tv Face the Nation CBS January 3, 2016 8:30am-9:00am PST
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rs dickes on: highthoubots a ut newer tidror veotu feaisring h vecontroporsial ositionnmu slims. t >>ndotal apl cometet shun dow liof musms egnterinni the uted es stat. ic >> d: kersont does inconceryo atu th'r youeie bngse ud in uirecrt tmeno videby tsterroris? th>> uey oseertheo pe,pl. too hai tve soayha wt i have to say.>> ke dic: rsonhsweig a innhi y llartoclinndn a c tedhrisan sd talk about pierioritsnd a yl st pe asderesint.>> ou i w blde a muchif dntfere rs peon i thinks a pderesint. d >>rsickeloon: heok atad at wha 16 20il wl hold t forhe binargas isisu., ors. feignic polndy apr enesidbat o lma'sastr yean i ll's ain comg up oacn "fee th ti naon." pt ca sioningorponsy ed bcbs orgood melning w tcomeaco "f e tithe nam on" i'johnrs dickeon.we begin the newr yeah witmp ca01aign 2 o6 andne ofhe t op pehole wti conesnush to upake th eit policalld worna, doldtr ump. c wet aughitup wmh hi atis h me hopa in blm oeachn newea yr's
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pwithderesint's obama etexpecd orplan f new etixecuiove actns un on inudingxp eanding bunackgrod ks checas purch ges atunho sews wke asred al tady wrumphehat th aoughtutbo the pderesint'spl an. >> wlielly ke it. n'i do at likethny hing tavingo dm amenent. avwe hlee p ontyf rules and laregus,tionre thele's pofnty gsthint thay the can doht rig thnow at arelr aeadyhe tret. tha h we tavendremeous mlentaea hlthob pr wlem, ce'relosings place l alheover t wor ald,vell or theun coeytry th'relo cngsi. l alwa they ont to ds i ban thegu ot's n g thetun thals pul the r.triggei t don' iliket. n'i doket lit whas he' d.oingi tthink hhate'soo lking too d ec exe utivrsorde d toeto somhingha ving to doh wits. gun ic>> donkersck: bandgrouck che spp haoren fma norl gun pasurches at th are nlormato sre. s hi aenrgum wt bouldeus jot d ithe thre, oois llepho w youtano tma tke i thee samry evewhere. ut>> bon i d'tik leha cgnginan .ything t righthnow eey havy plent of s ruleand rategulnsioy thesh bouldooe lking atta menl he .alth
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oplet tha saresicko allr ove plthe aceat th's thela p hceere is the pemrobl.i d would spen mmorenoney oth is.he s re ithebl prothem, ade b a guysayre alwgs goin to t gethe ns guou. y h canalave hel t st reiorictouns yt. wan e thgubad ilys wlwl aayse havth une gs. d >>rsickeleon: at meousk yab eouttixecurdve oers in ne ge lral, tikehem,on d l'tiketh eem, thre pntside useshe tm to rogo a cundesongrs. el>> wl, ion d'te lik them.r ou cryountas wn'ted bas onec exe utiv.ordersno bodyea rllyw kne weve en had ec exe utivr orde asuchng thi. it'spo suptosed be you get g alonwith cesongrous, yol caje, b goacknd aor freth ary evebody igets an room and end up withal de s. mphis co oromisesn lot of otherth , ingsivhe guping onhe t esproc ss anignscu exetivede orrs. d >>keic: rsonouif ye werpr enesidu t yo lseemiked kinofgu yf i youe werre pntside you t mighusecu exe otiverderr otw o.>> ot l ofce pre tdenthat he's in dog. am glazine y thtscourk toot tha a pack a step dndidhi sometngth asat wy verur sinpriswhg ich
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t somahat ybeha tt one, iou wld bees rgcindin l aot of etixecuve rsordet tha he'son de.on ooly gdbo autxe evecutird oer, ne the siw preomdent ces in, rs fiayt d,st firr, hou fstir teminu c youesan rndcim. the ic>> donkerst : leskme a youou abot videng beiut p b outy isis, groupd donal tmpll car ing fo atotal cndetompleut shn. dow of mmsuslier ente ing thunited .states ee[ chringpp and a]lause fi can utgure ot whaee [blp] isin gog on. d >>onickers v: then gideo ooesn sathys, ste wel wilnt eveyuall rn tuin agatsst ili musm tici.zens atheyayre soing t mmsusli, ereithoi you jihn jrad o leave unthe sitedstateau becfse owh at t mr.rump isro pngposi.>> k, looer hes i thebl proem. gi brin it up, otherpl peoeav he ed call mehe ty say, you have ts gubr to iingtp uec bause klfran'sy ite. tru no but wbodyoants t getin edvolv
