tv CBS Overnight News CBS January 6, 2016 2:12am-4:00am PST
2:12 am
alan hf f o thee'statsed mian meinco. oras fid dav wi,llishe w otherr t noethe gss hi money, he'sad meup m t you yhinklou'lr evee com ?back op>> ne. r >>teeporecr: b oauseatf th ? >>ec bausef o.that r >>teeporhar: ttht's vee le e at th b washereaccad beofuse oo flerdwatt thart staured f therno anrth lld ki5 ed 2lepeop inil islino and b mayyee two bears tfore his ea brsch i irrepaed. c it bouldwoe t weeksor bef tehefl doode areas are y.dr thbut ooe gewd ns ishe tat wer reis inseedg, bahhing into the ss mippissivei rir, which is ab flove agood st he from ere tolo a.uisian >> th.anks the wngarmiac pificur crent ow kn n asel noni is pinowerg st iormsnhe t .west er>> hbee's acn try. r >>teeporher: tn rai dcame ownha uprd, o t ancn ihn a urho, ar sn rlingayoadwnds aov cgerin pa orte f thfr101 eeinway ud m.
2:13 am
r fo themega inra. drthe iverpe jumd to higher nd grou.op pele lg ivinrein aasrr cha edby ir wildfees werra encouged to ev stinl nettbeg had nsen italledto ch catge larri debs.ha l hyman lives below the mo inuntads anid decoed t leave. t >> attnigh iime,'t dont wan s bris ig goine to comdown ai agn. l>> bil sspaert is a ki t >>ache f tt ofathe mister we ne lled ath of aiis rn. t >>ishis going t ao be ntfatiasc feaf octn drt.ough anwe cnt aaticipnye aewherm fro tfourixo s isnche ofn rai heer in lelos angices, whh is no lyrmale doubl wwhatt e gein ja y.nuar t >>.ahe liv. rser ius r hingto t,nighdi senngli bilofons ll gaofons hi wasn ngto touteo th n.ocea gothe ods news iha tt isha wt ev pr lentsngos a felesrom oo flding.
2:14 am
soalhern ca iforniowtomorr. en >> b r tracyngeportis thi d,weeken tnkhaou y. od >> t iayn isafghantan, one eru.s. semvice mwaber kis lled, two owethers ndre woutoed in a er fiatce betlea n trhe serouth nci ty te halibannad bee ampeican s ocialonperatis es forcup are sg portinafthe ghanli mitary. t r-mmandehiin-croef, nald ag ree an onchesaid t 11th an commisdment tthou shallot n sp blrepu.ican wheldoun't rogeczeni theel mee st jur fous weekrebefoa. iowhe 'sreor maj rrgaet. >> or rep tter:adhis m fro a edmockco mario rubor's f eign cypoligh tou.ness>> hat to geanthis f tasyfo totball rhingight.
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o rubififor stlibuers. >>yo if ntu wade to featsi is, ck riru santo ym isesour prt.iden or>> repheter: t super cpa an brchded riris chn stie aout ofep stal liber.>> chris chri,stieer lib al gyenerin-lovg,ba oarma ce me iddicaan exp pdingderesis nt i ghenou.>> r aubioz nd crusell se themslves aos pitive atcandidhoes w a don'tttack ei thner oppoeants, lhaving t t b jo t toheirli milolon dlar edfunder sups. pac stheuper cspa s areseuppo d to atoperdee inenpendfrtly heom t aicamp agns,uglthoubh rioay tod hsaysese dopo supisrt hup gro 'sss meage. >> he trese aio serusic polies. s >>uper cpa ads't don ne ssceilar tyip the alsce. ethro gupng backi jebh busnt spens te of nsmillio o,nly to see 's bush pollbe numblrs tume, av lebuing tshmbo scrale for nt atteonion e livtv. vtoday,gowin 'she t beenerough an the anyonalon donp.d trum i
2:16 am
hayou o ve t otakehen t bully he n ad oatand tht 's wha i'm g. doin c >>e hristitoldwa "the gtshinon " postubthat rio can'tme sli hisy wa wto theouhite h se.os thate tamecks caa from super c pa aotnd n h rubio wimselfas a di iostinct on lostrin chstie, asit er may v by wellvoe for ters. aj >> mort garren o theud mdy gncampai. trailan thyks ver chmu. yin new iork, tnhera democtic , raceberniean sders took aim y todaatro funnt-rnerlr hal ycl n intoerover hto ties wall re stet. hed sai wall etstreed's gre is yidestroheng tri fabhec of t .nation>> ande her is aew n year's luresohation tt il wilif keep ec elprted enesid atnd that ,is if wreall stet does not endts i ee gr wd, we eillnd itor f them. >>de sanors als vowed to break up tnthe couigry's bgest nc finarmial fis.
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leto rease aon cvicted ermurder.d ana coneremty a westnt poi a marks onmilestwoe for men. i teabsoluovly l ne myyoew rtrk apa,ment thbut nte reou is tgood ghing oeicosffer foaflerdabte rennsrs iceuran. wi reth govat ceerag p itctrote ps mynaersol ngbeloings sh touldgehey mat daged, olstr en orodestyed. rb[doo ell], uhseexcu me. vedeliry. y. helo mein, anszechwen chick, opchksstic, so ucy sae u and yomegot so ftuorcone s.okie ve haoo a gd one. , ahsmthese w all neyork enapartm.ts.. pr yootect onur bels.ging t lehegeico lp you r with ientersannsurce. ddhey bu'sy, lethe get t sedauiyqqul lielid gd s ango. bu est thque lielid ge s arnew. cimufanex mstax. tit'se he arese i-e multm.sympto swelle o aresthe. nethis os istmax arengthfind ucghts mus. othatoene't uh nk...thi fast! yo opu drsoped inmethg. .ioh..pu'll bt itonack s thelfhe... frnew ucom m finexmaast x. e th conlyanold u d flidliqu gel
2:19 am
> >>wa ne denocum htaryas tdurneew vitoers inte amaur deestectiv, nyand maoi are gbang to fot a r ma inn servfeg li m noan reyhalds .s this ep >> rr:ortenk tha ss to ahow on tf nehelix, teb wsite .ochangerg ha bis a t g hitson ids han.>> ha we teve sphen aryve in st cuody.>> or rep iter:ssn len thaa h,montor meha tn 0,25 p000eeopl ndarou w the horldsiave agned pe ontitith on sie dte,diemanng us tice for a man inso priorn f li fe andea fd ture nin aixetfl cu doarmenty. ke mies jonwi is hath cornge.g. or>> fto it go from a few ou th ssandnaigs tureto wauprds 2 of50,000 s iignerss ph enenomal. lyrealws shot thas thi pe sidecis on iintap nto anaatio l nv cotiersaon. d>> iknidn't owow hha to ndle it . >>ep rr:ortes it'duall e to sthiss,erieki "mang a ermurder"la
2:20 am
stthe ofory en stephry ave. the'shens wiscoin man who se 1rved8rs yeapr in ison beefor gbein erexon, ated tonlyo find elhimsf inso priain ag an on rd muoner ciovict n in.2007 ncsiite s budeilt, ms lionof vi ewhaers sve hpentoursin bge wa itchingndt a dssiscug ine th n case i conlineomhat ros. many vrsieweon ccluded avery was edfram by ariutho wtiesieho ld d anteplanidd ev.ence n keatkrz whoro ptesecuerd avy d anowis nei rec dving eath atthreyss sa s thes erieis mi disleang.>> ph steen averys iht rigre whe n he teeds.o be 'sthat p inn risoforhe tt resof s hiranatufel li. r >>teeporr: y'aversye lawrea dn ra stayng ss the acreo tion tthe se hriesasnc idludefu use lin rmfon atiobafullck the fe dense.>> c wean'tff aord not to at
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me sog thin mthatight bel usefu otonean hum being whoig rht nowis ac fing alo sh w deatin is pron. ep>> rr:ortein here onwiscsin, rn govettor scor walke t hashe po tower do parn s, omeonebut ng durier two tms in of,fice he vehas nedr use it. scand ott, hiss aid say he ca oinnot gchng to haange t t ra stowtegy n.>> ea dynn retholds, u ank yo very. much>> > theus jeptice denartm ttakes
2:23 am
ll dahias wixch muses cdrtom r,st yea jimroaxelndd a ucprodmier ely ndrais dvecodre indowngab l sspeent ople iomillfns ola doln rs i di mecas tion dtheyotid ner ord.e thas lab wls aonv iteestigad r foniunsa ctaryononditis.we stll, ye terdayheep denartmt tiof jusceed filn anj inunctio at ths forceng downio t stop xi ming dntrugs uouil an tside rt expepe insthcts lie facity. in ast fir t for.she u. mi litaryemacady,ay tod ad brigierer genal dianela holnd wa wos snrn i as canommand otf de cats. e'shas 1990 geraduatf ot wes in poant erd sveind q iraand anafghn.ista
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ei thy r waucto scess. > >>t,tonigh weav sed the last ncdafoe re mik ssstra imann at a.lant>> ho ws i thatid mdle agee dud wh do cano ite lik emth? >> nc o wee testard, i said i'm sod,ba iai sd t'lests jum filyo l.u aley thno said , ye ou'vgot to be in it. >> ronclark, a frorme tereach of y therea fedoundon the r cl acark y adem00in 2. ait'sri pvate rononpfitdl mide ho scpaol, rt gwhotsar p,art
