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tv   Face the Nation  CBS  January 10, 2016 8:30am-9:30am PST

8:30 am
ic>> donkersoc: on sedial m.ia >>om w ren'shtig asrean humgh rits. d >>keicanrson: d on theai .rwaves>> a think iboutt wouldom bb the ep[blet] ouhe of tm.>> ar cpetb bomhe tm into vioblion.>> ua act tllyhe pderesint.>> d sit aownndt shup. udi sockeremn: docc ratitfron errunnla hilliry c jnton uoinss l we'lch iecknh wit rcaepublin idcand ratespaand ndul ahr cis ri ch.stie us plou, hseak speerau pnl rya tputspohe shttlighe on t issueof ov p.erty paone yrt tesakro gup ofeo pepl forra gd,nteno a ptherartyas h t no apaidtitten tonom. the>> ic drske: onl aleaah "d on facena the tion." pt ca sioningedponsors by cb orgood melning wo come t t"fac tithe nallon" i'di john nckersowe in're go gg toiget rouht to r uelead grmst, foreer secftary o e statyhillaron clints who i inch quappaewa, n t york,his rn moing. goodni morng,ec sryretant clionwa i nto t start with picolits,we lk'll ta about a lotod tay butar st pt withsolitic the newbc n"w reall strnet joullal" po in wa io it's 48-45.u
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we you ncre oaye w wh's hngappeni?>> oh,n, joh youno khew tse s pollgo up,he ty gon. dowst i ttay prey fedocus as ihi tnkwe ho all snuld oha wt wee havo tdo to build onhe tro pofgress e th obamadm aatinistr bion,out gev ener furtht' thas why i'vetl ou vined a serycaignifint daagenai to r wsendages a to o taken the gunby lobob and f amaking smerica eafe inayvery wth anat i cho tse ae re somof theff dis erencethat i w haveithy m ar primyon oppents,er ctainly d veryffeep diceerenths wi allth e rlepubruicans nning. ic >> d: kersoneethis wotk anhertc ba-mh of eerails wese releadby ta the steep dt.artmen of one themba is ck andth for tw beu een yoand aer staff abouta ur sece faxt tha c won'tomero thugh. di you edrect t himo,, quoten turin -pto nonitaper wh no en idgtifyindi heangnd ad senno urnsece.en arou't yin ordermg hi to e violatwsthe la ondl haningas cl msifiedl ateriaerthe?>>
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t astehe statm deparentai sdju sst thi week,t tha didot n .happen iter nev would havepe hapned e becaus jthat'sotust n the way ati treedif classiedin ioformatn.he aadingsre not ciclassifationno aticesnd so omeftenties we'r yi trong t get thees bt rm infoweation can. slobviou iy what'msk aing for is erwhatev cane b tttransmied, if it't doesne comgh throuec sure eto bmi transtted onhe tcl unfiassiysed stem., noisthere ot nhingo t that ke liuc so mhe els tashat h been ed talk i about ln thearast ye. d >>rsicke,on: so in nost in- ance - iwhattrs siking tabouthatcu partilar-m eail tssuggeser you we very --ow h do rothis p ycessneou kw the st inioruct tns how ao getround thetr resonictis fordi senng ficlassiored infonmati. 'rso youine saygre the wasev neran inan tnys, aer oth ienstancic whdih you ?d that o. >> nd anitas wn'tt. sen
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ere what ismo comnra pctice,me naeely i ndor infnmatio, ive has point toe maki was inlookseg for axcure f thatco veuld gie me thwholetu picre. imoftentrees theot's a l of rm infoation thatsn i't at allcl edassifi. ev whatorer inf cmationanpr apelopriatsmy tranittedcl unedassifi w oftenhaas, tt's f trueryor even agency i theve go arnmentvend e drybodyoes ne busih ss witvethe go.rnmentbu it thentmportan poiret he is, gri had eatfi conedenc b iecause years. s he i the mostul meticous,re capeful yrsonldou coupo ssibly dous bwiiness d he knewxa ectlyha wtas w andwa ppsn't ateropria .ac in fthe tta steep dt artmenhassa reid theo was nra tionsmissn a ofssny cladifienf ionormati. it'sno ather ebyffort eo ppleok loing foret somoohing ttle t againsllthe waou as yin said e th binegf ning otheam progr to,e sewhat ss.tick buthe tre's nothing there.>> rs dickeison: ths one ia le littre diffecent sin fbi is iginvestg atin sthiscpecifiqu
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caassifition was meduddlh. wit alet me yskou abouter anoth e-mailhi wch youee smer ex the's sesurpriso that emebodyd-maile n onteon-statm deparrsent peonale- mail. iswhich y whatouer weoi dng. wa why ats th aur stoprise you? >> weill, -m etwailed oe peopl tonirhenm goverccent antous usbeca ke ithnew at all o tfhatwo buldear pt of the gnmoverentst syem. tindeedthe vasi majorfty oll a aimy e-m ils arenhe tov gternmen .system at th i's howdu conedcthe t ne busiss.i rywas ve clear aboutli e-maingyt anavhing hingo t do with bu tsinessleo peop onir the megovernount accnts. ic >> d: kerson con gunolontr w thisoueek, y've been pretty ug to bh onerniean sders,ec splyifical t onheu q oestionf ga lelct prote gion tounnu maerfacturs.he has now t saidhat he would be stinteretoed in in changg thela w to a- llow -oto g after gun famanuercturs who act spirreblonsi y. thisn't t at whantyou wa?>> no. at th w's nothat ian wt. nthat'stot wha the cryount
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hi i tnkha he ens beis conslytent si refuo ng t tsayehat h wouldvo teo t rlepea thisbs aeolutim fmunityyrom and kin of on resptysibili l orabiy.ilitit o's thenly instdu iryn our ycountrhe w wree havei gven that o kindef carthe blanco t do erwhatev you want too dit wh nofe lar ofegalse cons.quenceyo uno ksiw, predent ondbama a i andat senrors sandee werll an ie the senat at the same t.imeo tw of usot vedga ahainst wt thea nrsays washe tt mosta imporntec pief o llaegistion in 20ea yrsr fonthe gu snator vandersoted withm the, ro thisugh thng morni hasn beeun inwillg ton joi there pntside me and in sayingt thahi tsou shreld be edpeal. hthat bas toe theff eortt thawe all ared. behin heand s oftenays, well,oo lk,i' fmrommo vernt ands it'di t.fferen otit's n likeei bneng in rkw yoci ty.
