tv Channel 2 News 5PM CBS January 7, 2016 5:00pm-5:30pm PST
5:00 pm
- paul t- willnchese ireasesst jut affecr solaomcusters?we doll lan ln --yeast y ar the sehad a chrvice f arge oa 15-25 h montd -- pai eto n-vnergy.bu het on t o first mf thisonth ha -- t ut wentlyp nearks 6-buc. by and 20 20-at, th w priceill begh hin er thala44-dolonrs a mth. ex any necess ethrgy roey pduce acgoes b tk intorihe gd -- he and td y woulcrget a edit utof abots 9-cen per ki ttlowar.-houye this thar -- atdr neopped -carly 2anents. d info e ur mor--years wi it ipll d es to l 3s than. cents athat's72 ce-perront dp. rk forilift dving olthis s warcitysearehou in h souts reno iinbeg recleat.d oush s elve uthattosed ck stoar solne pa ils andatnstallion enequipmnet are early. mpty b je p"i'my rett utornoup abt toit, l telthyou tre iuth.'ve r neveeoseen prkple word so ha, in li my tfe, asplhe peoe in bthisinuildg." ba n temaneis oab of 55out 0 so itlarcemy eeployats thl wil th eioser leie thbsr jobe or
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ri chhestopt'r "ifus aw dl. ion't o want tneleave mavada, n. ive lo l the love e op peitle. uc sksn., ma" gr "aemeuli coeldn't b iievet s wainhappent g, tha wnevadaas t noacembreaing clenn, rewable tenergyeyhat than have ab ncunda."e of y everenn-v gyer cr ustomepays ase chrvice tharge. wat feel ilay st s ther ame for regulacu s stomer i-- butn t caseincrea20 ce-pernnnt ay,uall f forive s yearsofor erlar uss.o and t on get wae kilor tt-houitcred -- avthey hroe to pn duce assexce r.of fou ern-v engy sthays are chpages y r fotrinfras- ucturelabut sor iscity desagre. te hed "t nre'sfro inucastrtureco hests. t'srehi note ng likth d at, anthpower gat'siven gbacktooes n theboeighndrs ait ol's s ad atai reticl pre usversho a wlelesace pri, . soer whe e's thi cost? t don' de unndrsta d. it'toesne makany " sense. enn-v ayergy s ss eacholar cu istomerids subs12ized 5- do pellars , r yearguand relar st cus omere eat th tcosts.hey th say c'e p-u-ngs ruli in elimhaates t bt --ffut oicialsfr olom s sarcityay i theres nost coti- shife ng. thy compansays
5:02 pm
abert 10-pcenton p theirilower bbuls -- t the w nes rateanwill catcel th out. e jeb "wincan't sostall atlar the ara gonnmopay sre forolar th anut witho w. thate ould b caunethil." en n-v ouergy cgildn't anve us in ietervcaw beisuse th i issues r undetilitigaon. bu st theys ay thi iplanirs fa a --t nd thagaany netiveob prrelems ate a matr ofbu msinesss.odel blthe puliic utiomties cn missioll wie votthon whehoer to ld off he on thi rate wkes --ayednesd. ve co tringighe bto s lryive, ul paso nelhan, c tnnelewwo ns. m inatoney wwach... eell strt al chupked th ano oer dayf ss loes. st inveouors arhend tld wor have pobeen sy oked bmastock rkettu inrmoil .. chinawh. and at it t migh fmeanheor tl globa omeconeny. hnia dapoels rerts om fr n theorew yock stk ch exange. th oe sellanff bege at thop g enin abellicnd pupked mo amentumdas the nty we t on.hedo s w joneriindustraal avege dclosedreown mo39 than 0 in po wts. itheas trd thie tripl t digi olosse f thwe ek. os clbeing llon gace athin, ble troue d starte
