tv Channel 2 News 530PM CBS January 7, 2016 5:30pm-6:00pm PST
5:30 pm
y jerrt:follethi "in ts ceinstann we caisset than up d mwe can aove it ts manys imes a t we want withou thavingt o seit e upmeach ti." p renoe olic gjustewot a n piece ipof equhament tllt wie makre- ngcreatien accidtsfa both steran erd easi. to dos that i to ghnis t'anchl news2 ne big or st:3y at 5 0. af anter id acclient poe ce havtove ine stigatscthe wene-anhich c me sos timehumean sdotting wnce n rtaiforoads ngr a lod perio t ofime. egood iveningdo'm lanern mill. m and i'n kristetoremingn, fthanksyior stah ng witus. w but noth o anks tw a nee piecofch te anologyrand a ge nt, thtime esit takbe will y cut bmore althan h sf. andafome trfic ceoffiavrs hree albeady entr d.aine gean slangchillibl was aeee to sho new the pew equiorment wksfi ndrst haoi and jlins us vefr heom tsr newthoom wi ? gela it yea re's a pcotty ewol n thingd ane they'rd excite ito uset. erwe wlee abtc to waheh as ty heused ta camerinout thepa lorking tht and wen seehat itca edpturk bacdeinsi. iton
5:31 pm
g beepin bethe g epinisnoise ro fm one of re the olno pdeice mepartewnt's n espieceq of enuipmakt. ma ing mp co cleteanircle d oucontiusly an sc tningrehe aa. rr jelly fo "ett:tethe lochnogy j isphust enenomal." vi gi gng a vreatl isuaheof tsc ofene ac an ntcidel . al- in 3 t d. istalmoea apps rs aouif y e arngflyi g andngettiir a bds vieye ew. rr jelly fo "ett:e we'rg gointo shavea uch erbettdu proct pe eslycialpr in utosecion" fo e r tht firs iyearllt wi be fusedraor t afficenccidts e, alon bl ut willlhopefuy be orused f s crimeincenes thefu ture. t scotn:swaith "s is ifithe rst inone ta the snete of ."vada hobut llpefut y nolathe st. t scot "swain:k i thinnothe repo dlicetmeparisent ng goi to be bl g azin tthat."rail trand c afficeoffirers ait exced u tohese t t new wool, chichosts ujustevnder s tentyanhousd do s.llarsc otn:t swaieq "the enuipmt,an trd the ngainie , thceoffirs me ti t forinrainllg, ath of att' geres figu td intonthe gra."a frgrant nom thel ationa hightrway c affitysafe
5:32 pm
fojerry "llett:l it wilallow o us tssuse lee. peopl" fojerry "llett:s in thi stin wancen e cathset anis up d c wee an movmait as imny tes as w wethant wiviout hao ng titset ac up etih ."me ic whcuh imts ta e . e scenh whicwo tauld hrke touee ho rs tca e pturwi oth thequld entipmeca tan now s ke lesn than ahour. fojerry "mllet: teore ofn than penot leop ke now on gway toet a homerend we'si meshang tt up. t sollhis wi u allowets to g in t and ou qalot."uicker e thenequipmn t ca balsoe usedth wis dronetuto capeore vidof al tt, bute his onntis mouedon t ad.ripoer covthing g e bi y,storng aa elhiscg,llinnn chaeltw . o news ow "ne' her as mike flger'sirst lo t ok ae thoipinpornt 2 fecast" e whill we wil ahave o bitf a k brea ain then ctiorion fday, a wellre stire in a leasonab ve actirn pattet thas looklike ll wick stid aroune for thnextek weas at leert. aftbl variae am ofounts ud clos inesdaon friy wi igth hthhs in r e uppehe30s, tse itt lf, bud coulltresu in ve seinral f ches oonadditial orsnow f m theaiountd ns, an apperhnos mieyr vallac ticumula aons. afternotherbr ndeak suitay addl ionaemsysts e whill we wil bhave aa it of