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ngarnies com toe lifarat wp d spee fhereidor ks a whore emacadlyicaler div ase ondften we lor ie.ncom e thal virid veota srsnc ilude ve se gnthr radenjade he>> t mgeessao tet gut o t here towas t sayhat we co an dfun gsthinle whirn leaating the tsameime.>> or repter: everyde stu bntut e onhein tsc 'shoolis htoryas h go nne o to egcolle. >> it'ser vy scindeblribae e tham oountvef lot thahois swn fr heom tea tscherar towds us, d aneait rlly matotiv uess to sh pu rsous,elve be great nstize. theo?vide>> hi i thenk tsa mesnge is thi de vi so ishiometngut abo w whoe ar r thelaon ccark a,demyre we' al oul abtel rnsatio whips ith ki ,dsui binld bgdsonnd a swihong ki tds yhat oureca,ec bseau when kkidsnow'r youeli wilng to meet wthem therearhey nde, a'r youe inwillg to wwiork heth t m at r theiurcultd e anrainteitct wh g goinesto r ypectorou md e an hworkr.arde
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2:27 am
cyorkity, i'mco s tteypell. w >> telcomeovo the t ernigh .newsth ese latitt polical beattl over ntgun co hrolboave esth sid of e theissuke locd and .loaded anon emotireal p osidentbama ceannound his new evexecuti ti ac tons inthe easm roof othe e whitehous sdeurrounyd by famil er membhos of tse kdille inun g vi .olence t buapon chiitol epll, rnublica le araders roe pmising art cou gh fi vt andow to undo the pr t'esidens ansctioan if d when eythet re akwhthe hoite use. crjan rdawfo porerts. nd>> am fro everyam f wilyho rnevegi ima tned thatheirov led e onulwod be taken fourom r
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or rep iter:st wa anmo ealtionpe apal.>> e way mbe s can'tave ev oderybuty, bn we ca ssaveome.>> or rep ater:olnd a palitic ca o ll tonacti.>> t sohe gun lobby may be ho g ldinrecongtass hosigge rht no utw, bhe tnny ca hot oldam erica hoe.stagwe o d not have tocc aept thiss i th pre ice of cuserity. ep >> r torter:sihe predent ca helled tct aionsom c smonense s stepesthat redpect thed secon enamendm at,end hre expssed lisorida wtyh itethpl peo weho ndsurrouimed h at thihe wte ho --use ar fatheho wos lt a -o7-yearld, theau drsghteth of epa astorcht a starlehuon c rch, coand a wongressarman ne ly ki alled bfterhoeing s tt inhe ad he. a. he>> tht rig to wiporsh fyreel and lysafe,ha tt right was ni deoed tis chrstiann i lechar,stonth souca naroli. thand asat wie dends jew in ns kaitas atd th wasen diedus m ilimsn hchapelill and iksehsn i oak k.cree
2:29 am
he tec dirstiveus foced ylargel onkg bacdrounhe ccks in g,cludinri requi gng allun al deever, en thoseho w s fellirear tmts a gunho sndws a the in ettern to beic lensed and uc condtro backgund checks. e improvrrthe custent syem to re hi morema to kgke bacround ks checef more enficit and ff ee.ective ou alth igh thefssue ote stricr n gu laws inremas highly vedivisi, of92% ca amerins t supporoubackgrcknd ches. thbut ese prtiden t in wheake ofth ane s hdyookot shoings failed to eg get lonislatigh throu sscongrewo that hauld ve pa exhended hday,yse sa hean wtsot vers k to kicntarde gun rsight su tepporutrs o ofceoffi.>> s thiotis nt thalicompd.cate e thonreases congrss blockaw ls b isseecauy the twantino w ec els.tion ifand yakou me itd har for them into wn a elonecti i,fy the thblock wsose la'l, theygel chanco
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t>> nowhesi predent c fouldace ns coontitutialll chathenges at e thesio acteens excd his id presalentiho autrity.bu et th nra in ata sntteme in tedicayd toda i thatt mayd hol s off, tayingheio actns d on'tal reealy apphar to cytnge an hingd ansiare olmply p iticalth e.eatr n ja cd,rawforew cbs n s, thewh hoite use. e th idpress ent'gunew n co inntrol veitiatials are l the o talkn the cnampaig trail. yhillaron clintle calhed t ec ex autivensctio aal crucite sp rw fo gard onun olvi.ence pubut re tblicanrued cz says ey thn' areort wheth ter pap ey thit're wronten . majorar gret i isn hemancster, ne mpw hae,shirre whee fiv blrepu cicandaandisptes thent e y dapistumorng fes vot. t >>athe btle t forephe rnublica nanomi htioneaas r achedci crual loand ng aatnticip tedurning in pot.e thidcand aatesre nowur tning hon eacer othn iou tghv t ads. an me bwhile, cillonlint tried to fl desoect me ofal donumd tr p'sto heugr etrh,oricli telngot vers
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neanyo.>> o i dot nie belnve i my li mefeti aenyon has runor fs thi job at aom mentf ore gat po imcertan w whoetas bter qu iealif d byleknowdge, ex enperindce a traempemento tdo whatds neebe to on d >> or rep iter:n n hewpsamrehi, olon paliticro gd,un theclninto mi falyad ms e hifirst sstrolo ip h onifis wbee's .half e thme forrer pntsideke picpd u th wiot vwhers heere t lefoff fr om hiy'llars 2008ma priry ct viinory g theteranite sta.>> >>ea mlenwhi in iowa, the caatndidhee frselil h lary in cl ctonnuontiered h aicampgn, tu afle.
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s hilt atiernaeave r ality'mnd i t nog goinesto r.pond d >>alonrud tmp wasat bg tlinhis lsrivaee, ngdlin c tedforuz r co g pyinimhis atmigrionnns pla.. >> s heaysre we'oi g tngold bui wa a ll.he are'sd gooin thg. he'sol a piaitice n so h'twouldn heknow wo re owi kn how told bui a llwa. 't>> done engag min the ud gi slinn'ng, doent gan ge ithe ga mes. >> biruo'sn actio took o cnhris ri chastie, ea thrto tnorubio w ewin n mphashire. >> oneig hh taxom cmon core ralibegyl energ lovinba oma care idmedicadi expansing pre ident s gh enou. ep >> rorr:teru t tmp hook featorsh gowinde borr cesross in ro moincco a hisdcu disgssin gaillemil imiogratn n iicamera.>> t tha jwasustid veo agfoote. jit's austpl disay oft wha our co isuntry t goingooo l klike. 'r wekee li ahi tldrd wor co untry. a we're g dumpin.ground>> or rep rter:ubepnslica ngbattli t therumppa camnigd sai asit w liunkely thatoc morcan
2:33 am
ish um tr hp orvis t ad. ta defoils umr trp srtuppo ers ey thd sais i muchs lesmp intorta an th an ollveraes msage of st threnge in th o facef eipercvedge danr.on r e othe athing,hebout t trump dad, itoesn't akttac any pu reanblicnls, opry the t esidenan ard hilltoy clinn. i >>tns turhe out tia militmen inoccupyg aug ref oeeeffic in onoregt didn' pcomedrepare nor lo a egng ed start out asro a p test t againsrethe artwst of o ra rsncheet for sting fi ares,nd enow thie occupavrs he t takeno okfacebog askin fors snackand ev cenanleoc sks. n doksblac htoneheas tes latt. r>>teeporher: tasre w a not lesing e lawcenfor omenterffic b toene se for mniles i the ld wiernessha trrt sus oundthe fewildlie refugarheadqu.ters tbutheou cntyri sheavff did rd wa a had mgeessaor f those cu ocg pyinit. s>> youaidrp e here top helhe tti cif zens othe pat heled endhe wn ace peaful t protes abecamed n armeoc oncupati. thend hammo hsavene turd th i
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r >>teeporher: ted armup gro ys sa h itoas n planso t e.leav etheyvenho swed usro a tundhe co tmpoundokhey tor. ovew hoeomany preple ain livg in ? here eyth furesedo tay san how my jhavedoine the grouphe ty ll caized citr ens foco tinstitureonal f.edome thr leade nammo bundy tetweed, avwe h ie noonntentis ofsi ung rc foone upon any ie, bute f forc u isaised agusnst w, we ill nd defelv oursees. ey th d'redieman angnui inq ryin hyto wch ranersgh dwi atnd ev stamen h wmondereer ordedk bac soto pri sn forettingir fes on fe laderal ernd aftha they d al seready prvedn risotime. i >>ast h l beenoeft t us to wdecide whetherell aheow tse in thgs to g oonwh or r ethewe ma take a snd. s eyo thl wil notap htopen ot peher aoples cros this trcouny.>> rteeporutr: b i manyhen t ea ar whoup s tporthemo hamnds op tposecche oioupatn. t'>> ios smp iiveratet tha we nd
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eeg lal th ite br pishenarliam ut ispin rm aats thor reptts tha the stlate mdeurusroke sposospern th for e iicslam w stateas st arrek ed sicintimes ng eland onrrteelor-rated os.ffense he wasedreleas each time and byth mee tihe tri btishnm goverent sent a himr lettengorderiim h to re surisnder h pa,ssport he rewas al hady on tis waya.o syri e we havromore fonm lond. ep>> rr:orte hrdaaon cedvert to is aslam ou a yanng m. 14in 20 h,se wa aesrrdteit wh
