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tv   Channel 2 News 11PM  CBS  January 7, 2016 11:00pm-11:35pm PST

11:00 pm
in tohous tn- anderhe oth just s hourn away iensacramto, ca rnlifoia. s cbs'machris hrtinezetas dailsfr aom los. ngeles pkg:e thrtdepa omenticf juste says both st arre os camef ut osathe me i-multe state.prob r oneeeefug -a ea23 yd r olamsacrento rentsideag - mantred to tavelo tosyria a fightdelongsi a rr teororist tiganiza. on itauthory ies sahehe tn liedab s out hitiacesvitin whehe rn retuawed. "lce enforasment h en bedi increbly er concouned abost tho e whcome ck bath to we u.s.atith th kind f of-foreign tighterinraing." se a scond -uspect4 a 2 oyearld us horeton ntsidees - facee thr rasepaoute incdingat titempo ng tidprovtee marial t isi a "theyhellege li hied on zes citinship ap ioplicatt n abouhis fi afn liatiohewith tic islam asstate as well ns weapotr ngainit thaeche rd.eive" e thstarresos ale havtipolical im atplicteions. vexas gornor eg grot abbast releed a emstat sent,aying: is"...thec is prwhisely y i
11:01 pm
te en tring.she u c. fromesountri tasubsllntianty coedroll by orterr."iststh n e med coul afaceiodditnal ar ch bges.suoth tsspec are in berag ard ignerion fday. machris , rtinezwscbs ne. ## ## h"nows ere' amike flger'sirst lo t ok apithe 2npointas forect" wh wile weveill ha o a bitf a br teak iniohe actrin on fday, a wetire sn ll iona reasableac attive phatern ts t looklikewi ckll stid arounthfor xte ne t week a aleast.arfter viable s amountudof clooniness y frida h withn ighs iupthe 30per s, the s nextystorm svetem moors onshe f lateniriday inght atto surday. asas hn beesethe cath with e stother hiorms teks weis, th muaccuonlatiers. after anoth subreak ndaydi ad stional aystemsedre lin up wewhile ha will itve a b of a inbreak ct the a fion onriday,we s are itillasn a reonable ve actirn pattelo that keoks li s willrotick afound e r thnextek weas at leert. aftbl variae s amountudof clooniness da friy th wi i highse n thr uppehe30s, tne rmxt stom systeonmoves e shorla date frighy nitot inda satury.
11:02 pm
otmsr stors thi, weekthisac lacumu ations.nofter ather k breaaysundio additstnal syems ar nee li fd upt or nexweek. ks than mike. nuthe anasal wcohoe unty le homeouss youth ccont is mingup nu on ja-tary 28urh to svey isat-rg k youn. people he in te timinleado g up tthe en evilt, "buced our " nterand ad "nevuta yopoh emt wermen ec proj ht" areyooping u'll na dointe witter edems need forth yoese h utt ou tin ched.olam kandadgetchleive is lhee in t ro newserom aftki talitng wh ni organdzers ael homyoess uth vi lising outamde. , andan how ca lepeope makera diffn ence i
11:03 pm
itether ol's a d clar,esloth, hy itgiene sems orceerviyos...ur bucontris tion itogoing p hel yothese peung wopleithoutsh elter. ho one tmeless teen wetoalked hsaysule woecd apprnyiate a lp hen he caget. nd ryla, wolfesshomele, youth19 ar yed:s ole "th acoldeind bng hhungry bave totoe the p two wo ferst eln ings irlthe wod." ry wland holfeeeas bmen holess er evce sin a thef ge ono16. w,he 9.'s 1uc..corfh suwiing thfr s iendsland ngeepisi outde. ry olland wmefe, hoouless y19th, ar ye "s old:ouwithe t tht suppor rtand ceopain pehale tt edyou nell to fak baconso memetihes, wu n yot don'have os thine ththgs, s is i okindf er whu e youpend ." h soowy mang younlepeope lik arylandomre hs eles tout onhe st s reetenof ro? thwell, lee homethss yount poi e in timt couns hoped to finout. dimerezeth tanldr, bui ource "wnter: toe try c get aount idon k18s 24 to in liv tg onhe etstreivs, lining ru a t, ckde unidr a brge." eat thef nd ojay,nuar y theouthsu rva ey date will bo used tde p veloushoind g anraprogorms f e thoseein nd. re me tdithr,anzeld bui our ercenthe: "tedy nee som. help ntheyseeed esrvic t andnehey edto
