tv CBS This Morning CBS January 8, 2016 7:00am-9:00am PST
7:00 am
i its fr,iday jryanua 8th, 2016. lc wetoome "thcbs oris mni."ng ph a elilad pphiaicolofe cefir is shambuedrn oveighthi wleng sittiin at his prol car.ur sos ceysahe t nmguidan d it in nathe me of laism. > >>iiraq reeefugsn i cifalnioraan das tex are arstre,edcc aused of srtuppoing orterrism. > >>and theba powerllac jotkp d coul ahit bonillila dolikrs le at th.bu ult coed thto lot cursete sal e th erwinns' rtfounes? bu t wein begh wit datoy's pe"eye oyoner," uror wld in 90 se s.cond>> i'mle beding avheily! w >>vee ha anff oicer wndo.>> ade philalphiaic polfie ofcer rv su aivesnus ambh at.tack>> or acco ding tsos,urce thean m o whesconfsedo t sinhootg a ad philiaelphic polfie ofsacer ys d heinid it theam nef o islam. >> oigvernhthe t faleder in atvestigarors g restino tw le peop with tieso tis is. ot>> bhen mre a gerefues.>> re thea is so reawhn y the nra
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ey thju're owst den th st.reet re>> pntsidema obali calutng o e th nrahi wle dngefendi his attstemp to tigunhten gon ctrol .laws w >>rehat a weng goilk to ta ab out,babasketll? noi'm ret inte istedn goingr ovean ind talkg heto t idpresent. >> hi ts is thera ctziesir fst ek we of trg.adin an>> che tal rly be stsud?aine>> trsump'am cnpaig rseelead a ne w ad smmlagin bl ilinclnto for s hipast sgtranioressns. re>> a w youedorri yrou past hwillyourt urwife's aicampgn? i >> h don'tave any onrespse. >> aan womss aedaultev seral ss pa.engers >> the h whiteouseng sendi on natiecal sofurity alficis to n silico tvalleyo seek theh tec in rydust's help inis drugptin terrm.oris >>wo t j newyerse state tsrooperld he aan wome giv rtbih. ll >> a that. >>ru tntmp ier bruptedy ot prrsesto in rmveont. >>on cefiscat his atco.
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t >>ishis a notke jo. ll>> a oft tha ermatts. >>ha we d awe tet about fonzie.>> s that' my onrespse. ug laemh th off. >>hi waych i sve prosz cru is aner amican. e if hwere a dicanaan,wo he uld ha veea relsed v afideo oen sele dion. >>ve we'ot g gutct reaionm fro drone iver w hho had cis sarcktu hiin [ blp ]. >> nc annouther: mois srning' ye"ene opesr" ire pedsent by tatoyo.le got's ce plas.>> om> welc te backo "iscbs th g.mornin" a man whomb aaushed ic pole fi of pcer inlphiladeaihia clms id he d it ien tham nef o m.islath haat's wtic pole sourcesl tel liour potice sta ionn ad philiaelph. a nmguaned fir 13ho stst aer vy
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de insi hise polic secruir. he>> tic off rerneeturd ,fire hi g ttinthe lie poomce ciomissnerle cald the seurpristt ak ace onheof t iescarhist tngs he's ever seen. in justch fin ise liv with more. ep >> r gorter:rnood moing. that nmguan is nown i stcuody.ur socese say hav ge aul fl co onnfessi. spolicee ay hwasch reaing inside the secruir,ir f ringound te afunr ro udntil he haod n etbulls left. i >>'m ,shot i'med bleing ilheavy! ep>> rr:orteic offeser jse ha ttrtneas who st mplultieim tes p at bointlank range in an reappant shambu.>> hi ts isol absyutel o oneef th ar sc tiestshing i've erve se.en p thee olicrofficead hea no id w heveas en co.ming r >>teeporolr: psaice iyt ha aenedd roun0 11:3p.m. last
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insitt hg inisro patl epe susct ran off butol peic ac trdoked hewn t gu.nman he>> t guyal wpks u onop tf o hi ntm ue'il hs laliterly gothe t ingun tside chear and he's ng firi. n' i doowt knhi how tffs oicer ivsurv.ed ep>> rr:orte theff oicer was ashotast lehrt teeim tesnd a su edfferni signtficand wou s to arhis m. y-newlteelecd pdehilaalphiay mor m ji kenny is cngallior f more gu ntn corol.>> re the are tanoo my guns,b tom ns guou on r sts.reeti k thinourat nionalnm goverent ed neo s to dthsomeabing out at th. ofour rsfice andiv cnsiliare a arin hayms wve erygl sine day. r >>teepornr: aes invtitigaon t intoothe shogin is ong.goin theus spect wasak teno tno ather it hospal. roffice rthanett, a eafive-yr te veofran the e,forcs iut o of rg sud ery anraon tck a foron lg re .covery>> ti jusn, anthks. tw oug refees from iraq are ci fahang crgesel roated t tisupporng orterrneism, on i amsacr, entoththe oer in ho uston. o
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eyr siany citf o aleppoo t t fighhein tyr sianil civ war randneeturdth to ue m.s.onths r.late ar the arrests eec rghargin the te deba b aboutgringin rsefugee om fr theid meadle stth into e un siteds.tate p jeffs egue hasmore. , jeff goodinmorng. r >>r:eporte good mog.rnin es thste arres are edxpecteo t ge tenerad heateat deben i sh wa oingtonnce again, because etheye xposesissuti investogars ve han beeerconcboned aorut f some meti,gn forei fsighter re g turnin uto thed.s. an esrefugesu here ngpporti orterrism. th bo t ofheseus sspectre a d accuseyiof lo ng tt do justh at. courten documllts aege that omar j faraalsaeed da harnnd aws a mm mohanied youays al je ab werin otentghn fiting asilongde isterrornit orgaonzatis in a. syri th bo are boiraqi-rn da har hnnad been ie thu.s. e sincmbnove oerf00 29le whi al ja riyab arvedn i o octoberf 12 20.
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20 thearee--ydr-oll abjaya susedl ociaamedi to cmuomtenicawi plth peodee insiia syr and ex sepress d hi tdesireeto rurn s toyriao t work.he wasls ageo alledly uncomminicatg with -y24dear-ol h alardan, whose procutorsay s is ia associtted wh .isisil whnge livi inzo arindna a siwisconn,l ajayabnt speim t eat a gun ngrae,le paded for eltravs, fund anded askin onl e s friendidfor gunance o how to re ach a.syri m byarch 2013,l ajayab a had st .rategy m "i a tcomingo a.syri i phave alanned a routend hieverytng."in il apr he ssmeaged, a"im ea sger toee d.bloo" te afecr rngeivi a 0$450 rainsusence mettlennt iem novber of 1320, abl jaya icenfluenro fm agchico to rktu tey,hen meadis h toway ,aleppo a.syri hebut wasis we tori ame can llsurveiance s,tacticel tling on soe asonciate ,line he"t ve go irnmentsle a frtor yteverhing. t myripe her citonstutes a ge char." r heneeturthd to .e i ja
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thte ,ursdayhe tep dtartmen ofju rustice tshedons ueal the do s cumentafter the story ak leened, whex tasov gernor gregab bottea relhised ts stt:atemen "t phis islyrecise w ihyle cald a for ohalt tee refugser enting th e. u.s fromnt couries bs sulltantiaroy contylled b te tsrroris."th eaat lerk angnved itoestiga rswh reo we stillng worki the seca. t but iheres no iiondicatnt tha e thtssuspeced plann toge tart th e u.s. wh meannile, iin mnesota st ye terday,ashere w another iarrestn aar simil ,case and er th me areoreo t come. >>je,ffnk tha u.yo>> hi> wsete hou olsfficiaay tod ll wio try tceconvin s ilicon ey vallel to hghp fit tem.rrorise thtahigh smmkes suilit wl onfocus howro ters ristuse the te inndrnet aoc sial mediaor f cr reenuitmdt an ngplanni.ou grikps lesi is usenc e rypted lotechnocogy to atmmunicofe out th ace reh of e rkrg ma baretanrenn ise at thte whiho thuse wihy w someec th iecompanots do nt wan to er coopate. ar margodet, gong morniu. to yo>> te repord r: goog.mornin
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e hous to cnconvie togechnoly rm fiaks to met ior meif dficult fo psr grou like i tsiso ritecru ll fo aowersndlo p atksttac li on, neand tmao iket erasie fo w r larcenfot ementoet dect enesida't obam vsery top rtcounterierroadsm ,visors inincludg the drirecto of ti naonal teinenllig cce,hiefsf o ithe fb andnsa, and ay ttorne lgenera loretta lynch wkeill ma at th tcpih, aynd the will also try toad persue top firmsik le r,twitte cefabook,yo e,utub e, applic and m trosofto share moreinioformatn,nc iluding en d crypteesmessag thatte tsrroris t useoom ctemunica ou witht anyde n,tectio even bendyohe tea rchf o wntarras and re wi.taps 'sthatt whathett arsacken i ripad s anrnsan benoardid. di d an. u.sff olsiciaan wt towo kn tohow use tolechnogy to en idtifyro tersristef bthore ey at .tack chfrenic off mialsade aim saril re inquest the wakee of th ie"charl hebdo" aksttac a year utago, bni compaaves h beeen ct reluant to share data ohen tirus oters, n only bseecau it's