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frommo vernt senatorea ledhy vot p withntresidema oba m andyself. ink thit tha theus exces andfo efrts by sorenatde sanors tav oides rnspoitibilthy for is hivote whech tra nai hled as the i mosttampornnt i 0e yars, opointsut a clearif dncferee. a it'sre diffeatnce th crdemoaticot vners iur o primary tacan ntke iouo acc int whosgo ing toll reatay snd up to the gun, lobby tryal to de with theou sc grge ofunle viothnce atta 9kes0p peoivle's les aay d.i' m prettya cler onha wt i will do. i andpo suprt and willk worar hdto imemplentt wha thesi predents ha beenoc advating. d >>onickersen: on sator er sandess' r tponsehis ihadea tthe re reps senttea sta whichth arere te lo ofun g o ywners,ou a were s,enator aren't you mp sytiathehac to tt?yo du sai youep redresent wall , street wthat's shatdhapeou yr onviews in certa wallee strtpo ylicygeou sughasted tt as idpresu'ent yoifd be dferentan thou did y asor senatyo when u rwereseeprestnting itate wh a ns cocytituen .
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er sand ss tosay are pntside i bwouldere diffthent an i would as aen soratre repg sentinast thate wi o a lotfun gs? owner >>l, wel youno kw, ink thi ryou'veeallye mixdp u twoim tportans issuee. her b i'veeensi constent on gun lobby i fact po sup trtedhedy bra , billat senorde sanotrs ved ns agaiivt it fs.e time erso, the is ay verle car endiffer ce.wh and cen itomeso twallst .w yorki ouwas pro d to dso. i and k toon owalltr s'meet, ie thpersonho we camaiout agnstri des,vative t i'merhe pson whome ca outng calli forst rensrictio onay ceo pch whi kfthan gullyoot int thed dodfr ilank bl. m i' then perso who went tllo wa et strect ayuallon confr ttedhem in 2007,al i cledhe tutm o on lethe roy thee werng playin ie thgamortarge mket. avi do h aery histo ofak tingn owh at ion ctosider e be thbu asesth eat coman from y itrndusy,cl inwauding trll seet. wiand i ll cnuontie too d so as
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i'or put fthut aboow he w n reig fin to waceehat w did in as2008 h j beenudged as beingmo reom mugher,oreec efftive byba rney frank, myri fendhi oo whoad le tshe banking etsffore in th te sena and by paulgm kruan iha n ve plailthat wl go afterot nst ju the big b banksecaused dodan frgik has sven u t theools todo o a lotft. tha tobut a go tfterheca so-lled owshadk bancant indusry. ki thin w i'mellre prepa id,kn owt wha noeeds t be dikone, le n nixotogoing china, john. ke>> diclerson: skt me a you t abouen a geral eiolectn neoppoount yac may fte thas i tdonaldourump yot go int apr gletty uyxc eehang youed charg thate h w-- himexith sthism enhe putut ons iamtagr video of hyourndusba anda monicwi leyonsky, ctur rea tionato th?>> well, i wf heants tong eage p inlersonaks attacm fro the , past hthat'srois pre.gativeso
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i'oi gng to draw the in dist bctions wetweenhere ist d and ane whertahe s wndshen esit com toal equ payor fen wom.ra thising ein mimumag wech whiaf fectswo ts -thirdof the women o whre a the onesvi receing themi wnimumage. tiprotecng aan wom r'sighto t t makethe mosna persolal hethcare dioecisatns, th's why m i'roso phaud to ve the emendors tent ofhela pnned nt parecthood a fionund that i edreceiv i today hn newirampshe,be i'cause gm goingh to fit asrd has aian cga ainstny a s efforttoun defd pedlann re pa, nthoodinsometh hg that e ere are very clear st diioinct cns, hean say erwhatevnt he waos tut abo me. th let ere vot jsudge that. oti am n t goingoim let h or anyof theth oerli repubipcans raw heay te progrss t whatomen m haveade,s it'n bee tood har htfougnd for aoi i'm gngo tst aand upnd maket iar cleth aere's e hugif deferenc tw beeen us. d >>onickers c: sect wlinton hat y doayou sho to tse inr you own y partywho sa i thats dssiscuionth e at havnportioou of yr an husbred's ca iers fairam ge to talkut abo inn a eiolectn.>> el wl, b it'seenr faie gamin go tg backo theli repubcans
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c theyoan d it againey if th o.want t c that tan beheire choicas toho w ton run is thi cn.ampaig wdidn'torkef bore. on it wk't worin aga. e becauswhit is plat peoare ecu fosed on not for theas pt but efor the. futur rewhat ago we ing to do toet g s wage.rising at wh aree wgoing to d too mcreateooore gsd job andee kpri .ghts awhate re wtogoing o do tmake t surehehat tme supre court haspe ooplen it whoil wlef dendwo men'sig r.hts llwho wien defard mriageeq .ualitywh do willefender votsht rigs., sot i can'ybrun anody else's aicamp gn. c they wan sayrhatevey the want,mo owre poer t them. ini tht'k is ad deabl end, indle aly for l them,met theo. g ini'm gog tok talbo aheut t endifferbeces e causnki thi 'sthatam what sericanre compa t. abou ke>> dici'rson: oim g- ng -ewe'rd addeadnd elv oursenkes thasb fowibeing u >> thanks, let'son ce tinuthe saconver, tion.john ic >> d: kersonyosee t u outhere.we t caughhup witli repubcan idpres centialteandidais chrch jristie ced ina,olumbi southca naroli. we begin oveur connrsatio withpr
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ecexe utivonacti toxp eand gr backheound ccks. is why thn't is lrseadehip? he's using everyos pesiblet mhodhe o can t get what hean wts.yo tu'ved alkea lotbo autle shaderip.>> d toictahirs np isot erlead.ship ahe'sct cane lik ata dictornd atu peelanchi cld.wh at iea mnn i8 200e h came in iwitht all. hugeor majinity he tse hou. li fistburoer pofit majory in the na sete. d anep ranublicsad h1 2 thnce imat te 31ub repnlica rn govebiors ajg minority the mhouse,y ajoritin thee, senat olhis ps iciehaveee bnec rejted t byhe an merica bpeopleut he n'doesntt wa h tothear at. ic>> donkersn : gurocontles qutinaon, dompld tru hassu teggesetd gting o ridfun gfr onee znes ioo schls and li mi btary wases youldou agree twithhat?>> t iorhink fhe tar mility, aii've sd thise befor for ck attaies earlnr ine ten.sseeth tat iee smsid rouiculst tha tamiliolry fanks cry car awe wapon trey're tainedo do it. be the inst traed pe.eopl