11:04 pm
reat ail ava oableheut tsore. e we'ry happomto cwne do atownnd ha do wwetever t canlpo he out e thoskids."t bup,to helio donatns are edneed ae nd bpedropf d ofatse l veratilocaonros thutugho . town, fooderwintts coad , an he otppr su alieselre h. pful er evary yeug tholeh, sg epinba , gsteannts eed trmo hamcks reare tequese d th..mostt ..bu ry ve a fewvere ever tredithr,anzeld bui our nt ce"aer: ep slebaing keg mas ch suig a bimger opactn me so'sbodye. lifen a tult cod ch tange the waythhat e ey'r fliving4 or 2tohours ut pyo lfursean in p d zindit a not thaverro woy." t bretr bloo tused ho beesomels. mhe'sedanagge to jot a d b an fopay hor a ..use. i.but'tt wasn sy eaim for h. e so hs wanteeto se mor urresoaices ooett blyer, 25 olars sed, ud e to blehome"hss: o ow tt gea hjob,keow to jep ahoob, w toma mnage, oneytohow ce grory op shn. eve l theesittlint thgs." 'sthatt whandrylaes hop i forn fuhis , tureusbecaise the lif t isn' hwhatane plfoned r.ry wlandhoolfe, ymeless19outh, olyears 'sd: "itom not sething wthat iikould lone to ce tinudo eing.e veryonreout he is ng tryit to get to thatenext sp lintoife mo be ucre sfucessl."
11:05 pm
stoping sttimi aicapnd rpingto ghret t houghayis ds.ry "wland: u'hen yo are alllone, no got a home,'tnd donw knowh gere tos o, thi mis theoment,yo e u selithe oufe yse cho. reyou'e at thstloweow ll , al yo u n ca idogrs ."ow ouif yte're in iresteddrn the op lo off s cationnafor do wtions,e aset upfo link u r yoheon t vonlineonersi o sf thistory. ju east h kd tot tvn cohering t, storydaaman hlketc, edgenechan2 l wsne. so mplar coinanies a nevadare ki tastng drasuic mea wres, aeek te afpur the tiblic ulities sicommisouon annarnced lgecr intoeases c theirrsustome' rates. un sunren is odingonperatis in lvthe siteer stapl whrce solallity wi be el iniminatoug ab0 t 55jobs. so y larcitleis cg arins out itre ehno war -oused - anits pl emwioyees itll eher get tr eransforred e losr theibsjo. th reey ami blangng chaa es to rv searice cht ge thareis curntly-2 15mo5 per unner the s.w rulet .. thaar chl ge wiltuevenosally ct
11:06 pm
std cus omer pthatceroduce exless ecictriatty, thd 's solby e n-v--nergy on will aly getqu ofarter re the chadits teyt th no get itlarc my saysopost pesele u r solalspaneo tvesa m- oney - th but he rateouikes cthld do e si oppote. "o jeb itn my lustle horee, whe i a put sysmall i'stem, ll be mpayingveore, e tn ifhat st sy cem waselomplet fy paidor, ke liof some he my otndr fries, th i an if t don'olhave s oarn at thse houal at l." en n-v sergythays e ratecr inareases rte impocaant beuse la soomr custrrers cugeently t a bs suofidy d 512 aollars-- year ic whguh rer lacus foon sd wednethay -- c e p-u-willvo whte on toether d holonoff th he rateikes. ngfreezira tempe ttures:here lrhave aeeeady btyn plen of os the.wi bnterthrings d e addee expens h of yeatingmeour hoor and fma thny, ste coon per menth oftns ruth into ree hundds. th ese aislny of ma home im emprovstent reores ad filleth wibu cost-s ster t tocorim sts.