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coenagurg inrrteisortm buse lead l on oackdef evienc and atimmedideely mare a bak for sy dria and joines isi titweeng, a what odshdyec surityys stem aibritstn mue havllto aow me to ee brhrze t eougheuropth to e la isstmic ate. te lasir ung hiss isi ,namee h stpo aedoo photf himng holdi a gu dn an f hisifth child. in a recent videot thaho shews tec exofution e fiv tmen, he manth toought ar be dh is .masked i ine t, htstaunri the btish ve go.rnment>> tr how s ianget isa that ad le aer ofll smaan isl -d- >>'sdharis sters say she can't be th sure e masked man is her ot brher.>> nk i thi a it's bit hard to y nom ent tilyreon cncvi tedhat it is. myon h oestpinion ist tha i t tmigh not be.>> or rep bter:anut m oyther op pehole ww kne dharhi ttnk i pr lyobab is. oneth of e hdrunofeds sh briti nscitizen now ia,syri ingncludi
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th endf o thevideo.'s heht thoug a to be ybout 4 earsd. olto li estabsh the iydentit of at thke masn d macosinclu,vely is britllh inteigencevi serces g are toingomi exanemu as s ch a ey th o canhif fsehace bheind t a masklsnd aore compais hce voi th wies samplth that eaey alr dy ve hafi on le. is th's yearfu power lel nino b isgringinre dnchingn rai up an td down cheoralifconia ast, t bu sito far on's dtte lile to th end e'e stats -yfourngear-lo gh 90arly % ofif calornia is su g fferinseunder rovere dught nd consitio. tbenracy tookth to eky s to see hifor f mselefthe s fectheon t at stfoe's r >>teeporer: wk too offm fro an rf ai nieldsaear cram.ento teminutes lar,e wthsaw - is -se rersrvoiec at rords lowand fo s restg dyinr afte yfour ears ofghdrout. he>> tre's a lot of red ons thi re scen, w ihichsis a hagn tt 'r weere ovar an haea tint's
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or rep gter:ray znga iers di orrectth of are ghen geir a ob rvsey.ator lahez lpab s 1cansre5 acs of re fovest esery .cond 's ite liknghaviay x-rio vis n at thdu provices vid im anmechs icalheof tlt hea h of y everlesinge. tre o >>ysur s atemsre sgeeinon beyd e th tdead areesndee sing the thtrees reat are stssed.>> te repor tr:he ttcueding-ge notech,logyun finded part by "a dvatar"rirectoes jam mecaron,ea crtes 3ds mapth of ees fort thhorougheut tir entate ste. rethe dre a oas tnshi mapre a ve se drelyhtroug rest.ssedbl ue a areas reheiealthr.yo quur entipmeds rea m howuch tumoissre in iac ehnd iuaivid l ee tr? >>.yeahth sue mea irementsus foced on ho chw mu i watersn i theol fiageit .selfit ik's lete g atingod blo stte. 'sit o one kf theeyic indators on h theh ealt tof theree. ep>> rr:orte t andathe d a le re tasedwehis hoek sws ca rnlifo fia'stsores i areryn ve shbad ape. il58 mliones tre areev syerel dr toughes str asedndou cld die.
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enea mblsuraeat w leross sinceth oue drbeght ingan 1. 201 w je'r youe balasiclyin sayghe t dr t oughhasmp idacterl neay 1 iobilleen tr cs inoralifnia?>> t' tharrs coect. ep>> rr:orte u the.s.or fest icservaye sse morn tha29 mi iolln s tree ahavedylread. die >>'shere the t treeshahat ve ta tosully beccumd.>> or rep tter: mhesewiaps ll thelphees forert s kvicenow wh ichas are m arelnost vueer ablan d fiwildre ftoishes w kno er whe g theesreatskt rie.s ar sethe lyverees strtrsed aees, reey tht pasthent poif o ntuo rern a orhere ty rarecoveble? e >> wtdon'w kno a ifes strsed ee tr isbs aeloluty going to b succuman gd be oonefr i it's go tingonc boueac bkr ove .time>> or rep ter:el -fninoeduell or strems axp edecte tori bng eemuch-ninded ra. s experthahope tnst tur the sgolden atate m biteeore grn. ben y,trac amsacrento. eonnvir amentaltsctivis are
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rore ps.ductho hew te y arutpollouing ker la sd anrsrive. or>> rep tter:ilhe bwnl knos a the crmidobea freeer wats act is eddesign tomi elitenain tt y biof st plaroic fodm pr muctsofany us e useayvery d.>> mi crdsobeare a found in many he ndalth ay beaut ucprod,ts crininudsog ,apod bycr sub and hptootaste. atheyenre galerly used to ex e foliatorol add pish. igno b tger ahanin gra of ltsa, th esecrmistoplaarics e aig b co n ncerenfor nmvirol enta scisientts. stheyheay t tinyti par acles re a farmful. isthen scistti and his team y studtiplasolc ptilu ionn wa atersd roun thed.worl 's hend fou obmicreadsn i thean s anfro cisc abaynnd i high enconciotratn ns igrthe eat la kes. t noall w tatermereatlant pnts ar
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he>> ty'rebs angorbius indltria ch alemicess, pdeticioms fr fa erms,oiven dlropsm froar cs wi till sock the tse mi lacrops stic andmieacrobds. t athat p, oint ctheyntan eer th ode foai chn. a >> seingl ctiosmeroc pduct canco n ntaioup t 00300,0 denonbioadgrleabro mics.bead in steepermbli, caiafornne band lesaf s oucprodntt co aining obmicr.eads arrichood blm aruthos the le atgislanion td islehrilatd th recongngss iowfolling ca rnlifo lia'sead. i >>vet's igry scanifint. reyou'ng goiha to 0ve 5ta stes thdoing ame se thing. ve i hado no tubt ghis isoing to adspre no ow trothe trcouny. thand eon lgere whavese the po utlltsann ithe eonnvirment, e th ihardero t is tcttake aion to ti effeclevely cafan up ter . them>> rorepheter: taw las psed rp sungrisiuily q, cklyitbut 's no met ime.diat wthe laro phibits the ctmanufaofure ct produ s
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ll>> we'gh be ri.t back plum ypifylaour sheswi ewth nif plumpy scmaara a rmginolaous sh tsbooss lashe0to 5s timevothe melu li and lafts shes neplw umfypica masra e fromeeasy brbezy l autifuircovergl so y howg?a doinou enregh pinssure fo here r ya?ug sih. my s nusellare me ah yet ...jus 'wait htil weteit oun theesand ft. i' a m gonnuctake minex masinus-x. o towelate, ab're out to otakeff. th e esoldissasve ft. e they'rqunew lielid gs. d an cyou'reomthing wi me... , waitwhat?! re you e alizvei haol gatd st?us i do g still met the?iles mu new xcine nusix s-maqulielid gs. ssdis olvestfa nlto ushea s maxgttren h di mecine. thstart efe reli.
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el(cphl e onrings) e wheryoare u? twellquhe sir arelsacre bink tt the aic. mom? yo dur wadalon't cexl an attermin.or.. cacan i yllacou b?k, mom sheayits p'ssoerlnath tis..ime. if e you'rm,a mo yo au callwot the rstit .me it w'st hau yifanou wtot e sav ft fipeeen rc ment orore c onurar insance, u yo tswitchico geo. 's ityo what u .do e wheryoare u? erit's v ty loudhere. u are yo atakingzu clmba ass? yo rtur hea o loves-3megas. th but a ere's erdiff enceee betwe n th3somega-sh in fi oil th and ose eg in m kared orillil. liun fkeh isoil, me isgared y easiledabsorb ouby ydyr bo... .w .. mhichakes h youreart, ll we-h, megaappy. r happiel,stilar meged p isn rovencto iereas eg omlea-3 ivels dn 30ays. ga mered.
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thea70-ydr-ol s singerat down cwith athhat winy antho. mason >> r youeallyb kieofnd ofan wtedo t be a whiteso wil netpickt. >> i t oddtis red ing and he sain, ma a well trydo to wyohat u do . g meaninulthe sors singe. i idsa i'mry t tingo doha wtou y . do r >>teeporomr: tes jon was 24 en wh l heeft w aalesnd movedo t lo tndoneao brntk io c.musi inwithea a ye r, ha had ernumb e onhit. 's it not uaunus bl toeed lov onby anye he >> tir fste tim h youeard "i ott's n unl,usua y"ou knew it wa mes sogthin y forou?>> . yes sa i hid itoave e hav this.songi' ve got tveo ha it.>> or rep tter:hebl proem was at th jo mnes'eranagrd, goon mi o lls whteco-wro s theong nt wagied to ve inot to a ther er sing.bu st joneol was tde hcould co rerd theem do.>> sa he id oh, i canri wte a iomill n ofe.thos n he everd.di n he weverrote aernoth l oneike at th.