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r ouit milfoary blkseinge ablo t rr caeay wpons inse thoci strcums.ance heon t gun f sreelchooes zon ey thul shod bebl aeo t look on owits n.>> ke dic: rson ryourd ecoron sa asultpo weans. wwhenste lake taloud y said at thri olginaouly y wdanteo t akeepnss aault wnseapo ban, os tho e whedwant g toidet r ofit .in 2yo009 eru well sti srtuppoer t ofheau assltpo weans bant tha awas yfter bou'deen a ecpros.utor w >>ihat d saiheat te timt thawa i s notnt iteeresd inin debatg orha cgnginau becse iw kne i dncoulew't nse jerguy's awn ls r fooc demcratiis legurlate.of i if had myic choepp alyuc mhmo asre endily aec rdeiveh muc emoreyasilry carer pmit inur o e. stat ho we suld be a t stateo defend sethem.lves d >>rsickewion: ythine ou'rin rthatace wjoith nhn i00 2e9, hsa idis chre tidsstanh wit thenr ar you pamam c ppaignutut o hefact cleck cald that a lie. ythenamour c spaignaid this,ri
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onweap as bannd allnt curre gun ws la. hepp ottoses as emptto ptermi nc coaneal rrd caawy ln s inew eyjers .rd hahely t nraos pn.itioat th d seemsreiffent. i >>ts. iag jain,ouohn, y learnbo autth these ingsve or time.i rn leaed abouthi tsr oveb. tom ewin nse jerhay i rove gp wn uin c areultu inur o state ofer vy, ry veor vigousnt ani-gu laws. ira tvelhe try count as a ve go irnor'vern lea gedreatl dea t abou.this ctmy a aionssov grernof onew eyjersee had bnct exa wlyhere i in thky thed neeto be. es the tgshinve involub plicsa , fetyi'mor f pcubliet safy if lathe rews a going toak me sllegie ativandov grsernol fee tt beheer touy shn'ldt p beutn iac ple and ienfringon sec admendme ghd rit'ts isol revioutern ov , timeluabso.tely d >>rsickewoon: u uld yoy sayouan st td withhea? nr>> i stand withny abody who evbelines i pctrote tinghe co sendme aenndmtnd a pctroteingpu sblicy afethewhet'sr it the a nrthor oeran orgioizatikns le
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st i wandith oizrganations who twantako mese senwe beten pu blic safetynd aur oec sondam enendmght rits. d >>rsickejuon: oist gacng bok tth yoat, anu stthd wi thera n? >>l wel, thet facs, it thaifth e nra but onue isss, youak te owthem d in bssuey issuel i'l be oable t ar.nswem i'oi not gng to i saynd stawi nyth acu parti wlarith ank bla k chec'sthatha not wt lrseadehip is. ic>> donkersu: yo - are- is tedcr uz llyegalli ee gibleto b es prt idenouin yr view? t>> iea app trso m ie hes. ck din:erso g youspave eechth eeis wk sgayint tha you rsundetandot versre ary angt, buth iatt'se timor f t themo picka si pre tdent thatheyul shodn't st juk picom sy ebodout of anger.>> ha tt's nott whaid. saii said anger aslone i notlu sootion t ourio natn's leprobms.we e hav toha cnnelha tgttin a er bela a phece we re wpickso e meoncawho n actlluaxy fihe t ob prmslet thakiare mang usan d so pofart he t speech was
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s ourarimilsitie aond t stop asemphg izindiour eat wee ndo t bringur oesselvto ergeth iner ord tot beall hiarynt clion.ev tiery eme we dividlv ourseeswe e mak itas efoier r her to at defe ourom n.inee>> ke dic: rson tshowisime r ove yobut ou putnre pttyoo g sdhow.>> game teim is on now. w nohaso tfo perrm. ow she timis aim t wehere er evy ybod tgetso judgeou y and alookound yrra pinncoug arnd theta 'sw it game time.>> rs dickee on: thitcompet ion g hasnotteou tetgher bouween yan med so y ofoural rivs.u yo msaidarcoio rubin trygo tsl sime hiay w to ttehe whius ho e. upwhen ser pacni runng ad said,th at you sedupportn commoe cor ceyou onpo suprtedau asslt on weapn s ba ythatonou dated to dplanne parenthood. ic whe h onhoof t ises? wrong>> i neveron dated tonn plaedpa ntre thoodwrhat's , condlym for hieto bin tryg hato cizractere myse conervativ irecordnha tt ways ion crytra w tothaco mard. saima rcoim hasself hd sait thaiwa
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iherehes thi tng,'m i nngot goi tond spey m timeal tkingbo aut o marcio rub. arif mco t wants tohink thatis th isuy g who stood up, on tedebame, so toneold yout thay bcr iziticmeing he it yolps u. sthatsoame e meonnowki talng toma rco.i' t m no tgoinglo fal ouat y m sawypo resnse toma rco. i tdalkeut abo, him facts ifo cus onea defilting hlary in clton.i' ppm hay to stand by myd recorof g havinmade dioecisns. d >>iconkersst: ju onla pnnedre pa nnthoodonever dat oedr tesuppor d. >> no.go j vernor ce,hristis thank very . much >>ha tnks, john.di n:ckersofi clarioncati .o marc h rubioasd saiis chris kste nae doted tonn plaed re paodnthoot but nof part the r supe pac's ad. bewe'll in back one minuteh wit ushoe kespeaaur panl ry. you. ri doght o wn t syourkin. av eenoly daist moiur izingti loh on witvi5 l tatrnunties
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av eeno. tunay ralltibeauful ressult >>
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na,er yestatday er a povmity sum t bhostedsey houer speak paulry an. dwe satthown wi thepe sakeraf dsterwar d tossiscu thatss iue las wel t ashesi predent'sti aconn o gunans d hiso vet of a obill t repealma obacare. sp mr. r,eake wphen deresintob amann aedouncan expding grbackound checks, heai sd, i ecrespe t thndseco amemendnt and en youai sd,uo q hte,ead hne verpe res tctedhatht rigdo so thyou kins he' not tngelli the ut tr h? i >>nk thi he'de likto g wohole f lot tarther ihan hes goingri ghtow n.po nuint tmberwo, there isn't a ho loopyole if e u arin the si buf ness o abuyinglind selnggu ouns yto have have falederfi msrearen licse. hif youave aer fedal fsirearm ns liceu e yoo have tdo gr backounds check. i so, nk thihi ts is balasicly prthe enesidokt lofoing nr a su ise tolo expitn ie somay ws ca beesuse tho-e scalledso onlutiats th t he'salkingab thout ouey wotld ne hav op stanped y ofse the sinhootgs. ic>> donkersd : dithyou heink tsrespec s theecondme aenndmt? , >> i noct aually don't. thi heink woulde likoto g muchfu atr th a youhare than wet th
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ic>> d: kersonwayou nt blrepus icanffto oner aal teivrnat te torehe pntside, e onheof t first ts hingdidou yth eais yasr wer offha ttep real.ho tw is ahatn atilternave? t'>> is n.ot at thhy's w h weo ad t ucomepwi athnlt aveernati.yo u'reht rigut abot. tha d >>rsickewion: yoll do atu th? i >>'t donw kno how far itl wilgo en giv f theactt tha weav hefi stlibunder a guy namedma oba. bu gt my ioalst tha we as blrepus icaneif won d'tik leth laese ws,'t done lik the re din ctiocothe y untris g,oing th i weink av h be toee morha tnju ppst oioositrtn pay. avwe h be toe a psiropotionpa rty.if do we ln'tikes thie w ha toha hove soww h we'llo dgsthin ff ditleren y. t wehinkba omaai f irsli faing, hewhet'sr it pumremis, rirest acteds,cces hrighe ctdedu, iblelifamioses ling su ine ranc tthat wheyant andke haep tt'sni happellng acr aoss e th cryount. op perele ati hurndng a wed neeto er off aol sonuti. yes, yes, thisnd a many other su isese wee nd to offer te alivrnates.>> rs dickeu on: yoowant tp hel
