tv Face the State CBS January 9, 2016 10:30pm-11:00pm PST
10:30 pm
r-milay qualitarguitn itareilfo der un00r $6. whbut ouen yl cal ytoday,ou'll thget eais bulutif, esprofalsionnd-souguing fitaror e thinamaze g pricnlof oy$2 .9995.bu itt kednh dito't serp the. wthat'scrhy he hieated s 0 "3s song0 in 3" daysonless emsyst. pekeith lyrsonalte selecd theng sou's yornll lea. cheseho5 1itkeurh ban vo faanrites amd 15 fitous guarso sngs, tongsyohat d u anyour nd friells wiw knocaand ngn sial wiong el itshif, tous greandbrking ss leeron sisies ue val od atver , $550ifbut o you irderen thne 2 xt 1s,minutel you'lget th bois, thir ent-de 30vd ac te shingm ystethand is au bel tifun urbaarguit t forhe inamazw gly loe prictof jus$2 5.99.9bu ert thste's moill e caush keitedwant t youveo ha yt ever yhingd ou neelato py yourw ne oguitarn onday e'e, hsos al itnus ems. u yoeiget gught pitaricks si dey gned bh,keit s hisreignatugu sitar, trapxtan eetra s of orcomfatt-cotred s, ingsapo
10:31 pm
o-jumbd sized chortchar erpostd , an gthisouorges it kebah urddn pauied gcatar se. to alergethit, ke50h's ce-pie erplayta guid r anonless ticollec aon hasl retaie valuof $over0.1,30bu yt whenalou cw,l no'l youl t geenthe ptiregeackae homfor uryo p first oaymentr f unde$50. yand ifl ou calnoright llw, we' ad upgru e yoreto fese exprssh sippingwoo you ven't ha towa r it fouixto sks weet to geur yor. guitayo tau'll smirt jamh ng witkeithin e fivento seves busin,s daysgu aat's v $40, alue!free an d ivwe gu e yoncan udionaltion -d 30uaay n' dolat dey. onand lae hist tngor -- derto aday,eind kthl wile includa
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al so cw.l nomi [ mpd-tesio muayc pling ] o >>y h, m, gosh!look omit c iesa n seca! i >>got's a kiod-lootang guir. d-[ mio tempc musis play] l>> [s augh] >>o! who u yo wknowhat? al you ooways l yk likeou'revi hamung so n ch whereyou' ay plthing ite guar. l>> iplove g sd itd houlunbe f. y >>noou ko w, s omany hf usave wa alanys wtoted rn leapl to ay, t bulwwe athays ghou wt itooas t ff diicult. i >>uet's tr.i' ayll sme, i eoet pple stbacka age olot aturme ndet-aet-greens whr, i tou andth ce mostn ommointhheg i arpe ayople soh is, "sh, i wi i'dle anarned tr inswhument asen i wun yoger."yo , u knowo "i setregr not nilearnsng ientrumt." e but ththin, g isdoyou han't veto 6. be yo n u caanstart e ytimrin you .lifeyo n u learchone ouord, y a learn co sehond canrd, u d yo djusto it
10:33 pm
re you'ng playiun a bf ch osongs. ? >> seeasit's es y. it' itd kedoh's llne a w theorkfo r you! abthink atout th.he t putheogetisr thpi 50-ececo tillec tonhau t yot can'find heanywlsre ee.d anyothank ucu so meih, kth,fo ngr takiof time vf yourery, ve bryurusy to rhtigow n.we ed lovin havu.g yoan and thu k yogifor uvinges thgi f ft oc.musi t'>> irys veit exctoing w kno ithat't donp ll i'on go y for aearseand yrs,un i til mhaven y k >> weith tantsveo gik bacto e thwowhrld heat tta guiver ga shim,iso thhi is fts giht rig .here r hey ealld caret abouit. t' >> ilis unbeevhaable tt i'm g doin.this>> dream. no w. >>'m ihe tne og makinmusic. 'm>> i g ther uitanoguy w. ni've bevere een th gguitaruy. t >> ghese auitarsre soun rethmber, aley're l ha o takesthver moree tnthso ea crt te jusitone guar. lebut itave ke to urith ban, mu i-ltgr aammy wwardr,inne to nt coueinit wush e herthwi a vd30-dle col wction, hheree'ste
10:34 pm
