tv Channel 2 News 5PM CBS January 6, 2016 5:00pm-5:30pm PST
5:00 pm
th aingsngre goilm to caa down t, biro but py bablt won'go to p sleethaltoges er awe uecontinpr in a aettye ctivel atnio pfotern. shr the ort thterm, ste late s stormystem willpa ouss thraigh, tr aled by very i weak tmpulsecohat giuld ve an is edolaty vallehosnow sd wer anmo qure freowent snrs showe in e thinmountahus on ooiday lksto fa be uiirly q cet andool be tforet he nexsystorm stem mecoros thtuugh sathrday. e te laelst modar runs e more stoptimihaic tsat the turdayst wiorm olll hthd togeer and me co ug throarh our teea insad of sp
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wand asnee lear nd last fightogca ann be d tgerous'soo. itme sowething g don'tooet ten oftin er northdan nevat but ican ca sluse adick ros an end plf ty ontaccides. w socahat iusest? te meolorogt isgean slailchngli ilookedthnto iee schince bend uthiswenique phather enoma y todainand joivs us le fromea o st renorwith me. ? angela isyea krusten, j tt likehis
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ri id outse. n you cathsee owe sne on th s grase and icinbeginnorg to fm t onanree brches. t atmehis tini last ght fo strecaweers lsre ahio watcng fr for feezingog. si a tmple wype ofereathno phema at the can boudangers. w lobivisi ality sndlioack rds af trfic e argrtwo inntedier s foplentyof en accidts petrooncr du"han: usow brey we ysyou guni last anght d this rn mo ving?buery wesy, e werve usry bthy wiff stu." tw beo een tw 1am andth0am is inmorn hg weboad ahiut trty ff diacerent s cident rin theeno ar ea. petrooncr dueran: "trible vi tysibilin dowerto zomo in se ndpart as that'partat of whca llused ae of thntaccides." 'sital cd leeefrngzi o fogr ni pogooip. me stur kis aey ieingred fnt forocog to cur. ge anchla sngillihe: "we n thsun co oumes e t ths roadt mighbe bfinenyut ato lefmover reistuin es tregr or aassy oreasnly fu thels g e fohein tni morng, an ddd puliles heke tnlse odsy adto d the" anger. g foasis blyicalud a clot tha
5:03 pm
the co air nols att ight is reache satituracoon, sendennds, ams fora t blankeloof covud cr er ofog. en wh t theraempe fture ballselow tthirtywoca it's flledinreezg dfog.lerizz f andsuog u gallyo ihandndn ha. ticrea gng alaze on ay duooper "tncan: whhat's atth lee prob tm was.vehey ha a cytendenin to th jk it'sg ust fod ant don'k thinwhabout at enhappwhs tenoghe fht mig hitth oue grr nd ot what iesdo to th nde wiel shid." d itt oes nouctake me h ictoma heke tdw roaslays tick.he leglendapr exit o oved tbe atr spouble dot for trivershis mo wrning. ge also votida eo of ca ipr flovped n er o brocklvd. petrooncr du"ian: osn the si iotuate'ns wakre tcaing f re o ou b r joyoand obu're jto is co uentiniv to dre sacofe. uentin tok loo tpastarhe cfr in ofont u yotrand gy toyoive lfurse ghenouce spa."in in all watter we fher...rom o snow te icfrand ngeezi. fog bivisitylime is iasureds n mile isand oo a gcad indi htor ofow
5:04 pm
reed droppss to lee a milout heat tpo air art foreilmost ght ur ho ns lastmaight, t king ivery rd hae. to sein coverm g storwa ngtch, ahiela sc clling,elhann ne two ws. . th aanksa.ngel yoand n u caeealso kk p tracof atthe wewhher...ererev youar we...ouith eer frnn chael 2we apather p. n you cadaget ..recastes.watchar and wnings in ha your annd... omd custize it w toouhere y live. eajust s-trch "kin-v-n" the legoogla pory pp a slereto. tu g rnin cto theearime icno pol ae have i womann odcustchy - wiarged deth murr - te afstr a ngabbirn ove. ight atakek. loool.. preice despond to ot a mn el othfouree strstt ju r aftehtmidnigre on a oportf a ab stthbing. tere...unhey fod a r-21-yeaan old mo ... whwas en idedtifich as miael cibanqui wo...hoas pawsed aayt re nown. ce polite arresead 40-yr-old vi sctoriag.weetin p.. whoolice sa tty admithed to bie stabng. sh