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their bu,sinessut b also dueo t pr coivacy .ncerns>> nk tha v youchery mu, rgmaaret. es probident sama iin steppg eup hisffort toh pus hisn pla to ss addre gun enviolce. t in aow hnlalas l ntight on tcnn,hede presi sntaid his tiposinon o fsirearm b haseen mi sesreprented. t hed alkeouabat catonversion wi th first l madyeichellba oma inwho tedicahyd w w sheanould wtto buy a>> atne o pointic m thelleurned m toe and , saidknyou iow, if li was n ving ia usfarmhohee, wre theri sheff's denepartmt is pr ettyar f ayaw, and sodomeb y n caurjust tnff ohe thw higay an med cop u tohe t ,farm w iouldwa nt t ao haveho stguna or fl rio e t smakeure i was ec protted. d anwashe lus abso telyghrit.r micthara.erizedan hed by t way,re the's an reasowh ey th anr is not .hereey thst're juow dn the .street si and tncehis is the main re heason ty t,exisou yld wou
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pr edeparve to ha ae debat with th e idpresent. t >> hheyaven'tn beeth to e e white housfor aryes. e'>> wveit inved emth. if but is you loten t the icrhetor i, its sove or the p,toan ved so od.rheate>> > thena natiolle rif as iosociatinn decled an ta invi ttioneo thev ent,l cal it a pr. stuntth ede presint idsa, "i willot n mp caaign for,e vot for,r o t supporndany caeidatn eve in my n owypart w dhosoe notpo suprt oncommse sen gun re."form the septate dt artmenre edleas b a newatch ofla hilry to clinman's e-ils nioverght. s it sayioportfns o6 6 eai-m lswe reupgraded tola ciessifd st .atuson te ofshem i nowon cresided .secret inr,anothehe tr formeec sretary s of rtates eactto a festafr's e messag,saying "i wasur sedprisat th he u psedlersonal e-mai co ac iuntf h ies at state."> >>al donumd tr ap toldal rly in rmvet onstlaig n thttha hel wil
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s schoolctif eleed enpresidt. eahis lding rcaepublin rival tedcr cauz is inmpaigngn iiowan o ax- sisday bu urto. r majore garttke spoh wit theca atndide adboar the bus. 's heh wit uss thirnmoing. r,majod gooinmorng. r >>r:eported goog.mornin wee rod theru cz bus. ru "cntz io uscauc" is its mildlycl naever thong aye w the texasen sator sm did isse tdonald'srump legal ceadvi t andold us heee fls real me mo hntumanere d naaltionly, ye oet deesn't fl theee nd to winei otheref th f firstour no timinaonng cs.test um trrp fo his ptarai sd he es dothn't hinkne ca tnald srumpays a draeclatory mejudgs nt iwhat s youd houlseek incourt. ll wi? youdo n youiteed ? >> i acippreate nadold'seg lal ceadvi. ithis issues a ase ree'on weere singll a of es thtae atcks comi tng,he other ca atndidrees ati getng nes.rvou>> or rep yter:ouer peceivs thi n as tnald srump haystre's tying olp he you. t >>unhe f tnyhingut abo po csliti's, itrl fainuy u sual yofor ppur otsonen a whore
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ua acttrlly tyinglpo he. you r >>teepor tr:rued cakz tes re tail picoliters v syuserioly he ren hare tn hayalfw tghhrou8 2 op st ss inix days. 's hepe tapdo inta iow an evcagelihols, me scerhools, an cid soal nscotiervaves. w >>e arell a in in waio. a were all in inew n hairmpshe. a werell an i inou sth roca.lina rewe a alln i in daneva.i t don'evbeli ne we teedoin w paany ulrticnear o t of fhoseour at stes. r >>epr:orteuz cr, sinound g stalmo tranumpiys, sae h hashe t instayweg po r,money, and or zagani ttion owin.>> ve we' gothe ttr sstonge ti na gonalrorassotsm tea of a ny aicampn gn i thefield.we al've otso g the mostey mon in bathe fnk o any rliepubincan th e field.>> or rep nter:orot meon meyn tha na dompld tru, who pctredied a ea cleen swp trshuday night. d>> i ton't whinkne ca be at s ere'aen momtumha t t s ere'aom mmentuha t ht weave th sat io s>> or repter: trsump' cigampan re scenedtt aesendeor f its bu
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udexclaling lut bru tmp liloyasts. t >>eakem ' mt 'eta out rehe.>> or rep ter:l,stilro ps test lypartny sun ispersted. sn>> i't tmohis reit excingn tha othe ctherigampa wnshereod noby re cas? ey th go in,ve e frybodyalls epasleey, thy, sa can i goom he w, no indarl eg,boverydy avle,es an ed th guys ind stainghe tre sa leying ptease vo for me. ep >> r torter:he trumpam cpaign st diteribu,0d 2000ke ticorts f it ts even v inntermout b the en arlya ond hel 400.os th setanding in line were as fked i theypo suprted trump. t if wheyerend uedecid or not thsure, e ey wer turned.away an>> thks, jomar.> >>st wall ireetsig hher in ea rlyra tdings thimog.rnin be [ llgi rinng ]>> theai gnsw follo aid solob js po e d laborenepartmt says pl emoyersed add 29002,0ob j isn de elo unempymentat reye stad at . 5% theow don j iesusndiatr llsost
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ter a'chins main index fellmo n re is rnmoing, theng shahai mpcogaosite acined bk .2% t it los10%or f thewe ek. l "wal streeturjonal" fciinanal or edits dennin berma isit w hus. m good.orning h >>i, archlie.>> dohe tun faldamentue qstions inremach for ina?>> y they vermuch co the enomy rostng, ishe tre chtoo mu, debtan cgr they ow at ac a pe sciuffient top kee ev eeryonedmployere thend aa at pa hace tt keepsuncos,trie co iempannds, an evehe t.s u. bucontrio ting techines gr.owth esthe qu vtionschery muin rema, e.charli ou >> y a wouldodd t atth,s doee thse chinenm goveravent hee th ci capadoty to hi somethang tt c willhange that. y >> thenlcertaiey hav the tycapaciel to hanp mage the ec onomy. na ma tgingkehe mara ts is far erdiffmaent , tterouas yel w l . knowyi trgeng to mat the trket o goe on tway orthe nex is a very er dang ousnebusiss. ey th t trytoo sp it, t theyory t t star ,itut be in th endts marke
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that's d theltifficuyir the co ntnfroing. oe>> dths aisr ppeathto be e gi benninga of mbeartarken i th ?e u.s. >> tbehe numr ofer pecentag in porot dveps we'ee sn in four da t'ys, is gnsiicift.ani sawould y yes, inot's t a greatrt staor f thets marke em th.selves i >>s it 2008? >> it is not 2008,no it's t a ncfinaial iscris. th but ere is aea rlio questn aboutro gnwth ich ina,nd aro fm th gere,hrowt innt couries like ge rmany, naca wda,hich co buntrite to how the. u.s ri conttobutes theof rest he t d. worl nit'sreot a ginat begf ning oe tharyeef, dyinitel>> c howrnoncehoed suld we ?be he >> tre areig bgerst queions re he. thatis,al centr banksro aund rlthe wo bd,anksha trit pnt mo heney, t by'verieen pnting ne moaly for most a thes creat all sforts o ci anrcumsterces whe theue val ofin thgs g keepsoing up.e th unngderlyi emyconoha perps
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m i'rn conceedhe t sre'sngomethi re ally e,strangt tha we't haven ci anti spated,ngomethite qui ebizarrt thahe puss our on ecs omietrin sange ways that we n mayote boable t t reacto un and nddersta.>> nk tha you, nndeis. t>>hank you.> >>an uulnrasy psengeror fced a yonew ork t cgohicali ftgho t amaken uchnsededulto sp last gh niint elis cnelphoid veoai obtned by wnbc aenppartly swsho the fiofrscery caraing an womn dow th aeisle onrs thuday with her nd hads anl feet d.boun cepoli sayhe sll a egedly ck attaered seval ssparsenge. ny ma audpplaed as w she as rr cadoied hewn t a tislehis way. flthe lightateron cedtinu on to ic chago. > >>mothe otheref th sole-cald af nzflueena te isec exptedo t ap bpeare efora tasex jgeuds thiho ur.ny tocha couur retnedo tor ft h worton aythursd. s she'facingon felyrg chaores f le algedly hngelpi s herthon ean es tcapeo comexi. bhe'seing held at an im atmigrfaion tycili in mo exic
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nuelqu bojorez has remo. el manu , goodg.mornin ep>> r gorter:rnood moing.en eve beforon tyaou cch arsppea re befo a e,judg heror attneys ha lrve aeady filed aio motn ngsayi her $il1 mlion bail is o tohigh andha t itf lere,ased a mogps rinitongev dice wmaill ke su here ss doeot n run conya uch kept her hdoead wn s asashe wsc edorte offhe t eplant aal dfolas/orrt wth in ioternatrpnal aiort on aythursd. u'yo jretus on vaoncati? pthisngasseider d rn'tzeeali wtheomanwn knos athe aluffenza m mowasn o hisme an ricainairles htflig. w >> whene la,nded iot niced er thse waor mlie poffce oerics thansu ualro aundhe t jet br .idge iss aumedwa it sau becseed t ns daason wth on e e.plan>> or rep tter:he ea48-ydr-ol was d moveto ans trapo art vannd iv droen t the tarntrant couy ifsheroff's fficeor boinokg.