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op pehale t atren oif dntferepe sirsuathons ean mht rig now, hn joe, ar saying,ou yw, kno e maybmp trusn i'tng wro.we to want xa enemit. i er thae's o lot bfad stuffng goion . i'mat wg chin ntheews thtonig,ac lytual, cbs, ando s manyf oth ele es,mentou yk loo at y,german youk loo atss bruels, u yo alookll overhe tld wor, tishutowng ditn chaies tert nevha pd aemroblef eey'rin shuttg down ctrouniesth erat nev had abl proemor befe. u yo alooktis par, what enhapp ed.lo you ok atal cniiforhaa, wt edhappen. e mayb nit'sotol paliticly eccorrt't, i bs aroig pembl now avwe h se toell off thebl proemid 'rea youine beedg us in se esllntiayru recntitmeeo vidy brr tetorisrg oatanizion? >> they useer oth pe,eopl too, at whm aoii gong t do.ha i save to hay what i ove t y. sayo owu knt wha ti haveayo s,th s ere'lea probm. ewe hav to futind oha wt is the le prob sm andolveha tobt prlem. d >>onickers y: dohiou thenk t leprobham is tt -- thathe tes wt nis o ali colsionou crse with caradilam islr o iss thi just
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>> i thinkic radalam isl may beon ali colonsirs coueit whs. u ulyou co id cakeunt arod a tt liitle b. t bus it iay, verer vyp dee ed seed hdatreha tt's going on. you have a hatrede likeo pplewi g llinivto gire theiv les, ive hao t tell, youits i so big,it t ishe bstiggehi tnghe tre is t righow n, when iat wchpr tesidenma obaur, o bstigge leprobm. 's itt jus-- hesn doean't wt to e uswothe rdsic radalam isl. yt anavhing h ting dooit wh di raancal dsl il unte' hils wlingo tdm ait,ho n w canoyou tt ast leak tal ou abt thebl proem. ofone hi the t ings'vee doni ou brthght obe prp.lem uth rle wo td isngalkiut abo whati' aive sd. binow arg pf ts otheor wreld a ngsayium, tr ipsea rlly right at idleast fyenti wingshat' going on.if e you'rinnot go sg to tolvehe leproblem unouss yde iy ntifit.>> ic donkerst : leskme a you
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ll wi you talk as m auchs a idpresasent d youso a aca atndide?wi oull y be --l wil you be onv tal l the time,in givg resallith inat khid of tng? >>l, wel ihi tnk iou wld be vi ging resalli.i twantlyo ral thisou cyntrbe e causouour c hntry nasosp irit.wo i culdinertaotly nk tal as ch mu. mi'ng goi to onarigilly 17pe owople n 14 people and 13pe loplefot opl peoee arng goito bero dgppin out. ic>> donkersr : ouidcand.ates th>> oer cdaandites. vi oby ouslvei hado to ot a lf o intalk'mg, i gngetti hitro fm 15 erdiffdeent siiks i le toen defd se my lf.t buou i wld be auc mhif dntferers pe ton ihink asre p.sidentt buuli wod bey ver usenthiciaste , liki am right w no ttowardhent coury. eewe nd spirit.we d neea cleheer.ader idpresobent isama b aad rlcheer.eade thi t oughldhe wou be a goodee chderleahar, tont's g e thinith t ough hthatse wang goie to b gr a eathe cleerader.he 'sll reaay ig biv d.iderwe d neeer cheinleadg. ic >> donkersu : yoedtalk s toome oofur srtuppo aers, few of them id sa wdohen runald tetmp gs tobe si pre hdent he'lleoave ppleto
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ys sa. e arhe tyht rig?>> on i dnk't thiav i hghe rou iedges,be'll hwionest .th you nt i we to ivyea leguoo schl, iwa ods a gode stu int,hi witn toe thha wrtonoo schl ofan fince, e onheof tat greoo schfls o the d. worl d anbei can e morit policallyco t rrec athannyoa cchha thet ty n ca i n behe tos mtic politallyco t rrec wpersonyoith i sauld omy sngethi t athend e t ofhiser intview you would say, w, woha was tt bg.oringi ve-- us d >>rsickeveon: gi us pcterfely capolitil -- h >>isere the problemit wh tipolicalre corssctneke, taos tolo ng. d we'tone have. tim tid alke ytooubo autho ancrba abieset ons newfe cone.renc onand hee of tep rrsorte, alacturoly fmbc a,ai shad, tst' a dorerogaty term. s i waid,hy? hed, saiel wel, h dtidn' know why. aihe shad, wt would youl cal em th? bithe ba oesfum undocdente grimmi -antske- lien sev or woeight rd dioefinitn. soi'm drry weon't t haveimeor f