y ng b.songth tat'seihe kthrb uan ffdiceerend , anitnow ou's yr cechanbe to p ther.laye >>t' inns go aa beg, lon hot ersumm w oue she ld bthtogeer it wurh yot feen up othe sh dad boar now s nginging aloh witrathe dio i sut's bch aifeautulnd sou h, o oh w ohoa,h o oh,h o h,h, oy bab w hoo ti wain ng osuthe gn toodo wn , ooh oooh,oh w ngaitith on n e suoto g down -h uhuh. ch [ aeersppnd ae laus] nn>> aerouncw : noouis ymer ti. ou if y'vwae alreys d oamedf inplaye g tharguitis, thyo is ur
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an tksmuo c si kicon ueithrban hiand azs am50ing g-pieceuitar ssle ponkaac.gege art std tethwi b theseeaulutifit kebah urn omcustig-desn, wo all- aodcoc ustiarguits. ch eaan hdcedrafttr instumen ke taers ovee thrs monthtold buian e d ary trulwoofrks rt a. htheyspave truce mops,anahogyar bched, acksntan ir eriotone r bascand peallobrd x- aacing,ll duto proarce a wh m, ricsound, d anioprecisn cadie-8:st 11 ni tueang hgods, usrgeod hanin , laysevand omen c-cfortdoate stderings fsignedyor easpl aying. e thesomcust gr uitaesfeatur andre mo ahare wket ma theke urith diban enfferce. i >>ryt's veor important f me, m ifmey nana's gon i be ont,at th w it issahat i iy its. nn>> aerouncd : angeyou t to sechoom frosttwo ngunnior col cechoi ls --iouxuricus rkh blac b oruleautifli brazistan bur. kedeith edsign g hisrsuita to t pua out r,cleagh brinet topl s ayerllof ael levs pr apteecia. h'keitits gufears e aturhiscl c assiwacutayly state ths letyo thu hit ghose hi. notes d anesit's dd ignewith tilow-acreon ft ts thasiare eaerto ss pre.>>
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's itll reaesy awome. nn>> aerouncit: keh's -dcustomd esigne gplayeruitarsar nce an ie rediblvalue.u yocouldn t't aouch lasimialr-quguity iitartan reil un for $6der 00.t bueiwith klath's pityer gu,ar yo n'u wo$6t pay t 00, no$500,no ent ev0, $40au bechese wun yo ca tll, odayllyou' t gethis tibeau pful,ssrofel-ionadisounng arguit t formahe a pzing oricef $only9.2995. bu itt kedih sdn'tp tothe.erhi fes lisi misonto is re sha thema ofgic yi plaheng tta guir. 'sthat h whyeae crhited s ng"30 so 3s in" 0 daysssdvd leon em a's cetomplbre liofary it guesar l tsonst aughby h keitn.urbayo llu' we-ork on won-oneith it kesih, uisng hak breugthroh, ng soed-basea tg chinnitechque mthat lakesg earninitthe guarfa ndster afu more en thanver ke th willu ake yoepst byst soep, song by rong, thugh 30 e privats.lesson lyou'll yearnrsour fi ot songn y daanone w d a ne esongvery r day fos.30 day i >>el ft klike ueith wrbanas, ke ligh, rie.t ther w hey as mheteacusr, jnet mi. ashe wht rigmy in in livomg ro.>>
10:37 pm
, donellyou'e havskthe tillsopl otay nt jusbu30, out thssand onof keonh perselally sthected e s songllyou'rn lea. c he5 hose 1urkeith ban vofaterians 15d fs amouguitar ng soons, shags tu t yod anuryofr s iend kwillannow n d casing g alonkewith, hiith ikts le c "copd ar" ans "kisrla gi," d antofun-fa-play tevorikes li 't "ainns no su,"hine nd"stame by ha," "ujllelah," te"wanadd deal or " ive,and t"oldckime rool & rl." i byf,tsels thindgroukibreangle sssons eriealis vatued r ove$5 bu50, yt iferou ordow n, u'yo gllotet bheh, tir ente dvd hiteacysng santem ed th tibeauurful guban fitaror the az amy ingliclow pr je ofust$2 5.99.9 t bue'therils strel mo. ca bekeuse waith yntedo ou thave yt ever yhingd ou neelato pury yone w arguitda on e,y onal he soin edcludrl nea00y $1th wor ofbo itnus ems. geyou ght eiitt guicar pks gndesiy ed bh,keit s histuignare it gutrar sanap, ra ext o setfco t-mforedcoatin strags, po
