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tv   Channel 2 News 530PM  CBS  January 12, 2016 5:30pm-6:00pm PST

5:30 pm
eranswt, or no m let'sreake su th w ey knohethat tr answeis as a soonsss poleib."st i acey "thdon't nink wetoeed o rush t ohandubut plic s.dollar" e thneeawly-crhoted scicol choe ra progcom has a me to -halt- fjust aeeew works befnte pares rewould e ceive stattomoney paytu itn io patvari steooch. lsho scchol watch tops 2 annel news 0 at 5:3 rs caiton csty diourict cgert judme jaons wilsnt graed a inpreliminary tijuncston to op imthe enplem otationtef sena 3billth02, seat pasg d alon gi lee slativ io sessn. vegood ei'ning, onm landr. millean krd i'm reisten n,mingtonk tha r you fog stayins with ut.tonigh mo the veve pree nts the stat su treaomrer frib distrthuting e --funds f until curtherourtde ralibes tionketace pla. pa elul ntason tlkedopo pen le oth bo o sides af thisenrgumd t an s joine us liv sin thetudio. - paul i- whatbis the t gges -uhang tp withoghis prram?kr --isten en oppon tts sayhe law st unconnaitutio sl --g ayin it onuses migey desfonated icr publ s school u-- and tses iso pay r foatprivole schoing.ab -hout 41edundril famveies hare algnady sip ed uthfor e
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. hold he teackir speanges thene studrets ati getng a st hileory t sson aalsaint rtbeth eae grtht ca solicl.choo pr a e ivatolschot thas costmore 5 thanus-thodoand a llars year r fo ceachhild. et brfi "i seeld l veras calla we veek, fix or sis calleka we enon par rts whowaeally nt to nd seir theld chi oren tourho sc tol butn'hey do tt havehe tomoney so do ." e thateducviion sacongs acunt wa nds inteofed to omfset se ofth stose cosss -- i auing 5bout1-nd hullred doars puper topil be ausedprt a e ivatolscho. ur larua uns h hakitwo e ds her--an ysd sa p the irogram fs fairorxp taayers. ur la pa "iuiay t ationaynd i p s taxee for thscother shools.o sh i bouldlee abus to ate th tax ne moaty the i'v pbeeng ayininr foanyears s d yeararand yes tolp heh witwnmy old chiren." ur lapla "peolde shouth have e unopport pity toheut tir enchildrth in hoose sct ols bu 's that d theirioecisd n annot to t be aakenfrway urom oli pubc mo " sacey shinnpuays mbliconey ldshoue not borused f- faith d basezaorgani--tions s andays th oge prisram ra a dn in o
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atuciondn. ale whie somsay prthe m ogralohelps inwer come li fami- es -gushe art es i tu ac sallydiubsithzes ale wethy us beca de it'toesn have ir requ fementsomor ince. ey stace "we'rlythe on stateth s at sayan'hey, anyone c have it .'" " bretokyou lomy at ki parnglo t't. it s no ofulledf mercezd an ilexus.fut's f ll oofa lot - 20-oyeararld cars of phoents w kiare manong es rmouifsacrices utto phe t cirldhiinren these olschocas beeyuse thee f'sl it bethe last porce fm. the" on ire requofement ro the pgram atwas thde stus ntd hato be en irolledicn publl schooatfor le 10ast da0 efys breore g ceivin tuthe ition. og scsagin heys tun injn ctioputsth faose esmiliho on - ld -heand ho thpes gae lettl maarers e so re qlvedlyuickr , fotheir fi benet. i bret "e do havlea coup of fa ald ady har theid hundre days. ine they'vy alreadeiput th r enchildris in thl schooi and don' yt knowt et whae they'rin goo.g to d" st "aceyouwhen yth give y e moneou out, y g can'tbaet it , ck. so d we neeerto det imine if thiss on's unciostitutnal." st dionributith of nee moy was su edpposar to stuat febrstry fir-- s andsaome ouy it wp ld hel owovercrssding i tues byaking me