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d anhuthe cmboldtshounty eriff sa n ys a harrestn as been made i ec connittion wmuh a 1rder2 s yearago. 57 ol-year-erd pam s win wan taketo indy custord yesteshay. e isch wiarged urth inorstigatevs belie e shisre sisponfoble mur the f rder o s jameinerwin nd golco ia backn mbdece20er of 03. th e ey madk a brea cin thease y earl ylast aear...nd sc di eovered brwin's aody insh grallow tave inoohe flsthil ut so gh ofndolcoa. lo aroking heound t.. world. rt noa h kored rattleobthe gle th wiun an unannostced te of a po bwerfulheomb. tni commust cnationitlaims ea has rewched n olevelseaf nuclr tisophis, cation cbut ite ould b unweeks attil thnf is crnneth haaig e s thstlate ewfrom n york. nkoreanasewscter konorth airea clms it cc suulessfesly ta ted atmini hurizedn ydrogebubomb, t amthe obnia admionstratit is no s soure. ejosh/warnestouhite hrese psscr sey:etar i "the anitials nalysiuccondted
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nioverisght c notstonsiwient th h nortankoreim cla as of cc suulessfro hydbogen esmb tt." th ase blgit reedstera as ma udgnitpoe 5 1 int e.quak it ha edppenr nea pnearyeungg-ri er wheve pr niousaruclets tes re weri caruted ous, but . te inenllig bceelveiefus a llsi ydze hn roge wbombavould he en bepo more . werfulkosouth rea ja and paemn conde ned thtest. so and hi did cnena.o of h norta'koreals few . lieske etnnaih cr ng, cbsheews, tun nitednsatioip: "dtslomae herat u thed niteonnatiics qukly he scd dulemean ecyrgense clod or dong meetidi to thscuss e ve detslopmen."el ssbio rounelli, atited nions ss ambaorador fay urugu: "theme ofmbers s theitecuruny cocil ng stroonly c tdemntehis st, ic wh ch is aiolear v olationf cu se crity rouncilioesolut ns."en jet gines n japalimobirezed aiconncessan plo anes tt collecmpair sales tost tead for r. iationysanalts ifsay th norea korla's carims e tr itue, ld coua be mega changer in a therarms ance. juza bsrate/cna news tional tysecurist analyth: "if reey a von the oergenif miataturizion, mthatheeans tcly are e ostobe abing o le tthput n at oa rhwad ead antepoianty llpldeoy it el wbel ndyohe t kn orea ni pea.nsulis" thno is rth re koh a's 4tofclaim uc a nlear
5:07 pm
. news d anchfor muon more the lepossibar nuclein test th norre koy a, stad tunethfor e "cbs enevg in" news swithcoeltt pley- nupt exixat s. e thumconsleer enictrohocs sw ed open i todayven las gas, inunveillag the ndtest a stgreatech in te. nologyth s ousandctof elegaronic dgets dare on. isplay, plus hsomeigh et tick f itemse rom thn kitchean d gathe . rageeldanile tt noaminghor repts. mathe e ssivumconserro electnics ow shvi proa des peekin tohe te futur hofteigh-ch. d an isome atemsorre f the im e mediat. future cl inthuding the maraauon lndry inmache h whic wis ar asheand dr oyer initne. es comh wita to cruchs ween, ai-fiannd cve en ywarnf ou iciyou aclydental yoleave neur phour in yo he clotths. in hee kitcthn isere fran lg ouidge ype can on withyo oour fr t. oontap d thetooor e se'swhatid last ar, 4ktv as were rll theneage, cts ia broln co seyayiss thr yeahdr is n thebiext ing thg. ia breyn coolet/ cnr editoatla