10:38 pm
umus a jizbo-shoed chard crt erpost. toand e mak ysureeeou kyop ur gunew sitaranafe und soend whyo adu hea to ndfrieou's hrse o onout r, tous he' ialsodinclunghi rgs go keous ueith prbandadde it guasar ce. gealto, therh'keit-ps 50iece ay pluier gantar ssd le ponkaacge a has ilretaue valov of er,3 $100. wh but cen youw,all nol you'l e get th pentire, ackagethe wo all-uiod g ttar,lehe 30 ssons, th and be 19 ionusortems f justsi syx eame payofnts .9 $499. mthat yeansanou c t gethis hguitarr ome fo$5under oud if yri call w,ght no l we'le upgrad fyou toree pr exs essh sippingwoo you n't t have fo wait sour toeeix wks g tor et you.guitaru' yortll stang jammike with ith iv in feve to sinen busysess da,gu tearaned. at th $'s aal40 vfrue, ee! no we kllw you' w neverant toop styi plang.bu 'rt weile stvil gi ang youn ndunconaitio-dl 30uaay k-'s ris.freeso no call gew and t thisbe fuautiusl, cdetom-edsigngu aitarrend broakthleugh ssonst sym em frourkeith ban. p >> iseromi'r youa e gonnbeab
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10:40 pm
e,ckager powy ed bhsn.n suthe mmmers.onth r foaninsthice tmes tiye of ar er thame's waple inter r theiver r foo-us terto sllve aou of r st cu o-notsenly alrve ol ofur st cus omerwebut o als ahaven ui aqstfer e oragreand rycove raprogerm wh te wetrake d eatewa anter ecd ejatt tho intthe ou grtendwauir aqatfer en dozs of itwell sunes arotrd the uckee me anadows e d so wmphave ale r watethto do inose thregs. mo e thanbenough e causwiour nter utimes se ionabout tee-quarr of o whatmeur sumusrtime ane is. d so e -so th ewinterven in rsthe woert wintve we'r evehad h whicstwas lawe year mp had ale e amplfrwater rom theo iver tdoth those iingswin the o nter tt noeronly s cve ourrsustome butal o so turdo oer aquifge storaan ved recogrry proam. et benni t: so whguess at i'm iaskingu s yo iknowy 'm verco t gnizanwaof my e,ter us ith loink a pt ofe eopl ilivingn th rte deseer are vizy cognant,do ed we nebe to vi as igilantn e
10:41 pm
mm sur er o idoesstt ju h notave an fey afhect w sn wewaave ter?fo wree: re-wey eall wokaye wa ale ys wysalwal telomcusters us tee waspr reblonsiy.we er nevt wano it tasbe wted. t bu iwhenalt reatly m iterss wh e'en wryre doning se tho reupstpsam-um treaghdrou t se re. rves tthisofime r yea e we'rdonot thing ndat are we'li nkelyroot py bablevnot erth e is timr of yea thaveo do . thatt'it's icas typi tlly inhe er summtr in exoueme dr aghtsnd ca typitolly twarde he latpart heof tr summee-that wwe me sos timeneedto on draw r thoses eserveand s that it when illis reay alcriticve to sann. be oett:kay no hw wejuave utst abo 30 nd seco bs leftthut is y ere an r otheagmessd e you'o like tgive pu the boblic aa ut troutor abo ofany s, this tipyofor owu kn g beinoda goto cusmer? e:forel wellii'd o ke tiomentn moone hire tndng at thahais tt ntrecee-ly wadwe hag an enreemt co templethd wi t theeeruck rs carron iioigatstn di wricthereth avey hree ago ed tsellth haeir f lf odothe lnnerake wa
