tv CBS Overnight News CBS January 5, 2016 2:07am-4:00am PST
2:07 am
2:08 am
l bet righback. > >>erthree's mome extreea werthin f theasorect.wi rcth aaitic asr bl ttinghe asnorthen t, raiowand sne in th anwest, hed in twe midthst, e hi orst wicteind r flooolis rling. onat 2 leastle5 peopbe have en ed kill. there th s ere'eano polce in ive chbranli, il, noise wherinwe fd d david begnaut.tonigh vi dad? r >>r:eporte, scotteaat lst ha thlf of oe towne f oliv chbranli, il, noisndis uteerwar ghtonit. e therflare d oodes home tlikehe
2:09 am
athatnore ko wn tulbe vblnerae m to fajorinloodg.>> re the t's bhereech. r >>teeporn r: ianalexder tycounli, il, noisflthe ooding distrisas aous,hend t te atmperisure r neazifreeng. i >>got's rttenbaeal red he. r >>teeporodr: theay t. u.s t coasd guar uflewers ov the wspot there8-he 1 lmile eveefa ailedbo2 ut 7s hourago.>> s thiheis where tee lev ee br schedngendier watm frothe ismissi sippr rive aintood flo ai pln. eaat l00st 1uc strs tureare oo fl 1ded,0 4,00s acreheof t un corety aer under watd , anthe r wateisis ring. ep>> rr:ortes thiheis te hom ofan brdidon ndllow a jfeennir e.kortth eylt buiir theee levht eig hfeetigh. ni tothght e ey'rdry. ey thed learn l an esso aduring fl inood 1. 201 en thev the l weeivas f e feet ndhigh a g waternsot ie ide thme ho.>> re depg.ssin c iteshangr youe ep>> rr:ortey man tlikehahem ve abeen tskedaco ev buateut serefud.da
2:10 am
t,t ou t butthhe osters ayed hi beo nd t wsavewahat fts le. ou>> yry worut abory eveg thin u yoangot erd evngythi'r youe go toing e. los r >>teeporror: fe m thyoair u e sehothe s me iousurr bndedy r watehron tidee ses. ig>> bhaham ,0s 25an00 sdbags eiand waght puter womps g rkintoke heep tpe prodrrty y. f sohear t hy'rengoldi. ep>> rr:ortek bac tnearevhe leebr weeach, ed spotts thi oherdf , deerimvict ts ofnrhe utielenngfl nnood rur ing foscan eape.we ic notoned t tightathe wer em se hs todrave d oppet abouan ch inth in ste la h six.oursth gat's nreatfoews e r thambighfa .milyfr s iendfaand amilyorre w king taroundckhe clo, etdead s on ng saviho this thuse asat h been he cere sin 1959. sscott, tome offlhis atoodwer d coulmereach s mphiriby f day.av >> danid, thvek you h.ry muc>> tr> ben racy isngeporti much t ofazhis crhey weateir is bng bdrivenway the parming cific cu enrrknt n ow easnil .o ep>> rr:orteni el aso hea alr
2:11 am
tee lanoststk wpaceysurvnd foufi eeve f st ofinnow the rasier ws, ael scome aight fter yfour oearsdrf cuthernnialifor na isow ac brfoing ser a oriesorf stms. rjosheiubenst an is or metet ologiss at kcb in los ge anles. e' >> wkire loot ng aanabout tinchino two f ches on rain i a.the basd , anonright itshe erels, hate's th s thirdystem at thin's movn g in odawednesy. ra the m in froouthat cgeld linr l aly the wariinto fday. ep >> r eorter: il nio s anin watense ofrming ac the pific n ocea tnearathe equt or tha an chatges wetther paroerns aund th woe d.rl ithise s onheof tge larn st o co gorlendala, cniiforria, ec er asby wck stouping on basandgs. i >>ult coppd hanyen ae timan reywhe. ditenep odshon muw ch. ereith, way mi'llsuake 'mre i ep pr.ared r >>teeporosr: lel angs es i si de tgnedevo prflent ngoodi, wh isich t whyoshe lel anges ve ri er isedncasal in tl ofhis co tencre. ayit mk loo alikehe pattic
2:12 am
lscott,hiater t ys weekouou cldha veo ten tt 20 feeerof wat in fill cg this.hannel>> t benthracy, anks.> >>itwell, w was a wave oforry wethat sldpt worci finanal s markety todateafstr ksocn iin chgea plund.e ths dow was down a amuch7 s 46in pot ts, buecit redoverng, endi th wios a l76s of 26% or 1.. thit is e rswostt t ar atoea yr si e nce tht greassreceion. ma the werkets o re alsd rattlebyud saiai arabra and o e twvaare riauls bec se the is saudse reprehent tni sun br f anch oanislam and irho is me he to te shiitchbran.ov wer the, eekendudthe sais utexechied a serite futer a irrious anian tireaccoon, s untrie gin theulf e aroochsiidng ses. 'sherely holli wilams. r >>teeporn r: i tiran, oday y angresprot dtersncenouaued sdi iaarabxe's eoncutith of iie shte
2:13 am
s hiatdehah ops eden 1 a00,4- -oyearould wennd, inflamg te ionsetns b sween aunnind sh miitemsusli. t inunhe s kni-ledomingdf o udsaabi aralia, da-nimr red toma dealnd equr ity fos shiiteand s wa ashothend tren ar isted n .2012it i wasiin shomte-dedinatn ira authat sradi aa'bis baemy sss wa ns rad ackebuand ornedn tu 4oundop0 peerle wtee lar re ar, stedirbut adan ms e it infeellegs cy ar bnarehiming ts etstreho in ofnor e thetexecud cl .ericsa abudi ar iia ande ran ar ad alretiy figh dng twoeadly waproxy inrs agah st eacinother ansyria med yeakn, tdeing sis al liong religious nes. thnow e ere arthfears at al 'snimrcu exe wtionfuill veel en vmorenciole te inidhe mdle st ea.
2:14 am
cepoliba in n.hrai ey thd use gtearndas aub rber et bullnss agaiprt the rsoteste. bl g amin firanheor tal escation,sa arudi habiaevas s ered pl diicomats tie twithn.ehra alits baly, n,hrai f hasweollod su ilit, whune the raited ab em hiratesalas recs led it ssambaador. m withunany cointries the emiddlereast alrnady to apart elby r digiousnciffereeses, the io tensouns cesld dzetabili the gi reveon e, n morealespecily, iscott,udf saabi ar iia andran to try ho use tigse relious di onvisiurs to fhether t ir own re intests.>> w hollys illiaminreportg for t usonn ight iulistanb. ho y,llha tounk y. is c maninreateag uarthqkes in kl oa?ahom d an'vtheyove disc teredckhe wre fof "eltharo," t e worsu.s. memaritite disas0 r in oe "cbshtvernig w news"ill begh rickt ba. so a how yg?doinou enregh pinssure fo here r ya?ug sih. my s nusellare me
2:15 am
i' a m gonnuctake minex , o latee we'rtoabout ke ta off. th e esoldissasve ft. e they'rqunew gel d an cyou'reomthing wi me... , waitwhat?! re you e alizvei haol gatd st?us i do g still met the?iles mu new xcine sis-nulimax idqus. gel ssdis olvestfa nlto ushea s maxgttren h di mecine. thstart efe reli. thditch see miry.
2:16 am
yo rtur hea o loves-3megas. th but a ere's erdiff encetw bee een th3somega-sh in fi oil th and ose eg in m kared orillil. liun fkeh isl,oi me isgared y easiledabsorb ouby ydyr bo... .w .. mhichakes h youreart, ll we-h, megaappy. r happiel,stilar meged p isn rovencto iereas om 3 ega-lsleve30 in s. day ga mered.
2:17 am
2:18 am
d whocao you yoll if u feelan th eare?quak or>> repntter: u8,il 200 the e statagaverneed otw or o a ar ye. itnow lm's athost a ree day. t >> ia was bobig om. d anyteverhitang s srtednghaki.>> or rep iter:dincluoung y?>> lu inc mdinge.>> or rep ater: m 4.5tuagnide ea uarthqitke hen cresct, ok malahost, lay. jul y grocerloclerk ilis ge lett ed huggow a cr.orke>> ug i thoasht i w t goingo fall. e therlowas a tut of sl ff felf ofelthe shves. or>> repklter: okeahoma eps ea br rking fecordsthor earquakeswi mth adeagnitu0 of 3.or erhigh. re mon thala900 east yonr ale.bu y?t wh gmostgieolocosts t nnecthe sp inike th earesquakth to e st oiate's gal and dus inrystnd a diits alsposma of e ssivntamous atof wnter ideo unrgunrod rn t ologis htoddanalihes teach o atomklahe.a stat nf>> unaortuhetely ta re is side ef ctfe n ande ow we arrageneting miseis dcityo ue tinthe iojectn
2:19 am
u yo tfeel ahem,hend trere a now lo a pt ofexeople enperingci th n em oeta prroty bcaad sle.>> or rep lter:giois tellet't isn ngtakies sid.>> i't donw knot'if inms maade. n'i dovet ha i anydea.>> te reporour: yld wouli just ke o it tstop? an>> i wo t it t.stopea plse.>> te reporner: olo geoe gist wta o lked to said nonquesti th somehaing acs red tivatefault s line, heret fauls lineth hatad be oren d fmant00or 3li milon s.year>>
2:20 am
.d anl we'ligbe racht bk.>> y > todatithe naonal sptranonortatiy safetsaboard id i thatprt may r ess fo moreev ceidene in thg sinkin of theer amarican cp go shiro"el fa," hilost t os past ictobern rr hujoicane n.aqui 33all w cre kwered.ille ntrecen ly ognassi wment"6ith 0 mi " nutes,lewe sai td withhe 'sntsbes invtotigaomr, t -rroths offy aro"el fa" was sc di 1overedfe5,000 eret und thela atntic. ithise s wherro"el fa t" cameo st regh, upriult, hrgl laely in hetact, mer nagl manthed on e stern.r hemadepth gsrkinor repatted th , thisw,the boun had seek 15 ft t into.he mudhe
2:21 am
enhad beag savbeely enatee, stl d,crusheip equ cmentpsollaed. e ther swas no tign ofcrhe 33 ewme mbers.ui eqanpment o d carg tlitter he ed seab. 's thatro a micvewave ondn, a on e th tright,a hat's r.printe i heretos the cp of aitar wh a su f,nroot parheof tgo car. a >>e t thoftop t thae whitline e therheis tt mosrisurp sing rt paou of der virvo sueys. er thnoe's g thine above.ther ha>> wout she ld be?ther he>> thore sbeuld d two ecks e abov.that lo the viwer na bgationderidge ck e and th dbridgeeck. he >> t t twoecop d sks hadheered ncoff, i tludingdghe briree, wheca n ptaidsdaviouon wavld hene befi ngghti s the.torm erthey wwhe noarere ne s thehip. malsongissie , thgevoya data re , corder slike aedo-callck bla x bo aonain .rplanee th bsafetyayoard says it m asearch fgainhaor t t data
2:23 am
ou fir ornal stngy comixt up ne. e thmegoverns nt sayd we nee in75 m outesrof vigorcus exeise ek a we. . drlajon hpookneas o t wayo ge .t it ep>> rr:ortes thionis cresided vi usgoro? r >>ight. r >>teeporolr: car g ewingarber te s achescthe ofience is exerce at bi columtea's cachers.ollegew hoalmany ca ories teminu do u yoroburn pnacrastiting? usbecam e i'alreooly ghad at tt. i >>'t donnk thi b youtourn o ma t ny aall.
