much for the heart. and remember, mark, with krill omega 50+, you're getting a full 500 milligrams of the important omega-3's -- the epa and the dha. that's, like, seven times more than the typical 300 milligram krill oil that you're gonna see out there. so, in terms of potency, this
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krill omega is fantastic. in addition, mark, the coq10 helps generate cellular energy inside the heart muscle, so simply amazing range of cardiovascular benefits when you supplement with this krill omega 50+ with coq10. really fantastic. >> we'll be right back. >> announcer: purity products, a leading provider of intelligent nutritional solutions for over 20 years, has an incredible free offer today on their new and improved krill omega 50+ mini gels. this is their amazing four-in-one superformula, combining the power of clinically tested and patented nko krill oil along with omega-3 fish oil, plus vitamin d and the science of coenzyme q10. here's the deal. simply call right now. pay just $6.95 for shipping and handling, and as a part of this special tv offer, purity will rush you a free bottle to put to the test. that's right. purity is so sure you're going to love these new krill omega mini gels, they want to send you a free bottle. even the shipping is 100%
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refundable. so, there's nothing to lose. even better, as a special bonus, if you're one of the first 1,000 callers today, purity will also include a free bottle of their delicious b12 energy melts with probiotics. it's like a shot of energy support bolstered with the power of a clinically tested probiotic. now with 67% more krill, krill omega 50+ is the little pill packed with big benefits. each mini gel combines the power of krill oil with the power of fish oil to dramatically support your cardiovascular system, your brain function, joint comfort, vision, circulation, and so much more. this offer is not available in stores and is not available online, only through thi
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>> and we're back with dr. neil levin. dr. levin, as you know, i take the krill omega 50+, and one of the things i really, really love is we're talking about softgels. they're so small, they're so easy to swallow. how'd you do that? how did you super-charge this formula with all of that power, all this potency, at the same time, shrinking the capsule size? i mean, this is an amazing feat in itself. how did you do that? >> yeah, it is amazing. mark, it's actually a breakthrough, mark. these softgels -- they're so small, anybody can swallow these. so, again, extra antioxidant protection, 67% more krill oil, concentrated omega-3 fish oil, 100 milligrams of coq10, vitamin d, and they're super-easy to swallow, super small, super fresh, and now, on top of that, mark, the b12 energy melts with probiotics. i mean, two amazing supplements for free today. take advantage. >> dr. levin, before i let you go, touch again on those b12 energy melts with probiotics. i mean, people love the energy
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and the digestive support, and now, for the first 1,000 callers, you're giving away these, as well, right? >> absolutely. this is a fabulous nutrient, and for this show, mark, i demanded this. you know, we're dealing with 50-plusers, and at that point, we may not be absorbing b12 as well as we used to. and that's because we're losing some of the intrinsic factors in our gi tract that are responsible for absorbing b12. so, here's what you do. you put a b12 energy melt on your tongue. tastes delicious, melts in seconds, and it can help boost your b12 levels. what do you feel?? , wellif you were low on b12,, you really can feel the differenceand that's because b12 helps make the red blood cells that carry oxygen to your tissues. the b6 and folic acid help support healthy circulation. and, mark, the biotin in there helps support healthy hair, skin, and nails. at the same time, the probiotics are gonna go to work supporting healthy digestion, absorption, a healthy immune system. so, mark, these b12 probiotic energy melts are fantastic. people love them, and i want you
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to get these for free, as well, so make sure you're one of the first 1,000 callers. and, mark, these will fly out the door. so, jump on this quickly. i want you to get both bottles for free today. you're gonna be thrilled with the benefits. >> dr. levin, thank you so much. >> oh, it was great to be here with you today, mark. thanks so much. >> all right. here's how to get your free bottle of krill omega 50+ with coq10 and the b12 energy melts with probiotics. >> announcer: purity products, a leading provider of intelligent nutritional solutions for over 20 years, has an incredible free offer today on their new and improved krill omega 50+ mini gels. this is their amazing four-in-one superformula, combining the power of clinically tested and patented nko krill oil along with omega-3 fish oil, plus vitamin d and the science of coenzyme q10. here's the deal. simply call right now. pay just $6.95 for shipping and handling, and as a part of this special tv offer, purity will rush you a free bottle to put to the test.
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that's right. purity is so sure you're going to love these new krill omega mini gels, they want to send you a free bottle. even the shipping is 100% refundable. so, there's nothing to lose. even better, as a special bonus, if you're one of the first 1,000 callers today, purity will also include a free bottle of their delicious b12 energy melts with probiotics. it's like a shot of energy support bolstered with the power of a clinically tested probiotic. ♪ now with 67% more krill, krill omega 50+ is the little pill packed with big benefits. each mini gel combines the power of krill oil with the power of fish oil to dramatically support your cardiovascular system, your brain function, joint comfort, vision, circulation, and so much more. plus, you'll enjoy the incredible benefits of coenzyme
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q10 for your heart, energy, and vitality. this offer is not available in stores and is not available online, only through this special tv order line. limit one free offer per household, please. ♪ the preceding was a paid advertisement for krill omega 50+, brought to you krill omega 50+, brought to you by purity products.
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