tv CBS Morning News CBS January 6, 2016 4:00am-4:30am PST
4:00 am
c captunning f cded by bs >> w> it'sayednesdar, janu6ty h, 1620. is thth is bse "cni morewng ns." ew n nuclearea thrtro fm rtnokoh e rsieclu nvenatioou annnce nioveritght on's cedductes a t t ofer a powful hgeydron bomb. >>de presibant oma ditoes ltle stoheway tep rcaubliunns rning toacreple him inhe tte whi ushoe.
4:01 am
nely iv$pooen0,500 00llwip be u for ongrab tn ight ickthe japot indrawg. od gong mornith from ioe stud57 oo newsrbsm at cs new qu head harters nere ink.ew yorgo beod to h wityou. an i'm arne-mreie gen. > >>ngthors n korthorea says it nd cotyuctedi t firstfest o a og hydren bomb. aithe clamm ceft aer an uaearthq dke wasdetectelo cse toe thth norea kor ifmeconfir id,d t woulbe n orth a'korerts fouhar nuclean test d es oncalatie of th nuclear og prram. th sene doa is inji beingre whe e the chines tsayheyl wil ot prheest tar nucle test. r >>r:eporteu as yot poinout, e thbig qnuestio iser he if this deis, inoved, proren t a dr hyomogen bb ,test whator nth clkorea iaimedt carried out ea thrly oris mni angt 10:00 l loca time,if, dein, edha tst i , trueldit wou be aor maj nc advaen iuc nlearec ty hnolog tforhe rtnoh.dr hyomogen bbs i fare mor rf powechul, mu d morecuiffiolt tma
4:02 am
ug throh the day,ve we haee sn th he soutns koreaeg bin toas c t do ouedsthn wheerre the ise somrm confinatioof . this nthe corthameut on iar ely erdecemb, erdecembh 10t andd saiit l wilge hydronom bb ca th w claimelas widmiy disssed t byerhe intalnationni commuty sbut weaw aan httdwrienot ne om fr j kimunong- are age hydron a test mftergakinha ttcl aim. esthis ttak has ten nboeighrs i heren theeg rnio by risurpse. h,>> set how do wepr inter etis th? moveat
4:03 am
>>r:eporte wl,elwo it auld be jo maajr, mp or sted.forwar er we wne ith noror kea in beoctor ande whad seenea rlly at wh --t whaen apparstly wa a wa irmingeln rnsatioen betwe ch tina,orhe maj allyf oeth annorth d north a.kore in chta sen aop ter govtnmen aloffici to aar military pade w thate sina haea rllyn bee pushing rononptiliferaueon isses her on th e knorea w pensill and a major li al re appea td the wwoereti getngcl ndoser ael the rnsatioe wer in warmg buthi cna cedondemn th stese tes atoday,s hasou sth re kojaa and ld wou m be ateajor spk bac forli stabithty in one regi. >> edinde. d sethn oane ig,beijin thank yo u.>
4:04 am
s recordalare fling iner southn ca ialiforn. wea po srfulstorm ihi sgftin a eastfterre dngnchi a losngeles an thd ree el enino cononditis in the pa c cifiomprisomewe nai rn arstar tingdatotoy. av hey wndospour sedwampee strtsts in d sangoiego.ra stedndri dri wversere ab n andocatheir ndrs a fedlood ad rod s anrsinteonectis. >> aw i ss caroi g tngghhrou it, so i ghthout, oh,'m i nefi, ti unl i felty mar cli stlghy ft li a offndhe tn i felt ahell t r wate tand ihen was, keli, ica t n'mo,ve ian c't move. >> water pouredr ove aal wl into n a saodieg pngarkiar gage av lecaing ndrs uer r.wate ca rotastphiced floins two n dozenoilliis ticounes. te war is redecedng aloom se pa ofrts m theipississripi die floosng id blameor f at as le t 25de,athsug thonh, i il islino andmi rissou.he ffalth o aicialsrear wning taboude hidksn ris from seewag d anrotheta polluntse in th wa ter. we dll, it tidn'tonake lg cr for ofitics de presint a'obams