11:07 pm
e say thgucaulk an ise tru aweapon hgainstatigh heing bi lls. ee st: lmany "the mjustitake teasyllo fith in aiose acr spes ndarours doo w andwsindoke to epth lde co f airm rongcomi" d rosome pwoducts terk betr e thanodver. tulays caking ri mateicals stexk and pand tt bether. owey nis resldt mo, fstaybllexiane...std laot a l . longer rn fu aacesorre mcie effio.ent to ansteelmy': "thet ll heathe us hooue withngt haviai lost r to ththem, we fansloork a ert bett th want hath ueyd se" towe do have f zens oy monengsavi ortips fo you t yuse atour me host. juck clilu the be li newsttnks bukton at fvn.comor . a link s wallhatreet pes wrapd up he anotofr day se losnvs. iestorsar toundorhe we ld havbeen ke spootod by sarck mtuket rmoil hiin c. na..atand whgh it mit an mehe for tba gloonl oe sellanff begth at e en opbeing ndll ake picd up ntmomes um adathe nty we on. w the dos jonestinduverial arage edclosmo down n re tha390 . points
11:08 pm
o losse f th. week fwhat'sngeediin hato tlat votytilico is n ncerab oudot a rnwntuch in s ina'ec y onomwhand r ethethat ssweakne h coulddoave a minoef fect. ll jisi schlebsnger/c news si bu anessstnalyth: "if ingsow sln dowhiin c fna theear is re the asst of ilia wowl sl down,eu ilrope w dl slowd own an llnaturau.y the cos. e wnomyill al loso sw down." swallt treeopis htoing d fin me sofo comn rt iayfridab's lor rtrepo. s signt poinnoto a utherk pticin nghiriic, whulh wodid incate at thte despi turhe tmoil seoverthas, s e u-omecony isst till onrack. d anhtin lige of thomeconictu inrmoil .. chinay . todathe e statretreasusur reasred da nevat ns thaatthe stale's de with da faratuy fuo re ta build plant h nortasof las vegic... whh is babeing y cked besa chine in ..vestor n. doesn ot meaxp taolayer drelars ask at ri. tain a snttemeas treanurer d tzschwarqu said tote:heea trs surer'ceoffiwe is rell awaof ri the c csis inhina'sfi l nancias markets and it iapotentctl impae on thy faradapr oject.'r
11:09 pm
lee slaturnufor a omberf ec prots tionrebefota any ste nd bon s cauebe issd. va nehodans sowuld knas that of da toony no be ds havssbeen iued ueor req. sted..nsnevadaul shod fe foel com trtableerhat evy weffort mill betoade te proct r theiarhard ex ned tas.dollar qu end ote. ri in beao .. rencepoli a have i manstn cur ody fole aly gedlindrivr g undethe ncinflued e and chil erendang. ment..heafter ve dro -van s-ua into concnveniee st ore. rsofficend respothed to e 7-11 elon wvels ad nue an2nd st reroet a10und a-:45 d m an d foun ithis rsuzu sodeo h-u-vad endrivou thrhegh tnt froth of e or stole. psaice o y twdrchilenwe idre insthe e e vehiclhewhen tco n llisioedhappenth, and eyli beateve thth nei cerhiasld w ar weg inata set. bel rtfoatuny el onoasne wus serioly hurt. li poesce arr-yted 44olear-d an wsdre da hon forrdis thi dui ar chhege. so is aled charg with ch enild erdangndment a le reckviss dring. th hey sayd e ha rbeend elease t less12han e hours..arlier.
11:10 pm
th moe erthth of soe le-cald ff "azaluenn" teeba is ickn s texaacto fjue a dge. sthat itorystn ju 5co0 sends. cit'sa alled erigged,conomyd ans this i whow wst newflealth ows to t the%.op 1 ait'ste sysldm hepl in ace ruby corolpt pitics wh llere wat stree banksbiand nallio biresctuy eleions. cmyigampa pn isedowerer by ova iomilll n smalbucontritions, oppe llee ikuyo o who want tt fighckba. thute tr yh is cou'tanha c ngecoa t rrupemsyst by g takinmoits ney. bei'm srnie.andersap i thprove sais mesge.