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rewe all stire in a leasonab pactivernattet thalilooks ke swillrotick ar und foxtthe ne a weekt.t leas v afterblariae nt amou cs ofinloud fess onriday thwiig h ihsthn r e uppehe30s, t lf itseco, but suuld ren lt i ra sevechl inf es oonadditial f snowheor tnt mouanains, d apperhr s minovalley mu accuonlatifts. ather anoer subreak ddnday anaitiostl syems ar
5:34 pm
zi freepeng e b willtye plenof more . those erwintng briads the peded exnse h of yeatingmeour ho. john er pottoo now lo ks inttohow ss leen c theofost pi keeoung yr me hom warhein t y newear. mafor opny, g eninheup tth monlyhe g atin obilla ffers ofchill it s own. al gonziges: "r iht nowutts abo o225 onl.ur bil" ho : wtons "it'ndarou50 2oh." jn:"o osh my gwth." ho"yon: " dawtd hohaon, lds an oer ..homeh .wit smanyspneaky aces etthat lth in lde co's. he in lookang for hey way t cano pr whotect eaat he igrns. rht now, onhowtpa: "we avy a hee y pric r fonghaviot a lwi of s.ndow" hn joav: "dhaid, mes coth to e gh riact plt e. asothe reuth no me hoot deper, the e aresaislof t- coserbust ts tothrim e ne mou y yo tsenduro yoli utity. l we'larsttht wisu..inonlati, wh h ichames coon a ly g wae sincth yse dasi of wmpleereath st g.rippin" ansteelmhi: "t ts isr he doosw t eep. indgoes uh erneatyourdo wor. itn orks orfany suace an tad ato ches tyourso door it jucan adthst to rie floong."an erd ththe's ule can.k guuea trwe gaapon aiginst hinh heatg bi
5:35 pm
sy eafi to n ll ie thosspair aces ndarou a doorsdond winkews to epth ae coldm ir frongcomi" in. ys todain caulkg mas terialstick paand extend bety r. thenow st resi s mold,extay fl.aible..nd a laston lot luyger. b c aaulk agun,t nd i qwilllyuick f payorse itlf. lm steehean: "t g caulkksun pacat he." e thnext o aisles ver, imothe st ct effennive peerysav.the ra prog tmmabletahermoswat.the y no ayt to pn whereyou' t away.hela netest oecs connnet onli. ansteelmyo: "if iu havenentert ce acyoss on neur pho y, thenou jucan adhest tt heaor air nd congitioni y whileawou're ay omfrom he." ea grtit for u mes yogecan't t ho ikme lu e yoneplanndd. a the ever. st : eelmanll"they'th heat e wihouse hathout osving lr t aito , themnsthe fak wort a lobetteran thth what d ey useto" p 95 eercentntfficieh , whic thmeans oey putpeut 95 t rcen , heathefrom ty energrequired p to iroduce yt. no,'tou canch heange ter weathou.but y can en prevbit the zeg freem ...fro yi emptr ng you. walletricoveng atmoneywhnch, jote pothar, cnnelne 2 ws. an ned nv es rgy haaga webpe fullof s dozeneyof mong savintips
5:36 pm