5:03 pm
maautoy ticall ahaltedfter stelocks f tl morepehan 7-rcent. ma the adrket hop been oren f 3justnu0-miettes. per n/tuchma tnyser:rade j "it'sust enthat sohse of d my gowhat's lyreal o goinginn." chese lareguaytors sre they' now disuspenseng thoit circuea brsikers, eynce th b mighte di ado ng tnsthe seane of pic. tu n:chmaey "thde sudrenly edaliz is thno is grt a ideat thea. isma irkettos way tio volale." dhenalsaniee:/nys's "what ed fetoing int thativola ilitys n concert abouwna do iturnn ch s ina'omecon. y...whand r ethe at thkn weacoess hauld ve ado eminot.ffecll" jihl scr/esingenecbs usws biness an "alyst:ngif thi ds slowinown thchina ie fearres the st of w asiaowill sl e down,wiurope ll owslow dnan and y turallu.the s. om econlly wisl also owow dn." wa trll siseet in hop fg toind so mefo comn rt iayfridab's lor rtrepogn. siins po at toernothup itickrin hiwhng, woich uld in tdicatehaspt dethite e oiturmerl ov, seasu-the s ec y onomtiis sn ll ok.trac na heie danhals c 2nnels. new in and ht lige of thomeconic oiturmhil in ctona... e day th trstate reeasuasr resured
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fwithayarade futurldto bui a t planofnorth eg las vas... ic wheih is bkeng bacd by ain chveese in..stores. do not t meanr axpayeardolle s aratri sk. s in anttatemeur treaser dan ar schwd tz sai tquote:hetr r'easureces offill is we aware he of ts crisinain chi's nc finarkial maanets s d itpo l tentiactimpath on dae faray t.projec o we'rewen it. asked le the urgislata e for onumberf ot prs ectionrebefo s anytate cabonds ssn be iued. nsnevadad shoulhaknow tf t as o y todaonno bavds h ie beenssued r oredequestva... nehodans suld c feelabomfortt le thaevery rt effol wiladbe mroe to ptectei th er hardtaarned arx dolls. qu end ote. h"nows ere'kemilg a'serir fstok loe at thoipinp fnt 2t"orecas e whill we wil bhave aa it of inbreak ct the a fion onriday,we ti are sa ll in onreasable ti acteve patt rn thalilooks ke s willrotick ar und foxtthe ne aweekast leert. aftbl variae ou am cnts ofesloudinris on fday th wi i highsupn the s,per 30 thext
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date frighy nitot inda b hase een thitcase wh the he otmsr storwe this isek, th o next'tne isnst real n rong iit buself, ult cosud relt in raseveesl inchdi of adtional fsnow mor thensountai, and pe mirhaps llnor vaey cu aconmulatiers. after anoth k brea asundaynadditiostl syems li are fned upt or nex. week il while we w al havef bit oa k breain tiohe actrin on fday,we ti are sa ll in onreasableac ptive tatternokhat los likewi ckll stid aroune for thnextek weas at leftt. a verariable s amountudof clos inesdaon friy igwith hthhs in r e uppehe30s, t tonext sysrm smotem shves onore la date frit y nighatinto surday. h asn as beesethe cah witthe ot orher sts ms thithweek, isne ixt oneeasn't rrol stn ng i , itselfulbut coltd resu in se inveral f ches oonadditial orsnow fou the m, ntainsand ap perhr s minovalley laaccumu ations.nofter ather subreak nday diadonti salteys lms arep ined u r fo wnexteek.
