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tv   Channel 2 News 630PM  CBS  January 4, 2016 6:30pm-7:00pm PST

6:30 pm
ks thane. mikja isnuary ti tradi oonallyurwe mottest tnth ofr.he yeadr hytsologisco welnyme all and a s snow- torms oufor owr snpack. as and ne paul holson s--ws us th te lastthwo monets of w atweheanr meoo a gard str t fo sithe ..errad . anwaour ter su . pply sskiingounds er thnoe's dt much- oubt -the nt wi serrmto ns inbeovemd r an ce de hmberbeave reen gorat f rsskiecy. a thcle athy ogdrol sistseeay no ds t nt co uinue sntilg.prin ff je a "aser skid , i'keli to itsee e coms in at ligherpowd
6:31 pm
anst we t thr wateencontt to rebe the bapy l.ri" ul pa y "asanou c, seee'thers en plf ty o isnowisn tht. spo t righ wnow, se'reintandg on ou ab5 t 4. ofeet, f itand ho llpefu ty byndhe eth of e ye wear, be'll to up un arod t eigh ofeetowf snt . bu nit'sot w ho ideep. t is hit'sucow mh r waten is iit."pi tape sg bbin sintonow ajeffsonder mn isrieasuheng tde anpth igd wef ht osnthe ow. da tohiy, ttes si54 is he incs de - ep -eqand nualsy earl16in ochestef war. 1 ater10 p ocenterf ave aghe-- t ow sn ipackars neouly dble wh t at ilawas anst j. uaryff jem "i'ghdeliwited hith ts wi ernt f, soi ar. wethink on're e thectraj ttorywehat en hav 'ten bein on ew a fso seathns. at's r fo, surethand tat'sdsowar ov abere-avsnage ckowpa."wh itile g's a sreat -tart- dr hyisologayts sre we'll stion boly aalut hy f waheto we re w nt wabe to sp by . ringngsayico uentinekd wetoly sworms dould erwond es --llspeciatey afr four ar ye ds ofhtroug. da weve "it need ep to ken oco amingccnd aatumul aing,nd fuhopebylly il aprwe 1, be'll we boll aveve a, rageh whicis
6:32 pm
ow snnc cruhing rtexpey s sa hit'stoard di prect muhow f ch o sthiswinow ndll eup ki soantng ie o thndgrou -- hoand chw mul wilntgo ir o ou serersrvoid . an scomeinprg --th e ey'rnghopi g for aradual elsnow milt. unt-- then th aney w mt aspruch itecipn atioas si posble. ve da f "bythar, joe ma orityf r our wates come sfromannow d mesnowthlt. iiss ouggr biest rvrese uoir,rep he t, ishe ow sn."pack e th tmorerehat oiservowr grs --th tte beffer o r theenesidf ts o henortevrn nwiada e.ll b ff jeet "whyoher veu lire in noan 'sd itin comt g ououof yp r ta ouor ya 're erfarmfa in . llonweal edl newa that te sr toveurvi." enheavkily sor resyst saha it s ensuspalded erl opioatorns f its t ouofr youortap 'r youe a rm fan er illfaweon. n alleed at th t waterivo surv e." enheavkily st resort says ihas en suspalded erl op fationsor its h northabowl c airliftn fter a cu unochapied cl ir fele off th ft lite yesorrday mning. typretl! coohe iavenlytemmediatoly s tppedheft li t afterirhe cha.. fell.ic
6:33 pm
va be e fcuatede rom th blifty g beind lowere gto the..round. wno hur lyheavenit says fts liin mae tenanc iteamrks wo aing on ghthorouti inves igationwhnto at tcausedirhe chall to faan... d e th sresorte ays th osafetyf esits gustt and isaff ir the gh hiioest prrity. nyfor mae, peoplta the srt of th yee new s ar imea tiar to stt fr d esh an amakeit posanive chge he to tlyir dai. livesth igat's rstht krianen, chd muli aske part yeins, buyw g a ne gym mb me aershiptind getk ng bacinto isshape ul a pop yar newears o goal tset. an ryad canoiay js ns u alivet an plitet f gnessspym in arks. an ry y wasneour arw ye's tiresolugoon to e to thgym more? urit ss e waonlandis, thld coube