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nger,dy san awsh, turnedow dn the netu, jonesot g hncis chae.>> er petva sullin, my rngecordi na maidger save we'o got twrap is th up.u' yo tve gotino rip ith e demoas wik le it's notun tusualo beed lov by aenyon so we hadha to veom sy ebodgo bad da bam. sa i bidssra. tit'soshe mmpt intortaec rord m tocae beituse ng chay ed m .life r >>teeporisr: hex n htit w ould he be tme the songo t a woody le aln ,filmtt wri benyur bt acbacharh. t' whaw s ne cpussyatnt sne. >> is the f yt timeeaou h rdwh ewat's n pussy cat, d whatid thyou ink?>> iht thoug that burt arbachach
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a it'sy realle strang.melodyu i was 25.then d anghi thout t, whas?is thi ue blngs so.i isaidw kno.that r >>teepor sr: agtrin ofit hs rothuge h th m'60shiade m a st ar.>> s thiomis t nejos.>> or rep bter: iutst wa the abc ertv sies hi"tiss tom nejos" adthat ma e him ehhousold hi "tiss tom s"jonell reay atwhur tyoned u toin a s ex sy .mbol t>> i ihinkas w s aymex sl bo asso aoni s d startesinging. le t's really start tove lea >> do womenti sllow thr un odderstoat wear u? yo>> ed startne in rkw yo.
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th s womanp tood u yand, ou . knowju this. d so i midn'tiss a atbe. i saidop heou y't donch cat cold halike tt.yo otu' gso to rort of hll wit it. t buasit wen writt t up in he pa newsouper, y kf bacired.wa i bsn'takeing tenio serusly as a eywe sho md thatanore th what ey thrd hea s i was.inging>> or rep ater:tne o pointou y go pot op asiteedvicm fro frank na sid tra anprelvis esley.>> lv eisid d ln'tike a anflbum o da stan rrds heseelead. h >> e saidto wm,e't don go e. therhe we said t leave fhat to.rank. wet buaihe s.d wei ht thoug wow. p >> muttingn e ithee sam -- h,>> yea at was a bigom cenplimt to .meth wen ieould b t talkingora fnksi natra.
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sd heaid'v youe gotat a gre zz jace voim., to e leav that pop stuff.yo tu' gotomo ceh wit .mei frsaid ank, i l iovet l.aldo i . ha >> t otbviously w forkedor yo su, butesometim it'sbl probaywo garked aouinst yto, e caus dpeople kon'thenow wre p tou.ut yo>> tl exacy. 'sthat the leprobm. al i uwaysdseth to ink myve itrsatild y wouln be at.asse but meso ptimes,saeople , y wellwh toat is s.m jonei' m nthot in 'e rockn rolll hal ofe. fam yo>> do tu wanto be? w>> iouikld l be to ye, ecaus i'mic bas aally '50s ro rock 'n gell sinr.>> or repr:tema he by notn e ie thhall yet, but since 2006, to sir m jon bes hasmeeen a mber n of aevenor me evexclusiub cl. h >> uve yo e hadni a k ght,hood wh knich i ow means ao lot tyou.>> ea oh, yh.wh ouen y neil- -ne kreel the ande thnquee putshe two sn rd oyoursh
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ms dreai that wod ulbe>> > some of eramica'sav forite co s cktailctwere alluainy ntveed seover.asta foke, str in, anceblthe oody .mary f we toundrihe o iginsrin pas. t>>wahis s anld o barha ttad h be en shipped to paris. rr haugy bot ht ir aftefithe rst gu nty weke bro. m>> froin shippgt thatobar ri pas. >>an,yways thibv o aiouscamerin r ba a hasgu sin olar,igne mht ev senay hriistoc stdiioinctn. ibacken th 2019s, a bndarteer here mixedce worsterce sauh wit
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lois, fn'ttorge the vodka. d an kat'sey. y'harr ws is therelohe bmaody rys wa.bornth ooe bl dy,mary it's anc bruh st oraple fyo when su needome ofe thf hair og.the do el wl's it alo bodyar my in morn g t inhe 1920s ashi proonbiti edcloss bar in thete unid st , ates asomecamerirtn barsende tcameano frooce l fkingor ugey broht a newde iao tthe chfren, ckcos,tailed mix dr,inksto ant couryse u dd toinrinkg .wine heat te sam, times pari awas re orfuge f a lot ossf ru ianses ngcapi c theniommust re tivoluacon bmek ho. d antheyro bught this newtu sff edcall hew, trere a a lot of ff diterener vs sionowof h the k drin wastecread. mothe idst welyep accisted ha tta barman at y'harrsnd fouka vod too
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as the henryil famroy fm ss mattachuse as cantttes to. er >> v.y good >> pcterfely edspic. >>it'slo bcaody beofuse the to tomae. juic ryand ma isel bdieveha to vebe en s'someonefr girl buiend. t af a ter fe w ofe,thes who re ermembe s thildetas. it's asa ver dtilenkrit tha sp inanires mynt ieterprnsatio. at aic mexanst rentaura's, it ma itde wquh teila. b >> bloody maria. a >>t a sake ba r,it'se madh wita nejapaodse vndka a sawabe. ethre gatener ionstelar, harry s is otill bwnedyhe t sam e lyfamid , an cthey tlaimlahat star yeey, thd tol more than00 12,0 oo blardy mys. e
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aroody mhey at t. bar it>> whce silene morrfpoweul than rdwos. prthe enesidtrn mousti vicms of gu n vnciolede an takesct aion tost opit. so alni toght, a rngolli stdisa mer,siisipsspilo fod rswatell swaow upor mf e othe tl heard.ana rpopulaen docum atarybout a co tenvicild klerri bngs danem ds fo hir s frm.eedo hi>> tass hn beene oth of e gg bienest aiterttnmenam cnspaig avwe hene se t onhe atpl.form nd>> a aea tcherth of er yea in e thdeviofo he tee wk. t>>his is the cbsve oigrnht ne ws. >>t iwas aig seht w rarely the tearsf o mtheowost perful ma tn inheor wld perowssle to ge unt the taited steses congr sto
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e thidpreswaent snn ainouncg wh eat hou wld do byxe e cutiveac wtionutithoes congrns whe the esmemori ofhe tse s,victim0 2 fi rstrs grade from newtn, nn cocuecti ot, 6r 7 yearsld o edchok mr.obaman i mi ntd-se.ence e >> tveryime ink thi about os the kitids s gete m d byhe t, wayit hnsappe on th e s otreetsf cgohica every day.>> therebe have en 1 m3ass ki gslling durin the obama pr cyesidench, eae tim pu resblicanot vgaed auninst g le iogislatn. onlast merth aft san arberndino,mr a. obamid decoed t act on his. n givethe lsimit ofis h power, hisns actioot are n oubackgrhend cfocks sar gun les ne onli or at gun y rrentl about%40 ofal ses all.