5:06 pm
inearime bent... rceo poli mhave acuan in fostody r dr univing e der thncinfluee and il chngd enda aermente fter hal y legedlandrove i s-u-vnto a nv concenieore ste. rsofficend respothed to e 7-11 elon wvels aannue std 2nd reet ou ar0:nd 1-m45 a f andndou this u isuzo rodev s-u-drhad eniv ro ththugh one fr tt oftohe sre. cepoli t sayhiwo cn ldrewere de insiod the rn eo whethe ntaccidene happendd, at thaboth drchileren wlie be tevedveo hano ent beri weangt seas.beltfo atrtunnoely w oneeras slyious rthu. li porrce ad ester-44-yeaold an wsdre da hon forhiis tuird dar chge. alhe is rgso chah ed witchild erendangndment are dcklessngrivi. th hey saybee had eaen relsed ss len thars12 houer earli owfollhiing cos seuind drg chae. h inwaealth ttch...mahe oba mi adranisteltion rneeased w ar dietely guid tines. oday tethe laorst repcht, whi is
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pr off reviousndecommensatio chabout roolesteutl -- b ougets tn gher osugar. ie marlre hall frports ewom n . york an eane hcuusler ckt baga on sur siabout ntx mogohs ane. an slheau yer/newtyork ciid resent:"i t lost abouou20 pwinds thout yi tr nng ,oiot dnyng ag thin se elew." ner fedieal dtarygu inidelrees ati gettrng sict ou absut gaorr. f f the tirstime guthe inidelimes lddit aed su tgar. mo nothore 0 an 1pe t rcenaiof dally cs.oriedr n . kareo/desalvstassiant arsecrethey for "walth: e knowth utat abof halheof t added ga sun rs ilepeopie's domts cesfr weom sedetener bev, agesua ussolly " upe d datemmrecotiendaalons so mo reheve tit limdi on y etar escholl.teroha it end bemo no reth 00an 3li mils gramdaa y,wh aich iswobout ts. eggma alrlie hs l/cb, newsyonew rk: he "t m panele ade th achangefter ie studeds showre then' wast a r cleaecconn btionenetwein eatg fo hiods n gh iescholl teroand amthe oountd f baescholl teroat thup ends th in d.e bloo" c lisarmimpeegan/rreiste d et din,iciave uniy rsitithospals mcase cedicalenter:t' "i es anlexcelrcnt soue ofpr totein, ahere's0 bout 7 ri caloones in ane egg d gr7 s am
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te agenboe ysnd a maten e too pmuchinrote and ldshou b cutonack s, eggt meaan uld ponstry. i tteadshhey ouldea ret moit frud s antavege. bles fi tom egnn9 an/1olyears d: i i"f stget a d eak anadmy sal me cod s antemy scoaks imes,'m a gonno go ttemy sakma toybe t nigh ei'llomat sree move blgetaes."an erd th ge isneood orws f eecoffer lovhes tde guis line y sasm3-5 cuall dps areay a al hethy s .a alongu s yoaddon't e d thsu fgar,rilavoorngs pi topngs. ma ierlal hanl chl news2 ne. geanchla sngilli'm: "iel anga llschi aing, afterio serus ci ac, dentharpd is totinvesgateth ene scnke. tha ss toneome w te lochnothgy, ese proclls wi be mu schrtho aer endr.asie i'll ve hato the sinry comg up." er cheiyl l"dth- o on't gout lo boking,erut nevup give ."th alis loce couplithas que the s love..toryd . anneit's oyo rou've pnebably arver hed be ..forel . we'lucintrodtoe you nc du can andleheryl ith inni tos ght'e someon. 2 know ou str late soferies has ss entist
5:09 pm
y wh stheyneay we tedo bead rea y for akbig quowe... n remoha tevn ..erat. :3 50. t bu..first. polinice is par nn gun ed dowspa sud ecteckattaer idoutspoe a slice..tation. whathe ea was wharing tedt caus a s bombo quad tlebe cal, d inaf thter eae brk. "y e ou'rhiwatchang celnn 2 ..newsth. wist kriemen roningt, mlandon ailler,e nd miks alger'np pioi tnt fwot!orecas" cit'sa alled erigged,conomyd ans this i whow wst newflealth ows to t the%.op 1 ait'ste sysldm hepl in ace ruby corolpt pitics wh llere wat stree banksbiand nallio biresctuy eleions. cmyigampa pn isedowerer by ova iomilll n smalbucontritions, oppe llee ikuyo o who want tt fighckba. thute tr yh is cou'tanha c ngecoa t rrupemsyst by g takinmoits ney.