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r wateorauth wity.hae own lf, we ne've ow od half lf thatake d anedour prr ecessoe sincthe so1940s ha now tnot is atherth thing goat is ring toeally bo oulster r r wateceresourd s an stour uproream dughtsu s pply ieathat denl whgo it esth horough y pefull awithinboutre th fe orweour omeks fr now. et bennret: g nat oews.kay markth u ank yoh so mucmifor cong, i ecapprt.iate i: foreek thanyou. nnbe aett:igll rl ht welcomingup ce on fata the s mte youay fhavethelt rie sees of ea kerthqua hs thatheit tru teeck s meadowemin dece ber. wwill ofindf ut i cthatldoun meamore oheaded, ur wayafright e ter th k. breajj
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fata the sm te, i'a ariann nn beanett thfok you inr stayg th wiel us. wdal nevae is onof e th'snationse most llismicay veactite staogs, lhoging tusands e ofquarth eakes yvery aear.ndst moos of thtoe are alo sml to bfeeln ut imbdece ter theruckee ad met ows gooda gong shaki, ap wrp ping u ba veryarusy ye for rt eas.hquakera dr. gntham ke, di orectorunf the mor seislogyb lae is her tnow tooualk abt th ahat. grnkam thao you smuchr fo ocomingshn the grow. ahamke t nt: nolea probnkm. thas. t:bennet i okay,n meak i thini ha nve theheumber ,5re, 1700ea kerthqua01s in 2t 5. iseems a likeis lot, lo it a t co atmpary?ivel : kentknyou n ow iy a was,it i ayin a wn' it iss t. it'maybe t abou t3 or 4d housane abovthe ba ndckgrouif. btu an you wt to b goinack 5 thema0s or ckybe ba t in0she 3 t andeehe tt ns iwas ck roaning lld roining ad neva. e so w thavemeo re tmberevhat enth ioughemt sekes liig a bl deari noght e'w, wotre nti getngth puose lsesgn of ma6 itude and hq7 eart buakes.: at ynnett:loeah i p oked uthe st hianory oud thayght ok, well
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ec in dr embeitwas a- : kent 4it's a.3- t:bennetka 4.3 o wy so ias in sittheg in tsr new ioom. felt at thwe one. p had unito magtude b7, 8inack ay the dva in neda? : kent ayeahe littlerbit ov it magnbuude 7 adt we hen betwe 15 19 1 and h954 weenad sev 6.5's ar or le'ger. wevve nader h one e.sinc et bennh.t: yea sokent: rm in teois of ggeng lar'v we ie beenoun a drght.nn beo ett: skiis it a nd of omatteriff not he but wn with es thine thntgs? ke: ohab tesolu'sly. itit it's 'sde tefinihely a wifn and you abthink wout it te wentghhrou is th y wholeviear ha ng us17-thomeand-soqu earth aakesnd e we'r ca yeartoloser ig the b weone t just don' wknowthhen at g bis one'g goinapto h bpen.ut n agaiouif yt jus tplayhe ernumbd s an alooku t yoknow nd kith of idis rouiculres staks otof nin havrtg eakehqualls we ersoonla or iter,llf i' be sthoneba prosobly , onerit's g goinouto yw kno4.the 3 isnn go aa be a 6.3n nd the athat's 'nwhole r othenebusiss. et benn wt: nowthhat's e th olreshwhd for n en auaearthqkeal reecly b domesg?amaginat at wh t?poinke snt: ittotarts i gete n thd mi4 ouso yw knolepeopre
10:46 pm
d f anlelittnk trianets atd whno utt. bth by mee ti h youit 5it rt statts geining sttereining te thrms ouat y s can ktartngilli lepeop t andsehen eingsi icgnifdaant bmagencut ou e yoge tt upano 6 id 7sret's aally ff dit erengaballllme aet togher thand rat'sy eall wwhate'retr tyingsho puth at b:e la a at stdee wid kinigof vceilan wa toburds ngildire in ensilicy bufor sssinees r and foofa lot et onnett:w kay noe when whaveth u ese yo sknows eriekeof quas e thesowyou kns, swarmth does at okinddif inorcate mmie seis c tyactiviti poten bally ar iggeon cae? or hn thatanappen d justno ant meth anying? : kentt'so thae s thkytricqu onesti. so e' herw s ho ai'llr nsweit. kn you weow if a go oyearr two he in te futureti'll l k younow d an where'sf hy - iokyou lo at st moe of thealarge kerthquas,t' lebes say 19tween nd15 a4 195mo f st oe thosswhad larmsweike cosee ntnstahrly tououghr t ouyo owu knt laso 10 tea20 yrs. thnow obe prislem e notverysw bearm s comerga lae hqearts uakemobut arst lge