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aw cr ifordts a thete whi e.hous >>m frove eryam f wilyho never im edaginha tt tirheov l oedne wo beuld en takm froour l bivesy a bfrullet gom aun.>> wa it sn amo etional .appeal>> m weaybe't cane sav ev oderybuty, be w scanave some. a >> picolitalal col t action. t >>heun gob lby b mayeol hding th em aghoste, but theyan c not ho ld amanerics. owe dot nav he toep acct .this t >>hesi predentte repeadly ll caed thecu exetivect aions co enmmon spsse ste that ecrespthted seecondme amendnt d anss expreedol saridyitit wh th ope pehole wro surdunde himn o e ththehi wsete hou. fa a wther lhotos a ar7-ye-old, e thau d oghtersf theas ptort a a ar chonlestrc chuh and a recongmasswoarn neilly kled beafter hoing s itn the head. i >>t's our righto tor wship ee frly and lysafe. at thht rig was ddenieo t
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at th d wasdenie j iewsnsa kans ty ci t andwahat sie dend mmsusli inha cpell hil andhs sik inak o cr ey th hadig rhts too. y>> the focusedn o them systef o oubackgrndck chesnc ingludi ir requaling unl g dealers even whthose o sellir fsearm at gun sh d ows anheon tnt iernetbe to edlicens and conductkg bacround ec g provinrrthe custent syem by hi orring menv itoestigaors t ma kgke bacround checksor me fi eftciennd ati ineasingta menall heth tr t eatmenandti repor tngo the ba ndckgrou s checkystem. ou althgh theue iss of stetric rgu n laws ishl higy vidicive, 92%of ri ame scansrtuppo broackgund ec chks. e thidpresent in theak wee of thnd say hookho sgsotin fd aileto ge git leioslathrn tought tha wo xpuld eandm. the anhe wots t kick srtuppo oersut ofof.fice
2:57 am
re the asonon cgressck blosaw ls b isseecauy thet wan to ecinels.tion y ifou mitake d har form theo t anwin eyd thlo b tckhe laws, w theyill ccohange urse, i om pru.ise yo >> now the pntreside couldac fe co tinstituonalll chaenges that e thes actionsee exc hdis id pres entialitauthory. e thnran i s anttateme iatndiced hit mayffold os ag sayinse the s actiondon'tea rlly a tppearo ch aangeinnyth ag andre simply tipoli calthr.eate an >> j awcr aford tthe w hite k thanyou. isif it it polical tethear, blrepu picanntresideial idcandates pdlayehe t enpresidt'spo prolssa as high dr ama wncynas i the ceaudien. >>ba omats wan your asat w w thengarni on the idpresalentiam cn paige websitfo r sexs a sorenatz cru on a mo pck uth of esi pre identn li mi tary.garbcr uz'slo felw cdaanditeco mar ru
2:58 am
ar boback iamasbs odesse with rmunde tiningonhe secd en amt.dmen>> panaul ryed accusf him oa er dangous level of e texas rliepub wcan hose omsubceemitttr conolsun fding fo her t dtmeparofent ti jus ce re thedaten to cuthe t p urse ngstris. e >> hoveperstauped itthordy an wi i akll ttie aco on trarestin hi m. il wilwanot orit fou a crt or order a lat.wsui e thndsecond ame rments ightare to o ecpr.ious he>> t nra redeacth wit haail of tsweet in tirealme. yi sareng pntsidema oba's ec exeutivrd oers will dohi notng toro impve pc oue grpue issd this warning to any lrsawmakehi tnking odif sing th wi theprenesidt. i, fy allnra gsrade areub sctje to an chge. t>> thawh is iat havee com to pe exct. t >>cohis ssngrenwoma is a
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ysandk hoole esment where st tsuden and tchea wersere nn guowed dnn i 2o2. 1>> t whaoudo y say tose tho who hsaidoee d hsn'tavehe tht rig t toake tiacon?>> no it's et goodnough.en th f bring yorwardowour n op prosals, but for sgod'e sak do thsomeing!>> y the't don c controlsongres d anifwa he ntse moron mey for in thikgs le anadditiol atf ag , entslhe wile hav to win over icrepubld ans an right now, t, scot s thateemsun lylike. >>cy nank , thanyou. w we nant tohaote tt ddeman for gu ns isg.soarin e th f sbi iaidt ndcoducte a co rerd 23il mlionac bdkgroun ch asecks lt . obamait c aeder ho in the ba gattle auninst g vi.olence i anennnoctee trnage whoou f ndhi
3:00 am
ob>> dsonas w a sreophomo at fultonh hig ischooln kne,oxvill estennsee.he d playe fl ootbalasand w d belovebyss clas matedan te eke weef boreis chr htmase edheada to ndfrie's h touseo pl iday veo megas. he n hadadot m aead b sidecion. w heasct exahely w arenyer oth wkid ouldbe. ur yod. ki myid end thme gunnta srted wd heas inig hh hoscol,ad h no tot gtenta sedrt in .life dheoven o top of threels gir to ie shheld trom fm the bus.llet ashe wt sho ien th .head avhe ge l his tifeoav se .theirsan act ofer hoism a lot brigge th nyan agthinou we shld ever pe exmct fro a
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>> t >> he tasre h been ant arresn i theho soting death of age colle ud st went inhat h maybeave nen aac oat of rd .rage ahe's m carineraorpol whoas w ar edrest y inuma,ri anazo. i hesus accedf oun gning down r-20-yeaarold sahly ear new dyear'say ashe s ditrove wh s friendrohome fm a no aigther bto sayry tod, oo fls dwaterreare ngcedilo ang ofparts is the mpisissip and ri nsing i 23night in illoisou cients eehave bnla decdre dteisasr ea ars. were an i olive anbrch. t >>ishis where theis mipsisspi rrive isou p iringnto onef othepo toresou cientns i the statef o li il.noisal deexan runcoty.i'
3:02 am
at thai fd leurfoay ds a agond w nothatec bre nh isyearl ail me .wide >>rl neay 125pe prosrtieav he fbeenedlood.da vid ownshr t oeef them. theis mipsisspier rivs it ais h t fron.door l >> looksikeou y b tuilthis in mithe oddlee f thkela.>> 30ea y ars tgohisn' didt enhapp. e >> h owasf ne o ptheeeoplho w ptacce sed a btateuy outnd a ag treedo leave.>> n whe didy theff o yerou the y buout? >>er afthe tlo fteodwantr we .down i >>20n 11? y >>es. nd>> a t youook it. av>> heou y gn otte myour?oney n >> ur s,yearen sev ntmohs. in nothg.>> heov medy awa andai wted for im ruis trick d tverd urneit wn do.>> c we aan'tdffor to vemo.yo stu ju't can udp ane move lik atth. j >>onohnsd saihe't doesn have e th t moneytao srt .overth eed minian comes i justnd uer
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hass tn hofalf the st'sayed in .comeas for david iswillhe, w otherr t nohe gets his money, head me isup hd. min av>> he y mouupade your mind?>> no pe.>> au becfse o atth?>> ec bau osef atth.>> itrt staured ftherth nor and ll ki5ed 2eo pinple ll isinoi andmi rissou.>> it b mayo e tws yearrebefo is thec breh isai repanred d co beuld w two beekse eforthe fl doode areas are dry. gothe ods new ishe tat wer is ce rengipti into theis mpisissip ve ribor alove fgeod stam frore he to loa.uisian >>s. thank in thestwest, ormsre a going to t hiafone terer anoth,er powed by themi warngif pacic cnturre n knowas el noni.he bre'sen tracy. i >>t'ser litlyal rg apin cats d .dogs >> na sinrlgdw roaanays d vecongri the 110re fayewn i
3:04 am
r foetha meg .rain grnd. op peleiv lining areasha crred bydf wil wireserenc egeourad to ua evacte. l steeet nasting h beenns iedtall toat cch de.bris ivhe les below thent mouainnd a de d cideto leave. ht>> nig t iime't don wtan to go leto sepon wngderi ifhe t dsebri oi is g tngodo come wn again. il >> bl is a nasa atclimgieolost. w >>nde te tous foc onhe t ga netive ims,pactut b the fact t oftehe mats r iweee n adll of th is inra.>> s thioiis gngbe to a fa tintasowc dpan enymt on ghdrout. wean cnt aipiceat awhnyeer tw befoeen ur aixnd she incsf ora in here in los leanges. it's nllormaley doub what we get in arjanuy. t >>.ahe l.iv rers ihi rusng to t,nighdi senngil bs lionof ga sllonwa of oter tuteo th ea ocn. at th w ishat pntreveoss l an sgelefl from .oodingth isere ra more n in ithe stforeca.