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i en b theos mtit polically rrcoecrst pe tonhatou yev've erin ietervwed.ta tokes uco mhim te. d >>onickersn': iset ther a co st?th ofink t allamhe nyes thel cal beyou e caus tof thes hingyou say. w >> tell, ohinkef tht fac ttha i'm lngeadi in the poll bytr doemenarus m.ginsth i haink tt's partf ois, too. le peop w don't pantalolitic eccorrs,tnesy' theirre tfed o thne's oth of ine thhags tt rhasedesonat withe. mi t don'utgo of o myay wo t bepo calitiy llrrincoect.wh en. d >>onickers y: thennkou thi ofe thde presiotncy, n thew sho , part swhatngit goie to b like?do t youhink aboutha thet, t er opn?atio>> 't i don a think iboutt. iherees th. thingat wh ihi tsnk ihe tce prowess, lhaveotf ong thiso tl. selhe aralth cero pblem tshat' cr inleedib. amobeacaroi gngp u 45%.yo eeu s theed deuctiblt' thas inhappenngg goip uo sh higev nergo toing a be tbleo use it.yo oku lot asi is. loyou tok aur oil mieitarns ish r attehayou heve tal gener ngsayis it'notre pd,parere we' t inrehe pd pareas a marility e we'rnotpa prered. b it'sneeen o t ofhe w- orst -he id sa a -- hellctuaaiy sdm froe
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inewr viwa he s talking aboutla pckeddnreparefress heom t nn begiing.lo ouok at etr vows hly bad they bhave teenedreat. boour srder howpl peoree a justpo g urinssacro ouror b.ders e'therens plty too. d>> ic donkerslk: taut abohe tpr enesid acyinnd fger on the .buttonun sitedhatates ts nose ud cl nuweear s aponesinc5. 194 swhend houlit? >> i well,t isn a aebsolut lastst .ancei thuse weordre unpabdictle.yo ntu wabe to udinprelectab. me sobodyen recidtly sa i made agr beatinusess deal. rsthe penon oth the oerid seas w teinwervied by aew nerspap.ho dw di trump dos. thiey th say h se'sonp uctredi.ablei kdidn'tfnow iy theea mnt itsi po otivelyrat negy.ivel but he meantt ios pelitivy. e we hav btoeom stewha nuhaear bs toeol absyutel st lanc stae. wa i ais agthnst are w inq. ira m i' anott fasgg trier.yo u haves guy whiho tnk are very w lo bkey,eas fhater tn me. uli wod be v serylow terrigg
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r cleais a majorro p.blem h weave majorbl proems,ec bause ha you thve oeoer pthple ouat wld erbe vyas ft,ou yk loo artt nohre koea, somhe of tseou cnseltr dees, i ton'thehink tdy woul ta hesiuste to e fit iy there allyad ht. i ic>> donkersun: the taited s tes -- i >>s t'lyrealas a lest r aorts r fa'mas i crnonceed.>> ke dic: rsonidpres oentbama edsign ord saio n morepy sing on es alliep but rort in " thewallst reet j"ournalt tha wasg spyin on top ilisraeff olsicia. ul wo sd youoay ng spyin on i israelcioffiatals ? all >> i wouldta cer ninlyot want todo it.bu vet i ha toay shi ts,re we' in beieg spn d oveby edyrybo. 'sand itbl terriet whaisoi gngon th in hoat wlehi tng.we d fin out thate' wre beingsp onied byhe tm. hieverytsng i. oute thbaone ngd thiut abohe t utcomperat gener hion, iave aso e'n, h nsiners yea, oldanhe c rt viy uallpatake art anyco ermput .e theslepeop s areoll briiant th wipu com,ters the old dayswh ouen yht fig w aar you give me so abodynrm aedua grde h has loenveowpe n going tghhrou so cmanyelhannus yo't don w knowhois