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he>> treoi's gong t bein nomee heof tty par't wony thehebe ton o e wh okindsf ihe t foface e thep rcaublinar pty? t >>y hewill be thee fachein t ll fa . onwe dav't hmee ti w to uaitntil e thfall. ari lednes thi in2 201h witt milmy thne romy if youai wt until s later ummellro outt wha you li beineve t whayourge andas i 's it too late. at th w's why ge're toingo goea rly.on te ofeahe r wsonsd e dithis ypovertmi sumodt tay i heren mb colusoia, cauth naroli, w isewa tnto sashowcoue rri plencips,ou der ias,e wt wan t sowhot tha avwe he brette i fdeasorti getng lepeop out ofer povty,oo rt ocausesfer povty g fortteingop itportunory restamed in erica. d >>onickers n: also wight i as at a dd onaltrump rallyn ik rochi utll, soolh car tina, whereere00 7, p0pleoe. e thro cwdea roncti was veryd lou on theol fnglowi. thing lddonaru tmp'sit oppos tiono theas adian trale dech whi you suort. op his onpositist to lar yea'sbu adgete t thd enheof tea yr et budg y whichour suppot. hisit oppostoion nd uteocumendwo s rkernghavi anyat pohway t
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aland oso tny ain tkering with ementitlent. owcrdid djun't st clap pelolity. dohow esub repanlicty par getto ergethyo when su havefet o s ideathat are totally oitppose ho to tsee. peopl >> i w thinkhat weo d asad le aers,ays we s whoe wre a,at whe wie belerve, wh we weant to ea td letplhe peoeec dide. 'sthat w theeeay i s this t.hingi y reallhi t tnkhe cryount i isn da bah, pat a dgeanrous path. t ihink we canos leha wto s iq unutue abo ourou c.ntryth meis an rica,idea the nd con itioouof yirr bth d'toesn te dee rmin othemeutco y ofrou life. b wef elieroin gndwth apr riospendty aur hoall tsehi tngs a iren real j deeprdeopay. , sodo i agree orag disreeit wh ri vaousan ctedidas onio varus suisofes, e courso.i dwe e 'rviindiduals. t buwecan er off theou c antry creallylear aomnd cinpellg cechoi,s it' not de ivisivbut usinclive,t tha'spi instiraonal, at thro's pwt groh.
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ke ma hs itr?arde t >>ishis ma priry sn.easo at whap's hcapen n right now are yi trong tti disnguish telhemsvesom fr theam sety par,ro fmve or me saot vers. im prsarie itanevi hblyave this okindfri fn,ctioe onc g youet to thery prima i thinke wfy uni erconsvevatiem movent.we ni ufy as a c.ausewe ou go ndt a we try to win co tsnver .ry we tt to ge ctheryount a ea clric choe. ic>> donkerswi: ll s yourtuppo lddonamp tru h ife -->> ofou c irsel. wil di n:ckerso t andz ed cruif he'she t nominee? u' yoerre h se in couthinarola tode ital wh ptyover and po opitrtun the w tase im iinshe t7 6he tgh s.etto avi tredelit w jhkacem kp in 96 19n whehe t wento allhe tse hharditgh neirbohoods. whysn doea't h h iappenn mp ca aaignsny more? 'v>> iene beoi dng ithe tas ltre th yeears. ic >> donkersid: presalenti gncampais.>> re it's gally qoodtiueson. t iehink wd nee dtoo that. ait's mkeista tshat'n bee made. th i atink th'sct exalyig rht.
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rfo the mindsnd aea hrts and s voteveof edyrybohi in ts tr coun my no watterhohe tyre dt whaihi tnk h we'vead one y parts takegroupf o people forgr ananted otd anher p hartyas idnot pa atitteno on t.them 'sthatxa e wctlye'hy w hregavin isthmi sumt here, hd osteby the ck ja kempnd foun atiowhos i guy o whhttaugth me is abouter upp limobifity, ngghtier povty and or restoping itportun yy, so,,es ihi tnkur ore pdesintialca esndidatto need dos. thion hie tng iav honen't d leike i nt wao ed tin 2012. d >>rsickee on: thecappriateth ayursdt kep yfromoiou d ing t01 in 2o2 d s theytillxi est?>> , yeses rthist atre pe.ssurty llpicaaty wh the cltonsuants tellou y, this isre whe ourvo atersthre, sis i theou csntie wthatvee hao t mizaximrne tuou tt gthenohe t.reyo tu goyou re the. is ths iat nonileal en.ctio st the oake tfhisle enctio are eshigh ot inurer genonati. d anry evebodyds neebe to in edvolvth in isle en,ctio we ed nego to andpe comorte f the tshear m and oindshef tes vot ofev oderyboy nte matr if weet g% 2
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in show og thatur a ideasrebe tter.>> rs dicke'lon: we ml haveore onr ouerconvonsatih witthesp ineaker ex our nalt hurf ho. r oheally? wh n en dowt,a poin rvyou secee an aim 5.8 tmoes n re thatoother p erplays. yo d u soun alikech coa. i .am not t bucai n omcustize ngtrainigr pro amsd basemaon bioatrker da. , watson'that stypretss impre ive.yo t u mighi say amth nae seream willi s loof casud-bcoed e gnitivstsyems. h, nald i wougon't fa that r. coour s smeticliasne w. a hit th rse orderu were inshing . i fecould urel odl deainesra owcing ts.ards u d weidn'edt nen. a loa eewe norded sh t-termndfufaing st.bu 1ildingme8 hosin m 4 onths? w thateaas a l p.t bui cknew ielould rony ri ameexcan spres to me help ho buy tbuse mildinglsateria. h amexmeelped buye thorinventedy i need. r ou hamexpeeld us hefill ts. order l justatike th .an stother thep on ure jo
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alreurize yog buyinrpoweat co open. mha i stve a..hma. .o..f ne o pmanys ieceyin mli fe. w somyhen hm astmpa sy ktoms eptngcomik bacon mngy loco-term lntrodi meneci, i edtalkmy to to docdr anun fomid a g ssine piecin th my asatma tre.menton lyce-daipr breo aevents sthmatosympms. eo brr is foadults stwith at hma no cwellolontrled on g- a lon aterma sthmlcontrodi mecine, n like ad inhaleoscortic.teroid wbreo ron't aeplacee rescule inhar su for bddenngreathiem probls. eo br u opensayp airwels to hp ov imprthe brear ing fo 2a fullur4 hos. cbreoinontatys a f pe onemedici at thas incre res theofisk th dea fr hmom astlea probms y and macrinheease t riskpiof hostitalizaon in ch aildrenlend ado.scents br s eo ifonot opr pehole wse th aswema is trll cononolled a -t longtherm astrma conmeol ,dicine alikehan inrtled coroicosteid. ce onr youmaasthll is went coedroll, ocyour dlltor wiid decoue if y ca opn stan breo crd presibe a er diffthent astrma condiol mecine, alikehan inrtled coroicosteid. n doe ot takorbreo m e thanespredcrib. e seocyour d ytor ifthour asma do otes nro impvets or ge. worse yoask tour doc4-r if 2rehour bo ul co md be a pissingoriece f you.