2:24 am
re tistd junk thiabing out nustreexous seerciho witesut rt, e'therfis a s tnesoaapprch ca hlledinigh y tensitalinterv tr ngainii. or h.t. bushort f rsts onthigh i ensity tiexersaon, nuy a mitwte or o ofru asnning as fast c youan, fo bllowedory a shodt peri of ryrecovee , mayb ja sloworog f afe tew minus. o >> s ri'llorow f 1er00 t' thaors a sht row. il it w hl beinigh y.tensiti' inm go tg tobrry to e ing th r poweup. or>> rep.iter: h t.t. ishe ma t ntra aorheange ttnory fiess edwhere didie s az iaca coh. t >>wihis e ll bcoa revery ri peerod tht os de niceeaeep br, ths inan r d aftereyou'e donouwith yr n tendsecoous, y b getack towo rk. r>>teeporher: t.i h.t. giremen va friesm roe place thplace.he gre the toal is oo workn ut iwh y at thehecall te orang, zone h at ateigh innsitl y levefor 12 mito 20 ofnutes ur an ho-long s. clas el>> i flet computtely o of e. shap ep>> r 3orter:ar6-yehe-old slly amramsasmy hst ahmd a ano used t a bed frai vofouigorers ex.tion to she d leratetethe in rvalai trelning wlal and umst smer e
2:25 am
>>ry was ttoing f get ait fortr ip. m i'g goine to b bin ai.ikini o have tt.get fi or>> repftter: alder bui ing upow slerly, exxpcise eerts re mmcod,enhe sow nun rtws e icas stfas afobere. arresehoch sigws hteh-iny nsit ai tr sninglatimuthtes sce mules b tourt n fasuand mogar re ef ivfectely. y wht is inohot w? i >>nk thiau becease resharch s en bewi shohang tant it c be typreter powinful ro imp vingpe 'sople rctisk far ors foheart di e seasdiand .abetes>> te reporerr: powooful, t, in in gett pg someofeople f the h.coucca be tuse at ohe endf th e day, seexerci b works yest ifou ac lytualit do . jodr. okn lapone, cbs w ws, ne . york > >>'sthatov the "t ernighnews" r fouethis t.sdayfo mer soyo of nu, thellews wi nt co.inuer fo, othersbacheck h ck witus a lelittat bit lorer f m thengorni anewscbnd "iss thni morng." t fromadhe broencast c nter inewyo
2:26 am
> >>s this i"cthe vebs o rnight news." w >>meelcoth to vee "ohtrnig ."newsi' nem elaija quino. es probident reama fid the inopenotg she in th latesttt bar le ovecogun l.ntro m heh et witeyattornal gener re lonctta lyfbh and cti direor cojames tomey e comh up wita st trategyn o reig in gunvi .olence pr the t esidens planria sees of ex e ecutivs actione to makit d moreltifficu s forpeome ople p toasurchape weons.d anl he'lt do iouwithint gog ugthrocoh ssngre.>> ha we enve t ts ofanhousf ds ope
2:27 am
edkillgu by ns. h wesuave esicidt thaare co temmit fd byrmirea as ate ratth arat fee excthds oer trcounies.we e haveqa fry uencasof ms sh ngootiats th e fardsxceeer oth trcouninies qu fre.ency aland ghthouis it st my rong li behaef tr t foo us touget r mp co aletearrms toundhe ob pr clem,esongreds ne as toct. iwhated askte my o am ts do i e se mwhatweore ld couto do re stenngth e ourcenfor amentnd pr t even fgunsfarom g llin into wrthe haong tnds,keo mae sur at thmi cri analseond pwhple o meare lyntalta uns tble, whoseho d coul aposege dan r to sethem olvesher otrers as les lylikege to gut a had i usve jcet re biveda ack rtrepom frornattoeney g eral
2:28 am
epas ddiuty orrectnd braon, t abou osomee f ths ideaand iainits tive tthey chink ould amakefe dife.renc thand ode gos newthis, arese e no lyt onom recatmend tionshat ar lle wehi wit ln my egalau itthorndy, a e thetixecuve br , anchthbut e ey'r oalsones tthatvehe olmrwhemaing tyjori heof tri amepecan , ople udinclguing nen owsurs, t ppor beand e.liev veso oe r th snextalevers, day 'l we rl bengolli t out hese it inveiatis. l we'lakbe msuing hare topt peleha vve aeaery clunr tadersg ndin w ofcahat ken maif a dncferee whand e at wdocan .an thd al woughvee habe to y ver r clea ithist s nog goinolto sveev viery t olene crimhiin ts un co itry,not's int go g to enprevert evssy maot sho ing, 's it g not toingepo kery eve gun t ouheof tds hancr of alimins,
2:29 am
s thitrcouny. spand faare esmili p theanain d e thaoextrarrdinssy lot tha 'vtheyffe su aereds a eqconse uenc fof armireang bei in h the oandse f thg wron op pele. m i' calsodeonfihant te t th mmrecotiendathons reat ang bei bmade ty myheeam rere as one at th e areelntirnsy contiste wi heth ton secend amt,dmen and lepeopfu's lawt l righr to beams ar. r >>r:eportedy alreas it haa lo eot of p cple on hapitolill re fi.d up n jafocraweprd r.orts ep>> rr:orte p thederesis nt igo toing ho be g ldinria sef es o en evthts, e'en hins go sg toign th exose ivecuttie acheons es hop hwillcuelp omrb s te ofguhis n vi ceolen. t burebefokn we heow tai detls, op neponte s arpeshar tning heirat tacks. y >> myenew rar'sioesolut n is ovto mrwe foonard our niunfi bshedesusins.>> or rep pter:deresibant oma aste teds hilastteou rf nd o utexecacive s tion toverhe en weekd. w >>owe knca we stn't veop ery ac vt ofnciolee.bu att wh t if weo ried tstop
2:30 am
r >>teeporsir: he gnleala d vemoas lmot h nt ainn inietervthw wiah noron o'd, nell r afteeo14 pweple ilre kinled besan dirnary no borterr ists g usinlllegarcy pud hase ar firems. he>> tomre's sepe st cs we ould ntakeelot to e iminatonevery e he of ts se masngshootiuts, b to ovimpre e th toddsthhat oney d't has en auefreq.ntly r >>teeporear: nthrly yeree ars te afe r thidpressient tede spped recongitss w eh 23tixecuve ti aconons c gunolontr, caadvoartes gie urimng hdo to re mo. e the white housowis n co ernsidseing l veras stepto ifclarisy ex lting faws,ngorci mo unre grs sellend to couct grback counds heckoton palenti ye buanrs, ngd makire it mo icdifffoult nvr cod icteicdomestab tousers re acquirm icmocratda candir tes fo idpresreent we t quickaio prse pr the t'esidenmis upcoctng aion. m >>n ost gursowneth in is y countrtaunderst nd tha people o whldshou o notunwn gous shld no at betoble t buyhem. ha>> w it ifret's icpublhaan tt wa
2:31 am
inwith f the dirst, aye thex ivecutdee orilrs w l be vereedrs.>> te repor rr: thecaepublins di immeobately .jected n >> oirmy fayst din behatd th thdesk, deose or grs areone.>> n thereew pntsidees comn, i om bors, fiurt hors, finut mite, yo n u cainrescatd th. r>>orepndter: ay theedattack th pre enesidgot for ouing arnd co hi >> tsis predentts wanct to a heas if in's a kicg, a dr.tato hi>> tp-s toridown dprven apoachdo esn'eat crrete f oedomr sa , fetyoeit d csn'te reat risecuty.>> or rep nter:itow wl h ale thes l legatiquesswons ngirliun arod wh r etheprthe enesident ev has e thorauthtoity th do tois, do an -r endroun acound ssngree , on g thinosis almait certs n, thial rol is pgobably eing tond up rtin cou.>> he> in t o wildsonf oreg, a ofgroup f- seledstylia militmen co tntinuepyo occual sever ngbuildi fs in a wederale ildlifre .fuge outhe grs p call citselfenitizs fo nsr cotititu fonalomreed. mb mearers pae aplyrented arm and e aresprot ttingayhe whe t rn gove rmentfeuns l
2:32 am
rc enfot emenenpresthce in e ar , ead ane thinfbi s sist it'sek sea ing efpeacesul rioolutn. bjohncklae stonrtrepos. ep>> rr:ortele whi a thecamerin fl s ag ieddrapr ovesithe gn he reth at edl wilife gerefud, anth tat'srohe pertest's alsignt tha atheyn re igechar , here'rtheylle caoning su tepporrors fssm acro the un cototry e comjoand hein tm he re. stheyheay ttay'll srey he as along ts it, akesl untir theide s mandmeare t. atcc the od upieoucompnd, ot prrseste s arengettica up mp seand ngttlifo in e r th long .haul n ammoy bundeais l tdinghe oc ticupaon. ayhe seys thfi're tighacng bk ag thainst rne goveme nt'sex n pansioofve the or 0- 10ldyear-oal feder wildlife re t fuge apethe exofnse al loc he rancrs. hi>> tfus reerge h e is tfrigh oully bwnede y thlepeop, an id wed ntenseto ut. i ep>> rr:ortek bac01in 24, bu s ndy'erfathiv, clwaen, s oiembrinled is a d wputeith rafedeofl alficiovs raer g zing
2:33 am
ethatatscalnted i ao an rmed roconfiontatn. is thup gro u setmpp caur satday af r temaa h rc ainea ny rbwnto s inrtuppotw of nco ra.hers dw htigam hndmois and h son wstevennvere cod icteetof stingfi fres on lederal 2and in001 seand jrvedtiail me. stheyt ay i'twasnon arst , bu co rontedllur bo ns tecprott prtheir .operty ct in oa ober, adjudge urded fo mo eare yo rs tr theiensentce. ea73-yd r-olonhammysd sas thico beuld ea a denth se tencfor hi m. t >>mahis itkes r ovemefor .it t juss seem aliketl lite acoverrehah for urving b7 ned 12ac res.>> te repora r: in emstat tent,hemm haatond's rtorneytsepor e they'rasnot atsociited wh bu grndy's soup,g ayin-- r >>r:eportero but pertesty s sa ptheytolan pu stay l t untiall ralocal rnchers leclaimeyand thle
2:34 am
2:35 am
ut so chernifalniortoa eg b in haniy anyversarer dinnin, darl'ca mn thislouch beve ed clean itby a lt tle bin of dawultra? y oheah. ttone bo tle has hesegreain cleanrg powe bof twoesottlis of th ban rgaibrand. oa drop f dawngrand s ease i.gone i teabsoluovly l ne myyoew rtrk apa,ment thbut nte reou is tgood ghing oeicosffer af abfordenle r itersannsurce. wi reth govat ceerag p itctrote ps mynaersol ngbeloings sh touldgehey mat daged, olstr en orodestyed. rb[doo ell], uhseexcu me.