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ar swsoms. e onceewe st thaki ucked wp wewiork olth ft ks a yothe owu knrg emeency gemana tmentghhrouthout ate ste saand oky lo k youwenow 't don ow knth if neis ooi's go ng tbe onthe ate ths goethbut s ere'a et prooty gd d od othatf ne o es thare swrems aal finoily gng icto kt k ouora 6 a a 7o nd s s let'adget reity for se becau 'twe candi prearct eesthquak ununfortately.nn beigett: rt ht thannwas goa be ex my nest qu, tion iwhy ist sodi t fficuldito prectrt eas?hquakepo or im? ssible : kentit's elit's ws l, it'just amp cotelicaind thusg becae you a havehell tlase psttes jugr pindinge ast onr anotheand ulthe fan'ts aree t thessimpleth things. veey're plry comex ru st acturesy nd theinbuilt trthis sd ain anhethen ty just ango. atd whur's c iiouse s th rt eakehqua os inegur rleion t's unsay slikearome ofeas li caiaforn e forlexampwe is do t gee thesmssward . an'rtheye a not thbad wing.wehen e hava li sttleinwarmt g sey up bsp h anisngspri 2s inso013 we re wew , noe thes sweremall gn mae itudhqearts uakebut sathouofnds m thee so wwere intalk og toriur f aendst
10:48 pm
knyou hiow t ls isngooki ali bttleeiit wndrd apo we pped t ou2 a 4.ouif yal recowl. n th ulankft ly i'twasn.2 a 6 so bu at in i wayesn dohun't rt vi ha lng af ot olaour rger rt eakehquares be pbyceded msswarse becaues it dous give a lelittf bit os a headup. t:bennet n okay.ceow sin we ca aln't rerely p wdicthen e they'ra gonnenhappal or rely ve hany a i pdea,rarepa itions lyreal. keyi and yknownoou kw gr upowing wa in oushoe cnty sc ishool dwetrict s alwaydid ea kerthquas drillckand ban the w it kas youndnow fi, coverget un deder a llsk, wes what'the - ow i kn theic advs e hagechand so at whhe's tic advw?e no sokent: we what ed starte in thb la6 about agyears tho was e gr vaeat nekeda shad out anit'sth d e thirf week oththird ayursd o inerctobt' and iops a dr, acover,d nd holllon drid . anwe o want teejust kimp it souple. y ed nedr to coop, hver,onold . at thsn doeea't mn n ruidoutse usbecarie duarng large eakthquesso f me obrthe faick s cadet mighpe owel d yn onsoou. do we n't pwante eoplo to d. thatnow e we'rnghopipl peoe e ar aalso lelittio curndus ay theo go tsh .oakeout trg andsthey art
10:49 pm
e. spac w so ifbae get thck to e da holihqy earte uake wrehad he, kn you plow peot e staro need t alookd rounu and yoo know dyou bhave avyig heatu picrare fmeov ab be yourghed? riyot? is ur y isgaour tes waerr heatd bolte t tol?he walno you k'sw what g goinalto fwnl dou on yoright? neso we mied to . nimizeand i ysalwape tell thople, ouink abt - thistt no mat er whas happenin rga lahqe earteouake pe ple ar togoing nj get indured a maybe te pollntiaa y get tyfatali butfo e r thosd injureu and yogo to st ry. ma g's youeno to rd own an t if ahere'se lin0 of 4peopleve 4rsusou00 ygo're toing in be a bmuchr etteatsitu sion.o lyrealh withaall s zardbut es alpeciarly eakthqut'es is an l altrin sy ategasand a uncommweity e havreto pparebe e cause if wt,don't jus ag imthine rse fiint thu g yoneed o to do is g hto ataospid l an 'rtheyine go bg toere ovmewheld an , yhowdoyou wan't hent tm to o beheverw blmedfay a octorf . 10haso timt's anport kt toeep op peafle s ae or as safes lepossibg during shakinwhich do ies not rncludengunnits ouide. t:bennet y okay.oneah, dun't r e.outsidt what aboungstandi in do