4:05 am
outhis contry t speak tie naonifal rssle aonociati says p thelroposa foran expded oubackgrcknd chess waht rig for ab ide presd ent hatears re st aakinges hal recheled t ma assacret the sandyk hoo en elem taryolscho, but his ee spch was alsoit whir fe and an ger. ve>> eimry te i thinkbo aut e thoski ids,tet ges m d!ma ep>> rr:ortesi prebadent oetma l s hiti emoonsho swsd tueay after 13 s masli kil dngsgurin his te inurenhe tte whius hoe. a >>ndro fm e fveryr armewho imnever edagint thartheiov led ouone wld been takro f omur ve liys b ale bult fmro a gun. gu the obn lby maye b h oldingng coosress h rtage nightow but th noey candt holca ameri e.hostag r >>r:eportepr the enesidt's ac reeqtion rreuiun grs dle, ud inclthing e osunat gws shond aon o line tbe lseicend and
4:06 am
rr cuabently 40out o%f sales ha ove nkg bac cround aheckst l. al w >>t e won'ebe abl tope orate r oue websit wthee ay wn have ith ste pam froe hern o t.ou ar>> we eer intdeste inee kping msfirearf out oanthe hds of op pehole wul shotd no have them. ep >> rr:orte e novexecuti order atassociited weh thpr essident' pl kean, liinly mak igt the re sispontybili v of ariousgo meverngent asncie to mp co alementanny chges.t bu theesprsident' csomment ve haun put gon ctrolro fnt and nt cener ile ection lipotics. >> c hean abuse hisow p aerlle h wants.he a hasne pho ande has h a pen,bu tf i youiv le byhe t peen, b diyou ye bhe t pen! t>> whas he i blyasicalng dois iis g suingsthin andgn i toringhe le ligafty o. it he >> ton secend am tdment,he co semend antndme iso s po imt.rtaney thry are t-ing -he tnoy are t go toing y take gouruns away, fo helks, te y aroinot g ng toke ta g youruns gt goin to a theyinre try g. i >>il wle tak othn e gun lobby. r >>teeporher: tsi pre adentlso wa tonts re inc fasengundi for
4:07 am
f attsagen allt thaou wld ir requove apprm al froe thpu re-lblicangred con ess. n thera hased tweet w a tarningo aklawmers fyi,ll a rnr adgres. >> at jusea relsedat n pionaloll of rliepubcanr oep rcaublin g leaninrsvoteds final dond um tr ap withbl sizeaeea ld over r othe gop atcandides.t bucrted asuz hd gained groun d anistrump in takg note. pthe go-r frontunner is rsiaing nsconcerr ove cruz's eliligibity to be esprt.iden n briaswebb ier hen i ooian, gmod g.rnin g >>rnood moing. or>> repouter: yme'll re mber watrump nts fro and crente amongth esose qugtioninhe wther pr t esidenwaobama is born n ankenya ed notblligio e tbe es prt.idenno w he is qiouestngnith wheer tedru cz'sir bth inda candite ul co d be i>> all i know ls apeot of ople ta are ablking itout .