11:11 pm
th the mof er o-cthe sod alle lu "aff tenza ieen" is backn - texas d chargeinwith hdering e thehappronensia of n.felo a tonyh couchetoucwnd do in te isxas ther aft..noonfa to ce aar chhege of g lpinfuher gitive agteenn e soe evadurcapte. e th fpairtoled ic mexo inno ervembas... se prorscuto stinveedigatth whe8-er 1- yearol had etucn coolh viedat hispr n obatio din adreadly unk- dr inivwrg k.econ t cyachouas w podeedrtro fmem xi lcot as ..weeknd.. aay tod w sheasbr t oughheto tra tarount cnty ijailndn hacuanffs g d les.ironco s uch'rnattohaeys aive se d sh d dinot e violatlatexas w swhenndhe a s herleon fd tome . xicot righetnow cohan uch ngis beid heln at agrimmiioatn ntdeteceion interxin meitco cy. reparis onmains .. edge. after ch frene policndshot ad killea ma sn theyriay to ed t aattack lipotace s ttion. odayce
11:12 pm
me montr s afte sfrenchy ecurit esforcan shot edd kill a man diwiel bng aerutchni's kfe idoutspoe a slice ntationorth heof tit capaual. itthorsaies y su the shspect 'aouted llahu r'akbaue - f flingofear a ibposserle tstroriac attk. me arfid of bcersedlock p offaris et stre ts asomhe buab sqved mod in. th sue ecspwat wes g arinava hey etjackh wit awhatreppea bd toe re wikis stic -ng outt - bucepoli e say thicsuspevious dice edturn toout a be kefa. en frroch ptosecuayrs s m thean iecarrpid a ofece er paph wit isthe lais cie in tdentplook onace the e- onea yanr veniy rsar tofhede madlyanilitckt attas on an fr cce's hharlieatebdo saliric nemagazith. auieoritevs belie ma the cen polid killeodin tay's teattempd at cktaas wm froh nortriaf. ca il stoml to chae on c nnnel 2ews - at 11 s a texa gmothererives h erdaughtif the gott of mhed.rhoo we ex'll pl cain,upoming w mikeveill hak a loor at you re
11:13 pm
t but firse - thhqeartweuakes lasaw onst m nth maye ot havbeeng bi tenoughe o causmuch gedamabu... ct theyeaould mn... qmores uake tare onayhe w. i' elll tu l yoy whiesctsntisay s we nd ee ptopare..reri. t ghno ftw... aheer tak bre. hi "t cs iselhannew 2 n 1s at1, henortevrn nnuada's nember o ca newsthst, wian ari bnaneen, tt ndlailon mr,lepo ss rtwithga t rretrndearbo m andike
11:14 pm
mo ..nth.m fro at ths seriethof ear tquakeshat sohit reuth e no. tht biggesone wa pos a 4 3. butis sestmologi..s say.on it's ly a omatter bf timee eforetwe g are bally. ig one da nevae is on mof theost is sey micallveactis statein thena --tionlo we mggedthore an 0017,5ar eth iquakes. n 2015 whand erenevve we has swarmliketh e e onawwe st las- month-itts puol seism..ogists. and er emmagency ..nagersle. on art. ey thar say lthge ear hquakesere al molwst astays wiart wath srms ma of sneller onds... a o aura re s ha ibeenlon a ryng dll spe iwhenmet co ls toarge hqearts.uakeut abo y 100ears we haw a l ndfuof gn mae ituds sixeseand ..vens. ou enghca to mause dajor ..mage. d aneaeven dth. ah
11:15 pm
nu aers,oond lyok at, u knowki f nd oesthdie riculous s streakotof nin havg rt eakehquahas, tnet, soor or r,latebl probaery soone , th4.3 g is toing ao be 6.3." s to fee theteull in..rview. cl ing udinnfmore ionormati aboutho pw to yreparef ourselurand yoho eme forakarthqutues... n ne i et or sdv your r r fo tfacehest isate thnd weeke a. it'sg irin s ony aturda:3at 4..0 am. 1:30.. pm9:. and . 30 pm.and onnd su6:ay at m 30 a1:and 30 pm. e thteclus sr ofretorms tolated o el ninlathat salmmed ca iforni weall s ek ig windinbudown. t re the record-braaking msinstorve haed flood a roadsomnd hes, ge trigmured dedslis, andom nirf warrongs acthss souern li caiaforn. ayfour dels of resentls rain o havepenenkd sis holeheon tad ro ts likee his ona in l ll joana...rod acouss sn ther li caiaforn. n inllewhaab -- 30out es mil h nort aof los, ngelesncemergey
11:16 pm