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shkled. w>> sheasie qut, spreulectf, and rpsungrisily, prt.even>> te reporr:ic mexan oiafficls de edtainch cou ander hon san ethla west e -y18olear-asd w sngervi atprobinion as texor f kngilli fo eour pinple a 2013nk dru dr g ivinh.cras en wh he aedllegly fledo t moexic hwithis mo,ther he vteiola d thatatprobion. h coucowis nig fghtin de atportacion bke to th.s u. at an iigmmtira fonitacilyn i xi meitco cy. e thld bui iings under -h 24a-our-suday llrvei.anceou estcom o sleepnhi t fnoam tt maesress andn' aretow alled on phe orom crpute uchan cosh's i a muchor me co templicad process.e arnfyou coyoident ilu wetl g m hi ?back >> itt's no ast queionf o if he in's comg back. ait'sio questn ofn whes he' comingckba. e we'rt.patien'l we.l waitwe 'll be .here ep >> r iorter:ott is n yetle car tl exaceny wh a dnecisio on ethanco fauch's nte iic mexoil wl be . made oras f his,mother if teconvicd, she faces upo t tenrs yea in pr .ison>>
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inmorng." el feol a csod omre coning ?on brly acaeva hen ialint as w fewoas t a andf halysdan wheus t ed afithe sirst gn. enit ps etratenddeep as startwoto edrk immiately to ck blo v the airusrond p tectal hecethy lls.. n'dougt to oh itut, kn itock , reabva. jaidne dt n' rlikeicestronti s. t lif d anwhnot t en i tcame ohiwatc hngaler wh ley settst on tajae? hone tught. ' thaty s wh ljanelioves fight & k t greeatnonf yog t.bu tirsngri with crch weeamy anesomess d anms12 graot of pr ein.l al cfor 80s.alorie s nog at whdo else e es janvelo? atthou you cinld wit a f bitexflro fghm lifit & t.le moarn spre on ecyiallrk maaced pks. t light.& fi
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twithaihe pd n anliswel ng m ofdey mo trateveo sere marheu orrydinaec objftts oeeen ti inngmidati. in domeg sosithing .mple.. met anriendu lng af ot o.pain a if rhais cg ngin vyouriew of ve edarythy gsin or a enciy malphe. or woencia ffrks diyerentl by ti targeoung a srce eaof ra rly in nf the iatlammprion ocess. fo , r manyciorenova prides -t longlierm reef
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hit'sd elpe pnew rantaties d annothose edt helph enoug erby othme treatnts. n doakot tene orthcia wian biother mologice edicinfor ra du ae toinn secread risk erof s iioustinfecon. se s riou esidetsffec o canccur udinclfaing intal iofectns. ca ofses ph lymoma luand anng ccer vehaee brtn repoed. y tellctour door ou if y're e pronto or e havinany iofectn ke liop an oren shee, t, flu a orto hiscory of pd, a rochngnic luse disea. en ory cia ma yworsencoour pd. if'r yout e noingette g thefreli neyou .ed.. yoask tour docour abent orcia. ciorena. ursee yo ra din areiffe.nt way si'ved mokea lotd an lquit aot, t buupended re nowhe. usnow i .e this th dee nicoparm cq h,tc wi quth unitee exnded asrelenoe techlogy, s helpt prevenurthe ge keto smo d allay. wa i hint ts time
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ewagic n rs tot eporthismo ..rning. a afterye 19-ldar-o feman oull thrrogh a fndzen po ar at ppaadise rerk in . no..and ed di. w itllas ads hande on ftck aer er emy gencs crewthgot lle ca... st juer aft-c 3 o tlockhis g.mornin r theyedesponde to th opark--n e thercornod of bodie arulevd eland ch ranivo drwhe-- ere e th frenodeire mepartelnt ts ls u mathe s n warwunde fateror ly nearan half hour. mihis fahaly ts t wa whereith hi cam did t ll is in as soon ath hey sawo im ghein the ice. wa ers submsoged to it a ok us b gooddoit to ea a sanrch d find m hir undeicthe e. yothe maung s n wan taketo wn renore whewa he ous pronnced . dead idhis tyenti haset not y been le reased. we ckll cheou this aft-- trfic s crashekecan tag a lonortime f tpolicesto invee.igat nebut a ecw pi ee ofntquipmell with make veose instioigatns qmucheruick. eainst hd ofg avinakto tote shs of
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woins contuousmaly, akingfu irll c icle.e n th yend,ou ahave i 3-d tmageyohat n u ca ok lofr at ifom dntfere esangl. po slicet ay iirrequeses ls np ma, owerwiand utll c stinveinigatmeg tiha in o lf sro woads han't o ve thube swnt do onas lg. no reth is rse filit poce pa dentrtmene in tvadae o usthis is thhn tecy.olog nofor 'lw it ul befosed r fitrafcic acs,dent t butpehey ho seto ufo it imr crene sces aar yeno from w. me tiec to churk yods roa with r. thj. in "me e orm"f-06 1.9 c traffi! center ithow's ng lookihe out tre, j. r.? ri motoisst assent in r-8o, i0 ebne lsar welpo ave. dssibleelays. e therinis chaol contrs for hi 50ghway o southrsf cay.on cit selet's t nd io over tte meisorologlat angeli schilngno a w for we heatdar up
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aongevera t, it takes hreendhuamred aneric srkwofoing a r d soliarye, akto m me asmouch asney t oneop ceo. it le's cald wathe apge g. th and ble repuwiicans akll mite rswobye lerowg inxetafos r osth te atophe t l andngetti rpcoatornsiori wte ei thrur own les. ll hiinary clllton wik worto thclose ge wageap. eql uay par fomewoton ai rse meincor s fomifa,lies a erhighim minagum we, lo xewer taths for lee middas cls. ll she' t getobhe jfo done .r us i' arm hilliny cld ton an iape prov mthisgeessa. > >>ar mco > >>tosenao r marc irubios ta eaking hodt toray fis h choiceof
7:29 am
's beend mocke byal severf o hisli repub ocantspponen for a fpair o stylishoo be ts hmade e thakmistfe ong weari this ek we. arthese e the otbos. uzted cr,d ran,paul carly a,fiorin t alledweet about the s. boot ebut th big qnuestio is w ihent me cos to ctyelebri n,fashioho w wore it best?rc maoo rubir oon kim jg un? t on dheocemtra desi b,e erni ersandils stlng weari the same o pairf rtrockpose hgh boutn i 19 82. oo>> a gdd a for rortckpos. th leytasnd a last.d anmarco biruo'sho sesoo lked ea grt.>> ng> comi t up inalhis hf urho, eythuc strtk i ,richhe tnhe tir lu itck, s,seem j rustan out. l we'l atakelo c lserooke at th leso-cal-d -e hsn doe't look very happy --he t -csoleald tt locuery srse ali milons lein or up f aho stth at e rdecor rbpoweallja t.ckpo pl us thete myssriou shvaniing bseuck sllershvani
7:30 am
nare me beingid kednappho wel slbo thoks atri czeticig honkong'sle s?ader>> e> th tl"por pandress ldhera" po rethrts heat t gnooverfr o e mainisus accfed oak ming ci ra cally chargedsomment at a town g.meetinul paep lage tabalked out leprobitms wugh dr erdeals. t >>rehese auy gs wh it nthe ame d nemoy, oosm,thie tyshifhe, tsepe tygu of ys thate comm fro nn cocuectid t anyonew trk,hey me co up he sre,ell their inhero, othen gac bk .home deincilyntallf, ha theim tey theim napregnt a yngou wtehi girl be hefore te,y leavch whi is a s realad thing,he tnha we ve ot ansuher isave we hdee to al thwiow de n thadro.>> theom csmentui qlyck came r undenfire o social a.medi the gornve'sormu comonnicatis di orrectd saiep lagen' wast ea sp aking rbout baceut the em naotiolll togs dru have on il ch.dren>> > e""tim rtseporth on ehi wte
7:31 am
llcainr g foado parorn fhe t icconvtedil klers inhe t ntdocumeyar g"makin a ."murder the h whiteouses say thear pdon wo dulee ndo tbe issuedth at e lestate bevel ecauss thiswa a at ste imcre. ar nely 0,13000na sigsturere a onth at tipe.tion ou sr cbta s itionnal dlas po rethrts cee ire camer mak bebluesll i still fdiinng ss po sible oignsf stli.eria e thpa comnys sayitou fnd spsuteeccod inntamn atioints i lifacinty ias tex but not in itsod pruct. be blueolll vlyuntarile recald s iteic creamn iil aprhe wn li iasterle kilhrd teoee p aplendsi edckener sevaler oths in rasevel esstat. jtheceustiar depttmens i in th e hi"was ngtonstpo" s reporthethat tac jkpot could re ach a bonilli ritht now rae dwing isth wor t abou$700 llmiion. alit is treadyhe lstarge tt loery jotackp in.s u. y.histor cbutouldhe t huge payout ruin yo eur lifad inste ofmp irove it?de
7:32 am
bayonne,ew n rsjeey, with hadso a lme calhe t lottery e.curs dcoemar,oo gd g.mornin r >>r:eported gooinmorng.e th pbaowernzll freiny contues b totuild ad recorpace.he nre i new rsjeey,t aleast 3, t000ickets were soldry eve si inngle mute on urthsday. ofalfici bs hopeuss ineswill co inntue tom boont u siluraty da ghnibit's awg dring. e th six magic nbeumrs't won be aw drln unti rrtomoow. ad alrey theer powball jotackp ma has tode hisry.$7 00 iomilln.d anha it bed en e growven la .rger>> ee i fl ali rely .do th i iinkoi'm gngo twin.>> te repor cr: the ohancesf ri stt king ichri, wehover,re a sl r imme than.ever r afteamthe ge was rtuestrucred lasttoocber, thedd os of in winntog the pze prien wt from 1 in 175 monilli to 1 in 292 mi n.llioan yd ifoou dpe hap tno n,wi you
7:33 am
t >>he hriisto acalptssum iions ouif y winhe t ttloery,'r you e set. fo unatrtun tely,heve olmrwheing ri majofty oot lrytene winrs do ven't ha that y.stor r >>r:eporte this anettory ssay he'sep rntreseixed s peeopl whoha eeve snir theot ltery wnginnis sa dir.ppea>> e onc theywin,y theom bece a alglob rgtaet. e ther larealiterlypl peoe ssacro w theorldho w puthe tse lepeopa on t liso t hsarasnd a ng haraue ando try t sell bad ve ins stmentlaand f tt outake th moeir ney.>> or rep ater: s ftudy toundhat o44%fot lteryne winrs spend rtheiin wsninghi wit fnive ye ars. c somelalse the munisfortes the lo ytter curse. 20in ac02, jkhi waktter won ly near $315 n.millio aryes r,late hisil fam lyife a fellpartnd a hwae ses arrted e.twic haabraham srekespea of florida was mreurdedft aer winning30 $ mi llion. stand ju this week,ba powerll er winn marie hsolme made
7:34 am
iomillnsai bling her bieoyfrnd ou jt ofail yetno ather meti. auorthha micelto norns sayhe t y ketopi hap inesssri sha tnghe mo ney. l >> ootsf peeoplnd e up rfpetlecfiy leop wtrho seuggl a arellctuayth eoe ppleho w donk thisik l eil qurt thei b,jo buy anan isld an mdoveo t .it r >>r:eporte n with tearly hree rsquarte of a b dillion oollarsn e thline,y plent ofri ame cans wi are tlling ao take mbgale. >> ha wtls eeth in e world could you pyossibl buy foror $2 $4 er whrre ca iyingrot aundes mak u yol feee lik a namillioire?>> or rep yter: eou cantxpec for fa , milyndfries,nd a orco-w kers ouof c lrseikele gayg kino t o comethut of eor woodwdk an ask you to m lete hdol ecat's bnlause oy six sstate lo al tw you roemain ans.onymouso d gooluck, ylgae. w >>hat youal t kingouabt,
7:35 am
corsorke likeay ginle kg ocomingthut of e odwowork,t wha doest tha anme? la [ erught ] ep>> r worter:lle'. seeif i win,l i'lck chen o u.yo >>yes, iil wl be yonour lgt losco thusin, at is true.bu tl you'l meetll a sforts o ypeopleeou'vev ner o heardf , beforehe's raisingn a in interestg t.poin ychangenuour ,mber get a good iafinancl adviser.u yo thearhisto sryim te and time again,eo posple le their ngfriggis. mind >> nowha tt it'sng goi to be a n billios.dollar e>> tak a cechan. k thanyou, dcoemar, i think.>> > ani deepengys mteryn i hong ko ndng sou ts like phe olotf a th errill i butt'sll a too eove p hpleave vaednish. ey th allwn ooo btokssret tha se ooll briks ctical of hong lkong's.eadersse neth doaor reprots fm hong ko hng wit remo. r >>r:eporte good g.mornin
7:36 am
in chese ,rules it haet rained me sos of itau mytono.t bunow,th with ase c oef ssmiginoo belks alersornd wd of an es invtitigan on othe inmandla, seom worryho tse dofreeayms m beer und rethat. wisandchedet bween aha pyrmac and aai nl salon was cwaausey hein t hayallwme, soth of e ss goyipit tleswa it s known for. is thk books talut abo incha's t firs'sladyva prite feli. this title psredict the fadownllof a'chins esprt,iden xi np e w thystor ofhi tsks boo tore lfitseha is ord t libeeve, sincefi enve mie td to iavt he di resappead. mtheost ,recent lee bo, was pe ow shed.