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tnge. aiselevthion at can rshowy ealldarerk areas, allyig br mht and tore oforhe cols eyouranye cee s at ll a."onceau ketomarers ae her ctoo.hevy ilunvet'ed iw s netrelecic car ed callol the bh t whic astartst 00$30,he0. t nre'sico pre tag yefot rr thisd inspeeepconct ca e r. "thsteehering welre nv conceniehee" txp eertaimenl trelec cicar d can orives n it anown med coths wi a on drate than cak tsee ielf o'sf dryou g.ivinie danlle tt noaminghs , cblonews, s leangehestxp eimertaenecl eltric cacar e n drivtson i a ownnd co wimes dth a tronecahat ken tase 'slfieyo of dru g.ivinhe tar c daamandi: flooping at dlne mide sc ohoolntver wiaker bre is ngdelayil. schoo on so t, ightscthe ishool dtrict a isngnswerits parenti' quesons ncand costerns. unay t, edatth or st cy isg omint up a. 5:30 ul paeo: "parple ave brthing e heweatd r anngliniat up d gol h,ranc f all cor ae hancinto w aha
5:09 pm
onls'l, we yl takereou the, ngcomi up." g: crai w a key iitnessn the ad deacly att bk inazenghyai, lib esis tg tifyiniton capl,ol hil h as aprighly hoducedodollywo a filmhebout tk attacbois aut h toatit the'mers. iig crabo tswell,s hat'ngcomi up." "y e ou'rhiwatchang c 2nnel ws newi... rith k rstengtemin, on la mndonr,ille m andalike s ger'pi
5:11 pm
aepetrgius to vve hisersionou abevt the sentsunurroheding t ta atn ck os the u-atconsule in habenglizi, 2bya in012. g craielboswt l is as the u-ca l pito mwithdeore s.tail ragenevil datrd pe iaeuss onpi cahitol tell to abstify out th rre tet oris oattacku-n a s co ndmpoube in , nghazia libythat ll kioued ferr ams,icanlu incding ssamba cador shris. tevensre ynp. lstn welamorend/ gigeora: ou "yt jus thavet o geofall th esffe dit erenpepersesctiv and tsthoughoo and lt k at iy and tr etto gru the t oth outr f it owh ouat y b cant estedetormine hebe tth truet." pra teus ishe p 65thinerson weterviehed by t tecommitcle - inanuding 1- 1hour in hearthg wime foretr secrary of e statarhilliny clton. is thth is ghe eionth csigresonalin igvestn atio tintotthe aack ic whs h hauptaken ye to a ndar aa ndhalf a m spentanore the fivan lfd a hali milolon d. larsre lip. ecujah gsmmin/ ry ma: land"s r,o faha we otve nrd hea hianythang tntt coctradiats wh a wedylreaw. knot " burmchaian owtrey gs dy saymmthe coittee ha oks bren g newd.rounai crelg bosws l/cb/cnewsolapit
5:12 pm
an"you cor categ sicallyt ay tha veyou haed learn newfo inn?rmatio t" rep.gorey wdy/ casouth naroli: "y onou dav't h te tomyake d wor itfor d , diheany otitr commtee ce acmbss adoassaevr stens em ? ailsandid hey otmmr coe itte r fo mthatacatter ceecss sryreta toclinemn's ?"ails w but thileheco e mmittela tbors mhroughore teinwsrviehe - try stoe of th ta atckit he s thscbig treenhis ntmoifh. "ou y d gon'teret he on soe , we'rgoall toing die."pr eroduc melicha i baymis congou at withie movle caloud 13 hrsa ywhollblood usockbveter n rsio t oftohe sry. re ynp. lstn welamorend/ gigeora: t "whapethe woplepeill vercei b asheeing tth true may b di bctated ay what s movieays orwh bat aysook sa."th ite commpetee ho bs toeginwr g itinfiits ponal rea rt in ntfew moaihs. crelg boswl an chnenel 2 ws. ou 13 hs rs hitrstheateee a wk fr riom fy.da an mid akeillger whal lve ak oo r at youstforecang, comi up xt ne. fibut rs st...ngtarisc at s reen r focahours yn hurtesour ey. d an cit's aprommon m.oble so wh tat arepthe symofoms digital steye ? rain
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5:14 pm