bimo hlerkome paer...aft heavy trrains reiggedsd mus.lide anbrhadon / nsonderesiitnt " d startengrisiab. i grmybed son ac 'p. k ups let'gogo. tht oemut erof he" ew crars e inworkoug arnd the cl k oc ctoarleee strndts a ecprotmet e spitthmae da- ge -orthe stms be are inginn rg tol efilca rnlifo dia'steepled sereoirvrs. co l-a asunty hct colleed iobillf ns os gallonofra r inwateeethis wk... "c elhanns 2 newuecontins with f chieormetet ologis amike'slgernp pi foint 2t,orecasad brocast rtceieifbyd a therimecan olmeteor sogical!"ociety il while we w al havef bit oa ea brhek in tn actiodaon friy, rewe all stire in a leasonabti acteve patt rn thalilooks kell wi a stickd rounthfor e next t week a aleast.arfter viable s amountudof clooniness da friy igwith hn hs iupthe s,per 30 the snextystorm svetem moors onshe f lateniriday toght inda satury. bas hase een thitcase we h thhe otmsr storwe this isek, thxt nesn one il 't reangstro in it buself, d t coul iresultn se
11:17 pm
tow fornthe mou, ainsand ap perhnos millr vaey laaccumu ations. afterernoth ea brndk suitay addsyional stems e aruplined ex for n. t weekwh weile l wil bhave aa it of br ineak a theonction y, fridawe ti are sa ll in abreasonleac ptivernattelo that keoks li s willrotick ar und foxtthe ne t week a aleast. vfterblariae ntamou cs ofesloudinris on fday th wi i highsupn the s,per 30 thext ne s stormmoystem shves onore f latey ridat nighatinto surday. h asn as beesethe cath with e r othe tstormsekhis we, this o next'tne isnst real n rong i , itselfcobut reuld n sult i ve sechral inades of aldition ow snhe for tai mountd ns, anpe mirhaps llnor vaey cu aconmulatiers. after anothbr ndeak suitay addl ionaemsysts e
11:18 pm
etforgo tacestu- day itnow 's etacodaveryhay. twht's aatne sw dietays.we ll'll tell you aut abo it,
11:19 pm
'v wehee all tard ofadhose fet die s-- the juic, dietpaleo, kithe att.ns die l.. thegoist es on. bu pt manyfieople tind cutngth ikings lgae suriry dd nks anac sna ks is chtough tangeo ma ke. wh but i at if outold y a aboutta ieco dt?th igat's rroht a gseup of lf pr edoclaim s "tacostcientis" in s texa nhave an.ew plath l ey cal 3it the"t0-day aco ns clea ae" -hend tity say 's it quale hethy."i
11:20 pm
coers ev?"yday nsa clea -e dietti- eaotng nhing t bus.tacor fouo "tac ntscie" istsusin auntin edveilth cle eaatnse thd callefor a -d 30t ay dieosof tac. fotacos ear brkf last, aunchnd nn di ber - tuts here iontce cah - mtheybeust an veg. th cie "sstentiubs" pedlish abo wiok -- veth oegr 75 van pe recia s for thhealkeier taa on ftacoilled wi e th mors.veggiehe palthssrofelsiona - say- ifu yon ca ymakevoour faacrite to he r althieit-- do ! a dlittleloog in a uisianheis tg bi hfamilydaero tor y aftea dm gran hother,onome als e, say th t e ped saveliher fe. de caron y/rnlet son "id starteupth sere,s park dfellonown all nethe lie ns, th. towelsand th caen it ime oute nto thth baroom." rea fihe in mer hone... arly ok toch miss e'ristin. s lifebut sh
11:21 pm
- rning woshe otke ne to th arroin ag ofe firheor tll smeof , smoketobut am a fr iliaso tund.... he dogch e ristin'tcouldnth hear e ok smm e alar hin the oallwayver nothe ofise le her seaep apn ch ma- ine sabut dindy d. stchrihuine /cdsontsredi dogwi avth sheing fer lie "shedclaw n me oecmy nd k anstshe d,arte kelili howi ng. , saidbe'may neshe toeds ou go e,tsid maybesh sie's sck.'goo i at upndwh oen id peneedmy b droom ioor, ar heisd thho, 'wndo' a theus hojue was rist horfubly f ll osm " terefighivrs arrhied witn ten mi mnutes.riiss chanstine d sa candy esthped wi l theirives e and arndsafe and souig tonht. r we hearemany gtoat s lriesike a that dbout apiog helsang to ve ow its buner - at what about doghe tolping hi save ows fellka wenine? t'll tha ws justhat pp hao ened taca masshusets y-doggduo. :41:30 k8"hewhnew e at hwas g doinnehe ks w hinepartrer hene sededheome lp" jmeetesacqu a andelnnab -le two tiscotersh ts rierhawho eeve bn fr