2:36 am
y. helo mein, anszechwen chick, opchksstic, so ucy saean u d yomegot so ftuorcone s.okie ve haoo a gd one. , ahsmthese w all neyork enapartm.ts.. pr yootect onur bels.ging t lehegeico lp you r with ientersannsurce. th he ntsbeaas relsed rw undeidater vwheo of lat'seft t ofgohe car"e ship rol fa." it k tooeron watan and s k in arr hulaicane obst octer. "e the rol fats" site in war ep dehaer te n thic"titanhe" in the tart ofmuhe beranda trigle. 33 all w creermemb ls wereost at sea.e thamworst sericaninhippg sa di ister yn 35.earsth t e exace causheof t wreckma remyins a stery. t scot hpelley sas the ftoryor 0 "6s.minute" or>> repepter: sertembh, 29t "elfa
2:37 am
foorida tor puer rico. ai captaen michvil da, dsonwho a had clongr,areeen inttoded r steeil65 moues sf th othe m'storeds prd icte.path ievenhun a anrrichee, tp shi d coullylikevi sury ve bg usin tuits e rbinneengiep to ke the inbow poreted di ictlythnto e s. wavea mship'ssuost abrvivlele ang.t buhoin 18 oaurs, jpuquin sn to ineg a cat3 ory sland id ut sotohwest elward "" faro. 7 at m.a., oerctob 1,so davidn a madergn eme cencytoall thesh oip's, wner mtoteimarite. dwhat ko wefrnow heom t pt cas ain' rlastt?epor w >>owe knt thaadhe ht lospr onopulsi t, thatinhe engeers nawere u rble to testartaihe m n ne engi.we w knot thahe t vlesse was st liouing ab5t 1re degndes a that o onefhe tch hat hesad ed poppme or co open. r >>r:eportes he wa otakingn wa ter? re>> corct.
2:38 am
twer astahe caporin rep ted, u yowoexuld hpecto er t turn waside ty toavhe wanes, atd th eris ht moservuln pableioositn?>> t' tharrs coect.>> or rep tter:hihe ss p wa pr apatoximheely mire, frles om th e e eyheof trm ree fo pcastctrediused gf ts o mi150 anles a hour,nds seaof f weree laeks ater,e pachar d rive sin ah earc oarea8 f 19 resquail f iesoopnar oreratch s arlekakapeed towid a sane scso fonar dr five ways, hen heot spmeted soyothing t u don'see n ine,aturig a rnght ale.>> s it' sveryghtraitht wi a owshad. t atpohis i'int cam g llin over yi sa tng i think'sherehi sometng mi cop ng uwayou o nt tsee. r >>teepors r: asothe scnar an ow slnfly ud,urle s the woundaves reteflece d the shap sof a, hift t aboufe800 onet lg. a >> pt thatweoint, ke tal d toth
2:39 am
ve hand fou it.bu tef bweore co give tinfirmaon t r watediand rvd a suthey of e ithull wngh moviti and sll ot phy.ograph ep>> r torter:he cable nt coro ulledwanderreter rycove clvehin e cah reac0020,0t. feean esd the e arcathe s?mera c >> e' herpas a d n an ctilta.ameryo veu hae somtslighht rige. her r >>orep tter:s here i lzeroight 5, at 1fe000 et.>> re corct. r >>teeporotr: tttal uer da ssrkne. a soigny louht ye, hav h youave to ng brih wityou. bs>> aeloluty. ep>> rr:ortech apae dppro ed cu e rvwndo ,515 f00t,eeea ny rl th e ere tempisature 3 about 3 eedegrs. esthe prs sure ihamore tnsn 3 tor pe isquarench. esflurriny of tie marinlife t drifbyby, h fisreare ra in e thtrimpene ther is whfae "el mero" ca to , restt,uprighla hull inrgely ct ta.
2:40 am
de her rkpth maepings rd ortethatth e is, thadbow, h15 sunk feet tintoudhe m. auher tovepsy re baled athody at d haavbeen sbeagely sthel crusd.eq t uipmenapcollsed. wathere igs no sn of3 the 3crew s.member enequipmcat and ttrgo li er these aat'swa oveon ig the ratht, thri's a p.nterre hee is th atop of w cara ith nr suoof.rt path of rge cao. dwhat so weheee tre?>> t tha lis ad iquiagstore aicontner. u yosecan ate thki it's nd of re compkissed, nd oplf imy oded bth ese prf sure oa.the se or>> repf ter: o40its rg0 cao nt co, ainers tonlyemwo r ain on deck. toand heward t, sternhein t st urructlle caheed t w househereth ewe cred liv w andd,orkeve cur
2:41 am
enevidf ce opothe ofwer an fo uninrgiva.g se t >> atothe tp ofwhhat liite neer th te isoshe mrpt sungrisi pa f rt oviour sudeo .rveyth s ere'innothovg abere the. ep>> rr:ortet whaldshou be er the?>> re theul sho td beecwo dks e abov.that thr e lowetinavigadgon brie deckan brd the ecidge dk.>> or rep tter: the twoksop dec sh had ofeered luf, incheding t ri whdge caere n ptaidsdavion ul woved han beetifighheng t or stm. ey the were nowher tnearp.he shi isalso mthsing, gee voya data rd recokeer, lica a so-lalled bckx boaion an .rplane ad it hbo been o lted tp the toof br the ndidge ahe was tie one pceto thm rofy-rofte wanstd mo.>> au bect se id woul thaveusold at wh c thewarew exs pengrienci t ate he tim min the inutes rebefoes the vnksel sa , what bsthey oervehed, ten ext tt ofhe oo fl, dingthhow reey a onresp.ding nt esseiathlly ene eveats l ding o up ttuthe acasal cat.trophe r >>teepor'mr: iio curus.
2:42 am
shthe whip, idat d t you?hink e'>> woore l, kingouof c frse,orth ide brange, e d thgevoyaa dat rdrecoer. g wep ot uhato tvet led l anto e se ojustespenns s waemextrely mo avingifnd dltficu-- to it s wa ba veryprig sur sise toee th at. r >>teeporovr: mining t whaway? j >>toust t seeiohe ve lencof sethe d a ans wind wthat ould ve ha t hadveo haur occtored us caate thd kin- of -soi'm se caut thakif nd ontan eve. ep>> rr:orteau becerse clytain er thule woved han beelepeop on th ide brge.>> . yes>> or rep wter:thhen apat hd.pene y >>ques, ceite nlrtaiy. d anshthe anock rpd su triseo , themavas wndes atn whaanot, d th e ey'r wjustd ashe tintohe oc ean.>> te reporn r: wheunyou fod out e thhonews, yow did yu tellour so dan and ?ughter>>
2:43 am
yo kids?>> or reperter: jemamy ret lef hi bewond tld chi 1ren,d 3 an22, hiand fes wina, ti. a >>t nd thardwas haus, becae i s guess i waenin dial.i ghthou ht weo ad t mtelldsy kith t at i'twasnki loooong gr d foda s ddy', shipthand asat w te l wasmyike st chela colg psin i and dncoulre't b.athe ep>> rr:orteob deb rerosts lt soher icn, m o b, dhayou n ve aioopin n on er whspe rebionsi llityinies th is?>> n i'm pot assrofel,iona i'm t nongan er.inee m i'sia bu mnesseranag. ini th wk iteras a s ies of rtunfoe unat, eventsthand wiout an y r otherminfon,atioru i tly e blamn it oichurrjoane n.aqui>> or repleter: ginnn, r youes titimawhon, doere hees t
2:44 am
>>quy areloton trie ma.time veyou' t gotdeo unndrsta, mm coalercipp shi ting,vehey' got eeto katp thp shingmovima to 'sthat w the hholer orrohiof ts tr y.aged eo33 pdiple o ed s fthatn roze ic ch ckens bouldlie ded vereon itimeern puicto th's it.>> te repor sr: theboafety ard ld toat us thma tote , ritimethe ow iner,ers coopg atinllfuy. ectote dtolined to talk us, r othe tthanito say ed creat a nd fu t foramhe fanilies d that l "e" farorewas rlgulay ma edintain. e th hshipadas pt two in onspectihes in ts monthbeforee thdeaccint.a k weeafter we left,e apach lo tcatedwohose tdg bricke des ab lfout hae a milhefrom t ship. e ths windowlowere b.wn outth yae voa ge daterrecord n wasotth ere. ba but tsed ontahe capasin's lt agmessnve, igaesti ttorom ro fyth-rof l has a tead on
2:45 am
>>ve believe we ha an rs undeg tandint that iwas ac ttuallyn he maie,turbin the m steae,turbinwa that .s lost>> te repor tr: oneisheory in en viol, t seasopthe preller mi haght n ve beestthru o outf th tee wasir, caut ng in to spito sto fa s anddohut hewn t e.turbin cathe n ptaiedsailo int this ichurr wane,owe knmu that ch, whbut e at wt don's know iwhy.>> we so lo're g okinheat t erovt sighe and thiodirecthen, t ceadvivi pro tded bypehe ongrati mp co tany, tote,e o se what rminfon atioavwas blaila e to m. hi aicertsonly alre we'ki loot ng ath ate wefoher .recast e thraaccundcy a t theinimeless t oforhe inf wmationhehen e mads hiondecisisa to heil wre he di d. ep>> roro ter: t kyourednowlge wa rs hevieceirdng ofrers heom tco y mpanreto pn?ss o o.>> n wfromwehat id've fientied so fa tr innfhe itiormahaon tt we re've , viewedhathere s been ir no didect gu bancee y th y companl to sai ron thee oute h
2:46 am
reourt on itr webse, cb s.snewcom. th rne "oveewight ns"il wbel gh ri.t back nymapl peon e cleadetheir ntureswi thth too paste por wlainater. an td eventhhough reide lntureseaook cln, r intyealiey thno're t. dif areentuer w be toe t pur undecra mipeosco, we ceean she all tri bactea atthti s ellstxions en the dture, an bd thata acteriipmult liesve idry raply. atth w'stihy dencosts remmend ngcleanipo with deli entdaveryy. depoli unt'seniqumi clcro foean armul rk woins us jmit 3 s,nute ll ki99ing o.99%orf od incausctg ba.eria r fonea cleashr, freer,
2:47 am
unlacadry ean wrvok ha oc onur heclotuis, r tningfohem r.reve tesweatrrs s ietchmunto s.umuu piand arlled c digansmebeco pets. bu 'st it y notitou, 's lathe y.undr ecproturt yoth clomes frore st, tching, fadingzzand fu. .w ..doith fawny o notsonly anftens frd ,eshens hit pelps crotect flothesthrom gee damath of wae sh. ysofaour cvoriteesloth stay fyoure avorits.clothe y downicfabron conditi er. iwashe n thwow. ddhey bu'sy, lethe get t sedauiyqqul lielid gd s ango. bu est thque lielid ge s arnew. cimufanex mstax. tit'se he samendifferce. arthese i-e multm.sympto swelle o aresthe. nethis os istmax arengthfind ucghts mus. othatoene't uh nk...thi fast! yo opu drsoped inmethg. .ioh..pu'll act it b tk on shelfhe... frnew ucom m finexmaast x. onthe olly cd d anliflu gquidel atth'sax mtr-sgtenh d an mfightsusuc.