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t oumo ftre oen. bu m t i'thnot lye on, oneouif yta ooke a l tk atplhis yoace u ca e n sebuhow hisy tm s gylyreal buhow hisy tm s gylyreal a is,nd cayou rsn unde wtandplhen anet es fitn ts says hhey'veonad a t s ofs ign upeethis wlokend ane. ageorgeusnderer-genalma "inager-tin addiouon to r r regulashmemberprip, lyobab t aboupe30-40 morcent plre peoe, o yeah nigit's brs numbe this ye ar."an rud ande ts sayshis heis t nmostemew mhibersgnp si ups s he'sn eehrin t yeeears. hihe titnks b'sseecauit fssne it is h nting ah ew higopand pelear ree mosc con aious sboutngtayihe y.althan e d whilmes mberheat t a gymre enincouragseg them tlveso ex seerciof more tten,knhey ow orthat wutking oly is on half th lee battvi to li hng ahyealt li ylfest e. cifrangasco -rrcia "eno-the ngeatiu , yo nknowllormausy i edto o sleepn ver tes houry,a da i'now sm onlyg leepinsix e becaus eof thethnergy at i
6:35 pm
etd planss fitnell actuay s expectigmore ston ups anday they thd 've hahein t y newear sofa tr. andbehat's thcause ayey s fithe ndrst mojaay in isnuary ca typigolly a tod dayaro stt a w net workoue.routin ricove sng theivtory le at et planss fitne c, ryananadayan cho nel twnews. in b crimenieat to..ght. ey story countifsherdef's putiesco tntinuenvheir igaesti otionf an er officve involood sh itingn vi the crginiaghity hiarlands ea 4aroundtu-30 saftrday a. ernoonfi oftecials thll us rtat sholyaf riter arn ving oenthe sce... a ec suspalt dllegeedy open fire a withle rifri, stneking o adeputythnd anosoer perhen on t tye deupne retur, d fireand spthe susuect derrenllred. a e thre twere takenhoo the spitalwi nth-lone-ifte threaningin . juries s thatctuspe b haseneen idtified yeas 51-ldar-orl chattes stus.he oo was binked heto ty store jcountyr ail fos chargeofat d tempte amurderesnd domtic ba ttery. no ree policveare ininstigatg a do ublein shootowg in drentown noth peat haprlned eaery yestday ofescers redponda to otshs
6:36 pm
llred cath at upe 1- o barn er commowcial run aro45d 3: a-msu nday. en whe policd,arrivefo they und tw hoo gunsimt victwes who reen th t takene o thithospal. suthe aspectscrre dess ibed a ichispan.. one wri weang ba darkealue sw. tshirtthe waother t s abou 55 foot... arweg inrea sad frn ciano scer 49eys jers. se itcret ws ness irioffeng a hoone- tdousand ewllar rr ard fofo inn rmatio lthat teadso anar ireste n thcase. t tonighe we havupa sad tdateo tia shoot ng abapat rkker pa eelast wk. p renoe olicthsay e r-16-yeaold agteen wer whot as shoin the pheadd asse fawayhirom s riinjues. h he bas noteneen id. tified spolice 1ay the-o5-yearld ec suspwat who sts arren ed ico tinneciton we h thtishoos ng i w nog beingecharthd wi open rd muer. dithe astricty'ttorneofs fice dwillneetermith whe herwie ll ribe ts ed aduan alt. er i'm enin bree ....thnevada us caucrees at jusweseven eks aw anay....cad the s mpaignare gr uearing ip heresin the lverat
6:37 pm
we e lcominback, ig campan 2016th dae nevase caucules are ss wothan ts month..away..thand e ca
6:38 pm
e as winclose d towarrsthe fit invotes pr this enesidtialec el. tion.. bit'sinecomg more d anotmore ne iceablwho isma heking tt efforosfor the vo hetes n re isithe erlvte staan o'd wht.s no er binenrens joiom us fr thews nem wroo awithat look atcandidite commt tmen iheren rt noevhern nriada. eson ... mend ca hidatesowave sh on moref a co enmmittmret hell...a ..along.t haven'they? y wellavou h ke to meep inind hathere n ve beeofa lot nd ca .idatesd ..ane whilnevadais po an imt rtaneaand atrly ste in ro the p. cess..tya pretid sol urmeast emendiof candate it commhatment was aleeys bn ng seeian the ctedidaves ha aph pysicale resencre he. thbut igat me ht bch ngangi. fo anr instlace hilry c hlintonas d haesa pr hencealere onl alg. d aneyther wste abill wiuzz thac tytiviay tod. sedeni: is"this is denm e i'with hithe y llartoclinn mp ca.haign.. yow areou?" ffthis o sice onirouth vginia st ireet esn't exactlytoasy ..find i.but pt isngrovi ame da: thy hillarmpca haignasbe eren hene in rnco siy e daone alastprndil am fro othise ffic