10:50 pm
oficld adve? nt ke s: okayino runn ag intoor do cway iscaute beituse ws shoyo yu thatenou havn 't beein abi rtg eakehqua u andtunforlynate vei ha t, isifhat s it'ala re eabig uarthqs ke i ithatt'llth yorow tu torohe g aund.hend t he otobr prwilem heth trw dooay t isinhat eo 6 pinple r you us hod eholgoare toing i fitn sathe oome d? rwayheso t are's lgoodihikelfoood bir a g ea uarthqeske, alpecif ly iit'scl byose t thareyou' g notoingto e makheit to re s wwhate al reanly wopt peo le ts do i sc vilyeralct rea b andalasicly- etbennett: gth to oue grnd? nt kedu: - ndck uaterneh thsomeoring i geta nto ercorn. al ywaysnoou km w i'hein t iostud i andki'm looveng abo me okgoing it, but a's not badin thing to kndd of ud erstanit t and noanbe ynnett: oeah. tkay.gohat's od ce advi. so now g methinouthat yti menoned e when w twerengalki t abouthis ie earl ir thatab find lysolutete ngrrifyiho as a nemeowr isea uarthqnske i iurances not ad trllitiona oy partf a owhomeliner pocy. ke int: not.t's nobe annett:s nd thi ris aeal le prob wm whenoke lo o at itn a scmacro elale. thal us wt we tneedowo knw , howecan fix is thbl proem? nt
10:51 pm
tu havewao be aanre of d you kn e ow somununfortopate pele in na the thpa earfoquake amr exple y is the'tdidne havhqeartuakesu inanrance yod everecne expts e tho feds tutcome oem and fa to it wru e yoeca chd k an'ltheyl be y happo to d athatt nd in'doest ha nove ezeugh onros a it.o nd s e mayb ait'spl cououe thsanddo s llare thersoin. re to e alizif th if edey r y taghoour use d anitup ends a being total y lossreou apl comloetely st out t now.rehat's nfally uteortuna osfor thlee peopus obvioigly rhtt bu tif you ahinke t thmacro asscale ai you s od fromocur lal y econom chow wevian surt ve thasi re iliency df we hon'tave ghenouwn homeothers wian insurceth t'en iins gog to y realltestagnaco our enomy oand sothne of ice qu wkestays ui to breld in ensilis cy ito get rg a labeer numolr of fh ks wit rt eakehquaan insurw ce. nofor my ithouse b's $37 mucks andonth a oua 5-th-5sandce perntde leductibs . so alli te my wi i fe, hosay ifney ng thinds kiof c get irazya t's 00$15,0 'l it al be k newenitch
10:52 pm
lyrealt whaoeit d as islso ctinjes job tintocohe enomy t righ wwhennee ed a them.nd so 's thatf one oshthe puhaes tt e we'r. makingbe ynnett:'seah ith a mucbigger g thinouthan yr 'd evectexpe. th now ooat's gced advit . is iss po, ibleanybd maise tha is no t , bupois it lessib h forumanac ttivityduo reurce oti potenal ea for kerthquai's and ndm ki of intalkt g aboungfracki here 'c ouause yth know soere's me tuliterat re thasuwould t gges rathat fcacking aruses eakthquest bucenot ney ssarilhuge . oness it doe ihappendan neva a onll sma. scales is thi me sog thin wthatoue she ld bco nenceroud abt? : kent ywellnoou kthw i moink st ns kaanas, atd thbs's aeloluty e duto no act fr bkingheut tpr by-t oduc f ofg'rackine s wast- water t:bennetst well e-oragke d nt: an tso now phey'reutting d itthown deese eleper werls undhi ssgh pred ure anrethat pssure wa esve movnd out aac it lytual ho oklaotma is anher tha alaskisth