4:08 am
pe i ho it't doesnom ce t.abou >> or rep iter: n anrvinteiew, tr umpai sd cruz'san cnadiath birpl waace ers vy prusecario. he>> tbl prosem it tha if the mo des cratg brinlaa t,wsuihe t la t wsuid coulketars yea to lvresonde a how doou yav he a nd cae idatewherre the is so inmethoug, yw, knor ove the headf ortthe pathy and at di in. vidual r >>teeporzr: cru was bornn i arcalgily whse hien parerts we rk woining o the ilbusssine. mhisrothe f isrom ladeware, his th faroer fm bacu. e th cu.s.itonstnutio saysy onl aur natal born cizitenay m be es pr ident. i >>e hopldit wouben't thetr uth. pei hot thald wou bn'thae wt it wed l wil findout, i i and, tel wil b aeble to an tswerheue qn stiofuhopelly ti satosfac.rilyi ahearpl coue ofta stesav he apr mobleh witit >> or rep mter:leost galch solarsag three eip descrtional natur c bornizit censov pertsarenf o th e.s u.ot rshe hn ave rurewith p sident
4:09 am
m cruzliade oghtf umtrp's co t.mmen r >>r:eporte r cruzcteaed on tw r,itte a posteogo vid link fr om the97 10sv tho sw ap"hpy ys da." enthe scece bame kwnnos a injumpeg thrk sha and h casome to er ref s tohiometngha tt has tsrun i trsp hao als irencedas his at otacksnoc demratil h larycl qinton,iouest hningerna stami and stthreng. >> whye hoe ds wtehaver he does? n i ca t onlyouell yt wha ir hea pfromaneople td whar i hea from le peopea is rbolly authe tir li ndves a their refutu. >> or rep ster:eeome s strump' sattack onli c antons xisest. andha he ges chanhid os tunen cr uz.du n ring aieintervnw i
4:10 am
ibs eligle oc restooking fapd a the is thor"cbs mewning ns." lfa go ball. ei drivto h theoop. ivi drrae a r.ceca ve i have a drir. hi is name.s carl bu 'st that w not hatllwe ain have n. commo we d talke to ourordoctt s abouentreatmt xwith arelto. xa ltre io ovs proen ttr aneat lpd heuc rede rithe oskt f dv and bpe clood.lots rexalt os isoalro ptoven du rehece tk ristrof soke eoin pwiple fith ab, canot busedy hea vaart prlve oblem. fo opr peitle wibh af rr cuweently ll na maonged fa warrin, e therimis l itedin atformonion how oxarelt andrf wainar creompa in re ngduci r theofisk ok stre. u yo, knowngtakiri warfan, d i haeato dthl wit tha d bloointestutg roine.
4:11 am
foi anund r otheway. , yeahtmtrea entthwiel shey,y afett.firs alikeloll bhiod ts,nner t don' tstopg akinltxareo ouwithlkt tatoing r you ordoct t, asmahis y ea incrr se youfrisk obl a clood r ot okestro. wh taile , kingmayou y ui brorse msie eandly a it ak may tere long for di bleestng to op. xa ltre mo reay incurase yosk riee of blf ding iyou ke tain certain medices. xa orelt c canerause sious an rd inseare cas, ta faeel bl.ding heget iglp rwaht a y for peunex bctedinleedg, uaunussil brui,ng glor tining. if av you hspe had inales an wthesiahile on to xareltc , warh fo p back aain orveny ner m ore usclterela d orsigns om sympts. ndo totreake xa lto ifu yon have aciartifial t hearorvalve noabalrmed bleing. ll te yr ou bdoctor eforel ald plannelmedica d orprental esocedur. be tafore sxarting relto, outell yorr doct about ki any lidney, rver, obl ngeedibl proems. ltxare io e s thernumb oneibprescrloed b toderhinn in c its.lass llwet thas callafor ro ofund ev keain n.lons mmakeanine ar no pldr.alme me saer he. th wiel xar tto ihere s nogu rebllar d oonimotoring an nod no ktawn die ry ctrestri.ions tmtreat en xwithtoarel thwas ghe rivet mo u fors.
4:12 am
t you ge.a cold n'you catht breae h througosyour n ddenu'ly, yore a remouthbr.athe juwell, ost putbrn a ea thet righwhstrip stich inyantl yoopens e ur nos38up to re% mo cthandiold melocine r ut youanmouth d saynigoodmoght reuthb.athers br rieathe ght ru a bn-awaygeaggat caris fblamedubor trot le a tl seatmae-tacona inter tionalai t.rpor alofficiths say ere drived climbf ofrtthe cat to puona bag thepl t ane buakthe br'te wasn set. r itawolled nday a t hit'she jeten gine. ne no our was ht. >> e > statrgof emen ency iflint,ch miovigan, nter taiered wat.