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on12 mfrths t ee abrmyomeo.c. dd jug comintup nexub repnlicaes
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r'll be bightack. ke>> dic: rson osomecbf our s nsstatioea are ls ving utnow bu mofor yost of l u we'lhtbe rigba hck wit a lotor me e "facthena ition"ngncludiur ont iewervith wipa rand ul ander speakn ryaan
8:58 am
>> rs dickelcon: weckome ba toke fae s th.nationwe in're joreed by blpuican id pres centialteandidato senar aurand pl. rsenato paul,he tac re inow ia, arwhere gse thin ? e>> wnc annouedd aus thoand prnity sig eficantffort. 'twe don a thinkthny oerca gnmpaill reaasy hou annnced that many ptrecinc chairs,e w in th mk weelay w tl beoshe mtga orcanized impaignn iowa.
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yoat wch the. pollsuc caus is aboutur tning your op pe.le out nwe pla onng gettiot lf o ll co segetudent. out 'v weean org aized tllheol clegeca .mpuses ke>> dic"nrson: k ew yortimes"ha s hneeadli onro fntag pode tay sthatays,, quoter formere anpublics s fear lof thegastin assplit class dnsivisioru ept. doou yhi trenk theet's somhingrg lapeer hapn ning ithe icrepuble an rac nthat'stot jus ape comn titioofda candi btesut t that ahere'sl reaha cngeoi gngon in theep rcaublins? >>co dist nneceebetw mnany of e thep ranublics inas wonhingtan d the grass roots. ire lectudy mel flowg conmeressn d anat sen uorntil 3:00 in the inmornyig saveng driut o tsidehebe yoltway inu'll ftd tha nore icpubleaan rllyan wsts u to e raisthe debtli ceiwing tthougn sit ificanetbudg rarym.efor idwe d o theitppose.we se raied theb dtli ceingsp und ecifie aamountgand we veup onhe tge budtary rt onecaepublinsi outdehe t lt beppway su tortshat. at thea's rlis decconn yt ifou e se rcaepublinde leaprshirk woingh witidpresent t obamao
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t buecit's bomause se on the gh ritt wan mmiore rylita en sp odingrer mofa welresp tendingthhey boog get trethe r weaise both. asqu conseencee whave $19il treblion dt.>> ke dic: rson fway tot,ix tha that decisconnist th'r youelk taboing a iut,t seemsy prettd? ba>> l terms.imit really n teeds boeor me turn nover iff o yice ifou had that aall ofud sdenpl peoeld wou be re mohu entsed, i think tshat' th why eep rnublica eralectoste i inlookg forut orssideau becse 'r theyree tised ba youan cnily veof edyrybo w intoashingnsa e ying wtcan'an do .ything av we hee th p oower pf theurse e we'rsinot ung it. c we tontrolsehe hou, satene,t no using thatow per.>> ke dic: rsonenyou m ttionedhatyo idu saru ted cz isli egiblefo er primis min oterfa canad but llin aer ssniou yess donkou thihe 's not ee ligiblto be idpres ent?he >> t i things allxp eertsag atree thwa he nsuratorally bn in canada. t soalhe legio questns, in ca you be naturorally bn inan cadaan bd alsoesi cond dereto be a l naturameborn arican cenitiz.
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ig elitibilr y foenpresidts i ns cotititu nonalot srytatuto no.qu onestiyo if bu wereorn inca onada tou yr40 3n78 ame anrica re you' ait cn.izet busethey u thissu unual ua langn ge itheon cutstit oionf l naturaborn.i kthin itil wl beug broht up. re conggrssman ey f sonrom a florid hsayingoie's gng toch e alleng cit in.ourtde s mocrat cwillenhallge it at vethe stry lea and i thinke hav b toeed decid by trehe supmeco urt. ke>> dic: rsonwhand peat hap ns sif it' not. ishi t as --oure yg sayin voterssh eeould shi ts ased imptimeno t cr ted suz ang beire p?sident ee glrdks o iinary,erf he we the enpresidwot, he tuld be fheirstpr t esidenrnnot bo t in uhedniteat stes. haso tlot aoune weld b ao extry.rdinarpe avople he to decideor fhe tirn owwhminds rethet ies mak aff diceerenre whene someo is born.>> rs dickeison: thse week nate ll wi u bringcep pief ole atgislu'ion yonsre spo ooringnau tditing,he fedt whaoe d tshattt maer is aeg rularer p?son p >>taeople utlk aboom ince andua eqlity a lot.i sthinkome iencomnd ait equalyre d lateedto fic poly.
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8 200 wasau csed by the fedy bke g epinreinteatst reles bheow t rk maatet re. the hngousim boo wtias sp mula utte bn theerthse wa noac re ttionowo sling down housing om bo i byesntertet ras rngaisi. reinteatst rikes lee thce pri ofmo heney, tce pri of badre. es pric u gop and down toiv ge fo iniormatacn bk.if e you'rdi senrong wng atinform gion wentet iheo tse c boomsyclehe tne w havesi icgnifbuant sts.ri dung the buster fedal reserve ug boht foreign ban bks,toughas setsf onforeig b.anks n'i dot knowth whe wereve ga we po or towngn forei banks. atheytire saill b olingut theba nks to tfens oon billifs o ll do iars,t wano t k hnowowth e ey'rgdoin w it,hoy' there nggivio. it t sswhat a tetsheyol hd,he wther meso s aretillub tro aledssets. it'sve enanspar it p tsed insehe houh wit every rcaepublin and dtsemocraat th's bipsaartin. 'r weene op t forehe sam o thingnes tuinday theen sate. d >>rsickeyoon: aurenrgumt ifin rterestatesre a not
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iotuatu n yo thave bhisustth urat hegts rolular fks.>> ea yh. hwhatnsappe is,er intraest tes e ar okindikf leul ins yin,ou t eaga biea ml, iulnsin risesth omen dow bshouldsae the orme f the om econy. as emyconots heath up s ere'moreco itmpetfoion er they monri, pce i ofesnterhot suldis re, it ow slecs the y onombackn. dow ybut ifp ou keethe price of ne moy orer intest tooow l keep in getteg thna sigl and economyri thses widout en butnt eveually stit burer in vyc tragi way like d itid in 2008.>> rs dickeodon: goou luck t wethere be'll ig rckht bah wit aoursinalyros furm ool paliticpa nel. (cl elonphe ngris) erwhe e aryou?
