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tv   Channel 2 News 11PM  CBS  January 4, 2016 11:00pm-11:35pm PST

11:00 pm
y heavo snow tunthe mo atains,nd ssthe poitibil ey ofsnnough ow he to tys valle to ck ki w off ar inteheweatr soadvioury thr dgh theoway. sn ls levebe will gi marfonal r snow mu accus lation lin theowest atelevions ue on tbusday, at 1-4"re a sspoibdeility g pendinon ioelevatd n antilocaonan r othe bcolderewut somhat ak wermer stod pusheh througthe gi reneon wed, sdaygibrinngan roother sund ofownow shtoers al evl el tationsulhat coerd lingto inrs thuday. w as ie heade nto thd,weekenth isere un some ntcertaio y as t hewhete r thn patterwillco , ntinueerbut thome is se in ondicatiwe that bu will ild up dg a ri he ofprigh aessurend at t leasartempory ily drgsthinou
11:01 pm
if r youutcomm te homeu ook yo ro thraugh pyghmid hirlway eaier ghtoni mt, you hayavtie noa ced t loraof tffic. va nehwda higroay patonl respded to li a colnvsion i 3olvings caron am pyrigid h, hway njustorthof s queenarboulevr d afte4 oc o-cl ak thisonfternotr rsoope a sayll smait, whe uppickck tru s wasedtoppth in e ut sondhboue, lann wheasit w ru strock fhim bey nd bnda hoa t.piloth maat sicll pwakup ens th edforco intnothe ourthbannd le e wherasit w a hit bgainy a gg biorer fckd piruup tsick. x lepeope wersptrand orteemby rsa heto t htaospincl, ingludi 5 il ch fdren -teortunaally, l
11:02 pm
enpresida t obam misg ovin ar forwund on gtr con. ol.. in issug anex e ecutivwiorder ththout e pr apovcoal of . ngress obpres. thama: "nois is int gog to ve sol v everyntioleme crin i th ouis c. ntry nit'soiot go ng tpr t eveny ever smassinhootg. 's it g not toingepo ke g everyun alcrimint s. i pwilltiotenally lsave."ives th ite whuse honve is ueiling esmeasur tiro requl e smalgun erdeal ps tormerfokg bacd roun kschecbu on ..yersd . an imaket mo ifre dltficu c forctonvieddo icmestse abuo rs thapurcse arfirems. re anpublicbls are tastinghe wiplan, seth houer speakl paury ansa iying qt is: uoteve"subg rtine thatlegislanive brch." l federafolaw enenrcemt of s ficialadhave move no me tore e -takraa fededil builm ng fro prarmed rsotestoeg in ort on. buto thnight.l e locaf sherifsaidit e 's timemfor th. to goje ernnifli dowinng is , burnsor wegonthith tee last. -0 005 21 7 -2 41-45 6 52-5
11:03 pm
outhe gr sp thattheized isna wtionale ildliffuren ge i st eaorern onegav gite lfse ana odme tay. r theierleadmo, amy n bundand ot prher tootesegrs bhean tir me arcud oconpati rdsatu fayolnglowiar a mo ch t esprote t thcare- iniorceratn of ratwo rsnche-y: 73olear-d dw hightndammo 4 andar6-ye-old ev stamen h. mondha"we lve aot k of worinto unwd the tiunconsontutianal ld tr ctansa tionshahat veta plken heace re." e thonhammheds cedckhe telmsves ba ntck iiso pronon mafday a ter fe l derae judgreordeeyd th hadno rvt seheed tea 5-yder feral mim nimua for ofireein thr erprophaty tret spo ad tgo mevernannt ld. wtheycoere tenvicded unr an eranti-tsmrori. law :2 01y 5 "me unclmyand n cousie arfathe strthe f thingrom me doicster" e th onhammmid faasly hta disnced it fselfthrom ote pr. estsaymondni tght, lhealoche sffri had a agmessr e focuthe ocs.piere "th on hamme ds hav tturnedvehemsels itin, e 's timu for yoveto leaou mmr coy.unitme go hour to yo li fami ees ands nd thiac pe."efully"b teut prosastors y this pa occus tion i tbiggere han thha