lijust c bck thewslue nelinks tt bukton at fvn.comork. a lin f most othus in kee truce owmeadlts fesh some laaking stnt moroh... f sm thatoferies rt eas hquakeitthat h r southeno. bi the onggest a e was in4 pot b 3...smut seitsologis. say.. o it'snly a tt matier of orme befete we g a lyreal o bigne. ar beianna jonnett nins usowve lia with lcloserook at ..why... ari.? fa for sce thehitate t--s week i dosat h wn witrethe dif ctor oth see unr gyismolo lab. n he's i sa goodsipot-- nce da nevae is onheof tt mos caseismitilly acteve stahes in t . nationgewe log td morehan e17,500akarthqu20es in 15. s-he sayhq- eartaruakes rye ve icunpred..table.he but tre is th one eying thfo know ..r sure. am grahot: "nry eve b swarmecomes e a larghqeartuat ke, bumost e larghqearts uake sheretartwi rmth swas." .. soev. whenhaer we ves swarm ke li o the snes wet aw lasmo itnth-- se puts loismos.gist.. emand ncergenay ma..gers. on alert. ar our bea has aeen indr long y sp
5:37 pm
rt eas.hquakeab 0 out 10s year..ago.w we saa nd ha mful ofdeagnitu a sixesndve seenns... oughus to car e majo ..damagede. and ath.ah grf am: "istyou juth play e er numbnds, ak loou at, yoknow o kinde f thesloridicuus ak streots of ng havin hq eart tuakes,oohat, sner or te labar, proonbly soe er, th4.3 ngis goi a to be." 6.3ke s nt sayggthe bisuest ise withis th m... isg akinsu orea ur are a islis resiasent si th.. meansed. ucfoation r zeciti..nsfr. inucastrtureim emprov..entstr. retiofitorng fho ames...bund... ying uaearthqurke insance. y you manoalt re..ize.t tha rt eakehquaur ins iancet s no opartanf st hdardwnomeoer cepolis.nd.. ayo if omur he isma da aged in.. quakeu . yod coul abe outf lot he see tin full ietervjuw-- sttu orne in ou set yfor dvr r facee ththstate keis weend. irit's a sing ony aturda0 at 4:3am 30... 1: a pm...0 nd 9:3pm..d anunon s 6day at a:30 amnd30 1: pm. ve co tringhery stoe, livan arina nn be cett,elhannew 2 ns.
5:38 pm
yotch ou upe n thstbig weory co d tylar ciea is cl oringtsut i wrenosearehouwe -- a ek after ra new totes ffok efoect lar sor om cust sers. a cerviceofharge 5 15-2ntper mo eh willllventuay n costy earl45do std cus omer owillgenly t t abouara quofter c thetsredi t asdohey - nowex- for cess gy energo that aces b tk intohe id grrc. solaofity alficis say st moe peopllaget solsr pane to savene mouty -- b theesse hik will nc cahael tt myb "on e littl whouse,here i t puala smsyl , stem bi'lle ngpayi e more, tven ifsthat syem co was lypmletefo paid e r, lik o somethf my orier fthends, an d if iavon't hlae sohar on tt us ho ae atll."n- gyv enerso says cular erstoms ge sut a y bsid dof 512 aollarsye ar n -- irewhich r gulaomcusters fo bot thendill. as that'why ra the rete increases apo imrtant. fo or more sn thistutory, ne toinha celnn n 2s ew-3at 60. "s heo, ts odde of minfallg in y toda0%- 10at? then depn ds o
5:39 pm
d anho iw hardyo push u." , wells i guesshshe puhaed me rdou enllgh! i'yo take heu on twa foter -r yoga in toghnis t' alhe wthchat. d anlgmike al er wil ahavek loo ouat yfor carecost, u e th aglovesfore on usr the a xi bo jng'sr unio, openy im k ss sithon, toat ss ry i. next "y e ou'rhiwatcnnng chael 2 . news..riwith kemsten rinongt, onlandle milarr, g drettorearbn on s, sport m andalike s ger'
5:40 pm
me soe of thoubest yoxng biners e thy countrmpare coineting re s no thindweek ase thes kidar lye really, real y good.ou t don'nt wass to meth with emkr n sissos report ton howhe esglovn are oo in renthis .. week . e therovare 00er 3le ath ates,ll 8 14-1s year cold,om apetingt th d e gran rsierrat esorthisek weng vyi a foron spot the 16 20th yould wormp chahiionspssq d uaanspd for thot on e usa xi boatng nl iona. team ing th e ey'rh tougthand ene evs t hapr anympis. gojulie keldstic br, usaoxing "w pr- se have aeverals,thletesh stokour n,evenso niko