7:37 am
aymy wth to e inma."land ti ci azensemre dngandian s.swer er ths e wanoec rord of lee cr ngossihe tg honkong bo.rder iswhy s thi c saseo poimt?rtan el>> wl, t ihinkt ion cscern the si bac sitecury andet safy of ng hog kon oppele. >> or repter:on hngg ko le atgislorer albt hori wores e chinesitauthor oiesrhe tir magentsavay hell ialeglyen tak e leheinto t ndmainla.>> we areon ccernedut abo an in ocidentfic polital apkidn. ep>> rr:orte'r youeal cling thispo calitilna kidpping? >> itus mt be. their cntcumsta eialevidenc has iv drsen u tohe t cosincluon. ep >> r torter:nehe chise megovernnt wrote, "lee wasot n ke tan awayy bne chiseai mdnlan of rsfice," but wasti crical of e th okboe.stor hi>> tsee smse lik an akttac on ee frofdom thepress.>> ep rr:ortemn a esty te iniornatsnal'li wilam lee s note dchinatoes no haveju
7:38 am
ndng aet dain mesoone. w >>shat'om cmon innl maiand a chinotis nom cmon in hg on . kongho g ng kondihas a tfferen st hyat's we peopl areo sla armedin ca this se.>> te reporisr: it y widelwn kno at th manainl cdersome to hong kong to buy books.d anarthe fee hers it tha ndmainlaho autesriti are now ac renthing iog honkong's iraffas. c weedontactic off bials hothere in and ijbeing,ut ber we not ab leo tget arenymowe ansrs as reto wheo lee bmay rah? g >>reat poreg.rtin atand thth is e main t,poin this is nowdi extenong ton hg ngko.>> y reall arscy. > >>in comg ,upre a lisobbyts for od fo meraksin tryg toar sugcoat nu iotritsun ises? an d if'r youe hngeadiut o th doe or,at wch usiv lehr tough your cbs allcc aess app. that's onou yrit digal de.vice pl us we'veot g the in fascstating fory o a an grr dmothe gwhoirave bth to owher ann grteddaughr,om cg in
7:39 am
r'll beacight bk.wn oda grand ughter co umingp. ilwe w rl be bepag a hert of lpinglepeopne in s ed ii who am. rk woating da brook mle fornoe is at justit job, if's a l e fori me. ilovet. rmi foaned mnny cos ection withe thntresides. eli fei like t am parof fatheir ndmily are they't par m ofine. cif you uan gethep in tin mornkng, ya ow, thshake ste du g and to up heremaand omke sy ebod whappy,ihen o go tp,slee d i midjoy b. dtoeao grint th, gstisome mesu yoa gottk brearuthe les.e thalw l neacsurfo e pr4. w a ne, screenwfor ners peespectiv. rweeneinvthted rfe sue acpro, cso youeian rnventev hierytnge. els enwh m youaake pb it&j wuch smker's, 'thatths e endifferbece n tweeryordinada everyy d anitexquisliely de ciousn in aayeverydt sorayof w.
7:40 am
viliitng wroh chminic negrai s feel elikedaach y gis aofame nc cha e. nti waoed tt puodthe inds vo my fa r. m socty dotoor eld mou abtot box -aan fdapptrroved teatmenat thfi signi rcantlyeduces he dadacher ays fo adults cwithichronin migrae. r 15 o hmoreeeadachys dath a mon, leachngastiou 4 hmors or re. s it' tprovenalo actuevly pradent he dacheays. d anit'cts injemyed by ct doe or onc3 every .months th cte effe bs of otox s maydprea s houreeto wftks anjer ionectica g usinouserimps sy.toms t aler dyourr octot righ,awayas fi dify cultloswal,wing sp ngeakiea, brg,thin eyeobpr, lemsusor mwecle ssakne n ca sbe aofign a -tlifetehrea cningtiondion. esidetsffec i maydenclule al rrgicioeactns, ne ndck aec inj stionpaite in,tifaangue add he.ache don'ket taox botf i you ahaven skictinfeion. ytelldoour actor bouturyoic medisal h,tory lemuscne or corve ionditns,
7:41 am
heas tayse mre incthase e oriskrif sesious ffde e.ects thput dse odyo on idur s bosit eato l trn how o saveouon year trt.tmen ta o lk taca headcihe spe alisty todaboabout .tox (p elolitaiy) wait, wait, wout! yca n't t pun it i tlike..hat... hine to rt se it.firs at th b'sedakfr-on aledo. keba? d-onit's r nevea gonnrkwo. ssdish iues? t trus dyourasishw her cwithdeascati planum. pits.ower.. yoouur tt ghesk-stucooon fd. erbettn thashfini. ad casce. dtoeao grgst thinti, somemes u yogoeatta brruk the les.althe sul new prrface o 4. pea new nen for erw mastpiesec. rweteeinvensud the e rfaco,pr cso younvan reient
7:42 am
7:43 am
>> th> nee wie dtaryli guidenes ol we td youut abo yrdesteay are y alreadingettg hreamme d by racontsdict iccrits. esometsxper q areiouestning wh at's iennflucing the el guidthines anne wer hr isoere tho sw us gona, niod morng. ep >> r gorter:rnood mo ing,no w e neinguideles from usdand ade ntpartmeal of hendth a hanum se esrvic s areseuppo td toell yo atu whea to t. t buri ctics say trehey'dl muded coand innfusndg a not by rure fndit ave blgetaes.le ss sugar. li and mitedat surated t.faos ththe are e keyie dtary co redammenstionro fmhe t rn gove.ment ve>> en a shimall sftan c meak abi dig cefferen.>> or repter: b yut nework eruniv psityssrofeor of tr nuioitnar mniotl nese says e'theroms sngethiis msing i tnhe e.messag sa you y thek jun foodnd iieustrs cshouldr onside gtheseneuidelis n. a wi why?>> se becauhe tre's nreo di ctss meinagg in theta diery id gueselint thaay ss't don eat
7:44 am
, foodt don'eat ,meaton d 't in drk sos.da ep >> r torter:dehe gui linesaf vefect einrythrog fm food nglabelio tthena natiolch sool nc luh m.progra t bud insteaofy simplay sing t don'kdrin soda, shes point heout, tli guidenes say less th oan 10%for calies should comeom fr added ead instd ofay sing e latess , meaty the l sayaness th %10 of yo ur die sthould comroe fm sa teturatsd fa.>> the mteatr indusysn doe't hewant tme anricaov gternmen sa eyingesat ls atme. 'sthat notanameric. t >> ahesere i-multiobilln do illartrndusthies utat p a ahugetmoun offf eort i nntoot juster advngtisiir the pctrodus t buo int cinhang fgaleder cypoli. r>>teeporr.r: dea nl brdarnas ipr enesidt oef thon nitprof ph iaysicomns ceemitt for di me,cinech whi isng suihe t rngove, mentmiclaing the egg in rydusted tri to wneakehe t ve gontrnmear's wsning about
7:45 am
eov genernmtro dedpp the seadvilid tsmiti but sllne ward op peole t eat a lsittle as po .ssible i>>s t' caflonict of insttere.>> or repr:te theusda toldcb "s mthis" orningocits prsess i arobustnd sptranarent,nd a the idnew gu relineseflect ad envancemts inci scentifi rs undeintandg about health om outcr es ovea li.fetimei sk aedar mion ,nestlet wha d woulyou do?e sh c wame upith her own rogue e guids.linesh ide sa eator me vabegetles and ju lst eatess food.>> re the you .go ha>> tont's aye w to .goan thk you, .anna>> e reducal coricke inta.>> al we wl kno wthao tdo. j it'sa ust ermatt d of oingit.>> t ameno atth. >> andav hheing t will wepor. ha>> te t's ththing. wh en weir fst saw bei bei, n thelationa szoo'y babgiant spanda, she waso tdiny an il frage.