11:04 pm
ec perslauting owndrsneer he inth ste we d foresecad."am mondn bufay's 'stherve clin s walvinvon ed ispa dierute ovgr g azintsrighfe on l deralandin ad nev 2a in t0-14tuhat rned bumon sandy e ys hnohas ntinteofion ng usile vionce nsagaie t thcepoli h bute's oaskings theroito je n the.causje ernnifli doworng f n cbsews, s,burngo oren. nd vas alcedefagrd the f aves o ra sevenfl coatedere ld sot iers ah a nortlicarona tecemeasry lght st leae ninmemonuatnts d oakwoorycemete areov now ceredin la buridp to hy-e spraed paintme lssageshieft bevand by s.ndal mea monuornt honrting noh nacarolino goverler chars , aycocksowas aled damag. e th sformereatate lrader's cialew vihes in tly ear0' 190s haveen beoc the finus of ngcreasiit cr ticism.e'he situts execive re diayctor ss s she'stdevaated toveramhe mobin siexnton, di at kw oameood cei tery " icried. p came uithere, waspo g urinaidown r an, um,nd to e
11:05 pm
ha do tpet tyda of o mage tso 'smebodyto headsgrne, a ave, a ed sacr, spaces um, wade invastatg." of s ficiale say ths vandaledcausab t ou-t20ushodoand-s llarh wort amof desag. tu norning amw to c20paign -16 c billonlinte madrshis fit solo ai campp gn sto won hisife's be odhalf tay. fo the rermer p rsident ialliedn ne shw hamp wire... therehepr imary is jabust a out h mont. away ll bint cliroon fllm ray: d "it o noevbeli me infey litime odanybs y haforun isr th a jobt a ntmomegr of imeat anporthoce w bewas qtterfiualibyed, leknow edge,iexperannce d mp teeneram dt toato whds nee to be e dontonow to resre riprospety." ..but. j boininginill clonton cathe gnmpaiil tra.i..mes so of cothe ronty vers hfromis es prcyidenpu. reanblic on frnetrunnar doruld tasmp h adalreedy us i hiselnfidtoity
11:06 pm
w mean, dhat he wid andhat hes hahrgone ti ough, k,thin is, kl franriy, terspble, ey eciall if washe tonts plawoy the man card."ll bion clint t isn'ty he onlhigh e profiltesupporinr hittg the gncampai f trailntor clion. s actresunlena dd ham anu-s na stionalr occeerplay abby wa armbach hee scd duleakto speat ve her eisnts th. week. hi y llarn clintoe and thother mo deiccratde presintial atcandidl es wiln be dowasin l s vegathlater weell they' tt be a aendingr dinnee - wher l they'ls discus'snevada co upemming dc ocrati..caucus. an eyd thso'll alt meewith to senay r harr. reid n. se r harryeid/ne "ivada: fo look torward ta g lkinheto tm eachdi inlyvidualon here sd wedneay inand dog yt ever ching io an t tmakehe us caucce a sucss."na seidtor rehe says ns pla to en a dorse atdemocric id candafate thter ere silvst s ate'crdemoauatic ccus...wh oich isrdn satubray, feuary . 20th d anl we wil chave awnrew do in s laonvegas sd wednecoay to ver th k'is weenns dier. d ankispeacang of inmpaigng - wi adth nevuca's caususes jt se ekven we ns awaye ow - ware
11:07 pm