5:41 pm
brlosreoldellz, a t wonhe piolymiac trndls ad heato a riohend tt y gor theit star ahereist thnt eve." o tokyer2020 heye the. com in fo it's eaurth ydsr, golticker tsaysighe b lgestciittle ty has kbeen autnock oio locatr n fo is thnt eveau becf se oeahow sy it fo is mir fa aliesthnd as lete to t getheo. sks worse cloly th wi j ther uniorsboxend a said atthin boxg isun alikethny opoer sorrt fs. kid "julie-ngboxiaz is amr ing fo ds kiiv. it g oes allemf th a ougreat sotlet. av you he some hl at tetesarhat oke lofoing r a si po ptive tlace. o gothand eir inamazacg cotahes heke tm inev niery teght afr olschoy theha omve sere wheae gr gt tod o an in domeg sog thintiposive."of 3 the00dr hunoxed b 2ers,5 of em th f arevarom nedalu incding oncarsh higolschosh freman, ri chn stiaosaval w. wee erleabto h seeinim w o onef his tc maanhes tcd cas h hithbreaaf dsterwar. ri chn stiaosavalas- "i w born t intorthe spohe. by t w age ias3
5:42 pm
fcturesenrom wh a i wasli kttleanid. 'sd itt jusa lyfaming thil , alitmy ltle ot br dhers."o it nhe'sidot k--ding o allf his ot br bhersncox ingludi hisli bttleerrothn ivamiwho ght bhavetheen ude losuest tepporr is of hro big b cthertihrisan... an ivbo- "he pexes su ar goodnd ."hard cabut hn hehiear s lyfami si inhede tg? rin st chrii ian- "ealove h tringhem ngcheerion me re. i anally c'tpa tey atn ntiot to ibee caus 'rtheyste jus. fan" bbig,anig fs. ricoveheng try sto s, kyn,isso l channe2 news th boe usa unxing jenior op and nayouth ctionalnshampiohip isgo ting on shroughy aturdafrom pmnoon-6e at th psummitn avilioin heside t s grandreierra sortd anolis absy utel tfreeo the bl puic. an ad mike wlgerveill hak a loo ou at ycar forecost, umingp. co uming sp ins.porte ..thdaneva n me rwereedoughin up sn freo
5:43 pm
5:44 pm
5:45 pm
op in py,ulariter anothom way se tchoosetio pracosce pising w onater. t giveoahis flitting freness tnd y a tronin t'sighth health.watc t"bringhthe rigll leg aay the w h.througe rotatbathe foo" cr ngeatien strd gth anitintegry th wi bin theogody. ya is a fumindacl pr tticejehat nnan fedrews loll in itve warh nely 18rs yea. ago et"som phingunrofoppd hat ened o n me ierthat vt y firs" class.d anyeafter sars ofg tudyinmany esstyl, jepenn ohened n r owpl toace ct praic. ro "fgam ungar yoha to yotha ga a tongshtaora, s at ofer pow ga yoss cla." atand a yoginsol so cartyn ci, yo inu'll fmed sog thin m- thatay ycluentou it o yeheanotper ty y ofjeoga njnn e- oys g hanginonth lle wa. pl"peoe e ar wlike yhat?anou wt me do to t wha pon adlade ar bowhd?" brich uingsres he... t toarhe ccison quty aatic ercenter, whnne jeps kee o herwn t fleeogof yeca sp bifics.oard d, an m letlle te, youasit w
5:46 pm