ha and wcat you o n do tkeep ur yohe eyes althy. ch heristopler cowotti rks in no techallogy ses. e so h aspendsot l omef ti on hi pts landop aph heristopttr colei: rt"i staoted ng icin wthat ias ng havich headandes ast eyerain d anntconsta blyinlinkheg." ff sufrers domaligit s eyen trai heand ot's nne alone. a rvw sueyfr heom tio visunn coshcil ows lynearht eigte in n er ams icansuwho ffferrom gi dieytal e ustrain ose twor re moes device at th tsameime. dr ss. jee i lerk/ pape slo: eyehe "t e humanreyes wesin't degned pe to stond 10 ho 12 a urs day inlook cg up sloseo a it'siv relatw ely neen ph."omenone th osurvey tf more- han 10 sathou andduallts ouso f5 nd 6 enperc at ofcameriufns sfrfer ommp syuctoms s dh asry, ri ireytated ures, blsired vion, ac head whes asasell an neck d ck bafr pain riom stang at s.screenes dr. j /si leek parsl e:ope eywo "i sauld igy it mht bevenghe hihaer tatn th." ordoctsi jesay lee scas you n p help drevent eigitalaiye strn
5:15 pm
renty dule.sir. jes / lee s parkyelope e: e"for 2verynu0 miattes th re you'ng workios up clkee ta to ec 20 seaond brook to lk at me sog thinee20 frtt fuawher ayan atd tht juswsallor youeyes reto ref ssh and btartack fr " esh. fo cor etll, tilenew adnses me r fotadigistl eye errain we the ul ftimatetaresh srt. ch ristcoopher letti:"f throm mee mo pnt in ut omy es proncripti, lti feey my es in anstretly d.laxe s" hethays e re scarens inent goywg an, here thbut rae sts in igoall ne. rlma hiechall 2 annel news. nn "chaewel 2 nins contwiues th f chietemeogorolist ke mier algin's pt poin2 re fo, castasbroadcift certbyied am the mericanloeteorogical so y!ciet" th reings a t goinglmo can dowa bi pt, buty robablgowon't to p sleethaltogeweer as nu contie in tt a prevey actio el ni tt pa fern. sor theerhort tm, thela stest stormwiystem llss pagh throuai, trbyled y a verak wese impulco that veuld gi an
5:16 pm
volatedsnalley ow ashowere nd morntfreque snow ow sh ters innthe moun ains o aythursday. frid looks e to b qfairlynduiet al coo rebefoex the nm t storsystem me cougs thrordh satue ay. th te laelst modar runs e more mi optihastic tsat the turdayor st hm willgeold tondther a cometh ourough ir areaadnste of gs thinoi are gcang to n lm dowa bbit,baut pron'bly woo t go t ee sltop al agethers we in contn ue ieta privty acte el p nio. atterne for thshort , termtethe larmst stote sysm ll wipa ouss thraigh, tr aled by very
5:17 pm
edisolaty vallehosnow sd wer anmo qure freowent snrs showe in e thinmountahus on ty.rsdafr ooiday lksto ir be faetly qui c andool tbeforet he nexsystorm stem co romes thtuugh sathrday. e st late r modele uns arremo mioptihastic tsat the turdayst wiorm olll hthd togeer and comero thr ugh ounsarea if tead o in thregs ang goilm to caa down t, biro but pwobably gon't to sl toeep alergethwe as uecontina in typretiv acte elni teo patr rn. foorthe sht
5:18 pm
will sspaou thraigh, tr aled by very i weak tmpulseulhat co ad given ol isalated vsnley hoow sd wer anmo rere fsnquent weow shors in e thinmountahus on ooiday lksto ir be faetly quioo and cl fo be nre thestext syorm stem co thmes sarough . turdaythe te laelst mods runmoare reop sttimit ic thatuthe sardayst wiorm d ll holertogeth and co mero
5:19 pm
li sptotting ou the salth.m s let'incheck e on thwiroads thou afr trrefic cporterhaison ideane n th96alice 5 point c traffi. center olookorut f op st g and ho rushafour trfic on5 39oafrom mo na te,oddie in thsp i aghettndbowl a0 on i8nearth gge nukiet lucugly thoe h ther enarant acy decis tn rtoorept rr cusoently e pleasuecontin to e driv. safelyaii'm chdeson an d an'sthatr youaftrfic. ul paop "perele ack floacing ross stthe liate orne fir thenc chae to m winthore han a balf-onillido s.llar p i'mneaul , lsonr afte e theabr ik,l 'lowshou y how gs thinoi are g ang outt goldnc