6:39 pm
mm coieunitres he." is th t wasnlhe ompy ca waigne blwere a te towialk ayth tod in . person vwe didisitth the oer ce offighs thou... somee .likrc mao rus bio'prare enomintly ac pl.bed..atut remher pty. rsotheol had vs utneer..around. anmed e je'sbushe werck lotied up ght. umthe trcep offiis here just in gettblg esta..ished . and e whils officelwhave aenays be a mebaroofter di candate itcommt.tmenhe...te y arlyslowin beacg repled. kk lowhen: ouen yyi're trng to rs ma mhall foneypaor cams ign adan eld travep to kean the cdidate m in..otion.e .mormoand re the rnmodeig campaiens relr on ci soiaal medke to mact conta and ga or anizepa camn.ig" rn be siersandero has pa ven amasteratt thit...w th morehan e ona and ilhalf mlion orsupp gtersg ivinor$25 s lestohi ais campo gn ldd dona h trumpe as morthanve fili milikon lfaes on . cebookan
6:40 pm
e th fnexteeew we'ks wikll lely se e e thd fielanof ctedidas pa dored wn. kk loopen:"pee le lik stchrifiy.....orina.behucka e ..kasich a. theylyr real non rs plaee in th da nevase caucuhes....tmay hae de lyno reame invste nt herand ei thorr supp gt willneo to o of e th4 top hein t." state eaand spf king oatcandides it commo ting t..nevadana..doldum trlap is pannning viother sit r totheno...inis comayg sund. he s'll beg peakin rat theeno ba omllrop- at 1 rsm, dooat open a 11-m. r to-p-s-vto head -v k-tot-n d an com k d clicuethe bl "newsli utnks" bton. ri covepang cam16ign 20 erin br aneen chnenel 2 ws. lland hiinary cld ton anthe deother icmocratde presintial ca atndidl es wiln be dowin las lavegas ister thk. weey' thell ttbe angendine a dinerr - whe ey thsc'll divauss neda'sco upemming dc ocrati..caucus. d an'lthey ml alsotheet wina sehator rerry id. h sen.eiarry rd/ danevaoo: "i lark forwd tota tolking ea them chdi
6:41 pm
g d doinhieverytanng i c to tmakeauhe ca cus s.succes" r senatoayreid s ps he tlanso do enderse a c mocrtiatcandide af thter ere silv's state atdemocrcuic cauhis... ws ch ionsa , turdayuafebr0try 2h.d anhawe'll reve a cwnw do in s laonvegas sd wednecoay to ver th k'is weenns dier. eaand ply se stahawith cnnel 2 ws necb and "" s newsfor uicontinerng cov cage ofn ampaig16 20ro... thveugh no omberisf thye ar. wmikehaill oove a louk at yr re foexcast nt.... music e thn soof p aisolimh anmigrt grwho ew up ainok bron lynetentme. he en wtot pc ubliolschos, en thol cgele, wh e ere thrkwo hofifis lgae ben -- gh fi itingtinjusce d anuaineq,lity sp kieangth truwe to por. ov he m tedveo onrmt,
6:42 pm
onin cs,gresst he upood wofor inrkfag limies an fod r ciprine,pl po op tsingrahe iq r,wa ppsungortier vetans. w no'sheak toning st wall reet a and t corrupcapolitieml syst bfundedery ovil a mlion nt cotiribuons, ngtacklili ctemaha ceng to re ce ateaclenn-gyerob js, fi tighorng fin livwag ges,eq paual y, anitd tuio n-freepu cblicgeolles. pe oprele aic sd k anretiofd st eshablintmeit pols,ic an eyd thre want al ce!hang [ rschee a anduspplae ] rn beiede san -rssb- hud,an erfath, dfgranr,athe an es honadt leer dibuil mng aenovemtht wiou y gtoe iv aus feutur to el b iieven.