4:13 am
arose oe somehef the s adlineon or the mewning nndssta. "d s allainmorn" g newspo re trts oneshe arr t of ama n rine ipathe apoarent rd rage ngshooti of aas texge colle st wahnson n s take cintodyusto sdon tueanay at na arizo limirytae. bashe cu is ac ksed of illing r-20-yeasaold hra muerclechn on ne 'sw year. day s she waieher fresnd's dd ignatedr ndiver ash crafted anger bei n shot iadthe he.>> he> "thi waspongton st" rtreporis cuousoc lals and re oue grs p haserefu sd tooway h tmany aherere. ttheyovook heer tat nnaiol li wildugfe refate on surday. w theye ant thrafedendl la re edturnlo to vecal gontrnme. th roe "dete it fre press"re sportch mi'siganov grerno cl de aaredte sta ofrg emeency ov taer cond minatewater. clthe deioaratcln in fudes lint d ansuthe ndrroucoing .untyth ine dr wking bateramece
4:14 am
thcaorder esme yayterd,th de same uay theto.s. atrney'sof cficeedonfirm it's in atvestigwhing apat h pened. n uphaext, wd t woul you do $withll450 miion?we he will m ar froalpowerbl loplttery whayers to hopeo hit e tht jackpowithig ton bht'sig dr g.awinng feeli f of seet so silkyhmoot ythatanou cel't h p t buucto.h them sc diheover tt latestiinnovaon in mo the at pe fooincare le. w the nepeamope erdi pfect dwithndiamost cry alsan trd exara co rser olle.head it ns softeus callo es leeffortssly fiand efy cientlaufor bel,tifu soeeft f at instn inant. fe yoel it !urself wi moth aedpe prfi pe ectwi iath d cmondalrysts. op ame. velove ep.ry ste [m usic] nono, , , nono, op pe ble aresooth ft and ngstro... y!ye h whichyis w our ucprodrets a. too l ange.soft
4:15 am
toarturi soup! arhi! sturitooup? mfollowe. becamp nll'staew srsr wain edspir. soups toarturi saaoup! ya! ma orde fl, reali real fe. . m what takesheacrmarere diff ent?rdtwo wohes: it als. w? ho h witheat. liunreke camrus and tbs tha t maskn,he pai ma ther hcare pasatd ente heatthcells etat peneerate dp reto incrcase ciatulio n andraaccelelite t'levis re:ew he usat, pl rf,eliehe plus aling,lsequa tachermare. oothe pr if thats t you > >>'shereoo a lodk at tay's
4:16 am
unthe cotry.>> t wha gi'm toingito do why m nn wi'ming, ioi gong tnv iest in me soor rep it so o canwn a nc rah. he>> ts re irea nally tice,ight k blacorlambi.ghin hi>> t ts isinhe w tningt.icke bo noeedy no ds t dcomeheown re. bo nodsdy neeth -- reey ati was ngr thein time i othere,kay? m i'etjust louting y know.>> s phe'sivosite. rbpowefeall isver ti heap ng u ro achess tnt aopleinre lino g up tget ei thetr ticktos for s night' in ri tt now,kphe jacs ot iworth il$450 mlion. atand the is thesbigg ht weave i seenlyn nearea a yr. o if nwione e ns, thranext d wingat is surday.> >> con thenebs "mo,"ywatch hotem itoms frhe t cr onsume ec els tronicanshow, ted twitr idconsgoers nging lo. w jillr agnet is aw the neyork exstock wchangethith ndat a . more mgood, orningjill. ep >> r gorter:rnood moing. no not rerth koppa's aarent hy endrogte bomb tlst ratcked stoma inrkets . asianmo
4:17 am