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's it a real p.roblem prthe ob wlemithhe tom crputee ag i is,'t don t yhinkou hese y crecany more.>> rs dickeu'on: yoavd lee open ibpossy ilitpof syingn o yb anveody, elln aies.>> iou wld leaven ope sspoitibilofies ng doiha wrteve akit tes to make our countryve ry, sveryg tron tandako me courryountat grein aga. d >>rsickeleon: tat's lkli po ftics mor ae.inut u yo tsaidhaten satorz cru pe ap tared co bengopyir you mi imiogratlan pn.yo laur pn as i ustnderitand s i po deiortathens ttn led goos oneba n ck i tonce hhey laveeft the trcoun y.av >> h ge toohr tough a process. ck di herson:lais pstn ju po deiortatn. h ise hetr sricten oun medocu -nted -ir >> f ast ofisll h plan justha edppen, okay?fa wct ias winatchg the otherda wy, iasat wg chinted t walk,e bwill auildal tirst 'vme iare hed him. ifmy wide sa, oh, l hook,se' py coating whe you'vaybeen singfo lor a nger pofiod e. tim, n i'mal tking aboutor depontati. peand copleoman cace bk into thent cou nry,ott jusha ttup gro otbut peher cople canome backbu evt oderyb ty haseo comnt ioou
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nti watr a song br.orde i'and em th t oneamhat ce up i witht. en wh i ancnnout ed thaasi wru g,nninro i bpught ual illegim as wn'tn eve aje subtct tha d wouleehave bn dediscuss inis theb date. itnow ne's o t ofhey ver big tssubjec. d te icruzyis trng tote sp up s hiewhole gam on aesmnty and on le il igalrammig btionseecau it wasct ay uallequitk. wea u yoenlist h toimnd a marcobi rungo tryi tove sol the leprobhams thet ty have hnad i pathe aust becyse theer wote bh ak we on it.ha i eeve by n verngstro on it. y'so theinre try gg toet hbodytas thait posikion le i ve hapo that tision. t imenhewant tal wl.i ewantboveryutdy o. penow ople areom c tingoe. mbu bot noasdy hha ttue sbody i t going ao beble too dit ik lee. m bo nos dy axaan emple onhe twa noll, bodys iet gting moexic ayto p for theal whel, tof cost llthe wa, but me. ey th't donn evew. knoit 's not in their vulocabary. d >>onickersbo: nohidy tsnk gyou'reooing t get -- t >>kehey maor a f wtunesith u m so much aonthreon mhaey tnwh
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eyan c -- we havera tdefi dewecits, av h -e- ifou y look he at tin kd ofbe numrs that mmexicoitakes w th us,he wallis ea p.nutson usly bs inesonpers s athe t piaolitic'tns donde un irstandt,re they' allk tal an ad ton.ctio d >>keic: rsonsayou haid tet thgo sod one wouldom ceac bkn o diexpebated ousis, wldn't to sena sr cruzay wellha tt's stamne y? t >>dhe goos onebewould in comg i backld wou t say whatet wantoha heve tacm bk.bu op pele.we havene obl pro hem, weavemi ollionsopf penle ois lt thatha e ve gonugthroegh lalro pcess ey th't can i get tntohe cryount.we to have tarake ce of them.i eowant p cple to iomen. usthey j tt haveeo com backle y.gall ic>> donkersen: whay you s about tosenauzr cr t notoo many an evlsgelicae comofout thecu ba?>> an it mets thaa cub galenerlysp teakingo aho catlic cou.ntry yoand u don'tqu eate geevanlslicah wita. cub i't don. ink thing evas elicaliav he -- igu iess am, i'mre persbytian,
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in comutg o ofa. cub d >>onickersbu: u't yootre n tiquesgoninth wheaser -- fars a knyou ouow yld coue b more utdevoyo as e.u ar>> clyertain it'ssi posble. ti'm nost que.ioningi say it inew somhatli smingma bunner, ret theit's a l tleut tro h tit. d >>onickers w: whenmee cok bac ne in oe minut tdonaldrump talks abt ouomhaak wthen in erk
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.iowa ic >> donkers'r: we we back ith o moreinf our rvteiew withna doruld tmp.hi y llartoclinhan, wt i doest hemean woun yay s she'syi plangth eom waran cd? >>st conyantlyi plang theom wanrd ca. rs pe, onallyti'm no t surehat yb anelody erse oth thane mis g gointto bea her.i think she's a fdlawe nd cae.idatyo eeu sha wt hasap hdpenere lycent i andsnt han't bee a pveryyretttu picre for her orfo llr biau bec'mse i o thenlyon ate th w isngilli to talkab hiout s ps.roblem ea i mnha wt he did and what he gohas nehr t,ough i think isan frklyri terble,ec espy iallifsh s e wantlato py t wheoman