7:46 am
7:47 am
7:48 am
ul[ j ]ie ethnk wrirele craam grdveya. ifdo it t esn' fwork..ast. 'ryou te one o th tnext.hing eunogtraen pra widrilenkr repai e has thtfastes noretimul forla vito resibly fduceliine nesandnk wrileins us jont .e week trneuogena il soe is thtifoundaon... fothr healtsy plan. ikjust l ae gumshere t fo un fdationltor heathhy tee. ne lgw cotoate iltal dairy repaot to.hpaste psit helin remizeralame enel d anplfight gaqueerms alfor hetethier d eth angums. alfor heetthy teh. lgnew coattoe iltal dairy repa. il stt l nog feelin?well .yno..noou kenw whot i gk sic ommy mse uakd to m ce me nhickene oodlsoup. , awok... u yoldshoul cal myour. ombye. becamp cll'senhickdl nooupe so. th ere nwhene o on ielses. ca llmpbe'sma. rde foreaeal, r.l life ouif yav hdee moo rate t severemarheu atoiditrthrikis l,e me yoand tu're talkingo heyour rogumatolist ab biout a ol.ogic.. th s is irahumi. s this ihumielra h ping rtoveeliepa my in an otd prmyect nt jois ffromerurthag dame.
7:49 am
ctdohaors n ve beecrpresgibinhu fmiraorea ten yrs. rahumiks wor m foradany .ults geit tar hts and telpsoco blspk a secificofource mm inflaation onthat cestribut s to ras.ymptom mi hu lra canouower yabr y ilitigto fecht inftions, ud inclbeing tuisrculos. ri se sous,imometales fatct infe aionscend canrs, in g cludinholympma, aphave hpened, hasooave bl ld,, iverneand syrvous pstems,roblem se alrious rlergicnseactiod, an ne ww orngorseni f heart.ailure rebefome treat nt,teget orsted f tb. ytelldoour ictoru'f yoeeve bn reto aheas werre cuntain fgal in nsfectioom are cmon, ifand e you'v,had tb he tipati as b,re toprone ti infecons, h orflave liu-ke mssymptore or sos. t don't starrahumif iyo u han ve actinfeion. lk taur to yoto docanr sid vimit
7:51 am
na was u.ble to et somhing im anport at toncnnoue.yo wu'reinatchbsg "cs thi inmorng." , eslschil, d anr,feve e' therucs no sthh asing tt a li.le flu d aneeit n bds asoig onluti a: anirntival. so th when hie flu ts, ycalldoour rctor aightway an upd a thente th wiiv ant tiralluamif. es prticripamon t iiflus ivan ant tiralhat ck attaths e ruflu vis at ou its srce an lpd heops st it om frea spr idinge n th.body fltami fu isppda adroveto at tre f thelu eo in po ple twsweekof a ageldnd oer wh e ossyflu msmpto testarthd wiin e th tlastaywo d s. re befog takinfl tamiu, y tellctour doifor 'r youe eg pr, nantnuinrsavg, he ri seheous calthtiondions, or e takr othecimedines. y ifelou dev op anle aleargic rction, se a rvereash, igor sf ns ouaunushal bevi,or opstak tg inmitau fland ycalldoour ct ioredmmteialy. il ch adrendond ascletsen in ti parrcula y mat be a an insecreaskd ri s ofreeizuons, confusi , or noab brmalioehavr. mothe omst c monde siec effrets a
7:52 am
-fantigolu? iv ant iralwi amth t.iflu he emy, rthember mee gan whei thset oke roasie p rsingd?ecor me i yoan, lyu onti men wonedhat, im50 ouhow ab it whenad h t hreetsevene in ont?nigh , wellvei'wo been onrking mysunew o perhermoveay all d! we n'reon s wtop, ge'vehaotta eve our pxtra.rotein oi ipkos tro le zernogreek tn fayo guasrt ham 15 grros of p tein. azerougdded sar, azeroiartificeel swantener fd zeroat. and olzero he ding m back!oi ipkos trle zero.tobe uns.ppable dammm nnon do i wan't o nt t wliveith th cee unntrtai ies h of.ep c oron w..der.
7:53 am
ri am.eady usbecatoe thday haere's i.rvon a lurevoartioneay trttmen r fostthe mon commotype of ic chronit hepatis c. on harv pi isn roveeto cur up 99 to p% ofntaties... .w ..e ho'vnohad or pri tr eneatmt. 's it o thendne a on urly cate th.'s.. ne...o o pill,e ncya da r foks12 wee. n certaitspatien... an ...cre be cud wit th jus 8 ek wears of hvoni. th wini harvo , er th ie's noronterfen an e d thernoare mp cogilex remens. te r ll you idoctorf u yohave r other liveidor kprney msoble, ohiv,her otr camedindl consitio. d ant abouthall e cimediyones keu ta udinclheing srbalemuppl.ents ki taming aonodarthe wivo harni ma usy casee a s riouinslow g of r yout hear.rate oncomme sidcteffe hs ofniarvo y maudinclree tis,dnes he headac w andeseakns. am i dy reapu to t c hep ndbehi me. ri ameadye to bd.cure yoare adu rey? yo ask cur hep sp stecialirv if haoni
7:55 am
ag trs ic neworto rept thismo ..rning. a afterar 19-ye-old fe man oull thrrogh a fndzen po adat parpaise n rk i. reno..and di ed. ew crt s gocathe . ll.. ajustfter oc3 o-cl mk this. orningtheyre d spondeheto tk- parhe- on t rn cof er oe oddievboulanard d el nc rariho d wve-- thereenhe ro re fiar dept tmens tellheus t man s warwunde fatereaor nharly lf ouan hher. tng you w manakas tento ow renern wh we heaspr nconoueaed dd.hi ens id htityotas n b yeteen le re. ased g turnin cto ree polic mhave aan in st cu aody...e fter hdlallegey ov dr se an i-u-vnto a ieconvenornce stere yestday. rsofficend respothed to e 7-11 el on wnuls ave2ne and etd strear 1ound450- yayesterd rn f andn ound aisuzu o rodev s-u-drhad tivenouhrgh frthe ofont s the. torecepolisa o y twdrchileren wsie inhede t hi vewhcle heen tli colsionpp haanened, bd they telievehat ne r itheilchd wewas g arinata se . belt rtfoelunatney no oer was siouslyhu rt. ce polite arres-yd 44olear-d dr anone dawsis for h d thirdui
7:56 am
so is aled chargch with ild da enntngermeec and rkless iv dring. s theyhaay he rd beenseelead ss le12 than rs houli earer... llfohiowing nds secoha dui crge. o time tk chec ryouritoads wh i r.j."mn the m"ore f- 106.9 fi traferc cent! w' hooos it lutking o, there j. r.? a notsccidenci or intodents po reairt. chntn corols on gh hi sway 50f outh o ccarsonity. selet's ovnd it er to or meteisologfft jene martiz now a for r weathe up date. m good, orning! jeff mp teurerate e arfrbelow , eezing ou but dar ra qr isweuiet. have lu a thll in hee weatttr paern noright sw. notaneeing y fog at ip the autort, bs it'ibpossle orthis mn ning i lvalleynsocatiowh gere wew ot snodayestery.wi e nds aranlight s d skieare ly mostud clolay. phonner sws ri cleaayng todhi with tghs inheup 30per xt's. nem systecomes nitogh st intoy aturdag mornin we
7:57 am
7:58 am
7:59 am
s it iidfr,ayry janua 8, 2016. om welc te backocb " s thisrn moing." re mo real news ingncludi a wmotherho had aal tri for her ug da.hter hewe'll arm frohe t steurroga dm granrotheho wep kt her pseromi e shdehad maan my years ago. but first,s here' y'todasye e op aenert . 8:00>> li> poayce s at oneoi p hnte was rineachg iensid theis cruer ri fing round a afternd rouil unt adhe ho nul blets . left nv igaestitors hbeave en co nenceroud abtei forgnig fhters mi contng io the.s u.> >> we rode the cruise bus0 4 amileslonghe t way. theas texat senor said heee fls m realomm entuhere. >> yi> trong tet ghe tke mar tt o gone o way or the nexts i ay ver erdangous bu.sinessey tho try t start ,it they try pto sto it,ar mketsav hehe tir n ow.mind>>
8:00 am
ossuppoed tl telpl peoe whato t eat. wh cat you eanxpect from lyfamiie, fr ands,nd orco-wkers to om ce oute of th wood .work>> cors-worke likel gaiinyle kg co omingute of thoo wd work. d whathaoes tt anme? i >>f i n,wi i'll check on you.>> a > pizzhuts iom cuting oit wh a newar appel line called .swag deincilyntal s hutiswag ao ls sothe und ye ou makr aftengeati a.pizz> >>'m iie charle rosh wit gayle ki ng andh o'eldonnl. aan m shot aol pe icceoffir er ovinnight am the n oef islam. po lice say oicfferse jes tthartne was ahembusd as he sat si indeis had squ. car he>> tma gunren fi sd 13 hots
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of the shficer kot bacnd a un wo tdedhe gunman.po fflice osaicers sy the uspect has nfcoseesd. tw o iraqiee refugs this g morninfaceer fedalha crges te relad topo supgrtinro terrist zaorganitions.e on mof theen wasrr ateesnd i am sacrthento, ere othn iho uston. a bothecre expted toea apprn i fe deralou crt y.toda mo aws edhammni youays al-j ab went to poalep,ia syr this ,2013he gh fount i aiv caril w and en th rd eturneto the ud nite esstat. r liepubcansi preiadentl nd cae idatruted czai shed tsre i a risk inng briing rsefugeem fro a syriinto the u.s. he>> trrse aests uncodersreow h ut yterl ienndefesiblre pntside ob s ama' handlailry incls ton'pl o an tgbrins tenf o tanhousds of snyria reeefugsnt io this
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>ru czol td cewbs nns o sdthurthay, trat ump's qu inestion hg ofisit cipizensh is a nino.ssuejo g inin fusrom desesmoin, ma odjor goin 's what your sense of ?things ep >> r gorter:moood g,rninre the is oneil simarityet bween the p trumcrand uz mpcaaigns,ot bh ar e alippeang to rsvoteed, f up th wihi wasnngto and the re icpublan esistablt.hmen thbut arere ree thmpe intorta ff diceerennes, oum, tresp do ry ve fewve ethnts at drawsug he cr .owdscr oeuz ds nyma, manyve ents aw drmuing ch smraume isump g tryinrato attct re icpublndans, intepende s and so me modes,cratut by manf o es theoe ppleav heen giv upn o tipolics reentily,he trere a notne arcessily rbleliaeen attdees atcu cauanses d uzth on hee otndr ha seeksut o enprov acsttivis, matotived pu reanblics, escontts, eelvangal kl crtsisur, o party