pajas n'kknippei dro% ed 1and inhitt g ao-twlomonth w. anhang s fg also. ell 1% a t mix bu ostable n wall fstreetngollowiy' mondas big ll se.-off e thgadow pined 9anoints d s&p ed fged upt our busdthe na aq a fell1 bout 1tspoin. st mo a majors irlineare ra g isinunrotrd fipesar on st domeghic fli$6ts by . a delte was thrsfit rtoseai pr ices. utsoeshw at,men,rica edunit , lujetbnde a vgiirn america kl quicchy mated tinhat secrea. in airle es havnjbeen eg oyinco rerord ptsfiue do twloel fu. costs>> te> twitd r couletbe g tingre r ady fo ri at now, i tweettes limid to 0 14techaracrs. chthe te nnologyteews sie recod po reatrts ther twitt may cr intsease i t limit00o 10,0 ar chteac irsitn ees twt.ce do jacksaorsey ttid twier is am exwaining leys to s t userex thpress lvemsees. o, >> s w jill,d e coul atalkbouttw bitter,llut reatey the ch wo frld isedocusla on s s vegath niis mor tng, assuhe conmer onelectrowics sh. opens olotsamf gaazing dgets.we
4:18 am
>>rihat's ght. d so for tkickedofhings f by sa t ying itoplans pl trie the f size oflits ofeet -dselfngrivian cars eyd thl wil gi beinn usneg a wew lor predicon ccttaen stosor ct as a e the ey cof thed ars anthose se new arnsors ale smoul engh to mo unt onsiwde-vie mirrors. fi stbit idu introcing a watch to variy lrapthe e pltcwah. ne the azw bls e haplaudio aybacknt cod rol ane messag canotifitions. calso aisolor dndplay a comesou mt in aarch cndt os00$ ismsung du intro ncing aew fr reorigeratal that oulows y to or derce gro uriessingn app a on rtheraefrigetor .screen egit b winswoith tro gceries he nre inew rkyo. fathe ubmily hge refriratorts leec you denide whan you wt os there grocliies deanvered d yo
4:19 am
t >> tha eis tootoasy e hav stcheese ceak --akheesece redelived. ch and eaeesestupk, i spose. wjillr agneheat t y nework oc stchk ex, angeksthanot a l, ji ll.>> il> st cl to wome,vee hath you ccso teresakn ol.the nf , yeahl we wiloutell you how y ngcc solaer pn yers irncalifoia are tifigh ang for t space, o playasth e r supeetbowl gy s readto nd lae in tharea.ize nu ontritirial d nk b canale a chlenge. ntrystew boo ac compt n onutritinkal dri. e thdronly atink thde provis etcomplite nutr ion inhehalf te sizthof oer n onutritiinal dr ostac compilt is fthled wi 10 ogramseif protn, 26plus in vitammis and neralsnc ingludium calciit and v,amin d to he lp g youheet tri nuttion y eou ned. y tr b newoostco tmpac ionutritinnal dry.k toda
4:20 am
4:21 am
>> 's> herek a loo tatayod 'sre fon cast iitsome couies arnd th tre couny. > >>rrhaoeis g ds to eronwi msllia. hefrom tne corr. oa wh!>> uz a bbezer- baterlly daas ma ckveriars gurod delln wi.iamsth ste laon-secred thine-poter s give mthe aavs e-onpoint ub doerle ov wtimein over sa tocramen.>> ju> the fudge re ssed totop th nfe frl niom tur yng a outh cc soieer fntld imeo a cedia nter sufor boper 0.wl 5 iworkals y readuny der wato
4:22 am
pa. ersoccb clu isayswot's d rrieou abget damae to thd fieland lacomp tinedeyhat th have no towhere play.>> n whenfthe owl shits up wh se laven thwyers y at then flew i fr.aom lou., y i know,t sty. he>> tfl nmi pro rses toeturn e thtofield go as od b, orr,ette itcondion. d anoris w wkingthith tye ci to soeser gam. he anott r courg hearin fis setor ay mond. > >>llbasebale fans neardad toy llwho wite be enhering tof hall fa s me thir.summ gr ken jriffey d . coul be aun s animouioselectisn in h firstye thar on ote ball.ju ndnior e 2ed his c2-yearareer th wi h 630ruome ns. ilmeanwhome, flaer pinyers lked to ped ss, buch asonarry bds ro and emger cld ens anmark irmcgwd e coulbosee a ost in bvotes, eut noth nougetto g th b couldd e ba fnewsor mc begwire hecause h is inis l finaf year oileligibity. mi cop ng ur afte lyour ocal