5:20 pm
ou if yto want ic get ruih, qck ow -- p merballe ight byofor u. ja the isckpot u now 5p to00- ll midoion llars. kas you tnow --tehe lototry's n d offere sin thestilver ate. pbut aslsaul nehoon ss ws u--th otat's npp stomaing ny nsnevadam frongtakit a shoat xtthe siesh largpot jackt of infered a north. merica pa asul " c youeean s's, it apr pettyaropulce pla h outatere ld goch ranou. ab pt 50e eopl waare g itinenpati ftly,inlockg ss acrota the se,te linfo just r ch a o ance t mbecome- ulti iomillesnair." ngbuyike ticts y monehais cg ngins handlike it 'sng goi o outylf stree he -- wi
5:21 pm
ni lip ng uuyto bir there sha of d 2-r ollarbpowetiall s.cket e therwinn g canaiet pt d ouover30 ea yrs t -- ora ake lesmalr lu ummp s. e stevon"i dsu't uuyally b ck tibuets it itchs suge a laron ate theb soms ody'togot buyit u . yot can'itwin es unls yo gu'veneot o."jo i'hn "tim re sred. to, ihthougi' med co. outmei co h andave br aseakfret he, . sothi t ough coi'd utme o g andomet se ti s.cket" ou of c trse --sehe gknuys heow t aoddsorre w akingstgainm. the awith i one2 n 29iomillann chce h ofg avinnnthe wiing co atmbin--ion h youa ave erbett oshotttf gekiing blledy an te as. roid'sthat i onen 70 ou0-th. sand l caros "it' tjustchhat . ancei cjustt augh lthat fotteryerev." "iwayne t wanitto h50 that 0 iomill wn orr hateveitoi's gngto af be toter aday. andllse the op peerle he, t onet ickei'and ve itgot ig rhte. her" heby tly earer aft, noonlithe nest heretct d oudothe thor. e om ths sen'thsay aney cd fin typlenwa of o ys td spenlfa ha- ll bidoion s.llarna "oncy nkay,e'ow wotve g theki n.tcheve we' t got to dohat. e we'vatbeen w'pching y ropert ot br'.hersn we cahatear tt . downkebut tae carriof fends faand fmily, irstouof crse." illuckhay, tudt inclhees us reat el chann two. nc nahay "c 2nnels. newwa we tch
5:22 pm
ve da'd "wee com adownannd ncy ke bat s greaiecookd s an ow br. niese'so wmed con dowwith d bakes goodmoand " jar a t ckpo bthisyoig -- u gh mipet ex lct aorot mope pele it wa ling atther nmiure veght haso inmeth dg to to witherhe low rn tuout. "itom nk thi w theereath has pt ke c the irowdecn chlik a ttle bbit, kut i tnow,roomorf w, iit n' doestht hit wat, iton't er mattt whawethe r atheis. 'l wevel hare a gimat tt e ou re he." "paul bnow,e eforcoyou utme o , heree thersoare hime tyongs u n cao do tarprepure yo, selfin including br sgingcaome sh th wi b youseecauy thetadon't keed crarit cthds, al toughdohey tmhave ayos. if ntu wack to piyo nuu own ymbers, dou cano at th t, haveeahose rdy orto go an you che let tne machi t do iu.for yoe by thheway, t fcutoffigor ton6:ht is 45. ricoveheng tto s iryldn go ra h,ncau pl onnelsch, nean2 l news." :i erinn 'm erilibreen lave in s fovegas igr tgonatht's brntle bo tt barole gcaund ucus erdinnho.... bstedrry haidy re. 'l wel m haveisore thve big etengt afr th bre eak. an
5:23 pm
co a itmmunety meniing tollght wi botalk aeaut hcolth ncerns da and e ytimviactiorties f pine mi chddle sudool st.wents..ho are riexpe aencing i delayn the ng sprite semes fr fromloodda . mage sthat itorytes afe r th k. brea cit'sa alled erigged,conomyd ans this i whow wst newflealth ows to t the%.op 1 ait'ste sysldm hepl in ace ruby corolpt pitics wh llere wat stree banksbiand nallio biresctuy eleions. cmyigampa pn isedowerer by ova iomilll n smalbucontritions,
5:24 pm
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