de malo it ok. t' "idis a fft,erenit a lbitle t erdiffbeent " ast. th wiop a gn ro o, handriwe bngyo g u alonrothheugh r secequen... wh yoere nu'lle otic ait'sba inlanct.g ac t buts hat'the t.poin ou "yco're tansntn ly oan st un fableatound" ion. re"ince dibl tcoreinraind g an re st."ngth th all s e posee you seheout re, doare n ne istthe , owke dd-nwar dfacingog. bu int thougs yus foc- on on d solindgroure - ay easto etforghi w s "it' everytoasy t lethe ar aws enesreof bgoath au becseyo lu're iike,'t dont wantofa myll, t' foot s no, hereoh!" on al rg withemngindiel myse f th thbrea's, itor imp ttantgao enge cyourthore h rouge thmontvemes. lfrom pungeioositns.. p tos.lank l alouat yn r owl leveand te iny.nsit t butoshe pate th got i mee s on'sthattt prempy sile -at st lea, roon gund. tathe f sk oinbendrwg foanard d is tw. tingsia barec sttch,
5:47 pm
tiunthl .s ..h plasde- unerrwateo vid... bu nnt je i putstt bek bacat ga yo s. ol.. iand,t muse,agresh rie's ght. f "iwothe thrst thing apat hpens y isalou f, l in ait'sy prett d gooday." cin themoolder stnths, andup bopaddlegaard yofe is ofred or indouts... bn jens takeit to ta thoe inmehe sum ar. shelso fe of arsra t yiloga. ea to le rn morthabout - ose orr heiotraditasnal clo ses, gto -v k- t c-n dot com and tlickhehe walthcoatch in. chlet's oeck inron the thads wi tr our reaffic cporterhaisonde than in e e alicnt96 poi 5 fi traferc cente . there is somhe shavy rur houfitraf95c on 3 mfromo oana t anoddie td inpahe s bghettiowl er th ae isanlso id acconent 395 h nortd anremccaoon to lt k oufo er sot xpeceeto se somdelays hain teat arch. i'm deaison an th and yat'strour affic. ha "c nnnel 2ntews cowiinues th
5:48 pm
lgke a per'sininpot 2 re fobrcast, t oadcasiecertifd by erthe ametican mgieorolo cal etsociy!" wh weile ha will itve a b of a inbreak ct the a fion onriday,we ti are sa ll in abreasonle veactirn pattelo that keoks li s willrotick ar und foxtthe ne t week at.leaser aftbl variae ou am cnts ofesloudinris on fday igwith hthhs in r e uppehe30s, t xt ne s stormmoystem shves onore ra seveesl inchdi of adtional f snowor the tamounndins, aps perha minor eyvallul accum. ationsafter ot anbrher ndeak suay ti addi sonalmsystein are led up nefor eext wk. wh weile l wil bhave aa it of br ineak a theonction y, frida swe aren till iona reasableac ptivernattelo that keoks lill wi a stickforound ner the xt t week a aleast. vfterblariae ntamou cs ofesloudinris on fday wi hsth hige in th30upper s, thene toxt sterm syss m movee onshorla date frit y nighatinto ee has bcan the h se witthe ot orher sts ms thithweek, isne ixt oneeasn't rngl stro in it , selfulbut coltd resu in l severa oinchestif addionalsn tow fornthe mouanains, d
5:50 pm
5:51 pm
, "now'sherert spores dictor rr gadeett rnarboth, winn chael 2 sp tsor" e thacwolf p bk mensalasketbl h teamthad anogher rouga road me iglast nvaht. neasda wki loong r fo sit'sstecond raightco ennfer, ce winstbut int ead go bl ouown 2t by f2 ino.resn o thisadne hea a rh l rougt star r foe th..packea.w tringheir bl k acifunmsor st -1f hal ce r zaergurore-0 3 3ld bulogs -g rrueo erhe3 ad h3p 1ntoi..s.fs wo d ulketa elyar2- 1le0 -adckpa ok loliing t ke it might gea sp k ar flate..irstme..caron ivol finwihed th po 13tsin 5ou-rebannds d 2- bl ksoc t phek acs wawndo3- 311 qu-marcoeze maledrn e iv c ..anolem a hade- gamhigh22 inpo otsthn nie