sit. ma you ny have moticedd ore an re moig campacen offipps poing up n here irnnorthead neva.wh esile istablcahed gnmpaiof s fice tused to bearhe beromet c ofteandidatm commient - ex saperts 'sy thaty slowlbut su harely cg.ngin enlokken: whe you'r ttryingo ha marseyll monam for cadpaign s an eld travep to ke c thedaanditein n. motioe ...morreand mo the cmodernigampaelns rier on al sociia medma to take conct andor aganizepa cam" icmocratdi can bdateernie ersands s haergarn medore an th-a one-hnd-af almin llio sursortes thiaicampeagn sson - ilwhpue re fblicannnrontruer lddonaru tmpor has m 5e than- milillion fkes onk.acebooea spf king odothe , naldhe has re hino on dus sche ale fornother ai campp gn stohihere tmis cong ay sund'l. he sl beg peakinat the noreal boolratm p 1-m
11:08 pm
jevent,adust her to ouitwebse tvat kcon dot clm and tick onhe ueblsl newutinks bton.d ane be surtito sitck wh l channe f2 newspaor camign 20 nt-16 co cinuinge.overag ri in bea.. ne the epvada dt artmenliof pubc isafetysts inveg igatina ti shooolng inv sving atorey ty couny deput vin thea irginity cian highlreds aoua ar0 nd 4-3 rdsatuftay aonerno. aloffici us tell ss thathortly r afteviarriusng a spect ge alleendly ope ed firwith afl riike, strg inontye depu and he anotonr pers t onnehe sce. e th rdeputyd eturneanfire, d spthe surrect sud.endere all e threakwere tthen to ite hospal wi -lth nonhrife- tngeateniin . juriesth peat sus bct hasideen fientied yeas 51- car-old sharless.tutthe oo was btoked into the srey co juntyr ail fos chargeofte atmumpted ndrder ati domesc y.batter re icno poline are atvestiging a sdoubleg hootinntin dowreown no h thatneapperld easty yey erda rn moing. ceoffiesrs redponda to s shotfi cared t ll a1-the arup b on
11:09 pm
icen polvee arrihed, tuny fod tw hoo gunsimt vict ws- whoere th enen takth to spe hoital. suthe aspectscrre dess ibed a ichispan.. one wri weanga ludark beae swrttshi. the ot waher t s abou 55 foot... we a aring n red sacifransco 49 s errsje. eycr seneet witofss is aferingon use- tholland doarar rewr d fofo inrmatation th t leadso an st arree in thcase. t tonighavwe hsae a ted upda to tia shoopang at r t bakepark st lak. weeno ree police say thr-16-yeaold te wenager sho wasinhot the ashead paysed awm frohis ju in. ries as he h b noteeenn id. tified ce polihe say tar 15-ye-oldsu t specwawho res ar istedn cotinnech on wit shthe ngootino is inw beg d chargethwin ope. murderthe ri distorct attofney's ilfice wl te dewhrmine heether will betr asied n auladt. w a neo videomfrsi iiss intargeterg west- ners-- thhow e ey'rthdoing omat-- cing i
11:10 pm
pra new daopagan f videoisrom isat fe mures a aan and childo whk speaglenish.
11:11 pm
ofll smaan islatd threing us a withdf hanlaul pnes... ou as yee can sma, the sked te t rroris wspeaksanith li engsh nt acce. t inidhe ve eo henthreats the br pritish niime midaster, vid ca n mero- keand maess suggtions quabout ote e "mors attack win theest". e th- video vehoweasr, het not y i beenndntependeifly ver ied. th nde us a a itss llieare ca onlling di saubi araira and an to e avoidinscalatiog tensns outhat cthld furtaer desbilize mithe eddleast. da toouy ths sandroof pertests in aq irne burotd phf os oi saud iaarabin's kasg - er angve or th exe utecn io aofhi se itslmuim icclerea sprcrds athoss dde mile ea sast. fiudi ofkicials lled -kwellhinown seiite shimkh nr imal-natr on s- urday g alonwith a 46a l-qaedtssuspec. it he was tst large mass ex n ecutio sin the-dunniatominedng ki tdom inechree dades. dehis s ath haitre-ign aed ce s nturiettold bawele beten teshiind aun slini musms.