6:43 pm
lc weckome ba. ar spidks res tents--nthis moh u' yoe ll bg gettina new cl recynting deliv ed gh riout to y. r curb'sthatbe e causlesingm streainrecyclg ha exs now tpandedrao the il .. cityte. afntr mohs of ne atgoti. ionse and thhinice tngis y now--'tou donto have pa se orateouut yrer abcyclles.ra saneh: "pewspajurs, aink ml,ma s,gazineoa cardbatrd; th's vewhat ee ryons seemmoto be stci exouted abg t beino able t
6:44 pm
wagee manarement cws arebu . sy..ridelivee ng mor 2thanou8 th osandesf thate cresto rk spatis ci tzensmohis nth. u yoarcan stint usg itim ju i putt t ouon cu your verb eerry oth.. week. ke li d youitid we h thold es cratt-. bull- you'to want ke mayo sure tu readhe ahettacd li tuterawhre... llich tes you ev ngerythica that can and nnot thgo in . e binsli grke... easyza pizes box... wi anre h..gers a. orinnythg 'sthater covn ed i. food h: sara r "wewaeally o nt tkeepfo d ods anidliquofs out the clrecyrting caecs, b tausehat re lyal d cane amagilthe aby ittocy reoscle the." an thd for yose of aou whoren't wi rthin seno orciparks ty ts limist... wagee manas ment iin s talkaswith wunhoe cogety to t ssingleretream g cyclinedexpandt ouasthere well. ait'sofn un hficial, olidaybut daa holi ty nones.he les todayis io nattrnal ayivia ds and i in beleg ce abratedamcross erica. l loca sbarst ay tha atrivias a acbar tytiviov is pr bing toring inin busess.le harty stuawo- "it inuld beg
6:45 pm
ju not nkst dri b but ooostur iqsa lelittth at mee sae. tim" th s e folkt over aorbighr n baan ild grf l ofntsevereh stet bhaveineen doiag triv a for few s weeknow y and saerit offs fr ciendlytiompeti won bute wasked,pphat haenens whvi tria en iathusgests ugt caht tichea. joccua m "rarey- lpeopleove to thuse lleir ces. phone they k thin atheyhere tes smartt op pethle in d e worlhewhen ty go got n ogle ioffront m. the th ikey l ge tothoogle ere answs mesometifos but mor the st it s staylyfrienday it st is fun. ttellyohem oiu're glong to se p somefooints tr youream." t,tonightr dj wivia aill bet th tte lialle wrfdop uarnehe tun tyiversi. th ouis cinld be es intertingwe thek, wiie a sertos of srms li tned up to come throughhere fogion. esr tu tday,onhe secd of
6:46 pm
on regigi, brinerng modate to y heavo snow tunthe mo atains,nd ssthe poy ibilitnoof esnugh ow tto vheleal tyso ffkick ote a winher weatr so advioury thrhegh t. daysnow wlevels mill bel arginaowfor snac ticumula tons ineshe lowt el nsevatio t onayuesdt , bure1-4" a ass poy ibilitindependg onev elanation tid locaon r anothe bcolderewut somhat er weak p stormthushed through e re edgion w, nesdayngbringian r othed rounw of snos showerto evall el tationsulhat coerd lingin rsto thuday. w asade heo intekthe weend, isthere un some ntcertaio y as t he whetpar the wittern llnt cobuinue, e t there is som tiindicahaon t wt weilill bud upa e ridgigof hsuh pres are andt as leort tempdrarily gsy thin out. is thld couin be es interting
6:47 pm
ne lio d up thrcome theough tgi rer on. foy,tuesda s thed econ hr of tilee wshl pugh throu the gi reinon, brodging mtoerate he owavy sne to thinmountas, and po the itssibil ey ofh nougsnow t tolehe valys to o kickinff a wweter r athead ryvisogh throuay the d. snow le ilvels warl be ml ginasnfor owac ticumula tons ineshe lowt atelevions ue on tbusday, at 1-4"re a ss poy ibilitindependg on ev elanation tid locaonan coother utlder bha somewt we toaker sherm pusugd throh the re wgionayednesd, gi brinnong a rtherf ound osnow ershowlls to ati elevaatons th co nguld lio er intaythursd. as h wetoead inee the w, kende ther s isceome uny rtaintas to wh r ethettthe pallern wi incontt ue, buisthere some caindi ttionwehat l wild builup dg a riige of hsuh pres are andt le teast ilmporarthy dry ings out.