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ol schoers. othwhs say en aud stleent taveslihe pubolc scho me-- it ssans le g moneytooes ine th. systemco sveringwachool vetch li in e thudst, io npauln,elsonn chaeltw wso ne. er"now hkee's mi's alger first a lookpit the 2npointas forect" er thlye real't doesnto seem be f much ok a breahein trm stoy pa whttern bich isinringg a inmon altist consenuous ries rmof stoths off n.e oceas as ha en be c thetease lanely, no of th e ms storid indivseually toems be or of mane ther modreate stngth, itbut d shoul tadd upo a et prtyty heft amounnlof maiy ta moun sinw nothwicc oioasl na ll van.ey raidn on wethesday e xt ne h stormthits wiug enoh ta mounnoin srew foo cast tkick of wif a eanter wtherad
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e for th, valleyksit loo like th neis ol wilm be war senougho at thwe if ge do hit anytng w itliill bkely ue rainountil y itget quwae a p ys uheinto t hi footy lls. baythursde , ther wi a ll be brbrief foeak behere txt ne a storm frrivesinriday to rd satud ay. ancea chan of s showerwi till conllnue weth into e next week. ouif ye 'rstjuoi jni ungles s t' h catcupyou th on ste big ory we re cove..d at 5.. es in l hs than half anfrour om .. presimant oba will de hiliver l s finaofstate the io unesn addrs. pr the enesidmst aio te ushis at st te ofnihe ureon addss to un solld a caix for fe ing th on natike's brolin po. ticsthe es prisident ec exptoted skip th uae usunl lalidry f st ocypoli os propd als ans focuonac licomps shmentinincludthg heal a careucnd a nealear dl with
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lekki ha dy willereliv ni tos ght'icrepubl ranpoese.nsyo n u cah watcesthe prs ident'sp ndeech aep the rcaublin on resphtse rige herhaon cnnel 2 ngstartip- at 6 wim. we otll nha :3ve a 6ws0 necaa st as lt resu. he as tow big pllerbawi drang julooms ayst a dy, awa ait'sdylreahi made asstory ng haviig the bacgest jkpoter evow.... ne at onfipoint vebi llion. yshouldd ou finlfyourse in ss po oession wf thatinning et tickhn....jor pottes lookinto at whul shou d yoexdo nt. "ijohn: bet may rp no suo rise t buyou.e t th ooddsu f yoinholdg e thinwinnckg ti.aet..rero y ughlinone il a mlion llgabitrion onillitu. ac oallyne 92in 2li milbuon. stt juca in seyo hu dothave inat wning ettickne...ore of fno'sosoremt unaccos.tantsohas dvme afoice r " you.ra opy: "pee le takagadvante ofyo
5:36 pm
heof tey monl , awfu" me win raynoould kw.he'sco leuncig d bi acasinond erlottnny wifoers behire in s 4overar0 ye as ofntccouining re buno. ist thmy jimfe bufd t an gr datefuln.ead fauysays bing ck tiisets a notte was. y: ra "i d woulstinveew a fks bucin " it.hnjoll: "reay?y:" ra ur "swhe...t?y no" s hit firsofpiece e advicto the erwinnon...dry't tma to nage h thatn-uge te cfigureheck al one. "ray:t gettan ay,orne a getn ac tacouna nt, lscpa. agoo a odna fiadncial toviser p helyou wi heth tes inv."tmentse th5 1.bidollion ayllar pout isat wh g you'dyoet if fou opt r the 29nu anmeal pay ints.u f yochoose th se lumpouum paye t.thpojackt a isctua90lly ll0 mi wion.hich thhas loe weesst tax? t whenmohe aisunt s thi hbig,e ys sath neiener. evho tnnse aual ym pa pentsouut yth in ghe hiest ta acx brket. atray: "le this ouvel, y'll st beill th at pe 39ceeraxnt t
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ouif ye liv, heredaneva n haso at stcoe in tmebuax. e t thfedsdo t. hetoook c hislaalcutor fo eir thr ocut,e n th900 ll mimpion lu. sum ulcalc sator. fx "ray:ouso y're lo g okinouat r 3ghlyil56 mlion t in jax." "ohn:t righoff bathe rat!" y:gh "rif t ofthe bat." u can yo yquitjoour b with wh 'satef lbst? aelolutely. mvin do esn't hknowouow yld cound speal it l l in aimifetute. bsa he f ys i yo ..u do. yoray: "tou got oo lk owat h ." timeve congri mtconeywan h, johtt poaner, ch2 nel . news ex meciteornt fro tomort'w nighs dr g awinrois gnowing, t just he in tut u-s bin also a. canadth ndousa cs ofnsanadia are g pourinheover tde bor tr tory r theiluck. di anra gueva t hastohe sry miwhile ollionserf amanics ththink e ey'ry luck tenougho at be u theginimae nabl, oddsso ctoo donsanadia.