11:12 pm
1 at 1 y- ifivou l se ins-park- yo su'llbeoon ti get nng aew clrecybiing e'n. wxpll e hlainow ng siletr-scyeam rewocling rks... if ar cats nee feli a, whatre p? shee ovine.. no n. it'setot a sr up foa d ba--jokead instes -- it'a te r ase foy a storvion tria-- in t, fac's thereti an enre daydi detocated se thoun f ftsac. 'r weine talkt g abouinit comg up . ke miha will lve aatook your re foftcast aheer tak bre.... "t ishis nn cha nel 2atews 11,no rnrtheev na'admbs nuneer one , wscast awith briannaneen, tt wsportsrrith gaarett dendborn a
11:13 pm
nn"chaewel 2 nins contwiues th f chieolmeteort ogismi akeerlg's oipinp fnt 2asorecrot, bstadcace d rtifieheby tca amerin ormeteogolalicoc styie!" is thld cou i be intinteresng , week swith aoferies s storm ne lio d up thrcome t toughhe . regionesfor tuheday, td seconof w threeshill pugh throu the on regigi, brinerng modate to y heavo snow tunthe mo atains,nd
11:14 pm
he to tys valle to ki ack offr winter weathead tvisory throughayhe dow. sn ve leills warl be ml gina snfor ccow aioumulatthns in e stloweti elevaons sdon tuet ay, bure1-4" a apo itssibilndy depeoning at elevd ion anonlocati ot ancoher blderewut somhat erweakrm stod pusheh througthe wregionsdedneay, gi brinthng anonder rouow of sn s shower eto alltilevathons at co liuld ingerurnto thsday. w asade heth into ene weekd,th sere isceome uny rtainto as t hewhete r thn patterwillco , ntinueerbut thome is se in
11:15 pm
e a ridgh of higrepressut and a t leasartempory ily drthings out. th ouis cinld be nt ieresting , week awithie ser ss oftorms d linecoup to oume thrgh the gi refoon. dar tues ty,eche sond t of whreepuill oush thrgh the onregiin, br mginge oderattohe snavy o ow tunthe mo atains,nde thilpossib eity ofsnnough ow vto the talleyso ck ki w off aweinter r athead ryvisoou thr dgh theoway. snve leills w ml bel arginar foccsnow aioumulatthns in e we lovast eletions
11:16 pm
ilssibdeity g pendinonel ioevatd n anonlocati ot ancoher utlder bha somewt we sakerustorm prohed the ugh th wregionayednesd, gibrinthng anoouer rf nd oowsnsh toowers e alltilevaatons th d coul ilingerthnto ayursd. e as wnthead ie o thenweekd,th isere e somrtuncey aintas to hewhetpar the n tterwill nt coueint , buerthise e som tiindicat on thal we wilupbuild a ofridge pr high aessurend at le mpast tey orarilindry thgs is th b couldnte in ingerestiek we a, withs seriermof stos uplined co to hrme theough tgi rer on. foy,tuesdaec the sond po itssibilndy depeing onev elanation tid locathon anoerco
11:17 pm
thd,weeken i theremes somp teilorary y dr othingsut.
11:18 pm
ne arw yew , neweme, t ll at leasth wat'sa hat oflot se thepe aopleayre s iing,ya'm rn ca annaday ngd comixt up ne we'llow
11:19 pm
hedoes tll smefr of a yeshl boprund taesentionll fiit you wmih optism? ou do yyo love elur wir ess rdkeyboa t morerthan cefaain mily s?member ouis yesr succtos due in a fil g osystemyonly deu un?rstand ridoes pfrnting ouom yr ettablto r youlewireriss pnter gi ouve yol a j ct ofdeonfince? sifouo, y b mayare gericentc. soe meonknwho owats th r the ightof eafice gr he u lps yoatdo greng this. thand onere's e e placatth h as llit a.
11:20 pm
om welc--e back- t ase he castoseems t be athear stvet of e yry neworear, me
11:21 pm
shmemberthips onis mth. ye iah andrgt's lacaely beuse ki "wor" ng outopis a pewular n ar yelus resoortion fe. peopl c ryan sanadayo poke tm one gy peabout akople me ing thmoveto xeward eg rcisinn more i20-16. heat trt sta20 of pe-16 aoplereco iminggynto o ms tonhop to ui eqt pmen tlikeorhis to si jmplygeust tot on atr ileadmlal. plices lake pnet fi s tnes bhaveseeen heinguge ow crndds ae hav hbeeng avinmore megym shmberigip ss n upthan ey the haveain yasrs pt." -- insign- g in-- pl "peoare e lyrealin comg in ingettadg re gy totaet s frtedor th yee new ar."ge georus anderin says t hishree s yearneat platnt fi hess,e's r neveuiseen qmate so plny peoe usignr p fomegym shmberatips e thofstart ew the nr. yea di"in ado tion tguour relar me ermbshprip, lyobabut abo 30-40 ce perornt mope peomle cing yein, o ah n bit'sumig nbers is thr. yea" ruandeths inheks ts ir iika spe in be mempsrshiau bec psee eoplar moe cresconboious autyi stang al hethy.