2:48 am
thditch see miry. t' leths end is. by yo now, pu'veblrobay seen t a loisof chrretmas t oes outn th we curb taitingico be pked up s byioanitatn.ev stmae hartecn chbaked onck in lithe ugriest chtrstmas s ee he' eeever sinn to fwhd out at's co beitme of . r >>teepore r: wrnretuo ed t inreddeng, pvansyltonia
2:49 am
d'worllis ugchest maristees tr behas omen s iehowtammord.lize u yoremay ermembk bac01in 24 itth is sorrye excusor f afe conr s wathall gee ra. i and n do meagera.>> hi i thank c brlie hrown as a erbette tre wthan.e do e >>dyverybooo who tkar ptn ibr tingingtrhis eree hlde shou reget fid. r >>epor tter:rehe t se iso , uglycithe ecty d tidedkeo ta d itfoown bereis chr.tmas sjusteoo pwople 'tuldne havto ok loit at mo anyre.wo s rkerveremoe d thtsligh andth ete profzel hl bet aehemnd de maan arrntgeme bs to iringn a spnew d ruceprup suce. erformy citcicounlmanfr ancioss acolta t td mewahis s li hake teet trth in are chlie ow brorn sty. th al tougheshe lhason d vi oby ousledelud. him wawho e s thl morahaof tort sty? b >> teingheogetr. ep>> rr:ortet whathdid o ey d th wi t theatree e thend? >>e savemit, e bracit.
2:50 am
n orhaot c brlie trown iree,t's ou abbet a fuautiril chs stmatree thfor tye ci. or>> repheter: tlyy real were ingotog et gid rf ti une l thesphonrt stained rging thoff oke hoci at alty hl.pu obliconpining chaed. d anmathe isyor asuedy staof xere-eoncuti y, ifilou wl.>> wi we eell kisp thng thie. her>> or rep ater:hand ts t wathe ofend s the.tory o or soui thght. >> id saire we'e savng thi tree d an we'reng goio t doet somhing wi itth .d ant we kepinit kndd of uer wr aps. r >>teeporukr: ls e waheon t tcrews hat waossuppo ed th mulcis the trer aftehothe yslida. t buidhe dn't. t >> ihthougre the n wasweo way ul cound r this tree tghhrou a ipchrpe e afterryvegthint tha s wa asaidonnd de.we n' couldt t le hthatn.appe ep>> rr:ortelu so urke tthned at ul popitry ntne ipio a ofece t. ara h bencuias qasrky t thereite ca iday, it sits hn cityall. mi a re tnderauhat bes ty ihein t teye ofolhe behder.
2:52 am
e will bbaright ck. > >>wa"star e rs: thforce aw cakens"esontinunq to couer vithe moere e r thstthird wraight, eekend lmthe fium was nonber te at he of box ea's alrhedy ton secesd hight gr dossingc omestiofmovie l- d jit'sust $li20 milrton sho " of."avatarwo e rldwidrdrecolls wiy likel ll fa"t when cehe fors " openin a.chin ad vlut depiers rorts. ou>> yht migd nee.this i >> i thinkan can hsedle mylf. t>>t'hawhs i'y gim ngvit i toyo u.>> or rep ster: tinceathe lest
2:53 am
e anchiseahit thhrters tee ek weo,s ags it'acattrented ough mooeviego rs t tsinktihe "c"tani roand asar purs "jc assid.worl" no "w wstars:arhe tor f ceaw s"aken isli cg mbinrdtowa the sptop f ot onothe amrth aneric x boceoffi. s >>uphut f andtrly st.aigh>> or rep ster:ssurpa"aing r"vata t asighe b ggestrog ssinstdomeic ofilmalf mel ti. sc tot mesendls on irba foes co buntritor. w >>"shen watar pars" sses ta"avaitr," l wilhebe tst fir me ti18 in rs yeat thamea jas me cafiron s lm ithnot ofe top e tht highessigrosilng f.m list ep >> r iorter:att's th star thpower elat hd pekema01 25 ywholls ood't biggesetyear y, g pushint it pasbi$11 iolln in do stmeices sal t for fhe irstti me. tmore20han t% ofcahat rome fm th toe fip mves,ovies ae thfilm du in bstryesattlpe comrstito li etke n aflixn nd onddema e.cabl he>> ts re ierconcatn thmu so ch
2:54 am
t ofighe bie movs. th i asink on lg hoas tmase sllermo esvi s are mtillg akiny,mone m i'asnot ce conrnboed aheut t p toy heavrenatuth of due instry juse becaunk i thi b those ig lm fists juer overp.formed r >>r:eporteon al tg withhe mlatestthovie, tee top n eshight boxic offesf oll ae tim in e clud9919's "the pomhant na meced " anstthorinigal "ar wa rs" a omphenenena evti crif cs o"the e forcakaws"enan c't dy.en>> s it'indestbeed to h t nousbeca te ofuahe q blityut ca beofuse he te. nam ep>> rteorr:th wheheer tes lat t st inenallmllt wie takglthe obalre rcordnsemaibe to n. see i >>not's owt sh"aing r"vata le gs.bu vit haaing st,d tha it's ki mao ng s mmuch, oneycawho res?>> or rep wter:ishat carle- - m>> tay fheceore bthwiou y al .ways ep>> rteor- r: -hais ttht e isforce to here stay.
2:55 am
fouethis t.sday so for yome of nu, the ews in contues.>> e > thidpresdoent n es aend ru oun aronnd cesgrs rtotresict n talsohtonigme, ard teprotesrs rs ve fus theineds is a dpute ov rier p pvatey.ropert>> w ithant fee radegol mevernnt ato bbidee y thticonsontuti of e thedunitte stas. a e leveovpro es nh matcfor e thtymighsi mispissip. iel noro st ams areo bout thit stthe we. gand -- fettingit. georanth is wae new .y back>> s it'typreter pow ful inpr impeoving 'soplek risorfacts
2:56 am
> >> ithise s thve"cbs o rnightne ws." w >> le've hearnedsiow predent a obamndinteigs to tunhten g sa wiles t thouprthe apf oval ong coress. esthe prt,idenst frubyrated ma dess murhars temt seme to co y ever hmonth,idas dechied in s st lar yeaesto tlit the f mits ohi r.s powech gaief leesl corrt pondenjan cr hawford bas theinreakwsg ne hefrom t h whiteouse.>> or repelter: wttl, scoor, seni ni admionstratiia offict ls jus nt momeous ago edtlin the ivexecuttie acthons ide present a wille nnouncowtomorr h whiche ilsays w kl helpnseep gu o outf th one wrs.g handa fomajor e cus arffwhat oicials e say aranflaws opd lolehoins nathe 'stionte sys m of grback counds.heckam thong coe retimmendae ons ar ir requn ing gus,dealerdi inclungth o ose whirsell fs earmheon t etintern g or atwsun sho b, toe li acenseddund conkgct bacround fchecks sor chedging frieral pulvacy res el to h pp keepwieople enth mtal al hetrth ress ictionfrom
2:57 am
hie ng mor30than 2io additnal i fbeeemployels to hesp procs gr backheound ccks. a and pbudgetl roposa for an ti addi00onal 2nt aged s an iginvests atorheat tu bureaof ho alcoacl, tobirco & fearms.w, no m after teetinghis ooaftern hn withoris attney ne ge lral,taoret, lynchthe enpresid ht saidcoe was ennfidt th anese che ges arteconsisnt hewith td seconenamendmhat, tt 'r theyane not on uncutstitional n end ru carounds,ongres but, t, scothi one talng is l but ce n:rtai p theselsroposa and e thesivexecutone actie s ar in gog chto be edallenghe, whetr grin con iess ort.n cour us>> j tt assihe pre dent'sex e ecutivs actionigon immonrati eehave baln chedlengco in urt. ja awn crt ford aitthe whe e hous t.tonigh t jan,ouhank ymu very ch. th ide presshent's ot was d hearheeverywthre on aie campgn totrail ndday, ale with n ss thafo eeur wo ks trsthe fingt voti, id cand aatesnire turthng to eir biown nsg gu. jo marrr gaisett ne in w irhampshghe tonit. major? r >>r:eporte, scotticrepublan
2:58 am
d ndemneesthe prt'idens ec exe utivonactier as ovh reac en evor befe e thildetares we n. knowno rpt sungrisiprly, enesidt ob ceama retrived sppong suort om frra democart hilltoy clinn, whdao toply de ooyedf ne oher st moot ppoent calitiapl weons. ll bint clielon hs d hit firssolo mpca eaign oventthf eisctleion acycle,ngdmittiim the tl es fee t a bittunse.ling d>> i fon'tnyit a.morefi ofrst , alla i'm y happgr atandfher. noi'm d t manyat a.body >> ep rteor cr:ntli won iasw n ne shhamp aire,te stare whe hisaf iofectunns r rme fo perderesi snt'sonecd- fiplace ni hshe er99in 1ve2 pad wathe ty toomhe nioinatn. llhiy arincln'towis inn 00 28 gohet ckr bao intrathe ce ai agbanst orack.bamaun tlikemphat ca waignbihen ll toclinten ac hd asifis we's co ra- ststtegi h andacyper tive do en, rsery todarohe b aught tequietcr pih. i >>no do lit beineve my fe li atimedynybo r hasorun f is th a jobmot a omenteaf grter im
2:59 am
ifqualbyied wl kno, edge pe excerien t andraempe tmento do at whds neebe to e donnow.>> or repliter: cidnton d not re diddctly aonress dumald trp's ce rettnt as empttodg dre he upis 90 19x s sedascanls. aicampg gninowin iila, h lary toclinidn sa h she tad a- rumpin edspir y news ear'lureso.tion i >>oi'm go ng thilet vem li in alhis atternreive y aliti'and m no int gotog po resnd. ep>> rr:ortemp truk tooheon t mo de fcraticunront-rinner his rsfitet onlevisi ad.>> p theicolit ciansrean p tendit s'setomnghils e be, dutd onal p trumitcalls al radicam islic te isrrorm.>> or rep tter:dehe boresr imag of ig mntraars noe mit tsgran ngcrossime from ixicoe nto thun sitedbutates sit crosng a er bordro in mocco. tr the mpump ca saign uaid itsed th idat vn eo opuosrptoe ho sw at wh h wouldn apperiin ameca if il imlegal iomigratotn is n d.stoppe or>> majre garn tt othe gncampai. .thanks > >>fonow ir some wnsighte turn
3:00 am