3:05 am
li caiafornrr tomoow.>> ben tracyor repti tngshi ineveng. an thu.k yo y todain isafghantan, one rv seemice mberil was kl and two rsothe w ioundedn aie frce ba eattle nr theth souern city ofma rja. the taliban was angdvanci am serican opecialonperati s aforcespond supg rtin athefghan theac r fe torheex nt ancomminder chief,al rond ag reean onc said the 11th an commisdment thouha sotll n speakll i ofno ather blrepuican.he n' wouldtni recogze theel mee ju fstrouks weeef bore iowa. 's here g majorttarre.>> s thibaa d'gckined t cruz mo tckedheei forgn pyolic of hntougess. >> iw kno iav he a .debate ru>> cz took his own firem fro ri ck stoanmru whoic riduled his nsperion fo bufilisters.>> youan wmet so toneo read a
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d is your guy. y ifanou w dt totefea riisis, cknt saorums i your idpresent. t >>anhey brrided chris ch stiean f out o sbetep liral. >> oneh higcotax mmone cor amobaad krecaxp engandi pntreside is gh enou. t >>tahey atirck theon opp entsan dea l tvinghato t the funded pe su.r pacs. >> s the puperacs arepo supsed peto o irateenndeplydentm fro e th aicampgns, auglthoh rubio id sa heoe d ssrtuppo the ougrp's agmesse. t >>rehese a sioerus noere gthine in thads that en act. he>> tup sacer p ads do not cenearssy il ttiphe scale. e thpgrount spe tens of msillion onlyo t p seepoush's bell numrs , tumbleinleavshg bura to sc mble a foronttentive on liow tv ving ashe h been terough thanon anye onon daldmp tru. t >>myhat's job. ha you tve ton ake othe bully
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that's w ihat 'mdoing. h >>ed tol thet pos thatub rio scannotlime his way to t he howhite oseks attac c famerom a rubio pe sur pacnd a not rubioim hself s wa ati disonnctit los on ch ierist a isbet may or f vo ters. o >>nhe tud mdy cnampaig trail. ks thanmu very ch. i >> yn newnork ihe t dtiemocrac ce ra,e bernian sdersoo tk aim ytoda atro fnent-runrry hilla toclinven orto ties wall etstre.he said wall rest get'sreeds i st de troyinghe fcabrif o the onnati. a >>nder he is a new 'syear luresotiont tha i w killeep if ec eltedsi predent andt tha is if wallee strt d noesotnd ets i ee grd, wel wilendt i f oremth. e>> hed vow t boreak up the un costry'ig bgest s.firm aum docryentaea ldso t a
3:08 am
rk mas aes mil ftoneor wo ddhey bu'sy, let t getheseda uiyqqul lielid gd s ango. bu est thque lielid ge s arnew. cimufanex mstax. tit'se he samendifferce. es thmue are sylti-m.mpto swelle o aresthe. nethis os istmax arengthfind ucghts mus. othatoene't uh nk...thi fast! yo opu drsoped inmethg. .ioh..pu'll bt itonack s thelfhe... frnew ucom m finexmaast x. onthe olly cd d anliflu gquidel atth'sax mtr-sgtenh d an mfightsusuc. ar stret the .lief thditch see miry. t' leths end is. el(cphl e onris)ng e wheryoare u? twellquhe sir arelsacre bink tt the aic. mom? yo dur wadalon't cexl an attermin.or.. cacan i yllacou b?k, mom he ay sits p'ssoerlnath tis..ime. if e you'rm,a mo cayou thll at woe rstit .me it w'st hau if ou yan wtot e sav ft fipeeen rc ment orore c onurar insance,
3:10 am
. > >>wa ne dtaocumenurry tned vi erew isont amateuret dveectis dan t againt o bamafor a n se rvingif le for rdmuer. >>nk thas to s ahow on tfne lix, wethe e has a hit on his hands. n>> ies lsn tha a h,montor me athanrt quaer of ail monli lepeopun aroed thld worig sdne a ti pe otion tnhe siteem dngandi icjustre fo aan m inso priorn f fe li and freeatud in a nixetfl do ntcumeary. mike jesonwi is th>> i fortt io gro fm aew f sathouond t a few monilli si s,gner itws shos thiis ta g ppin ninto aatliona co sanver.tion i >>n' didnot kw wtohat do and ho hw toeandl. it>> t' ies du tohi ts seesri, ki mang a eduncht lasth monha tldt to th
3:11 am
'shehe t wnsiscoanin mho w edserv 18 yearsn i prison for pe raor befe being etexonerad in 20 03.>> fi we ndhe tef dntenda ilguty. o>>nly tohi find fmsel in pr isgaon anin o ade murr co tinvicnon i ncse it t,debuil mslion of s viewerspentrs hou binge wa ngtchian it dis dnscussio tnghe icase onenlinha ct ey thd sai hs e waedfram by th auors itie lwhoiednd ala pnted id ev.ence n kez kratwhoro ptesecu sdaid th rie seses i slmingeadi.>> te savven isery ht righe wre heds neeo iat'sisn proron f the rtes of s hiranatufel li. >> y'averaws lsayer id the re onacti tohe tie sersas h in edcludl usefuor infonmati f ore thfedense.
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tleas siftnd asi conder so inmethhag ttht migus be ulef ne to oan humei bng wigho rht now ac is fing a slow dneath i pr ison.>> i heren win,sconsitt sco er walkhe has ter pow ton pardo so bmeone,inut durg two terms in ce offias, he her nev used .itsc isott, hes aiday se hno is t togoing e chang sthategtraty now. d >>ean dsreynolha, tounk y verymu ch. theti jusarce deptmentak tes ti
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coinoundarg phcymaha ttes mix cu stom s.drug st lar yea tdihey erscoved wn dolaing enbs sopt pele iomillnsn icamedis tionandhe tydi d notdeorr. lathe b wases invdtigate for sa unrynitaon cs.dition dayesterhey tar depoftment ju estic filed anct injun tionhatfo rcesni downg toto sp mgixin s drug until an outsideer expt in tspectshe tyfacili. in f airstor f the u.s. tamiliry emacadeny, geral diana dhollan was sworn in as c ommendan t of decats. she is a 9019du graate ofes wt t poinandve sernd i ianraq d af
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y eir waceto sucss. > >>ghtoni wteav sed the last nc dare fok mar ssmtraunan i la atnta. >>hi tiss the hip hanop dce lechalnge.yo sou al ndwoer,ho ws i that li ttlege aded du wanho c i dot ke li emth. >> ar> oewence testard, s iaid m i' so bad.le t'lms fi l.y'al ey thd sai no, h youave to be this it.>> ronk,claror a fmerch teaer heof t yearou fednd theca ademy in 2007. 's itri a p mvatee iddlolscho
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nilearngom coes tor fid ks emacadlyicaler divsend aen oft r rae videl vitao srslu incding ve senth gerreat jdeayn >> the mgeessa is to saye wcan do un f ts hingewhilea lgrnin at e th same.time ve>> etury sdent but one in the ho sc hol'sryisto hason ge ono t ll sonho calun isno atheren sevth ergrad. t'>> ides inbascriblehe tun amotof e lovwn shom fro the tereachs rdtowas .us itot mesivats u to push rs ous elveand baze aming zecitins. t >>hees m isagebos aut who we ar e. stowhos kid that you .carewh ens kidw knothatou yre a ll wi tingeto mem thend a learn t abouyour creultu andnt iterac wi itth whm, theaty thl wilk wor ha .rder
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cyorkity. ws ne. lcweomeo t o theigvernewht ns. tethe laitst polatical bertle ov cogun hantrol ss bothides ck lo ed andlo.aded anmo etional pntreside obama no anunced thatt iis sdeurround amby filybe memrs ofse tho ll kied by family mbmeers. onap cilitol hl theymi prose a fcourtightow and v to undo the es prsident'ns actio ifnd a when th reey take the w hitehouse. n jafocraweprd r.orts e >>veryam fwhily oev ner im agined theired lovne oou w ld
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i >>st wa anti emoonal peapal. >>ma we caybe san't ve ybever body,e ut w scanave meso.>> aad hit pol cicalallo t ti acon. he>> t gun lobby may be hngoldi recongss hoe,stag w bute doot n ha ve tocc aept isth. >> there psident called the ac cotions smmence sensete ps at th hd elpeecthe sond amemendnt andxp essreedol saridyitit wh pethe opleho wro surdeunmd hi atth e wtehi ushoe. a fwhather to los a ar7-ye-old an tdheau dtegh ars ttherc chuh an d agr conomessweaan nrly ll kiered aftng beit shon i the ad he. he>> tht rig tosh worip fyreel andaf sy.el at thht rig d wasd enieto ch iaristns in archonlestut, soh licarona. wthatenas diedew jsn ian ksas acitynden died mmuslis thiis elchapl hilnd aik shs in oak cr eek. eythad hht rigs too.>>
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ostem bfunackgrodhe ccks in gcludinri requing all gun er deals, ethven woughho sell ar firetms a gun shows andhe t rn intebeet to lseicen and co bnductunackgrockd ches and pr imthoving eme systri by hi ng re moes invetigatsor to make them moreic effient and iveffecte. siincrea tng thentreatme and r7 9ing theo tkg bac croundheck .system suthe isef oerstrictaw ls inremaing de iviciv92% of er ams icanorsuppckt bandgrou ec ese prtidenth in ee wakth of end saoky hoin shootgsd faile to t geeg lonislatigh throu cesongrs at thld wouan expd .them hean wtss voter tok kic gun gh rits srtuppo oersfut o fiofce. >> tishis t nothat mpcod.licate re the onason cgresss block laws is au becsehe tany wto t win tielecons. y ifakou mte id har tforhem to wi n anle enctio ifhe ty block th e lheaws, t wyille chang co .ursepr
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he >> tsi predent coulde fac ti consaltution cgehallensha tt th eseio actnsxc eeedis h es pralidenti thauority.bu nrt the a in ate stament ca indit ted imay hold offin saygth ioe actnssn doe'tea appr to gechanth anying and arey simpl ti polical theater. jan focrawrd, cbs news, the it whe.e hous t>>hees prsident' new gun nt corolat initiives are allhe t o talken thpa cam ignaitrl. ar hillnty clion c talledhe onactirus a ccialp steor fward on gun olvi.encepu re tblicanzed crud saiy the n jorar grett isn istmancheer er whive fe cdannete stas sedtump forot ves.>> b theeattlre kechhereac td a urningin pot. rtheyur tningn oh eacer oth in tv ads. libill crinton toed t dctefle thegh touer rrihetocm froon dald um trllp teinger vots hes ius jt aap hpy gfarandther who not
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o i d notie belve in my fe li atimedynybo has runor f jthisob at aen momt ofre gat riexpe wence whoaste betr al qud ifieknby dgowlee, pe exceriend, an tpeemmeraont t do t whaee ndsbe to on deow n to st reore osprripe.ty i >>new n hairmpshhee, tli cnton mi fa m,yhiade fsstir sool visit on his fewi's be.halfth e 42nd prentside cdirets the estat fheor t aicamp'sgnev rival in eme foresr prt idenedpick up wh heere t lefff oro fm hiy'llarspr yimarto vicryn i thera g nite at ste. i>> would s eayvery acamerin sh houldaave ht rig toee mt at le oastnesi pre identnhe tir li mefeti.ev ery acamerin. n inew hairmpshe, your ogodds up . >>il hlaryli cntonti connued her mpcaai tgnniur ongrve a new af le.>> iil wl let him live in his
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>>al dondmp tru wasat bg tlinhisri ,valsin needldg te cruz for py coingmm itiigraonns pla.>> e h said wel wilui b ald llwa. she i a pitoliaicn so held wou on >> dng't einage ud the m slngingi t andhe megas. he >> tyad me ar detouckto sma ma rcoub rio as a th.reat i >>w kno i have a tedeba, but i vehao tet ghi ts f antasyfo totballhing ghrit. >> the thread toub rowio nh wit ne mpw hae.shir>> om cmon coreca obama arend me dicate edixpanng psirentde is ou engh.>> heoo tk hteaor fho swing te warro cs sserinor mocco sc dingussi iallleg irammig tion amin a.eric f>> it thaviwas deo otfo age,it 's theay displ o wfhat our co yuntr igos tingo look like. a were a dug-mpinndgrou. >>li repubcans binattlg the tr cumpigampan said ist wa
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will tniarsh t orumpr his tv ad. ta defoils umr trpup serports aremu esch lsmp iortantn tha a agmess se ofgttrennh i thee fac of ace perived ngdaer. one o ttherhing is itsn doe't ta atck rcaepublins. t onlyrehe pntside h andillary n.clinto t >>heia milit men ongccupyi a fewildliic offen igo oren'n didtco me pdrepare for a long ed startut os a ate prost ai ag tnstrrhe aest ofwo t he rancrs forti setngir fndes a no w theie occupavrs he takeno t bo faceinok askg for s anacksnd evenle can s.sock hnjola bckne sto hheas t telast. >>he t wreas not agl sine law rcenfoofement tficero be seen r fo hee s driff wavidard had a ss mefoage osr thecc ongupyi .it y >>aiou sd y wouere here to he lp theen th help endedn whe afu peacel tprotesec bame aned arm oc ticupaon. ey th tdurnehe tvemsels in.