11:22 pm
re "a l youngookige to tot in the m gy, moret look ahtme rig, now ne i o ed t slostweome yightouow kn haha"t "iliwas ske apu tr ofhe kmoment tind ofi hing, kewas li yo knu iow g'mngoio tselo we htighi ts arye."an gyd the f m stafeais ro dy tlp hepl peo te withewheir n year go ..als.rioffeipng td s ankstricto awardlt hea lhiertyifesle. "w le'llheet towm knth if e heweat nr ise icoue tsidakgo te , a walkjunhst eheoy tne orighb ahoodound yatr we" her. eosome py ple saavthey hode a go infeeloug ab-1t 20nd6, ay theal y read afeeltl litree momo tetiva td attahe sf rt othe yenew ar. et"som thingyohat veu hake to ep inwork, g onknyou ouow yno cant, i' nah stm ju g noto oing tgo da tot y, itohas th be mee sa gyenerry evegl sinmee ti." nd "ane platnt fiysess sa hey ctexpesi more psgn uod thaay tn ve thy'n had iolthe whyee new arso , far stheyt'ay thauss becae rsthe fiayt mondnu of jaisary catypia lly aygood dar to stt a rknew woutout roine,in coverg orthe st py att lanes,fitnesry adan cannnay cha nel twoews." rsparkstsesidens -- thimonth ll you'tt be geneing a w re g cyclinnecontaielr... dediver
11:23 pm
sieale strclm recys ing hanow nd expathed to ile ray. cit.. te afntr monehs of iogotiatns. an e d thhinice tnong is u w-- yo n' dovet hao trasepautte or you nerah: "paws, pers mjunkail, nemagaziars, c; dboardthat'swh ryat eveseone toems be st moed excit b aboutbleing ae tore " cycle. e wastmemanagewsnt cre are bu . sy..vedeli mringthore 8 an 2 ou th osandesf thate cro es tsp carksenitiziss thth monu . yoca arn stint usg it ju a putll ryourlaecyc tblesheoget tr inhebi an...utnd pt it our on youcu verb ethry oeeer w lk...ike di you thd wild the os. crate - but-llyou't wane to maksure u yoheread the attacd ra lite. ture..tewhich u lls yo yteverhahing tant can otd cann thgo in . e bins. like..greasy bopizza ..xes.e wirs.hanger.. a orinnythatg thov's c ieredn fo od. ra sa rh: "wey eallo want tkeepfo anods idd liqut s ouof the clrecycaing brts,seecaut tha al reanly ce damagilthe abity tore thcycle ose." an r d foofthose ho you wt aren' th wienin rpao or styrks ci ..limitse . wastmemanageinnt is witalks hoth wastye counge to t ng sitrle scyeam reexcling pandedt
11:24 pm
a it'sfin unofolcial h, idaybut a y holidahenone t t less.oday atis ntrional ayivia ds and iin bebrg celecrated aeross amica.lo rscal baha say tiat triv as a ba usin bs.inesha ualey stt rt- "ibewould ing t ou ca goodndrowd aco we uld t norijust d bnk buturoost o iqs lea litte at thimsame te." lkthe fo as overort bighn bar an ild grf l ofh seventstreetha n ve beein doiag triv f for aksew wee now d anitsay s offerndfriely itcompett ion buedwe ask, what haenens wha triviusenthiasts t ge ccaughtg.heatin.. mjoshuay-ccrarele "peopto love e uscetheir nell phoy s. theth eyink thhe are tes smartt op pethle in rle woend wh they go let googon in frhet of e ey likooto gthgle ere answs so memetifos but mor the st it st ieays frt ndly ifustays n. i te m ll the gyou'reo oing tlose oisome pr nts foeayour tm." nito dght,ivj trilia w al bet e thlelittdo wal urfnep hear tun siiverty. e thdanevake basl tbal iteams co
11:25 pm
enweek hd...frear heom ts guy e thn soof p aisolimh anmigrt grwho ew up ainok bron lynetentme. he en wtot pc ubliolschos, en thol cgele, wh e ere thrkwo hofifis lgae ben -- gh fi itingtinjusce d anuaineq,lity sp kieangth truwe to por. ov he m tedveo onrmt,
11:26 pm
onin cs,gresst he upood wofor inrkfag limies an fod r ciprine,pl po op tsingrahe iq r,wa ppsungortier vetans. w no'sheak toning st wall reet a and t corrupcapolitieml syst bfundedery ovil a mlion nt cotiribuons, ngtacklili ctemaha ceng to re ce ateaclenn-gyerob js, fi tighorng fin livwag ges,eq paual y, anitd tuio n-freepu cblicgeolles. pe oprele aic sd k anretiofd st eshablintmeit pols,ic an eyd thre want al ce!hang [ rschee a anduspplae ] rn beiede san -rssb- hud,an erfath, dfgranr,athe an es honadt leer dibuil mng aenovemtht wiou y gtoe iv aus feutur to el b iieven.