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la pe y th cwoman yard inourvi ew?he >> s's pnglayi it. e shisan p,deringhe s's nd patoering p thecubli and e' sh psriandengwo to men. d an swhenhe d iidtit whe, mlk taed about st,exis i said, me, iav he more respector f women by thfar ilan h claryonlint. hasi will door meor fen womha tnll hiinary clwiton ll. ll i'fa do mrore. cl inthuding tee pro octionf ourun co try. shede caus o a lot pf thesroblem wthatave he rightow n.yo du coul say sheau csedhe t iomigratk n, looat thero pblems - in->> rs dicke son: astaecrefry ost ate? a >>crs seofetary te sta. e thir enteld woras h bneeps uet, their enteor wld is afe difntreac ple. ardid back obamail and hlary to clin tn'sermhe s's doneho jrribleob. she'sd causesoan my of thepr .oblems tlet meouell y sngomethi, she's ed caus. death she'sau csedme tresndouth death
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i agwas thainst ie warn iraq, iwa asn't picolituts, b i wasag t ainswathe rre in onacti shevo foted her t warn iiraqe $sh edcaus -- ke>> dic: rsoncashe edusth dea,ho w?oo >> lk atya hat wasaber by. m i'evnot enal tkingut abo the ba amorssadhe and tpl peothe with e asambasdor, y,oung werondlfupe .ople th wies mcosages ming in b tyhe ndhu areds'snd she notn eve sprengondi .m i'tanot glkinut abo. i thatal'm tkingbo aut all ofe ththdeath atee's bnau lyt on on our -- ic >> donkersat: thpl peoe weresa byved ng goi in tg akin-- t >> ihereths noing saved. eif wou w hldave neveron de hianytn ng iddthe miasle ee't wdha ucve mfeh sarlr woigd rowht geing riddd of saamse husin, m i' snotg ayinashe w aoo gd onpers . ashe wad a bso pern. whbut watee hav now is far e.wors tall ofhis has led to isis, all hiof tss ha ledo t thegr min.atio ofall s thias h led to em trusendo a deathnd st ed sh for thet most par wasn i ge charit of ng aloit whma oba.>> ke dic: rsonsayou u'y yooll d
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clninto d howo younk thi w'soman riexpe iencena dily life is erdiffanent th m thean? y>> theav he aif drefentif d's areiffeifnt le. t buheat te same timti don' k thinnwomet wan btoede panred. to ini thmek woonn d'te likarhilly in cltoton h bet ones ywithou, .john isi th t youwohat men -- iee sit t all thethime teyell me, ha you ove tt beaer hu , yohaveto ae's bl terrieer pson, she's a leterribn. persome woten are g llinhame tt. ink thi,nk fralyat, th wenom do t no hlikeryillant clion.>> ke dic: rsonwoare --men doth eey hav thee samdv ageantas ofme tn inoday'sor wold, dy the-->> nk i thiha they eve com ag lonwa y. ini th'vk ieer clytain wnithi myco dompany hine t tngshat were ry vefe dif brentseecauye 30 ars o ag wi hadoman in cehargf o dibuilasng a msiveld buioning ft fiveh anue,e mor t0 han years wbody hould daveonet thain rm tes ofst conn.ructio it was urdnheaf. o wa i ys waad ahe, iso have an my womencu exetives. 'rthey ieblncredie. i but bhaveeenat gre to wenom msin terhe of tld worf o
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ke>> dicyorson: u weoire gng tose nd $2 monillin o ads -->> no. go i'm o ing tspend $2il m olionn peads ree wkt ast lea. leed ne k tonow?>> i'm pyrobablti wasng themo ney.bu $t i'm35 millioner undbu " dgetgowas ing to havet thasp byent n iowav hen'tnt spe yt an.hingi almost feellt guiy.i' gm doin the ads, i'mdi leang ou by yil wayl s aot lyo, nu ca y sathe cbs pnyoll, aol p'ml, inn wi aing by. lot do i thn't i ink need the. ads i'but gm doinhe tm, ios almtfe ltel guimy i' $35ig hhway 40 iomillrn undege budt.i wasng goio te hav att leas $35mi n lliot spenasnu of jaary t spenstalmohi notng.i l feetyguil. goi'm tingond spetl a lite money. ito want be cinerta- - ihi tnk di'll wo veryl elin iowa. ll i' do ryealll wel iwn neha e.w neshhampthire lle poes arve , ryveryer powful. ry vetr song. ain iow l i'm.eadingno sbodyitays .