6:48 pm
wiek, erth a s sies oftorms ne li td up to come throughhere . giontufor y,esdaec the sd on t ofilhree wshl puou thrgh the gi reinon, br mgingatodere to y heav tsnowe o thtamoun ains,nde thilpossib eity ofh nougsnowto al the vo leys t o kickinff a watter weher vi ad tsoryghhrouay the d. snow le ilvels warl be mfoginal owr sn cu actimulas on tinowhe lest at elevionson ay tuesd1-, but a4" are ss poitibilndy depeing on atelevanion tid locaonan r othe bcolderewut somhat erweak p stormthushed through e gi reedon waynesdbr, ngingian roother sund ofownow shtoers al evl el tationsulhat coerd lingto inrs ad we heth into ene weekd,th sere isunome aicert tnty aso wh
6:49 pm
w nomayou ny have woticede have w a ne ofaceann the eschor dk t.tonighdo.. lanlln mier! gi betonning - night wlandonill c beoro-anchouing 6r 5,d :30 an n11 p-mtsewscasta... aking nseattoext te me afy r wendleft m lastlaonth. indonnos a rthern da nevae nativreand edport on ne chanwsl 2 nemo this g rninfor e th ylastanear-lfd-a-had ... anek weefends bthore at. lc wendome laon... on land a talksncbout a thoringhe
6:50 pm
e thne bvadatbasketeall s am i mi coffng oig a b t winhis enweek hd...frear heom ts guy
6:51 pm
h"nows ere'asdallny colodit wh l channets2 spor." da nevaoi's 3 p ont winver in wyomatg on sy urdaalactuly d matche s lasts eason'tawin tol of 9 e th pwolfisack 9 now. -5.. t abouwahalfroy ththugh e as se. on..arcompo ed t ylastear wh inere ga 31 thmes erey we 9- ..22bu. aft r tetccanghip u th wi g theatuys ay toddis mea laavaitybili 9 thes winthisse sason ltills eavet a lomore b tosie dered. "t h o matcealast yecrs rsoord rl eahey in tre confeannce mes a lo ikt. lsae i e id wnoare t g goinetto sdotle e wn ware
6:52 pm
is w a nholeeaew yr usfor . wear kee liin 9 wons, hy estlwe in th sk itd houlorbe mwie . nsno aw weusre jokt lofoing d rwarto n thegaext anmes t d gemore ."wins s "it whowsvee hake word ha thrd in eae offs sson. itill lfeelweike e havofa lot room imfor emprovtoent be be atternd tt a bekeer bastetball i am. feel slikes ky ilithe fomit . r us" so alav at biailahelty s re ithe we neemst mofber n thea evadwolfpa . ck..hihug ragh gm d sa ll wi..iamsst. juua caslly ieburrhas a oulf chort s it... lmeanaliterigly rftht aurer o rvintegriew d abbella ba andba inked. t ins thatwehow it do in o. renpe.. sg akinenof ro pr wilwhams o is hiredsg rtin ythisafear 2 ter s yearunof jcoior e llegballco t uld noorbe mcie extoted jo hin hisetomwoown plfack. "i hi tbonk aevut it . erydayi myclose an eyes sud i vimealize tt geduing a tnk andhis e placg goiny,craz m andy fa . milye i seryit eveorday. f t me igeis biganr thke basl.tbalit a is cechane for mw to sho
6:53 pm
er evy ng siimle te." l sosaike i wid sambuill det th for ne packfaext . forth oe restguf the y ys theonare th y eir wareto ftosno y plae thbu olldogsesn wednghday nit. , next wmikehaill fve ainallo yook at thur weau'er. yore ngwatchiel channs 2 newgecoverayo
6:54 pm
s mike i wherea ith chfinal eck of ea the wtherth ouis ce ld berin intestinghe owavy sne to thinmountas, and
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i>> hi,'s m chrionharris. w tohein ton millila dolrs hion tows shgo, you avt to he xta mi gure ofuts, ns braine, and orveseef stl. o doesoune of err playys toda ve ha r the sighttuff? we 'bore afiut to utnd o. t' les "playwawho tonts be mi a nallio"ire. he [caners apd aupl]se
6:56 pm
th yoank ryu veh. muc lc wetoome s thehow. yoare ysu gued firan up add rey lato phoy "wts wan to be mi a irllionae?" he [cd ers anseapplau] t' les hido ts. la [appuse] sas aprelf-imoclaed o-sapialsexuda, toy'rss fit escont itantchs a ba welorho ys sa b thestiggen turon n is allinteenigmat won. ini thmik a n llioardolls d woulrebe paptty inpealo.g to ofrome rangtycounli, caiaforn, pl weasemeelcony dantl shuer. er[ched s anauapplse] ho u w yog,doinny dan? tnicee o se myou,iey frnd. n >>toice t meeyou. [ae]laus >> ap a sexio-sual. wh oeat dats thn? mea i >>e likmaa woo n whsohas me te inenlligo ce tlogo aitng wh, yo owu knme, soer othet asss. i >>yo hear tu gogro eat th leng ds on atoate test a n'womas llinteceigen. w >>onell me ofvoy fa friteirst da istes ta to pke ay rettlady eti metr to nivias ight tjusto,yo owu knst, tea --get frfew ee in drndks at tesmuhow ch
6:57 pm
pndomulop c ktureednowlge.
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