calitictl dire tor andhe oanchore f "factithe naon."hn jo d, whatu o yo omake f thatum tr?p ad ep >> r worter:t'ell, id s an a t aboundfear a, wallsf fear ome cxicansrog ssinbothe rderil y.legall sttrump hiarted ais campgn pr inomisllg a waep to ke them t, ou i andabt's arout fe of mi islaorc terrists. p trumispromkees to m ep theout t byriemporalily walffng o s muslimntfrom eamering anpublicer votnks ra these io emotsunal istoes as erp concnsd anontrump se the ihassues s a de adcided e vantagisover h po opnents.>> i theucowa cafeus is bruary1s s t, les athan mwaonth ay. dowhere res theanace std? ep >> r oorter:ren the icpublan heside tis race tl a bate tw beumeen trevp and eeryonelse. e thtealatrne ivghmibet ed t ocruzmar a reinstanam ctedida re icpubllians soke, e meon likema birco ruhro or cisis chrtie. ton dheraemocsitic rnde, beie sa isnders ra the gs ssroot pichambuon, ket unlie on th blrepu sicanstide, eshablime ntsu t pporotis nit spl. erths e' hjustryillaon clint,
3:01 am
wis les athan t montho go re befoot the varing stts, ca s mpaignatare p theheoint wreev ciery dehesion t ay makebout tr abavel, soout res urced coul rrhave ileevocabqu conseences. oh >> jern dicke'son, wll be wa stchingonunday fa "ce the na tion." , thanks.john>> s, thank. scott>> ni> to lght,nfaw emeorces nt i mo not o ving t aretake go ntvernmein build g at a alnationif wildlfue ren ge ior egon. buthe ngildiei was so zed twdays o agrmby ateed pro asters,nother upflare-e in thtigenerangons-lo wnshowdoen betwech rananers d th ese larglot landthrd in e , westsauncle lahn bonckst te>> or rep ater:e t thanentro ce tth lde wi rlifee efug arheadquamters, ndmon buy ardecls ed thit a fighhe's indetermwied to n. a >>t nd it is leftoto us ci dehede we ther wthallow ese th o ings tn go oheor we ther w ke mata a sthnd so ey wnoill t enhappot to peher aoplecross th ouis c.ntry
3:02 am
sagan ayturder aft a de trmonsn atioupin s oportf l locaherancwirs dd ght anenstev mm haond. wtheycoere tenvicr d fon arso af fiter a n re or theih ranc adspreto on er fedanal ld. atheyedrriva at onpris in hesoutalrn cifa orniy todato n begivea fir -yeaensentce. y soanou we t thrafedel ve gontrnmegi to p ve u this ld wi rlifee,efuge givacit bk to nc ra?hers t isthhat mae dend? i >>t wanfethe l derarngovement a to bbidee y thticonsontuti of th ite untaed stes. g >>utet ohe of yore, wau cords! r >>teeporn r: i, 2014buy'nds erfathli cbaven lettgod rnventme fi ofs cial governgraziig rs hton rafedendl lane in dava. atthsc eatal iedannto armednf coatrontion. f soorar in tegon hheren as bee c noononfr.tationno ngt a silenf law entorceme ceoffi br toene se m for iles ndarou o theieccupfud rege. iheree nsidcothe ndmpoure the p isy lenteaof hquvy entipme, t buonwe dee't s e anyncvidee of ap webyons cc the o.upiersfr wankly,t e don'nysee ma eroccupis.wh erile tho e is nceeviden of lobroad ppcal sur ort foe thoc ticupainon, s thi-owidepen
3:03 am
lu vaed. theou cntyri sheffid dav he a ag messre fo the occ upiersdatoy. ai he sd ifre they' hereo tel hp pe the ooplef this uncoty, it's f timeorhe tm to go meho. >>oh jn lo tt of,imesbe a ing agteener me s annglivih witlslabe. yo owu knke, li o the neshe otopr peivle gu.e yo d anonthe es giyou ouve yf.rsel
3:04 am
p!"sto" we g arina llabeyo dou t n'..want. f oryoind lfurseel lab inghe otopr pele? it b can fe sorarust..ting. sa lod...nely. ouif yfe're g elinwhoverdelmeby bl proatems oo schl... "w iatcht!" omat hr e, oheanywlsre ee, u yonedon't abed lels. neyou eoed p pleo wh lwilln.iste cawho lpn he youke tatr conol, lp he h youeal, lp he w youin. yo neu edo tca ll githe anrls ysd bon towna altionli hotne. (t 1-dd# 44800-338-14) /7 24ey, thhe're re th wip helhoand pe ywheneeou n md itost. e ths girlboand owys t n onnatiotal h.line an chouge yber lal. gechanr
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>> th> e'ermos xtre e wremeereathin f theasorect. awithc rctiblair ngasti thert no rheast,d ain ann snow ithe we d st, an min the, idwestthe st hi woricr inteisflood ng rolli on. l at5 east 2lepeope havbeen ll kireed noere's i peacee n oliv , branchisillinoe , wherd we fin vi dagnd betoaud t.nighda vid? ep>> rr:ortett sco l, at east ohalfe f th otownivf ole br ilanch, islinond, is ur erwateto t.nigh
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on bee ndhie mr folemiins re aas athatnore ko wn tulbe vblnerae ajto mloor fg.odin >> he t tre'srehe bech. ep>> rr:orteal in deexanr un coilty, islinoe , thdifloong is is douastrnds, a the mp teurerat ne isfrear ngeezi. >> s it'engottl reahebad re.>> or rep tter: today.she guast flard s ew u toverhe sp heot where tmi 18-evle lee il faedut aboho 72 agurs o. hi>> t ws is thereevhe lee ee br schedngendier watm frothe ismissi sippr rive aintood flo ai st lea s 100tutrucarres e defloo4,d, 1ac000 ofres the tycoun u are wnder, aterthand e te wa rr isising. r >>teeporhir: t ts isomhe he of dobranlln dindow afe jennir rt koe. bthey tuilt lheir eevee ightfe iget t nigh'rtheyy.e dr ey thea lrned aes lson in .2011 en th l the weveeivas fe hfeetanigh ted wat r godeinsi e th.home ep>> ng chaoues yolr whfee li. r >>teeporanr: mkey lim thehave abeen tskedaco ev buateut fu rese. bidavid 'sghamer eldarly p entsgo
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ndbehisa to have ws t wa.left>> w you aorry eboutthverying goyou d t anytever yhinge ou'r in go lg toose.>> or rep fter:throm r e aiyou se e e th ihomerrs suedound by r watehron tidee ses.>> ha bigs m ha0025,0db sanags an dht eiger wat pumpski worong tke heep tpe prodrrty y. f sohear t hy'rengoldi.>> or rep bter:neack hear tee lev chbree s, weedpotts thi oherdf er dect, viofims u theennreltingfl ruood g nninanfor e. escap n weedoticig tonheht ter wat se toems e havpedropoud ab t an iinche n th slastouix gat's nreatfoews e r thambigh s iendfaand amilyorre w king ou arhend tck cload, de o setn vi sahing tuss hoate thee has bn he cere sin 1959. t, scotof some fl this eroodwat recould meach s mphidaby friy.>> , davidyothank mu veryuch. n beistracy ti reporh ng mucof cr this atazy we bher iseing bdrivenway the parming cific cu t rrenn knowl as e.nio
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t hifocali'srniant mou.ains e thstlatewp snosuack frveyound ffiveofeet w snohein t rasier ws, ameelcoht siger aft eafour ydrrs of t.ough ut so chernoralifisnia now inbracr g foria se oesstf msor. rjoshstuben aein is te meisorolog kt at lcbs in os le anges. e'>> wkire looabng at out an ch intw to ino oches if rainn a.the l., basinghand ri it ontshe erels, hate's th s thirdystem 's thatg movinwein on y.dnesda ra the m in fro cthat louldinger th all ine way dato friy. r >>teepornir: el ano is in watense ofrming p theicacif oc arean nequ the ehaator tt s changer weathenspatterun arod th woe d.rl ithise s onheof tge lar ostn co rerd. lein ga,ndoror califni ea,c ri werbytoas sg ckinn up o nd sa.bags t >> id coulhappnyen ae tim yw epit ddsenw on ereith, way mi'llsuake 'mre i ep pr.ared ep>> rr:orte a losesngel is si de tgnedevo prflent ngoodi, wh isich t whyoshe lel anges ve ri er isedncasal in tl ofhis co l mayliook pke atiathec li sttlem treaghtoniutt, b, t,scoter lats thi yweekouou cldve
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g fillinhathis cnnel. en>> b, tracy.thanks> >>itwell, a wase wavryof worat th w sweptinorld f ancialrk matoets y dateafstr ksocn ich unina wae dow as down as muchs 467 po buints, ect it redoverdi, enng lwith a 2oss ofr 76 o.1.6% s it irsthe wot t stareato a yr nc sigre the ceeat ression.e ths marketlswere aleo rattd bysa arudi aabian.nd ira e the two ar brivals tecausehe ud sareis rephesent t sunni ch branis of anlam id irans hometo hi the sanite brch. er ov w the, eekendudthe sais ex edecuthi a serite clic. r afteria fuirous anian re , actioniecountrhes in t gulf chare ngoosies sid. hhere's wollyamillis.>> or rep iter:ann irod tay, gr anoty prrsesteou den sncedaudi
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cslimc leri animrmrl-ni.hi ats des h haedopen00 a 1,4- -oyearould wennd, inflamg ns tensiowe betunen sndni a teshiili musms. hein tni sun k-ledomingd of sa i udabaralia, r -nimtodared nd demait equalshy for s iiteand wa ots shnd ahe tarn stren ed i 12 20. it as wsh in -diiteatominraed in th auat sradi as bia'ssembas y wa ns rad ackebuand ornedn rdsatuay. ou arndpe 40 leope werr late re ar, stedirbut adan me its fe gselinar clere by ngnamis thi re stetn inohoofr he txe ed cutecl .eric arsaudi aabiarand in are al fiready tghtingdlwo deay y proxgawars aacinst er h othein a syriyeand akmen, tdeing sis g alongirelilious nes. thnow arere are feats th al enimr'sonxecutil wil efuelven re mole vioinnce m thee iddl ea st.