11:27 pm
h"nows ere'asdallod colitny wh an ch2 nel tsspor." ma esny timch a matweup beten thteams rat are1 anked inand 2 to the olp 25 pnsls tur t outo be li a vettle od.r hype d.. a..ud.. gh tonichts matweup bet 1en big2 va ri nls..r umbeas1 kans and er numbah 2 okluloma cohad not ve g beennoiven ehyugh . pe..only 4 i days16nto 20ou and y'll beha rerd p tssedndo fiet a bter me ga r theofest y theear. l soheets o ad tn alled fielus hor e fonethis ond as thipl s ace wag.rockin. se 2 s cond..leftso. eronats he tli amne g ae tiedt bu77... t de kaem in lattre's froe thanw clffgs oba rock id n ano we gveto or me tiin... .. kanwns do .. 3. p but eerry..llise . ic wa inter v his keinss nockdown rethe thtee poind r an lthateads t usseo a ocondimvertooe. srsnefi porst iossesf n ooledoub.. ot. buand heddy frild trom st aigh ay awte cenocr knowks dthn a ree in poofter o hiseiwn hetld l up th ore scoaebitrd w ph 46s.ointbu att thn' wasout eno gh tend th
11:28 pm
ir therd ov..time. st ofart pl tri we ot saynen eldejr t his ihreeods gos pluthe fo . ul..e and thksjayhawe taka 4 97-9..lead. bu lat okashoma wdon't . ne..and it newaher els hi ad...ernoth igstrawaht arey th ae...hand tt raone inttles so... s onerdown ..just 1. amso sffe diceeren2 1ndsecos to .. goon. soiners diboun. ng..but an frsok mamen co ws upthith e l.steaac.. r tese o thotenher d isand le fou wd he mouldthake e fr hree t..ows.ha jaybywks . 3.. laone hast cfonce lar ok..homa. e do w ahave o 4thimverte... el hiesds dtipera ion 3s no od go... ka 6.9-103 in tiover. mes. ne 3vada'snt poi o winver inwyomatg on sacurday tually tc mahed ealast swison's l n totaof 9 ga ..mes. wothe aclf p nk is-5ow 9... t abouwahalfroy ththugh e onseasco... edmparla to east yr wh e er 3inga1 s meeyther we ..9-22t . bur aftehicatcp ng u wi heth tuy gats od tmeays dia av laaitybilihe ts 9 winthis
11:29 pm
o "th matcealast yorrs recd soea trly infehe conmerence a ans llot.i ike wsaide e arnot in go sg toe ettl wdownare e in go kg tooneep ng goi." hi "t as is n wholer ew yeafor . us lwe are9 ike , winslyhonest t wet hink i bshould we aw weusre jokt lofoing d rwar t toexhe nmet gad s anmoget re ns wi s." "it whows we haveorked rd hae in thsooffseatin. i sll el fewe like e havt a loooof rm im for enproveme t to b abetternd be a bttertbaskel al. teameli feke lis sky imithe liust for . " aalsoait avltlabirey heth is e we neemst mofber n thea evadwolfpa . ck..hihug ragh gm d sa iawill. ms.. cjustllasuay ieburrhas a oulf chort s it... lmeanaliterigly rftht aurer o teiniervabw gra bed aballnd nk bat ed ithin. hoats dw weo it enin r so...inpeak rg ofeno pr wilwhams o is hiredsg rtin ythisafear 2 ter s yearunof jcoior e llegballco nould bet or mcie exd teto in jo h hisowometlfn wok. pac "i nk thi i aboutydt everay. i cl eose myd yes anali visuize me g gettin aa dunks nd thi
11:30 pm
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