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5:11 pm
ll cene phoeo vidtu capthred e me moafnts frter senchitecury rcfo sesthhot n e madiwielng a he butcifr's knide outspoe a lice stn atioh northeof tit capal. orauths itiethsay ece suspt te shouahd 'allbau ak fr' -uelingar fepo of a tssiblerierrost ta atck. th spe suwaect ars wea ing y heav ja wcketwhith eaat apptored be re wiics st oking- ut -pobut lice thsay spe suusicioic devrne tuedt oua to be fake. h thisd appenearas paris mked fithe anrst arnivershey of t orterrac attthks on cee offis of chthe e arlio hebdwsner.pape inlookndg arouat the th se werensome tente momes in l centrayonew verk o -rnight en whne 17 miamrs beck e stucin le an er vatorehundfeds of etde und.rgrounen emergwscy cresp ntrang iono actiis and daster av was aerted.evndi gus ara ha e thy.stor sc rereue crows b tughtashe lt of trthe d appersmineth to e acsurfoue ar:3nd 8ur0 thsday inmornllg fog owina 10
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atmper. uresmithe mne'seranag ys sa w thersorkee wer, coldbut th speir errits wghe hi. sh wiawn nslczymiki, anne m -agerom frll cargi: 'm "ied mov i andd nspireby howwe y ll thewidealt s,th thi how wtheyd orkethtogeer." e th m17iein grs sotcktut ae th ofstart s their jhiftafust ter w 10sdedneigay n aht..e t thca l rgil sroadmialt n ne i ns laneing,rkw yoou, ab mt 40ilesou e tsidcusyrase. wtheyapere trpet d aboufe900 etun undergro ad whenatn elevor lysuddened stoppe on thway toth 'se mineor flohe - t deepest t intehe wesisrn hemphere. alofficiths say rse mineed huddlto . gethertsblankeup and ss plie l wereedowerem to thl , untia rg lae e cranbecould ug iaw shlcn wi, zynski mmine -anagerom frll cargi: t "iifis a d tficultask - er thnoe's lot a ct ofs raneout rethere anady lld witoing do at thth dep" re mon thazea don esagenci stassiited wreh the ..scue . as th rse minee werghbroutot acsurfnce in intreme ts of 4hen he3, t an 2 at time. wishawn kilczynsne, miag man -erfr giom carll: i "i'md nspireheby tm." "t sthe fir c 4 whot ame ouof the wamine, ntited u lil theo ast twlf man.uncito ngcoverito the sanry, gdivauera an chnenel 2 ws.