5:38 pm
mkey cechansts jue lik er ev eyone" lse.i sharsaann ys e she drovlynear h two foursrom he tar onhorio orme fha a ctonce co beheme tld worex's nt ll biirionarie. sha naann/cadian: me"we coe herdrand otop a l of ne mo ay oneg r bular. asiswe ishope n th lot. we tgiveu,o yos it' ytimeivou ge ckba!"ou igr nes hborheto tth nore haven bell traveroing acss thebo frdercirom ltiesike va vencouorr, t, ontoand remontal. c"theiaanadthns. omey cliing ke y craz fhereheor tto lot.".w hehich t ly'relyegaled allow ato do.trlex soaveror/califnia st attte loery: d"you hon'ttoave a be us ze citin ato buyba powerll et tickon./as loug as y're ngbuyi tyourtsickean at ho autd rize ilretaat locthion haen tfit's newi " th us.nnbut witsers ouide u- the exs can orpect ms.e taxeth rae federnl gove cmentanth wi0 hold 3t percenblof gaming in winnd gs paito aei for. gner th 5at'sre% mon thaa for ntside. bu not at mwhter siich f de othe rd bo'rer youthe on, noere's es tcaping ihe onearn ne00ly 3 ll michion oancennf fagra rallsenesidt:"e thven toughddhe oe s ar
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so dymebo t hasn.o wiyo so n u cadr " ngveri s therytodi, an evguar ca,elhannew 2 ns miand erke algha will oove a lk ouat ycar foremist, cong up. t'"so, itts a liglle tiny." thyou itink 'sou cold tside? entry ngduripe tems raturemoreth han aedundrre degeles bowfr ngeeziy - bcechoi! c it'scralled apyothery. howdo s ctor bsay its enefityour thheal. watch foryan: drur hunloed galns il of monk coupbes are ing budistrir ted foidpine mdle fschools.amilie t we'llu ell yowh ay milkernd othfa breakst s itemchare sue a hughelpwh e ile tholscholo's csed, at thom's cuping t. nex ou "ywa're ngtchinn chael 2 ne ..wsth. wist kriemen r, ington ndla monr,illear g drettn earbor s
5:40 pm
reo focast!"ve segaral ortinizahaons e ve com th togeprer to reovide cesours pi for dlne midole schoie famils. so and ilme famreies wext hit era bharde y th'sschoolio additnal ektwo we c breakbyaused fl ngoodith in hoe scol. ry anan cayadoi j unslis avet pi dlne midole schoya. so rn r earlieodthe fok banwas nd haouing bt freestreakfa bags t toffhose abyected ch the sool ngfloodire corct? at thig's ranht leydon th were y readd to hano out twd hundre gs bath like mese atl igueribera rk pame. i akan tloe a t ok a iv receering, ceal, ea brd d anoumilk vchers!
5:41 pm
zeganioprs hn e ca amake big pa im tct foramhe filies."i not's ibt horrenly exputsive b o it'sthne of inose tht gs tha t mighpaget byorssed f other gs thin w so ifn e caidprove milkd anmoallow r ney fof some othe r othegsthinhi i tt'nk thas a al red ly goom,prograno you kw u yoglget a mass ofitilk a has oflot ri nut ationt'nd it s noa t loalof cs,oriey easakto te so yo owu kn f theieamileds ne it." it and ll's ade inteneld to hp th e hudsndrefa of esmilife af bctede y th mpineiddle ho sclool fg.odin e th bfoodteank uslls ty forei peght t rcenamof fs iliein sh waouoe crenty n ly o afreendre d duceheluncnds..a tnuhat mberis n eveerhighth in e ig nehohboreaod nner pidl mide sc . hoolsiand thnce hoe scs ol iou r t foddan anaitiowel two eks, lifamiayes ss it'arbeen hder to e makeetnds me. he "wlin you n ve odo900 a llars mo venth, eg rythin bhelps,elieve ." mema e rleno-manzgr6th "tade-hank mm coy.unit" e ther bwille e onmore ri dist obutionkff breabaast gsne sdxt tuefoay at -mur pe herat el migua ribercopark. tveringhe y storrylive, adan cannnay chael
5:42 pm
keand mi w algerveill hak a loo y atreour fococast, p.ming u e thdanevaf wolilpack wl put unthere eddefeatre home n cord o lithe s ne thiheweek wn they oihost i'm dlas lo cod dny anarhem froysthe gu ng comi s up inports. en wh h youanave ur injy, ngswelliso or a clre muse... ce chane s aricyou rie it, ght? w soifhat c youedhillr youen btireod ry on a begularasis? in on thtigea's hwalth ..tch. the