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mm coy.unit he>> tup gro saidhe tye hav no s planto veey ehon tdughes u adroun the m counbo tdyheoo tk over. ow >> hpe many reople ag livin re he in. t >>heyus ref tedayo s hyow man ed join g theroup they call ti ciorzens f cutonstitional fr m.eedo l theeadered tweet we have no in nstentio of uorsing fpoce un , anyone fbut if uorcessed nsagait w us,e will nddefe rs ous.elve ey th d arediemannng anq i ouiryf thwhy eyer ordaced bok tso prin foret sting o firesned feral nd la t afterheyea alrdyer sved pr ison time. i >>ast h beent lef t uos to ci dethde wheeer wll aowse the gsthingo to o onr werheth we ke mata a sndo s t wheyill not enhapp o totherpl peoecr aoss is th trcouny.>> y man ien thre aa whopo suprt e thmo hamnds oeppos the oc ticupaon. t'>> is iermpivate tod fins way
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efpeacndul aal legnd ait he's tit lthtle iings n lifeakthat m se me.milesp ngendi d theh ay witiemy n.ce doi usn't pee sulir poorgrip fld ho, us becaene my dfitures .t wellbe hofore ttlse litese piec would bget inenetwe mdey ntures d anummy gt and iunwas tacomforble. ev elen winl fittntg de lures fet inpaood lertics.ju fst aabew d s ofpesugrr polieip fre c islllinicaeny proval to set ou fmoreood lepartics y somoou're fore com artablenfnd cowhident yoile t.u ea so no it's t t abougkeepinen my dintures , 's itut abopi keeheng td foort pas icleout. y trpesupor ipligre. fre smyndon ase i u wd to tatchhere rpd cawset shotv on inow,al'm w tkingm.heif le unis tapredicble on g e thini neo ed tprbe taedicisble be to ke flae. fre e becaus ui havehesed ad andldshoufoers yr 20.ears rusedlyegular, ovit remp es u10to f 0% oesflak ke inepu g yootprteecd ev weery , ekevmoery nth, y everyear yo adu re?y ma ysalwa li ifes edunprblictae,o sem britace !
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. b>> theritisham parli uent isp athisrmsve or rtsepor that the la urtest mderous ssmpokean for ethic islam state wases arrted eron treror oflated fenses times. ashe w reldease each time andy b methe tiri the b gtishnmoverent nt seet a lterin orderg him to su rrrende p hist,asspors he waon ay the w to syria. wea have rtrepom frodo lonn.>> e pleasbe to laalh. h >>se wa rdaise adu hin and co tenverd to i aslams ang you ma n. hene joid ad banic radalro gup ledy b the he 2014 wasrr aes otedn su nspicio of erancouging te
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eofdevi ance indiammedtelyad me ea a brkor fia syr and joined isis,in tweetgt wha a shoddy se ricu styystem b mritainust t haveoow alle mo tre beze th hrougop eur te tohe iicslam at ste. rlate using his isis hname,e st poed a photof olf himse inhold agun g and h fisifth ch ild.>> in thet recens isieo vid that ntapparewsly shohe t etixecuon ofe fivmen, the man is .masked in itta he heunts tti brish megovernnt. ow >> hge stran it isha tt a adle oerfll a sma idslan -- is >> h sriste can't be surehe t n mahe is rot brher. t>> ihinks it'ar h td soay ve gin what i have .seen i amot nir entely cnconvi tedhat i its. esmy hontpi onion ist tha it t mighnot be.>> manyer othsho w knewim h inthkpr it lyobab is. e onheof tun hs dredof bshriti
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l thiseittl w boyhoea appt rs ae th tend ofhe vo hideo,e is gh thoue t to b fabouteaour yrs d. ol >> ttao esblish theit identyf o m thatdaske man covenclusily, ic servrees a going tone examis a smuch ahe ty can of hisac fe tbehindhek tas andpa comre his vo wiice heth tes sampl theyav he f onile. >>s thiyear'sow perfulni el no is ng briing dngrenchi u rainp d andownhe tif calornia coast, bu t soar fe dontl liteo t end urthe folo-year ugng droht. of 90% or califnia isri suffeng un r deveserore dught ndconsitio. w weseill ee thff eects on the st sate' w >>ooe tkff oro fm an air fieldne ar smeacraannto d mesinut r latewe sawthis. se rersrvoit a rdecors lowand re fo dsts.ying t >> ihere ls aot o rfed on the enscrech whi is an sig that e we'r aoverren aaha tt is in
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g >>isreg he t dtoirecrf othe ca iernegbo airrne seobatrvy.orhi abs las h highh tec ls aser at thn sca 15es acr of ftores a ndseco. 's ite lik hg aviny x-raonvisi at thdu procesid vivs image of e ththhealth of es.tree o >>ysur sistem in seeeg th ee tr tsarhat e stedress.>> theut cdgting ee togechnoly fu indedarn pt byat "avar" di jrectoramames creeron cates e- oninof-a-kdd 3 maps. rethe ead ar ts on mhisap are ve se srelysetresd. ue blas are h areltea.hier>> itea rdsow hh mucst moiser i e inach ?tree t >>eahe mmesurent isus foced on muhow erch wats in i theia folgeit .selfit ik's leti getng a bloodt tes an d onef oythe ke cainditors. >> theat daea relsed this wee k hbyis teamws sho carnlifoia's re foarsts en iryve s bad.hape
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. a anndstouing 888li milonav he se ensu meaerabler wat sayss los si nce 1120. t >>he dhtrougmp idacterl neay on e bonillies tre?li ca?fornia t'>> thas rrcoect. >> t.she u.or festvi serce has mo hare t mn 29onillire t hesave adalreedy di.>> es treha ttav he tlyotal su beccumd. >> t mhesewiaps elll hpno k w ic wheh arul vraneanble d wi oldfirelsfficia knowre whe e thtegreaksst ris are. >> theev sy erelssstreed trees, e ar ptheyast p theointf o no rnretu orreracoveble? w >> deon'tw knoif they will be ne go orou bncek bac ov.ertime >> el niueno-flledin wterrm stos e arec exptoted ng bri much ne rededain. scthe isientrets ain hopg that wi ll flyinalur tthn ede goln e stat a bitor meee grn. ben, tracy saencramto.>> on envirmentaliv actistsre a ti plotng a new lhaaw tutt olaws cr
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whe tsear pesticl are po g llutinakour les and verirs.>> t' ins know as theik meryea bd free watersac t. sit i dneesigd toli etemina bits ofst plam ic frotsproduc o manyf u usse d everyay. he >> ty arend foun ian my health and buteay pdurosctik le apso, s body akrupnd tstoothpae. they arese uod t add polish. noge bigr than ara gin of salt, ey th are a big pnerso for vi enenronmtal ayey s t thepainy lertices ar aar hmfulou srce to lake and ea ocn poiollutn. he>> tis fhre ain eatg tsehe cr midsobea andhe tyo g fromou yrfa acce bko intyour dybo. >> at thens itetitu theytu sdied pl c asti pandtiollunon iat wers ar toundhe w.orld eythobmicreads in the sanfr
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llt a pslantre a able to fi tller ohemut.>> y the areor absbinges pdeticisfr arom fndms ay theil wlti sck t tohe milacropicstds an s.bead ey th cntan e terheoo fd aichn.>> ain sgledu proanct con c tainup to300,000on n-rabiodegedabl be aadsnd in smbepteer focali brniadanne the salesf o pr tsoducon cintaing crmidsobea. atheyre tlehrilald cniiforsa i owfollthing e adle.>> s it' sfiigni bcantseecau you ll wi h 5ave0 sstateng doi the same inthg. ve i ha no doubt ts hiis going tosp owread not to her ege lonr wee havhe tse po anllutnts i the vienenronmt, th ear hrde it is to take action toti effeclevely can up a fterem th. >> the lasaw psused sirpri ngly ic qukly, b iutst' not hiey probithe tan mtuufacre as