5:13 pm
5:15 pm
ea's l ddingtronald tump inhe s. pollna so llturay, his ne oppoarnts ine gor g aftethe te naxas setor. e thstlatek attacs centeraround nshis coontitutilial abibety to enpresidust beca we heoras bn in da canag . crail boswelrehas mo ta defrils asom wtohingn. d te icruz as on t businour -iowata a se'te hins doitg que we thll in o anks tt supporfromev liangevocal . ters tsen.ed cruz/ id pres centialteandida: ll "as acrosstthe ofate iowa, acall trosss hiy,countr pe eopl e arngwaki" up.dobut tnaldrumpqu onesticring uuz's.s. ti cihizenss p haedturno inta radistn ctior fothene tx sator he on tig campal.n traid donalum trp/ es prtiidendial can date d "iikon't le e this isue.'t don elikebrven ngingiup it ." ieearlisr thk, wee b trumphtroug t upsshe in ue ohewhetuzr cr is tu a narnral boen citizau becse w he basinorn ad can ha toiser amotican cral initimily dishessed tac oncusati h - buts e waedforcto we anse r thtiquesedon waynesd owin i. a. sencrted uz/ idpresalentidi can: date"t ldhe chius of iz citoren bn ro abs ad itua naboral rnci ptizen.e eopl cwillnuontie to
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asbut eg a latal m iter,t's e quitigstrawaht forrard." cig elbosws l/cb/wnewsngashiton,c. d.: "t hrump has aryistoh witthe bi r rthelebattem - dngandi idpresobent reama e leashis h birtifcerte.icat t buthis ttime'srumpth biracer attk is d aimeopat an wponentho hasov n ertake thim inlshe pol in iowa."th cle realliear povetics arage lsof pol c showsthruz wir a foupo leint r ad ove- trump thand bo e ar awell mhead rarco iubion th plird ace. bi ru to isinry cg toselo taphe g wi nth abloticeae toshift theri ight.onigmmra. tion n. se r marco/ ubiopr enesid ctialdaandite: re"we' g not toingveo ha ne amsty" o rubi loncethead ghe fir t fo mi imiogratfon ren rm isethe nate- hebut s say hisisadas me im atmigra ion onnatiecal sy urit su swaig bochell l anne. 2 news puand re pblicanntresideial nd cajoidate ashn kwiich inll be th bie t ggeslelitty citnext week. e thovohio gr ernoedis schuled h toa old etme g and areete t th cwashoey ountp g-o-arheadquters en in r to onayuesd h. hea eld wn toin hall am new hpshireto heday. to ren ameetetnd gre e will b 1from 2:45 to t:30 inhete afatrnoon ui the bonlding ut
5:17 pm
frtl the as.antirs dooat open 151:. r to-p-s-vd hea-tto k d-v-not an com k d clicuethe bl "news li bnks"utton. eaand ply se stahawith c 2nnelne cws forinontinuveg co oragef mp ca01aign 2 t6-ghhrouov nbeemr. "c elhannew 2 nins contthues wi ch f ietemeogorolist mi lgke a'serpo pinint 2 fo care, stbrt oadcasce d rtifie aby then mericate meicorologieal soc ty!" e whill we wil bhave aa it of k brea ain theonction y, frida re we a i stillren a leasonab ti acteve patt rn thas looklikewi till srock afound e r thnextwe t ek at.leaser aftia varble s amountloof cs udinesdaon friy wi hsth hige in th30upper s, the tonext sterm syss m movee onshor telari fy daghni st intoy.aturdaas ee has bcan the itse we h thot orher sts ms thithweek, iscu aconmulatiers. aftth anoerbr ndeak suayad alditionms systein are led up r foeenext wk. t' lek s checn in orothe thads wi afour trpofic reharter cison n dean iicthe aloie 96 pnt 5
5:18 pm
sh rutr hour foaffic onrming 395om fr t moanae,o oddie in thsp i aghettndbowl a0 on i8near ggthe nukiet lucholy tthugh ere ar anent ciy acordents id incents tore urport clyrentpl so eeease kp iv drsaing tfe outrehe. m i'n chaiso adeanhand turt's yole ect's ch ok ine n thwiroads thou fir trafrtc repoiser chaonde than in e e alicnt96 poi 5 af trntfic cether. isere some ru oush hfir trafinc form95g on 3 m fromo oana t ioddie,n the he spagwltti bo o and0 n i8neare th lnugget tuckilyh houge theren ary t andeacci ints ortsncidento or reprrt cuy entlleso pase ke riep dafving sthe out ere.