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the oer ffdiceeren,mp tru doesno vet ha and stadarru tmpec speh and wee hav ledearn he'sil wling to sayt jusbo autny agthin heanywre. uz cras h aer vyel wl renefid, hi ghlyol pdishetu smppe sech dthat'toesnar v myuch from ev t ento t.even th bo cteandidaays sre they' di builatng a nional vemo ament, ve onry catservveive mondment a 'l we ol find hutere ina iow and se el wwherehichpa camign is gh rit. >> so insttereing. on>> beyd psolitics i aue qnstio ioof natcunal senrity is thi pr apeoximat pntresideyeial ar.wh sat doe cruzay s aboutor nth akorend a itsim claha tt it de tetonad a ayd hnroge mbbo. ru>> tmp ridescbesz cru as aan m kl --o t liftno ecomican snsctio ai agnonst korth inrea h theopesit l wil ends it' pitursu and the anme ds toerelivth .emi ndremiedru czha tt theh bus
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to alters thi trtoajec ry, thsome ting chatruz reluck tytaniee agrd .to sheifaid re he we idpresent, hewo uld applyre pessur on china, ut soh rekoa. iwhened ask cruz if held wou wa nr ra tee northor k oeare tak r othest eps,wa he s eddemurr. >>th> ey redallis thini morng inth tae capil of pong.a n veteranewsnc ahor pereaparedto sayt tha -- looked at the wo llman caheed tpl peoe's oa brtedcas r. m good.orning he>> s put theb bom inom bbasticen whro she bkehe t news in her si
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hasusfccesullyte tesdhe thi gh ohydrgen .bomb od>> tay ist wath sou a'kores rn tu to crank up there pssure by inpumpgp u the blting pndropagaa and pop c musi tacrosshe erbord.t bung pyo dyangdeploye it's open ap wehion ts ,weekhi t tsime to thbrealylessp dro the bheombsll at thth norea kor t haddestehe t h- .bomb ilwe wotl nis drupt or dntismale prthe m,ogra she said, untilhe t u.s.ev rserses it'ouvicis ilhoste pyolic td owarhnort rekoa. e th 70et-somhing gmorandthers i th e go-toew nsnc ahor wnhehe t gi reanme wts to impress the wo rld.of ten outetfitdtr in ioaditnal dr ess, hernb uedridlpo koub ex
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rwothe sise,ouhe weld b outf o ajo bvb, olyious . w or.orse sheel baryad me itou thr tghhis no anmeuncent on theea dthf o kimjo n'ng-us erfath,im k jilong- in 11 20.we e maks thi ancnnoutemenh wit t grearrsoow, she an inietervwh witeschine te silevishon, eec rndommeedha tta goodho ancrho s'tuldn shout bu dt beee muir to erviews. tadvicehatay me havle fal n on e deaf tarspo u and coming .talent 'sitle clyar aty sleha tt we in th fe westind funny. n >>ow to fillphil with tsspor. il ph?>> te reporhr: wit allt tha mb boitast hs home back home. e thir drecto of theor kean ie studs utinstite.>> tishis knorea agprop anda,e thmeregis iel tling a sotory t
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sheym ssbolizet tha sryto, a wo man, often cdeonsired to be th e aea hrth and a the ,home yetsh wee's porful and t.defian or>> repnter: i a drsictatohip e wherthere's noed freome of th es prs raiem mns aecouthpi e of go the ntvernme as sshe' been asbroadcorting fne the o and on tily staon for arye bs,uthe tyon rily berng h out forhe t big me gas.>> t thaak spe singtyles i so ua unusorl f us.t buswhat i she ?saying >>t' thas goodon lgevity forny afe male, 40s,year i wellntoer h 70s. c>> oh, rle wodov med on. wo wnderhahat edppenh witt. thaan e d thggstrules etexonerad is pr foner'sftace a terhey're re
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> >>r ou.drav d idusags offer so ime big adeas hboutow to make obyour j f workor u.yo's he inur o we id have oeasn how to make obyour j work for you. t' >> is apl sime id iea, yfou of defer iast thaes mak it more er us iefr.ndly eathe gr cteos may evenak me the at elevnor coi eropated.>> >om cing up, dr.s agu will shows u hisre pioscriptorn f atcorporere amica. th 'sat at nex h "ere oniscbs th rn moing" g"mornin. n'i do it knowu'f yor ve eveke tae n thmetile to arn lea littbi tiny t ebof somy od'selsena ontive tgue? atthns opeth up doe toors st tru. ammy n ke isn.anyo i' tem a anchniciin here la portrend ogon. y everinmorng, i egiveonach me ofy omcusts era llca to e giv athemse cloa.r et d an iwhenle calisd thto cusmer, i ovdisc teredhehat d was eaf. enth iug thof ht odaaman.
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iti did ....d i k ey toorenatuou's birnty hask, nin andails, vit's ainitampl supthement at henouris ts fromidhe inse... wi tith bior n fotibeauirful haan ngd stroai nls. an mid vitaann c fod e vir skbrant in. i giventt a moh, ou if y, r hairndskin a nails n' do at looklnd feemo utre beaiful,we ve'll gi y youneour mo.y backi itdid i...andl feefubeautil. hetake tur natboe's aiunty h r, ndskin a c nailsgehallen, vi tusit naouresbconty. m tafor deils.
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> >>in our in m ournior ngrodsun a, newy watoef benr it you ahealthnd yo ur em'sployerot btom .line this inmorng's "trwall seet l"journa fs eatureame comntary from our dr.av dids agu whoay ss mpall co sanieshouldpp a oint aie chthf healer offic . he itwr,es quote, a c hhiefealthfi ofulcer wod be c whargedith ay stingea abrstf ohe t rapid ev achi iementshen the alth wo rld. t >> shis isuch aner intesting id ea. wryou iteul fly 86% ofye emploes ab are ove torheir nigmal werht ove ha a cichron itcondion. sh why youldour ermployear ce thabout dis and songomethi itabout ?
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o daysfos lrkt wom fro those em eeployoms, ctopared the ag averlte heahy eeemploy.ey thow allhe treo tbe kind of a if unormns respoeo tecthis dkingto em, the sployee andhe tkir woret ahicshend tirpr .oducts f chiethhealic offerss i aha tnkyo y u waewher your align for thepl em, oyeeprthe oduct and the ss miofion co the mpany. w >>ell, stlien, i for one hope i yourabdea outki walpng u the ai stn rs ihigh heelsoe d sn't h catcon.>> ay i alws walk up the stairs. t >> i wasranoewh's n arye's so re tlutione hat shoiwas gngo t u walkp the rsstai. w >>hyon d y'tou catch on? ec >> b iausee hav bad knees and we i igar hh heels.
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hodo youo d?this em for s ployerthaton d'tt wano t tell u,yo u'yore ovhterweig, re you'mo a sker,ow h do you tcombatwihat tthouye emploes el fekeing li biger broth is wa etchinginverytheyg th .do y >>ouot g to watch hieverytng. next tuesday, woie're dng a dawednes ly, aunchnd a learn he re at cbs. e we'r tgoingo talk"c to a bs orthis mning" eeemploy,la expin 'rwhy weg e doinn certai thingsar toundhohe use, andha wtre we'al l doing d everywoay at rk can beed chango tet bter our .healthd ane to thur insancens plaav he to meethe t n oeedsf the pl ems.oyee eyare th rkwoing,he are ty not rk wosing, iha w wt de'reoing he hrepielng toot b ltomine or e thoyemples e or not.yo edu ne ar leadetoe makhe tse vi behaor chgean s. d >>eo some peoplff oer rt oppos unitienafor g ppinduring e the day? y
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f >> i ywoour e rkplac-- and dohertz anes it dd sooesth "e in washosgton pt." >> ur if yokp worlace rsequire u yoto answer-m eailse lat at gh nit,be mayou y should usee blufi edlter asglses, sohe t light es dofen't afouct yr eeslp. if you have long wkor urhos, you re suholy shauld pve alace to a take nap,se becau edyverybo en wh thfits, eh healte of th oy empl tee andduhe proy ctivit of cothe y.mpanpe ex ansesreoi gng up atdram fically or they,compan butlo empyees who wanto tbe ya lo tlohe tpa comnyil wl he.lp e >> wneed a gym,e w nee ad yoga tyfacili. anth, ks. drvidaagd .ushi bs newookhe "t lucky s"year us is jt out.>> > g arandot mherys pla in an im anportt leron i the bthir of
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in t laboro help her da 'sughter baby. yo reu'at winchbsg "c t his in morng." birointussca, beuse itev's nuser jcot a ugh. jera ust h.coug rfpoweelul rofief gh coure, soro thstat, nuffyanose ved fer. binew rointussma cf vex sere. ca be'suse iter nevt jusuga coh. es dor youupmakeov remtaer t ke iofall f?erevssy kiof-pro, cr f,y-proost ofay-pro look? geneutroakna mreeup r movedoes. seit era% s 99ouof ymor bbst stukeorn maup thwi t oneetowelte. ne nyed ae morf proo tthanhat? ne geutrona. wsee, ce'veetomplreely lemode dkithe n.tchezy co. golet's cckhe oute th!pantry oit's durunkin'dr omeam ro .am azing. ci delis ounkdunuin' dots ee coff. ompick s e up yowhere gru buy s.ocerie tr r y oup k-cu tpods.oday erama icnsrun oindunk '.li ete pructy mveh li hs iner vofa priteesrincess drs. t bu aonce week hei let sr playffheri i soan c witash . usi dee tige to tt outh weose ldek oin stas an wnd doy
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er to tmhereartbgakin sc miagarries.he r at thhe's wlln keaiy sr d he th moteer s ippedsn't sc ded ribe swhathees dedcrib as e thtegreaifst gft o her feli. w >>shhen se wa3, 1, mom if ica han't bve a waby,ouldou y ha neve o for me? 1 at3! sa i id,resu, luabsolyte! knyou ow? thnot nginkit thas i what god wa o! r >>teeporher: tth bir b ofaby ke iraffa. ykellis mck wsickheas treor f e thhbirtf oer h htdauger, ar shthing mee moitnt wh her ermoth actry. h >> holditer ltled heaut ond a wa hes t mt osaminazghi tng i've er evn seeliin my fe. >> or rep fter:eaor yelrs, kly an rd heba husonnd aar tried to ha abve a byn o their own and ie trsed veralnf iliertity tmtrea aentsnd eiexper nced
8:19 am