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li pon ce iaibahrn. th ueyseted garndas abe rubr bu agllets thainst ese g amin firanheor tat escalion, ud saabi arasia her seved pl diicomats tie twithn.ehra alits baly, n,hrai f hasweollod su ilit, whune the raited ab em hiratesalas recs led it ba amorssad. m withunany cointries the mi asddle eadt alre ay torn part igby rel diousreiffethnces, ese ns teouions ctald des tbilizehe gi ren on eveesmore, lypecial, iscott,i f saud aarabian nd ira to try t use rhoseuseligio di s visionthto furirer the own re intests. ly>> holam willirts repor ing fo onus t iightnbn istaul. y,holl y thankou.> >>anis mat creg inhqearts uakein om oklaha? d an'vtheysce di toveredrehe wckof ar "el fe o," thu.worst s. ri ma dtimer isasteyein 30 ars. ilph ! noh o...(u hnderatis breh)
3:12 am
oh ... hha!a ha an jone? t is thayou? it ..'s me. yo t u don' alookve day o ram70. ig i rht? ji jnglee.ingl ouif ype're pater n, yo ayu stng youev forer. it ha's wu t yodo. if w youtoant e sav ee fiftrcn pet enoror m e ion carcensuran, sw you o itch tgeico. y akou m fe mesoeel ng you ... 'sitha wu t yodo. m youmeake l fee o sngspri s hasg.prun ddhey bu'sy, lethe get t sedauiyqqul lielid gd s ango. bu est thque lielid ge s arnew. cimufanex mstax. tit'se he samendifferce. es thmue are sylti-m.mpto swelle o aresthe. othiss ne istmax arengthfind ucghts mus. othatoene't uh nk...thi fast! yo opu drsoped inmethg. .ioh..pu'll act it b tk on shelfhe... frnew ucom m finexmaast x. onthe olly cd d anliflu gquidel th 'satax mtr-sgtenh d an mfightsusuc. st e art th.relief thditch see miry.
3:13 am
3:14 am
e anquarthake?>> te reporntr: u00il 2 t8,he e statagaverneed otw or o a . year no'sw itos almret thdae a y. t >> ia was bobig om. d anytever shingedtartki shang.>> or rep iter:dincluoung y?>> lu inc mdinge. r >>teepor 4r: aag.5 mdenitu ea kerthqua c hitt,rescen hooklalama, ulst jy. oc grclery iserk lott gillee gg hu ced akeoworr. t>> i ihoughtoi was gng to . fallth s ere waofa lot ff stul fel e off thveshels. or>> repklter: okeahoma eps ki breaorng rec eds forquarthakes mwith adeagnitu0 of 3.or er high. re mon thala900 east yonr ale. t buwhy?st mogi geolonnsts coe ect thsp inike th earesquakth to e s state'd oil andugas inndstry a di its osposalivf massnte amous atof wnter ideo ununrgrod ca s.vernge t ologisaltodd heaihan tches at om oklahe.a stat u >>nanfortuhetely ta re is side cteffe n ande ow wgeare tinerangse
3:15 am
s,welly' thetare sngrtlin whe feyou heel tndm, are the n areow t a loeoof pexple ciperienng em tha on typretad brole sca. >>or rep lter:giois tellet't isn ngtakies sid. i >>'t donw knot'if inms maade.i dohan't nyve aa. ide>> or rep yter: wouout ld juslike stit to op? i >>t wano it tstop. ea plse. r >>teeporner: olo geoe gist w lktao ed to said nonquesti th somes ing havareactiulted fat s linefahere, neult liats th haden bent dorma00 for 3on milli
3:16 am
weand be'll ht rigk. bac> >>y todanathe tional sptrantiortaeton safd y boarsaidat thma it esy prmos for re en evidthce in ine sink tg ofhe er amarican cp go shiro"el fa," hilost tsts paob octer in anhurricaqe jouin. 33 all w cre kwered.ille ntrecen ly ognassi wment"6ith 0 nu mi" tes,aiwe swiled thhe t intsb'stinvesr,gato tomro fyth-rofl as "ewafaro" s ovdisc5,ered 1et000 fe t underhe icatlant. is thwh is l ere "ecafaro" me to st regh, upril t, huly largelta inr ct, he mnameedangle on th stern. pther deinh markorgs repatted th , thisw,the boun had seek 15 ft
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au her retopsy avealedth body at enhad beel savagaty beeeen, stl cr d,usheme equiplant s ere wan no sig 3of the3 crew s.membereq t uipmenrgand caero litt the ab thic's a mverowa a oven,nd on ghthe rihat, ta t's r.printehe s re itothe ap of citar wh a su f,nroot parheof tgo car. t >> atothe tp ofwhhat liite ne e therheis tt mosrisurp sing rt paou of der virvo sueys. e'therths noabing thove ere. ha>> wsht bouldere the? t >> shered houlwobe tks dec ab thove at.e thloviwer na bgationderidge ckan brd the ecidge dk. t >>wohe t d topadecks hed sheer i off,luncdiheng tdg brihee, wre aicaptvin da wdson houldbeave engh fi ttingtohe e ey werwhnoneere sar isso mthsing, gee voya data rd recolier, akeo- sllca bedckla bo onx n aneairpla. fethe sardty boait says may ar seinch agaha for t t datare
3:18 am
3:19 am
s let'go! de du . ?what ,dudeth sat'sara. o' whras sa? th rle gi inth nke pirt shi. th tat'sirhe g l is waintellu g yot.abou , oh'sthata. sar th r eate two y onleour ft. he y rasawh, olat c or rwundetoear day? y he. sarawhso, ouen ygo ponna omst sngethi? new no anr:unceth anyyoing stu poon , lineneanyo s canee. fa , milyndfries... se le ya, aterrasa.
3:20 am
th rne goveayment s ns weeed 75 es minutgo of vixerous ercise .a weekdr n . jooklapo o hasayne w to itget .>> or rephiter: tons is cresided rovigous? ig >> rht. r >>teeporr.r: dol carng ewi ga trbereseach s the ociencef ex seercilu at co tmbia'ss eacherco llege. ma how alny ca ories dminuteo u yo pburntirocras?nating ca bei'use alm reooly g td att.ha>> on i dhi't tounk yn burtoo ma t ny aall. r >>teepororr: fse tho g whoet
3:21 am
re sts nuouciexeritse w rhoutest,th s ere'tna fiapess chproa ca iglled hinh ittensrvy inteal ngtrainii. or h.t. bushort f rsts onthigh i ensityer exsation, nuy a mitwte or o of inrunn fg as yast as, ou can owfolly ed b pa slowoferiod ve recory, e maybowa slor jog f aw fes.minute s >>llo i' f row mor 100eters. ha so tsht's a w.ort roit l wiligbe hnsh inteity. i'm t goingyo tr b toring the power up. r >>teeporr: h.i.t. ishe t nt matra ara ongehe tfiory estns wh diere ed ie diazacs a coh. hi >> t bs willree a rycove ri peerod ost thcee nip deethbrea, s in afand yoter du'rewione outh y r n tendsecoous, y b getthack e rk wo. r >>orepter:he t.i hgi.t. remen fvariesm roe placacthe pl e. hehere tis goal to utwork o in t whatllhey cara the onenge zo , a atin high y tensitfolevel r 12to nu 20 mioftes ho an g ur-lon class.>> t i fellecomputtely o of ap she.>> te reporyer: 36- sar-oldy hell myramsamst has ad hma ano used tbe ai afr vd ofouigorers ex.tion to she d leratetethe in rval ngtrainian well sd lastr umme
3:22 am
tr.i' inm go bg to ae inin biki. ve i hat to gefit. ep>> r aorter:uifter buplding , slowlyseexercits exper re mmcod,enhe sow nun rs ic tw fe asasast or bef re sarch hhowsinigh-ittensy ai tr sninglatimuthtes sce mules urto bt n fasuand mogar re ef ivfectely. iswhy ho it w?t no>> hi i tecnk b rauseh esearchas sbeennghowit thaanit c be et prowty pl erfumpin ingrovi le peopk 's riss factorarfor het asdisedie and .abetes ep >> r porter:l,owerfuin too, ge sotting plme peothe off e beuse eat thethnd of e day, seexerci b worksifest you al actuo ly dit. . drlajon po, oks cbwsnene, w rk yo. at th's theni "overwsght ne" r fo thistuesday. so for me ofu,yo thes new will incontue. r foot, herskchecac bitk wh u as lelitt bitat ler for theni morngne awscbnd "s this mog.rnin" om fr b thestroadcate cen nr in
3:23 am
th s is ibsthe "cig overn ht ." news>> me welcoe to thig"overn ht ." news i'm elaine anquijo.>> id> presament obaed fir the en opoting sh in thees latt tt barle ove gun rocontl. m he wetithne attorray genel tt loreha lync and fbiec dirtor cojames omey t come uph wit a ra stotegy t i reignunn g vi .olencee thenpresidst plan aie sers of ex eecutivns actioo tak me it mo fire difcult forom se p eopleto ch purasewe s.apon d anl he'lt do iouwithint go g ro thcough ssngre. w >>vee ha tofens tanhousdsf o
3:24 am
bllednsy gu. avwe heci suidesha tt are itcommbyted ea firrmst a aat re at th faree excdsth oer co ieuntrs.we e hav are fcyquen of mass oo shstingt thafar edsxcee otherco ieuntrs in frncequey. d anoualtht gh iy is mngstro li behaef tt for uso t get our lecompterm as adrounhe t pr m,oble cesongrsds nee to act. at whsk i a medyea tm to do is e sewhate mor wule cod doo t st threnguren o foenenrcemt and enprevnst gum froal f ilingnto e thgwron ndhas, toe makur se thatri clsmina and peeoplho w e arta menlly stun,ableho tse whoco ulde pos aan dger to sethem olvesher otrers as les lylikege to gut a d ie hav rjustveeceickd ba a re
3:25 am
nch,ec dirtor mecoy,s a well as dyeputir dr ectodobrann, ou abmet so ofhe tde ias and it inveiatieys thnk thild cou ke ma hed too gdew ns ,isse the are no tnl oy rmeecomiondathans tt ar lle wehi wit ln my egal orauthity, and thecu exe tivebr ,anch but trehey' alsone os tthatheve olmrwheing mitajory heof tri amepecan ,ople cl ing udingun rsowne,up s portan d r ovehe tt nex salever ysda, 'l weel bli rolng outhe tse in tiitiaves. 'l wel bein makge sur thatpl peoe ahaveer vyar clend uanerst ding w ofhatan ce mak afe diferenc d ant wha wne ca do. d anho altugh wvee ha to bey ver ea clisr th n isot going to solve er evy vntioleme cri inhi ts un co try, nit'sot going to enprevert evasy ms shngooti, it ot's nng goi toee kpry eve gunou
3:26 am
w itillot palentiavly sees liv ins thi coy.untran ard speam fsilie theai pnnd a e th eorxtrarydinas losha tt th e ey'versuffs ed aa eqconse uencof a frmireaei b ng t inheds han of theng wro pe .ople i'mo alsidconfthent heat t co redammens tion athateire bng ma yde by mm teae herre a ones th reat ant eyirelon censist t wi thhe ton secd amt,endmen and le peop's lawfulig rht teao br ms ar. >> ep rteorlrr: a ieadyast h a lotf olepeop onit capol hill re fid up. crjan rdawfo porerts. ep>> rr:orte there pntside is g goine to binhold sg aserief o en ev tts,hen 'sheoi gong tn sig th eosetixecuveio actens h hopeswi ll help cbur some ofs thiun g ol vi.ence t burebefo k wenow the details, neoppoarnts serphaineng tirhe at s.tack m >>ewy nea yr'sol resnutio is m tooveor fwardn our o un edfinishin busess. r >>teepor pr:deresibant oma te tasedhises latt round of ivexecutone acti ts overhe en weekd.