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ithatea'm lding ted cruzs ise cond. dy nobota ever bolks atut tha ll poat, th wass ier vyaj morll pobl probaey thos mten expsive poll t.aken i' but m at 3.3-20 nki thi i'mng goio t doer vywe ayll w wnengashii'ton ved lo w iowi dcoulav he said itfe diflyrenti i do great with eelvangicalsan ad tety par d i'moingre gat. ie hav real gdooli feeng with wa io. ic >> d: kersonuelast qn.stioan w y ne ryear'sioesolutn? m >>ake ournt couryre ggaat din:erso t mr.thrump, anksuc so m h. nk>> thaer you vchy mu. sodickerlln: we'gh be rit
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with"w the toashingnos pt."re alihan s marks are isex eecutivr editof oio natnal .reviewmo lllly ba is psoliticte wrir a fortitlanc and jhaonatnn marti ti na ponalaloliticrr coenespond t. lddonamp trut, is ien esslytialno w hisin nomtoation lose? he on tep rnublicae? sid >> he has bigtr srauctul saditadvanges.bu d t i' tsayhege bigst va ade ntag hthatase h is this. juyou awst s himal tnkigbo aut l alskind ofub ss.ject t buit ryeall ishe t gutel lev agmessf e, iloyou okt a his suitort h islyeavico atncentrn ed is partof theun coertry whe over thet las0 2ar yes,an mtuufac jringsob have disad earearin lgebe numrs.if you look overt las 20rs yea, hwhic itrndusy is itha tt inwash hgtonas ftough to orsupp t.ey the werlyrealpe desrateo tma urke se that ourig bks ban can mp cowiete heth tks ban in nd loinon, yo tok andew t sopahey sseder sofies laws to tensurethhat wey ierehen tbe stha se ptoom cpetelo gy.ball e wherouif yk loo at ourdu
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tsst bele , thesofparts theco thuntry eese ar o partsf the trcounery wheye th't donll reay el fee liky the h haveadri fends and tnald drump'toesnct ayuall talk aboutus indlitriaonzati but hwhatese do says it tha the le peopch in aargeotre n inlisten yg to tou, aheyrefu enndamtallynt uworustrthy er wh ie as am plainke spon and n cabest icd whrhevedi can idateins gog w tosin ieo somneho w canch thannel at anger that fngeeli eiof befng l nt outotte lisned. to ke>> dicdorson: runald taimp s dhe 'sng goi w iow >>asi wo suc strk byha tt atth e. end ucso mh of thexp eonectati of thesema priries iivs dryen b twhatanhe ctedidays sa going , in thow sheyetp uir thewn o as tisumpabons whout atte stath e ey'rcano g torm perfo well,on ngly goi d tooel wl. ayby s t canehat has blyical has is raheed t o barn his own aicampngn iow ia. e thpo to inthe wrure cesz do at bem the git's toing eo bevenmo fre ow blo formp truth oseerwi ul wod have. p trumois sru thempian an cp helth
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raeise thar b onim hself. >>s denie t hhateai sd it. onickersnn: a wier has towi th's - the t-s hat'thech ngalleene whot the vrees aca st.ha >> tist is hll cha.enge t buhii tnk to arnswer you tiquesiton, hi is ls toose t righ now. m heayel wlot n win iowa. eawe rlly sotill de hav es qutions abouter whethe' hs votrump reters aua actlly trumpvo aterspps oosed to trump tesupporrs.t buits i-- ink thiy onl word cthatomes tod mineher winatchg ur yoer int wviewith w himaste icrrifal app.ling erin tfms o l hisack of tasubsnce.hi cks lade of epnk s hilu faiore tns awer ryeallse s rioutiqueslions heke t oneth ouat ysk aimed hbo a, utwhat heis t icampli otionurf yo inturn ig uphin tss isio.vide e becausdhe sai very hulurtf gsthint thaea rllyan cnc egeourape topleoio jnsi d yhow dol ou deawith that?he
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8:58 am
tion." mothe whm...eso drtwses dso ki , tgetsrko wo8: by .00.. aland mwaysesanag togivea them thhealncy luh. e thywnewlseeds gekinou olt whe esomsmeal d antiexcilang f fvorsor r theineokw co.ware th y e guwhnao fi llydedeci kd toick ea35 y orsf snbad hackingabits. yo spu in tire usdoo erev wything.e do..
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