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yoanre a cdidate en wh h you iave an dnjury,octorsco reicmmend . ing itatbut whab flout inonammati o allthver e ? bodye whilofprsiesonal et athlp es jumceinto ihs bat a after t.workou t.. now ahere'swa gy toimet senilar b- efits wi gethout g ttin- wet into s night' whealthatch. je a nndrmaesid lovhe tut odoors. s "irdnowboarf, i suke, i hi, i ta bik" t buena brokt fooanchd gel al th tateawo y ars. go.. is "mleerabau becouse i cdoldn't nganythiul. i cowidn't sw m, sno ar bod." w sojehen fonna t und out abou c thisheryotraacpy m..hine. drat "mo. lea n's menew s"...he st wao ed n gtimengetti in. t' "ilps he led aorot fwi me th ev hierytn ng iifmy lwhe." ole cbodyheryot irapyeqs frlyuent ed ushe to atlp ps ientcereduin maflamtion. en whr you ibodyils chd le- d bloos vesselicconstrict - whh
5:44 pm
site. hi "ts s wa fmadeeoor pwiple th th ars ritiel- to hlep peop with marheu atoiditrthr sis -o el it hitps wamh infl amationndit h telpshefem etel b" ter.and hl at tetesnoook . tice as o tosed io anatce banh, my opare ttingcoo reinver s thifr neeezina saute insad. t' "iics qu iker.lit's n ke aice ba n th ooisterds." d an'mas iut abofi to utnd o - a up coleut mintaes sg ndinin qu liidni entrogpl is . enty fibut - rst vithe . tals byour ploodurresss e hae to bbe 15low . 0/80 e' "wakre tthing rfe suace te atmper- ure -beepse to e wh yoere au'reght riw.t no" 88 re-degn es okimy swan - rm ghenougo to in."s ouo, ygo're toing nd sta in an ced fa w us. ge're toingo ra yoise su upuro yod heais ov abe e tha.saun" an fod behere tpe temreratu s.drop.. ov gluses mn t go oveto prent os fre.tbitt moslepeopy stainhe nere o- -andlfa-hatw to o mi nutes. rk"we wo u youp eeto thr s.minute" "d evoes neeryove shiker lis? thi
5:45 pm
keand lit. that'.. iers ov. ur yon skis feeltta liinle tgly at de 33-s.greeut.. bdo it t esn' ke tag lonhato tt.w ou"a sis a ffde e iect,crt ins ease eyourphndor ains,ne runr's gh hiu , yop slee, betters reduce etanxiy." in and 's jenna.. case. s helpriget ofd p thesoain - n she cabaget ock tutreheo tdoe th sthingseshe lov. c itboosts adout 40-a llars ss sendion. aem dr. l non's aew icme off ne isffow oa ering sp foecial ter ve. rans , plusmpit's i tortantteo no - at the officpohas a halicy tt tw cho teannicin s be ohand tduringntreatmema. you y ca resoll, a nutherna evadn woma a diedeifter bkeng locsid inde a chcryo bamber.a ut oshs reporte shntwent itho ine mache on herow win - suthout iopervisn. rnto leaab more yoout cry,therapcl tick onlthe heah h watcicon tv at kcon.m. s let' ltake a oook atsdur tueay in eventeg comuch with deaison an he in t 9 alicet 6 poinaf5 trc fint ceryer. ve s heavyd top ango
5:46 pm
pr oer andn 5 39oafrom modna to thckily heough t nre areo ac ntcide is oridnc tentspoo rert p soe leasuecontiniv to dre fe sam ly. i'n chaisonddean a ythat'safour trfic el"channs 2 newuecontins withch meief olteorisogmit akeerlg's ntpinpoiec 2 forroast, badcastce d rtifie aby then merica or metealologicty socie !" th alere resnly doeee't s bm toe mu a ch of inbreak to the srmy tt paicern whrih is binnging an calmostouontinuess seri of ostorms off theascean. has en beas the clye late o, nonef st the ndorms illividuaemy ses tobe re of mon tharamodetest , rength sbut itadhould d up p to aheretty oufty amf nt o in mantly mouowain sn with ca oc vsionalraalley in. on dawednesney the rmxt sto hits wi ugth enotah mounw in snore foo cast tffkick ote a winr we r atheryadvisohe for ta sierrfo var the itlley, l looksike th wis onebeill m war senougho i thato f we danget ngythi il it wlyl likein be ra y untilou itget quyse a wato up in the
5:47 pm
wi a ll be ie breaf brrek befoex the nt m stors arrive ifridaynto tu saanrday. and a chce of er shows onwill ce tinu iwelle nto thnext ek we. er thale reoely deesn't se m to bch mubr of a teak inrmhe stoy tt paicern whrih is bnging in mo an altist consenuous riesof s storme off thn.oceaha as s be cen thetease lanely, no of the msstoriv indy idualltoseems be or of m me thane oderatthstreng, it but d shoulupadd a to prettyft