5:52 pm
-2 hndalf wa a s esfrtano sigte hhthlig re wtoatson n culle o russooalley 5p dunk9-34 no fresnd -aer lat p thettack geing esloppywinding usth rso the 3 85-6l.finath cke paot sho-ps 35nterce for tu sa mrdayngorni . ts lek tal nsomehefl where t5- mtimeilvp warl str t fothe erdenvnc bron os iplthe fsayof. ad hech coaku gary binfak id ormehi ams teth of cie desion ur th msdayngornin wheerplays re edturnm frorea thy e-dak.brea inmannssg mieved samen gthe wi a fleftinoot ajuryasnd wac a bk up br to osock erweilt lasaysund h inetis r..urn.mabut g nnincame in e thndsecof halleand e d thbr s onco 2to a w7-20vein on r sa o diegchclinthing c'e afp s tose ed. inmann 1g is i1-13e n thofplayfs hover8-is 1 cyearr aree awith 1 2-rbsupereowl . cord t as the sopd eebrthe s oncoget e tht firsd rounthbye is cawildrdke wee, ndinhoste g th lo awesteefc sled iftthn e ondivisindal rou . th ce wildunard ronsd begi
5:53 pm
.tside..efhe chis and xa te.tns..athe l ye gameou cantc wat h righn here ol channe2 is e thlestee brs and. engalssundays hac the nfhewith twk seahas at vithe s kingckand pa ters athere nsdski. it ee's bwhn a inirlwupd cole fdaysewor nlely eascted balebl ll hafa of kmersrien gffeyju ndnior ae mikzapiazod...tay 2-the rewene in w rk yota to bolk aheut ts. honor y griffenoanheunced be will ingoing peto coo arstowns a omembere f thatsematle rsrinewh heere pe sofnt 13- his 22- se onasins he tig b..s.zapiaz h sayswie e ll bg goins in anew rkyo r metthather heen tod dgers er wh se he ppent oartsvef sen on seas..s.ff griiley w tl behe t firsayplrier wea mng ainars er in hat he tl. halpi.. tazzahe nd secooi met j tningeaom sver. te krislan and handon ct t abousp
5:54 pm
's herebs the cni eveewng ns: o morey'n todak s stocgeplun and vo a wlatiler eek fos marketro ac gss the. lobepluse , thnew ve gontrnmeta dieuiry gnedelis at the havalmany cling l."fowd," an c ournuontiing in atvestig hion onomow se ar phesmacie maknsmilliong pushirc nas oticuson jt t abouanyone wh nto wa. s themhawe'll seve thost ..ories ni. to tght on chebs en evneing . ws co uming wp... he'llanave r othelo t ok a wyourereathay, sth wit . us an thorks fch watching l anne2 , newsracoveouge y c can oountn. cit'sa alled erigged,conomyd ans this i whow wst newflealth ows to t the%.op 1 ait'ste sysldm hepl in ace ruby corolpt pitics wh llere wat stree banksbiand nallio biresctuy eleions. cmyigampa pn isedowerer by ova iomilll n smalbucontritions, oppe llee ikuyo
5:55 pm
5:56 pm
ke miin's fthal weaeril while we w al havef bit oa ea brhek in tn actiodaon friy, a wetire s illa n abreasonleac attive phatern ts t looklikell wi a stickd rounthfor e nextwe leek at ftast. aiaer varble s amountudof clooniness da friy igwith hn hs iupthe s,per 30 the tonext sterm syss m moveoronshe se inveral ochesdif adtionalsn tow forouhe mnsntai, and rh pemiaps llnor vaeyac ticumula aons. afternother subreak ddnday anaitiostl syems ar d e line nup forweext ek. el >> pnvley: i hestorsfoead r e ths exitstand prock ices
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