4:23 am
dator lmian.ewis m i'mgoo. i thiss i'mnn arie-mae n.greeth s is i"cthe orbs mngnis. new" .. souldtay... n ...ialbed y.l da.. .y..eeou ne d thr powe..of.isthm is i'aranne-menie gre .th s is ibsthe "cng morni" news. iisnn'm arie-maeee grn. th s is ibsthe "cng morniew ns."w nn'm ae is ths ie th m"cbsngornis. new" pothe fwer totteel beer. re e solvurto tadn hes rroc oletin. uit's tp toeswo timge stron r mithan itators tr cy ro r oletinco iorrex nn cight..ream. af onter eke we, lfine inesap tpeardeo fa moone nth, rideep wsnklelo otok smor.he.. afand teron are ye, in skks loo esagels. ly onro from c . llwe at wane to bthhealier, t buuslets jt t ge, realwe o als twantoso loige weht. 'swhatat greut abo the tpsmars ointraprogm ouis ybo do th, 'sit c notinountlog ca ries'sitnt couining po.ts h whicalactus ly i klikeofind a game. nghavioi the plints llteray s giveacyou tacoun. bility ywheneaou r tlizeyohat n'u dot o have t ugiveytp an, hing
4:24 am
> >>rathree ntre ide icalip tr aletsnjre ethoying tieir me hom soaddienn, kansly vad sa nnahrr haise weris dgechardro fm a us hohoton alspit onaymond. t whenerhey w be dornbeecemr 1s yt, the w beighedenetwe 3 dspoun and 3 pounds, o 8s.unce>> y thealare pol 5 .unds l ateasts it' 15 psoundsi outde
4:25 am
t >>arhe p aentsetre gti ungd se to s notg.leepin tit wassthe firf set o ti idenipcal trhelets tta hospi l redelivencd si oe itinpened 1963. > >>ipa cl r hasd eceivemore th 7,an 7li000 onkes eb facook. smarksmtrasreann s.port r >>teeporhir: t as is-h hipop da e ncalchnglethe yat cou'tan itdo ke, li urd, shee, ts kidmaare c.gibu u t yo walsor ondeiswho t thami -addleduged hode w d can o it tlikehem? nc>> o se werttai ed, , saidi'm , so badsai leid, jut's m st fily' anall e d th akidso,re n mr. k,clar g youo ot tn be iit!>> or rep rter:laon cfork, a rmer actehe tr ofeahe your, f tnded hen rok claremacad 2y 's aro pnofit tenprivadl mide olscho. partog hs,wartt pararharvd. nilearnges comli to t fe a work d spee fhereidor ko s whare emacadlyicaler divansed ted ofn lo
4:26 am
ire val videors sta idinclung ntseverah gder jaden he>> tsa mesoge t get t out herewa ss toe ay wcan doun f inthgs,wh arile let ning amethe sa time. r >>r:eporte s every btudentut e on sin thel'choos y historhas n gone oleto lhson canooun, aevther senth ad grer. i >>ryt's vecr indes, ibablethe ou amlont of t ve thahois swn om frea the ttochers s wardndus a ea it rtilly mousvates pu to t ur yolfse b andt e grea em acad aicallyusnd j at bemazingci nstize. r >>r:eportes ithmeere a ssage t ineohe vid? hi>> i thenk t mgeessath in is o videomis sngethiut aboho w we ar e. heat ton rla ccark ademy rewe aut abold buiingds bon and sh g owinth at youcare. idwhen kows kn a youre tgolinwillg to meet wthith ndem a y ife ou'rinwill lg to aearnboutth em thpo in a wsitiveeyay, th areg goinpeto resouct ye mor ep>> rr:orteea by brheking t
4:27 am
trmark sn,assmanew cbs n s, at lanta.>> he isng lookiy prett.good er bett i thanld wou dwao any y.>> ng> comiaf up urter yo local onewsbsn "cmo this "rning,. dr david wagusthith re wan o nc caer from hisew nk boo "the ck luy aryes."an rd acto damienew l jisnsoi us in s theo.tudi at thth is bse "cni morewng ns" r fo wthissdedneay. an thorks fch wating. m i'-manne garie.reen
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