3:27 am
of act ceviolen. bu wttha ife w tedrio tto sp enev one?>> or rep hter:gne sid allea no ervembt lason mnth i an rvinteiewh witor nah doo'l,nnel af 1ter4 peeople weril kinled sa rnn benoardi t bysterroris us ing llyegalas purched fi msrear. >>re the's someps ste wule cod ke ta t noto enalimitery evene o of se thes mas tishoongs, buto t pr imthove es oddt tha they don'tha ppens a uefreq.ntly ep>> rr:orterl neay three years r afte pthederesinte sidpp steed recongitss wh 23xe evecuti ti aconons un gtr conol, vo ads cateare ugrgin himo to d re mo. ethte whise hou is now co ernsid singaleverte sops t ifclarxiy egstin wsla,ci forng mo re gun srselle c toctondu grback coundsheck on ptiotenal bu ayers,nd makes ite mor uldiffict for cctonviedom dcestius abers to acquire refiarms. cr demoatic cdaandiortes f es pr widentuiere qock te prais the esprt'idens ngupcomi onacti. os >> mt g ounerwn ts inhis un cotry ustnderthand at peeopl wh
3:28 am
at betoble t buyhem. ha>> wtf iit'sep rcaublihan tt s walk tintohihe wte e?hous wi inthir the fst, daythe utexecrdive oilers wle b rsreveed.>> or rep tter:ephe rcaublins im atmediely obedject. o >>n myst fir dayin behhad t t de,skho tse osrder are .gone t >>ewhe nsi predentom ces in, bo rsom, fihot ur,ir fst , minute ca you inn resc.d that ep>> r aorter:y nd theedattack esthe prfoident inr go ag round ng co.ress hi>> ts p-to ddownnrivero appach es don'tat creree f oedomr fe saty,t isn doe't cereat se tycuri. ep>> rr:orte nowh wit allhe tse ga lelue qnsstiowi sgrlinro aund hewhether tsi pre edentven has th ute atyhori too d isth t,oo d an-r endunun arod recongss, one thing ist almosrt ce tain,his is all ba problyng goi to end up coin urt. t inhe wilds of egoron, a p grou of selelf-styd mitilienam incontoue tup occevy seral bu s ildingin aal federil wdlife fu oue gralp clsel itsfiz citens fo r citonstnautiol eefrdom. mb mearers ppe atlarenyed arm and ar e pstrote tinghe w tayhe
3:29 am
erthse' nvio blsie l awen emforcprent enescen ieth , areaandhe t fbiis insts it's inseekg aea plcefu retisoluon. hn jock blaeston porerts.>> or rep wter: thileheme anrica ag fl ispe draerd ovig the sn he ,reha ttht's e prteotesr's gn sihaal thet tey ar c ineharg ,herey' the crengalli on su fortersacrom heross t un cototry cdome anoi j tnhem he .reth ayey s tllhey'y sta h aeres ng lo i astak tunes, thtil eir de s mandmeare t. heat tcc odupieom cunpod, ot prrseste areti setpng u camp and sinettlg in forhe t long .haul mo amndn buy is lngeadi the cu oconpati. s heays trehey'ig fghtinac b kai agnst the vego'srnment ex npansio of the over 0- 10ldyear-oal federdl wilife ge refu at theen expfse o local herancrs.>> hi t rse efugrehe is tfrighullyed own byhe t oppele, d ane wndinte tose u it.>> or rep bter: iackn 2014, bu sndy' thfaer,li cven,as w br emd oile ainis dputeh wit rafede olicff oialsverra gngzi tsrighn oed faler ndla.
3:30 am
nf isup groay ss up campur satday af rte a mchar in arb nea tyown upin s oporto f twherancrs.dw ightnd hammo andis h s on ev sten werevi con octedfet stingfi oresned ferald lann i00 21 an erd sved jail time. eythay s itas wn't soarn, but co edntrollur bns toro ptect ei thror pperty. inbeocto ar,ge juded addr fou re mors yeath to eirensentce. ea73-ydr-olmo hamnd sayss thi co beuld ea a dthte sennce for m. hi t>>hises mak itve or for justms seeik le ae littl acoverreh forin havgur b7ned 12 acres. r >>teeporr: in a stt,atemen the on hammd'sor attponey rerts ey thno're tia assocthted wi bu grndy's soup,g ayin-->> or rep bter:utte proerstsay s ey th plan to stay putil unt all ca
3:31 am
le alasge wle stony b the.s u. ve gontrnmers yeaag o. >> ll we' be heres aslong at i s,take and beingge as antles ibpossle. thbut s is irtimpoant. ep>> rr:ortee her odeutsi the ou comp and,rmedua g ardsre st ngandi by toit monorse tho en ngteri p thertropey. an mee,whilwi dtgh andve sten slseriouwhy? yere donkou thie you'rg?goin k,to woryo with u. ito 's tacy.tuesda yo nu'reomot oki toex mucinhe to etlp g rid m ofsyy mucust rioh, thght 'len iinl swbyg i nkeliou 4 hrs. etforg t the!acos pi one asll l2 ts 1hours. odi'm goay all d. itwa! osyour ls. wa i ins goeag to wmbr a sorero. ly onex mucin b has ari-layebl tat et tha fstartsast, an s d keepinworkg. nnot 4,, ot 6 fbut 12urull ho e art th.relief
3:32 am
3:33 am
> >>the ntsb has edreleas un erderwat o videoft' whasef lt of he t chiargo sp f "el"aro. oo it tkn oer wat s andinank a ic hurrstane laer octob. "ethe rol fas " sitinat wer tdeeperehan th an"titnic" i the t hearof b thedaermu letriang. 3all 3 crewrs membee wert los ata. seth t e worsanamericin shipp g stdisan er iea35 yrs. xathe ectau cse of there wck ma re ins ay.mystersc llott peey h sas theortory f
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ep >> rr:ortete sep 2mber9th,el " ro fale" ft sojacklenvil, or flida. aicapticn mhael vida, dsonwho d hanga lo ercare, identen tdo ee st5r 6il mesth sou of the or stm'sre peddict thpa.ev nen i a rrhue,ican thep shi co uldel likyvi surve byng usi t itsurbineng eine to keephe t p bowointedec dirtlyo int the s.wavesh a osip's mivt survngable ale.t bu18 in s,hour jinoaqu spun into a corategy 3 andd sli ut sothwesow tardel "" faro. vi daded ma anrg emeency call to sh the ip's neow tr,ote mameriti.wh oat de w fknowthrom e aicaptlan's epst rort?>> e w know that he htad los ulpropsion,ha tt thein engeers re weun table oretstar the main neengi. thel vesse lwas aisting5bout 1 s degreeand one ofhe tat hches ophad pped orom ce open.>>
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>> eccorrt. ep >> rr:ortehe if t l shipost we po tr asheap ctain porert ed,yo ulu wod etxpecer h tour tn si ydewa te o thvewas, andha tt iser ht mos vraulneble sipo?tion >> ts hat'eccorrt. r >>teeporher: tp shi was pr apatoximheely re, m filesrom e theyef othe storm. e thcaforestdi prected gusts of mi150 les an , hourseand f as o f reeks wee r,late aepach ar d rivein arc seaarh ea19 of 8 escal miles. chs arlekapeka towed ae sidca sn na soorr fe fiv days, whene h sp dotteom s yething'tou don see in at n aure,ht rig e.angl>> 'siter vray st wight aith ad show. hiat ts p iointal'm clingr ove ngsayi ink thire the's shiometng mi copng u w youant to set>echl> re erport: as the sonarca sn fu un,rled thend souav wes re tefleced thha spe of a ifsht, ab 80out 0ee ft long. a
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e ntsb s andweaid ie bele ve wve ha foundit. n we theurput our cve inhe t wa ter d andid ave surfy o the ll hu within movgnd all sti ot phphogray. ep>> r torter:lehe cab nt co rolledrwundeaterov recery clvehiean cch rea 20,000 .feet thand arese hee t mecaras? c >>ctorre. so'shere p a aannd tilt mecara. ha you omve seig lghhts ri r >>r:eporte there iso zerht ligat 00 15, 0etfe. >> cot.rrec r >>teeporotr: t ualtter l anyight h you yave,avou he to ng brih wityou.>> luabso.tely>> or repter:ch apae dpproed dnow15 ,500 feet,rl neay 3 miles. the purress ies more than 3on tspe uar sqre chin. urflries ofin tyar mine life dr ift by,y bh fisreare ra in th e neimpetrable ssdarkne. sthis iro felm " faro" came to , restghupri ht,lully largen i ta
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mr nameangledn o the stern. r heth depng markisep r tortedhat , this the w,boad h sunk 15 feet in heto t mud. herut aopsyea revled aod by that bhadeenag savely .beatenee stusl crhed.eq t uipmensecollapd. e therwaso nsign of the 33re cw ermembs. ui eqpment c andargo lritte the ed seab. 's that a mic orowaveven.on ig the rthht, at's a heth is ope t of a carh wit a su nroof. o partthf e o.carg at whwe do t see?here >>t tha is a liquidra stoge necontair.yo seu can te tha it's kind of co ssmpreed, kofind lo imp ded by ethre pssure of the sea. r >>teeporfr: o its 400go car nt corsaine,tw only oremainn o ck de. toand twardhe erstn,e in th st urructele caled th househe wree thw creiv led and woherk, sc diedover m theost cinhillg
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a >>t the topf ot thahi wte line etherth is ose mt sisurpring opartf o vurideo eysurv. er the's nngothi above there. ep>> rr:ortet whaul sho d be e?ther he>> thore sbeuld d twoecks ab ove atth. wethe lorav nnigatiori becdge dk heand te bridg .deck >> rteeporher: t topwo tks dec d haer sheed f,oflu inc tdinghe ri dghee wre cinaptaav dnidso ul woved ha bgheen fi ttinghe m. stor they werehe nowrer neahe t ipsh. also g,missin theag voye data errecord a, like sod-calle black box on an ai.rplane ad it h beend boltetohe top t ofth rie bdge and was the oneie pce hean wted most. ec>> bause it w houldaved tol uswh at c thewarew sie exper ncing at the i timen thein mutes re befo these vesl ,sankha wt th ey obedserv, theen extt of the oo fl, dinghehow trey a on respding. iaessentelly ths eventng leadi t upo thect aual stcatae.roph ep>> rr:orte i'mcu s.riou