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m?mo uryoad d c won't all or. i can llca b youomack, m? he ss ay'siter pnasol isthe. tim.. 'rif youmoe a m, ca you thll at e wot rsmeti. 'sitha wyot dou . ouif yan w st toeavfi n fteepeorrcent more on ns car i,urance yo chu switge to ico. it t 's whayodou . er whe e ar you? vit'sudery lo. there yo are ngu taki a a zumbclass? he are'stl litale headthy .vice eallt we, li l,ve wel taand f ke o mwhat yakes,ou u.yo ri doght yown to urin skh witnoavee ee av dno ailymo tuisngriziio lotn t withdnhe goo ess ofti acurve nat oals at an vid 5 l taienutrfonts r al heiethr g lookinnskin i st ju d oneay. alheskthy quin e alsaubefutil .skin d anshfor sowers,oftnes thadd we bodyooash, t!
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d >>rsickeweon: ck're bay, pegg an noon.ja melle bouiee cleavic polital pocorresanndent d cbsew ns tipolically anast susan pagesa "u's today"hi wasngton bureauie chf.ed 'k oeefe,er covsit polics fore thng"washistton po ." e welcomllto a y ofou susan i owant t w startouith y. e thlatest ina iowub replican vsideghery titwt beeen a cruzndum trp.w ho idoes ft gorome? her ru >> cz hasar nrowd. lea
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ascruz h an oatrganizionhe tre.d anerin oth states. d wenoon't kw if tasrump h the ndkif oni orgazationha tthi alstoric wly hasd orkeinbr pingingoueople t to go to theca oucusesldn cor' wintet.s nigh s this iga bi agedvantao ted tuz crve whate pr thissholl ows.>> ke dictrrson: vaump adntagegh mihat be tt heng bris out allki ofnds peeopl d buto they doe thwork. t >>hat's right. p it'sd roveeto b hard inhe tst pame m. tikes wor fdorar back a obamurhe tned out lot ofew n rsvote in theoc demraticca iucuses.n 2008it gh's tou.>> rs dickeloon: a alt of tkab irout thced pla why t mighthatbe ta impor nt?ne >> o ofse tholi estab oshmentrmi oddlee f thadro rliepubcans. p thathoerson opes t take thatwi han or thit tcerd plawi shongin iowa and v iaultntoet btersi po itionw n neirhampshee wheryo nu haveow angccordi tos thi t pollhisor mngni4% 4 of newha empshirli repubrecans ach boosing fetweenive ofhe tse ta esheblis,d guysio rub,ri ch,stieas kich, bush,, sorry . fourso
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nbut inpsew hamhehire t dicynam s isoh muce morht tiger bseecauyo tu havehrhese teeno goverrs ciespeebally jh, busis chrch , ristiejohnic kashn i arcirculg firin squadid ins tehe oncause oly onem f theisin goeg to b able toma auto rge nfrompsew ham mhireake thene mohey to tof rest ou the cntryle ont me ctinue on. ic>> donkersll: i' get toha tt hi puncng. match witas --ti getngse wor thiswe ek.ja tmelle,he cz-ruptrum ndfrie, shipevwhatt er joatt operasions h goney. awa they are - nowld- donaru tmp tbrough up whethers he' ig el.ible dwhatu o yo?make hi>> tss iru tmpng goiac btok hisre ghiatest fts o the aksttac on picolits heoe ds note likr otr ust. orhe st ofro bughtut o thebi r rthetiquesiton wh bkaracob inama 201 h1se'in tryhag ttag ain. thefe diferencer he, i don'tth crink eeuz nods t m do tuchore
9:08 am
amuchlctuaep rcaublinot versar ein takhig tsio ser.uslyi kthinz cru well likedug enoh on amg,e esplycialse conrveativ pu reanblic andva eicngelals, me co g onuys,hi tss ise nonnse, fit'sine. is th is not ae cass a withba omawh ere dusistr tted,herehe tseac ticusathons ath te ideaha tt he is not elie,giblt thaco cealesits whch bun ofer oth ru miststng and aer to r geallyo he furtr.>> rs dickem on: i'togoing ask u yoabout ctiompetit on thais g gointhon in eep rcaublinkn rasgh rit now.u yohaveal dond trumpnd a ted y cruze ou havthese isestablchhment rsaracte .nt i wao t putom sngethi upt tha c isn hairmaof theep rnublica saparty idt abou hd is ie said o'm notne of e those popleha tthi talnk dondtr n'ump cat win g aeneralec eltion. uai actlly think's there a hugecr eross ovl appeare theo top pet le thaareg disenagedpo
9:09 am
ngyigh, mit beka oyf i he'sth eom ninee. he'say snaing dompld tru b wille esthe dontructie of thty par. eshow do g this setdorteut o? e'>> woire gngo tee s it sortedou otverhe tex n vtery fewks wee mands.onth if trumps doeel wl in c iowa,ruz ns wibe may trump exceeds ctexpensatio p orblossiymp tru ns wi tmp winsn inew mp hae,shirf iru tmpta storts iklook lowe, whi, ts couldre apally eab estmelishf nt o pthearty is t goingo be fdorcehe eitro t tcomeoer tms or toe makou th ofe cours b willein sttereing. ouwhat wheld ty do aboutmp o sensefub repnslican o the ou grthnd is eat mor andor mfe oth reem a l ateastti getngd useto i thedeaf ohe tio serus
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sthat'some progress for. him>> rs dickemeon: jahille, ts isno stt jung backi aer pson,er thmee's sogothing ing onin mdum trnep in " tw york"imes has y stor todayhi whech toty queme soo one whhesays te ranpublics y partvehas ne ar donegnythin r foki woranng mik le me. hoeven tugh we voted ricepublan yefor um. tr sp --ngomethie at on of althe rlies. lethis eisction f theirst in myfe li where we cane changha wtt i me bans toe aub replican. i >> it'stinteres tng ihink e'thery s a wachin whi the pr usevioab estmelishnt pu reanblic t say wrumpill detroy pathe herty trey ah bot. right hithey trunk tmp is alippeaong t sa diteffecitd whe wrsorke who ev belie the rliepubpacan isrty rnotyeallpo s tkenoir theec iconom d trump iswi shong aat ph how ll pos. me so cbiomonnati ofno ecomic lipopusm. 's thatas the ce, b trumpecomese thin nomee,n thera tonditialre icpublm anis ythatou seem fro
9:11 am
that is --ic kashha t mteansit 'sng dyi, itsil viabisity li asmited ic politalen movemt.>> 't i donnd uanerstwd ho if um trayp pl ts byhees rul,et gs nanomibyted ni winng pririmaes,or o anytherst emeablishntre anpubliche says n'sot malegiti rtecaepublin neeomin.i donk thit whald couen happso inmethatg thol inv ovesfne o show. at th p isaul ryan.i de won irf whatou y mightee s enhappising ab estmelishnt pu reanblic t say irumpes th nenomiale, tbok aut paul ryan. s let' talk abouatt whgr coness ngis goi d too.u yoerremembha what ippenedn he1996 wabn estntlishme blrepuicdeans d cide bthatoble dooi was gngo te los aewnd n gl enstand art mgakinea dlsh witde crmo paticntreside billcl ninto it wasar hmful f dorole de but d cideashe wng goi toe losth at enlectiohe tyed tri g tooin fe dif drentonirecti toe savth pearty. wi just ionderef w mightee s apthat hispen thim te. ic >> d: kerson weithersay it'sm y.vertth miis sumast he wol h idingn casouth yrolinaaesterdy, ca beuse i t ihinkts doete pollntiayd remin t rheofest rtthe pa wy thathatmp tru is
9:12 am