oi any pntid dou yhi tnke w no are g t goineto hav? kids>> n wasevern aio optnor f us. r >>teeporher: tdy har fou ma regininmb eryosm frohe tir lfinaou rf nd oinro vit izfertiln.atio>> my w mom tas ihink i needo t isdo i hiid i t nnk youoeed t thinkab . out it ep>> r worter:uere yosi he?tant us >> j ftor her alheth. >> or rep ater:,t 53cy tra was adalrevey seean yrs into me usnopate bu inle excel nt to docutrs p o hernat trement a to hllowoder by tory car a ababy.gain he>> wn w iasn i my 2 a0snd napregitnt werh h and her ermoth w, it aseasy. >> rr:eporteas how w it ff dit ereninou y50r s? i>>st wa icdiffult. w itusas jhat ex. usting>> te reporhir: wle it's not ssneceyaril torhe nm in iurs yo ga ssy. fi the okrst to i placen 8719n i afsouth rica. 48 a r--yea woldomanas w the ogsurrfoate hrer ea25-ydr-ol daerught and shee gavth bir to he
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rsthe fiort rep cted iasen the s. u. i wasn 1991. r-42-yeaold tarletz swier ie carrss twinor fer hgh dau ter wwhoas b wornithout a uterus haand edppenpl multiime tvees or e thsyearce sin enth.wh en ky else ogetserldw , hodo u yo ttell shis ttoryo r?hean wom in anengld derelived ald chior f r hesonnd a ugda-ihterw.n-la >> t wha a orgood mning k thanr you fongwatchiel chann i 2.i 'm anda.guevar
8:21 am
g.morniner.. aftye a 19-ar-oldma n fe oull thrrogh a fndzen po at di parak se parenin r ao...nd died. s crewthgot lle caju... ftst aer3 oco-clisk thni morngey. th onresp tded tok-he parhe- on tco f rner oe oddievboulanard d el horancve drihe-- where to renfi epre denartmllt te ts usanhe mwa des unerrwat n fory earlhalf h an tour.ouhe yanng m t wasaken ento rwhown heere waspr nconoueaed dd.hi ens id htityotas n b yeteen as releed. la soanr comp nies inarevada e ki tastng drasuic meaftres, aerth ice publti utilimies comssion no anlaunced inrge secreas ercustom. ratesn- su erun isopnding nseratio in e th ssilveromtate cy.pletel.. sowhile tylar-cibe will in elimabating 0 out 55jobs. r- sola icityeas clutring o its w renoeharseouan -- s d it oyemplwiees itll egeher t tr reansferosd or lr e theijobs. th e ey'rinblamgeg chans to arv searice chdege. unner the w s. rule p.. thes reviou ochargef -2 15mo5 a llnth wiua eventlly
8:22 am
s stomerrothat pxcduce eess tr elecy icity sold bn-v er en. gy.. owillgenly t a ar quofter re the chadits tt they w.get none n-v esargy ys thera rete increases ata imporntbe socause stlar cuomers en currt tly geida subs12y of 5 ar dollars a yewh -- reich gular cu erstomy s pafor. ed on waynesdth... ice publil uts itieiscommilsion wl vote w on thether oo holdthff on e ra ikte hes. me tiec to ch rk youritoads wh i r.j."mn the m"ore f-.9 106 aftrcefic nter! w' hooos it lutking ore the, ? r.j. no id acc oentscir indes ntto rt repon . chailscontro on wahigh sy 50 oouthrsf cay.on cit le ndt's seer it ov to olmeteort ogislaangeli schilngw nowefor a upather date. od gong mornila, ange! attempere ure arw belozifreeng, r but ouisradar et qui h. weave a n lull iatthe wetther paern gh
8:23 am
he at tt, aiport' but iibs possle mthisngornill in vaatey locions e wher gwenoot serw yestday. s windghare liskt and e ies arst moudly clonny. plawser shocl tearingitoday ws h highin thepe up'sr 30xt. nem systecomes to innight urto satrnday moing l we'lk be bacnowith ather te updalf in haur an ho. th upe co.le.. wawho ntsasgrd s-febeef th oeat d esn'tooat tch muth of r th she caap-str pede collegsttuden mpwho sitsly wanan orgic caand loodl pruce.
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th aat wasre gat .momentth sat i beyonce live andn i lo cor,ur sinprisg cinhanngat tumst la night onip l sync ttbale. heer pedformer he hug hit "run wothe rld, rlgi."he was binattlgga ainstfe jennir n duwa m.tatu k i thintshe gobe at. t >> thais so gat wasreat. it's aun f owsh. omwelccke babs to c- -ou y meokayso. >> i yeah,'m .okay i'm justci so exabted out be yonce.>> wa it cis exting. el >> waccome bbsk to c this mo
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ewe lov e,beyoncin comg up in h thisalf urho, actorim t daly, wee lov you o,to tim daly, we'll ok lo a aast seonwo tf ois h cbs m draua .mapl owus h it pays to get aea rl etsecrofary te sta.>> > annn itocenan m sat on death jrow,ceustiin fally .came t budofreem forne exorated is prs onern'doesuat gntraee a fr stesh art.cb s 60in mutes takes a look, at th's eaahd.>> > thebo "loston gbe"ep rorts er cancth deaels flo tir the we loe st ratnmany i dedecas.e thca amerin crancety socie saysth athe tea dthat reel flo t %.23 m 1.7illion dseath werert aveed ro th12ugh 20. se reerarchits say au's becse of %a adrophi ts skimong andn i me ldica adesvanc. itbut inrema osneth of ope t er kills,hi tsr yeae ther bwille0,
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re> a ra dime 'sthator wth a fo trtune,nhe coi sold on tu foesday osr almt $2 n.millio n the sascfrancioin mtad me 24 heof t 9418 s medi ts,heou cntry inwas a cerenssion i 1894 and re moes dime wer not edne.ed ly one ninel likyti sll isext.>> d > anerevy'ybods been wa g,itin h thelyol rwoodreporte ha s it theat de forso sean 6 pr r emieof hbo's e"gamf o th s.rone" at thay m behe wn fansea lrn the fate ofn joh owsn. styedaerhby aools re ivealedt's g closinal dea for two more on seass. t>> oh,hehank t . lord ou >> y andsi pre denta,obam the g bi f ans. >> ot lofs an fons that owsh. 60ut mines iganvestition- - y raonhintnt spelm aost 30 yearshi be bndars for ari c hmee did notom cmit.
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iooneratn saysin hton is among1, 700 peeopled fre in .2009 y ra hnintopp steedut o oef th owshad of utexecion. kita tng fhestirps stet thahe ho orse fse himlf. s 1ince985. >> wwahat st thaen momt keli? i >>s t wahoas ti ugh was wa lkoning ud clos. >>t' is overwi th. oit'sver thwi. t >> ihthougy theoiwere gngo t gechanir the ndmis.>> ou yll stin' didelt b ieveit? w>> iotas nng goio tow all my tselfoll realiy betheve at i s wa ufree intil a wasllctua y ee fr. f >>ree to visitis h ermoth, who twentro heve gra bvielieng her ulson wod be executed. heto tet cemasery w onhint's fi rst dnaestitionnd awa he s ar st btledy ald wor thatad h ve mod onho witut m.hi>>
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daveyarnd a a voicee comn o d an ,saidt a two point soy man s mile turnt.righ i saidt whahe t ?hellwh oth is at? d anhed sais it' his gps tr r.acke nei kw in' did stee nito whe la etdy gn it tha car, ite wand to no kw how didhe s getn i this r ca andt wha is d sheoing in th aris c? at whoi's g ng?on >> onea dth w,roin hton spent mo fst ove eayry d al one.>> er aft 30ea yrs deinsi,tl mosyby yo seurlf, did youor wry about mi coacng btk ouo int the rlwod?>> you getut ond a you'ret jus out. ou if y't dona have place to r live omoney or atwhever, you ask uryo wself,mhat a ioi gngo tdo ? mybut t besd frientu sck hibend me 3 for0rs yeand a he had re altoady meld ,he w yneverou ge t,t ouou y comee livit weh m an d my.wife>> t wha didou yav he toea l rn
8:30 am
i >>'mll sti arle.ning sti'm illea lgrnint tha ian c take ah batry eveda y. m i'lstilrn lea tinghat i't don ha ove t get upt a i3:00e n thmo g rnineaand eat brt.kfasi' m still lrneagin thate lifs ino wat alt ys whahiwe tt nk iis.>> oh, my ssgoodne. at >> wttch sco llpe fey'sull oreportinn 60 sat'sy undag.evenin h >>ow did thiste whi w gomanet
8:31 am
8:32 am
>> > cbs hitma dra "madam cr seetary" is in its second aseasont'nd is t mheosted watchri sees on bstroadca thvek you ry much. itve asragee morthan2 1li milon s.viewer tim daly is theba husnd of the et secr ary ofstate. in a s pneakateek un sday'sew n episidode sa that unedexpect ev ientsusn rsia spillve oro inte th upcole's tirelashon. ip >> za eli.beth>> ry henee, we n td toalk.ok whay, reat ago we ing too d here, henry?yo du an i? t gouno congseliar, stalt t king to las,wyerhe wrere ae w ?at >>las,wyerha wet ar youki talng t?abou i >> wanto tw kno whatt' is go toing e tak for us toet gve or is th? c >>an iss proce for five
8:33 am
t >>shat' not .fair d >> goog,mornin tim daly, nthat'sot .fair 's whatre so gat is theam dynic ee betwthn o e twof you, andhe t na dy tmic ofmihe end husbaif and w ie havessuesd an ctheylylearpo suprt each ot enher ev t whenheir ngclashi. ne>> o othf teshingut abohe t ow shs that'ni uques iha tt it ra portys ari marage 'sthat tu acally inworkg. avthey hebl pro temshat ihi tnk ke ma it very blrelatae. t kidse hat arroin tuble in sh are you ways, you,knowg movin ll in as thi byus life and their jo bs.i ththink ere'shi sometng in it r foevy,erybodnc iluding tipolical nkjuies. p >>coeople tme upoou ynd a say ovthey le the mccord lyfami. lmit's a iost asf they know you. a >>f lot o mene com up to mean d say, thank god youy pla esomeon mpcoetent. k thangod u'yoreeo som wneho can efbe ltht wi c therehildnth in eho anuse d thele whohi tng es dornn't bu down. s there'a long tonraditi in
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m withheaybe tey honsmooner of huthe bsbandeings in in encompet tobboho w hasll a these crazy pipere dams andhe t n womahas to calmow dn and make thingswork. i >> atlsoms seera to dwto sry li frnes om theneheadlis. n' i do ktnow if the headlines f comen irst i sthehow or if ur yori wterste wriom s aethingnd then eu,reka it has.ppen i >> thinks it' meorhe tec s ondin thg. ou >> y do? >> iie belheve ty hcrave a ystal ll ba. al i reanly w ttono kw who ba harbara uall actlly itcause seems like we do a anstory nd thee wea rd itm fro th e panews,persh wit w deon't y exactl frip itrom the ws nepepae r, witrip m frothe fu .ture do i knn't owow ht tha works.>> ha wout ab ytour show?>> s it' cverylylearal cdle the sdalyhow,y m son and i did it. 's itor st of an atelterna ve ofrsion our tirelashonip.