5:20 pm
t' lek s checthin on ade roths wi r oufitrafrtc repoiser chaon an deth in e e alicnt96 poi 5tr ceaffic . ntere there is somru oush hfir trafinc form95g on 3 oafrom modna to n die, ithe he spagwltti bon and oari80 ne nu the ucgget lhokily tthugh ere en ary t anntaccidencs or iidents r tocueport y rrentlasso plee ep keng driviou safe e.t ther i'm sochaiden aanhand tyot's ur af trc fi : john j"i'mpoohn . tteryoare urho eame h bting tillsigoo hh?re her 's youonweapme. so easy fi thxes l at wilousave y, moneymi co" ng up. ea20 ygors aco this aiuple sd ei thddr wevoing o ws t oeachtherfo e r tht firs--time t buooit tlok a lot-- a t-- ofia
5:22 pm
orlove wn ks iermystayious ws... erand tha e's l loca wcouplehoit ep tomizeseahis id. cmeetanheryl and dunc leith igin tonomht's s keone 2now. th s ere'thsomeabing hoout dememawe vidding dehaos tgnt sis ifieth are st at ofd goo slovetory. "s hayi." dathe ecy--dr embe 130th..995. e the-placmm- sas y b'in
5:23 pm
e.ha "tounk y."th upe cos le iandunc s andl hery h.leit d shet idn' ahave orglamdrous . ess.idhe dn't ha tve athux. adey hh eacr.othe anduncgi sin "ng -vei ner ou thi'ght hd betoere" bu wt this aeddingnelmost ver pp haened. yl cherhi- "i todnk gte wand meto mo be a hether. d wanteme to dhaveutogs, bsb no huo and. si lesetttod int. tha" u yo- see-ylcher b hadeen vo di brcede.eforot.. ne, onc nottw bice,utth tiree mes. ylcherwa-"i oks bren." awhenua mutiel frntnd icerodud , themylcherw kneashe w the e. onha.. we t sh'tdidnw- kno- s wa dthatn uncabehad aren mried fo beoore t... di 5 enffermet ti bs toace ext-- ki maheng ss.ryl hi.. an dunc- leith.."sixthah... ye. snumeroixeis. s" at thig's r 8ht--or divces be
5:24 pm
onlando - "dpuyou arsueernoth rr ma? iage anduncdi- i pdn'te ursuitit. st jupe hap" ned. nthey geverupave lo on ve d an nthey geveronave h eac ot r.he an duncs - she'l my soumate. s she'ovmy l. ere'shmys e. wifi shmean, ste's jufe my li. al ree'ly, shifs my le." e thecday--dr embe0130th 25...e th- place- tsierran ap i todownenwn re o-- th vevent-ow wareneo ls tbrcelethate e h' leits 20th in weddveg annirsary. er chunyl- "dn can, oaythis d 20 s yearouago, yal took l my br neokenanss, t d puacme bk to ergeth." ar wething mee sath clohees ty di 1d in t995,exhey gechand th voeir ncws oaie agn..."a 2fterar0 yehes, t sy'retill ck ro ning.ayow mre i p tsento u, yom teah.leitun.. dancan d ylsher." an med re hmbere ow w tsaidishis vea lory stoll? webe may... mjust..aybes it't abou
5:25 pm
nc du"ian- a t's y storabout ithope. s's abotory aoput he, trand ngustirs you" elf.wh heen touy thloght asve w ..lostl . alme8 tifos be. leyedearnhe tos mrtt impoant onless i: loveomsn't s yethingou flook. or..usbecavee lo is onthe loe inokfog yor u. erch wyl- "ikyas lucna to filly tfind that.s hat'."love nc duyoan, y u makinow ouss yr e.brid... cl ngappi if no you kbow somet dy thahas anin lecredib t story..o tell. ai emr l me oe messagme on okfacebon -- ktvlandon ..miller..r foe someon i2 knowdo'm lann mi , llernechan2 l wsne. ia ar tnna:arhe eakthque es wsaw st la m month hay notenave be big gh enouca to muuse agch dame... t buouthey cn.ld meae .. mor aquakesthre on e way.m i'a ariannt.bennet'l.. illl te yowhu scy ntietsisay sed we ne re to p. pare..noright ftw... aerth eae brk. an : gela a"i'ma ngelllschiing, harpd nes a ecw pi ee ofmequipnt at thma will eske invngtigati
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