r lowenc iomeca amerins. t15% ofnthe cou iry isnov pertyri w.ght no ar smrt fo rcaepublirtn pay tolk taiv aboutity. t when they'reryingo to undoo fd p stamm prograheall tthse oer in thhags tppt haerens evy timeey th talk aboutt. tha i but k thinyou'reht rig. veby einrythgng washiton based blrepus,icangr coness,ki worng he on thise tngs.ei hether tany cin fd way to e scors pointor atea lstki worng on policyis dechiions wle trump is rngunnid aroun theou cntry.>> s what' sont ingerestibo autis th yearth is at mclrs. n,into heon toc demcrati side,mr lis. c intones th ta len er othe rliepubcane sid is kerebuth to est esablit.hmen theab estmelishnt using this op sl ipilyn aro by,adwago is ing tabous. thido weus jolt rlit whhi ts?su eppos trumpng briots l of de incependen andoc demrats in hanew irmpshaye, mbeer lat invi iargin. osomeef thub reppalican srty i t inhe pioositn ofpi haplyle
9:13 am
d theyikon't le the guyt tha are mi i it'sll rea-y - it's catompliced stand yerange ar.>> rs dickee on: onmore le comp, xitylecharuos is qted as tsayingnghe this i'mon passiateab thout i hiink tsou cntry ge ur nntlyreeeds aein't bngdr add.esse heci critizedd donalp.trumth aat's pnother tart ofheta esenblishm bt withig kbchecook.>> ink thiha tott qutse ge to e thcoreil dlol penicema m herein ms ter l --ikede iicologal ct fa.ions ndthe ki of rsqeaganeue erconssmvati t hhatasee bn nadomin nt iethty par sincere iaganins beirg dyectl al chedleng bymp able eorlectal conoaliti if um tr cpan ablsseme it. m i'sunot yre boi gng pauln rya ina wgtshin tonhat is a fix usbecau e yohave --ot nt jus both ricepubluans yo have plaury anep rseregntinda funalmently erdiffndent ki everrv conseatismth atru tmp would be esrepr.enting>>
9:14 am
ocd demrats trumpee soms t be indrawn g iait ltle bitav he ag reocan demt ra tfeel tohem. oudo yno kw i what mean?th ey are cicathol,or wkingcl tass,shis i a bigum je.bli tnkhihi tsr yea weou fnd our oldeg catories don'tte quico enmpass.>> rs dickee on: thatdemocr s y.quicklsu san,ht tigening,t whado youth frink ilom hlilary c intons e shremo wedorriut aboew n ma e-ilel revs ationhaor tt ie bernrs sande. i>>nk thior meor wdea rbout rn beanie sders.wh o would haveho tught when rn beanie sdersnn aedounc thatth weree eksut o from iowa it d woularbe m oginf error race in aiowaewnd nps ham.hire u yo k hnow,ryillaon clint has 20 t poinadleat nwiionde.bu ,t, man thetu momenanm c lyrealhi sft, we'ven seeha tt rebefo . b ifeernian sdersag man tedoin w wa io n andewam hrepshihe tn y hillarn clintogoesou s sthhe's ind gooos pn.itio er to hpo suprt ofan afric ic amerotan vers.
9:15 am
ul cod rfoeinsorce thme of eco sncernsomeem dsocrate hav t aboullhiclary n'intoeas appl. i thisois g tngo be fun, too. d >>onickersth: i whink at is ntmost ingerestish that le stilfu retoses e tak onmp tru f. she be has inen payttg aention t tohere icpublacan rlle at a t inhe st laon few mheths sd shoul know oothat suner yo r tespondhebe tter.b jesbush ibl probabey the stam exple ofha tt. l heet ital wlow for tooon lg, no we ke w wherhe isow n. st i ju t thinkhat if theseta atntcks con inue obill to clinhan's c wracter ohether rt noasshe w atessociadit wh it orll aowed it to f testerhatco uld beul vlinerabity for her. map ny kelcacrate rsn vote downth nee lil wil see t ahats nt poteakial weness. >> igr aee.>> ha ttes settl it. er dicke'son: wndll e s thehow y.earlyo olu've sved it all. o takeldn dona trump meansha ttes thtie ques tons oft he pasarego bing tohee in t h news,ekn ows how toht fig tough a andtre stevet lel is it w fiseorer h t toake him oen thesst que?ions>>
9:16 am
s that wheaspr surisedha tet h took her on. e sh awentt, him'r youe a xi sehest, d, sai'm i a ct sestioniok, lot wha'v youedo o ne tn.wome he'sou fams f-or -o als heai sd,u, yo, too eg,nablinng beit parof hisma dra. 's heou famsro fmiv ging you aha igrd fht. you do have towe ansr himst y ernlandin defelitivney o of ththe wingse'llin fd i outen th mi coeeng w iksth wheer tedz cru n caea rlly put to beds thi th ra merieischvousss iueut abowh r etheotor ns he'.sa u. ti cihizen, w cch--ruz wchhium troup brghtrd forwaec beaus cr uz is -->> ke dicwhrson: e ere shshowsth e rcaepublisns say who i osneca e ndidatnwho cath stop em.e' shs running onle t tha hert rooto the mi noonnati or akttac g onun
9:17 am
hi>> i tnkbi comonnatie of th istwo ng goi b toe btes si poedtion . l at ieasttan sikte lea iow.ic wh oh isuroc demtsra areor me ralibeanl thoc demsrat heon t whole, i v thinkeryst rongn berie cenhallge,su sirpri snglytrong bernieal chislenge es the bngt thiha tt ha can frt oon clint'sbl proem is rc peoneptit tha ithisois gong t orbe cioonatn. d ananwe c adylrea seese the rt so offs rif benetwe bieern testarndrs a dmc and beernis winio wa, ifer bniein wws ne mp hae shirthen wee havhi ts aw drtn ough toue racfor the nanomi, tionincl wtonins,t tha i intself conveyeg ly.itimac es >> bgt thint tha canpe hapn ife shwins. i >> sfhe wins. d injurehawe'll enve to d it e. therth tanksl o al.of youwe be'll b rightitack worh me of
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than on uee iss of ptyover. th upe co.le.. wawho ntsasgrd s-febeef th oeat d esn'tooat tch muth of r th she caap-str pede collegsttuden mpwho sitsly wanan orgic caand loodl pruce. th ree pa..nts.y who matnoha hve ahyealtt, budge bu ilt st sl makethure eirilch edren hathyealt. yo spu inusire to doytevere hing
9:19 am
ke>> dicwerson: ck're bah wit f more oteour inwirview seth housp paeaker yaul r n. whod hoste c aatonversionut abo rtpovethy wi rliepubcan esprenidaltian cdadiste
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t me askou yhi pphlosoicalqu onestiub, hert hreumphedy us ayto s thetr sh engtheof tam anericno ecos my ibestge judd heby tes weakns ofny aec stion or anyn perso or aarny pt. do youee agrit whha tt? ea >> y ih, thinkhe tre's me sotothing that. noi'm t a biger hubtph humreyfa n. i do, ink thile -- t mee givou y ranothera demockt jac kennedy trisingftide li bs 'sate, truh witov perty we'refi dending ep ander pstsiten ro chnicov ptyer. avwe he- - o 5ver0 y iears tnhe onwar ov py.ert ha d 80ew n ps.rogram p 80amrogrs cedreatce sinn the he at ter fedalev lelpe sgndintr sillion ofla dolrsut b have em stalonate an our hds. avwe he aet safty neha t ttries c toatchpl peoe fromal fling pintotyover but we't done havon ate thps hel p geteeopl out ofpo y.vert 'r wetue ac tallyinreateg th tosympfms oov perty and etperpnguatier pov nty we teedo ea bratk th ce.ycl eewe nd toto go theoo rtse caus of perovtyea msurece sucssot n d baseon input andor effutts b onco outmes andes pet oputle o ofer povty.