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wfd an aulot lfu of n. iea lve youit wh a gift,t' is a elbrachaet tt t setta lile less uc dohe. nd>> a youav get i to lichare, why? gaa lel less dchoue. >> llwe h,ero bught it up. y >>soour sn i a ilson the ac usting b iness,he's done a up co ele ofs pisodeonhe t show. e >> hs.ha un rtfoatuny el whe oas tnwhe shoan d it didn' get tok worit wh w him, rhichyeall stunk. e but h wasveryry, veny fun.hi d playe aob lbyist for the di memacal anrijusta indury. he gotra tppedn in a office and an shenigans edensu. a >>ound yhtr daug oer was n the ?show >> mhty daugeer cam onnd a did a lelittt paron the show that fu hopewilly akll me thein fal cut. y>> didt ou wannthem is thi ne busiss, m?ti>>
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inthe thg is i wanthe tom t mur e suinsometh mg thatakes them pp hay. u yoknow,t moseo pple't don it quize real ke the oindf rs pey onalittthat ies tak to wi tath sarnd a ceer in this si bu.nessyo tu haveo be either really ub strborn oll reay stupid. t>> whae h saidbo aut aemichl, ito ld himth everygin ild cou to h makeotim nt wan itut, be h ed want it sod,baha tt i knew sand wa p tleased dhat heid it. i >> a speaktls schoo andff stu about acting andeo pple stay ou shld i? do itif you have the ask the ti quesenon, th no. ouif ye hav too d ,itn the do . it if you't donav he ,to try me sointh. g else >> it's nice that theype resct so you th much heat ty t wanto goin heto tus bsines too. >> youy reallhelike t poll the ck tis of it. u yo sayhe'siv actely lipotical, and you'reen fridsit wh inmadelee igalbrht.u' yoenre frihds wit anct aual
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i >>'m l so inthove wi her, but t don'letei madelw ne knothat i id sa atth.ha i d bobch sffieer and mad de mae leinand i wento the t howhite eusor csprentonde s dinnergetother.d an swe had nuch aiceim te be ecausei madelnes i tideminuve, d an sshe'h suca nice woman.t bu we got to this rrba icade, andel madeinenl suddey tdurne to innc the iblredie .hulk lishe's ke i'm notoi gng to d stanine lin with theth oer wecars, oi're gong t gon i here. wa she ths isn persoel theling t se gcuritythuards weat we re ingoing erthe. heand ty weree likn o their iewalkes-talkiud and s wdenly e i weren e.ther #. ou >> yat can wch "madam se y"cretary sundaht nigs at 7:8:00, tr00 cen oaln s.cb
8:38 am
yes. th niis more ng, ware atcelebruring oou fh rt ni any!versar i'and arm we ting sheamess dre s ishiometdong i .is the is thsdresor i wet tha in openy,g da ranoh. s i waso nes.rvou >> t ir is yourifavoolte cor. is>> it . owyells bringd me goolu,ck i k. thin re>> thes she iouand fr years ago. >> four yearsago!14 iarlie, wasrv so neanous swsw he oo was c l as acumbcuer.he i stillls coo as acu cumber. lo i ve it.ur fors yea.lo fooking torward ng weari it neagain xt year. l>> youook rggoeous. t >> thatdoes i for. us ne tu iont the "evcbs g enin ws ne." bi willile flingn i fortt sco ll peey. w aseae lve u,yo we leaveou y th wi w theeek that was.>> t tesll reayk tooor nth s korea'orneighb is heree n thgi rey on bsuserpri. s >> thi bcoulde a megaer-chang if rn it tuts ou this was a oghydrb.en bom t >>he u.s. isli calng for both arsaudi abndia an ira to avoid
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>>he t amenricag fla is pr rsotestena's sig al they re in charge. w >> yhy arearou med?>> e we arsseriou about being re he. th>> norern s,parihe tct suspe wa sho sgutin allahu akbar. >> p thentreside is o onef the ea grust ab ters ofrlhe wod?gi ve a me eabrk. >> l i wil let hime livn i rey.alit >> st firde granrs i wtneown, er ev iy time think t abouthose , kidss it getme mad. t >>nlhe omey ho that i ever d owneneis go. t>>irhe entere propty is su edrround by tewar. a >>nettorory f heron s ethans iyi trdeng to slay hi atdeportion. h >>oce is rk star. >> i'm a notrtt libey to- - >> att leasut oe of th walker andea nrlypo har on the sh fierman. trily to kl ,me i'mng goi to rp
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>> a these dre theays iy reall yhate m job! >>hi tnkut abohe tsear dth vader s, sock theyea rllybr eathe.>> if d yout o hithe jop,kpacot, u yoexcan fpectyamilnd a ndfries and rkcowoersik le gayle od wo. work g >> kayleingin comg othut of e od wowork? y >>ou can get up off tlohe for erlong. ed ne h two aands mnd ao an thelpyo u up? >>ta cerinly this is the sttoughei' film rve even bee a ofpart . >>ha wtt is i about him that s make him -- >> ik you le smart,lo good oking hoguys w are letanted, y!finall>> a smartoond gdng looki and ta . lented f >> iwe houired y, you must be nia geus. ou >> y a guyslare pying ae gam of i whosebis gger! wthat'souhat y're aypling! >>ia damn! he>> tn m i'nnthe wi!er
8:41 am
u yo ahavef lot os hatere on th rn inteet. u yopesee eaople tr youn dow andey th say she iser vody go in lookg anred you'nn stuingly go .rgeous aishe won't mn noedal.wh o at dayyou sut abo that? w >> shome the gold! s >>how me your lsmeda. t>> tha isey bonce live andn i co lor. a fun show.we balcome ck tos "cbthis rn moing."e arokay?>> i'm .okay d justropped my pen. soi was ed excit aboutatth. >> all atth. >> it'say alwsd gooto cckome baho me.>> oo you lek lik you got a tan. y >>icou note?>> all that ermatts. s on "cborthis mning." wi>> shonng ski earlye in thrn moaying, gle! ck kifing of the new year. ay>> always a wic to kk o tffhe w neyear. c >>inerta ilys. u' yoexre nt!ha
8:43 am
m goodngornith u ank yotcfor wahahing cnnel a2. i'mevndi guara. tr ewagic neps to risort th g.morniner.. aftye a 19-ldar-o llman fegh throuze a frondn po p ate aradisn park i. reno..and ed di. asit wan all hdeds on erck aft geemerncewy crt s gocathe . ll.. ajust 3fterlo o-chick ts inmorng. rtheyndespoo ed tpathe ork--n cothe f rner obooddie d ulevard anchel ranivo drwhe-- e ere th no ree firrtdepa tment uellss th n e maunwas atderworer f ar neally h hf an rour.e escu s crewllteth us cte vi bim'sulky ot cl mhingavay hnde hieredre uesc etsffor. hi lys famiwa that ws hereith hi cam did inll it on as so as th hey saw gimo iin thece. hes waersubmsoged to it s ok ua go tod bit so do ah earcfiand nd dehim unicr the e.e thmayoung tan was token wnrenore whewa he ons predouncde ad. re edleas. rn tu cing toearime icno polvee haan a m in y.custoder.. aftle he algedly dr sove annt-u-v io a
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fi of rcersndespoo ed t7-the 11 w on aellse venu2nand d st roreet a10und ye-45 dastery mo g.rnin f.. and aoundu n isuz rou-deo s-drv had hriven tough e tht fronheof tre stoli. pocey sachtwo enildre werdeinsi theve e hicl twhenolhe conlisi en happd ed, anelthey bhaieve tt he neitd r chilarwas wea ing seat . belt rt foelunatney no o s wasioerusly rthu. ce polite arresead 44-yr-old dr anone dawsis for h d thirduiar ch ige. he cs alsoedharg with ch daild enntngerme andre ssckleng drivi. ey the say henhad beea relsed t less12han rs houer earli... infollowg s hindsecoha dui crge. t' le is send tt overo olmeteort ogislaangeli schilng r now foa he weatter upda . od goni morgeng, anla! mp tee eraturloare beziw freeng, t budaour rauir is q het. weave a n lull iatthe wetther paern t righotnow. nin seeang foy g at a the biport,s ut it'lepossibth niis morvang in oclley lnsatioer whote we gw snoeryestday. s windghare liskt and e ies ar cmostly ploudy. slannerhows ri cleaayng todhi with inghs the
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