10:53 pm
r lowe e48 forakarthquoue althghth kiey're arnd of altifici hq eartctuake abuivity izt reale th maat at e gnitudat5.7 th d damageomsome hndes aur injed op peanle. hed so tiny're kd ofpl wiaying e th firheover tn re ite norms int gettopg on t of itan ded unndrstaing hethat taby probd ly neetodu ret ce whae they'r. doing in me soce plaeys thbe've oien dng orit fte quie som, timededecas an erd thbee's eaen rnolly ea uarthqctke ay.ivitbu so u t yokn f ow ihiwe tbonk aheut tdr t oughh whic bis aeaig dl t,righca in rnlifoheia ty've en bepi pumutng os lotatof wer t inquhe as ifernoand ont ly youow kn it's nd kiaz of crusy becagre the oundn can go dowota foa in utyear b u yotucan aceeally sie the srra ne rvada's iise upspn re. onsean ald smrtl ea ahquakey ctiviton sathe ean andrt s faulp ends u mobeing d dulateunby groted war mp puo ing. s wyeahare stt in getthag in tatt situation th do you inn't tht k abouchhow mu ig wehaht te t we'r amovinground emotherndarth ane the o placewh peere mople bightmie faliar
10:54 pm
amof dikns lkee lad meaor vi orthlle iley feml than up d l alsuthe yddentaou sinrt havg hqeartwhuakes erere th ne wereo hqeartbeuakes sofore. ac, in ft we av can h ae somes.t 5' et bennift: so ne someoto were yo ask niur opindon a s sayhould ki fracsong be g methinthat's inhappenevg in nada or ea incrr sing osidecreang in ne havada wd t wouldvyour aice be s as astcienti? nt ke i: yeahwh mean d at we'have l to iook athas-is w ot typef kifracheng toiy're datng, wh otypempf pugring . adesyou , known,agaian i ce takrean aa er whuse i o ed t fworkoror fge oitty l do y wn brsbaked fielthand e ey'v dbeen ioingr t for 30 oea40 yrs anand ghd rixtt neth to n e sa dr ananeas u d yo djust son'teeth t at tha asameitctivy and er thloe's a eat of rhysons w. so a it'stl litnge datoerous say o like ikay ifret's he it's g goine to banlike kd sas an maoklahobe just itcause 's a le compiftely d tferentowhing n. mi you sght beo mart tatsay th igit mthht be ie sames n texabe ofcause f thetiormad ons anst suff.ino i tht'k if is gu red late y and an apeople tre nowg ryinto f dog rackineswith ldss flui and
10:55 pm
tyingclo recydse fluise becauno kw they gind of pot theicture at tha it's s t:nnety, oka r all gightraham an thu k yoh so mucyofor imur te. ali reaply do iaprec kte it.ent:oh a notbl proem. et bennart: we t e ouimof t ne.ow at th f is its or thie episodoffa hece tte sta f bute or morin atformonion o allisf thto or stsee pade episo hs justead toou itr webs.ce ktvnnoom. anw thk yo mu sofouch g r beins.with u
10:56 pm
elto hesp pr erveenour nmviroent. goi vot in.lved i teboosurd toinism my m faruncommbyity aiby pg ntinar55 biln quts. goi vot in.lved joi enrdy gag eninloand ve vedeli aringsh frepl supy of pr e oducfland sowerto oc a lheal s.lter i ingot edvolv. yo voung eelunt hrsa ave inwinng itspirt thahiwe tnk wis corthraeleb.ting dd mindle ah higolschode stunts: k asyo suroochinl prl cipatabouap ngplyi for uda pralentiri spit omof ctymunird awa.
10:57 pm
yo"if gu're ioinginn thkingu' yongre goiwi to ron, pbably t norethe tasonayo pl the erlotty." ne 9arly50on millirs dolla wason in the lghe tonitht, as e ernumbr s fobithe ggttest loery po jackt -sin uto hisavry hene be n.draw wrie'll b tng youhe inwinnmbg nu..ers.thand tee last a onosny pe siblerwinns s, a
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