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byei regntedrat? es>> gt toetnt iota sictisthes, t s rateareul awf. enwe hav s'teenhe tsece sine lik e thte cararr yes.wh haat teat mns is, aboble-died tsaduln' aretki worng orn' aret ok lofoing rkr wohe, t oy're tnhe de sis.linewe go've gt to tethem backnt io e rwo tea r.sons theyha sreir the tntale wsith thus, ese rt of theie socety w fibeneomt frm theri shaheng tirta s lent gtheyiret thees livba ogck tr.ethe kthatofind itnjecofion human yrekaif tt, ofor w ok,fne ergy, at thps helry eve.body at thps helhe t emycono. at thow lthers eri c rmeate,t thalo twersruhe dgat re. h that gelpset emycono and ciso gety.oingye atah, thha's whot we s buldepu foshing r. d >>rsickeyoon: ntu wa t folksork wo w, more rorkreequifoments rbe tsnefi . whatgr proesessivl wil, say lotof theoo pre havob jsnd a sowh iateqs ruiredms see top hel k themtheep e jobs,ai f wrork duschepale, icid savk lee. l medicae leavtoee kp tinhem th se jobtho heat ty canp kee
9:22 am
bs. >> i don't want teeoo kppl peoe d ineadnd e jsobr o jobst tha tkeepinhem ov p.erty nt i wapl peo be toble aoe t get e thlsskily the tneedeto g erbetts. jobi t wanlepeopha to vehe til abtoity o getn the ealscatorof d upwar mitobilicy whhs isl g owin idownmen arica. g weo ot t tgethem theki slls ey th need. at thot's nt jusoba jt thaghmit bean myfe dif krentinds erve leprobhams teot p aplereex enperi.cing ifbut we thinkll a w themsisdoin as wtohingfn, i we'reel tling fourwelloit cs izen ypayourta gxes,enovernmllt wi fix ve porty,as wtohingn gotbu s. thi 'sthatt whae we'v dbeen foingor ea50 yrs.if e way s,ou y,h eacnd a er ev eyoneusver a incamerine toeds i t tha we cann i ourco itmmunheies plp an,erso w ife canem rove thosear bs rierthatar ake mingde harr for peeopl to .rise d anecget iconomwt groath th is in growecg the evonomy reerywhe. w thene can rteeigni the ecconnopt pet le ito. st inofead at tre tingheom sympts erof povty soe peopl canle to irateret mo's, lethe get tmou t of perovty.i
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thing peey soak teo pple a isf ey thst're inuck ir there curntst n atioifin lde an gnmoverent therelpo hem thee copit wht. iwe ul shojed rehact tt. anwe w ht to pelpeeoplet gut o t ofixhe fhe ty'ren i get ono t b ar ette slifeo thaty thean cme otet palentind alo fh.uris er thlle wi d bereiffe incesn lepeopiv's lhaes tst'ka oy. 's thatha weet frty socie. has>> rs dicket on: le yme askou t abouthehr pase,er taks youon ce rreeferd toho tse whore bceives,enefitak ters youle potter ad.logize as>> i w. wrongis .>> rs dicke'son: ites inter tingse you o em taybe seing, b re caabful thout woe yrdsseou u. t inhere pensidtiamal cnpaig gh riwt noha tult woed b called ti polirrcal coesectns. >> ink thi i was w.rong ywhenoou det som thinghat is on wrg s youd houlcallo t it. lepeop g whoon oer govtnmen's tstrees, tanpl peoen ogo mevernennt bs,efite, sure som lepeop g are toingxpo e tloithe st eome pple areos choingo tus jtli nve o the deol notk worbe e caus ptheyrrefeha tt. 'sthatma a serll pagcentche mu . it pmoste eoplt don'ntwabe to or po .st mopl peon'e dontt wabe to de enpendt.if
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hiin ts corateg tyshat' wngro. haso twht's dat i. i wasro wngto dot tha. t soshat'hy w ink thi weee nd tore tspeceo pple f aor theiombitnsan ald go ts ofrehe dthams atey thua acthally heve tlpn he ci fatelitair thees accs ito. t ini thk picolital cctorreness s ha wgoneayoa overbrd, tshat' nethe hiw tn ng ithe cigampan ic whthh i isink at gre.bu t't lests ju be aatccure. s let'igbe rht. s let'benot - -ot n havepu pohalism tt istt unaachedro fm ou prr esincipl . ke>> dicrson: we'll beig rht . back. hit th rse orderu were inshing . i fecould urel odl deainesra owcing ts.ards u d weidn'edt nen. a loa eewe norded sh t-termndfufaing st.bu 1ildingme8 hos in 4 s? month w thateaas a l p.t bui cknew ielould rony ca ameriprn exess to me help ho buy tbuse mildinglsateria. h amexmeelped buye thorinventedy i need. r ou hamexpeeld us hefill ts. order l justatike th .an stother thep on ure jo ney.wi llou ye badrewhy enowgr pthseres ntseit?lf
9:25 am
m>> rs dickeaton: thfo's it r usy. todath oranks fin watch g.ti un wl nextr eek foth"face e ."nationi' hnm joke ngptionins spo boredy cbs
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a>>ounnerncth: foe owllg in ais id paer advmetiseornt f the lurevoartion dy 21ixay f, ou brtoght b youacy bey.hbod ha>> tounk y! la [ ]ughs ll heero the. m i'betom onrgerd , an sthishow a is tboutforansg rminyohow u alookeend ftal, sg rtintrigh now. >> nn ancouer: e aru yorustliggng t rightonow e loshtweig? 'v>> iste rud ggle mwithigy weht e mye>> r ieawally o.nt t..lo hise ts. i >> dt idn' twantlko wan dow e the aislhiweig20ng 2nd pous.
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