5:48 pm
wsnowocith alcasiony vallera onin. ne wedhesday tne rmxt stowi hits ugth enoh mo suntainrenow foo cast tkick wioff a wnterereathor advisy thfor ere sira th for lle vaitey, l looksike is thil one warl be wghm enou so i that df wet o gehianytng il it wlyl likera be ntin uil you qu get waite a inys up to the ot fo bhills.sdy thureray, the wi e ll ba br brief beeak tforeexhe nt or stvem arriays frid into sa ayturdd . anana ch ocef ershows c wille ontinuntwell ineo the xtwe ek. th alere resnly doem 't seeto be ch mua of k brea sin thetormy
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threngt , buulit shoupd add a tott prefty heouy amf nt o mmainlyn ountai wsnowith thfor eye valloo, it le ks lik o thisl ne wilm be war senougho i thato f we dytget ant hing i lwilly ikeln be raiyountil u s shower ll witi conllnue weth into e nextwe ek. n kristendand lahaon tiknk me. mico unginp po ss,rthe t wolf pa enck mas's balketbaml te is feunde aatedmet ho l andngooki to
5:50 pm
wel 'larhero fthm e exguys nint et garrbot dearthrn, wiha c 2nnel tsspor" mformer sanoguee tar joanwield ne is oov the mn,e agai thedg doveers hade trae d thr 25 yeaol hed pitcear to sn ttle ireturnr for minoueleagld infiecker eriji mekea. pic ld up aovittle er aye goar aa in witrade th thepa widres, maeland oude a cple ar sth ts witdothe s dgergoing 1, 0-pe but st nt most of las on seastr with oiple-aomklaha ty
5:51 pm
e 4.5922ra in . games e thacwolf p bk menstbaskeall te tsam hosre confe- nce cole oiader btese staro tomorw annight 'sd thatl a reagood in th pg. thes ack haeca perft rd recowl at las or thionseas, d anasdallod colghny caut up th wi f thes ellainto ft d ouhow 'v they ie donet. vathe nef da wols pack iun atdefehied tass set on aorlawlen evtets cenanr 6-0 wd theyill th put fee undeecated ronord the t lineekhis west again boiseat state and a mediaibvail iilty d askeguthe ys at whak mesm theooso g hd ou "yw kno wwhent e gojothe b e thinone th sg that otoodasut w th e at wvehawi to r n oufair e sharomof hmee ga ts. i thinkhe g big thinomis cmeing lyntal ad red y anthnot nginkit jus usbecau e yoe aromat hu e yoare go toing . winoeit d hsn'tn appeli hake td t angoyou gotta out d an tearninhe wd s anthi k inup hito tpos t in hwee avlyreal
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reen gweat, t jus twantcko pa ndit a a getho full huse inere weand t areg ryinbeour o st tdoth iatnk thih eac wgamee e ar vi haorng mope peomle c te tohega anmes fd it geelstoood be feunde aatedmet ho w andste june o ed t ikeepint gog." ba"promubly usss jllt teusing at thdo we wan't o nt t aloset ho meg . brin fmoreinans . as s long aeewe knnp wie ing thfanswi w ll shoup." wiso it thll be pe wolfanack d e boistostate rmorrowight a here dt 7pm.coallas lodny ch 2 annel orspts. p ti loff atseawlor 7pt for m.
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cit'sa alled erigged,conomyd ans this i whow wst newflealth ows to t the%.op 1 ait'ste sysldm hepl in ace ruby corolpt pitics
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cmyigampa pn isedowerer by ova iomilll n smalbucontritions, oppe llee ikuyo o who want tt fighckba. thute tr yh is cou'tanha c ngecoa t rrupemsyst by g takinmoits ney. bei'm srnie.andersap i thprove sais mesge. ujoinres for ngal chae. ke mial's finer weather thlye real't doesnm seee to bmu a ch of inbreak to the srmy tt pawhern isich in bringn g in amo altist consenuous f ries oor st tms offanhe oceas. as hen be c thelaase notely, ne of orthe stivms indy idualltoseems f be ohamore tran modetest threngt , buulit shoupd add to tt a prey y heft oamountf in maouly mn ntaiitsnow wh oc sicaalonal vinley ra. onwe esdnthday se nextittorm hs th wiug enomoh taunnoin sw re
5:55 pm
he weatsor adviorry f s theierra
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