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t>>he y.lill prshe mettyliuch inves hervofaterinc pridress ess. bu cet onee a wk t i leplher riay sheff iso w canh asit. usi dee tige to tt outh ekose weld oin stas an yd down to t get ianfresh d .soft aryou eee frgo to . ti ndde any dow to .gether [c coough, ugh]mi neke? jat? ifcough an you cme hear . t don'hieven tutnk abo it. ok i toex mucinfo dm r my gmphleh.y coug ..yeahha.but wt t aboumike? h hehaas ty t drhyscratcin thg g goinon. s gues what?orit whiks on h s cougtoo. cough!s gues what?orit whiks on h s cougtoo. stwhat? op! t don' mpulle! sp r oilet!aler sh n'e doesket ma it! m only ducinexm re blievesweothdrt and ugy coorhs fur 12 ho swowith tin medicones in .e pill st thart efe reli. di thtch mie .sery s let'thend is. >> ta imporsant mesgefo der resie nts ago 50 t85.wr wnite donu this owmber n.ri w,ght nope reople avi receingth reis ffoe inn rmatiokit arfor gu aanteednccceptaeli urfe insance awithlo rate ouck thrgh
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yifreou afi on a coxed inme, n leart abourdaffoable e wholnslife iuranceth raat guayontees eur ratn cainnever secrea r foreany ason. ouif yot did nve receiyo orur inf,mationll canu this owmber n.yo epur accistance nt guaraeed, nwiththo healio questns. bystand ar to le.n more i >>le'm aekx treb, o here toutell y about pua pofelar lian insurnce pla a withlo rate ckat th i locks rn yourater folife i sonet can crver inease. yo did tu geyo e ur freatinformt?ion kiif , not cpleaseall n thisr umbenow. a thisdafforplble ouan thrgh e thnicolon al penmprogra vehas coptrage oionsfo $r just m9.95 a.onthyo atur roce is linked an ned can uver gop. urand yota accepnceis ra guad,ntee o with n yotcan ge stfor ju a $9.95. month
3:36 am
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stnd a haronoryni k tght ofhe al rem. the ea70-ydr-ol sat down for a at ch. y >>ouan wted to be a white wi lsonke pict.>> .yeah ti mes oti rngeddi h ande said we o try to dt whaou y do. s ihaaid wt i am t trying odo, yo .u do t >>omes jonas w 24he wen ht lefwa anles ded mov toon ldono t k brea intomusic. th wi in ayear, head h abe numr on e t.hi i ott's n unusual >> tirhe fstim tue yord hea it, knyou t ew i swashiometorng f u. yo>> yes. t >>rohe p wblemas s'jones na ma wgerho wrcootehe ton sg waonted t g tive itheo anotr ng sier.bu est jon t wasold houe cld rd reco the mode.>> id sai i can write ali milon of t.hose
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he>> we n thotherge sinrdy san t shawdurne downhe t netu j,onesgo e t thcechan. >>he tor rec mdingeranag said weha ve to t roughhis up. h weo ave tjustip r into .itbe causehe to demas wik le -- it 's notsu unual we ad hha to omve sngethi more. ut b if i ever fdinha tt you ch ange >> s it' theos m ittampornt co rehard ttng cha medy life. h >>exis nt hitld wou be t he emthsoe ng to aoo wdyen allm fil tewritn byt burac bk rack.>> s what' newus psycat w >>idhat d you inthk? i >>ug tho hhte was jo.king iug thohaht tt burt wasg jokin
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itea rlly a strange myelod even datoy. owyou kn what i ?meani 5was 2 then.i ht thougha wst i isth? heai sds thiis not a rmhyth andbl ues ngso.i isaidw kno.that s wheasy m woman a >>tr sofing it hs tghhrou the 60s made him a star. hi>> ts isom t nejos!>> wa it e s thabcer siess thiism tojonesha tt made him a us ho eholdname.>> is this j tomonesea ry llatwh .mbol>> i tnkhi w ias a sexym slbo en wh ita srted ngsiing. 's lety reall s ttarto live >> o den womll sti throw un r derweaatu? yo >> .no no. s
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w york i68n .th isom wanod sto up d,anou y . know handedm theto me.i didn'ts mis a .beat ei hop d youaton't cch .cold veyou haro to llh wit it. w itas w urittennp i the rebackfid. sn i wang't beiak tener s iouslyas a .singerth hoey stw thae morth tanhey whheard at i was sig.ngin>> t a one point you got oitppose ceadvim fronk fraat sin arand vi els esprley. e >>lvisis ld teneto nejos's co reanrds n'd didet likn aum albof ta sndards he lereased. h >>e said m,to we don't go e.ther he s laid weeavet tha to anfrk.. we aihe sd we.i ghthout wow. s elviis -- p >>nguttiin me he t mesa. >>t thaa was bigpl comimento t . me i b hadckeen tutoing frank
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woulday s youav he aat gre .chancele atave th pffop stu alone. veyou ha c to womeithme .i saidk,fran iov le it i do.>> t thad worke for you, but me sos timekeit worind agast you too. dpeoplenoon't kerw whute to p you. >>exactly. 'sthat theprm.oble myti versaoulity w ald ben se ast,ut bet somimeseo pple say what isom tne jos?m i'not in theoc r' k 'n roll fhall o fame.>> u do yoto want be?>> ld i woue lik to be, yeah.m i'as balic 5ly a0sk roc'n' ro ll ngsier. s he's a lady e >> hotmay n be t inheal hl t, ye s butir j tomonesee has bn mba mefer on ave en more ivexcluse ubcl. y >>ou a gott knigh hood that i knowns mea a lot to you.>> ue the quten pats thwo srd on
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my me soe of thca ameri's fa cvoritelsocktai were allctuay veinednt erov.seasta heke tlo body ryma. ouwe fhend tir blath pce in pa ris. hi>> ts is hasrry' y new borkar in paris. 's itle cal yd newecork b iauset ly real a was barn iew n york at th the onarigiwnl oader h andism atledndhi spped to paris li a vettle or 010 years i >>t's an old bar since the th 19 cryentu.>> h warryased adder lathe wn rr haouy bght itft aerhe t first y guwent broke.>> bl probamy frohi sgppint tha ba r to ripas. >> thisio obvuslyri amecan bar s ha agu sinlaris hctori indistn.ctio ibacken th 2019s, b andarteer
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dmixeor wst shirtit wbah tasco d ant sal and pppeer.i velohe t waye hs doehi fn'ttorge the vodka t ando ma juato sis i t whereheod bloyar my wasor 's anc bruhpl stae forhe wn ne you ed hairth of e ibprohn itioedclosar bs in the edunitst ,ates samome aneric .work btheyhtroug aew nde iae to th en frch. tacockils.mi xed dris to ant couryse ud to dinrink gwine. t atamhe smee ti p warisas a re fugeor f o a lotf ranussis piescanghe tmu comnist re tivoluonk bachome. btheyhtrougs thi stuff cdalle vo aere lotdi of enffert ve nsrsio. the mostel widycc adepte is a rm baanou fndod v tkaoo bland.
3:44 am
ices to give it avflor. as tmihis faroly fm ss mattachuses cant attes to. >> plyerfect icsped. i >>lot's bodyec bausef othe to jmatouice aynd mars i evbelio ed tombe s'seone rl giiefrnd.te afr a hofew, w remem tbershe de s.tailit 's asa vertilenk drit tha sp inanires my rpintetiretaons li ke at a manexic resantaurt mit'swiade th tea.quil a >> bylood a.mari>> a ate sak bar,s it'e madit whke sa and biwasa. rr haisy's ll stied owny b the lyfamind a l yastearhe tyd sol re mon tha12,000od bloy marys. ve>> eryonean w tted toryne o at sharry' bar.>> don'tyou? ha >> tet's thig overnhtew nsor f thisdawednesy. so for me of y nou theews nt cos.inuefo rth oers checkk bac atl lite la foter er thni morewng ns and th cbs isinmorng.
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