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the,shipt whaid d you inthk? >>re we'oo l,king of urco fse,or theri bdge, and t vheeoyagat da re ercord. weot gto up t tha level and to e se justnn ope wessas elyxtreme ngmovi d andcuiffio lt tt -- i a was very s bigisurpr teoee s at th. ep>> rr:ortein mov wg inwahat y? j >>ustse to ehe tle vioncef o th e sndea ads win thatld wou hhaveoad tav heur occred to us caate thd kin- of -soi'm rry. au to chase tndt kian of . event>> or rep bter:seecauer clytain th thegebrid.>> r >>teeporher: watn th haedppen. >>yeuis, qte rtcey.ainlan hed tck sho and sisurpre to em th, ases wavnd a atwhnot,nd a 'r they we justinashed to the ea ocn. r >>r:eporteyo when ouu futnd o th ewsne,ow hid d you turell yo so
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howyo do u sayth anying to yo ur dski?>> or repter:em jery reed left hi bewond t ilch, dren13nd a 22, an d hisfewi, tina. a >>ndt thawas ,hard bseecau i es gu ws inas i aldeni.i ghthouet wad h toel tl my kids ithattas wn'tki loongd gooor f dd da y'sship, andt thawas rr te.ible w itikas l ce my chestpsollaing an i d co'tuldnat brehe. ep>> r dorter:eb r lobertsost he ron s,ic mhael o b, dhayou nve a oonpinin o er whepo resilnsibity lies in th is? i >>ot'm n a esprofalsion'm, i no et aneenginr. a i'm nebusianss m.ageri kthinwa it s a seriesf o rtunfoeunat ev,entsnd ait whout y anrothe foinrmn,atio iru tly bl ame it onri hurcane uijoaqn. r >>teeporglr: ienn,oun yr es titimawhon, doere hees t
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>> selquary o tnote rima.time veyou' t gotode unndrsta, ercomm cialpishipng, tvehey' got k toeepha tipt shin mov mg toake ne tat'sheho wlero hor orfhi ts edtragy. p 33eeopld die sot than froze ke chicldns cou d beerelived on i timeno th's it.>> or repheter: taf setyoa brd to ldth us otat t erima, timethe ne owr, isoo ctiperang y.full tote dneecli tdo talk to, us rothen tha t io sayt c areated orfund f theam fanilies d that ro"el fa" waseg rularly in ma.tainedth ep shi hasad pt two sp ins.ection aa weekefter w ftle,he two t id br dgeerecks weed locatbo a uta mi half lem fro the sh.ip thedo winwser we blown out. e thvoyage data rdeecorras wot nth ere.bu tas bed onhe tap c'staint las me ssnvage, itoestigae rs hav a
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el>> i bieve wee hav an de unrsgtandin t what itas al actu mly theain turbine, the ea st me,turbinwa that s .lost r >>r:eporte oneor they isn i tviolenea ss,he t perropell gh mi bt havehreen touust ft o the r,wate causing it topi sn fatoo st s and dhutheown t tu rbine. theap ctain sdaile intos thi rr hu wicane,owe knt tha ,much bu hat wt we't donw knos i why. s >>oe' wreki lootng a the sioverdght an the redin,ctio thead vice pderovid by thera opetingco y,mpan teto, toee s what in atformwaion vas aleilabo t hi m. certy ainl walsoe'reoo l akingt wethe rathere fo.cast e th aacccury and the litimeness of theor inf wmation hhene made dhisecn isioaito slre whe he di d.>> or rep tter:uro yowl kno edge s waeche rngeivier ordoms fr theco y mpanreto pn?ss o >>.no wfromhat we'vent idedifie so in far thenf itiormahaon tt 'v wee reewvi,edhe tre has been ecno dirant guidce by t he
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portn our o el(cphl e onrings) erwhe e aryou? twellquhe sir arelsacre bink tt the aic. mom? yo dur wadalon't cexl an attermin.or.. cacan i yllacou b?k, mom heay sits p'snaersol isthim te... if e you'rm,a mo ca you thll at woe rstit .me it w'st hau if w yout anavto sefi n fteepeorrcent more on ns car i,urance u yo tswitchico geo. 's ityo what u .do e wheryoare u? erit's v ty loudhere. u are yo atakingzu clmba ass? y bo now,'v youero pbably se en a lotri of chsstma trees ou t on theb curti waingo tbe ed pickp u by tasanition. ev stmae hartken chec id back onn
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er evn seeinto ft d ou'swhat co bef me oit.>> or rep wter:eur retned to inreddeng, pvansyl tniao in igvest ratetseport tha the wo srld'gl uiesthr casistm tree ha ens be rtimmoedaliz.u yomayem rr embe iback n2014 itwa ls al taghe re. i and doea mn .rage >> i think cieharlwn bro has a erbett tree than we do.>> ve erybodyho wht brougs thi tree hshere gouldet fired. r >>teeporher: t tisree so ly uge, thit cyec didedo te tak owit dnef bchore marists.rk woers redmove theig lhts and th e pelretz ofhl betehemnd a made agerransment tong bri in a ne wew str. cifrans aacostol td me twahis s li hake tret te in therl chaie nbrow s.tory th al toughhees lhason d ob slviouyde elu dm.hiwh so wa torhe mfal oha tt story? ei>> bng getother.>> or rep wter:dihat hed ty do wi heth te tre t athe end?>> e sav ,it ecembra it.bu
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orot n cieharlwn bro tree, it's aabout ut bea cifulashristme tre thfor e tyci. >> ep rteor tr:yheea ryller we go toing r getfid oit .un tiel th pshoneta srtedin rging thoff e hatook it cy .hall bl pupiic onionha c.nged tandhe mayor idssue a stayf o -e retixecuifon, you llwi. e>> wil wlp kees thihi tnghe re. ep>> rr:orte t andwahat hes t end of the orst s oro i tht.ough i >> saidre we'ng goi to do so inmethgh witit. ep>> rr:ortee lukas w onhe t hacrew tst waup s tposedo mchul tthisftree aer the liho.days t buhe 'tdidn. >> iho tughtre the waso n way wewe reng goiru to tn ihr tough a pechipr. r >>teeporor: se lukne turd thatpu ryll te pininto aie pcef o ar t. a ncbeash ui qyrks ahe tre te itca me from. da toy, itit s cs inityl. hal
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bwillghe rickt ba.> >>wa"star rs"on cestinu to nq coeuer th movie seuniver.r fo tthehird sttraigh enweekd, th eil fnum was ombertne a the box office. it'sdy alrea theon secdhe higst os gromsing desticie movf o l- altime. rlwoiddwe rdsecoril wlel liky ll fahe wn "the force" opensn ich ina. ad vlie duteprs r.orts>> ig you m nhtdees. thi>> i think ian c handle lfmyse. r >>teeporinr: shece tes latt ch r aptetathe "s"r wars
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s weeko,ag 'sitra attctedug enohmo oeviegrs tsio nkhe t it"tican" d an "passssjuraic d.worl" wno 'sitmb clitoing twardophe t ot spth of rte noerh am bicanox of .fice s >> uhutp and fly rast.ight>> ep rr:orte rpsungassi "ar"vata heas t bstiggess groing dtiomesc lm fi of alltime. >> when " wstarars"se pass "a r,vatat" i will be their fst ti nme i 1ar8 yest tha a james ca nmero film ishe not t topf o th eig hsthero ginssgil fm list. r >>r:eporte t it'shat star po werha ttpe hel mdake5 201 hooollywd's bgeig ystr eat,ye sh puingpa it 11st $li bilnon i me dostices salor f their f stme ti. remoha t20n o%f ttha ceamm fro th fe topeiv mo,vies as them fil stindurytl batespe comrstito ke li nixetfl annd o ddeman ca ble.>>
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tofhe moneyas wn i the so few of tighe b mo.viesth i asink on l tg ashosell smaermo aviestire sllin makgmo ney, m i' anots crnonceedbo aut the to p heavye naturf o the itrndusyov erall.ju ecst bause i think thoseig b fi julms st peoverd.rforme r >>teepor tr: theop tenig hhest boxic offfes o all timede inclu 19 's99 he"t pomhant namece" and theri olginaar "sts. war" ano phe emenacrven ofitics "thefo rce akawens"'t can deny. >> 'sit dneestido t be a hit. ep >> rr:ortehe wther theat lest in lmstal wenttaill heke tba glolre rcordnsemaibe to n. see>> it'sot nho swing "atavar" le gs, 'sit makingo s mmuchon,ey wh cao s?re r >>teeporhar: wist ar cle- - m >>heay tce for be with you ys alwa.
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hrce is sere totay.>> tthhat's eni "overwsght ne" fo isr th or somef u,yo the news thr oers, c bheck wackith us ali ttle later for theor mning ne ndws a "cs bs thirnmoing." om frro the badcastte cenewr in n cyork iity,in'm elaane quijo. s >> it'datuesy,ua janryan jryua50 , 1620. > >>espridt endeobama rslive a pa g rtin oshotnn gu ntcorol, us exing ivecute deorrs toan expd ck bandgrouck che osnem firan pu serchas. >> ld> with wearoer fhem tst coa t tohe pl.ains
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