11:22 pm
beannaowlle eres he lifto uejacqs.wh heen ter eldwnly of er othe gs do a hadic medssal ihaue tt htookther to spe ho, itals thatwh heen tch poo resffan oo intth ode wos. li poatce lnder fouqu jacbues, t an llnabes e wainmissatg ths whenja hquesd elpeaualert esthorit ba"he'd e'rk...h td comearowd me hend e'n ruayaw. d anhe ti con tnued to dohis" on hece tuny fonad ane bellfi- re sc rereue ccows s hopedp er u jacques. ini th'sk itto safe mo say, ms azare amthing - iley wl do nganythi for ei thdrr chilen. newell o m texasgaother ve her erdaughtif the gift of la e for ndsecoe. tim
11:23 pm
sh ale's toive beday e causerof hgr otandm kher. mellysackisck edsufferee thrca henerhe motfer oftored be suher atrroge.54 r--yeatrold taceysohompven ga bi hrth to ger ownchrandild ye dastery.ll kessy mcki lack mymoovely m re offeivd to ghee me tre gt ates ft gimy of e. lifth onompss sayg beinnapregnt th wi g herdaranderughtwa sos not y. eas es issuth in ste 1--r and 3d tr r imeste dprovedltifficu for 54the r rid duelng dy,iverto docrs rf ped ormemean ecyrgen arcaesteian afbar the eaby's hrt rorate d. pped..e but thstory st s ill hay a happ. endingan dd mom,r aughteand augranddnoghter e w sharn an eve erstrong bond. co acg rdinepto a romort fr theco founcil onr respsible csgenetive, an af rage o oxapprelimat cy ninen hildreare tbornrro su iogates sn eachtate er evary ye.
11:24 pm
umingbep-- koan brymat isde hfi trnal o ip tamsacr ienton a rslakefo unigarm, t rretkschecin
11:25 pm
"n heow, sre'ss portctdireor rr gadeett rnarboth, winn chael 2 tsspor" th ame sacrinento kamgs ctoe in ni the wight 4th awi-game n re stthak on rse lakegh. tonit orthe stwhy was koether be nt brya p woulda lay l finagame t intehe staol capite'...kobs n beenur asinge sort righ ldshouer. bu tet afinr missgag 3-thmes e ye37- ldar oye pla td ins hione an ard ne7-ly 1sathou00nd 5s fanwe n re o thande o se khim,obe dn diis't doisappitnt wh 28po ints thbut nge kilds ho8- on 11115. th lfe wok pacs men'etbaskball am te h has aadou rgho gof gsthinth on ade ros thi
11:26 pm
geintthag ermm bed22y n iesfrnola nsthtigad nev na is 1own -6 i rtrueoad s game sthissoean. is th h one rad aroeal stugh art r fopathe .wck..ngeariir the ac blifk unorms w fs touldeaake 12rly ea-0 ld -p k acokloliing mike it t ght gene xtp ue thckpaat is f airorce tu sa mrdayngorni . ts lek tal nsomehefl where tti 5- wme mvparill sttht for e nv deroer b incose n thofplayfs. chead goachkuary ibiakmenford hi ams teto peynnn mawiing ll t star r undeercentn wheerplays re edturnm frorea thy e-dak.brea nn mamiing sssed gevenwiame th a fleftinoot ajuryasnd wac a bk t upoco brwek os lilersuast ndayin r hisn.eturt ..buinmannmeg ca
11:27 pm
hedoes tll smefr of a yeshl boprund taesentionll fiit you wmih optism? ou do yyo love elur wir ess rdkeyboa t morerthan cefaain mily s?member ouis yesr succtos due in a fil g osystemyonly deu un?rstand ridoes pfrnting ouom yr ettablto r youlewireriss pnter gi ouve yol a j ct ofdeonfince? sifouo, y b mayare gericentc. soe meonknwho owats th r the ightof eafice gr he u lps yoatdo greng this. thand onere's e e placatth h as llit a.
11:28 pm
mi ake hast lask checr of youfo --recast e whill we wil bhave aa it of ek weas at leert. aftbl variae nt amoulos of cs udinesdaon friy h withn ighs ipethe up tr 30s,hext ne s stormmoystem shves onore f lateniriday toght inda satury. as as hth been see cah witthe r othe tstormsekhis we, this o next'tne isnl reangstro in lf itseco, but suuld relt in ra seveesl inchdi of adtionalow snhe for tai mountd ns, anpe mirhaps llnor vaeycu aconmulatiers. after anoth subreak ddnday al itionas systemar d e line nup forekext we. exyour ncat newstost is morrow
11:29 pm
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